#posts this at 7am and then goes the fuck to bed
berylcups · 4 months
La Squadra X Reader
What’s their sleeping habits like?
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CW: sleep paralysis, sleep talking, lingerie, boners 😳
Notes: hey, here’s another HC with some X Reader elements mixed in! I hope you all enjoy! If you enjoy these types of posts please feel free to send in an ask! I could always use more inspiration! 💜 Beryl
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: Being a leader it’s hard to stick to a routine but unless it’s critical, his team urges him to have a scheduled bedtime for his own health. He typically goes to bed around 1 AM. This is late enough where he can help out some of the night owls and able to get up early enough to help the daytime loving teammates.
What time do they prefer to get up?: since he's on a schedule, he gets up around 9. If he’s extra exhausted no later than 10:30 am.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He goes around checking on everyone who’s still up and makes sure they’re okay and don’t need anything before he goes to his room. He brushes his teeth aggressively, the bristles on the toothbrush are fucking frayed. He's too tired to shower at night. The last time he did that he fell asleep standing up and you had to get some help dragging him out of the shower into bed. 😬 he’s a morning shower person now.
What position do they sleep in?: he sleeps on his back. He won’t voice it but expects you to treat him like a body pillow or sleep on top of him. He’s too broke for a weighted blanket and you're the best alternative. He’s completely at peace feeling you up against him and will wrap an arm around you as if you were his own teddy bear.
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he has nightmares that he doesn’t remember and he sleep talks… it would be no problem if what he said wasn’t so cryptic.
“They come at dawn…” “The secret society smells your fear” “the night sky has eyes…they’re watching.” 😰
What do they sleep in?: surprisingly more clothes than when he’s awake. He wears his favorite Metallica shirt and pajama pants. He doesn’t like being cold when he’s sleeping
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: if he doesn’t have a busy day he’ll go to bed at about 2 am. If he has a particularly tough mission, maybe 11pm at the earliest.
What time do they prefer to get up?: if Prosciutto isn’t around, 12 PM. But about 10 AM. Pros won’t let anyone sleep later than Risotto!
Do they have a bedtime routine?: routine? What routine? Luckily you’re the one to put him into a routine. He has his nighttime shower that he INSISTS that you join him on. Fun and games is fine but make sure he remembers to actually wash up! He’ll brush his teeth and loudly gargle his mouth wash. Don’t let him snack afterwards or else he’ll have to brush his teeth again! 😩 Cavities are no joke Maggio!
What position do they sleep in?: He starts out on his left side while spooning you. It’s good for your stomach and he loves being the big spoon. If he snores you’ll have to gently roll and nudge him on to his back so he’ll stop… he sounds like a chainsaw. 😖
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: well he snores and he’s a bed snacker. Make sure he doesn’t bring any snacks into the bedroom. We don’t want crumbs in the bedding! He’ll whine and beg to eat chips/crisps in the bed but you gotta stay firm. No snacks in the bed!
What do they sleep in?: just his boxers. He’s a simple man. Why does he need to spend money on clothes to go to bed in if it’s just you and him? Boxers it is! Besides…he hates getting too warm when he’s sleeping.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 11 PM. He’d like to go to bed a bit earlier but his shows come on later at night and he doesn’t want to miss them so the minute they’re over he’s ready to go to bed.
What time do they prefer to get up?: 7AM he wants to get up earlier than most of the others so he can steal all the hot water when he showers. So rude 😤
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He has his extensive 7 step skincare routine. He includes you in it because it’s good for your skin and for your self esteem. He likes to brush your hair and demands that you undo his pigtails and brush his hair too. He won’t admit it but it’s very obvious but brushing his hair makes him all soft and lovey dovey.
What position do they sleep in?: it starts out on his right side spooning you but as he falls deeper into sleep he sleeps on his belly…if it’s hot out he starfishes his entire body over bed and you have to either sleep on top or under his arms and legs. 😅
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he gets…nighttime wood 🪵 he doesn’t do anything rude but having something stick you in the ass while you're spooning and trying to sleep is kinda uncomfortable 🥴 other than that he’s perfect! No snoring no sleep talking no tossing and turning no nothing! Just don’t bring his attention to it… it’s uh, embarrassing. 😳
What do they sleep in?: just a pair of breezy lounge pants. Definitely plaid or some other unisex pattern.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 10PM going to bed early means for a more productive day tomorrow! He’s a workaholic and if he’s not working a late night he wants to be in bed.
What time do they prefer to get up?: no later than 6:30 am. He’s a strict 8 hour a night man. He doesn’t let anyone sleep in past Risotto. He thinks it’s downright disrespectful and lazy! Risotto is working his ass off and you’re still in bed? Not on his watch.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: he undoes his hair ties and brushes his hair. He uses all his fancy overnight face and hair products to go to bed in. He invites you in on the night time ritual as well as long as it works for your skin and hair chemistry. And just riiiight before sleep he gets his nightcap in. 🥴 he loves his fancy booze , helps him sleep 😴 not very healthy but there’s worse things he could be doing
What position do they sleep in?: he sleeps on his left side. He's really picky about what position he sleeps in. He has his left arm under his pillow and his right arm around your waist. Even when sleeping he feels the need to hold and protect you. 💕
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: if he sleeps in any other position other than his left side he gets sleep paralysis. He won’t admit it but it really unnerves him. Not being able to control your body and hallucinating God knows what will stay on his mind the entire day, maybe days. No wonder why he only sleeps on one side. He won’t let you know if he had an episode but he’ll be a little more quiet than usual. Don’t bring it up but give him a big hug and kiss to comfort him. ❤️
What do they sleep in?: he sleeps in fancy name brand silk button up pajamas. No patterns, just dark colors like navy blue, forest green, and burgundy.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 10PM, Prosciutto expects him to go to bed and get up at the same time as him. 🥲 poor guy never has a say in anything
What time do they prefer to get up?: 6:45 AM, it takes a little while for prosciutto to get up and get ready so he takes advantage of that by sleeping in an extra few minutes.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He always has a warm glass of milk before bed to help him wind down. Then he likes to brush his teeth and take a bubble bath 🧼. He’s pretty big but if you wanna join him he’ll do what he can to make room. Just make sure it’s just for washing and relaxation…anything lewd will give the poor boy a nose bleed and make him faint! 😰
What position do they sleep in?: He sleeps on his right side in a fetal position. You get to be the big spoon! 🥄 no matter how big or small you are, knowing you’re right behind him makes him feel cozy and secure. 🥺
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: his legs are a little restless so they twitch every so often and he drools just a teeny bit. Not a lot like some others ! It’s hardly noticeable!
What do they sleep in?: He has his favorite T shirt and pair of silk pajama pants that Prosciutto gave him. He has a matching button up pajama top but it’s too warm and too restrictive for it to be comfortable for him.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: sleep? What sleep? This sex goblin pulls all nighters. Once you’re able to wrangle this self destructive nut, he’ll go to bed around 3 AM.
What time do they prefer to get up?: 9 AM, he doesn’t require as much sleep as others.
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He takes a shower with a 4 step shampoo/conditioning system and an exfoliating moisturizing body scrub. And don’t forget about the body butter when he’s done. The water goes cold before he’s done with everything! You’re more than welcome to use his products but…in what order do you use all these things???
What position do they sleep in?: on either side with you facing him so you can wrap each other's limbs around one another. He just loves being as close to you as possible!
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he drools…quite a bit. 😬 his pillow case is always a little moist. He needs it to be extra cool in his room or he has a habit of kicking the blankets off.
What do they sleep in?: just his underwear. 😳 particularly a thong or a pair of your underwear that he took of yours.
What time do they prefer to go to bed?: 9 PM He goes to bed the earliest because he expends so much energy mentally and physically. He's exhausted by bed time. You can tell when he’s tired because his rants are less animated and aggressive. Also he rubs his eyes when he’s tired.
What time do they prefer to get up?: 5:30 AM he gets up way before anyone else. Early mornings are good so he can get his cardio in. He also needs his quiet time without anyone around to bother him…and he needs to get that hot water for a shower before illuso steals it all. 🙄
Do they have a bedtime routine?: He does a few stretches to get out all that extra nervous energy, he kinda looks like a cat when he makes a big stretch and yawns 🥱. He brushes any knots out of his soft blue curls and then he aggressively brushes his teeth with an electric toothbrush. The bristles get frayed way before the brush head needs to be changed. 😭 he really likes it when you run your hand through his curls and gently scratch his head. Don’t call him a kitty boy, that makes him spicy.🌶️ and not the fun kind of spicy 😔
What position do they sleep in?: fetal position and he wraps himself around your body. He likes intertwining his legs with yours. You're his self warming body pillow. He’s a light sleeper so if you leave his arms it’s gonna wake him up and get a little crabby. But what are you supposed to do? Pee the bed? He expects you to have all your affairs in order before bed so you don’t move out his arms and wake him up!
Any sleeping disorders/behaviors?: he sleep talks. There’s not a single part of his day where he’s not vocal. Hope you’re not a light sleeper because he talks a lot. But you should have known that already when you started a relationship with him! He has the oddest arguments. You don’t know what he’s talking about but it’s pretty funny at times!
“Ramen is not a pasta shithead…”
“We’re out of butane.”
“Thank you…come again.”
What do they sleep in?: t shirt and thick lounge pants , he’s always cold 🥶
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harlowsbby · 1 year
i still remember that one anon sending in a concept of how Jack and a member of his team don’t get along. they always argue and hate on each other every time they’re in the same room to the point where they have to be separated. Jack at the end ends up confessing his feelings to her but reader doesn’t believe it bc of how he is with other women and just not serious with them. pls post it that anon was doing their thing with that idea😭😭😭 i saw u saying its titled coming together.i’m not giving up on u anon !!!!!!
Coming Together
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You hated the way you absolutely had the biggest crush on Jack simply because you knew he was a player and you’ve seen up front and personal how he’s treated women.
You’ve been friends with Jack since High School and since you were taking this summer off from College Jack suggested you’d come along with him for his summer tour. You were beyond thrilled mainly because you’d finally be able to spend time with him.
Jack would be lying if he said he didn’t like you as well, he’s been falling for you ever since he met you in Ms. Honey’s 9th grade home room class and when he had you for almost every class after that.
Lately Jack and Neelam’s assistant Keith haven’t exactly been seeing eye to eye whenever they were in the room together they’d start arguing instantly and when Keith found out Jack had a crush on you things went a little south.
You were all on the tour bus on your way to California for Jack’s show that night it was around 7am in the morning, you all had the option to fly on the jet but Nemo saw the tour bus as a bounding opportunity, there has been so much heated tension in the air and he knew it all needed to be cleared up.
Jack sat at the tables with Urban, Neelam and Nemo while you were in the kitchen with Keith the two of you making coffee. Jack glanced up when he heard you giggling.
“Stop Keith that’s already so much sugar you only need at most two scoops.” You laughed and snatched the spoon out his hand.
“What if I like my coffee sweet though? Just like how I like my women.” He smirked as you laughed nervously. “Is that so?” He licked his lips and nodded. “I think it is, but seriously I love sweet coffee I don’t know how you can only do one scoop of sugar.”
You shrugged your shoulders and lifted the iced coffee to your lips before taking a sip you moaned softly at how good it tasted, Keith and Jack cheeks heated up at the sound of you moaning. “It’s because a little bit goes along way.” You told him and went to walk back to Jack and them.
You went to walk past Jack to go lay down in the bed in the back till he grabbed your arm softly. “What did he want? He didn’t say anything to you did he?” Jack’s jaw tightened and you frowned shaking your head. “He didn’t say anything Jack I promise.” You told him softly.
“I’m going to lay down for a bit okay? I have a little headache.” He smiled and and nodded and let go of you. You went back into the room and shut the door behind you before flopping on the bed.
After scrolling through apps on your phone eventually you ended up falling asleep but not long after you were sleeping the sound of yelling had woken you up.
“Yeah but she isn’t your girl so don’t fucking go near her alright?!” Jack yelled at Keith as Urban attempted to hold Jack back.
“Jack calm down man he isn’t worth it.”
Neelam stood in front of Keith trying to hold Keith back and Nemo well he just stood there wondering what was going to happen.
Neelam wasn’t really sure how this argument started because one minute they were joking around, the next Keith was talking about you and one thing led to another and Jack was charging after Keith like an animal.
“She isn’t your girl nor will she ever be your girl.” Keith scoffed. “News flash she isn’t your girl either Jack and I highly doubt she’ll be with anybody like you.” Keith tried pushing past Nemo but he wasn’t giving up.
That’s what made Jack even more mad because he as well had many thoughts that you’d never date him simply based off the fact how he treated other women.
“You don’t know shit Keith honestly Neelam if you’re going to hire an ass for an assistant at least run it pass me or something.” Neelam rolled her eyes and tossed her hands in the air. “Don’t bring me into this shit.”
“Just face the facts that she’d never date you, because the only thing you can offer her is the thing between your legs other than that you have nothing to offer her.” That one hurt Jack. He’s been working hard to prove to not only himself but other people as well that he’s changed.
You stood there a bit frightened mainly because you’ve never seen Jack react this way, the way his face was slightly red from anger, his fist being balled to his sides was a bit terrifying. Urban looked up when he noticed your presence.
“Jack.” Urban mumbled that’s when Jack looked behind him seeing your confused and scared face, his face immediately softened and his fist unclenched. “Y/N shit.”
“Checkmate.” Keith stated and smirked before he went and sat down in the front of the tour bus with Nemo. “Y/N, can you take Jack in the room with you please?” Neelam kindly asked you nodded and took his hand leading him into the room.
Jack sat on the edge of the bed and watched as you bent over to get something out of your suitcase his cheeks flushed as the shorts you were wearing were a bit too short but Jack wasn’t complaining.
You turned back around and that’s when he saw you had some sort of mini massaging wand in your hand. “What’s that? It isn’t one of your sex toys is it?” He laughed as you smacked his chest. “No it’s a massager I got it back in Japan when we had went. Isn’t it so super cute?” You smiled and he nodded. “It’s super cute Y/N.”
You crawled on the bed and stood behind Jack on your knees, he was swearing a white tank top so it was easy for you to apply some lotion and start massaging the tool into his skin. He groaned and leaned into your touch. “That feels good Y/N who would’ve thought a mini massager would be able to go along way.” You giggled and twisted a few of his curls.
After awhile it was quiet the only sound coming from Jack’s phone, it was starting to eat you alive as to what he was arguing with Keith about.
“Do you wanna tell me what happened between Keith and yourself?” Jack sighed heavily and turned off his phone.
“Do I need to though? It really wasn’t anything. You rolled your eyes. “It had to be something I heard you say something about a girl not liking you.” You paused for a second. “Who is she.”
You said bluntly and even though you knew you might regret asking him that question deep down inside you needed to know if he was thinking about someone else.
“You’re the girl, we were both arguing about you.”
You stopped your movement as your heart began to beat. “You were arguing about me? Why I’m nobody special.” He smacked his lips.
“Are you kidding me Y/N? I’ve liked you since the day we met and Keith well I guess he found out about that and was trying to ask you out and I got jealous.”
