#murder drones addison
kekeartzworld · 5 months
I’m a dumbass
Also I’ve taken too long on this drawing (roughly 14 hours in IbisPaint)
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And it was for another fankid design of all things cuz I can never stop designing them
This is Addison, my Purplemalice fankid
She was born in Cabin Fever Labs to Nori long before she left Alice
Once Nori had left her, Alice, and her adopted brother Beau behind, she had remained in the lab scavenging drone parts with her mother and her younger brother
When she lost both of them to the sentinels, she had blamed herself for not being there to save them and felt guilty
She still remained at the lab however, doing what she had grown accustomed to for so long
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mdoccallcenter · 9 months
Meet The Crew
So, here are all of my Murder Drone OCs for this blog
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Kate: You may ask her about her adoptive siblings or maybe you could get to know more about her past
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Cyra: You may ask her questions about solver drones or any questions relating to her adoptive family
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Nora: You may ask her Nuzi/Biscuitbites related questions or questions relating to her friends
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Juliet: Pretty much the same as Nora but Oilrose
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Evelynn and Daisy: Same as Nora and Julie but Doll x Lizzy/Dizzy
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Serial Designation K: You may ask her things about disassembly drones or perhaps some things about her past when she used to be a maid at the mansion
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Lucy: You may ask her any questions that her other friends cannot answer
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Katra Louisa Elliott: The only human in the cast, you may ask her about her past In Elliott manor with K and how they both ended up on Cooper 9 after escaping the manor when Cyn massacred the gala in episode five
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Cyanna: You may ask her things about her “mother” Cyn and her creation
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Addison: Ditto of Nora, Juliet, Evelynn, and Daisy but obviously Purplemalice/Nori x Alice
How It Works
The ask pretty much come in the form of a call to the characters and they answer your calls (major inspiration from @tadcccallmyocs ran by @know-it-all-and-all)
I may draw their responses whenever I can make the time for it
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nya-dragonaxi · 1 year
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Finally, two of the most important character for Yelena's lore
Software, or Soft, is the werewerewire. He looks scary with all his scars but he's a very nice guy. He's a lot like N from Murder drones if you've watched the show. He's baby :3. And yes Soft has a tail, that's normal. It's for self defense
And then there's File, he sucks 😎👍, he's such a loser lmao I love being mean to him. But if I'm being serious, he's cool. One of the only person Yelena trusts in the Darkweb. He's a pink but he changed his color to grey. This is a thing most Addisons do in the Darkweb to stay anonymous, as well as changing their eye colors but not so much
I don't draw them as much as I want to mostly because Everytime I try to draw File he looks different and it's kinda frustrating ngl
Have the concept I had made before even starting to think about Software, sorry about the quality btw, I can't get the original pic---
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realfinemood · 7 years
I know people are on their like second or third playthroughs already but whatever I am apparently very slow okay. 
All of Kadara, Vetra’s loyalty mission, and a couple sidequests below:
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Kadara is the first planet I’ve gotten 100% on. Mostly because I tried as hard as I could to get everything done in one go because a) it seems to take so much longer to get anywhere on Kadara (seriously why is there no option to just go straight to the badlands??) and b) Gwendolyn Ryder hates this planet so freaking much. She’s so tired of being told “you weren’t there” because she cannot imagine how terrible the Nexus could’ve possibly have been that this hellhole of a planet seems like a better option. Everyone is terrible. Oh that guy that seems like a decent fellow just trying to help people, also he created the drug that everyone’s getting stoned on. Oh that guy who seems to be doing a decent job of giving people shelter, actually he murdered a bunch of Angarans over water filters, plus they were assholes price gauging starving people anyways. There’s people mind-controlling people. There’s people eating people. The freaking water kills you. She just wants off this damn planet as soon as humanly possible.
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Reyes, I am so sorry. You seem like a like a lovely yet shady as fuck dude, and I promise (hopefully after they “adjust” m/m romances) that there is a guyRyder romance in your future, but Gwendolyn just has zero fucks to give him. Maybe if it had been on any other planet it would’ve been different. The charm just did not work on her and quite honestly IDK why he even bothered with it after a point cause she quite blatantly didn’t care (I may have punched him as a distraction whoops). Sharing a drink was nice though, and she was pretty surprised by the honesty there.
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Which is why she was seriously pissed off by the Charlatan reveal. (I assumed from the get-go but Ryder was honestly surprised by the whole thing, she never expected to ever even find out who it was.) There was no love lost between her and Sloane, and she would’ve been fine if the duel had ended with Reyes’ winning. But since some people have no sense of fucking honor, she not only saved Sloane, but attempted to shoot Reyes as he ran away. 
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That certainly will not come back to bite her in the ass, nope. (Due to misunderstanding on where the mission took place, I ended up finding the collective base after the fact. Which made her even more okay with her decision - even if the outcasts are terrible it’s not like the collective weren’t terrible either. Will have to find that beforehand next go around. Maybe people will actually be alive then…)
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But anyways, her mutual hate-on with Sloane turned into a mutual dislike but grudging respect, ala Aria, so there’s that. I shot down Sloane’s deal in the first convo so I feel like I didn’t see very much of her this playthrough? I’m definitely reading Nexus Uprising beforehand, so who knows, maybe I’ll be 100% on her side next time. (I do expect to see all of the dark!Shakarian AU based on her and Kaetus though because seriously.)
Also, an actual thing that happened when I realized I’d gotten 100%:
Me: Gee, it’s weird that I’m at 100% and there’s been no surprise Architect. Guess they just don’t have one on this planet.
Game: Hey one last thing, can you go find out what happened to this random dude who supposedly went after some giant beast?
Me: Sure I guess, sounds easy.
