#murder drones core!yeva
rusty-gloinks · 10 months
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lovely dynamic🥰🥰
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cartoon-cass · 6 months
Comprehensive breakdown of MURDER DRONES - Episode 7: Mass Destruction
I saw a breakdown of this episode on youtube and it was just clearly rushed so I want to do this episode justice so here's my comprehensive breakdown.
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New intro, look at them! They look so happy, that is not the case in the episode, to say the least. With how much rubber hosing this animation has I would not be surprised if this was done by Kevin Temmer Tunes with what he learned from amazing digital circus Edit: N was animated by Micah Preciado and Uzi by Zachary Preciado
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Bad day to accidentally grab the wrong uniform, I do wonder where the actual Dr.Chambers was in all this. Wonder if it would have made a difference... probably not.
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Not actually important but having the shadows of the claws that aren't actually there be the thing to interact with the world is fucking cool as hell. This whole scene is a cool twist on an exorcism with robots and science.
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Like look at this, it's a pentagram magnet, a normal pentagram from my basic pop culture understanding it's meant to not only summon a demon but also keep them from leaving the circle. A strong magnet is so smart for this case as it's used to keep Nori in place, I mean it doesn't end up working in the end but it's the thought that counts.
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It took my second watch of this episode to realize why the lights got turned on, it revealed the tentacles and claws but it's sun light, the same stuff that burns the Disassembly Drones and Uzi. It even has the same effect as in the end of Episode 4
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Can I just say how extra it is making the USB a crucifix, I love it. Also I just notice that on the end of the crucifix the detailing is actually in the shape of a USB symbol, the details in this show is amazing, you can see all the love that went in to it.
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This is probably the most terrifying way to hold these robots. I couldn't blame any of the robots for wanting to kill the human good god. Also Yeva playing Tetris, the game has a lot of ties to Russia so wonder if she spoke Russian too, she doesn't speak in this episode and not sure if we'll get more flashback with her so not sure if we will ever find out.
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Not sure why Mitchell stop Yeva from entering the church but I like to think he thought Yeva was like a kid, look at him holding her hand in the scene before, and was trying to keep her save and knew something was off. That being said I'd love to hear what you think is his reasoning, sound off in the comments/reblogs.
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Pulling back we can see Nori, specifically her core, looking at a crucifix comparing it to the USB crucifix in the video to see if it's the one with the patch, it's not, so she goes out for the hunt to see if she can find it.
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Like daughter, like mother, honestly cool little details that lets us know what kind of character Nori is with the very little time we have with her. Drawing made presumably by her of herself as a human cat girl, twice, motor oil cans everywhere, a fricking ninja star, nightcore music, a anime statue that might be a reference to something but I have no clue, also magnets which have been used in the passed like drugs so that's um... something.
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was originally just going to point out the funny little animation errors in this scene, as the paper goes through the Ipod and the crinkled paper is mirrored but then I wanted to check what was on the paper and...
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It's a missing poster of all things? it uses the exact posters used in episode 3 it's probably just reusing assets but I thought it was a cool thing to point out.
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Uzi bleeds blood in these scenes and it's not necessarily mentioned out loud, clearly something AS related, but there might be more to it, or it just looks cool.
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This man is in some serious denial, but credit where credit is due, when "Tessa" tells N to stop he turns around, and when Uzi apologized for not being able to help he immediately apologized for Snapping at her. Also look at Tessa's little pointing, thought it was funny.
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N: "We're not going to hurt you."
I can't blame Uzi for taking this the wrong way, he's clearly telling Tessa off but all Uzi hears is "hurt you", hence why she only parrots that part.
Thad: "Aaand you won't tell me why we're wandering around 'cause...?" Lizzy: "I'm a good friend, and secrets are blackmail. And it's not about football." Thad: "Okay. Does your secret friend want to know about football, or...?"
Anyone else wondering who Lizzy's good friend is? The only 2 characters we know are good friends with Lizzy are Doll and V. It's possible that through everything Doll sent a text to Lizzy asking her to do something but I feel like V just makes more sense. This does assume V made her way away from the sentinels, if I had to guess she's just a core at the moment which might be why she couldn't do it herself, no wings nor weapons as a core, also makes the blackmail line make more sense.
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N: "I deserve this. I deserve this. I deserve this."
Baby girl NO! no you don't, your too hard on your self
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That scream. That cut. *chef's kiss* perfect.
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This scene just shows us why Uzi went towards the church. Also note when she's the most stressed her eye turns yellow so it does seem stress is the deciding factor whether she can be possessed.
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V/AS: You know, you're one of the main reasons... [voice glitching] ...I wanted your team to retain your personalities.
This quote I think has some interesting implications, I mean it obviously confirms that the DD squad was influence by AS but it might also be why it keeps a bit of the personality of which ever host it's using.
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This scene holy shit, the music, the lighting, the sound design and animation, that's how you do horror! You don't even need detailed gore, in fact most of it is just off screen. like look at the DD's off in the distance one catches the pilot of the helicopter mid air then they fight over it like hungry animals.
Ok so I hit the image limit and it's almost 1 in the morning so I'm gonna go to bed and continue this tomorrow
~to be continued~
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therantingsage · 6 months
This is riddled with spoilers so it's under the cut, but here's my theory:
Doll was never in as much danger as she thought she was.
Doll is down in the labs because she wants to cure herself of the Solver. But I don't think she actually even needed to. I think her solver wasn't a threat to her at all (or at least in the way she thinks it is).
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The only two Solver users alive to use for reference here are Nori and Yeva, but if you see that list it says that Yeva had a version of the Patch installed. Reasonably speaking, we can assume that she was patched before the core collapse, because if this happened after, why would Nori still be down there looking for it? They would've known where it is cuz Yeva used it.
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Yeva still uses her Solver right before the collapse. I think most people are under the assumption that the Patch completely removes the Solver from the host drone, but this doesn't seem to be the case based on this? While I think it's possible the Patch that gets thrown around by Nori in the flashback is a more recent version than the one Yeva has installed, I'd like to propose an alternative idea.
What if the Patch doesn't remove the abilities associated with the Solver at all? What if it just removes the ability for it to possess you?
You'd likely still overheat and need oil to soothe it, as we see with Doll, but Doll never gets possessed by this need on screen like Uzi does. Uzi's murders are all done under direct influence of the Solver, while Doll is very much in control of herself every single time she kills someone.
Yeva passed down a patched version of the Solver to her daughter, but Nori didn't.
But I don't think Doll knows this. I think Doll just assumed she was better at managing this than Uzi was. That needing to drink oil at all was the curse given to them, and needed to be fixed based on that. And then she sees (since she was there at camp) how Uzi lost control and figured that could probably happen to her too.
