#muriel x cleo
dykeobsidianblock · 1 year
Characters I personally write for
These are the characters I personally write for, if you don't see a character on this list than it means I either dont write for them or forgot to add them to this list. If youre unsure than ask whether or I write for them
Red means I only write romantic x reader for them, Blue means I only write platonic/familial x reader for them, Green means I only write sexual x reader for them and Pink means I write romantic, sexual and platonic/familial x reader for them
Under the cut since it ended up getting longer than I expected
The Arcana:
The Muppets*
The Electric Mayhem (Dr Teeth, Lips, Floyd Pepper, Janice, Zoot and Animal)
Miss Piggy
*I only write for human versions of the Muppets
Empires SMP (Both s1 and s2):
Life Series:
Origins SMP:
Create SMP:
Witchcraft SMP:
Pirates SMP:
Champion Cynthia
Elite 4 Hassel
Champion Alder
Commander Kamado
Team Rocket Jessie
Team Rocket James
Trial Captain Kiawe
Team Aqua Archie
Team Magma Maxie
Professor Kukui
Champion Steven Stone
Gym Leader Iono
Gym Leader Kofu
Gym Leader Katy
Gym Leader Lt. Surge
Professor Birch
Professor Rowan
Subway Master Ingo
Subway Master Emmett
Elite 4 Marshal
Elite 4 Siebold
Elite 4 Drasna
Elite 4 Malva
Elite 4 Wikstrom
Champion Diantha
Gym Leader Wulfric
Aether Foundation Wicke
Team Skull Guzma
Ultra Recon Dulse
Ultra Recon Zossie
Gym Leader Milo
Champion Leon
Gym Leader Raihan
Gym Leader Melony
(Former) Champion Peony
Gym Leader Nessa
Gym Leader Kabu
Galaxy Clan Cyllene
Professor Laventon
Diamond Clan Iscan
Diamond Clan Adaman
Pearl Clan Palina
Rival Arven
Rival Nemona
Gym Leader Ryme
Teacher Tyme
Professor Sada
Teacher Raifort
Teacher Saguaro
Stardew Valley:
M. Rasmodius
Seven Deadly Sins:
Rock Lee
Obey Me:
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I’ve had the mental image of Fae Cleo in my mind for days so here’s a short fic ❤️ loosely a sequel to this:
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Forget-Me-Nots in Our Secret Moment
If you asked any of the villagers out in the Vesuvian forest edge, they’d tell you that the forest did seem more... alive. No one could quite place their finger on the exact changes but something was different. Gatherers seemed to come back with more in their baskets than before. Their known spots for edible fruit or plants almost regrew faster than they had only a short time ago.
Of course, the older residents whispered amongst themselves that it must be Fae influence. Who else could? But they knew that Fae didn’t help for nothing and a growing concern spread amongst them on what was being taken in exchange.
The elders had forbidden their children from going into the forest to seek the Fae.
“The price is always more than you expect!” They warned their offspring from a young age.
“Stay in our part of the forest, leave the Fae to theirs.”
Most listened, some didn’t, it was expected that a few would push the boundary intentionally or not.
What was the threat of a story to a small child faced with a test of courage? What did they expect when the boundary was so vague? When a young person went looking for something and noticed the fruit or flowers over in one area seemed so much better than those closer.
Sometimes they’d wander back after a time, confused or restless. A spark had been lit in their eyes that nothing the small village could match. None of the Fae-Touched, as they were called, stayed in the village for very long.
No one had gone missing though and nothing seemed amiss. So rumors and concern were kept hushed and the elders waited.
Muriel of the Kokhuri might have laughed if he knew what knots the elders were tying themselves in trying to discover the reasons behind the change. But he never did spend much time in the main village.
Lately, he didn’t even spend as much time at home. Khamgalai didn’t ask where he spent his days now, after being sick for so long she assumed he’d found ways to keep himself entertained. A bit of suspicion entered her mind but she trusted that Muriel would talk when he was ready. Because she could see it in his eyes, the touch of the Fae.
Muriel didn’t want to talk about her though. His visits into the woods felt like a secret that he didn’t have to share with anyone. He’d never had a secret before and somehow it made him protective over these rendezvous. Once someone else knew, he’d have to share her and he wasn’t ready for that.