“You we’re going to ask me out?” You smiled wide he nodded his head. “Yes but I’m sure he messes up any chances of that happening.”
You wanted to believe Jack you really did because this is what you’ve wanted all along but because of the fact of how he was with other women and never treated his past relationship serious you were a bit hesitant, you just didn’t want your heart to be broken by someone you’ve loved for the longest.
“I like you too Jack but it’s hard to believe that you really like me simply based off the fact that you’ve got a well known track record with women.” He laughed.
“I’m flattered that the feelings are mutual but I promise I’d never treat you or do you like that, I’ve changed and I’m still changing Y/N.”
You removed yourself from behind him and you were now sitting on his lap in front of him, Jack wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you flush against his chest.
“I’m giving you a chance Jack but I swear on my life if you break my heart-.” He cut you off. “I’d never break your heart ever now can I kiss you?” He desperately asked you nodded and leaned into him and he leaned in as well and connected your lips onto his.
“I told you they’d kiss now pay up.” The two of you pulled apart when you heard Urban talking. You looked behind you seeing Urban and Nemo standing there. You hid in Jack’s neck trying to bury yourself from the embarrassment.
“Can you two get out of here!” Jack yelled and the two of them laughed.
“Wait what are they doing? Is he kissing my women.” Keith yelled and tried looking into the room but Nemo pushed him back.
“That’s none of your business but if you must know I just might be an uncle soon.” Urban teased making Keith groan.
“Well since the moment is ruined I guess we should go back out there with everyone.” You told him softly and went to remove yourself from Jack but he pulled you back into him.
“I don’t think so I’ve been waiting on you for the longest so for the rest of the night you’re mine.”
You giggled but nonetheless you spent the rest of the night wrapped up in Jack’s arms but you weren’t complaining, as long as you were with Jack you were at peace with life.
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
nevermind still not sleeping i feel like i could throw up i’m so fucking anxious about this class i have to start tomorrow. i KNOW my major literally involves filming i know i picked this but this is a class about filming and shit and i literally cannot do that i’m going to have such a shit fucking time why did i pick this major i’m literally not even supposed to be here i have no plans for after i graduate and to tell the truth it’s the idea of taking this class that’s making me not even want to graduate like. why did i do this why am i here why do i even want this i don’t even know why i want this i’m literally only doing this major because it’s what i wanted when i was 17. SEVENTEEN. everything i’m doing right now in my life rests on the whim of a SEVENTEEN year old??? i was an idiot at 17. i thought i wanted to be a screenwriter when i was 17, NOT panning out the past several years ruined me and i don’t even write anything anymore. it’s all i can do to keep a goddamn diary of daily events. i’m turning 22 this year and don’t even know what i want to be when i grow up it’s pathetic i’m not cut out for any of this truly 😐. why am i having this breakdown literally hours from the start of the semester and not. idk. yesterday even would have been better then i could have cried to my mom or something now i’m just rambling on tumblr oh my god. like i’m literally not supposed to be there. everyone else there is supposed to be there and i’m like. a stray cat. and it fucking sucks and i have like. one friend i could actually talk to about anything real because in addition to letting whatever ambition i once had in me rot away like a pumpkin in november, i also let most of the people in my life turn into ghosts and acquaintances and nothing. and the happiest i’ve been in the past year was the summer when i was just living with my parents and working retail three days a week and not having to go to school for a career in an industry i don’t even think i want to be in anymore due to not being cut out for it. anyway hashtag pathetic girl. it’s nearing 7am. my first wake up alarm goes off at 8. i have to get out of bed at 10. and then i get to be miserable for hours until i come back here around 7pm probably and avoid my roommates and their boyfriends and watch another movie and be miserable and then wednesday i get to do nothing and just wallow around in agony and then on thursday i just do tuesday again until the last class ends around 5 and i drive home even though i hate driving but the only thing i hate more than driving is being in this fucking miserable awful college town longer than i have to be which of course bodes sooo well for the whole. “i’m not supposed to be here” thing. anyway. yeah sure i’ll post this oversharing ramble why not it’s not like this is any more embarrassing than anything else i or the rest of you post on here daily.
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k8rgrl · 10 months
Another vent post. For those who've kept up, this is about the ex. Similar tws apply.
I really could use some support, on this one.
What do you do, when you're so sure that you did right by someone, and they affirmed you at every turn, and months later, after stress, anxiety, and heartache, they tell you that you made them feel unsafe?
A new account led to a stray friend request from them. I accepted, of course.
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I responded immediately.
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Nothing. Radio silence.
They're still online, just… silent. They typed for a moment, but only a moment. Then, nothing. Agonizing nothing.
I waited. And eventually… gray dot. They're offline.
I didn't want to take any chances, so instead of sending a new message, potentially sending a ping that could lead to something going wrong, I edit the message, at around 1am.
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The fox emoji has been a friendly calling card of mine for a while now. Hell, this whole blog is minorly themed around me being a fox. For those who know me, it's my way of showing a softer, more sensitive side of myself. It's me when showing physical affection, or listening to a vent. It's me when I'm too sleepy to person, and just wanna curl up in a warm ball.
I left it there because it was my way of saying "I still care about you, deeply, and haven't closed off my heart to you. I'm here."
This detail seems a tad superfluous now, but, the catalyst for this post will make it slightly more clear why I say all this.
Briefly, around 1:30 am, they flicker back online. I quickly edit my message to say "I'm still online, and awake! I'm here, and listening!"
1:33 am - gray dot
I remove that portion of the message.
I didn't get much sleep that night. Ended up awake again around 5:45. Didn't get back to sleep until that afternoon.
I leave my third and final edit of the message at 7am.
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They didn't go online yesterday.
I forced myself to forget about it. If I heard back, I heard back. I go about my day. Last night, I ended up playing a game with my sister from 9 pm, to roughly 1230. I took a melatonin gummy, and got a few things downloading before heading to bed. . . Is what I would say, if I didn't get caught up in downloading stuff before forgetting to get to sleep. Fuck. Oh well. Here we are.
Nothing super interesting happens until 9:43 am. Censored, frankly because explicit stuff, and because it hurts too much to have to see the details of what was framed as positive and fun interactions in such a horrifying way.
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To be clear: I was given very clear, enthusiastic consent, during both of these instances. When said consent was revoked, it was verbal, and was followed up with post-talk and after-care.
That was my understanding.
This was fucked-up to read. Because it goes against everything I try to be as a person.
And no matter how I try to look at it, it's always fucked.
Situation 1: I did everything right, and they gave what very clearly seemed to be consent in a situation they were not comfortable with, and did not express such, when they said stop.
Outcome: that's fucked, and I feel like I should've done more.
Situation 2: I did everything right, and they were consenting, but now in retrospect are coloring it as nonconsensual
Outcome: what the fuck, why? That's fucking gut-wrenching
Situation 3: I violated their consent, took what wasn't consent to be, and essentially assaulted them, all without knowing
Outcome: I'd be a fucking monster, dear gods I pray this isn't true.
See how all of these suck?
Now here's the part that's really fucking with me.
Remember how I said they were online on web?
Here's where that comes in. The message from today was on mobile.
They stayed online on mobile until 10:18, when they finally fucking go offline. I've been writing this post since 5 or so minutes after sending my final message. They haven't unfriended me as of 12:16.
I replied, of course. To no response.
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I'm reading into the tone of fucking everything. Was that last bit too guilt trippy? It was true! I mean-
I tried so so hard to do right by them. I spent hours talking to and consoling them, and have the records to prove it. I spent hours worrying about them and have the records to prove it.
I have records of them saying they had a good time. I have records of them saying they'd be interested in more. I have records of all of this. But the mere insinuation that it was non-consensual makes my soul fucking squirm.
The idea that I hurt them that severely, when I tried so damn hard, and received affirmation to the contrary
It tears me up. Help.
0 notes
dzpenumbra · 1 year
Today wasn't half bad. Low key, as usual. Got sucked into RP streams again.
I did a short but very intense yoga routine today... that I actually had to tap out of and take a breather. My shoulder kinda collapsed on me. I was supposed to do a side plank after a bunch of other plank-related stuff and it just... wouldn't hold. And that hasn't happened in a while. I'm not surprised, and I didn't really kick myself over it. It was just a bump in the road.
I've been getting more and more out of shape, and I don't feel like I can keep up with it. I'm frustrated about it because of how foreign it is to me. I've never had to deal with this, and... honestly, it's the fatigue that gets me. I have a lot of active exercise things I love to do. But I can't get myself to do them when I'm sleep deprived or depressed. And... that's a very chronic issue. So yeah, that's just something that haunts me and gets under my skin.
I'm gonna get to bed early tonight. Like... really soon. Just reminding myself to keep this short. I am tired, so I need to take advantage of that and use that momentum to inch my bedtime back. This 7AM shit just doesn't work. For some reason... 5AM and 7AM look the same for me as bedtimes. Like... both are way too late. By that, I mean the difference between 3AM and 5AM seems much bigger than 5AM and 7AM. Because once the sun comes up... it's just like... whatever. So... my goal is to be in bed and ready to sleep before 5. So... I'll keep this brief.
I added thin layers of Mod Podge to the yellow beads today. They look really good, actually. I think if I do thin layers, I don't have to sand them, really. Though... I'm not sure if it really evens out with how long I spend working on them. I'll see. But yeah, progress there. And I got myself to go out for a walk. I went out at like 8PM. It was well into sunset, I skipped the shower and everything. My primary goal was to get gravel for my mini garden thing I wanted to make in the terracotta pot I got. I got anxious about it again. Twice.
I got to the gravel road and there was a dude walking his dog and on his phone. So I went the other way and looped around, hoping to give him enough time to pass in a different location. But he did the most half-assed walk I've ever seen, it was like 50 feet down the road and back, on his phone the whole time. That poor dog. :( I actually ended up passing him, he started walking really slowly. And I felt really self-conscious with the idea of passing him, then taking off my backpack, pulling out a ziplock bag and shoveling gravel into it with my hands. Call me crazy, that made me a bit insecure. So I went to the parking lot at the top of the path and pulled my phone out and watched the stream I was listening to... and pretended I was scrolling something. And when he passed by, I went back to the path and filled the bag.
In the end, I wasn't really that anxious about it, and I got it done. What did make me anxious was later when I was walking back to my building... there was a person standing in a corner next to where the path goes under the bridge... and it was like... a cliche scene from a movie where someone would mug you. And I was wearing my glasses, so I couldn't see any fucking details of this person at all. So I speed-walked under that damn bridge. But besides that, I wasn't really anxious at all.
In fact, I was pretty damn confident today. I woke up to a message from my therapist who apologized profusely for the late message that he promised me. He was going to send me some custom crafted affirmations - mantras, if you prefer that terminology - to help combat my reflexive anxiety. Because it seems like a lot of it surrounds... a lack of confidence, an inferiority complex trained into me by people around me most of my life. I read a post from someone on here recently, a heavy confessional one, that sounded a lot like that too. So... if you're out there... and you get the whole... feeling like a fraud and you'll never be a "real adult" and all that nonsense... you're not alone. In fact, anyone that grew up being taught these things... you're not alone. There is not one definition of success. And I promise you... I am telling myself this as much as I'm telling this to you... if you follow someone else's definition of success, you will with almost absolute certainty end up miserable and disappointed. I'm really sorry, it's dark, it's heavy, it's disorienting, I know... but it's true. If I - as an artist, musician and poet - took self-help advice from a Navy SEAL? I mean... I'm not saying there aren't things that I could retrofit to be useful in my life, I'm not saying there's nothing to learn; only a Sith deals in absolutes. I'm saying... if I... as an artist/musician/poet... follow the step-by-step plan on how to be a happy, successful, "productive" adult crafted by a Navy SEAL... I would be miserable. Even if I succeeded. Because I would be building a life I don't even want. I would be laboring and slaving away to build someone else's life, crafted around someone else's goals, interests and desires.
What's my point with this? Get to know yourself. And learn to love yourself. Get past the "that's lame" reflexes there and try to understand that you get one fucking ride on this chunk of rock hurtling through space, and do everything you can to pursue the life that you desire. However you can. I wish society was crafted with more focus on that rather than... basically industrialized farming people and turning them into laborers... Ugh, politics aside... Step 1 - get to know yourself, what you love, what you want to do, what makes you happy. Step 2 - work towards being that person as much as possible. That's what I'm advocating.
My day started with engaging my brain in a form of focused meditation through a mantra. "It is safe for me to be my authentic self." And yeah, after years... a lifetime, really... of having my authentic self either hidden, emotionally beaten or shamed... It often does not feel safe being my authentic self. And that is the world's biggest understatement - I have had panic attacks that felt like I would be burned at the stake at a witch trial for being myself. But what I haven't really been able to convince my subconscious of lately... is that... the primary person in my life that is currently holding me back from being my authentic self... is me. Out of fear. Out of anxiety. Out of insecurity. Out of self-protection.
But today... I did much better with it. I still don't feel safe... in general. Which is a thing. But I felt a lot better just being... myself. My authentic self. My true self. The Me that I am behind closed doors, the Me that is... here. I felt more okay laughing at jokes in the stream in my earbuds as I walked in public, and not being worried about judgmental people I may pass by. And it felt... much more like home. It reminded me of times in the past when I was much more shameless (in a good way).
This is going on longer than planned, but I wanted to mention one more thing that was directly related. I watched a streamer that I really respect... that has been RPing for like... a decade? Who has streamed a ridiculous amount in her life... I watched her have an anxiety attack. A real anxiety attack. Live, on stream, in front of thousands of viewers. Because her character, who is a Captain in the PD, was going in for a final interview for Chief of Police. And she was legit having very real anxiety about it, audibly, and narrating it. And the support and empathy coming from chat (myself included) was so unbelievably heartwarming! And she nailed it! I didn't see the other interviews so I have no idea if she got the job, but she... she really deserves it. I am so fucking emotionally invested in this server, good lord! XD
So yeah, big theme of like... combatting and overcoming anxiety today. At very least, confronting. And what I gave to her as advice? Because she was talking about physical symptoms. I said "your body is just sensing something potentially unsafe, it's a biophysical reaction, you're gonna be okay." Something like that, I don't have the direct quote. I found it interesting that... that is what I decided to say. I don't know. I've been so deeply convinced in the power of narrative and will and choice, trying to dismantle and navigate the conscious thoughts, which is a crucial part of all of it... but like... this part of the nervous system is super reflexive. And it takes time and deliberate work to train your subconscious mind that things like this are safe. That you can handle it. And confidence helps a ton with that.
Alright, enough therapy talk. My plan is pretty much out the window, but I can still get to bed earlier than usual. Good day today, we'll see what tomorrow has in store. Have a good night!
