#Maxwell Trevelyan
fionatheicicle · 2 months
My answer to why is solas so popular in dragon age.
In the end his actions created a lot of problems, such as the cult of andraste and the maker (/boblawboblaw) and he is actually trying to correct them. Some would argue that teaching people about spirits and the veil would help; except the people they are talking about have at least a dozen generations of religious dogma clouding their perception of reality. Therefore teaching them the correct way to handle mages and the veil is at least ineffective and at most impossible. So he chooses to burn the entire world to the ground so that another better one may grow from the ashes of the old one. In effect solas represents change, and change is chaotic so people fear it. However in a world that is desperate for change (in my opinion our’s) some if not many are quick to embrace such a concept so long at it is portrayed in a controlled and (fairly) predictable way. Therefore we tend to lean toward solas as he represents an answer to the inherent flaws in our own society.
Btw idk nor do i care if my answer makes any sense because i’m hella drunk right now (thank the goddesses for spell check) however i may care after i’m sober so let me know your honest opinion on this possibly nonsensical take.
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bothersometrash9376 · 5 months
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My Inquisitor and Dorian Pavus in Dragon Age Inquisition ❤️
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foxymrfox · 2 years
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It’s the Dragon Age Day! Hence, some Dragon Age art.
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nateliert · 2 years
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Absolution style Trevelyans
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elsfinix · 2 years
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jetaddict69 · 2 months
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The Northern Lights (featuring Warrior Trevelyan + everyone's favourite blonde rogue duo)
Jaws of Hakkon DLC
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deadlymaelstrom · 2 months
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"We will save our friend from himself... if we can."
Even if it costs the Inquisitor his life, he will not forsake or abandon a friend if he thinks they can be redeemed. #DragonAge: The #Veilguard #DragonAgeTheVeilguard
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sakurabunnie · 3 months
My friends and I talking about me bringing back Maxwell who would be 38 in DA4 and refusing to age him
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artymcdoodle · 2 years
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   I’m several years late, but I finally joined the Dorian Simp train
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pickleforstony · 2 years
Some quick Dorian doodles (and my good ol' Pavelyan)
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bluerose5 · 1 year
Their Perfect Oasis
Prompt fill from discord for Maxwell Trevelyan/Dorian Pavus. Turned out longer than I expected (because of course it did) but hope y'all enjoy! Click the title to read on ao3. 💙
All Dorian wanted, at first, was his book back.
The last thing he expected was for Maxwell Trevelyan to spoil him with an afternoon together.
Maxwell Trevelyan had always been quick on his feet.
There Dorian was one afternoon, minding his own business while he combed through tome after tome in the Inquisition’s library. Their meager collection had few works that he deemed to be of any noteworthy academic merit, let alone worthy of his time to read, but some proved interesting enough to add to his ever-growing pile of books.
What they found during their travels typically turned out to be far more interesting, ancient ruins filled to the brim with anecdotal accounts and mysterious artifacts. While he left most of the elven stuff for Solas to study, there was still so much to review in between his own research.
He was going through all that he had gathered on the connections between rift magic and time magic when his beloved Inquisitor made his appearance.
“There you are,” Maxwell greeted.
Although he tried to put on an air of indifference, Dorian ended up smiling in spite of himself.
“Where I always am around this time of day,” he said, not once looking away from the scroll he had spread out over his pitiful excuse of desk, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.
Not that he was all that focused anyways, it being near impossible to pay attention with Maxwell around.
After he pressed a kiss to Dorian’s cheek, Dorian quickly turned to scour through his and Alexius’s old notes, more so to hide his now-flustered expression.
Warmth spread throughout his cheeks at Maxwell’s low chuckle.
“Looking as stunning as always,” Maxwell breathed, his words overflowing with a reverence that made Dorian’s heart skip a beat. 
“Was that ever in question?” Dorian countered.
Maxwell pressed himself flush against his side, a hand braced upon the table as he leaned in to brush his lips along the shell of Dorian's ear.
"Never," he replied. Dorian’s fingers froze when he started to shuffle through the pages, but he could hear the smirk in Max's voice, clear as day. "Am I distracting you?"