The way through the forest past the boundary had grown softer under his many journeys. A path began behind his little hut in the dense green trees with ferns littering the ground. The big leaves made perfect covers. This part of the forest was darker as the thick trees blocked out most of the sun. The path moved through them and into a less crowded part of the forest. Flowers grew on the floor here and he’d pause to collect a few most days. The little blue Forget-Me-Nots were his favorite but he’d also bring daffodils, or tulips, or rock cress. On good days, he found roses. Beautiful white roses with thick petals and flowers almost the size of his palm.
Today he stopped by the rose bush and found one flowering perfectly, while the rest still waited for the right moment.
Once his small bouquet was in hand, he followed along the small stream towards a clearing. A large weeping willow hung over the stream and beside it laid a small meadow. Red capped mushrooms drew his eye to the circle in the middle where he hurried over to.
Softly he placed the bouquet in the middle, careful to only put his hand in the circle. Then he waited.
Gentle breezes rustled the ground and brought the smell of wisteria to him. In a blink, there she was.
The Fae was called Cleo and looked fairly human in her proportions. That made her inhuman features all the more noticeable. Long red curls fell to her feet and defied gravity, her hair floated around her it seemed. Muriel had never seen skin so pale and under the sun it sparkled. Her ears were long and pointed away from her head and those eyes were impossibly green. Most of that felt like nothing though in comparison with the two curly horns growing a top her head and the pupils of her eyes were slits like a cat.
“Mm, how lovely, Muriel~”
Her voice sounded like music from an instrument he could only dream of.
“The roses you like had a bloom.”
Cleo pulled the rose to her nose and smiled.
“Indeed, it’s beautiful.”
Muriel tried to hide his own smile by reaching into his bag.
“I brought the dessert we talked about last time, the Boortsog. Khamgalai taught me when we settled here. We try to keep the old traditions alive.”
Muriel blushed slightly as he offered the cloth containing the treats to Cleo. She seemed to bounce in excitement and gently took one. A blissful look took over her face once she ate it and she closed her eyes to enjoy the moment.
“... what do you taste?” Muriel absently asked out loud before blushing deeper.
“It’s just that... you always seem to... uh...”
Cleo grinned and let him stumble over his words a moment.
“I taste the sun on the growing grains,” she began. “The earth from where it was born. I can taste the first gentle breeze on the cow’s face. The flowers where the bees gathered pollen to make the honey. In this bite, I taste the energy you put into making these for me. Your hopes that I would enjoy it. It taste like life to me, a life made better with you in it.”
She stared into his eyes with such intensity that Muriel couldn’t dare look away.
Slowly he leaned towards her and she happily met him at the edge of the circle.
When he pressed his lips to hers, he tasted the sweetness of the honey from the boortsog. Muriel’s hand reached up to slip into her hair and rest at the base of her head. Idly he wondered if this was the real Fae food the elders had always warned him about because once he’d tasted Cleo’s lips he never craved others.
Cleo’s kisses were playful and passionate, she gently nipped his lower lip and they both smiled.
Muriel pulled away first, he always had to. Cleo tried to move with him to prolong their contact but stopped at the end of the red caps. He dragged his hand slowly from her hair to cup her jaw where she then twisted to press a small kiss into his palm.
All around them, little blue flowers sprang to life from the earth. In a moment the entire meadow filled with the gentlest forget-me-nots as the lovers shared their secret time.
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It’s so soooooft!!!! Just got my commission from @frankielucky 💕
Domestic fluff with Cleo and Muriel ft. Bok-Bok 🥰🥰🥰
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I love the post from @deluxeloy so I decided to write it out for Cleo and Muriel! Short Fae AU Link to original post:
Pairing: Muriel x OC! Cleo
Fae AU
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Red Caps
It didn’t matter anymore.
Nothing mattered.
Tears streamed down the cheeks of someone who would soon be considered a criminal but it didn’t matter. The forest grew darker and thicker with overgrown trees and greenery all over. The village had serious warnings about entering this part of the forest. It was said that monsters lurked in the shades of trees that grew taller than anyone could ever climb.
It was one such legend that led them to this dangerous place.
“You follow the lights...”
Little blue lights seemed to sparkle in the corner of their eyes.
“Look for the red caps...”
Small flashes of red appeared in the grass ahead.
“The circle of mushrooms that you must never enter...”
There it was.
The large red and white mushrooms formed a perfect ring. Even the trees kept a distance, leaving a clearing around the circle.
“Watch your tongue...”
They pricked their finger and dripped the blood onto one of the red caps. “I respectfully request an audience.”