So she goes down into the labs, trying to find the cure because she fears that same loss of control, and what does she get told by the one who'd be doing the possessing?
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Doll can't get possessed. The Solver has no use for a vessel it cannot control. Therefore, all Doll is is someone who could cause problems if she helps cure the others.
Doll had all the benefits and only some of the drawbacks, thought that was because she was just really good with her powers, and then got killed for not having enough information to do proper risk assessment. The moment she decided to go down there she was on the chopping block.
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lexo-is-pesto · 2 months
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I'm so excited to finally post this.
My full Murder Drones reference! so hopefully I can keep up consistency
Obviously, this is full of my own head canons so close ups and explanations under the cut (it's a LOT) >;]
To be totally honest my focus was on the main characters, and I think that shows in the designs of the Manor Drones and Cabin Fever Squad. BUT I'll still do my best to explain my process here.
For the Disassemblers I decided to do very different builds for each but the same color pallet.
My idea here was that since each have a different designation letter, that was akin to their model type. That's also why "the company" was able to clone J so easily, they just had her model on file. (also like to imagine there are 26 different forms of the Disassemblers Imao).
I had all the colors remain the same to show their unity and of course the Absolute Solver-ification of the basic Worker Drone color scheme. Essentially, I just took the monochromatic WD colors and put the highlighter yellow over it that Cyn loves so much.
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For J I did a more lean and strong build. I wanted her to exude that leader energy. I also made her Core a star shape for similar reasons and then I also noticed that N and V had caution stripes at the top of their legs but as far as I could see J didn't, so I decided to add those to the very top of her legs to finish the garter belt look she's got going on. For her hair, I actually really like the pigtails I just flattened them out a bit because the big cutesy poof they had didn't fit her style in my opinion. I brought it back for her worker form though.
With V I gave her a round yet sharp look. (My favorite added detail is the sharp shoulders) I did make her the shortest of the DD because everyone loves the small but vicious archetype. For her core I made it a sword or spear shape, because she's extra violent. And finally, I made her legs a little more pointed than J's to finish off the sharp look.
Last but CERTAINLY not least, N's design is meant to be soft and plushy but still has a little edge to it. His hair is fluffy but the tufts curl to be sharp, His core is meant to look like a heart but it's upside down so the point is still facing the top (which makes it look more like a club but whatever) I gave him a rounder torso than the other two and his elbow and kneecaps are softer too. His general construction is still menacing, though, so don't get too comfortable with all the fluff. I also spent a LONG time contemplating if I should make his thighs black to look like little biker shorts to contrast with J and V's sock looks but went against it because I love how the hazard stripes stand out against the white.
For N and V's worker forms I basically took out all the sharp edges and rounded them out. J's still a little sharp though not as much.
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With the Workers I did the opposite of the DD. They have the EXACT same body types (minus Uzi because she's little) and instead I changed their color schemes to all be unique to their eye lights
Since Worker Drones were made to... well... WORK I think their initial manufacturing would be pretty uniform. A copy and paste if you will. It was only when they were left to their own devices that the WD started to customize themselves. Thus came the wigs and clothes.
I like to think the color started with those infected with the Solver, so Yeva and Nori gained color and then passed that on to their kids. Thats also why Alice has color, but Khan, The Manor Squad, and some other drones in the colony don't. Does not explain Lizzy and Thad though (maybe they have a distant relative that had the solver idk)
It was a lot harder to infer about what a base WD body would look like Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places, but I had to infer with things like the worker helmets, we see every WD except Uzi wear one but they seem more coordinated with their outfits so I decided to just continue my color head-canon that its naturally monochrome and you can customize it if you want to!
I added a light to the feet of the worker drones to match the hand lights. I don't think there's a canon reason for the lights but, on the workers at least. I think they're there to help them do grunt work in the dark! to light their ways in caves or tight spaces so they could do their job better. Now they're just another robot cosmetic
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For the Parents, I gave them wrinkles because I thought it was unfair that Khan was the only one who got them. So, Nori gets crow's feet hurray! No but I probably had the most difficult time with these drones. It was hard to separate the canon from fanon since we know so little about them, but I fought off all the demons to keep their designs relatively grounded. Minus Khan's scar. And Alice's more natural horns. and-
I also gave some drones eyelashes. just cause. if I thought it fit, I added it and if it didn't, I didn't add it.
Now you may be wondering "Lexo what's up with all the cracks!?" the idea here is that it's the solver taking over. We see in Cabin Fever and Home that the solver virus fundamentally changes the body of a drone. The crack in the casing is basically this process. Depending on the stage of which your drone is at it changes the intensity. We see Cyn being the main host and essentially patient 0, so she has the most cracks. It starts at the core then spreads until it reshapes you entirely and you become a Disassembly Drone. Unless you stop it in time. Thats why J, V, and N have the pale lines on the bottom of their torso, they're more pretty and cleaner since they achieved the solvers "final form" so to speak. Nori and Yeva on the other hand, have repaired cracks but they're still messy since they were stopped mid-way. Alice, however, did not stop the spread with the solver cure since she was "abandoned" so instead she just cut out her core entirely. Yup. Shes functioning on pure insanity and spite at this point. And then of course with the new hosts, there is light spreading. TL: DR the cracks are a zombie bite.
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But that's it for my Murder Drones head canons and designs! If you read all the way to the end, you're a champ and I love you. Have a cookie superstar <3🍪
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haastera · 6 months
Murder Drones has to be written as a multi-season series. There's only one episode left and I'm still confused about so many different things.
-How exactly did CYN make the Murder Drones (a better explanation than saying she used the solver)?
-When exactly did CYN make the Murder Drones?
-Where exactly did CYN make the Murder Drones?
-What happened in-between the Gala massacre and Earth being destroyed?
-How exactly did CYN invade and corrupt other human exo-planets?
-What's up with the other, uniquely designed Murder Drones?
-What does CYN even want beyond being hungry?
-What is the A.S really? An A.I or an ancient Outer god type entity?
-When's the French drone showing up?
-What's with the other two ships that arrived with Flesha?
-What's the proper timeline of events?
-How exactly was the Absolute Solver activated in UZI and Doll?
-How does the Absolute Solver work?
-Why did JCJ arrive at the Elliot mansion to investigate?
-What was the Gala for?
-Why is Flesha posing as a JCJ technician and does she have a direct connection to the company?
-Where did Flesha and Murder Drone J come from?
-Why does Flesha still have the mansion key on her keychain if it was destroyed years ago?
-What is humanity's current state?
-What happened to V?
-What happens to a Murder Drone's Eldritch form if CYN is no longer their admin?
-Who is Lizzy's secret friend?
-What happened to Thad in Ep4?
-How did Nori survive and make it to Cabin Fever Labs?