Dorian shook his head, more so to clear his mind than to answer the question.
"I—No, of course not! I was just—"
"Then, let me try a little harder."
Without warning, Maxwell disappeared from his side.
One second, he was snuggled up to Dorian. Then, the next, he was leaning against the wall near the staircase, a book in hand that he pretended to flip through. He studied Dorian, eyes alight with mischief, but the latter watched him skeptically, arms crossed over his chest.
"What are you doi—" Dorian started to ask, but it was in that exact moment that he processed what book Maxwell held.
It was almost comical, how his head snapped towards the desk, then back towards Maxwell, then to the desk again.
Maxwell pinched one of the book's corners, allowing it to dangle precariously.
Oh, the horror. To have a work so highly disrespected.
Dorrian huffed.
"What?" Maxwell teased, attempting to sound innocent but ultimately failing, way too pleased with himself for his own good. "Need something?"
"Well, now that you mention it," Dorian sighed, "it has come to my attention that I am indeed missing a book."
"You don't say."
"Mm-hmm…" Dorian took a step forward, but Maxwell mirrored him easily enough, one foot positioned on the next step. "A book vital to my research, in fact. One that I would very much like back."
"Ah, and what would you be willing to do for this book, I wonder."
"Name your price."
The next step down was more purposeful, the way Maxwell shifted his weight. 
Understanding dawned on Dorian then.
"Maxwell," he warned, pointing a finger in his direction, "I am not chasing after you."
Maxwell simply beamed at him in response. He tucked the book underneath his arm, pressed tightly against his side.
"I'll make it worth your while," he promised.
"I'll make it worth yours if you just— Well, and there he goes," Dorian grumbled.
The madman didn't even hesitate to dart off down the stairs.
"Max!" Dorian called out, forgetting where he was for a second. 
Teasing laughter rang out in a slight echo that traveled throughout the tower. A few unimpressed glances were tossed their way, but Dorian ignored them.
Tapping his foot upon the floor, he shook his head in disbelief.
"I am not going to chase him," he told himself. "I am not…"
Down below, he could hear Maxwell say, "Hi, Solas! Bye, Solas!" as he escaped into the throne room. Not that Solas had much time to mumble out an amused greeting of his own, the Inquisitor there and gone in the blink of an eye.
Time was wasting, but Dorian’s curiosity eventually got the better of him.
He paused his mantra, bottom lip poked out into an exaggerated pout.
"Vishante kaffas," he swore, approaching the staircase. "Okay, and now I'm chasing after you."
The things he did for that man.
He followed after him at a brisk walk, not a run!
He had to retain some semblance of dignity after all.
It was bad enough that he had to put up with Solas's knowing stare as he passed through the rotunda, so it seemed that Dorian would suffer even the greatest torments for Maxwell’s sake.
Whatever he had planned better be worth all the effort.
When Varric heard his entrance into the main hall, he didn't even so much as look up from his writings. Instead, he simply jabbed his thumb in the direction of the doors, Dorian smiling sheepishly before continuing on his way.
Once outside, Dorian caught a split-second glimpse of Max on his way towards the stables, but Dorian saw the bait for what it was. He knew all too well that, if Maxwell truly wanted to elude him, then he would have done so by now. Either that, or he would have melted away into the shadows, only to be seen when it was his moment to strike.
Dorian had to admit, part of him actually enjoyed this little game of theirs. He knew it to be playful, all intended in good faith, and he absolutely adored how Max loved to tease him.
It would make "catching him" all the more rewarding.
However, as things turned out, he didn't even have to catch him, not when Maxwell came to him instead.
Rushing down the remaining stairs and through the courtyards, Dorian stopped short when he heard the clomping of a horse’s hooves draw closer.
With a tug on the horses’ reins, Maxwell guided two of the Inquisition’s best mounts to a stop in front of him. Both of them were of sturdy, dependable builds with slick, glossy coats, one brown and the other black.
When they shifted to a halt, Maxwell fed them some apple slices from their packs, then turned to beam at Dorian.
“After you, my dear,” Max said, his hand outstretched to him.