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v-mum-writes · 2 years
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was asked semi-recently if Kaayras Adaar was my only “Inquisitor” and no, definitely not. Ive played the game a LOT as Adaar variations but ive also played the other races. Kaayras is a reflection of my preferred playstyle (Qunari, stealth rouge, trying to hyper-pacifist and balance all the Companion relationships); Maha’llana is the embodiment of my frustration that I can just use various weapons all the time whenever i want even if theres a significant loss to attack power or something which i project onto a collection of red haired elf characters; Edric is combination of my willingness to Fight how vague all the Dwarven Lore and Character Designs tend to be by trying to make my own Dwarf and History; Maxwell is my cacophony of sympathy for the mage’s plight in the form of a child with too much responsibility and far too much power.
Anyway, those are my 4 Main Inquisitors and when I play the game as one of them There’s a running lore that the other 3 all existed in the same world (and canonically die at the conclave). They’ve all met at least once, although to say how is various spoilers for Purple Vitaar.
I have a story I’ve been loosely writing (from Maxwell’s Perspective mostly?) when i get writers block for Purple Vitaar and maybe someday I’ll post it if there's ever enough; it’s one of those ‘4 Inquisitors’ stories. It’s working title is “Four Pillars”.
Traumatized Qunari (roughly 30-35) and an annoyingly bombastic elf spy (20ish) and tiny human mage (6) there's a dwarf cartel member (18) and then all four of them accidentally get magic hands and now have to save the world and Kaayras just needs to know why he is responsible for three children.
Also we all know by this point that Kaayras is nicknamed by Varric to “Heartless” but please god know that Varric would call Maxwell “Ducky” and that is Everything. Edric is “Peacock” and Maha’llana is “Wildfire”
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junisfics · 4 years
Omfg I live for the way you write armin. You’ve fed us so much. Could you do some more perv armin (aka :best armin) like imagine him unintentionally waking in on you showering and him not being able to get you out his head for the rest of the week.
warnings: nsfw 18+ ( voyeurism, masturbation, impure thoughts )
notes: lets pretend theres a mutual public shower where theyre at :)
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it was an accident. it was all an accident.
armin had missed the designated shower time for the guys earlier today, so he figured that if he went later on that he wouldn’t run into anyone. so, he pulled a clean towel off the rack and some clean clothes and made his way to the stalls.
but when he pushed through the door he got hit with a wave of thick and hot steam. and through the steam he could see, through the foggy glass, your body.
it wasn’t a clear view, no, but he could make out the curves on your chest and hips and your hair slick against your neck and back. the hot water sliding down and over your smooth skin, your hands reaching around your neck to ring out your hair.
he could make out your side profile, your head tilted slightly back, eyes shut, and mouth slightly agape. he was getting harder with every passing second. 
it was mesmerizing, watching the thick steam swirl up and around your bare body as the water slicks it just the same.
whether it was the thickness of the steam or you naked in front of him, he didn’t know, but he couldn’t breathe. and once he realized he was literally watching you shower, he quickly whipped back around the door and shut it. his back up against it and his body weight holding it shut.
his clothes and towel fall to the floor as he stands with the image of you burned into the back of his eyelids. then, he scrambles for his things and rushes away to his room because he has a few things he needs to take care of.
the first being his painfully hard dick. once he was through his door he was hurriedly pulling his shirt off and shoving his pants down his thighs, stumbling across his room and collapsing onto his back on his bed. he shifts around momentarily, then takes his throbbing cock into his hand.
and with the image still engrained into the backs of his eyelids, he shuts his eyes. right hand fisting over his cock, which is now leaking precum all over his palm.
it was quick. he came hard, all over his stomach, his eyes squeezed shut as if the harder he squeezed the clearer the image of you would be.
but when he was sitting there, covered in his own sweat and release, he didn’t have that post-nut clarity he usually had. he was still stiff in his hand and your slick body was still very much prominent in his brain.
so he came again... and again, and again. and even then, he could still see your pretty tits and smooth thighs when he closed his eyes.
he hopes he can sleep it off.
and he did, for a moment at least. 
with his sleep pants and a thin t shirt on, he stumbles out of his room. he was visibly exhausted as he took a seat at the table, eren on his left. his eyes glued to the wooden tabletop as he rests his face in his hands.
and then two hands were on his shoulders, shaking him slightly.
“you tired or something?” you tease.
he jumps in his seat, “jesus!”
he could throw up honestly. a surge of anxiety and arousal passing through his already jittery body. your sweet voice floods his brain, and then that image again short after: your hands sliding up and down your water slick body, over your curves and through your hair.
your brows furrow in confusion, taking a seat beside him cautiously.
“you alright?” you ask.
armin could feel his face heating up, cock hardening in his flimsy sleep pants. he knew if he stood up right now that everyone, including you, would see his hard on.
“yeah.” he mumbles, turning back and trying to focus on anything other then you.
he’d think of eren. yeah... that’ll make him soft real quick. he thinks he probably looks stupid, staring down at the table with his face in his palms and a blush over his cheeks.
this would’ve been easy if your body heat wasn’t just radiating off you and all over him. he could smell your sweet shampoo and see you shifting in your seat out of the corner of his eye.
you were giggling away at something connie said, smile wide on your face. your laugh drove him crazy too. but at something particularly funny, you hand flew to grip his thigh as you laughed.
“fuck me...” armin seethes, slapping his hands down on the table and causing the silverware across the table to clatter.
it goes quiet, all eyes shifting to the flustered blonde boy beside you. your hand had come up and off his thigh as you stared at him with your eyes wide. his eyes flicker up to stare back.
“sorry,” armin mutters, eyes shifting back to his hands.
he waited for everyone to leave before he got up.
and then, at 7am, just after breakfast, he came over and over in his hand until he was on the verge of tears. his legs and arms trembling, fingers shaking as they lazily brought him back down his final high. his cock twitching pathetically, and still hard, against his stomach.
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siriusmydeer · 4 years
james potter smut alphabet
james potter x fem!reader
a/n: that took from 9:45pm-12:pm then 7am-9:20am THAT TOOK SO LONG OMG
i’m sorry if it’s bad
warning: literally pure sex smut all that jazz
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
that man is the softest dom, literally the DEFINITION. he gives u so many kisses, he praises u, he will shower with you, wash your hair, gives u his clothes LITERALLY THE BEST.
“mhm jamie, too tired” you murmur. your body melting into the mattress as you speak, all worn down. “but, love.” he pushes your hair behind your ears, pulling you up. “gotta get you all nice and clean f’me.”
he pulls you up, his calloused hands gripping onto your thighs, bringing you into the bathroom. the shower already nice and warm ready for the both of you. he’s holding you under the warm water to the point where you might collapse if it wasn’t for his grip.
“you did good love, so so good all f’me.” he says sponging kisses on your forehead, both of his hands on your lower back holding you.
“i love you, my sweets.”
“you’re the only one f’me.”
you were so tired, so vulnerable just allowing james to take care of you because that’s all he wanted to do.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
his biceps, simple. he does A LOT of quidditch training to get to his strength. he also takes pride in being able to just fuck you against the lockers from his strength. it also inflates his ego when he catches you staring at his biceps. or when he’s taking you underneath him your gripping his biceps like your life depended on it.
“james- fuck.” you moaned into his neck, his lips sucking dark hues into your collar bones and his left forearm resting right beside your head and his other gripping around your waist.
he started going slower, but deeper. he hit a new angle inside of you almost hitting your cervix. you let out a strangled moan gripping his bicep almost digging your nails into the flesh.
his head dipping out from beneath your neck to slot your plush reddened lips with his.
that man and you’re THIGHS. he’s a thigh man don’t tell me other wise. whether ur in your school skirt, jeans, leggings, underwear ;) his legs AND HANDS always divert to the soft plush skin of your thigh.
your ankles insticntly went to lock around james’ head, he had been in between your thighs for hours on end without a stop.
“james- i’m gonna cum.” you breathed out in a moan. his hands squeezing at the flesh on your thigh, they were reddened and begging to lightly bruise from him doing those similar actions for the last hour and a half.
“cum darling, cum for me.”
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
so, esentially speaking theres wizard potions to block out pregnancy. so he would be CUMMING INSIDE OF U. not nessesarily a breeding kink but he likes when your full and stuffed with his cum. he also loves to cum on your chest or thighs because he likes the contrast to your skin and he think it makes you so utterly pretty.
the wave of euphoria and stars dancing across your vision had almost come to an end as your boyfriends thrust got sloppy and rigid.
“pretty girl where do you want it, where do you want my cum?” he panted to you, close to his release.
“i want you to cum inside me jamie, please. fill me up.” you let out a small moan at his constant friction when you felt ropes of seed shoot into you, he rode out his orgasam then pulled out. you clenched around nothing as he came face to you cunt.
he pushed his fingers into you, a small moan leaving your mouth as you made eye contact with him.
“gotta keep you all nice and full, yeah?”
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
there’s nothing he would want more than a lap dance. you in you your lingerie you had just bought giving him a little show after one of a quidditch wins. 
“mhm, sit f’me.” you whispered into his ear, placing him to hit at the end of his four poster bed.
“and what have you got going on darling? a suprise?” he said, leaning against his two hands watching you pry at your tie and slip it off.
slowly unbuttoning your school blouse, flinging it on the floor. he lets out a small groan at the sight of you almost naked in your skirt. you walk towards him shuffling onto his lap.
“you did win after all, and winners get rewards.” you said circling your hips onto his clothed cock .
“fuck... the things you do to me.” he groaned into your ear as you continued.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
i’m gonna be honest i don’t think that much when you first get together. i mean there’s been ladies he’s a marauder but he’s only ever wanted to you so i feel like he just gets to know your body really well and he sort of just has instincts. like during your first time there’s those little awkward moments but you both make it run all good and smoothly
“s’gonna hurt y/n.” he murmured to you, situating himself in between your legs as you lock your ankles behind his back.
“i know, but i want this. i want you. i need you inside me.” you whisper in desperation for him, needing to feel him.
“you ready?”
“mhm, please.”
he slowly started to slide into you, when you let out your first hiss of discomfort, he slotted his fingers between yours and slightly halted his movements.
“keep going jamie.” you encouraged
he slid his way into your cunt until he was fully in.
“move please, i need to feel you.” he did his first pulse, light movements when you let an involuntary moan escape the threshold of your lips.
“mhm- jamie, keep going.”
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
missionary bc he just wants to see your beautiful face, against the quidditch lockers so he can just hold you against them or doggy bc he likes to choke you or pull you up so he can see your back arch for him.
you heard the bang of metal as james took you against the quidditch lockers and you tried to muffle your moans against his lips.
“gotta- gotta be quiet love. wouldn’t want anyone to know what we’re doing in here.” he panted into you ear. he continued as he angled your leg higher, hitting you g-spot as he continued his pace.
“james fuck- so good. so fucking good.”
“you look so fucking beautiful like this y/n.”
“j-james i- i cant hold on much longer. s’too much.” you moaned and whimpered from the back of your throat.
“pretty girl cum for me.”
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
there’s 2 kinds of sex with james, giggly super soft lovie sex. not necessarily making jokes but just giggling because he just tickled your side my accident or accidentally bumping noses. or there’s big dom daddy james where it’s very PASSIONATE but he’s very dominate.
his hand ran down the depth of your curves, a little giggle bubbling through your throat. he looked at you with a cocked brow, repeating his action as his chin rested on your stomach a small smirk on his lips.
you giggled again, your hand running through his hair. you brought his face to your lips as your finger tips danced under his jaw.
he giggled at your actions as well, also seemingly ticklish under his neck.
“you’re so distracting james potter.” you groaned as he continued to pulse through you while giggling at you.
“i’m distractingly beautiful y/n y/l/n”
“quite insuffer- fuck!” you were caught off with a moan as his fingertips danced on your clit. stimulating you.
“hmmm darling, cat got your tongue?”
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
so james has that thick mangle of tresses on his head, so i feel like he’s quite cleanly shaven, maybe just a bit of a stubble? but i feel like he would shave not only to make it more comfortable for him but for you seemingly easier and more comfortable.
i don’t think he would care if you were shaved or not, as long as you were comfortable your natural body hair is not stopping him from going down on your or having sex with you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
ROMANCE KING ILL SAY IT ONCE ILL SAY IT TWICE ILL SAY IT THREE TIMES IF HE COULD EVERYTIME HE WOULD SPREAD ROSE PETALS AND CANDLES AND LIGHT FIRE PLACES AND E V E R Y T H I N G. during the whole thing your hands would e interlocked with his, chests pressed against eachother, eye contact, soft touches, soft kisses and mumbles of praise like whew.
“jamie- what’s this?” you asked, your eyes scanning around the room with floating candles and rose petals on the floor.
“well i figured i’d make it special, i dunno.” he murmured shoving his hands in his pockets. you turned towards him with a grin your face.
you grasped his face between your palms lightly kissing his lips before speaking.
“a real sap you are potter, my sap.”
“correct, 10 points go y/h.”
“thanks professor potter.” you teased before leaning in to kiss his lips again.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
i feel like he would A LOT and you would catch him A LOT. somwtimes u aren’t always there but u know what is there, a picture of you and his hands and he makes due when he needs too. but normally he just goes to you because he would rather anyways but sometimes there are bigger priorities then his random hard ons.
“y/n- fuck me...” he moaned, his hand pumping his cock in one hand and the other gripping his bed post, knuckles turning a shade of white.
his only thought being the way you looked under him, on top of him, infront of him, you’re beautiful beautiful body. you were currently occupied helping mcgonagall with extra transfiguration while james was in need... of you.
you had finished early, waltzing into james’ room like normal except you were met with a familiar sight of james pumping his cock in his hand while his head was slightly leant back and his jaw was slack.
you cleared your throat, crossing your arms and a smirk on your lips with an eyebrow raise. “couldnt wait atleast an hour could you?” you teased, walking closer.
“well now that your here, could you lend a hand?”
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
james has a daddy kink😐 literally that’s one of his most prominent kinks. i mean your his angel, his darling girl he would do anything for you i mean he just wants to make you happy. and i mean you calling him daddy while withering under him just makes him 😁
“daddy... please.” you begged him.
“ive been a good girl. i promise!” you were almost yelling at him, wanting him to understand.
“sweetheart we’re you a good girl when flirting with sirius?” his face got seemingly close to yours, asking you the question while raising one of his eyebrows.
“no daddy.” you said, embarassed. you had been waiting for james attention all night long but instead he was stuck all up in detention for a prank against snape.
and then when he finally arrived to the common room he barely spared you a word, so you did what you had to do to grab his attention and... it worked.
“so tell me baby, whyd you break the rules?”
“i just wanted your attention daddy! i just wanted you!”
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
i think his fave would be the dorms in the bed. but the prefects bath is a very close second. and he surely doesn’t mind the common room or broom closets that are very open to public where you both could get caught in comprising positions.
you heard the slosh of the water beside you, as you moved your hips onto james’ submerged underneath the prefects bath water as u straddled him.
his hands came to steady your hips as your buried your head in his neck, and continuously grinding your cunt onto james’ dick.
“fuck angel... just like that.” he moaned while tightening his grip
“f-fuck jamie-“ you whimpered in his ear, clawing at his shoulders.