-Why didn't Yeva also survive if Nori could?
-What's with JCJ's motto?
-How accurate was Ep5 to what really happened at the mansion?
-What's with the disappearing oven cores in Ep6?
-Is Tessa truly dead?
-Is the text about the Cabin Fever Cathedral already being there a joke or serious?
-Does J know about Tessa really being Flesha?
-Did N, V and J always have their personalities as Murder Drones or just their Copper 9 versions?
-If they always had them why bother with the corporate cover story?
-What's with Tessa's Ep3 pink suitcase?
-Why was nanite acid introduced as a powerful weapon only to never be used?
-What happened to the original N, V and J? Where did they go after the mansion incident?
-Did J fight Nori in the past?
-Why does Khan say he had a kill all humans phase when he was younger?
-What's with Outpost 009?
-When and where did N kill Nori?
-What's the purpose of the corpse spires?
-What was CYN's original personality?
-How much of worker drone CYN is left in current CYN?
-What Solver entity was at Camp 98.7 in Ep4?
-What's up with Flesha's star patch?
And a bunch more.
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dreamii-krybaby · 11 months
Theory on Nori’s actual personality
Ok but what if it’s revealed that Nori isn’t necessarily malicious or evil or satan’s spawn, like specifically during her time at the labs and camps.
Like yes I know she seems to be enjoying herself after the core collapse thanks to the pictures in EP4 and at the interview shown in EP6 despite Alice going berserk and smashing her own head and Yeva hurting and terrified. Not only her body language but also the fact she is resting her arm on one of the sentinels as if they were mere pets gives her almost disney villian vibes
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Because to me she could be somewhat similar to N. She is a beacon of positivy, it may be simply her personality or a developed coping mechanism
It could be that her chill and cool vibes are astonishing. So it’s not that she doesn’t care or anything, she simply isn’t aware of the gravity of the situation or takes things easy.
Plus the fact that the goddam sentinels are so chill around her that even one of them lets Nori put her arm on top of them can maybe be seen as the sentinels not perceiving Nori as a threat, and more as a companion, maybe even as a friend.
Her EP6 appearance may be a red herring or is purposely made so we draw the wrong conclusion.
Bc most of her bad actions where when she was under the influence of the AS:
- Like before the core collapse happened we clearly saw in EP6 that Nori was fully possessed bc of her yellow eyes. And we in the footage you can see drones or even human limbs scattered around her, so all of that was when she was possessed.
- after the core collapse she shows to be quite friendly, it could be that she doesn’t remember a lot after her possession. Unlike Yeva who probably was still processing everything.
Tho tbh I can cut her some slack if she indeed was happy after the humans perished after the core collapse. Since you know, she was experimented and probably witnessed a lot of fucked up shit.
- When Alice mentioned that she left them to die, she also later added she had yellow eyes, again, Nori was possessed at that time. Alice probably didn’t know that the one who probably left them to die was the AS, not Nori
- Now this more of an assumption, but the fact that in Nori’s closet Khan kept boxes and boxes of “happy family memories” it probably meant their relationship was pretty good.
- And things only went south when Nori started to get visions(?). Also she constantly told Khan to build doors against the coming sky demons. Clearly she was trying to protect herself, Uzi and Khan, and probably the rest of the colony (which also included Yeva, which would go against the interpretation that Nori didn’t care much for Yeva). Also remember, it was Khan who wasn’t there for Nori, she needed him, she tried to warn him.
-Its also worth mentioning that Yeva might have not been harmed by Nori during the interview shown at EP6. Bc first there is no sharp object that could potentially be used against Yeva. (Wait now that I think about it, there is a JCJenson pen, and if u remember the pilot, that pen could have actually been used to cause Yeva’s injury but it seems to be lacking oil stains)
And its a higher possibility that Alice could have done it, as it seems she has gone berserk and drew with her own oil on the walls and is clawing at the wall, and maybeee she also used Yeva’s oil to draw.
Also Nori couldn’t have used the AS directly on Yeva due to both having the AS. And a interpretation made by @capnsaltsquid said that Yeva’s eye got damaged by the AS itself, it fucking blew up, due to her body not being very “compatible” with the AS. (Yeva my poor gal :( )
Again I think it all depends on interpretation.
Now does this mean she is a pure holy saint? No. Murder Drones is a show where most ppl aren’t really a saint. Yes..probably not even my gal Yeva. But Nori could be that at the end she wasn’t evil or smth. She could have a similar situation to Cyn.
Now personally would enjoy if she actually started off as antagonist or even villian when she got the AS at the labs and had to unfortunately learn the hard way about the dangers of the AS later. Wouldn’t mind at all if she occasionally showed moments of villainy.
And me being me, how about devil’s advocate?
Maybe she was indeed a son of a bitch at her time at the labs maybe she was happy after the destruction she caused after the core collapse.
What if Nori actually planned to get possessed? What if the AS offered her freedom by getting rid of the humans. Bc the AS drawing below her shown on the EP6 footage surrounded by body remains gives me “summoning the local Eldritch god inside of my body to do silly stuff” vibes
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For all we know the AS could have given her a sense of control, power, and superiority and for a lab rat surrounded by robo-raptors and other, more aggressive lab rats, that must have felt amazing.
Also it would be nice to have a villian who fully embraces the AS, even for only a period of time.
Before you say we have Doll, I don’t think so, well partially:
-She immediately feels sorry for Uzi upon learning she also has the AS, and she promised her to help her once she finds what she is looking for.
-She also calls the AS a “sickness” via Tessa’s comment on EP6.
-A lot of ppl and myself included infer that what Doll is looking for is a cure for the AS
-Even if she uses the AS a lot more than Uzi I think Doll is simply taking advantage of it while she has it, its the only ready available tool she has. But I don’t think she necessarily likes having it. Plus Doll has more control over her body over the AS unlike Uzi.
So I would love for Nori at the beginning to embrace the AS, that loves it. Sees it as a blessing rather than a sickness. That feels a rush of control when using it.
Or we could go the more, chill route, she uses it more due to carelessness and ignorance.
And perhaps for her later go “Well maybe I don’t want this thing anymore”
But realistically from what I gathered, I see her someone who is chill, open, easy going, sociable and perhaps, careless.
Tho am begging on my knees for her to be a morally grey sassy lady.
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(Murder Drones Episode 7 spoilers!)
Cult. It's a cult. This is definitely a cult. They probably don't even realize it but it is undeniably some kind of cult.
Nori what are you doing. Nori why are you like this.
The cross is a USB??
They're keeping the Drones themselves in the lockers??
Of course the unpaid intern whose opinion doesn't matter is the only one with any sympathy for them.
Pink Solver core?? SOLVER LIZZY?!?
Ah great, the Envy shippers are gonna be using this as "proof" that he's still in love with V.