“What?” Dorian asked, eyebrow raised in question. “Are we going for a ride?”
“How observant of you to notice,” Maxwell teased, “but, yes, we are. I have a surprise for you.”
“A gift?” Dorian pressed. “My, my, I do love being spoiled, especially by you.”
“Then, you’ll love this,” he said. His expression gentled, causing a swarm of butterflies to flutter around within Dorian’s chest. “I promise.”
Swallowing past the sudden lump in his throat, Dorian coughed quietly under his breath to clear it.
“Right,” he said. He nodded at the closest horse, the one that stood as black as night. “I’ll take this one.”
“A fine horse for a pretty man,” Max praised.
“The prettiest,” Dorian corrected.
Placing his hand into Maxwell’s, he hoisted himself up into the horse’s saddle. Not that he needed the assistance, but he could hardly turn down such an offer from Max. He adjusted his weight around to get comfortable while Maxwell mounted the other horse with ease.
Dorian froze into place when he glanced over, only to become tongue-tied at the very sight of him.
Back in the library, the lighting had been muted enough —and everything had happened so quickly— that Dorian didn’t really get a good look at him before.
Now, it was as if he was seeing him clearly for the first time.
Sunlight washed over him in a wave of gold, each feature emphasized with the attention reserved for the most revered religious icons. Dorian wouldn’t be surprised if they were already carving statues in his honor, devoted to reproducing every last detail to perfection.
Perched upon his horse, Maxwell held himself upright with the utmost confidence.
Warm, sun-kissed skin soaked up the afternoon rays. Brown hair was carefully slicked back, teasing glances beckoning Dorian to follow him to the ends of the world itself. Maxwell inspired a loyalty influenced by a power greater than a siren’s song, a loyalty that might even lead them to their eventual demise, a fate accepted in stride so long as Dorian could remain by his side.
Maxwell circled his horse around him, and Dorian couldn’t help but wonder if the posturing was intentional.
After all, he had certainly cleaned up for—for whatever this was.
Gone were those tasteless rags of his, those drab, brown pajamas hopefully tossed out of his wardrobe for good.
In their place, Maxwell wore a blue shirt, crafted of the finest silk that shimmered lightly through each shift of his chest. The top few buttons were left undone, revealing a golden chain nestled around his throat and hanging down between his pecs. Black, form-fitting pants accentuated the shape of his legs, hugging Maxwell’s hips and thighs. The fabric was tucked into a pair of black, leather boots, designed for both style and comfort.
Dorian had to admit, he was impressed.
All of that, and he didn’t even have to lift a finger to help.
Safe to say, Maxwell took his breath away.
Younger Dorian, who spent his days reading and fantasizing about handsome, heroic princes from far-off lands, positively swooned at the sight before him.
Not that current Dorian was faring much better.
He swallowed thickly as he watched Max, his lips parted in awe.
Maxwell, oblivious to Dorian’s appraisal —or, perhaps, acutely aware of it— flashed him a blinding smile.
"Race you!" he stated.
With a slight flick of the reins and a click of his tongue, the horse sped up into a steady trot towards the drawbridge. People maneuvered around them both, steering clear of their path.
It was hard to ignore all of the stares they were attracting; but, for once, Dorian was inclined to let them look.
He had the most amazing man in Thedas all to himself, and that was all that mattered.
Catching up to him, Dorian feigned an annoyed grumble.
"A rather unfair challenge, don't you think?" Dorian asked. "Considering the fact that you know the way to our destination while I am left in the dark, following on blind faith alone."
Maxwell hummed in contemplation, drinking in the sight of Dorian from head to toe, which was fair. Dorian had certainly gotten his fill of Max. The latter deserved to marvel in the excellence of his resident altus.
And if Dorian happened to sit up a bit straighter under the weight of that appreciative gaze, head held high with pride…
Well, that would remain between the two of them.
Voice warm and low, Maxwell leaned in and told him, "Try to keep up then."
Without warning, he took off into a galloping pace, a hearty laugh left in his wake.
Once again, Dorian was left chasing after him, ringing out with his own laughter in turn.