“you’re doing amazing pretty girl, keep doing- fuck- you feel so good around me.” he praised you while groaning.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
“so fucking tired.” james muttered walking into the common room after a two hour detention with filch.
he saw your body displayed on the vermillion couch, very opening that his body could just rest on yours while you were in a conversation with remus and sirius.
he quietly sprawled his head on your lap, his arms arranging around your waist as he gor comfortable.
you mindlessly started caressing his hair, and pulling on the tuffs lovingly, that was until you felt a hard pressure pressing against your calf that you remembered james’ small dirty secret.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
i don’t feel like he would be into hurting you? like slapping, knife kinks, seeing you hurt i don’t think he would find that arousing he would more just be concerned because he doesn’t like to see your hurting. i think he would still like spankings but i don’t think he would slap you in the face or anything.
“so y/n, d’you think you’d try it?” sirius asked you, while your eyes paid more attention on the potions text book infront of you.
“try what?” you muttered, clearly disinterested in the conversation.
“knives in bed.”
you brought your head up to look at him, cocking an eyebrow confused at his question.
“um, probably not. i don’t know that’s an odd question pads.” you muttered turning your attention back to your potions book.
“but wouldnt that like... hurt her?” you heard james say in a concerned and confused tone to sirius.
“could if you wanted too, but it’s more of the thrill.” sirius replied to james.
“no, i don’t think i want the ‘thrill’ m’good, thanks.” he agitatedly replied to sirius and looked at his own book.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
i feel like he would like both equally but he’s more of a giver at heart. it’s kind of whatever happens in the moment because when your thighs are wrapped around his head it’s like heaven but your pretty lips wrapped around his cock? also heaven.
your hands braced his thighs as your plunged your mouth deeper onto his girth, trying to take him all in while breathing for your knows.
“you take my cock so well pretty girl.” he praises to you, his hand in a makeshift pony tail holding your hair away from your face.
you went back to his tip, kissing and swirling your tongue around trying to catch your breath before pushing your mouth onto him keeping a fast past.
“i’m gonna cum-“ he groaned and his own release shooting ropes of cum down youve throat cut him off.
he slowly rid out his high as you continue to suck and then swirled your tongue around the tip and opening your mouth to show that you had swallowed his release.
“good girl.”
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
i feel like he changes pace a lot? sometimes it’s really fast, and deep but sometimes very slow and passionate and deep and loving. he’s a man of many talents and whatever the mood is he can keep that pace.
his hand had one firm grasp on your waist as he pounded you from behind and the other gripped the root of your hair.
“you gonna be a messy little girl?” he taunted you through gritted teeth
“y-yes.” you muttered through moans.
he had just lost a quidditch match to slytherin and you offered a solution.
something nice and rough.
and that’s exactly what the both of you wanted.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
i feel like they would happen from time to time but i feel like he would be more into proper sex because you are literally his only priority like getting you off is all he cares about so maybe there’s a quick a few times but definitely not all the time.
“shh if you’re not quiet someone’s going to walk walk by and hear.” james taunted you, your legs wrapped around his waist and your head dug into his neck trying to hold back your moans.
“james- i- i cant s’too much, too much.” you said while biting your lip, unable to see much do you the darkness of the broom closet.
“well sweet girl that’s what happens when you get needy during school hm? is my pretty little slut gonna cum all over my cock while anyone could walk in?” he began to mock you.
“mhm- yes.” your lip becoming dry and chapped from all the incessant biting, “please can i cum?”
“go on, cum y/n.”
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
i feel as long as it wasn’t hurting you or it ended up with you or him like getting with other people he would try it?
“are you sure, m’scared i might hurt you.” james murmured while tying your hands up to the bed post.
“m’fine, promise.” you assured him, that night you were trying something new. both of you had previously talked about ties and bondage and you wanted to try it once to see if you’d both like it.
you pulled on the ropes a bit making sure they weren’t cutting off the circulation of your wrists.
“see? m’good jamie.”
“ok but if something happens tell me, i don’t want you to hold back because i might be enjoying it you’re not.”
“james i promise.”
“i love you, y/n.”
“i love you too.”
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
that man happens to be a QUIDDITCH PRODIGY. HE IS A SEEKER. WHICH MEANS HE CAN LAST AWHILE. i believe that he would stop when you wanted to stop, like he could fuck you all night if he wanted too.
“one more darling, one more f’me.” his voice hoarse from the previous three rounds.
he wanted to know if you could go any more, ready to stop at any time.
“one more?” you said breathily to him.
“just one.”
“yes daddy, i want you, please.” you plead to your bespectacled boyfriend, you began clenching around nothing feeling empty again.
“mhm please, please i want you.”
“alright darling, no need to fret. m’right here.” he assured.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
i think he’s more like “why would you need those when you have me.” type of guy. like i don’t feel like he would have them even for punishments he would rather do it himself, even because he would feel closer to you like he’d rather fuck and tease you then silicone (bruh 😭)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
i feel like you would do more of the teasing because he would automatically become obdient to you. if he was teasing it wouldn’t be for long because he would fuck himself from watching you squirm and tease you.
his palm rested on the inside of your thigh, tracing little shapes as goosebumps rose onto your skin.
“nervous, darling?” he teased in your ear while you were trying to converse with peter about arithmancy homework during dinner at the great hall.
“james. stop. teasing.” you said through gritted teeth, your legs squirming at his fingers grazing your panties.
“but you’re so beautiful like this, about to make a mess during dinner? think that’s polite y/n?” he mocked you, he loved that he had that effect on you.
you turned towards his face that was almost touching the shell of your ear.
“if you keep doing this i won’t fuck you for a month.” you whispered, venom like words leaving your throat.
his sapphire eyes quickly widened as he moved his hand by the cap of your knee. you smirked as he was almost frantic by your words.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
he wants the whole hogwarts castle to know that you’re his so he is loud. he groans, he moans, he dirty talks, he moans your name like he is EXTRA with it. sometimes you almost have to shush him but he’s not having any of that.
“james, hush! you’re going to get all the prefrecfs scrambling around the room if you’re to loud!” you said covering his mouth, feeling him smirk against your palm.
“but darling, that’s the whole point. don’t you want everyone to know who you belong to?” you flushed and pulled your hand away from his face.
“that’s what i thought love.”
“you know sirius will never let us live this down, bet he can hear from the common room.”
“then let’s give him a show, shall we?”
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
cockwarming. if you’re being a brat that’s one of the ways he’s gonna punish you, while he’s working on a prank and his arm is just around your waist to make you stop squirming.
“if you’re going to be a brat angel, i’m gonna start treating you like one.” he murmured to your squirming figure as he tried to figure out a new prank on snape.
you were sat on top of his cock, clenching and squirming almost begging for him to touch you.
“jamie please i need you, please, please please.” you begged him, yet no avail. a determined look on his face as he was scribbling on the parchment.
he swatted your bum, you jolted a bit at the sudden friction of his hand and began to whine.
he looked at you, a dark look in his eyes which shut you up immediately because you knew what that look meant.
“hmm, so you can listen to the rules? good girl.”
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
that man is big and thick and he KNOWS HE IS. i’d say 8inches hard?
you rested your bum on to your calves before scooching up to this belt buckle as he was standing, holding a faux-ponytail of your hair between his calloused fingers.
“are you sure, y/n? you don’t have to if you don’t want too.” he looked down at you, puling your eyes to look in his sapphire ones.
“m’sure james.” you assured him, undoing the buckle and swiftly pulling down his boxers and uniform pants at the same time.
his shirt discarded on the floor earlier, his dick slapping his clenched stomach. he was already hard from your teasing and grinding earlier.
your eyes widened at his size, nervous how you would fit it all in your mouth.
“what’s wrong darling?” he started to get concerned at your frozen state.
“nothing.. y-your just, so big.” you said looking at his cock and hearing a chuckle in the backround.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
i feel like it’s pretty high but it’s always depending on you, he would rather die than force you to do anything if you weren’t feeling it or just didn’t want too. so if you’re up for anything than so is he.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
if it’s during the day i don’t think he would get that tired, but if it was during the night and he just finished aftercare i feel like you would lay on his chest if he hadn’t worked you hard enough and you guys would just talk about anthing. but if you guys did a lot of rounds and you were on the verge of slumber he would just kiss your hairline and praise you as you fell asleep.
“my good girl.” he said while kissing your forehead. “i love you so so much, you’re the only one for me.” his hand dragging against the arch of your back, the only thing seperating him from your skin was the shirt he put on you.
“my sweets, does everything for me. how could i have gotten so lucky.” he whispered on the shell of your ear.
“hmm, jamie been asking myself the same thing.” you murmured, sleep almost pulling you under but not enough for you to reply to him.
“goodnight james. i love you.”
“i love you more, my sweets.”
taglist: @mushroomfleur @fathermarty @kittykylax @famdomhideout @90steaology
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Can we get more beach trip headcannons except this time with female! manager, Thank you I love your work❤️❤️❤️
original beach training camp hcs here - worth reading for context
look at my ass saying ‘context’ as if this is some literary analysis
on the one hand, with the manager around, hanamiya’s no longer the only adult there to look after everything
on the other hand, manager-chan has to be a little mad to be even be working with the boys, and thus she’s only going to be adding to the chaos
for example, half the time, she’s telling hara that no he can’t just claim he has to protect her from the ‘’renowned okinawan beach ghost’ in order to get out of practice, and the other half of the time, she’s plotting with him at 2am about how they terrorise the others and make them think that the beach ghost does exist
side note: seto doesn’t believe in ghosts or anything that’s not explained by science; hanamiya’s the same but he pretends he worships satan every once in a while just for the sake of freaking people out; who knows if furuhashi believes in them in not, but, even if he saw a ghost, he wouldn’t be impressed
and yamazaki’s the type of say they’re stupid, and then start fucking screaming as he goes through a haunted house and then, once he’s out of there, claim that he was never phased in the slightest, and that it was furuhashi grabbing onto everyone’s arms (furuhashi’s a good target cause he’s not a large enough dick to dispute it and embarrass yamazaki; he just kinda raises an eyebrow and moves on)
road trip fic where everyone visits a haunted house and does all kinds of stupid shit when?
anyway that’s why yamazaki’s sitting in on the “reviving beach ghost” conversation (you can’t get scared if you are the ghost, am i right?)
the plan with the ghost is simple and is supposed to involve a) manager dressing up as the ghost (long black dress, hair over her face, etc), b) yamazaki making ghostly sounds (he’s good at sound effects, it’s not as stupid an idea as it sounds), c) hara’s gonna film it all (and also buy the necessary supplies, like fake blood etc)
the problem is that discussing satanically plans at 2am, after you’ve had a full day of practice (or a full day of dealing with these idiots), is that you’re not going to be awake at 7am
which is when hanamiya storms in wondering why half the team are missing
although the sight of people covered in dark cloaks (they’re just blankets; it got cold in the night) and pages filled with drawings of pentagrams (it took zaki that many tries before he could draw it without it it being wonky) may be a little unnerving
nothing is more terrifying than a fuming hanamiya dragging you out of bed when you’re still half asleep
and he also finds the written plans so, all in all, mission failed
Moving On
this is already fucking long and i’ve only just started shit
given that seto never plays in full matches, his fitness plan is a little more lenient - aka, sometimes when everyone else is off running and dribbling and whatnot, it’s just manager-chan and seto on the beach, enjoying their holiday
this is helpful as a) it prevents seto from being forgotten (see previous training camp post), and b) it gives their manager the time to very helpfully apply suncream for him, probably in a pattern, so he gets the image of a flower sunburnt to his stomach
the best part of it is that seto doesn’t even give a shit
catch him floating off on his back to the middle of the philippine sea with the flower shining against the sun like a message from god
actually that raises a very important point about the boy’s swimming abilities so,
yamazaki + hara: good swimmers, neither ever took lessons so their strokes aren’t too polished, but they can goof around in the sea and try to drown one another without anyone actually drowning (or, at least, that’s what the manager’s there for)
furuhashi: very good swimmer, even better diver. disappears without making a single ripple in the water, no bubbles either. he just appears all of a sudden from underneath your feet like “this is a pretty shell, isn’t it?” as if his dark presence at the sea bed hadn’t just made several people think there’s a shark about
seto’s real good at floating, and at a mediocre backstroke, and that’s all he ever does - or is bothered to do
matsumoto takes pride in the fact he’s a faster swimmer than anyone else on the team (except for furu that is), and he likes to do the butterfly stroke angrily up and down the shore to get rid of all his pent up stress (hanamiya never comments on it, cause hey it’s just extra fitness training)
and finally hanamiya was unable to swim for a very long time (and there is many a photo of him with swimming armbands, hidden in his bedroom, from when everyone was coming over, and he couldn’t let them know that he has a weakness
however, one time, hara had a pool party when hanamiya still couldn’t swim, and hara threw him into the pool, and he just somehow learned how to in those few seconds? talk about survival instinct
alright back to our scheduled program
furuhashi is damn good at fishing. like damn good, like doesn’t even need a rod, he just shoves his arm in, somehow grabs one, and guts it and prepares the meal there on the beach
having to eat dinner with a furuhashi whose hands and some of his chest are stained with blood (normally he’d wash it off, but he’s a little emo at heart. went through a phase as a child where he was really into blood vials, and satanic witchcraft and all that) may be a little disconcerting, but it’s also a lovely time :)
picture the scene, dear reader
all the lads, surrounded by the sunset, the evening tide and the lush green in the background, sat by a little stove fire over which furuhashi is frying the fish
matsumoto and the manager chatting about the competitions scheduled for after the team gets back (you’d think hanamiya would be involved in this discussion, but Coach Time TM is over, and now he and hara are challenging one another to watch over hot coals, as furuhashi patiently warms up more stones for them)
seto probably helping furuhashi out; either that, or telling yamazaki all the many illnesses he might catch from the ocean, as zaki takes a massive bite of seaweed and then spits it all out
everyone eventually getting dragged into the hot coals battle
someone almost definitely gets burnt (spoiler alert it’s zaki) and manager-chan has to bandage him up as he yells at a laughing hara that he was sabotaged and that he can handle heat better than anyone else here
he dives on the hot coals as if to make his point
and thus matsumoto and furuhashi have to carry him back to the hotel, cause now he’s got even more burns (and he’s also a little baby who doesn’t like pain, but don’t let him here you say that)
oh the woes of training camps when two of your group have very high IQs, and yet there is still only 1 brain cell being shared between 7 people
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hansolmates · 4 years
jjk; angel’s trumpet [bonus]
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summary; one second, your life is flashing before your eyes and the next, you’re transported into a world exactly like your own. but the jungkook you meet in this world isn’t a renowned singer or your former almost-lover, in fact he has no clue who you are and why you know him so well. as you work to find your way home lost and confused, you conclude that you’re either dead or in the middle of the most wicked drug trip of your life. pairing; idol!jk x reader (f), alternatively film producer!jk x reader genre/warnings; fluff, angst, supernatural, idol!au, non-idol!au, alternate universes, themes of fate, language, alcohol consumption, in this chapter–nudity boobies! w.c; 2.2k a/n; why did a week go by so stinkin’ fast? i’m not ready to let go of this couple! that being said, i wouldnt mind posting some drabble babbles about these two or four. im utterly thankful for the love and passion my readers had for this, i had so many kind readers that kept me afloat through all of. i can’t wait to see you in the next one, and i hope you enjoy this little glimpse💕
[final] [bonus] -> masterpost
“You’re not Jimin.” 