Tessa. Stop. I was willing to give you the benefit of a doubt but you're not doing yourself any favours.
And now she's being racist. Way to go.
"The power of a black hole in the palm of my hand."
Did they change Thad's VA? He sounds different.
Was that V? Is she already back?
Eldritch V??
I can't wait for people to meme about his perfectly cut scream there.
Not going near the corpse. Smart move.
She hugged him. That's probably a good thing, right? That's probably proof that the real Cyn is still in there somewhere, right? THAT PROBABLY MEANS SHE MISSES HIM AND IS GENUINELY SORRY RIGHT
Nothin' like a good old-fashioned Robot Uprising Apocalypse, eh? In other news, Skynet is suing the Solver for copyright infringement.
Those admin privileges comin' in handy. Unfortunately they don't do much in the physical world.
Uzi has absolutely no reason to be crawling and scuttling around like a creature right now except for the simple fact that she wants to. Never change, little gremlin.
Oh I don't think you should watch that. N was right, y'know, there's probably stuff down here you don't wanna see.
Why does this remind me of the garbage maze in FNaF Security Breach?
Okay so it's not some kind of disembodied Solver Lizzy core. Don't blame me, the lights looked pink before and the cat ears headphones reminded me of Lizzy's bow.
Khan? A hunk? In the words of Professor Membrane, NOT SCIENTIFICALLY POSSIBLE!!!
"How do you know my daughter?" "Well y'see, it all started when we tried to kill each other..."
Oh it was J. Is it bad to say I'm kind of relieved?
Are we getting the cool edgy Khan from the concept art??? Bro why are you so nonchalant about it being the end of the world.
INB4 people go frame-by-frame through the list looking for the most Russian-sounding name and say "THERE, THAT'S DOLL'S DAD"
Tessa was that really necessary? You're giving really bad vibes right now.
Patch? So the Solver can be removed? And she knows? Again, major bad vibes.
*FNaF 2 Foxy jumpscare*
I'm starting to suspect Yeva either can't or chooses not to talk.
Is she saying the Solver wiped her memory of the labs? I guess that would explain a few things.
N being so polite and cute as always.
What do you mean, "found its way back?" Where did it go? Is the timeline completely wrong? Did it start on Copper-9 then go to Earth then return to Copper-9? I'm so confused.
Nori why are you so casual about the prospect of your own daughter being a planet-eating eldritch abomination. This is exactly why I'm worried about the fandom giving you the Rose Quartz treatment.
I told you not to watch it, Uzi.
Welp, so much for Doll. Consider this karma for killing V. But "fight back?" Does that mean it can be resisted?
So now we know where Uzi gets it from.
Whoa, didn't see that coming. No face reveal?? Does that mean she really is a Drone???
Imagine meeting your daughter for the first time and she's currently being possessed by an eldritch abomination masquerading as her boyfriend's dead sister.
Every time I think this episode's about to end on a cliffhanger it doesn't.
Oh no, now people are gonna write fics about Nori being vored by her own daughter.
"Hang out" is code for "date." "Hang out" is code for "boyfriend and girlfriend." "Hang out" is code for "madly in love with each other." "HANG OUT" IS CODE FOR "WE MAKE SWEET AND PASSIONATE LOVE TOGETHER EVERY SINGLE NIGHT WE'RE ALREADY PLANNING THE WEDDING AND I'M GONNA WEAR THE DRESS AND WE'RE GONNA NAME OUR KIDS GLOCK AND BAYONET"
Literally smacked the sense back into her.
Imagine meeting your mom for the first time and you don't know who she is and she's a gross little fleshy crab-spider-thing similar to what your boyfriend's jerk boss turned into so you punt her into a bottomless pit and she makes a dodgeball noise.
My last two brain cells while watching this episode. Now would be a really good time for you two to kiss.
Oh good gosh she's not dead. Okay it wasn't at all necessary to put your head on backwards.
Sorry J but you're still not plot relevant yet, you're not allowed to participate.
J: *sees the railgun* *has war flashbacks*
*Uzi falls* *screen fades to white* *UNDERTALE*
The Void???
Glitch I beg of you please don't make us wait another half a year for the next episode. And Liam please don't let it end after one season.
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myddle · 17 days
Okay Uzi, lets start Murdering, some Drones
The finale of Murder Drones has come and gone, this show has successfully buried it's way into my cerebral cortex, and I will now think about it until I die
Anyway, lets speculate on what the fuck just happened in Episode 8 (And Episode 7 a bit too I guess)
Warning: Biggest Post Yet, Spoilers, Opinions
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I Was Wrong About The Admin Thing, And I'm Okay With That
Last time I did a post like this, I speculated that Uzi's Administrator status would be the key to victory against the Absolute Solver. In truth, it was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it lore point, which makes sense in hindsight, because the whole Admin thing was a blink-and-you'll-miss-it lore point to begin with. This kind of environmental storytelling is good to put in a text, of course, but casual viewers need to be able to follow the plot without it. Truthfully, this is actually an area where the show usually stumbles a little; if there's one criticism I have for Murder Drones, it's that it show-don't-tells a little too hard sometimes. Luckily, this show is good enough for me to want to excuse it's flaws by any means neccessary! FOR EXAMPLE,
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Khan Doorman: Mischaracterised, Or Traumatised?
So, Khan was kind of acting a little too badass at the end there, huh? This drone was a delusional door maniac at the start of the series, but now he's this stoic badass with a goofy side? Huhwhat? Explain THAT, Smart Genius!
How about I do? Call it a theory, but I think that THIS, is the real Khan, and the dingus we saw at the start of the series was a broken shadow of him.
Khan was a respected man, seeming leader of the Worker Defense Force, front of the line in finding Nori and Yeva just after the Core Collapse, and say what you will, he can build a good door.
And then tragedy strikes. The Dissassembly Drones strike, and while the WDF fends them off, they are not without casualty. Nori is devoured by nanite acid, and Khan beats her head in to end her suffering. The worst has happened.
While Nori's heart sneaks away to go make the plot happen, Khan spirals. His efforts to fight the DD scourge have failed, so he turns to doors. He doubles, triples down, becomes obsessed with the only thing that hasn't failed him. His daughter still wants to take the fight to the enemy, but Khan rejects the thought so hard, he rejects Uzi with it, hence his "doors>uzi" bullshit in the first episode (for the record, I'm not justifying it, I'm just explaining it, he was still a piece of shit for this).
By the time "Pilot" rolls around, Khan has been in a door-obsessed fugue state for... maybe years, I don't think we ever find out how long ago Nori's "death" was. But by now, he's barely functional; Uzi's second excuse to go outside literally only worked because it was door themed. His fear and delusion almost kill his only remaining family.
