v-mum-writes · 3 months
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The Hanged Man: what hollow shapes do hold your absent throne?
In other news: fourth Tarot Card for Kaayras Adaar that i dont think i ever posted. (I think the simplicity of it is beautiful man)
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v-mum-writes · 1 year
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Very very very dramatic Tarot Card.
Storm mage, First Enchanter Maxwell, also known as Ducky.
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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Tarot Card Version ayye
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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There’s unspoken Drama to come in book 7 of Purple Vitaar and im currently writing the chapters of book 7, so i’m all wound up about it rn. And i just got hit with the inspiration for the future ‘cover page’.
Drama. Lots of secrets. you know, the works. (Probably my favorite book of my story plan)
Anyway- I may start posting book 2 sometime next week, if everything goes to plan. I’m super busy with trying to find new work and make rent, so if nothing... goes wrong, I might have the time to start posting the chapters on Fridays.
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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LMAO finally got enough cards to do a proper tarot reading
In your past, I see...... Turmoil
In your present, I see...... Struggle
In your future, I see..... Inaction
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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on todays list of Things I Made Today: this
Wisdom from Kaayras Adaar:
1: [Redacted]
2: Negotiation with someone who could kill you is usually productive.
3: Slight of hand is easy, and so is stealth. The trick to both is to give someone something else to look at.
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
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For some reason the fate of the world is literally in the hand of a traumatized autistic awkward rouge vashoth. At least he has one friend so far.
The first Book/Act of Purple Vitaar, “The Face of The Maker” is posted, with it’s first two chapters. It will be 8 chapters: the third will come out on Friday, and each afterward will post consecutively for the next couple Fridays.
Consider Act 1 the “Introduction” of Purple Vitaar.
The excerpt below is a coming soon part, from chapter 3: Concessions! This chapter will be posted this Friday!
They certainly enjoyed each other's presence many times, and fairly often; usually settled in the center of Haven’s safe, freezing walls, sat around the fire Varric often delegated himself to maintaining. 
They’d sit around, and usually Varric would read, and Kaayras would… well, Varric wasn't sure what Kaayras really thought he was doing. 
Varric had imagined, on occasion, that Kaayras was ‘giving Varric a break’ from his self-appointed task of fire keeper, especially when the herald would shift the burning embers with a prod and add wood to the burn. 
Other times, Varric simply figured Kaayras was just lonely, maybe. Or maybe he was just cold, and really liked Varric’s well-kept well-tended fire. Or maybe he just thought Varric wasn't keeping his fire well enough! (Varric chuckled at the thought.)
Other times, Kaayras would be stiffer than usual. He would keep his gaze to the outer walls, and the gates, and Varric would put together a descriptive internal monologue: describing a haunted man, appointing himself guard duty. A weary man, unable to rest, plagued by a looming sense of danger.
It was a lot of that kind of thing, most nights. Long, quiet, but in shared company. The first night, Varric had been neck-deep in writing correspondence back to Kirkwall- including some coded letters to assure Hawke that he was fine and wasn't being held against his will (anymore, anyway.) and that a grand rescue was not necessary. 
Varric had only noticed Kaayras just as the man had knelt to sit, but it had only been a passing glance. He’d been pretty busy, trying to write a code that Daisy would understand and would know to tell Fenris who would know to tell Hawke and that Hawke would believe and not come charging in to be a hero (again). 
Varric had looked up some two hours later, already moved on to an entirely different letter, and there Kaayras had still been: keeping Varric’s fire well tended while he was busy. A soundless thing, simply existing nearby. Varric had looked the man over- clearly not waiting for Varric, not trying to talk to him or anything… and Varric had simply accepted it as that, and gone back to his writing. Kaayras had remained, as well, and… like that they had stayed. 
It had been that one time. And then it had been more than once. Some point along the way, it became more common than not.
Varric didn’t mind the quiet company in the least, and Kaayras seemed to feel of the same notion, if the frequency he showed up was any sign. 
So Varric would read, or write his letters, and Kaayras would do what he does. 