"Oh, you're delightful!" Dorian called out over the whipping winds, quickly gaining on Maxwell’s position, only a couple of paces behind.
Together, they rode through the mountainside until the blank canvas of white gave way to snow-covered flora. Icicles hung like crystals from bare branches, capturing sunlight, only to cast it out in an array of colors.
Thankfully, Dorian had little time to even think about the cold, let alone fixate upon it.
Eventually, they arrived at the edge of a clearing. Maxwell slowed to a stop, far enough from Skyhold to grant them some privacy yet close enough to be back a moment’s notice, should they be needed.
While Dorian didn't think himself to be much of a praying man, he happily prayed then that they not be needed. Not anytime soon, at least.
After Maxwell jumped down from his horse, he approached Dorian’s side without missing a beat. Offering his hand out again, Dorian gladly took it, allowing Maxwell to help him down to his feet.
They stood there for a second, chest to chest, while all of the world and its problems melted away into the background.
"Well," Maxwell said, "looks like I won the race."
"You don't say," Dorian hummed. Gentle fingers combed through Max's hair, coaxing any strays back into place. "I never would have guessed."
They stole glances at each other's lips.
Maxwell tugged him closer by the waist, Dorian’s arms wrapped around his neck.
Their noses brushed ever so slightly.
"Tell me," Dorian whispered. "What prize does the illustrious Inquisitor desire for his well-earned victory?"
By then, their lips were barely a hair’s width away.
"A kiss from a certain someone would suffice, but that must wait, I'm afraid." Their lips had only just grazed against one another when their warmth disappeared entirely. Dorian's breath was stolen from him as Maxwell pulled away, placing a careful distance between them both. "All in due time, handsome."
"Hmph, you're such a tease," Dorian huffed, albeit with no real heat to his voice.
"It'll be worth it," Maxwell reminded him. He even had the audacity to wink at him. "I'll make it up to you later."
"You better."
"I swear. Now, close your eyes."
"Seriously?" Dorian scoffed.
"Please," Maxwell said. "For me?"
Well, when he put it like that…
"Oh, alright, fine!" Dorian closed his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're lucky you're so cute."
Maxwell only chuckled in response.
Dorian listened closely while he coaxed the horses away with soft murmurs. His footsteps faded off into the distance, but logic told Dorian that it couldn't have been more than a few minutes before he returned.
Didn't stop those few minutes from feeling like an eternity.
Maxwell took him by the hands and led him forward.
"Ready?" he asked.
"Ready for what, exactly?" Dorian wondered.
"You'll find out. All I ask is that you keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open them."
"Not cryptic at all."
Nevertheless, he followed, trusting Maxwell with his life.
Dorian spoke to fill the ensuing silence.
"You know, we should have ridden double," Dorian stated. "Like in the stories! The ones where the protagonist whisks the love interest away on horseback, arms wrapped tightly around them as they ride off into the sunset together."
Max snorted. "But of course. One small problem, though."
"And what is that?"
"As lovely as the idea is, horses can only support so much before you start to risk injury to them or yourself, and I, for one, was not going to be on the receiving end of Master Dennet's anger for hurting one of his precious babies."
"Fair enough," Dorian conceded, sighing dramatically. "Foolish books, giving me unrealistic expectations of romance."
"Heh, hopefully this will make up for it."
Snow crunched beneath their feet until, surprisingly, it stopped.
Before Dorian could question him about it, Maxwell beat him to the punch.
"Just a little farther, and…" Maxwell trailed off. He took Dorian by the shoulders and arranged him into position. Strangely enough, Dorian felt the cold wash away. In its place, a wave of heat enveloped them, but Maxwell hardly sounded shocked by this development. "There!" He released him. "Now, open your eyes."
Dorian didn’t have to be told twice.
He squinted, blinking past the relentless daylight, and eventually managed to pry his eyes open.
What awaited them was unlike anything he had expected.
It was a scene plucked right out of a fairytale.
Without thinking, Dorian placed a hand over his racing heart.
“Wow,” he gasped. “This is amazing.”
Even then, that was the understatement of the century.
