#md juliet
kekeartzworld · 9 months
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They all became wolf drones lol
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Idea from this
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mdoccallcenter · 9 months
Meet The Crew
So, here are all of my Murder Drone OCs for this blog
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Kate: You may ask her about her adoptive siblings or maybe you could get to know more about her past
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Cyra: You may ask her questions about solver drones or any questions relating to her adoptive family
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Nora: You may ask her Nuzi/Biscuitbites related questions or questions relating to her friends
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Juliet: Pretty much the same as Nora but Oilrose
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Evelynn and Daisy: Same as Nora and Julie but Doll x Lizzy/Dizzy
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Serial Designation K: You may ask her things about disassembly drones or perhaps some things about her past when she used to be a maid at the mansion
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Lucy: You may ask her any questions that her other friends cannot answer
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Katra Louisa Elliott: The only human in the cast, you may ask her about her past In Elliott manor with K and how they both ended up on Cooper 9 after escaping the manor when Cyn massacred the gala in episode five
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Cyanna: You may ask her things about her “mother” Cyn and her creation
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Addison: Ditto of Nora, Juliet, Evelynn, and Daisy but obviously Purplemalice/Nori x Alice
How It Works
The ask pretty much come in the form of a call to the characters and they answer your calls (major inspiration from @tadcccallmyocs ran by @know-it-all-and-all)
I may draw their responses whenever I can make the time for it
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housewifemd · 2 months
wilson says i think i want a breast reduction and house throws a two week tantrum about it including invoking Leg. House has already had a reduction by the way. the guilt trip works, wilson does not go through with it. cameron is like i think you should do it its your body and wilson is like IS IT?
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I say the phrases that keep it all going, and everybody plays along.
House MD, s2e19, Euphoria (Part 1) (2006) // Romeo + Juliet (1996) // Richard Siken, Planet of Love
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housenp · 4 months
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mom said we could have girls for dinner tonight
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deanlighful · 11 months
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junipum · 2 years
ayo just found evan peters in an episode of house (s5ep9) aka the hostage ep! ive found a few other actors from other shows over the years too hehe (charlie from spn, finn wolfhard, sean renard from grimm, the obvious lin manuel miranda, maybe a few more idfk)
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dirt-str1der · 2 years
I want y5 so i can make saejima die in the mountains so he doesnt have to deal with any more yakuza bullshit
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mcmansionhell · 2 years
a fine selection of bonker facades from the DC suburbs
Howdy folks! In honor of Halloween, here are some of the scariest houses currently for sale in the ever-cursed suburbs of Washington, DC. It's been awhile since I checked in on this particular hotspot, and once more, it did not disappoint.
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I'll just get this one out of the way. Long-time McMansion Hell-heads are well aware of this monster estate in Potomac, MD, once allegedly owned by a particular professional athlete who will not be named, because the house should suck on its own merit. The only nice thing I can say about this house is that the designers kept the materials and colors consistent, which adds some unity to what is, in reality, five turrets in a trench coat.
Some things, the economists tell us, are too big to fail. This is not one of them. Let's move on.
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Many McMansions exist to mock the concept of architectural consistency and historical continuity. This is one of them. About every single type of expanded second-story window elaboration exists here: bay window, covered balcony, juliet balcony. None of them work. The house can't decide if its 19th century eclecticism or tony DC Georgian/Federal cocktail. The random cupola merely adds insult to injury.
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I don't know where realtors learned how to do photoshop, but whoever taught them should have their Adobe licenses revoked. There's a certain type of McMansion I call a "hat house" - which is exactly what it sounds like. It's a house with multiple bays or masses and each has its own special hat. This is one of the most egregious examples because all of the hats are different shapes and scales. Not even the most Disney Theme Park pink sky and fairy lighting can mitigate the controlling aesthetic influence of hät.
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No compilation of Bad Facades would be complete without at least one Frankentudor™. Rich people in America really like to harken back to the days of feudalism, yet uglier, more drab, and using materials mostly derived from petrochemicals. The lighting is not helping this house, which is about as gloomy, hulking, and bloated as they come.
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I have some fondness for houses that derive new, inventive forms of being ugly. The spread eagle McMansion is one of them, two oblique wings with no real core. A corner lot specimen. This one is especially weird, with the quadruple portholes, the windowless bays, the mall foyer, and the hipped roof that's not quite clipped, complete with tacked on gables. Kind of neat, sad to say.