But as the events of the show go on, Khan is shook out of routine, and his stupor begins to fall away. In "Heartbeat", he defends his daughter's eccentricities. In "The Promening", he clumsily attempts to be part of Uzi's life again, and watches her build an alliance with N and V. In "Cabin Fever", he opens up to Uzi, revealing the darkness that haunts him and admitting to his mistakes. By "Mass Destruction" his mind has mostly cleared, and while he's still a door-loving goofball, he trusts his daughter, knows what he needs to do, and is ready to kick some Solver ass.
Wow, turns out I had a lot to say about Khan friggin' Doorman, do excuse me. Alright, onto the actual finale, now.
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And Now, A Summarisation Of My Thoughts On "Nuzi"
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TradJedy: A Bootlicker To The End
I've seen some people are unsatisfied with J's villanous and, lets be honest, kinda pathetic role in the finale, but as sad as it is, I think it was true to her character. J is, above all, two things: Tessa's closest, favourite drone, and a corporate underling for some reason. Cyn wearing Tessa's skin was no doubt the most demoralising for J; Tessa is dead, the killer is pantomiming the life she never had, and you can't stop her. Plus, J likely knows better than anyone just how powerful the Solver is, how futile resisting it's conquest could be. But, to have a place alongside it? An offer of safety? Why wouldn't she take that offer? Hell, even V was tempted by it; when Cyn confronts her, she almost instinctively says "I can still...", as if her survival instinct is telling her to serve. J simply gave in.
Anyway, onto some details:
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"If I promised you anything, it tricked me too."
I've seen people get confused by this line, but I think J is speaking on behalf of Eldritch J, formerly the J clone that led N & V's DD squad. That J seemed to fully buy the JCJenson cover story, at least to me, and J Prime appears to have deduced that. I don't think she has all of Eldritch J's memory, though; that "PRIOR HAZARD" poppup strikes me as the impersonal knowledge of an error report, rather than personal experience of getting blown to pieces.
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"I never needed either of you."
Yeah, buuuuuullshit. J definitely doesn't really mean this. She's in bridge-burning mode, trying to convince herself more than anything that she's moved on. That offer of safety has gained a heavy price of two old friends, and J is pushing herself to pay it.
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Local Autistic Teen Fights God And Wins
This uno-reverse-card moment felt a little out of nowhere at first, but on a rewatch, I think I get it. While the past few minutes fighting Cyn were utterly nightmarish, and some of the most gruesome stuff I've ever seen get done to humanoids, it did teach Uzi one thing; resisting the CallbackPing is suprisingly easy. Before this episode, it seemed like the USB Patch was the only hope for escaping the Solver's clutches, but apparently strong willpower and personality is enough to stop it temporarily, and that gets a lot easier to pull off once you know that you can do that. A single "Bite me" or the hand-hold of love is enough to stop Cyn's advance, and once Uzi fully realises that, it stops scaring her. In addition, Uzi's use of the [NULL] shows that she is a very quick learner, and can easily adapt to Cyn's tricks, allowing her to pull this "no-u" and turn the tables on Cyn. This quick thinking is also what wins the battle against Cyn in the end, catching on to how she uses the teleport.
Teleport... that seems familiar... hey, WAIT A SEC-
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Doll Is Alive And I'm Not Coping; A Thesis
Everybody has pointed to this frame after Uzi eats Cyn's heart; the box that says "UZI DRN" briefly says "RSN DOLL" instead. But funnily enough, that isn't even the first thing that made me suspect that Doll might still be alive deep within Uzi's code.
If you look closely at Uzi's new gradient eyes, you'll notice that thEY'RE SO PRETTTYYY AAAHHH <3 <3 <3
If you look closely at Uzi's new gradient eyes, you'll notice that a subtle but distinct tint of red sits in between the yellow and purple ends. Admittedly, you can also see pink and orange, so it's not airtight evidence, but it was enough to get me speculating. Obviously, that RSN DOLL frame basically confirms it on it's own, but I found some other stuff too, and I thought it was interesting enough to share.
Uzi consumed Cyn's heart (some of it anyway), and Cyn lived on inside Uzi, possessing her tail in the post-credits. Back in "Mass Destruction", Cyn consumed Doll's heart, and while the scenarios aren't one-to-one, it can be reasonably inferred that Doll might live on in Cyn, who now lives on in Uzi, resulting in a situation oddly reminiscent... of Russian Dolls. BWAM BWAM BWAAAAAAM
It's thematically resonant, which means it's basically canon, right?
[There used to be another thing here about Solver Powers, but it turned out it was a lot less airtight than I thought, so I'm moving it to another post. Thanks to @1-800-hellyeah for the catch]
In conclusion, Doll lives on in the depths of Uzi's code, and that matters. The ramifications of this are unclear, and there's another thing with Doll in the credits, but we'll get to that in a moment with...
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The Credits Scene Lightning Round
The credits are full of scenes of the surviving cast enjoying life after the Battle For Copper 9, and while I haven't heard anything about their canonicity... I mean, they look canon. Liam has stated that this is the end of the series, and I'm inclined to believe him, but a lot of this stuff feels like plot hooks he could pick up in a second season someday, if he wanted. Or maybe he just left them to feed the fanfic crowd long term. Either way, lets see what we've got to chew on!
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J Prime, Alone
Man, despite how much of a prick she was, I feel kinda bad for J. She gave up everything for the Solver, only for the Solver to get defeated anyway, at least for now. She's repairing one of the ships she destroyed, presumably to leave the planet, but where is she gonna go? What is she gonna do? Fake Tessa's JCJenson credentials imply that the company might still be operating out in space somewhere, but trying to pal up with them feels like a long shot, especially since J Prime probably has some blood on her hands from Cyn's orders. ...What's left for her?
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Goopy Ghost Doll
Okay, so if Doll is in Uzi's code, how is she also here? I honestly have no real clue, but my best guess is that since Uzi is arguably the most powerful entity in the setting now, Doll could utilise a fraction of Uzi's power to project herself out into the world, unnoticed? Maybe? That's the best I've got. Anyway, she's probably gonna try to kill V again, knowing her.
And don't say it's just a hallucination or something; everything* in the show has either been real, or an illusion with a clear source. They've been very good about not pulling the hallucination card, and I'm inclined to trust they wouldn't do it now.
*I just remembered the weird skeleton thing behind V in "Home", I'm not sure what that counts as
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Yeva's Corpse, Or Lack Thereof
People have seen this shot of Doll's house, and said that the absence of one of the covered bodies implies Yeva is also alive. While Nori proves that your body doesn't even need to be missing for you to maybe be alive... I don't know. I'm hesitant. If she's alive, why get her body back now of all times? It feels like there are other much simpler explanations, like maybe her body is just on the floor now, 'cause everything started floating at the start of the episode, and actually, didn't N pull the cover off of those two, anyway? Maybe he put it back, I don't know. Make of this what you will, I got nothin'.