The clearing that Maxwell brought him to was secluded; however, more than that, it had the thriving appearance of a meadow in spring. A large, square area was protected from the harsh winter snow. Lush, green grass sprouted all over, sprinkled with patches of colorful wildflowers that danced in the occasional breeze.
In the center of it all, a blanket was spread out. And upon that blanket, there sat a basket, alongside Dorian’s long-forgotten book.
Streams of golden light filtered through the nearby branches, reflecting off of tiny motes that glided through the air.
Their horses were secured to a tree close by, grazing happily amongst the fresh grass.
It was their own little oasis, surrounded by a cold desert.
After another speechless moment to really soak it all in, Dorian was finally able to catch his breath.
“Maxwell.” He turned to him, incredulous. “How did you manage to do all of this?”
He waved his arms grandly at the setting before them, twirling in place.
Pleased with his reaction, Maxwell shrugged, uncharacteristically bashful, as he glanced around.
“I might have asked Dagna for a favor,” he said, nodding at each of the square’s four corners. “The work of runes. They ward off the cold and ‘any critters or creepy crawlies,’ as she explained it. Kind of like a mixture of fire runes for warmth and protective sigils to keep the wildlife at bay.”
“Makes sense,” Dorian breathed, once again impressed with the quality of her work. “Remind me to thank her later.”
“We both will,” Maxwell assured him, then admitted, “I had actually wanted to bring you sooner, but I needed to position the runes just right. Then, after that, it was basically a waiting game for the snow to melt and the mud to dry up.”
So, he had been working on this for a while then.
Dorian smiled at him tenderly.
“Thank you,” he said.
Maxwell chuckled.
“You haven’t even gotten to the best part yet.”
“You mean, there’s more?”
“Of course.” Taking Dorian’s hand in his, Maxwell bowed slightly at the waist to press a kiss upon the back of it. His lips lingered, eyes trained on Dorian the entire time. “Will you dine with me, Serah Pavus?”
“I’d be honored to.”
Eager to see what else he had in store for him, Dorian all but dragged him over to the blanket. Maxwell, ever the gentleman, helped him get seated before joining him at his side.
Dorian didn’t so much as hesitate before snuggling up to him.
Maxwell tossed him a grin and opened up the basket.
A whiff of warm spices instantly greeted them. Dorian’s mouth watered. His stomach grumbled.
The scent was a familiar one, one that reminded him of home, but he didn’t dare get his hopes up, trying his best to sneak a peek.
“So, what’s on the menu today?” he asked.
“I made us lamb curry,” Maxwell answered, casual as can be.
Dorian choked at that.
“Wait, what?”
“I said that I made—”
“I heard what you said, but you cooked?” Dorian stammered. “For me?”
“Was I not supposed to do that?” Maxwell deadpanned. 
“I— No! I mean, it’s just that…” Dorian blew out a frustrated breath, at a loss for words. “Surely, you have more important things to do than wait on me, hand and foot. You must be incredibly busy.”
“Not busy enough to neglect spending time with you. I know you’ve been homesick,” Maxwell stated, his brow furrowed in concern. He reached out and cupped Dorian’s cheek, brushing his thumb along the curve of it. “I know it’s not the same, but I wanted you to feel a little bit at home. Here, with me.”
Dorian melted into his touch, releasing a shaky breath.
“Damn it. You’re going to make me cry at this rate,” he informed him. Already, he could feel a slight sting building at the corner of his eyes. He blinked past the burn of unshed tears. Carefully, he wiped at them before they could fall. “Stop it. I have an image to uphold, you know.”
Maxwell snickered.
“Of course. Here.” He reached into the basket and unearthed a bottle, cradled with the utmost care. “Something to cheer you up.”
Dorian didn’t even have to read the label to know what it was.
“You got us an Antivan Red imported in?” he asked. “Out here? Don’t even get me started on the spices that you had to get for that curry, Inquisitor.”
“Leliana and I might have pulled some strings,” Maxwell said.
“Of course you did.” Dorian playfully glared at him, the bottle hugged close to his chest. “Okay, out with it.”
“Out with what?” Maxwell questioned. He cocked his head to the side.