“Prepare to pay the price, it will be more than you expect.”
Wind pulled at their hair and mist rose around them. The lights became brighter and the mist carried a subtle floral scent. Roses, maybe? They blinked and suddenly there was the Fae.
The shape of them resembled a human woman but the air around them filled with power. Vibrant red hair fell in ringlets to the ground, stark white skin was covered in freckles, and bright green eyes stared into their mortal ones with excitement.
The shock caused them to fall back into the grass. This only made the Fae laugh, the sound seemed to fill the forest.
“I accept your request mortal. Tell me, what shall I call you?”
Ah, a trick question right away.
“.... Muriel.”
Sunlight danced across the Fae’s skin throwing sparkles everywhere as she tested the name. Muriel sat very still and waited, it would be rude to interrupt the Fae. He must be polite but also not fall into the trap of giving his full name. The Fae waited but realized he would offer no more.
“A handsome name for a handsome man,” she giggled. “Quite a difference from my usual guests.”
“What may I call you?” Muriel asked.
The Fae dropped to sit in front of him with otherworldly grace. At eye level she seemed so close and Muriel had to fight the urge to back away. The Fae smiled at the faint blush spreading along Muriel’s cheeks.
“You may call me Cleo, Muriel.”
“Thank you for accepting my invitation and I am honored to hold this meeting with you.”
Cleo looked the man over. He was certainly a very large mortal, much larger than any other she had seen. Scars tore across his brown skin marring the flesh. It seemed this man was built for brutality and yet, in his moss green eyes there was only sadness and kindness.
“Not many who seek my audience are so prepared,” Cleo remarked. “Someone must have taught you.”
Muriel only nodded.
“What is your request, Muriel?”
A slight tingle ran up his spine as the Fae caught his eye and said his name. Her voice was like a dark sensual melody. Muriel blushed again at the thought and reminded himself to focus.
“I have the desire to ask for someone to be healed if it is acceptable to you.”
Carefully Muriel thought about each word. Never say “need” or they know you’re desperate. Never doubt their power or ask if they even could do something. Be polite! Do not push!
Cleo hummed a bit and rocked her head gently side to side as she made him wait. Muriel sat as still as stone.
“Perhaps I will. The question now is what will you give me?”
This was the most dangerous part. Luckily, Muriel was prepared. Unlucky though, he was also desperate.
“Anything that is within my power to give and does not harm another living creature.”
Cleo’s eyes shone again with mischief as the ideas formed. Muriel sat perfectly still again.
Finally, Cleo tapped her chin and hummed before grinning.
“My price is... your firstborn child.”
Muriel could have laughed in relief or blushed from head to toe.
“I agree.”
Cleo looked the strange mortal over again. No one had ever agreed that fast. Did he not care for his children? Far be it from a Fae to question getting what they wanted though.
“Wonderful. It’s a deal. When you go home, Khamgalai will be in pristine health. Even the memory of her suffering will soon fade.”
Muriel wanted to ask how she knew who he wanted healed but didn’t. Fae were mysterious and tricky.
“Thank you, Cleo. She means everything to me.”
Cleo waved one delicate hand in the air as if to brush away the comment.
“Yes, I know. Let us hope the price does not become more than you can bare in time...” A wicked grin appeared.
Muriel only nodded again. It would be a price he paid to save the one woman left from his original village. Khamgalai was the last link to the Kokhuri tribes. Muriel took a deep breath then turned to look back at the Fae’s enchanting eyes.
“... so when do we start?”
Cleo raised a brow and Muriel noted that her skin didn’t crinkle.
“I would ask you to elaborate, Muriel?”
“You asked for my firstborn child.”
“Yes and you agreed”
“So when do we start?”
Muriel was unclasping his cloak to lay on the ground.
“Do you have to stay in the circle? Can I enter the circle without being taken? Or are you able to come outside it for a time?”
Cleo watched as her mind raced to catch up. What was this mortal doing? Why did he lay out his cloak? Why was he unbuttoning-
A faint blush rose to Cleo’s face this time.
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Happy Birthday Muriel! (I’m only a little late in my time zone 😅)
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Happy Birthday, Mountain Man!
Vesuvia boasted a large diverse group of citizens and if you listened to the Praetor, full of juicy gossip. Luckily, few people listen to the Praetor. It probably has something to do with the worms falling out of their pockets... or just being unsettling in general...