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I know most of you won't agree, but I actually believe this is the worst McMansion of the set. The absolute banality of it, the out-of-proportion everything, the compound-like demeanor, the nonsensical spacing of the mind-numbingly identical windows. The most infuriating part is that whoever designed this had some kind of order, continuity, proportion in mind and just failed utterly at it, like Sideshow Bob stepping on all those rakes. I hate it!!!!
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When rich people try to make overly-inflated temples to their dumb piles of money, it's deeply satisfying when they end up looking like this house, which is just a pile of roof and wall tacked on to the worst proportioned portico imaginable. Classic McMansion Hubris. Let us all laugh.
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Now we're getting into the more eldritch horror part of the list. Some houses make me wonder if I have the same set of eyeballs and conceptions of what "a house" looks like as other people. This one is playing dress up games with foam stickers. It looks like Steve's shirt from Blues Clues. It abuses the prairie muntins, which is an insult to my chosen hometown of Chicago, Illinois. Bad house.
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Not enough time is devoted on this blog to bad modernism, though it would be rather generous to call this house modern. It's more like postmodernism trying to remember what modernism looked like and tripping down a flight of stairs collecting random masses and windows on the way down. Houses like this give modern architecture a bad name. It's borderline libel. Also it looks like it was made out of cardboard.
This brings us to our final, and objectively worst house:
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I don't even know what to say about this freak of architecture. I don't know how it came together or why. I don't know what it wants or even pretends to do. It is a horrorshow. Gables protruding from random places, stealth roof fragments, windows too small for the walls they're embedded in, a weird cathedral-like entrance, the mosquito-infested pond, the worst example of realtor sky I've ever seen, all of it is terrible. It's haunted. Trick or Treat, but without the treat.
Anyway, that does it for this installment. If you're curious about more McModern badness, this month's Patreon bonus post will be to your liking!
Happy Halloween and Día de Los Muertos!
If you like this post and want more like it, support McMansion Hell on Patreon for as little as $1/month for access to great bonus content including extra posts and livestreams.
Not into recurring payments? Try the tip jar, because media work is especially recession-vulnerable.
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im-just-a-boy-guys · 2 months
1. Creature cocks
2. Nothosour
3. Juliet toys
(kind of a toy hub for other brands, I think).
4. The dildo hub.
(Also, it looks like a toy hub)
5. She pleases.
6. Kreature adult toys
7. XR play hard
8. Realdildos
9. The Etsy MD search.
10. Dragon dildo uk
11. @batbitestoys is a fantastic indie creator!
Stay safe and have fun!
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kekeartzworld · 9 months
Sad Single Lesbian Moms
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This is because of an AU I share with @lotusthegreatdragon, @txttabloid, and @callsign-acid
They miss their dead wives
Juliet is hugging her mom’s leg while Daisy doesn’t even wanna be there it seems
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gghostwriter · 3 months
Yours Truly, Romeo
Chapter 3 __ Possible Connection
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Spencer Reid x FOC
Summary: Washington, DC - A string of grizzly murders and obsessive love letters causes Olivia and Spencer’s paths to intertwine. With a serial killer proclaiming his undying devotion to her and the thick tension surrounding her and her agent turned bodyguard, Olivia’s life is writing out like a contemporary love story that she, as a successful writer, could see herself publishing.
a/n: yes I used two actual romance book titles in this chapter. Brain was malfunctioning with giving titles so hope that’s alright
Previous chapter || series masterlist || next chapter
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"A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life." - Prologue, Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare
Olivia was surrounded by police officers riffling through her once safe home. Her solace now invaded with too much testosterone endlessly asking questions as if she had any clue as to who would send her such a horrible thing. Repeatedly saying no until she was blue to her face, she was then told that they had called in the big guns for her case with no explanation as to what they had meant.
And within a few hours, she had figured out what they implied. The FBI had gone and come knocking on her door.
“Hi, Ms. Olivia Hill,” a dark skinned, t-shirt wearing man approached her with a lanky, tall male a few steps behind him. “My name is Agent Derek Morgan, I work for the FBI and this is Dr Spencer Reid. We’d like to ask some questions regarding the letters.”