Jungkook’s eyes snap open, and he takes note of the change in air. Chalk it up to the open window or the fact that the rain’s evaporated, but he can’t help the pinch of pain in his heart as he realizes that you’re far, far gone from this world. 
And in your place, is you. Not quite you, but it’s almost scary how easy it is to regard your visage and simple conversation. 
“Jimin,” he repeats, as if he heard you wrong. “As in, Park Jimin? Tiny guy with a big ego?” 
“Yes,” you reply blandly, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Your eyes are sparkless, flickering between your state of nakedness and his state of nakedness. “I know I wasn’t exactly sober last night, but I distinctly remember telling him he’d be in my bed tonight,” and you regard Jungkook with a sort of pointed look, unable to decipher your situation, “but here you are. Still cupping by boob.” 
Out of reflex, he squeezes his palm. Yep, that’s yours. 
A little part of him also wants to yell to the heavens because you failed to tell him you were hooking up with Park Jimin before all of this. 
Okay technically you didn’t, but the person in front of him did. 
His heart is fresh and stinging like a hot cut on the asphalt. He watches you take in your surroundings, humming when you notice the new clothes on the rack and the way your desk has been rearranged. Jungkook is trying very hard to be patient, after all you’re a stranger and suddenly he feels like he’s the one that’s known you all his life. Oh, how the tables have turned. 
You stretch, testing out your limbs as they pop and crackle at your command. You run a hand through your strawberry-smelling hair, and Jungkook has to grip the sheets to not go by instinct and take you right then and there on this mattress. With a shameless groan of satisfaction, you flop against your bed. Jungkook tries, emphasis on try, to not watch as your breasts bounce and the way your hair flows around your pillow like the angel you are, but he’s rendered smitten. 
“Uh,” boobies boobies boobies. 
You pointedly ignore his piss-poor attempt at coherent conversation, staring up at the ceiling.  “Ho—ly shit,” you curse freely, heaving an exhausted sigh, “I feel so sore.” 
“S-sore?” Great, he found his voice. 
“Yeah, like I’ve been in a coma or something,” but you think nothing of it, summing it up as a crazy dream from alcohol poisoning. You sit up straight, reaching for your phone. It’s not on your desk, but instead you find something far more interesting. 
You reach for your Midnight Blue Citrus candle, frowning at the contents. The wax is nearly burnt to the end, the tips of the wicks charcoal black and frayed. Waving your used candle in Jungkook’s face you blame, “What the fuck, did you use all of this last night? I just bought this like, literally yesterday!” 
His face falls, “What? You’ve had that candle for forever—”
“And why the heck it is so hot in the middle of February?” 
Something dark and sad creeps up Jungkook’s stomach, and he hates to be the one to tell you. February was when it all started, and his life changed with the presence of you. Jungkook tells himself repeatedly that the woman in this room is simultaneously the person he’s loved since winter and the stranger he feels that he’s meant to love with time. Considering everything’s happening all at once understanding it is still hard, but he’ll try for you. 
It breaks his heart to see how you look lost and confused, like a child woken up from a debilitating nightmare. Your lips are bitten red and purple, trying your hardest not to show fear in front of him, a stranger. You’re frustrated as you try your hardest to shut the windows to block the incoming humidity from last night’s rain. 
He says your name, sweet and soft. “It’s almost summer,” he says, his voice calm and collected. 
“So are you telling me, that wasn’t a dream?” 
The two of you stare at each other, unmoving. He tries not to squirm under your gaze, you watch him intently, scraping at the edge of your brain for any ideas. You’re hugging yourself, arms wrapping against your breasts as if you’re trying to hold your body together in a way that alludes to any brokenness you felt over these past two months. 
Neither of you break the silence, and there’s a bang and a crash. Jungkook flinches at the tell-tale signs of the unwanted intruder, the fling of keys across your wooden table and a shrill call of your name. 
“Who’s that?” 
“Probably Hoseok,” Jungkook answers reluctantly, his thumb rubbing between his brows. 
He ignores the extra cool air against his naked bits when he throws the blankets off his lap. Ignores the way you pointedly, shamelessly check him out as he throws on his sweats and a t-shirt. To his dismay he can’t ignore the burn in his cheeks when he knows how you’re scrutinizing him like a one-night stand, trying to recollect any type of concrete thought that would seem plausible enough to explain why you woke up in bed with him. 
Throwing open your bedroom door and leaving you there, he cards a hand through his rogue bedhead to face a frantic Hoseok. 
“It’s so early,” Hoseok warbles to himself, impressed that he’s managed to cop fresh donuts and coffee at nearly 7AM. 
Jungkook sees nothing but an orange blob and Hoseok’s head, bleary and vibrating. Rubbing his eyes he says, “You just realized how early it is? Couldn’t you have stopped by a little later?” 
“No, I couldn’t!” Hoseok’s now invading Jungkook’s personal space, as if you weren’t the bridge between their threads of a relationship, as if he and Hoseok could be friends. “I woke up a few hours ago and I couldn’t go back to sleep. I felt it, Jungkook. It was like an episode of the Twilight Zone. The air shifted and I felt like I was between two parallel universes—I swear on my bad knee that I’m not going through a drug trip—and I felt the world turning and changing and it was so fuckin’ weird I had to come here as soon as Dunkin’ opened. Didn’t you feel it too?” 
“Yeah,” Jungkook exhales, not bothering to hide the disappointment. He smiles sadly, “it’s definitely not her.” 
Hoseok’s expression and excitement over the world’s converging falters, and he pulls Jungkook into a hug. They’re not particularly close and Hoseok’s smaller in size compared to Jungkook, but for those five seconds he feels comforted as he hugs him back. 
“Why don’t you go home and chill out, I don’t mind explaining things to her,” Hoseok offers, “and I’ll call you later and let you know how it went.” 
“Okay,” Jungkook replies, voice slow, “that sounds like a good idea, actually.” 
The situation is royally messed up, and he hates that he can’t blame it on anyone. Jungkook is a practical man, and he knows that he has no use when Hoseok is here with donuts and coffee. More importantly, there is no use torturing himself by letting his heart break in the presence of  you. 
“What is this, a party?” Taehyung’s bare feet smack against the hardwood, and he plops himself in the chair next to Hoseok, “did you get me coffee this time?” 
The two of them bicker good-naturedly, with Hoseok explaining a little kindness goes a long way and Taehyung muttering that kindness doesn’t happen without caffeine. Jungkook excuses himself, feeling very much out of place as he moves to your bedroom to pack his things. 
“You’re leaving?” you’re standing in the middle of your bedroom, now dressed in a long t-shirt and your hair tied clean and away from your face. You look pretty. 
“Yeah,” he says shortly, stuffing his jeans in his bag and making sure all traces of him are gone from your bedroom. “Need to sort things out,” he excuses, and while you may not buy it, he really does. He feels heartbroken, angry at the world. Maybe he could visit Yoongi today and get a demo in, put all this pent-up emotion to good use. “But Hoseok brought you breakfast, he’s a good friend, he’ll explain everything.” 
“But I don’t know Hoseok,” you mumble, picking at the hem of your band shirt. You’re pouting, stubborn. 
“But you don’t know me either,” Jungkook retorts, not unkindly, but not exactly gentle. “I wouldn’t want to overwhelm you.” 
There’s a hard rip at his zipper, putting in a little too much force as he seals away all his things into a compact backpack. Heck, he even went as far as to take back the hoodie he lent you last month, making sure the fabric is crisp and folded so he can stow it away from your curious eyes. He shoves on his denim jacket from last night, still lingering with the scents of sand and saltwater. It makes him sombre, and the selfish part of him wishes to bottle up that scent and tuck it away forever. 
“You’re wrong,” you blurt when he moves toward the door. His hand lingers over the knob, “I do know you.” 
He narrows his dark eyes, taking in your honest expression, “At Jimin’s job, maybe? I did a couple interviews in the beginning of February. Maybe we passed each other while you had lunch with him.” 
“No. You sang to me, talked to me, as much as you could up until this moment.” 
He remembers the stories you fed to him last night under the stars, shameless and full of love as you explained to him of his other self. The life where he’s a renowned singer, a Golden Boy, one of the most revered in his industry. A life he could only dream of, yet somewhere out there he’s living it in another body making that dream come true. 
Thoughts are running through his head, memories that aren’t his own. He could only imagine what you must’ve gone through, recovering in a hospital bed for two months, unable to move but actively aware of the pain and anguish. How confused you must’ve been, aching to figure out what the hell is going on, acutely aware of the voices constantly chattering about your well-being. 
One of those voices being Jeon Jungkook, who was probably taking care of you night and day. 
His head is starting to throb, and he feels like he’s five seconds away from spiraling. 
“I’d… I’d feel more comfortable around you, Jungkook,” you confess, reaching for his hand, “but if you need to, you can go,” you bite your lip, folding in on yourself once more, “if it hurts too much to be around me right now.” 
He gladly takes your hand, rubbing his thumb between your palm. The familiar sparks he feels when he holds it return, but tamps it down for the sake of your vulnerability. It’s not your fault you’re in this situation. “No… I’m just gonna go home for a bit, clear my schedule,” he gives you a little smile, and he inflates a bit when you give him one of your own. “I’ll come back for you after breakfast.”
“You promise?” 
You pull him into an unexpected hug, suddenly fearing he may never come back. 
“I always wondered what the man looked like behind the voice,” and you’re suddenly melting, feeling a sense of familiarity as you let your heart run faster than your brain when you let him hold you in his arms. He smells just like him, too. 
His embrace is tight, and his arms fit in all the little curves and spots that make you feel warm and safe. “And am I living up to your expectations?” it’s a half-joke, after all the both of you are  going simply by feeling and there’s no way in hell would he even attempt to compare himself to well, himself. 
You pull away to look at him, really look at him. Honest, clear eyes. Jungkook thinks he sees the world in your gaze. “Only if you eat a donut before you go,” you reply with a shy smile. 
At your defiant mention of food he can’t help but grin like a maniac, letting you tug him back out to sit at the counter with him and have breakfast. Like he said before, he can’t wait to fall in love all over again. 
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
secret girlfriend - kiara carrera
requested? yes:  noticed you didn’t have anything for kie and the idea just popped into my head but maybe like she meets a girl (another kook? Idk) and starts hanging out with the boys less and they get suspicious so they follow her and see her with the other girl but kie never told them she’s queer so they’re surprised but are obviously super supportive and don’t care. this is my first time ever requesting so not sure if I’m doing this right but do whatever you’d like with it :) (you did great! haha no right or wrong way to request. thank you for sending it in💕) 
fill out this survey to join my taglist, here’s my masterlist, and requests are open.
warnings: I’ve never written for a girl before nor have I been with a girl but... we’ll see how this goes. i decided to make this more from the pogues pov until the end it kind of switches cause i suck lol. FLUFF AT THE END. it’s cute in my opinion. 
word count: 2.1k
“John B, can you drop me off first this time? I’m going to be late for my shift at the wreck.” Kiara checks her phone, pretending to look at the time.
“But we pass Pope’s place first... Why would we turn around and go back?” JJ scrunches his face in confusion, and Kie rolls her eyes, stomping her feet a little bit to get her point across. 
“Fuck off, JJ, I didn’t ask you. JB? Come on, I can’t be late again.” Kiara whines. 
“Sure, we could even come with you. Hang around out back so you can sneak us some food?” 
Panic rises in Kie as she quickly shakes her head. “My dad will be there all shift, so that won’t happen. You guys can’t hang around like that when he’s there.” 
She’s quick to defend, but none of them seem to notice. “Okay fine, but tell Mr. C that we said hi, maybe eventually he’ll like us if you keep doing that,” JJ interjects again, and Kie chuckles. 
“Yeah, maybe.” 
It’s only a few moments later that John B is pulling up to a dock. Kie jumps when she’s close enough. “Thanks. Love you guys! See ya.”
A chorus of, “Love you too” s ring out behind her as she runs away. 
“Was that weird to anyone else?” Pope asks as they pull away, turning back towards Heywards. 
“Nah. I think she mentioned the other day about someone quitting, so she’s covering shifts until they find someone else.” John B speaks without taking his eyes off of the water in front of him.
“Sweet, I’m going to apply,” JJ smirks, and Pope can’t help but shake his head. 
“You do that.” 
“Kie just texted that she’s not coming.” John B says as he exits the chateau. The four of them were supposed to go drive around the island, get up to some real Pogue mischief. 
“What? Did she say why?” JJ sits up in the hammock, causing it to wobble, and Pope almost falls out of the other side. 
“They’re painting the new wreck sign or something like that. Guess they haven’t hired anyone yet.” JB shrugs and shoves his phone into his back pocket. 
“Well, driving around doing nothing doesn’t sound like fun when there’s no anyone there to stop us from doing dumb shit.” JJ sighs.
“Hey, I’m pretty good at that.” Pope is offended but laughs it off. 
“We could go fishing? Kie hates fishing.” John B looks at the two of them, waiting for confirmation. 
“Alright, fine. Let’s go fishing.” 
“So you’re telling me that there’s a whole part of the island with teenagers looking for a job, and Mr. C hasn’t hired anyone in two weeks?” Pope thinks out loud. JJ and John B are pulling a net in, but Pope is lying on his back at the from of the boat. 
“What are you talking about? And why?” JJ groans, giving one final pull to get the fish on to the deck. 
“Kie keeps telling us she’s filling in momentarily. Do you guys really think it’d be that hard to find someone to work? Mr. C could replace anyone at any time.” Pope sits up to find John B and JJ both looking at him. 
“So, what are you getting at? That Kie is lying to us?” John B asks, his head tilting to the side ever so slightly. 
“Obviously, I don’t know for sure, but it seems like it.” 
It’s silent for a few moments.
“Wait, Pope is right. She’s been dipping out early or not showing up at all, and her excuse is always the wreck. Why don’t we go see if she’s there now?” 
“Good idea.” JB drops the net in his hand and resumes his spot behind the wheel. 
JJ and Pope are holding on to dock posts, waiting as John B goes inside to find Kie. He’s not gone for very long before they see him jogging back to the boat. 
“She’s not there. Mr. C was, though. Said he thought she was with us. I covered for her, but now we know.” John B shrugs as he steps onto the boat, pushing off with one leg. 
“Kie never lies to us. She’s gotta be macking someone she doesn’t want us to know about. Right? Any other ideas?” JJ looks to Pope and JB individually, but they both shake their heads.
“Ugh, what if it’s a kook. Surely she wouldn’t date Topper, right? Or Rafe? I guess Kelce is a possibility. In that case, she can keep sneaking around.” Pope groans and makes a gagging motion with his finger. 