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Eldritch J, Alone
Oh, SHE'S alive. Now THIS is interesting. Her heart did survive the explosion in "Heartbeat", and I guess nobody's been down to the Cryosleep wing since. Understandable, I wouldn't exactly be eager myself. But it's possible Eldritch J was able to recollect all the matter that Cyn "gathered" with her back then, and has grown back to full size.
Now that Cyn isn't around to run the Solver, Eldritch J is probably fully sentient and aware now. That must have sucked to wake up to; last she remembers, she got shot in the face by a purple gremlin, and now she's this fucking thing. Oh man, my brain is already writing the fanfic where J Prime finds her whilst infiltrating the Outpost for ship parts. (That concept is free to grab it anyone wants to)
Alright, lets finish this off...
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I've long wondered about Cyn's true nature, whether Cyn is a remorseless mastermind or a tragic puppet of the Solver's true will... The finale didn't give us a straight answer on this - The two seemed narratively entwined in Cyn's heart, but in the post credits scene she seems... friendly. Friendliest she's been, potentially. Plus, The illusory camera heads appear in Uzi's reflection seperately, implying a seperation between Cyn and Solver.
After everything, I think I've personally settled on somewhere in the middle. Cyn was a willing accomplice to the Solver... for as much as that can mean for Cyn. In "Home", Cyn is contacted by the Solver on the brink of death, and is offered salvation, to not be discarded like she was before. Her life before this was likely very short; her owners probably threw her out pretty quickly due to her "quirks". Tessa tried to give her the love she gave to her other drones, but it was already too late; Cyn would spend her formative years under the influence of the Solver, so it's no wonder she ended up so morally twisted. She talked about her "back-ups" to excuse the deaths and suffering of her fellow drones... was it an excuse? Or does she genuinely think that made it okay? How much does she understand... anything?
She's acted without remorse, but she's only had the full perspective of a detached eldritch being that only cares for consumption. But even then, her personality shines through. She seems to have genuine affection for N, even if she expresses it in horrid ways. Her alignment with the Solvers goals seems to come from a personal desire for revenge on humanity, considering how she plays out the gala. And despite the circumstances, she's visibly enjoying herself in "Absolute End", having an absolute blast fighting the trio. It's like a game to her.
Her crimes are great, but she's hardly the only one in this show with a kill count. I believe that if someone gave her that USB Patch, then sat her down and explained how reality works, she would have a full change of heart and crisis of remorse.
In a way, she was a lot like J; a willing, but coerced minion to the Solver of The Absolute Fabric. The Void. The Exponential End.
I like to call it The Voiceless One.
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polyhexian · 30 days
I'm not entirely sure why, but everyone seems convinced that this:
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Is Doll. Or her body at least. and I suppose the arguments for that is that she has a dress or skirt and a shiny hat. It's not just hair up there but some kind of hat. She also has red eyes and doll is the only red one. But doll died in the church and there are lockers here. A big pro is that dolls head was still attacked to her body when she died, but in the epilogue she is just a head. And we know they can regrow heads. So theoretically this could be her body, possessed and regrown.
But I just don't believe it. I think doll is just dead, the end. And having two eyes just. I don't buy it. It doesn't feel right. BUT-
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What about Nori! She wears a dress and has a shiny hat! Or a headband or something whatever. She is ALSO a host to the solver. We don't KNOW how she died other than Khan supposedly put her out of her misery after a murder drone got her. But we know she's just a core now- but we don't know what happened to her body! And the location is filled with lockers so it COULD be the home of the worker drones- but it could ALSO be the building where Yeva was tied up in a locker. Also filled with lockers!
I think it's nori. Unless there is some other thing I don't know or remember, I think it's Nori's body.
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YEVA has red eyes. She also wears a shiny hat and a dress! She fits the silhouette, she has the red eyes, she's a host, her body is in the worker drones place and there's lockers there, AND she has a surprisingly unremarkable death. If there HAD been a season 2, it would be totally on point for her to re enter the narrative as being reanimated by the solver as a new host, that by dying her patch is no longer relevant.
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thatguywhodoesstuff · 7 months
Some Unsorted Thoughts Regarding Murder Drones Episode 7 & Episode 8
Hopping back online for a moment to post a bunch of unsorted thoughts & mini-theories about the upcoming episodes:
Nori and Yeva are well and truly dead, and didn’t fake their deaths like I’ve seen others theorize. Despite this, I can picture them directly being involved with the plot via some convoluted Absolute Solver related shenanigans.
Personally, I like to think all Drones can save, edit, & transfer copies of their memories in a manner akin to saving files onto a flash drive to transfer over to another computer to be modified. This isn’t all that far fetched given how V and N’s memories were altered and how Uzi managed to help recover them.
Going off of the above points and the fact that each episode lampoons a different horror genre, I feel that we are due a good ol’ fashioned psychological thriller. I can easily imagine the under depths of the labs being loaded with all sorts of Eldritch nonsense (like those decidedly organic hands that drag off N during the trailer) that will undoubtedly push everyone to their breaking point before episode 8 even happens.
I’ve always had the long-standing theory/belief that Khan actually knows more than he lets on. I know there isn’t a lot to back this up, but it’s just something I always thought would make sense given everything he’s managed to live through.
I am of the mind that Nori was not the one to cause the core collapse that wiped out the humans on Copper-9. If anything, I think it would be neat if the core collapse was a complete accident that actually prevented/delayed the Absolute Solver from destroying Copper-9, with the event simply happening to coincide with whatever hell Nori was undoubtedly raising at the time.
I’ve seen a number of people point out how Uzi seems to be in control of herself when she grips N’s hand, and while a number of people seem to interpret this as her being mad at him for keeping secrets, I’m not convinced that’s the case. My crackpot theory is that Uzi is going to learn some hard facts about her mother and she is not going to handle them well and, with everything else going on, needs N now more than ever for emotional support, probably at the expense of his own mental well-being.
The cathedral under Cabin Fever labs was either built by Drones already under the thrall of the AS or Drones like Alice who got trapped in the facility and went insane from the experience.
As for what purpose the cathedral actually serves, I feel it could’ve an actual place of worship for the Absolute Solver, just as easily as it could be a conduit to broaden the area of influence of the malevolent “program”. Then again, it could just as easily serve as both, sort of like a giant transmitter/receiver with a decidedly gothic style to it for added flair.
There is this weird feeling in the back of my head that we won’t get a proper confrontation between the gang and Doll and, in true subversive horror fashion, something will happen to her that takes her out of the plot, at least for the rest of the season.