She dropped her head into her hands, feeling a headache coming. “I’ve already told everything I could to the police officers earlier, I don’t see how me telling it again could be much of help.” 
“Actually, we’d like to know more about the two letters the unsub has sent,” the doe eyed, sweater vest wearing agent clarified. “In both of the letters, he used quotes from Romeo & Juliet by Shakespeare, do you have any idea as to why he’s relating that famous romance write up to you?” 
“Maybe it’s because I’m a writer. Honestly, I don’t know,” she stressed out. “All I do is write romance novels, that’s not a crime nor is it a high risk lifestyle. So why me?” 
Both men shared a look, clearly noting that she was fraying at the seams. Derek silently signaled to Spencer to stay put while he took a look around the house for any leftover clues and to profile the victim. Spencer then proceeded to sit in silence in front of Olivia, hoping his presence would bring a small sense of comfort. 
She was beautiful even when frazzled, taking note of her profile. Her amber eyes speckled with hints of gold framed with red rims no doubt from crying. Wavy chestnut hair with hints of maroon underneath the sunlight entering the study windows. She had the type of subtle beauty that would attract even a stranger walking past the street to do a double take. 
“Have you had a lot of cases like these?” She asked, bringing him back from his musings. 
“Do you mean stalking cases? Yes we’ve had our fair share of stalking cases,” he explained further. “Statistically speaking, an estimate of 13.5 million people are stalked in a one year period and the vast majority of victims are stalked by someone they know—40% by a current or former intimate partner and 42% by an acquaintance.”
She furrowed her eyebrows, clearly intrigued with the agent in front of her. “And how do you know all that? The statistics I mean.”
“It’s based on a government report,” he shrugged nonchalantly. 
“You know, you look a little bit too young to be a Doctor and an FBI agent,” she slightly smiled. “Let me guess, PhD instead of MD, is that right?”
“3 PhDs actually.”
Her eyes widened. “You’re a genius then.” 
“I don’t believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified but I do have an IQ of 187, Ann eidetic memory, and can read 20,000 words per minute,” he stated. “But yes, I’m a genius.” 
“Well then Dr Spencer Reid, do you have a statistic for me on how many of stalking cases get solved without the victim ending up dead?” She questioned as her fingers started drumming on her thighs. 
A nervous tick of hers, he noted. 
“85% of women who reported stalking survive murder attempts with the help of authorities,” He stated reassuringly as the slight smile on her face falls, replaced with a furrowing of her eyebrows. “We’ll keep you safe, there’s nothing to worry about.”
She took a deep breath trying to push the morbid thoughts of being kidnapped and dying out of her scattered mind. “Can you distract me, please? I—I find your voice and ramblings quite comforting.” 
He felt his cheeks and ears warm at that thought. Usually the team found his monologues quite tedious and never lets him finish and here was an attractive stranger telling him otherwise. “You mentioned that you write novels for a living. Any chance I could have read one of them?” 
Her laughter fills the room and warms the deep crevices of his heart. 
“Unless you’re a closeted romance reader, I don’t think so. You strike me as more of a classic literature or academic reading type of guy,” she teased. “A Dostoevsky or Tolstoy type of reader.” 
“You’re right. That's some great profiling,” he bantered back, glad to have successfully distracted the damsel in distress in front of him. “And you're a Bronte or Austen fan."
“Austen. Specifically her work, Emma.” 
He appraised her with a smile. “A true romanticist then.” 
“Well, I am a romance writer after all,” she blushed, heart skipping a beat at his wide boyish grin. Her palms sweaty as she realized her attraction to the genius in front of her even with the frightening scenario that led them to cross paths.
That thought sobered her up. “You mentioned that I might know this unsub—” 
He nodded, silently waiting for her to continue.
“—I played Juliet once for a high school play, do you think that’s why he calls me that in his letters?” 
“Yes—yes that could be the link,” he quickly answered. “Is that an information that anyone near you and your circle would know of?” 
She shook her head. “It’s not something I advertise. I mean, my acting wasn’t great and I was actually just the understudy of the understudy forced to take the role since the actress and her first understudy both got hit with a stomach flu. It’s actually what led me down to the path of writing.” 
“Can you think of anyone who would know that specific detail?” He asked urgently, bringing out his phone ready to contact Garcia for a background check. 