“Oh my god, wait. That’s perfect, Pope. We’ve got to catch her in the act. The pogues haven’t had a Sunset Saturday to Sunday Sunrise hang out in a while. Let’s have one, invite her, and when she makes an excuse or straight up leaves, we’ll follow.” John B smiles proudly, and surprisingly, Pope and JJ praise him for his idea. 
“And if she doesn’t leave?” Pope asks. 
“We’ll do it again next weekend.” 
Sunset Saturday to Sunday Sunrise used to be a Pogue tradition. They usually happened during the school year. It gave them all time to hang out and be with each other after long weeks of learning. As summer started creeping up, they got less and less because their time spent together got higher and higher. 
When Kiara agreed and told them she’d be there, they all got even more excited to bring the tradition back. 
The four brought out every blanket and pillow in John B’s house to make their beds on the grass outside. Pope and JJ always combined and shared. It gave them more blankets, therefore, more comfort. They were always very proud of their result. 
As the sun went down, everyone shared a high and low from the week. JJ’s was something stupid like the actual high he got from a new strain of weed he tried. John B talked about waves he’d surfed at the beginning of the week. Pope said he liked sharing a makeshift bed with JJ, and everyone laughed. Kie said her high was finally finding time to hang out with her boys. They all side-eyed each other behind her back.
Their plan was to fall asleep, which isn’t supposed to happen on a night like this. The point is to stay up and watch the sunrise, but only a few hours in, each boy was performing their best fake snore. Kiara groaned, “Seriously? Have you guys gotten so old that you can’t even stay awake all night?”
Instead of getting up like they expected her to, Kie laid down. She snuggled into her blankets and followed them in falling asleep. 
Sunday Sunrise came soon enough, waking them all up with blinding golden light casting over the water. Each one moaned and groaned, sitting up to stretch out their backs and legs after sleeping on the ground. 
“Guess traditions change after a while.” John B laughs, and so do the others. 
“It was still fun.” Kie smiles back at him, and he nods. 
Then the four of them set up Kie’s phone on a timer and pose multiple times with the vibrant colored sky in the background. Most of them are too dark to see their faces as a result of the backlight, but no one complained. Laughter was shared, and that was all they needed. 
Until Kie picked up her phone, read a text message, and made an excuse to leave. Pope, John B, and JJ all exchanged looks as they hopped into the van to follow. 
The van is pretty easy to spot, so they had to be cautious of the distance they left between each other. Kie led them back to Figure 8, and when she passed her house, all three got more nervous. They parked the van at the edge of the neighborhood and began walking. It was 7am, no one would be awake this early on a Sunday. 
“Wait, guys, there’s her car.” Pope sticks his head out around a corner and then brings it back. 
John B leans so he can see around, JJ over him, and Pope over him. They watch as Kie gets out of her car. 
“That house was for sale a few weeks ago, do you think her parents bought it? Or some family members?” JJ contemplates.
“How do you know it was for sale?” John B asks, keeping his eyes on Kiara. She’s fixing her clothes, smoothing them out, straightening her shirt, and making small adjustments. 
“I look at listings sometimes when I’m at the hotel. Why not?” 
The front door to the house opens, revealing you. “Wait guys, shut up.”
All three of them focus on you as you smile big and welcome Kiara into your arms. 
“Bro does Kie have a sister or cousin we don’t know about? Damn.” JJ marvels at you.
Then, as you start to pull away from the hug, Kie presses her lips to yours. The boys can hear your collective giggles from here.
“Not her sister or cousin, JJ.” Pope clicks his tongue and stands up straight. 
“Damn it, I’m starting to think my type is girls who like girls.” JJ groans and also stands up straight. He’s not wrong. Recently, he’s been rejected by three girls because they weren’t straight. 
John B is still watching the two of you. Mostly because it’s cute, and JB likes seeing Kie happy. 
While John B is preoccupied, JJ and Pope had started messing around. Pushing and shoving each other playfully, whispering insults at each other as jokes. JB doesn’t know how it started, but he does know it ended with them knocking over a line of trashcans. John B straightens immediately, and the three boys freeze. 
“Are you fucking kidding me?” John B pinches the bridge of his nose while he whisper yells at them. 
“What the hell was that?” They hear your voice instead of Kiara’s because Kie saw John B’s head snap out of view at the last second. 
“Let’s go see.” Kie pulls you towards the corner of the house, already pissed off at the boys. The three of them nearly jump out of their skin when she rounds the corner, pulling you by your hand. 
“It’s just my dumbass friends. What the fuck, boys?” 
“JJ is the one that pushed me into the trash can.” Pope blabs. 
“Hey! You pushed me first, I wa-”
“Dude, it doesn’t matter, you gave away our cover.” 
The three of them start bickering, and Kie looks at you with an eye roll. 
“Excuse me? Remember me? Can you tell me what you’re doing here?” Kiara waves her hand, and you can’t help but laugh behind her. 
Pope and JJ immediately look at John B, since this was his plan, after all. JB doesn’t catch on until way after he’s supposed to. “Fine, I guess I’ll tell her.”
“Basically, Pope said you’d been acting weird, and there was no way that your dad hadn’t hired someone at the wreck, which meant you were lying about where you were going. And-”
“Wow, thank you for putting the blame on me.” Pope flashes a frown. 
John B ignores him. “And we missed you. You know? You were cutting out on our plans early or not showing up, and it wasn’t as fun with you not around. So we thought you were dating one of the Kooks we hate... and that led to us following you over here.”
“And did you find what you’re looking for?” She crosses her arms over her chest. 
“Why didn’t you tell us, Kie?” John B looks up at her, a serious expression on his face. John B had always confided in Kie when he thought it was something JJ or Pope wouldn’t care about. 
“I don’t know, I didn’t know what you’d say if you knew I liked girls. Like I know you guys are always there for me bu-”
“No, not that part. Why didn’t you tell us that you found someone and you’re happy? That’s all we want for you, Kie.” John B stands up, and the other two follow him. Your heart is about to melt from the sweetness of their friendship. 
“He’s right.” Pope nods. Kiara looks at JJ last.
“Yeah, he’s right. I mean, I’ve had a crush on you since I met you, but I’m not hurt or anything.” JJ teases, shrugging his shoulders with a pouty face. “I’m kidding Kie, we’ll support you in anything you do.”
Kiara has tears in her eyes as she reaches forward to pull them into a group hug. “I love you guys.” 
She pushes them off of her gently and turns halfway, so she’s kind of facing you at the same time as them. The smile on her face is one of the biggest you’ve ever seen as she tugs on your arm to step closer.
“Oh, and this is Y/N, my secret but not so secret anymore, girlfriend.”
thank you for reading! please leave feedback and reblog if you liked it. 
kiara carrera taglist: @jjfuckr​
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Pale Rose - Lion Whisperer AU Chapter 2 [Starker]
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Chapter 2: Mister Six AM. Peter groans as he turns around in his bed to slap the alarm. The sun is already shining through the curtains and he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Peter cracks his back and sighs, slowly raising his hand again to grab his phone. He unplugs it from the charger and frowns when he sees a wall of notifications. He puts in his code and opens his email first. He gasps when he reads his daily donation update. Their donation goal of 100k dollars was met. And kicked out of the park by another 560k. The number of separate donations has him lose his breath. How did so many people find this fundraiser? Peter opens the next email. YouTube contacted him to… Congratulate him? Peter’s eyes go wide when he sees the number in the email and he immediately switches apps to check his YouTube account. How many subscribers did he have yesterday? Around 700k? 
“Holy shit…” he mumbles. 1.8 million subscribers . Peter jolts to sit upright in his bed, his bare chest uncovered from the thin sheet as he scrolls through the countless new comments he has. He pants, not believing what is happening. He’s pretty sure he can’t even read all of them anymore at this point. On his most recent video, the most liked comment sparks his interest. Who else is here because of Tony Stark?
“Oh, no, he didn’t.” Peter switches apps again and opens his Instagram. He stares at another wall of notifications and opts to just turn them off for people who aren’t mutuals. He’s about to hit the search bar to find Tony Stark’s Instagram in the list of people he follows, but with his notification wall compressed to just mutuals, one shines through.
Tony Stark now follows you. They’re mutuals now. Peter immediately hits his account and stares at the latest post. It’s a candid of Peter with Adi and Nedda. Tony didn’t have a phone with him, though, or a camera. How could he have taken this picture? Peter’s breath is stuck in his throat as he scrolls down to the caption, almost afraid of what he might read. Meet Peter Parker. A bright sun, that rivals the one up in the sky, who also happens to work with cats. Big cats. Wakanda’s Sanctuary, almost 300k square feet of land, is the home of lions and other animals that are native to Africa. There, Peter takes care of the animals that are endangered because of human interference. Animals that can no longer be released into the wild; that were saved from horrible private zoos or who fell victim to poachers. I was blessed with both a terrible sunburn and a generous conversation with Peter, in which he told me about his goals to raise money in order to fight poaching and to raise awareness for climate change. I do encourage all of you to watch at least one of his videos, just to get to know him and his feline friends a little better and to give him that small bit of ad revenue to help him achieve his goals. The world would be a better place if we were all a little bit more like Peter Parker. Peter stares at his screen, his cheeks flushed red at the endless stream of compliments. Peter reads over the last line again and again and again and again. Tony’s post got him this increase in subscribers. Tony’s post got him all of those donations. This was all because of Tony. Peter tears his eyes away from the phone to look at the small card on his bedside table. Matte black. No name. Just a phone number. Tony’s phone number. Maybe doing a collab with the billionaire philanthropist isn’t such a bad idea after all... - Peter assesses himself in the mirror. He’s never been this nervous for a video before. Or, ever at all, really. Tony Stark immediately agreed to being present for the move. Even on the phone, the man had been incredibly charming. Peter ruffles his hair in an attempt to make it look good, while sucking at his teeth. He swears quietly, knowing spending time with the lions will mess his do up again anyways. Peter opts to not think too much about it and covers himself head to toe in sunscreen, as he does every morning. He takes one last glance in the mirror before grabbing his baseball cap and putting on his walking shoes. When Peter opens the front door of his apartment at The Sanctuary he gulps and immediately walks back in to throw the door shut with a loud bang. Tony was already there. Right outside his small, messy room. Peter saw him well enough to have the image of Tony’s outfit stuck in front of his eyes. Camo shorts, brown walking shoes and a green shirt. His brown tinted pilot sunglasses hide his eyes mysteriously and fuck. He looks hot. Peter takes a deep breath in through his nose and closes his eyes, trying to calm his nerves. “Here we go…” he whispers to nobody but himself and when he opens the door again, he yelps, refraining from throwing it shut straight away again. Tony’s right in front of him, hand raised to knock on Peter’s door. The older man cocks his head and smiles. “Morning, Rose,” Tony quips. Peter swallows his breath and chokes when he hears the nickname. “You rushed back in, so I figured I’d come say hi.” “Yeah!” Peter exclaims, laughing sheepishly. “I- eh… I saw you didn’t bring a cap. I was gonna grab you one.” He presses his lips together in a smile. Yes. Good excuse. “A… cap?” “Yeah, a cap.” Peter doesn’t know what to say next and awkwardly stares at Tony’s features. “Should I have brought a cap, then?” Peter jolts when Tony speaks again and he points at his own head. “You get sunburnt at the top of your head quickly out there and I’m guessing you don’t want to put sunscreen on your scalp, so…” Peter swiftly takes off his own hat and pushes it onto Tony’s head. The man is startled by the gesture, but doesn’t protest. Peter stares at the man wide-eyed when he realizes what he just did. “-Ah,” he stutters. “Sorry about that, I should’ve asked, shit-” “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Tony laughs. “I get it, okay? When we first met I was just the random dude you see in the news occasionally and now I completely flipped your life with one post you didn’t want me to make.” Peter stands frozen in place, staring at Tony and pretends that that is exactly the reason why he’s so flustered. “I’m sorry for not asking permission. That’s on me. But- please- don’t feel like you have to do anything for me, okay? You don’t get the title of philanthropist by asking for things in return.” Peter takes a step back and looks at his feet with a frown. Tony clears his throat. “So, what are you gonna use for your head?” Peter looks up so he can stare at Tony again. Tony gestures towards Peter’s hair by nodding. “You just pressed your cap on me. Thank you for letting me borrow it, by the way, but don’t you need the protection as well?” “Right!” Peter exclaims, turning to fall on his knees and crawl under the bed to get a small box. He takes out an old, slightly more worn cap and waves it in front of his own face. “That’ll do.” - “Good morning everybody,” Peter smiles at the GoPro in his hand. “It is currently 7am, we got a busy day ahead of us: we’re going to be switching enclosures for two prides and if that goes smoothly, we’ll hopefully be taking Adi, Nedda and Beru for a walk this afternoon.” Peter looks down at his feet for a second and then back up into the lens with a wide grin. “Now, you must be wondering why I say ‘we’ for the walk, as that’s a thing I do without the volunteers of The Sanctuary, but I actually have a very special guest with me today!” Peter turns around quickly, whipping the camera with him until Tony enters the shot behind him. The man smirks and cocks an eyebrow. “Hello, there.” Peter feels Tony’s hot breath in his neck and has to stay focussed on the camera so as to not to lose his composure. A lot of people are gonna watch this video, simply because Tony Stark is in it, so he has to sell this right. For the lions. At least, that’s what Peter tells himself. “Tony Stark!” “Me!” Tony raises his hands above his head and they both pull a face, resulting in the both of them bursting out with laughter. “So,” Peter says, angling his camera correctly again. “A lot of you peeps have been asking me to make a video from the perspective of someone visiting The Sanctuary as opposed to just me with the GoPro attached to my arm, so I figured I could take this opportunity to see how well you handle a camera, Mr. Stark.” Peter presents the GoPro to Tony who looks at Peter’s fingers for a second. He really doesn’t like to be handed things, but every molecule inside his body is screaming at him to touch the boy, so he does something he rarely allows. With a grin, he takes the camera out of Peter’s hands, lingering a little longer than necessary and turns it until he’s no longer in shot. Instead, Peter’s all the viewer is able to see now. “Hey!” Peter exclaims. “You’re in this vid too!” “Yes, but you are infinitely more interesting to look at.”  Peter scratches the back of his head and looks down, trying to hide his blush behind the worn cap. Tony clears his throat. “You doing your work, kid.” Saved it , Tony hopes. “Don’t think anybody goes to the Sanctuary Channel to watch my face.” “Well-” Peter exclaims, standing upright again with his lips pressed on top of each other. “I was also thinking that this video will be the one most people get introduced to my channel with because- well… You’re in it.” Peter nods, holding his chin with his thumb and index finger. “So, yeah, you can ask me anything that comes to mind. Doesn’t matter if I’ve touched on it before in other vids.” “Well, then, Mr. Parker-” “Peter,” the young man interrupts him. “Feel so old when people call me that.” “Sheesh, kid, you’re what, 22? Just a few days ago you were talking to me about retirement- we’re in the 21st century, people live ‘til 85 at least.” Peter laughs and boy, does Tony love making him laugh. “For the record,” Peter chuckles. “I’m 23. So that’s way older than 22.” Tony snorts. “And my workfield isn’t exactly without danger, Mr. Stark.” “Ha!” Tony exclaims. “Way to make me feel old, kid.” “But-” “If I’m not allowed to call you mister than you’re not calling me that either. Tony, kid. Call me Tony.” Peter hides his face behind his hands. “I’m gonna have to spend a whole day editing this vid, don’t I?” “Probably.” - “Alright!” Peter says excitedly as he hops into the truck. He slowly drives over the Sanctuary grounds.  “Your timing is actually quite ironic, since we’re moving the Avengers today.” “The- oh?” Tony pretends he wasn’t already aware of this. He’s seen the videos of this particular pride. He knows what’s coming. He puts the camera diagonally and Peter chuckles, trying to steer with one hand while flailing slightly with his other to make Tony hold the camera straight again. “A group of four males. Banner, Thor, Rogers and-” Peter cocks one eyebrow with a smirk. “Stark.” “You named a lion after me?” Tony feigns his surprise with a wide smile and Peter scoffs a laugh. “These boys joined The Sanctuary as cubs about four years ago. Were all part of a circus.” Tony snorts and has to stop himself from losing his composure. “That’s not far off from the real thing,” he jokes. Peter presses his lips on top of each other in a grin. “Trust me, Mr- Tony.” Peter gently hits the brake and they slow down. “It’s quite scary.” “Says the kid who works with lions for a living.” “And hyenas,” Peter adds quickly. “And leopards.” “No black panthers?” “That’s the leopards,” Peter chuckles. “Leopards that are melanistic are commonly known as black panthers. But they’re still leopards, really.” Peter shrugs nonchalantly. Tony sniffs once. He’s getting schooled by a boy less than half his age. But he enjoys it. Somehow. Most of the volunteers were already waiting for Peter at the enclosure. There’s a large truck with a cage on top and a lot more commotion than Tony expected. “If you told me there’d be this many people I’d have prepped a speech,” Tony quips. Peter sighs dramatically and gets out of the truck. Tony follows swiftly and stares at how Peter speaks Xhosa with the other volunteers. It looks funny, almost, seeing a white boy speak the language so easily- fluently. After a minute, Tony grows bored, so he turns the camera to face him and pulls a few funny faces at it. When he realizes this video is going to be seen by a lot of people, he brings the GoPro closer to his face and whispers. “That was for your eyes only, Mr. Parker,” he grins.  “Tony?” The older man looks up from the lens when Peter calls out for him and subconsciously, Tony smiles wide at the mention of his name. “You ready for the good part?” Peter shuffles past a few of the volunteers towards the gate and Tony makes his way over to fencing. “Oh, I am very curious, kid.”  It’s not long before Peter’s by himself in the enclosure, the gate closed behind him. He casually strolls around, calling out the names of each pride member. Tony can’t help himself and inches closer to the fence.  “So, these lions are four years old?” “Nearing five, yeah. They were only a couple months old when we found them. Sure made a wreck of my house when I raised them,” Peter laughs. “Pro-tip-” He raises one hand and only now Tony notices Peter’s holding a small chunk of meat in it. “-if you ever raise lion cubs; two at the same time tops. Not three. Never four. Four will make you so sleep deprived you think you have five cubs on your bed.” The boy chuckles at his own comment. “That was an interesting night…” Tony shakes his head with a wide grin. “I can imagine.” Peter suddenly cocks his head- listening. He turns and spots the first lion slowly making his way towards him. “M- Tony,” Peter says, looking back at the billionaire for a second. “Meet Rogers.” “Already have,” Tony groans, which makes Peter laugh. His focus immediately shifts to the lion and he squats, preparing himself for the imminent cuddles. He tosses the meat from his hand directly into the lion’s mouth. “Rogers is the most fragile of the pride. He was severely malnourished when he came here and though he bounced back, the joints in his back legs are not great. M’gonna have to help him get into the truck.” Tony listens carefully. Peter’s voice is sweet and soft. The white lion huffs friendly and presses himself against Peter, who pushes back against him with his head. When Peter opens his eyes, he nods at another lion approaching in the distance. “That’s Banner. He’s curious, but incredibly shy. Also the smallest of this pride. If none of you were here he’d come say hi, but the volunteers make him nervous, so he’ll probably keep an eye on us from over there.” Peter nods in the general direction of where the lion is and Tony turns the camera to get a shot of Banner. Not much later, a gigantic white lion approaches. He holds his head high and has a big mane. When he gets closer, Rogers immediately pulls back and lays down next to Peter. The big white lion claims Peter’s space and attention and the boy laughs as he pets him. “Thor’s the biggest- OOF!” The lion drops his weight on top of Peter, whose smile doesn’t falter. “Also the heaviest,” he adds. The lion huffs once, almost as if he’s protesting against Peter’s comments. “And the loudest.” Peter scratches Thor under his chin and the lion automatically opens his mouth right next to Peter’s face. His head could fit in there twice. At least. And the teeth are absolutely gigantic. The sight has shivers run down Tony’s spine. This is normal . This is Peter’s life. He knows what he’s doing, the boy does this every day. Tony bites the inside of his cheek. Lions. These animals are lions . Yet they act like house cats around him. Thor gets up again and without any incentive, he jumps into the truck. “He knows what’s up,” Tony laughs as he turns to the truck to take a shot of Thor from close by. He’s startled by a low rumble coming from Thor’s throat. “Is that purring?” he asks nervously. Peter stands up again, patting some dirt from the back of his shorts. “Lions don’t purr, that’s a growl. You better take a step back Mr- Tony.” Tony would make an offhand comment on how even though Peter corrects himself, he still ends up calling him mister, if not for the lion’s growls increasing in volume. He takes a hasty step back and Peter tosses another chunk of meat into the truck for Thor to eat. “The only big cats that purr are cheetahs and cougars.” “Now, that’s a fun fact. Good to know,” Tony says sheepishly, trying to hide his nerves.  Tony frowns when Peter gets onto his knees in front of the truck.  “What are you doing?” “Helping Rogers.” “You’re gonna let that gigantic beast step on you?” “Better than lifting him,” Peter quips back. He turns his head and whistles. “Rogie- Rogie, boy, come on!” Peter’s voice is high as he coos at the lion. Tony presses his lips on top of each other to stifle a laugh. Rogie, boy. He should remember that one for the real Steve. Rogers responds like a trained dog, but skips Peter completely by putting his front legs against the truck. He hops, but can’t actually get in. “Buddy, your balls are in my face, could you please get up?” Peter pats Rogers’ thigh before quickly placing his hand down again to brace himself. With great difficulty, the lion places one foot on Peter’s shoulder, not pressing his full weight down on the boy. It was enough of a step to help him get in, though. Peter stands up straight again with a triumphant look on his face. He tosses another chunk of meat into the truck and Steve takes it gladly. Thor had already laid down again, not too bothered anymore. Peter cocks his head at Banner, who’s still a bit away, but has decided to come a little closer when he noticed Thor and Steve entering the truck. Peter smiles kindly and squats, presenting a chunk of meat to the shy lion. Tony is absolutely enthralled by Peter’s control. The boy seems relaxed but if you look closely you can see how in tune he is with everything. How he keeps an eye on his surroundings. Banner creeps closer and when he’s next to Peter, it’s obvious how small he actually is. His mane is also way shorter than that of the other two. Tony stares wide-eyed at how Peter handfeeds Bruce the piece of meat. Handfeeds . “Not scared you’re gonna lose a hand?” “Nah,” Peter replies quietly. “Occupational hazard. And I trust my lions more than I trust humans, to be fair.” “Ouch,” Tony says to make light of the situation, trying to hide how that comment actually kind of stung. Peter chuckles, combing Banner’s short mane with his fingers. “We met three days ago, m- Tony.” “Does it really take you that much effort not to call me mister?” Tony laughs, hoping to steer the conversation in another direction. “I was raised with manners.” He grins at Tony and tosses the next piece of meat into the truck. Banner doesn’t hesitate anymore and jumps into the truck as well. “It physically hurts me not to call you mister.” “Sure, kid.” Tony zooms in on Peter’s face. “Well then, if I get to call you Parker you have permission to call me Mr. Stark.” “Deal!” Peter exclaims immediately. The boy’s smile is so bright Tony is pretty sure he’d be blinded by it if he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses. After another minute, the lions in the truck are getting a little restless. Peter sighs audibly and turns to face the enclosure. “You can guess who’s fashionably late.” Peter glances at Tony behind him. “As per usual.” “Time management is not my strong suit! And I was early this morning,” Tony laughs. Peter places his hands on his hips, guiding Tony’s eyes to look at the boy’s pert butt. He quickly looks back up at the back of Peter’s head. Now’s not the time for filthy thoughts… Maybe later. “Staaark!” Peter belts. “Here, boy!” Peter makes a couple of those funny noises he made when Tony first met him. “Why do you do all that? Those… Uwus?” “Wha- the noises?” Peter snorts. “Can’t believe Tony Stark just said uwu.” “Hey-” the older man protests. “You said it first! And I am hip with the youngsters.” “You know what? I suddenly don’t feel so old anymore,” Peter says with a grin.  “You, Parker, are a meanie.” Tony points accusingly and Peter laughs. “Ouchies, that huwt my feewings.”  “Just explain the noise, please-” Tony lets out an overdramatic exasperated sigh, indicating to Peter that he’s not actually annoyed. Entertained, would be the right word. Peter nods with a smile and turns back to face the enclosure so he can make the sound once more. “The huffing is actually me mimicking the sound of a mama-lion,” Peter laughs. “It’s comforting to them.” “See, you could’ve just said that straight away.” Peter shrugs nonchalantly, but before he can reply with another quick-witted comment, they all spot the dark mane emerging from the bushes. Stark really does take his time, slowly placing each paw in front of the other, as if he’s on a catwalk. Tony chuckles at his own thought. Catwalk . Stark stares at Peter as he crosses the distance between them and Peter preps himself by sitting down already. “Stark’s the most affectionate of the four,” Peter says as the lion presses into him. The force with which Stark rubs his face against Peter’s has the boy laugh and push back. “Next to Adi and Nedda, he probably likes me the most out of all the lions here.” He pats Stark’s back. “He’s also the most handsome of all the male lions in The Sanctuary. Hands down.” “Isn’t that subjective?” Tony asks quickly, pretending the indirect praise isn’t making him tingle. Peter shrugs before he buries his face in the dark mane for a second. “For lion standards, this is a pretty boy. Stark’s also the most sexually engaged.” Tony freezes up at how casually Peter talks about this. He wonders if Peter is actually indirectly talking about him. Not about the lion he’s petting. “That is, if we would breed here.” “You don’t?” “I don’t breed captive lions. The ones that we have in The Sanctuary are saved from situations that make them unable to be released back into the wild again. We spay every female to prevent them from reproducing.” “Why not the males?” “Spaying both is a lot of hassle for something that’s not necessary. If we were to neuter the males they would still be affected by the females’ cycles. That’s why we spay the females, who are unaffected by the males." “Ah, that makes sense.” Peter studies the near-black mane on Stark. “Should probably take these boys out for a walk tomorrow. Lower their testosterone a bit.” Peter looks up at Tony and gestures at Stark’s head of hair. “There were a couple of wild lionesses right outside The Sanctuary about a week ago. Stark must’ve picked up on them and their cycle ‘cause he’s a little sexually frustrated right now. As is evident by the dark colour of his mane.” Tony licks his lips. This isn’t happening. This isn’t actually happening. He shifts where he stands, hoping his shorts hide his own growing sexual frustration. Peter smiles wide and gets Stark’s attention by presenting a chunk of meat in front of the lion’s face. He tosses it into the truck and before the others in there can get to it, Stark has jumped in. Peter carefully closes the cage on top of the truck and nods at Tony, who still hasn’t said anything in an attempt to hide how flustered he is right now. “Let’s go!”
More: Next Chapter (yet to be posted) Masterpost (yet to be made)
Taglist: @professional-benaddict​ @tonystarkweneedyou​
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dikiyvter · 3 years
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       Nyx did a similar post for Lio a lil while back, and ever since I’ve had the brainworms to do something like it for Gio and Riga, so... here we are. This is ultimately meaningless, and probably nonsense given my inability to comprehend time, I just think it’s fun to think about.
CURRENT: 7AM- Gio wakes up. Slowly. Very slowly. Morning routine still consists of a quick shower/bath, getting dressed, and finding breakfast for himself. 8-8:30AM - If Gio is travelling, this is typically the time he’ll pack up and camp and get back on the road. If he’s in a city, then he’s sitting on his bed/at a table in his room, checking his maps, checking his supplies, and figuring out what he’ll be doing for the day. 9AM - If he’s in a city, then this is typically the time he actually leaves his room and starts doing stuff. Stuff can mean... a wide variety of things. Shopping for supplies, setting up for performances, gathering materials out in the wilds. 11:30-12PM - If travelling, this is when he’ll stop for a bit to eat and drink. If in a city, he’ll return from whatever he’s doing and munch on his food as he sets up for a performance. 1PM-5PM - If travelling, 5PM is typically the time he stops and makes camp. In in a city, it’s more of whatever needs to be done, and a lot of fucking around. He might return to his room, do some drawing, write in his journal, etc etc, or he might just wander around doing whatever he wants- Bothering his friends, doing more performances, etc. 6PM - Generally when he settles into his room for the night... assuming he has a room. If not? More fucking around. 8PM - Dinner or another bath b/c hes Picky, depending. 9PM - TAVERN TIME BAY BEE. Typically, anyways- some days, especially those where he’s just arrived in town, prove to be a bit too exhausting, and he’ll instead stay in his room... or begin scouting out a place to rest. While travelling, this is the time he’s typically falling asleep by. 10PM - Gio leaves the tavern and goes back to his room. Assuming he doesn’t have company, he falls asleep pretty quickly-- If he doesn’t have a room, then he scouts out a safe place to rest for the night.  
LAB SCHEDULE:  Gio’s routine is very flexible, as the tasks he has for the day can vary wildly; Typically, though, his schedule is similar to this. 5:30AM-6AM -  Wake up. Morning routine consists of a quick shower, getting dressed, and making breakfast for himself and Dottore, assuming his creator is awake. Between 5 and 6, Gio usually has time to himself. He typically spends this time in his room reading and taking notes on whatever latest textbook he’s gotten his hands on-- Though he’ll sometimes also use this time to draw, if he so chooses. If Dottore is up & awake at this point, he may sit with him in his office and do these things.  7AM - The latest possible time for any lab work to start. If there’s no lab work to be done that day, Gio will typically take up position in the infirmary and spend the rest of his day there- Otherwise he’ll be doing work around the lab ( cleaning, prepping specimen, etc ) or in Dottore’s office ( writing reports, organizing files, etc ). 12PM - Around noon Gio checks in with Dottore to see if he needs anything; He’ll typically bring a small plate of food and a cup of tea or coffee at this time. Gio may make himself some food if he feels hungry, but typically he won’t be eating at this time. He may take a short break to sit with his creator if the mood is good. 1PM-ish- Work resumes. May be the same as earlier work, may be different; He could go back to the infirmary, or he could spend the rest of the evening in Dottore’s office doing more admin work. It depends on what needs to be done for the day. 6PM~8PM - Depending on the work that needs to be done, the time Gio gets around to this could vary heavily. Gio will leave whatever work he’s doing to return to Dottore and check in on him again, typically bringing a plate of food with him. Gio will usually take a short break to eat as well, either in his room or with Dottore in his office.  9PM - Shift change, usually. Gio will clean up the lab, check on Dottore one last time, and will either spend the rest of his night in Dottore’s office, or in his room- Though some work can go late into the night, in which case... he will still be working. 12AM-1AM - Heads to bed somewhere around here. Gio requires far less sleep than the average person-- though he’d like to sleep in, it doesn’t impact him to get so little rest. 