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Me: I don’t know what I expected.
Vetra’s loyalty mission
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First to get it out of the way - considering I’m still on like part 17b of Drack/Cora/Peebee’s loyalty missions, the fact that Vetra’s is “here you go, this is the mission!” was a little disappointing. But then again it works with the fact that Vetra would have no idea what was going on anyways.
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Ryder thinks Vetra is amazing, so of course she believed she was just being modest about the whole thing, right up until “Vetra” started talking. It seemed obvious at that point that it was Sid, so I’m glad they had Vetra catch on pretty quick about it. I liked the not-really-stealthy stealth prison break and Sid’s realization that “wow actually your job kinda sucks”. Ryder supported Vetra’s judgement for most of the run, though she did fall back on “she’s your sister” when asked if Sid should help - that ain’t Ryder’s call to make. Sid didn’t leave the mission particularly thrilled, but Ryder probably would’ve said the same things had it been Scott. Back on the ship she did point out that not telling Sid about everything probably doesn’t help. And flirted with her some more because goddamnit I will get this romance to start if it’s the last thing I do, which it certainly seems to be likely at this point.
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I do wonder why Sid and Vetra have different markings though. I know family markings aren’t canon and are a fanon thing, but surely they’d have the same colony ones? Then again there’s a ton of barefaced Turians which is weird too.
Life on the Frontier / Little Things That Matter missions
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After that it was some sidemissions, which turned into Addison’s Shitty Decisions hour. I did Sid’s Life on the Frontier mission, because she at least went about it properly this time. After some searching around it turns out, surprise, Addison massively fucked up, armed people that hate the Nexus, and caused Initiative ships to be attacked. I sided with Sid because what the fuck Addison, you did this because you didn’t think Ryder could do her job, what about our relationship suggests that she’s going to hide your fuck ups?
And while I was doing that mission, I found something pinging me and then found a satellite that exploded in my face. Turns out, Addison went behind Tann’s back which resulted in a massive security issue because of course it did. And more people that were in charge of the Nexus hightailed it out! What the hell man. Searching some more and hey, it’s all because the doctor super wanted a baby. And that apparently changes everything because… ???
What the actual fuck is with this game and babies? Gil’s “friend” Jill is bad enough, but who sees the Nexus struggling to survive and decides, “yes, this is totally the time to add more mouths to feed”?? Of course they didn’t have a plan for when they were going to take everyone off contraception, they didn’t have a plan for how to keep people from starving! I do not give a shit that she’s the first pregnant human in Andromeda, she’s stealing vital supplies all because she couldn’t handle waiting to have a baby?? What the actual fuck.
Ryder Family Secrets
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That one’s on hold until I get the last outpost up, so I went and checked some more memories with SAM. Hi mom! Hi bro! Nice to see you out of a coma for a change!
So the mysterious benefactor is TIM, right?? Who else a) knew and believed the Reapers were coming, b) had enough money to throw away on the project, and c) would be fine completely ignoring the Milky Way’s history of AIs to finance a more invasive one. It would also explain the clearly shitty vetting job the Initiative did on its people (as well as why exactly they have the top secret Normandy plans). Still holding out hope that Cora’s last name isn’t a red herring as well.
Other random things
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Peebee and Ryder still aren’t the best of friends, but her shiny drone present has gone a long way in getting them there. Her name is Viv the VI and she’s adorable. She replaced Spot, Ryder’s assault turret, and joins Droney the combat drone in her robot army. 
I have decided I am terrible at crafting. I have tried multiple times to craft a weapon, and each time it seems way less powerful than a premade one at a lesser level. So I bought a damn Black Widow VI and am sticking with it. (Seriously, 90% of the time I forget the fact that I also have a pistol equipped, even if it means abusing the sniper rifle by using it as a shotgun.)
Also can I just say, this story from Jaal might be my favorite email so far:
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kekeartzworld · 4 months
Put names of some of my MD ocs into the HC generator and
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These are goofy asf
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kekeartzworld · 5 months
Our beloved transfem deer bot with her fawn
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Unfortunately for Addison, she had to witness Alice die to robo raptors years later (the sketch takes place shortly after Nori left them)
Also I had given Alice the hoofed feet since that is also something Addison has
Consider it a sort of HC design or smthin idk
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kekeartzworld · 3 months
How was the first meeting of Uzi and Addison, and is their relationship like?
I was actually waiting to get this ask because I’ve been brainstorming the story for quite a while
Technically speaking, within my universe canon Addison was there during the events of episode six and that’s kind of how Uzi and Addison had first ran into each other
Addison much like her mother Alice had noticed Uzi‘s resemblance to Nori so she had immediately despised Uzi and once Alice died, she had blamed Uzi for her mother‘s death
I feel in terms of the next gen timeline, I think Uzi is trying to make up for what happened in episode six but Addison is still on rocky terms with Uzi, especially after losing Alice also N did eventually inform Addison that Nori was technically still alive as her core and she still has a bit of a rough connection with her other mom so yeah
Addison once got along with Nora, but when she seen that her niece was becoming more like Uzi things started to turn south and she didn’t want to get involved with Nora as much anymore so there’s that as well
Addison gets along with her adoptive niece Lucy more and I think Lucy got into the whole cowgirl schtick because of her lol but that’s a story for another time 
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kekeartzworld · 4 months
Yeah, I’ve sketched a lot of these
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Lil miss hothead and her anxious sister
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The baby conceal /ref (there is a meme I seen in the MD subreddit before)
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Bun drone that I decided to draw for my Discord buddy cottonfluffaestheticbunbun for random
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kekeartzworld · 4 months
Dumb Thing
The stupid shit I do makes me question my existence sometimes
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This was just a thought that came to my mind randomly I dunno why
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