She rambled on the names of her publicist, literary agent and immediate family members.
“Hey Garcia, I need you to run a background check on Olivia’s publicist and literary agent,” Spencer stated over the phone with no time for pleasantries. “See if they have any connection to Maryland.” 
“Maryland?” Olivia repeated under her breath, confusion marring her face as she pondered about the new piece of information that seemed vital for the FBI to note.
She closed her eyes as her mind started to look for a pattern regarding the incomplete information she was privy to. The images, the body parts and her life as she knew it. Like a lightbulb going off on her head, she gasped and quickly rounded to her bookshelf lining the walls of her study.
In the background, Spencer noticed her agitated and hurried actions. “Garcia, I’m going to have to call you back.” 
She pulled out all the printed first draft copies of her books and all its final published version. Flipping them open on the table, she scanned the inks on the pages, comparing the details typed out on her first draft and the missing on the published print, as he approached from behind her.
“Oh god,” she repeated again and again under her breath.
Spencer squeezed her shoulders to stop her from hyperventilating. “I need you to take a deep breath for me—“
She followed, grateful for his presence.
“—and tell me what is, Olivia.” 
“I—I know why he’s doing all of this,” she sobbed out as she tried to unsuccessfully stop the tears from leaking. “It’s me—my writing that he’s basing it on.”
“Your writing?” He clarified, stroking her hair to ease her cries.
“He’s, oh god—uhm—he’s collecting all the characteristics of my male leading characters. But how could he know those details? We edited those out of the published pieces.” 
He held her hand and quickly scanned the opened pages on the table. The light skinned torso clean of any hair from her first book—Lovers of Midnight. The veiny arms and hands from her second book—Love, Theoretically. And the chiseled jawline and high bridge nose from her latest unreleased book—Book Lovers. 
Spencer called Derek back into the study. 
“Reid,” he stated, noting the tears in Olivia’s face and the intertwined hands in between the two occupants of the room with an eyebrow raised. “You have something?” 
He nodded, squeezing Olivia’s hand in his. “I think we have our profile.” 
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under-loch-n-key · 5 months
hnnng i'm not even done with house md yet but should i get into psych??
Absolutely! Psych is a very very good show. Even though it is a lighthearted show, it still has some serious moments and elements to it. Psych is the kind of show I can watch over and over again at any time because of how light and funny it is. The characters are absolutely loveable. The cast is so precious. Just everything about it is so perfect. Psych is eight seasons long. They also have three movies and a podcast together. The cast really wants to make more movies together.
I adore House MD, obviously, but it is more heavy than the show Psych is. Which sometimes I am not in the mood for. Psych has an episode for everyone. They have a musical episode, Bigfoot episode, cowboy episode, a Christmas episode, uhhh, they have an episode where they all had a late night out together and cannot remember anything that happened to them, a demon possession/“Exorcist” parody episode, a parody of Stephen King’s “The Shining”, a vampire episode, werewolf episode, etc.
There’s so many characters in the show that I just adore. Lassie is my favourite, Woody, Gus, Shawn, McNab, etc. There’s a character for everyone to enjoy. I just adore this show so much and the cast included.
It’s not mentioned in the show, but on Twitter a while back the creators of the show just randomly posted something along the lines of “Oh, yeah, lassie? Not straight. He’s actually pansexual-“ I do believe this was from the actual creators account. So, I thought that was cool.
Lassie and his partner detective Juliet O’Hara are such an amazing example of shows portraying male and female friendships properly. They actually make them friends and have it remain that way. I’m not saying that two people of the opposite sex cannot be together or anything, but it seems every time I watch a show they never make the guy and girl just be friends. There’s always tension and sex and then that’s all it becomes. They are just such an amazing duo and a perfect example of two people of the opposite sex just being besties without any weird tension or sex. I adore it.
I just so so highly recommend Psych to anyone. It’s one of my comfort shows. It’s so nice. Psych, the show and movies, is available on Peacock and Amazon Prime for free. Another show along the lines of Psych but is more serious is called The Mentalist. That show is also SO good. I highly recommend Psych and The Mentalist to anyone looking for something to watch. [:
(I will be making some more Psych and Shassie art in the future. They are one of my favourites to draw. Even the actors ship it. Which is hilarious. Lmao.)