Part of me wonders if the reason Tessa acted so strange during episode 6 is rooted in the trauma from CYN’s massacre. After witnessing that and implicitly having been seriously injured, it wouldn’t surprise me if Tessa is poorly coping with the situation at hand. I also can’t help but wonder if she’s got a touch of robophobia directed towards Solver infected Drones.
Out of everyone, I feel that N is the least likely to perma-die in the upcoming episodes. In pretty much every horror series I’ve ever watched the nice one (when they aren’t one of the first people to die) typically lives the longest so that the narrative can torment them, regardless of whether or not they eventually earn their happily ever after. I doubt that N is any different, and I fear that his suffering has yet to begin in earnest.
Doll also doesn’t seem likely to die just yet (but given how Liam doesn’t seem all that shy about killing off major characters when needed…), and I have a feeling that if given the chance she could become a valuable ally, even if the alliance itself would be pretty unstable at best.
Of the four, Tessa and Uzi have the highest number of death flags waving around them. One has to wonder which is worse, losing an old friend who didn’t dehumanize your every action, that you just recently remembered/reunited with or losing the first friend/love you have had in a long time, who has also helped you recognize your own self worth. Either way, N is going to be crushed by the loss, especially given the likelihood of it being at his own hands.
If Tessa dies, I imagine her final moments will involve her bemoaning how N has doomed everyone… only to impart words of encouragement to him and assure him that his loving nature isn’t a weakness and may be instrumental later down the line.
If Uzi dies (I wouldn’t put it past Liam to pull this), it will be in an intense heat of the moment situation that won’t immediately register to her or N. I also think that if Uzi does die, it will only happen in a physical sense. My logic being that since Uzi became N and V’s new Administrator in episode 5, she could continue existing as a voice inside N’s head (sort of like Zane and Pixel from Ninjago), which could also result in N developing Solver powers. Alternatively, Uzi just straight up dies and N has to live with the pain of losing two of his closest friends and his first and second loves… Not to mention the fact a dead Uzi gives the Absolute Solver the perfect ammunition to use against N in the future.
TLDR: That trailer gave me a lot of thoughts and with everything going on in real life, I haven’t been able to put them into text until now. Thank you for taking the time to read the inane ravings of a burnt out college student/part time shut-in. Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated…
…I really hope Uzi and N kiss in the season finale.
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Talked to Cro about this earlier but considered to bring this up here as well
Spoilers for episode 8 ahead!
And Tw for slightly gore, and disturbing brain things (aka I describe something that my brain filled in gaps for, and my brain is twisted in that fucked up ADHD way) that fall along the lines of body horror and body mutilation. So either don't think too much about it or just keep scrolling! If you feel like you can't handle it you don't have to, so don't force yourself to!
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I think everyone remembers this scene right? Y'know when Cynessa/Flesha/whatever else is tearing out N's core? Yeah that scene.
The fear here can be just assumed to be a "Oh sh-t, I'm going to die.." but then later when N and Uzi are hiding and N's hyperventilating these two images flash on screen
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Notice a similarity in the first one? Yeah this was when N was being turned into a Disassembly Drone by Cyn/The Solver. Which yeah it was intended, adds the angst factor of that what Cynessa did earlier DID trigger those memories to resurface.
Then I let the images really sink in.
Now, my brain is fucked up in that ADHD way, I like body horror and stuff so my brain just kinda filled in gaps and...
Look, The idea of the bodily modifications The Solver did to N, V, J, etc has been LURKING in my brain. Like even thinking of Uzi, Doll, Yeva, and Nori- they have Cores but not those body modifications
AKA the initial Gala thing was mainly Cyn/the Solver taking over administration for the now Zombie Drones and then after The Solver murdered all of the Gala guests (and Tessa), The Solver modified their body while either all of them were still active or only N was still active, and if N wasn't infected before then The Solver then infected him, gave him a core, and did the body modifications to him all while presumably using the person N saw as at least a sister stare him down and do that to him while leaving him still active to witness and feel EVERYTHING.
This has been in my brain ever since I noticed it and I need to inform a bit more people. I figured I had a reason to like N since Cro showed me the pilot and Heartbeat when those were the only two out and, I'm telling you just the implications of him going through THAT and yet still making it out mostly okay and optimistic just made me love the guy a bit more
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bluginkgo · 9 months
Alright, people help me out. I think I'm losing my mind with how ridiculously closely I'm looking at this. Cause I'm probably scrutinizing this too much, and it's simply a design choice.
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But what is up with the diamond/triangle cores that all drones have?
Ramble and spoiler warning I guess
Every worker drone has their WD picture on their core. As seen on multiple occasions where it's peeking through clothes and on dead bodies in Doll's apartment.
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Granted, we don't see everyone's cores peeking through. Braiden, for example, is wearing a whole suit. So is Khan, who wears an extra shirt and a jacket over. But the thing I'm looking too closely at is Uzi.
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I love her design, it's probably the most fun to draw honestly. But it infuriates me on this one occasion. The shirt/top she wears under her jacket is just high enough to hide her core. In the concept art Liam gave us though, her shirt is sagging much lower and exposing the diamond core and still not showing the usual WD symbol. But then again, the rest of his concept art does lack some of the usual things we see in the show.
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Like here, Lizzy is missing her core. (But my god, do I love his style. It would have been awesome to see Murder Drones as 2D show.)
Back to my ramble, though, what infuriates me about Uzi's design is that it's very teasing. Or to me at least, who looks at tiny details and says "Hmm is this a clue?" When 90% of the time it isn't. The design teases my mind to think that something is up with her core. From the amount of the core that's showing, we ought to see maybe like the top part of the hat from the WD symbol showing, like with some of Uzi's classmates. But it doesn't? So of course my mind goes to, could have the Absolute Solver done something that affected her core?
Very unlikely and I'm just looking too deep into this. Why? Well, Doll, that's why!
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Doll has been using the Absolute Solver way longer than Uzi. And her core is still the usual WD symbol. Not to mention, both Yeva and Nori still had the WD cores present after the core collapsed.
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But what makes me still rather suspicious is the drones that were in Cabin Fever labs, have a very specific outfit. A tattered dress, with the v cut suuuper low. This cut exposes the core symbol, and makes me suspicious if the Absolute Solver can in fact affect the cores. The humans that were in charge of the Cabin Fever labs needed to watch and examine every part of the drones that were infected with the solver string, so that might easily explain the design choice for that.
I don't know, what do you guys think. ^_^
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cartoon-cass · 3 months
Absolute Solver's influence
Absolute Solver (AS from here on out) has the ability to possess, so I thought for clarity I'd list all the characters under AS influence, from possession to manipulation. This will be sticking closely to canon so wilder theories like solver Khan, Thad, etc will be left out but feel free to add if you like.