The Praetor did try though and it was them who brought up the subject Muriel tried to avoid:
“Oh my, a birthday! How wonderful! I know a magician who has a talent for surprise parties.”
Suddenly the Mountain Man’s muscles seized up and he jumped up from Nadia’s brunch to excuse himself. Cleo grimaced at Vlastomil before excusing herself as well.
“Mon amour,” she followed after her lover. “You know Andi wouldn’t do anything like that to you.”
Muriel gave a small huff as a reply. He’d known Andi since they were teenagers and while he didn’t think she’d do it, there was always an edge of doubt to the actions of the little magician.
Cleo sighed but slipped her hand into Muriel’s to twine their fingers together. Her reassuring helped a little but not quite enough. The journey back to the hut was mostly silent except for Cleo’s humming and by the time they reached the forest he’d started to calm down.
Inanna burst up from a patch of tall grass to intercept her human. Around her neck was a blue bow with a letter attached. Muriel narrowed his eyes, he knew that handwriting.
As one of your best friends, I would like to inform you that your request for everyone to ‘just forget’ about your birthday has been denied. Better luck next year.
P.S. We’re at your house, no one will jump out so please don’t throw anyone... again.
- Andi”
True to the letter, as the couple got closer they began to hear the telltale signs of a party. Julian’s fiddle was cutting through the forest with a fast happy song and voices could be heard chatting. Inanna brushed against Muriel’s leg and he reached down to pat her. He knew she just wanted him to have a good time.
His friends yelled out as Muriel and Cleo came into view. Notably though, they hid behind the tables as they did it.
Muriel rolled his eyes. He’d only thrown one person and it was their fault for sneaking up on him.
Andi’s large green hat poked up from behind a table until he saw her eyes peek over at him. Cleo tried to stifle a giggle.
“Whis...” Muriel shot Andi a stern look. Though she wasn’t deterred. The smaller mage stood up and proudly presented a lemon cake that looked as though the decorating process had gone awry. Icing and edible flowers were scattered around in seemingly no order.
Magni leapt over the table with Roan following as fast as his little legs could go.
“Andi let us help her make your cake!” Magni’s smile was as bright as the sun and Roan reached for Muriel as soon as he got closer.
“Roan help!”
“Roan did a great job! Didn’t you?” Magni praised his little brother who bashfully laughed.
It was too much and Muriel found himself smiling, how could he be angry at that? He pulled his sons in for a hug.
“Alright, lets see the cake then.” He sighed but the smile stayed put.
Andi grinned and brought it up to him with a small candle flickering.
“Make a wish, Muriel!”
Muriel looked around at all his friends gathered to celebrate his life then down at the two boys he loved so much and finally at his wife who stood at his side with a radiant smile.
What more could he wish for?
“Roan wish!” Little Roan puffed his cheeks up and blew at the candle as hard as he could. The whole forest seemed to fill with laughter.
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I promised Muriel and Cleo fluff! Magni’s here too now that his origins are revealed.
Pairing: Muriel x OC! Cleo Rosehyn
Warnings: Pregnancy
Post-Death, Post-Canon
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Our Little Family
“Magni, if you don’t sit still I’m going to accidentally pull a fair chunk of your hair out,” Cleo flicked the boy’s ear lightly causing him to burst into laughter. She smiled and continued to weave his hair through her fingers. Magni’s golden hair caught every bit of light streaming through the trees as Cleo carefully braided the sides.
Muriel stood in the river already while he waited and watched the two of them. Seeing Cleo pull Magni’s hair into his own style made Muriel’s heart swell. It’d been his idea to teach Magni how to fish, mostly to get him out of the house for a bit as Cleo was heavily pregnant and tired. To his surprise though, Cleo offered to join them.
“We’re not going too far, my love. Julian says we have another month as well before the baby,” she insisted. Nothing could erase the concern from Muriel’s face though. Magni had been the tie breaker when he loudly proclaimed he wanted Cleo to come too. Outvoted, Muriel sulked but took them both.
“There you are, Mo Stoirín. All done.”
Magni leapt up and brushed his fingers along the new ridges in his hair. Then he turned his wide smile to Muriel.
“Just like yours, Papa!”
Cleo commanded herself to not cry at such a sweet declaration and blamed her hormones for being so affected. Muriel had to pause and collect his thoughts but then his chest seemed to swell with pride.
“Just like mine...”
He reached out and set a gentle hand on Magni’s head then quick as he could, Muriel pulled Magni into the water.