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alldancersaretalented · 2 months
Dancers attending P21 Intensive
Olivia Elise Victoria Nikolovva
AM Dance
Aurora Monroe
Ale Mancillas Dance Studio
Balbina Cueva
Allegro Performing Arts Academy
Arina Bryzgunova Bella Verbera-Hernandez
Aspirations Dance Company
Lola Nelms
Avanti Dance Company
Hayden Goren Eva Graziano Mia Menji Kaylee Randeniya Rosie Zahoul Sans Blair Tennant
Capitol Dance Company
Malia ?
Center Stage Performing Arts
Tommie Milazzo
Club Dance Studio
Brooklyn Besch Emma Kleve Claire Pistor
Dance Alliance of Camarillo
Shiloh Lark Farrah ?
Dance Dimensions Performic Arts Center
Victoria Safahi Serena Wilcox
Lyla Haider
Dance Collective DC
Janelle Liu
Dance Edge Studios
Antonia Zanin
Dance Magic Performic Company
Savannah Lee
Dance Makers of Atlanta
Nola Paulina
Ella Bustillos Hudson Hensley Ella Nani Knight Ella Koehnen Soleil Lynch Aria McCrea Cheyenne Ringerman Sydney Swinehart
Dance Republic
Graisyn Clare
Dansé Escuela de Danza
Alexa Ahumada Marielisa Portillo Isabella Trabucco
DC Dance Factory
Pay Lynch
Dolce Dance Studio
Brixtyn Cappo
École de dance Louise
Léonie Macorig
Edge Studios
Sienna ? Aria Giusti
Encore ELite
Leona Zariel
Epic Motion Dance Studio
Maria Sofia Rodríguez Mia Sofia Covarrubias Tinoco
Essence of Dance
Ava Killam Makena Killam Briar ?
Eternal Dance Company
Maddie Kronenberg
Evoke Dance Movement
Emmy Claire
Evolution Dance
Scarlett O'Neil
Evolve Dance Center
Maria Belen Salido
Evolve Dance Centre
Izabella Modarresi
Excel Performing Arts
Emma Sheff
Fusion Dance Omaha
Gigi Murray
Glass House Dance
Eden Cui
Groove Studios WA
Kaiden Koths Abby Mae
Hart Academy of Dance
Lydon Thach
Havilah Dance Company
Caitlyn Marie Malea Jade Moore
Inferno Dance Co
Maizie Smith
Instyle Dance Company
Jacilynn Mar
Janet Dunstans Dance Academy
Adeline Glenn
K2 Studios
Neriah Karmann Lennon Reign Jessica Sutton
Larkin Dance Studio
Matinly Conrad Palmer Petier
Legacy Dance Productions
Sophie Boonstra Paisley Clarke
Legacy Studio of Performing Arts
Brynne Smith
McKinley School of Dance
Teodora Narancic
Murrieta Dance Project
Khloe Cabrera Gracie Gilroy
N10 Dance Studio
Claire Avonne Kingston Madison Ng
No Limits Dance Academy
Ayanna Voulgaris
Nor Cal Dance Arts
Aria Davi Aubrey Paz Olyvia Reza
North Calgary Dance Centre
Ellie Blakley Georgia Blakley
Libby Haye
Onstage Dance Center - Los Alamitos
Adalyn Nicole
Pave San Diego
Eleanor Bullock Aryanna La Fontaine Cooper
Pave School of the Arts
Sofia Cuevas Stella Fisk Livi Matson
Perception Dance
Mabel James
Project 21
Ellie Anbarden Olivia Armstrong Lilly Barajas Sienna Carlston Kami Couch Katie Couch Kenzie Couch Airi Dela Cruz Stella Eberts Gracyn French Regan Gerena Richie Granese Mady Kim Brooklyn Ladia Leilani Lawlor Chloe Mirabel Savanna Musman Madelyn Nasu Avery Reyes Berkeley Scifres Bristyn Scifres Sara Von Rotz Leighton Werner
Project 520 Dance Studio
Adelynn ? Karli Heim Sasha Muratalieva
Queen City Dance
Annabel Speck
Seattle Storm Dance Troupe
Claire Clark
Shooting Stars Dance Studio
Karsyn Hernandez Malani Maliya
Stars Dance Studio
Hannah Burak Catherine Clayton Fabiana Pierleoni Elie Rabin
Starstruck Performing Arts Center KS
Kinley Winn
Steps Dance Center
Emmie Pitt
Studio Fusion
Harley Gross Juliet Anne Wydo
The Collaborative
Addison Cullather
The Company Space
Piper Perusse Stella Marcordes Vivian Marcordes
Isabella Tamayo
The Dance Collective DC
Eva Rogachevsky Quincy Thomas
The Dance Collective MD
Lyla Urban
The Dance Company of Los Gatos
Scarlett Blu Chloe Rose
The Vision Dance Alliance
Emily Polis
Utah Ballet Festival
Ruby Taylor
West Coast Dance Complex
Mila Barnett
Xtreme Dance Studio
Jocelyn Longroy
YYC Dance Project
Kinsley Oykhman
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major-comet · 1 year
i think the reason why i don’t really care so much about paramount insisting on telling new stories with legacy characters is because i see the tos characters in the same way that i see like, spider-man, alice in wonderland, dracula, romeo & juliet, james bond, etc.