It wasn't uncommon for Kaayras to come around, two portions of whatever rations had been prepared by the camp’s harried cooks in hand, and settle into a seat closer with Varric than he might normally sit in order to hand Varric his own portion. Sometimes, that jostle of food changing hands was the most they’d really say to one another up until exchanging goodnights when one of them went to bed first.
Varric had, of course, appreciated that. It was often when Varric was busy that Kaayras happened to come by with dinner, after all. Sometimes Kaayras would even be there first- fireside lit and tended in the place Varric often would, and he’d nod with a smile when Varric settled in- mindful to sit the same distance away Kaayras often would settle when joining Varric’s company. On nights when Kaayras was tense, that would help, for whatever reason. He just really seemed to like his personal space, which, alright. Varric can respect that, too. Other nights, Varric isn't sure what exactly feels different. But some nights just are, and Varric sits closer. Close enough to pal around and tell extravagant stories.
And as their interaction remained consistent… like reciprocation, it wasn’t particularly unusual for Varric to get to the campfire a bit later than he would usually settle down, and come bearing two sequestered drinks from the sudo-tavern that is The Singing Maiden. 
Kaayras would, very often, be there as the appointed backup fire-caretaker. And Varric had started… using that as a kind of signal, an invitation. Because Varric had come to notice that if he left the firepit unlit as the sun set, Kaayras would be there to light it for him by sundown. It was the best guarantee to have Kaayras there, and worked nearly every time.
Yet, as often as Varric ‘ran a little behind’ to invite the herald’s company and the man consistently responded by showing up, still Kaayras always seemed surprised by Varric’s token offering of drinks. 
It was definitely a pattern, and for all that Kaayras seemed surprised that Varric expected to see him, or surprised that Varric took his presence into consideration at all… Despite all that, it was a comfortable habit they had formed.
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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was asked semi-recently if Kaayras Adaar was my only “Inquisitor” and no, definitely not. Ive played the game a LOT as Adaar variations but ive also played the other races. Kaayras is a reflection of my preferred playstyle (Qunari, stealth rouge, trying to hyper-pacifist and balance all the Companion relationships); Maha’llana is the embodiment of my frustration that I can just use various weapons all the time whenever i want even if theres a significant loss to attack power or something which i project onto a collection of red haired elf characters; Edric is combination of my willingness to Fight how vague all the Dwarven Lore and Character Designs tend to be by trying to make my own Dwarf and History; Maxwell is my cacophony of sympathy for the mage’s plight in the form of a child with too much responsibility and far too much power.
Anyway, those are my 4 Main Inquisitors and when I play the game as one of them There’s a running lore that the other 3 all existed in the same world (and canonically die at the conclave). They’ve all met at least once, although to say how is various spoilers for Purple Vitaar.
I have a story I’ve been loosely writing (from Maxwell’s Perspective mostly?) when i get writers block for Purple Vitaar and maybe someday I’ll post it if there's ever enough; it’s one of those ‘4 Inquisitors’ stories. It’s working title is “Four Pillars”.
Traumatized Qunari (roughly 30-35) and an annoyingly bombastic elf spy (20ish) and tiny human mage (6) there's a dwarf cartel member (18) and then all four of them accidentally get magic hands and now have to save the world and Kaayras just needs to know why he is responsible for three children.
Also we all know by this point that Kaayras is nicknamed by Varric to “Heartless” but please god know that Varric would call Maxwell “Ducky” and that is Everything. Edric is “Peacock” and Maha’llana is “Wildfire”
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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Friend of mine just sent me this pic of tags and said "hey isnt this that thing you complain about all the time?" And i had to explain to her- who has never played a da game- that wanting to fuck varric is a universal experience that has been denied for centuries
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
litterally everyone shut up because i am LIVID that i have read all three of the M!Adaar/Varric fics why are there ONLY THREE
Purple Vitaar has an endgame romance goal but im SEVERELY TEMPTED TO CHANGE IT just to have more than THREE existing fics
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
some characters: *makes a mistake, things escalate, then they talk about the mistake and things get better*
my characters: *makes several unspoken mistakes, things escalate, they talk but not enough, things continue to escalate until one panics and makes a REALLY bad mistake, and they finally talk again and come out on good terms*
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
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out here crying because the website gave Varric the outline of a child silhouette. How could they do him so dirty.