They both fell over into the water and broke into a thunderous laughter. Magni reached over to splash Muriel who in retaliation held him in a bear hug.
Cleo watched it all, amused. The baby seemed to want to join in as she felt them kicking around. She placed a hand over her stomach.
“Don’t worry, little one. This will be here for you too.”
As the boys settled down Magni waved back at Cleo.
“Mama, how many fish do you think I’ll catch? I bet I can get more than Papa!”
“I think if there’s any fish left after your racket, you’ll both be lucky.”
Muriel smiled sheepishly then straightened out and began explaining the process.
“This is how I taught your Mama to fish too.”
Muriel thought back to their first journey together, remembering how nervous he’d been.
“She’s a city dweller though so it didn’t go so well,” he fake whispered to Magni who looked scandalized and utterly intrigued.
“I can hear you two and the baby doesn’t appreciate your bad mouthing their Mother!”
The two just laughed and continued with the lesson.
It had been some time before any fish actually showed up again but Muriel caught a fair amount. Magni acted like he was most successful fisherman in the world as he bound back up to Cleo brandishing his three fish. As a treat they decided to build up a fire in the woods and roast the fish.
“Wait! I can do it!” Magni called out before Muriel could strike his flint.
He stared at the fire as a look of serious concentration came over his face. A small flame ignited in the middle of the bundle and quickly caught.
“We’ll never hear the end of this,” Cleo muttered to Muriel just as Magni turned to them looking proud. “Three fish and elemental magic. This will be all he talks about for weeks.”
Cleo smiled as she said it though. Muriel and her were proud of their boy. They stayed out in the woods until the sun started to set.
Muriel ended up having to carry Magni back after the boy had fallen asleep in front of the fire.
“He’s getting so big,” Muriel commented.
Cleo held onto his arm as they clamored over the forest floor.
“That makes two of us. I bet this baby is as big as you already!”
“Wouldn’t that be a sight?”
“I think Julian would faint during the birth if that was the case.”
Muriel grumbled slightly.
“I thought you were over this. Of course Julian is going to deliver the baby. He’s our Doctor!”
“... doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“You don’t have anything to be jealous of,” she teased. “Besides, it won’t be the first time he’s been in a delivery room with me.”
Muriel groaned and rolled his eyes.
“You almost died that time...”
“And Julian saved me and Magni.”
Cleo rubbed his arm soothingly. She knew he worried about more than just someone he didn’t get along with being there.
When they reached their house Muriel gently laid Magni down on his bed then closed the door to his room. When he turned around Cleo motioned for him to come over. She reached out and placed Muriel’s hand on her belly.
It took only a moment for Muriel to feel a strong kick under his palm. It still amazed him.
“See how strong they are. They’re ready to meet you.”
Muriel nodded and crouched down to place a kiss on the spot he felt the kick.
“Our little family...”
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*kicks down door* “I won’t let anything happen to you.” for CleoXMuriel!
Ah ❤️ If the Devs won’t give us a confession then I’ll write my own! I hope you like it!
A harsh voice echoed through the ballroom of the Vesuvian palace.
“Your god has returned!”
Then chaos erupted.
Cleo and Muriel knew that Lucio would make his move and of course it would be dramatic. In the moment though, there’s really no such thing as prepared. Retreat became the only option, especially when Lucio had turned his attention to Cleo.
Muriel leapt into action and before the Count could reach for Cleo she was looking at him from over the mountain man’s shoulder.
The time seemed to blur together as they ran and hid out at Muriel’s hut. Between setting up their refugee camp and trying to develop a plan to take back the city, Muriel felt like he couldn’t pause to breathe. When Cleo pulled him away to their own secret place in the woods, he couldn’t get there fast enough.
The sun was setting which bathed the forest in a golden light. The small clearing sat surrounded by tall old trees that created an almost silent zone in the middle of all the chaos.
Muriel settled on the ground with a content sigh as Inanna ran off to stretch her legs. Cleo settled in between Muriel’s legs and leaned her back on his chest.
“Ah, sweet quiet,” She sighed.
Muriel snaked his arms around her waist and buried his face into her curls with a small noise of contentment.
“... too many people.” He mumbled.
“Much too many but I know they’re all grateful to you.”
Muriel shook his head slightly.
“I didn’t do much,” he rested his head on her shoulder.
“You’ve done so much, Muriel... I know you saved me...”
“Hey,” his soft voice was close to Cleo’s ear and he reached up to pull her chin towards him. Cleo wouldn’t meet his eye though.