my favorite take on peter pan is probably different than yours, your favorite version of spock may be different than mine. but they’re all peter pan, and they’re all spock, and isn’t it so cool to have so many different interpretations of these characters and stories?
i want there to be a new guy playing a new version of jim kirk every now and then, in the same way i think it’s fun that every few years we’ve got a new guy playing batman, or a new take on wolverine in the comics. i want star trek to join the canon of classic stories and characters, to be adapted over and over again as the years go on. i want to get to a point where we’re getting adaptations of jim and spock that are so loose they’re barely recognizable and stand completely on their own, like what house md is to sherlock holmes.
200 years from now, after society has collapsed and there’s no way to truly engage with TOS in its original form, i want people to be telling stories about the USS enterprise and the brave crew who ran it the way we tell stories about the trojan war.
there has to be a balance of course, and i do agree that the focus should always be on creating new characters to tell stories with. but im never going to be upset at a new take on TOS. i don’t think it’s such a bad thing to keep these legacy characters alive. after all, we’ve been doing it for centuries.
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seasonsofcapri · 1 year
Seasons of Capri 2023: Cycles & Circles - Masterlist!
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Thanks to everyone who participated in the fest this year and made it such a success. Scroll down for the full masterlist, but here's a quick summary of what we did this year:
Fics submitted: 14
Fanart submitted: 3
Total number of words written: over 198,000, including four works in the 10,000-20,000 word range, and three that broke 30,000
We're so grateful to everyone who signed up and made all this incredible art. We couldn't do it without your love for these characters and this fandom! ❤️
And now, here are all of the wonderful creations for this year's fest:
Sexual Intercourse by antivillain
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 2.3k
Damen's healthy enough to engage in sexual intercourse. Laurent is (emotionally) healthy enough to tease Damen mercilessly for being so awkward and uncomfortable discussing the matter with Paschal. Paschal is not paid enough.
Tie Me Down, Set Me Free by @kiseopingu
Fic | 14.3k | Damen/Laurent
When Damen gets hired by his family's sworn rival to help track the man's younger brother, he doesn't expect the road to lead him to familiar places, and familiar faces. As for Laurent, his path to freedom is clear. It's only a matter of creating an opportunity to reach it.
As past and present slowly merge, both Damen and Laurent are forced to contend with their truths, whether they want to or not.
Jokeste’s Journey by @vmcgmidlifecrisis
Fic | Jokaste/OFC | 4.3k
Jokaste travels north, meets (original character) Drifa and gets some sexy fulfilment.
Beautiful, Beloved, Strong by bluehair
Fic | Erasmus/Kallias Erasmus/Torveld | 1.5k
My prompt for The Seasons of Capri Fest 2023 was: "Kallias schemes to save Erasmus with no hope of seeing him again--until one day, he does." Hope I did it justice! Because Kallias really would do anything for love.
Returning by flightinflame
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 2.4k
Damen knew the return to Arles would be hard for Laurent. He had not considered that it would be hard for himself.
The Stand-In Wedding Planner and the Obstinate Baker by penstrikesmidnight
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 2.8k
Auguste's wedding planner has decided to go on vacation a week before his wedding, leaving Laurent, the best man, to make sure everything is taken care of. If that's not enough, Laurent has to deal with an obstinate baker who seems intent on making his job as hard as possible.