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4AM - Riga habitually wakes up before the crack of dawn. Morning routine consists mostly just of dragging himself out of bed and getting dressed. If he’s up to it, then he’ll make an attempt to brush and braid his hair... needless to say he very rarely feels up to that particular task. 5AM - If on the road, this is typically where he’ll pack up camp and set out again. When stationed at a camp or when in town, he’ll typically stay in his tent ( or room ) and read/write until the sun comes up.  6AM - When stationed somewhere, this is generally where he’ll get up and cook breakfast... assuming the other soldiers won’t mind him doing so. It’s not been an uncommon occurrence for fellow members of the fatui to refuse eating anything made by him-- In which case, he’ll quietly make a fire away from the camp, make himself food, and eat alone. When in a city, he’ll grab himself something to eat around this time, assuming he’s hungry.  7AM - Where his day really starts. Riga will either set out to gather materials or, most likely, to try and gather information regarding Gio’s whereabouts. If he has reports to fill out or a letter due home, he’ll probably still be in his room working on those.  12-2PM - Riga might stop for food somewhere in-between. When stationed somewhere, he might return to camp for lunch-- assuming the others treat him well. When they don’t, he might find something to snack on while he works, but unless he’s run out of things to do, he won’t return to camp just yet. 8-9PM ( or sundown ) - When on the road, where he stops to make camp. When stationed somewhere, the point where he’ll typically return in time for dinner ( which he will either cook or take a portion and eat alone depending on those around him ). When in the city, this is where he’ll find himself something to eat, depending on whether or not he’s hungry. Note that he might, on occasion, head to the tavern around this time-- Riga however does not drink, and he doesn’t usually stay for too long.  10PM - Night routine. Will most likely bathe, assuming he didn’t do so before dinner ( in the case of any blood/gore from battle ). At this point he’ll retire to his tent/room, and spend the rest of the night either continuing writing letters/reports, or reading whatever book he has on hand with him.  11PM-12AM- typically falls asleep at some point between here. Riga does not like sleeping; If he can help it, he’ll try and stay up later, whether that be in doing more work/reading, or in just laying awake fighting off sleep. 
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metalbatandzenko · 4 years
What are the OPM Characters’ Sleep Schedules like aka I’m trying to vague myself so I’m shamed into going to sleep
Blast-Who fucking knows man. Probably in a voluntary coma given how unresponsive he is.
Tatsumaki-Stays up fairly late watching soap operas. Usually aims to be going to bed by 11pm, and is up by 8am. You better not make her wake up before that without clearing it by her 3-5 business days prior.
Fubuki-Queen of luxury. Goes to sleep at 12am with a face mask and her fancy pajamas, then sleeps in until 10am. She has been known to throw people who disturb her in her sleep. 
Bang-Jokes about being old and going to sleep early. This is true. He is asleep from 8pm to 4am. But once it’s 4am he’s up baby! And he expects Charanko to be up as well so they can share a pot of tea. Charanko is suffering.
Bomb-Pretty much the same as Bang except he goes to sleep at 9pm and wakes up at 5am. Because he’s not an animal.
Atomic Samurai-Resents that he mentioned once that he went to bed at 8pm and Bang gave him a knowing look. Now stays up until 12am to spite Bang and prove he’s not old. He still has to wake up at 5am because that’s when he requires his disciples to wake up. He is suffering.
Child Emperor-Someone please let this boy sleep. Being the Hero Association’s go to tech master, a teacher at his school, and a student himself, he’s got really rough hours. He’s lucky if he gets to bed at midnight, and has to be up at 6am to eat breakfast and get ready for school.
Metal Knight-Probably has an alarm set for when he needs to go to sleep or some shit. Goes to sleep at 11pm, wakes up at 7am. He’s determined to get his eight hours for optimal brain function, but that’s all the time he’s willing to spare.
King-He’s trying to have a more standard sleep schedule, but right now he’s sleeping from 2am to 12pm. He pulled an all nighter to try and fix it, then fell back into his old patterns because the new doki doki sisters came out and he played through the story in one night.
Zombieman-Can fall asleep whenever or wherever. Has fallen asleep fighting monsters before while he waited for them to tire themselves out. Baffles everyone by always being awake when they contact him. Child Emperor texts him at odd hours with questions and always gets an immediate response.
Drive Knight-Does not sleep. He charges himself for an hour every day, but he’s awake for that. When does his brain process things? It’s simple. He doesn’t. He’s a freaking moron.
Pig God-Has a good sleep schedule he sticks to diligently. He’s aware the Hero Association could call on him at any time, so he sleeps from 10pm to 7am. 
Superalloy Darkshine-Sticks to a strict sleep schedule as well, but more because he wants to keep his body in top shape but needs the time to train. Goes to sleep at 9pm and wakes up at 6am. Probably pounds two protein shakes right when he wakes up.
Watchdog Man-Doesn’t sleep for extended periods of time. Rarely leaves his post, so he takes short naps throughout the day while he’s up there.
Flashy Flash-Sleeps in two hour bursts when he needs it. The most common bursts are 9am to 11am and 6pm to 8pm. Makes an effort to be awake when other heroes are asleep. 
Genos-Tends to stay up a bit later than Saitama doing dishes and other small chores. Usually tries to get to sleep by 11:30pm, and wakes up at 6:30am to get breakfast going. 
Metal Bat-Tends to be heading to bed when some of the others are waking up. Goes to sleep at 5am, wakes up at 6am to get Zenko ready and walk her to school, goes to class and sleeps through them. There’s a reason he’s got such big under eye bags. Will occasionally text other Class S heroes to ask them bizarre questions at 4am. Child Emperor has a screenshot of a text that just said “Do you think ants can scream and we just don’t know because their lungs are so small” from Badd timestamped at 3:57am.
Tanktop Master-Wants to be a good example to the rest of the Tanktoppers, so he goes to bed at 9pm and wakes at 7am. Insists the rest stick to the same schedule, as he wants to make sure all of them get enough sleep. Sends out bedtime and waking reminders to the members.
Puri Puri Prisoner-Used to having his set hours for sleeping and sticks to them for the most part. He’s in bed at 9pm, but he tends to stay up until midnight reading and watching romances. Tries to be up by 7am, more likely to be up by 9.
Saitama-Has a fairly normal sleep schedule. He doesn’t get as much as he should, but he’s asleep from 11pm 6am-ish. He does his workout as soon as he wakes up, and by the time he’s back, Genos has breakfast ready.
Garou-Has two modes. For the most part, he sticks to the schedule he was on at the dojo. He knows the importance of sleep in performance and mental clarity, so he’s asleep by 10pm and awake at 5am. He tends to overexert himself, so occasionally his body will just. knock him out at 9pm and he won’t wake up until 2pm.
Speed of Sound Sonic-His sleep schedule depends where he is/if he’s on a job. If not, he tends to keep...very responsible sleep hours for someone as unhinged as him. He’s asleep from 10pm to 6am.
Mumen Rider-A good boy with a good sleep schedule! He patrols before heading home to bed. He aims to be home by 9:30pm, asleep by 10pm, and wakes up at 9am.
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royaleclown · 4 years
| rules: answer 20 questions then tag bloggers you want to get to know better |
@ridiculousnerd thank you sm for the tag! 💚💛
name: haley
nickname: hale and roses (my middle name is rose)
zodiac sign: aquarius
height: 5,3 i’m short lmao
languages you know: english, and very little spanish (half hispanic baby) i probably would have been fluent if my mum’s parents were still alive :(
nationally: american
favorite flowers: i have 2 tulips and roses
favorite season: fall i love when the leaves change colors and sweater weather man gotta love it
favorite scent: new books, the smell after it rains, firewood, and anything coconut
favorite perfume: my victoria secret perfume coconut passion my favorite perfume eVER
favorite designer: uh i don’t really know designers but joanne fleming she makes beautiful wedding dresses and i when i get married i’d love to walk down the isle in one of her dresses
favorite color: dark green or i like to call it slytherin green
favorite animal: ball pythons are sick
favorite fictional character: pFF i have too many lmao but i’ll name a few..eric draven, J, arthur fleck, wanda maximoff, patrick verona, din djarin, harley quinn, sirius black, loki laufeyson, natasha romanoff, kylo ren, and ima stop right there sksk
personality: i’m introverted as hell i won’t speak to you until you speak to me. but once i’m comfortable with you i’m wack asf and just know that if we’re friends ima love and appreciate tf out of you i’ll be your number 1 hype man pERIODT. i’m really awkward i tend to stutter a lot when i talk i’m pretty self conscious about it and i find it so annoying so i won’t talk much because of it. but honestly i’m a quiet person and i like to keep to myself kind of cliche but i’m a kind person i really am. people always have told me i like to find the good in people no matter what :)
hobbies: reading because it’s my way of escaping reality (that was emo asf LMAO) listening to music catch me listening to NIN and palaye a lot ahaha, editing, and makeup i’m actually decent and could do a cute eyeshadow and some wing eyeliner if i do say so myself
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: cOFFEEEEEEE
average sleep hours: my ass goes to bed at 7am and i don’t wake up until like 4 or 5 in the afternoon because of this social distancing i’m honestly fucking nocturnal at this point
dog or cat person: dog person 100% i love my pit so much he’s my pretty boy 🥺
number of blankets i sleep with: 3 big ass blankets
dream trip: i would love to go to london tbh
blog established: uh i think like early 2019..?
followers: 146 (i appreciate each and every one of you for following my annoying ass and hopefully enjoying what i post lol 🖤)
random fact: i’m bi asf 💖💜💙
i’m tagging- @hxldmxdxwn @rene-royale @clowndaddyfleck @antonija89 @ezziesworld @jokershyena @spacegayofficial @astromechovess @starksclown (totally don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!)
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bondtravels · 5 years
Story time
So last night I saw Neck Deep, Blink-182, and Lil Wayne in Pittsburgh. I got pretty drunk but I was in bed by midnight. While in bed, I remembered that I saw Kells posted on Twitter earlier that he was going to be at his pop up shop in Cleveland the next day at 11am. In my drunk bliss, I sent a girl I went to hs with a message bc I knew she loved MGK. I asked if she was busy the next day and wanted to drive up with me. She said yes but that she was working until 6am (she’s a waitress and it was a Saturday night). We decided we would leave by 7am bc Cleveland is about 3 hour drive from where we live. Poor girl 😂.
I slept for 5 hours and woke up nauseous and hungover as fuck from the Blink show. I was so sick that I puked shortly after waking up. I had a pounding headache. Yet I still got my shit together and left to go pick up my friend. She was running on 0 hours of sleep. We were a mess but we got to Cleveland by 10am. There weren’t that many people standing in line outside the pop up shop which was surprising. Of course the line grew later on and we made friends with some people while waiting.
One of the kids in the line was wearing devil horns, an EST bandana, a purple suit, and shoes that said “EST kid.” He was so sweet. He was holding a wrapped present. When we asked his mom about the present she said that her son told her Kells’ new album sounded sad and that he wanted to get him a present. I’m not sure what was in it, I didnt wanna intrude. But how damn sweet of him. His name is Xander. Kells ended up just giving him merch for free. 😭. When they were leaving I heard his mom keep saying, “I can’t believe that just happened.”
The night before, Kells posted on his insta a video of a tray of shots. So I knew he would be in the same hungover shape as I was and I knew his ass wouldn’t show up at 11am 😂. The sun was blazing down, I hadn’t ate because of my hungover nausea, and I was dying of thirst. Meanwhile my friend is almost falling asleep standing. 😂 He rolled up at 1130 or so, and walked by the entire line of people and put them on his insta. We were on his insta story. My friend and I were going insane. Also thank god for her bc she’s taller than me and was able to get some better pics/vids for me.
Once we got into the shop, there were two lines. One was to buy merch and the other was to get it signed. We bought shirts and Kells’ daughter was the one running the register. She was so cute and sassy 😂. People were being slow, so she pounded on this hotel bell saying, “next?????????” She complimented my friends nails and was surprised to hear my friend got them from Walmart and that they were press ons. She was so adorable. You can see her to the right in the pics we got of Kells and Xander.
There were two douche bags in front of the line that went into the shop with a massive amount of shit for Kells to sign that they had brought in from outside, not merch from the shop. When he said no, the douche bags got kicked out and proceeded to throw a fit. Saying, “he won’t sign anything. He won’t take pictures with anyone” blah blah blah. Kells asked the group of us inside if anyone of his real fans were blocked from getting in by said douche bags. We said no. He seemed to truly care about his fans getting in and being able to get the merch they wanted. He did ask for no photos, though. Which I can respect. I’m bummed I couldnt get a picture with him, of course, but I respect that he’s probably exhausted. I was thankful for him even signing shit, tbh. Came to find out later that one of the douche bags posted a hat Kells signed on eBay for almost $400 and a title that said “RARE.” What a dick. People like that end up ruining shit like this for people like us. I hope Kells never sees it, honestly.
While I was waiting in the “sign” line, Kells came back to the middle of the line to tell us he had to go to a baseball game. He stuck out his tongue at the mention of the game (which was crazy adorable) and you could tell he didn’t want to leave. I was terrified I wasnt gonna get him to sign my shirt before he left. But he said, “I wanna make sure I get everyone in this lines stuff signed before I go.” Bless him. He was begging Ashleigh to stay at the shop longer. He looked at her and said, “Ash do we really gotta go right now?” And then he told all of us to go with him to the game. My loud ass friend was like, “Don’t threaten me with that, I will go to the baseball game just to see you.” 😭
Anyways, he finally got to my friend in line. She is the exact opposite of me. When I meet a famous person I freeze up and go silent. She just blurts out whatever comes into her head. He signs her shirt and her arm bc she asked him to and then it’s my turn. She literally looks at him and goes, “This is my miniature friend.” I’m 5 foot tall. Lmao. He looks at me and goes, “I have a miniature friend too, he plays the drums for me, his name’s Rook.” And I almost died. He signed my shirt and I asked for a hug. He hugged me. And not in the half-assed one arm hug way. Like seriously squeezed my sides. I almost died again.
And that is the end of the story. I was shaking so bad when I left that I could barely type on my phone. 😂 I’m so fuckin glad that this random spur of events just happened. Was today even real?
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Some photos are mine, some are my friends.
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