This turned out longer then I thought so it's going under a read more.
Unpatched AS
This would be Uzi, Nori, Cyn and any others that have the world altering powers. Cyn was patient 0 and it's unclear if there's anything left of her or she still has a mind of her own, at this point we can't tell. Uzi and Nori still have their own personalities but AS can over ride them in some cases. I should note Nori, and there for possibly Uzi, have the Patch 2.1.8 "in progress" what this entails is unclear but AS did think Nori was dead and did not try possessing her in episode 7 so take from that what you will.
The humans in Cabin fever labs transferred AS to other drones but most if not all are dead at this point.
Patch 2.1.8
Yeva had this version of AS, they can use the powers but presumably can't be possessed. It's never actually out right stated that that's what the patch does but it's implied. Yeva seemingly long dead unless she's like Nori. Doll likely had this patch too and that's why Tessa/Cyn ASMR mukbanged her core in episode 7.
The Cross patch was also destroyed so unless Nori copied the code while we were not looking this patch is not likely coming back.
Disassembly Drones, aka DDs
So the DD's are difficult but I'll try my best, this is more going into theories then canon but that's Murder Drones for you. We know from episode 5 that the DDs worked in the Elliott Manor before AS came along. During the gala J and V were possessed, and N was tied to a tree, presumably he got possessed too at some point but it's unclear.
Some time between the gala and now they changed to look like how they do today, the main question how and why? We can safely say at this point it's clear AS made the DDs possible using part of the very machines that were used to disassemble drones. We see in the Zombie Drone tapes the disassembly unit has what looks like a DDs arm with the distinct yellow and black stripes. We also see the DDs with there complete look go absolutely nuts on some humans in episode 7 which means they were being possessed then too, unless N secretly really likes eating humans / joking.
J also got possessed and went spooky snake crab in episode 2 after Uzi blew her up.
All this makes it seem that the DDs can be possessed too but then why do they bother manipulating in the show? Why lie and make up a whole story of the company sending them to kill worker drones? It could be that it takes a lot of energy and that was easier but I think were told why in episode 7, where AS pretends to be V to taunt N. "You know you're (N) one of the main reasons I wanted your team to retain your personalities, you always surprised me" their just playing with them, it's more entertaining for them not for any grand plan.
Right after they say that line they hug N making him flashback to what he did to the humans but then we see this
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Access denied contact admin "darkXWolf17", which is Uzi! AS was trying to possess N here but couldn't that's why they drag N along until Nori saved him. That's why in episode 1 administration"Cyn" blocked the absolute solver string, they wanted to see what N would do.
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This mean N and V can't be possessed as Uzi is there administrator but J and any other DDs out there can, and who was gearing up for a fight at the end of episode 7? J!
So in conclusion, Cyn is the main drone to be possessed. Uzi and Nori can be possessed but it can be limited. Yeva and Doll can't be possessed but are dead and the DDs including J can be possessed but after episode 5 V and N can't be possessed.
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withered-tears · 21 days
Man i feel so sad about all the other Witches/silver freaks/solver host experiments.
The way they just died still trapped and CHAINED inside their lockers, after seemingly goung thru the whole proto-murder drone transformation.
I very much doubt that the oil written HELP was done while the church/lab was still active.
The only two we get visuals on are these two
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Interesting enough, there are sedatives (magnets) on their heads, so they've been keeping from using their solver. But the fun thing is
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As far as i can tell, there are no magnets on Yeva. So it doesn't seem magnets were a standard way to keep them contained back then?
Did Alice come back after the core colapsed and put them there? Did Nori do for some reason??
Or maybe im getting it all wrong and these were magnetized and deemed unusable while the lab was still active?
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md-confessions · 4 months
Not to say anyone is wrong for liking current Nori now but to me her role feels shoe-horned in and changed. I know that Murder Drone's plotline wasn't exactly planned out well from the beginning but the sprinkled out hints that there were darker stuff to Nori's nature in the show but it seems like the writers might have something else planned out for Nori in the Finale. Honestly, I don't like the current Nori I'm seeing now since the reasoning for why she was out of the picture in regards towards her family and friends is just half dumb and inconsiderate. Like sure, it's kind of understandable that Nori is now a fleshy Core, suffering a lot of guilt from the Core Collapse and trying to find the Cross Patch for her daughter to be cured and safe but what about the threats both inside and outside the Bunker that Nori could have been there to defend against and actually being there for her family? Murder Drones are self explanatory and the Worker Drones in the Bunker tend to accidentally or purposefully kill each other sometimes. There's also the fact that both Nori and Yeva could have worked together to find the Patch but it seems the former didn't tell the latter that she was still alive and kicking. It's also incredibly odd with the way Uzi's life is that Yeva never stepped up to the plate to make sure that Khan was being a good father towards Uzi or taking Uzi into her family so that she would have a good life but the fact that neither of these two things happened lets me know that Yeva and Nori were either fully or somewhat hostile towards each other at one point but this part of their relationship has been reconned now.
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haastera · 6 months
Tessa's Patch May Imply Her War on Humanity Isn't Over.
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The Ep6 star chart shows at least 6 worlds including Earth and C9, but Tessa's (CYN's) patch has 6 stars and 1 large blue sphere with all but a single star crossed out. A total of 7 symbols.
If Earth is being counted twice on Tessa's patch as both the blue sphere and a star, it implies humanity is already extinct. Copper 9 being the final white star.
If Earth is not being counted twice, it means that either humanity colonized another exoplanet in the aftermath of the C9 core collapse that was subsequently overrun by A.S forces, or that Copper 9 is already counted as an X'd out planet due to the first core collapse wiping out all human life.
The latter idea means that there may be one final human exoplanet still fighting.
I'm personally leaning towards this being the case, because if humanity was already wiped out completely and Copper 9 was the final world yet to be completely consumed, what's the threat?
Who cares if a few thousand surviving drones hiding in the ruins of a broken world know about the existence of a cure? CYN's already won. Eating C9 is a victory lap. It's not like that cure makes them invulnerable to death by Disassembly Drone.
If CYN hasn't already won, if her long war on humanity still rages elsewhere amongst the stars, then her actions make far more sense.
She may be surprisingly desperate to consume what little still exists on C9 in the way of biomatter and drones to fuel her war against the remnants of humanity, and prevent the knowledge of a cure contained within Cabin Fever Labs from making it off word. A couple thousand Nori and Yevas aren't a big deal. Millions of them would be.
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Murder Drones are strong, but they're not invincible. In the face of well-prepared, entrenched, and desperate resistance blood and oil would flow in equal rivers.
That's just to take one human world, and UZI reminded us in Ep2 that new matter can't be pulled from thin air.
CYN said it herself. She's starving.
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