There is absolutely no chemistry between them. At all.
Heat by @linecrosser
Art | Auguste/Laurent | Digital
While in the middle of a campaign in Delfeur with his older brother, the Crown Prince of Vere, Laurent goes into his first (late) heat at age 17 (totally triggered by the presence of Damen, the stupidly handsome Crown Prince of Akeilos). There are very few things more dangerous than having an Omega in heat while camping in enemy territory, and it's too late now for suppressants. Leaving Laurent to ride out the heat on his own would mean leaving it last for three days or more. Auguste has no option but to help Laurent through it by himself, so it will last no longer than a couple hours.
Red (like our spilled blood) by @pijulle
Fic | Kastor/Laurent Damen/Laurent Auguste/OFC | 39.6k
Akielos and Vere are at war, but maybe marrying the princess of Vere would help the two country finds a common ground - "The prince!" Auguste shouts. "Laurent is a prince!"
Star Crossed by @hephaest1on
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 35.2k
A story of Laurent Capulet and Damen Montague. A tale based on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, of lovers who suffer because their families are feuding. A modern AU that leans on the themes and actions in Shakespeare's original play and plays on the issues young lovers face in a world where gossip is news.
if only to dream of you by @nv-md
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 2.4k
During negotiations with the Vaskians and Patrans, Laurent falls ill and Damen must leave him to lead their newly-forged kingdom.
After a week of quiet suffering, Damen returns to their bedchambers and attends his husband.
Ruin Your Salvation, Ruin Your Mind by pretend_i_dont_exist
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 10.2k
"I do not understand. I thought we had a truce, so I came here for peace." His voice had grown hard and dangerous. "Why?"
Silence for a moment. "You killed my brother. ------- Laurent has suffered a lot since his brother's death, but he survived to his wedding day, and he's looking forward to a quiet life with a man he appreciates. New life, new him, he decides to invite his brother' killer to the wedding to talk and make peace with himself (by murdering the guy).
In Another Life by @mosrael
Fic | Halvik/Jokaste | 43.8k
Jokaste is the pearl of Ios–beautiful, intelligent, revered–and the consort of the most powerful man in Akielos… Or so she thinks. When her chosen lover’s power is corrupted and usurped by a foreign faction, Jokaste must make the hardest decision of her life: remain in Akielos and meet a perilous fate–one she had a hand in crafting–or flee to seek her future elsewhere.
Or: when getting kidnapped, then kidnapped again turns out to be the best possible thing that could happen to a girl.
antidote by @banananamilks
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 2.7k
Auguste survives Marlas, but Damen still becomes our captive prince. Actually all three princes are kind of the captive prince. oops
Soldier, Poet, King by @bluebutter-art
Art | Damen/Laurent | Digital
Two years after the bells had rung, both Akielos and Vere celebrate the wedding of their two Kings, which coincidentally falls on Vere's Annual Autumn Festival.
Chasing Meridians; Or 26,00 Miles to Home by @not-a-coral-snake
Fic | Damen/Laurent | 17k
Laurent lives a life of quiet routine, until the day a few ill-chosen words, his uncle's malice, and his own inability to back down from a challenge see him wagering half his fortune on an impossible journey to the ends of the earth and back. Happily, or perhaps unhappily, his newly-hired valet is making the journey with him and has plenty of opinions about where they should go, what they should do, and de Vere himself.
An Around the World in Eighty Days au.
At the Drop of a Veil by @seekthemist
Fic | Damen /Laurent | 19.1k
The Battle of Marlas could have brought the relationship between Vere and Akielos to a breaking point, but it didn't. As the peace treaty is finally signed, King Aleron has a very clear idea of how to ensure the agreement is truly felt.
"Since the formal establishment of Vere and Akielos as independent reigns, there had been twelve peace treaties. The Peace of Marlas, signed by King Aleron and Theomedes-Exalted before the beginning of autumn, would be the thirteenth.
The thirteenth peace would not go down in the history of the Kingdom as an abject failure. Not if Laurent could help it."
By the Waterfall by @captaindamianos
Art | Damen/Laurent | Digital
Laurent is the god of winter, Damen is the god of summer. They only ever overlap in spring and fall. Is their love story doomed forever?
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