“What’s the special occasion?” Dorian countered. “My guess is that you’re either going to propose, or you’re going to ask to fool around out here in the middle of the woods, where anyone could happen upon us.”
“The real question is, would you even say yes to either of those options?”
Dorian thought it over, then shrugged.
“Ask me after my third glass.”
Once he opened it, he shamelessly took a swig from the bottle, comfortable enough to ignore decorum when they were all alone.
Maxwell passed him two glasses, which he filled up generously. In the meantime, Max worked on uncovering their dish, still steaming with warmth over a bed of rice.
“Want to try a bite?” he asked.
Scooping up a heaping portion with his fork, he held it out in offering.
As if Dorian would refuse.
“I’d love to.”
The instant Dorian wrapped his lips around the fork, he swore that he transcended to a whole other plane of existence.
Now, usually when he read fiction, the premise of someone moaning over their food was always eye roll-inducing at best.
However, after trying Maxwell’s cooking, he was a changed man.
The richness of the base, the tenderness of the lamb, the warmth of the spices…
All of it came together perfectly.
“Oh,” he purred, “you, my good sir, are a god amongst men.”
“Tell me something I don’t know,” Maxwell teased.
He took his glass of wine from Dorian and raised it between them.
They stared into each other’s eyes while he made his toast.
“To us,” he whispered.
They clinked their glasses together.
“To us,” Dorian agreed, as they both took a more tentative sip to savor the taste.
The light, fruity notes complimented their dish well. An exquisite pairing that lingered on the palate, but not that he expected anything less from Max.
Once again, Dorian found himself stealing glimpses of Maxwell’s lips.
“You know this will cause people to talk,” he said.
“Compared to usual,” Maxwell replied, his sarcasm deafening, “when they remain absolutely silent about the two of us?”
“You know what I mean.” Dorian snuggled closer, his lips quirked up into a smirk. “You ran off to some secluded location with that dastardly Tevinter magister.” He rolled his eyes at the misuse of the title. “Maker have mercy!” He raised his voice in pitch, mimicking a tone of fright and scandal. “Will our beloved Inquisitor return the same? How are we sure that madman isn’t conducting some sinister ritual in secret, sacrificing the blood of goats and virgins in the name of the Black Divine?”
“Hmm…” Maxwell hummed with a pointed look around the clearing. “Sorry to disappoint, but I don’t think there are any goats around.” He snorted. “Or virgins, I’m afraid.”
“Alas,” Dorian sighed, “I guess that we’ll have to make do without.”
“Cast your magic then. I’d happily fall under your spell.”
“You’re terrible.”
Using his free hand, Dorian curled his finger around Maxwell’s chain, tugging him closer until their lips brushed.
Maxwell swallowed thickly.
“Kiss me,” Dorian whispered. “Please, I—”
Whatever he was going to say, Maxwell cut him off in an instant. Their lips crashed against one another, pleading, desperate. They gasped for breath, only to reclaim the kiss with renewed fervor.
Dorian didn’t know how long they stayed there, lost in the moment and the feel of each other.
Part of him wanted so badly to remain there forever, but all good things must come to an end, or so people said.
Eventually, they parted.
Maxwell rested his forehead against Dorian’s while they struggled to compose themselves.
The words slipped free before Dorian could even process them.
“Are we sure that I’m not dreaming right now?”
“If you are,” Maxwell answered, stealing a swift peck, “then promise not to wake up, because I don’t ever want this dream to end.”
Dorian smiled into the next kiss.
“Neither do I.”
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jillian-613 · 2 years
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“Modest in temper, bold in deed.”
Maxwell Trevelyan, mage of the Ostwick Circle of Magi.
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nateliert · 1 year
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He's back
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elsfinix · 2 years
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away from wicked eyes and wicked hearts
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jetaddict69 · 2 days
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This is how I imagine my Inquisitor actually looks when he’s sitting in judgement at Skyhold. Borrowed the most ridiculous items of clothing from his inner circle to create an absolute spectacle. Hear ye hear ye kinda drip.
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deadlymaelstrom · 3 months
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Ah, Maxwell, it's good to be back. We've got several months to go before The Veilguard is released.
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