anyway: Kaayras next to another Qunari, a human, an elf, and a dwarf. This comes with a reminder that while he *is* a tall bastard, he is like, strikingly lean. He may have over 8 inches on Bull, but if you put them next to eachother Bull definitely looks tougher between the two given bull has more musclemass, a more even build, and more body fat. And also it drives me just a little wild that Kaayras’ knee-high is roughly Varric’s waist-deep.
Anyway: Kaayras Adaar: Tall Bastard.
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
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im dying but there he is
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
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Literally EVERYONE shut up and appreciate my fucking effort because i made THIS cover page for the introductory act of Purple Vitaar
Featuring of course: Kaayras Adaar, a very ‘colorful’ Qunari
Act 1 is sort of an ‘early impressions’ but not first impressions. that sorta early ground where you wouldnt call someone a stranger but you still arent sure about’em. I’m almost dead-certain on the 8 chapters to be posted in Act 1, although i plan to spend tonight doing a read through on them and confirm I LIKE how they are, that I have everything i want in them, spelling and shit...
But if there's no serious errors then I might finally start my posting schedule for Act 1
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
Cullen Rutherford has a bi-crisis and doesn't understand it: the revised version.
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v-mum-writes · 3 years
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Inquisitor Kaayras Adaar: one very colorful qunari Tal-Vashoth
I am still not comfortable drawing this guy but heres some of the few existing attempts that dont make me wanna pull out my hair (All other attempts i have posted have been rapidly deleted lmao im not suited for drawing big broad masculine motherfuckers ig)
Have a qunari known for generally breaking most Qunari Genetic Expectations. Qunari having pale hair coloration such as black, white, grey, silver? oops, flashy firey red. Qunari having a wide variation of eyecolors found in animals like copper, yellow, blue... oh... purple, a color rarely seen in nature? oh, ok. He’s even got freckles, which isnt exactly rare in Qunari but somewhat uncommon. Kaayras’ fancy coloration (and impressive size, build, and general genetics) definitely lead to his placement in the Qun...
Basically he’s NEAT
featuring Casual outfit and the very noticable ‘scarring’ and ‘bruising’ of a life threatening addiction to some ‘Qunari Medication’. Getting to play with the Qun’s fine balance of ‘science’ on ‘magic chemistry’ has been kinda fun behind the scenes. The only really solid example of the semi-magic poisont & drugs we ever see elaborated in detail being Qamek and Saar-Qamek: the first being a ‘glowing light’ that is administored by an object that holds said light and the second being an actual liguifide poison applied to weapons.
Toying around with a semi-magic semi-chemical drug cocktail from Kaayras’ history has been interesting.
Also to give you a general idea of how big Kaayras Adaar actually is: estimating The Iron Bull at approx 7′6″ (top of head, not top of horn), Kaayras Adaar stands at about 8′2″ (also top of head, not horn). Width-wise, they actually pack the same amount of muscle at least in comparison to their own sizes, But Bull’s generally got a healthier mass and Adaar’s on the lean side (he could be considered underweight based on his size) but not thin. He’s bad at remembering to eat or drink anything and despite that he’s a fuckin food horder. Which tends to work against him- rather than eating food, if it can keep without going bad he’s a lot more likely to keep it. “In case I need it later” kinda guy. If you put actual food that wont keep, he has a hard time eating in front of people sometimes, and other he’ll eat fast and eat a lot.
(Do I project disordered eating habits? yeah i do oops. He gets to have disordered eating habits though he’s basically been a prisoner his entire life alright, managing his own food is really fucking hard. It doesnt help that the drugs he’s currently weening off of tends to destroy his appetite when he’s recently dosed.)
Anyway here’s some colorful boy as a reminder that i AM working on Purple Vitaar behind the scenes. I’ve re-written most of what I wanted to and theres a bit more i wanna do before i post the remade versions.
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