“... I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t-“ Her voice choked up just slightly.
“Cleo,” Muriel tilted her face up more. “Will you look at me, please?”
Hesitantly she turned her eyes on his and he saw the slight red tinge.
“I won’t let anything happen to you,” there was no hesitation in his voice.
“You and I are together now and nothing, especially not Lucio, will tear us apart.”
Small tears slid down Cleo’s face but her smile broke through. Muriel leaned in to place a small kiss to the top of her nose.
“I love you, Cleo.”
Cleo turned around to throw her arms around Muriel’s neck and pulled him in.
“I love you too, Muriel!”
Who sought out the other first? Neither could tell. They only knew that they found each other’s lips for a deep passionate kiss.
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A bit of bittersweet with a happy ending? Absolutely.
Pairing: Muriel x OC! Cleo Rosehyn
Art by @frankielucky
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Beyond the gates of Vesuvia, an untamed secluded world thrived unknown to the citizens next door. The dark forest held mystery, magic, and a sense of foreboding that couldn’t quite be explained. In the early morning hours, the smell of dew laid heavily on grass hung in the air that filled with the light music of birds beginning their day. A glance looked just like a perfect painting of all a woodland paradise should be.
For one the residents inside though, the morning became very bleak with the arrival of guests.
When Muriel heard the knock on his door he considered just not answering. Maybe they’d go away? Maybe it was a trick of his mind? Who would visit all the way out here? The problem being that Muriel knew exactly who would be visiting all the way out in the woods.
The younger magicians face lit up with a smile as the door opened despite the gruff glare his friend was giving him. In the span of a few minutes, Asra explained his travel plans and led his confused houseguest into the hut with promises of being home soon. Then like a flash of lightning, Asra was gone.
It took Muriel a little longer to fully grasp the situation. With a heavy sigh he looked to the girl who was happily sitting on the floor with Inanna.
It had been over a year since Muriel had found Cleo out in the woods with no memories. Asra took care of her the best he could but it was true that these trips were necessary to stock up the magic shop and likely for his mental health as well.
A year, Muriel mused to himself. It felt both like he’d stumbled on Cleo yesterday and that she’d been gone forever.
“She’s still gone...” he reminded himself. The girl on the floor had only a years worth of memories and none with the Mountain Man himself so in his mind, Cleo was still gone.
Muriel watched her excitedly cuddle Inanna and the wolf returned the affection with equal enthusiasm. A beautiful carefree smile spread on Cleo’s face, one he’d certainly never seen before her return. It had all the innocence of a child without any of the burdens that plagued his former lover.
Abruptly, Cleo stood and moved over to grab Muriel’s hand. The shock of the sudden touch sent tingling up his arm.
She made sure Muriel was watching then formed a “C” with her hand, pressing the open part to her throat then sliding it down to her stomach.
“Hungry? ... I’ll make breakfast.” Muriel spoke quietly and pulled his hand back gently but quickly. Touching her felt too intimate.
After breakfast Muriel realized they had another hurdle.
“... I have to go get some supplies... you could wait here... I’ll have Inanna-“
As soon as the word ‘supplies’ came out though Cleo had run to her stuff that Asra brought and pulled a yellow cloth bag out. After securing it across her body Cleo smiled up at Muriel and held both hands up with crossed index and middle fingers shaking them.
“Ready?... you don’t have t-“
Cleo shook her fingers again with a sterner expression.
“... fine. Stay close.”
Cleo may have changed in a lot of ways but Muriel wasn’t ready to see if she was just as stubborn as before. Mostly because he strongly suspected that she was.
The signing had been Asra’s idea when they realized Cleo couldn’t speak. Unsurprising to Muriel she took to it fast. Well, she had spoken many languages before she disappeared so it made sense. Though it was originally meant to be a placeholder until she could speak again, Cleo still hadn’t uttered a single word. Her signing was excellent and her main form of communication but Asra couldn’t get her to even try speaking verbally.
Muriel shortened his stride considerably so that he could keep pace with Cleo in case she tried to talk to him. He’d never admit that he also liked watching as Cleo walked around looking at everything in wonder.
The weak sunlight still bounced off her thick red curls which reached her lower back. A welcome sight since in the palace Muriel had always seen her with her hair up with ornaments throughout.
Well, except at night when she stayed in his room. Muriel’s eyes always wandered to Cleo when she would undo the elaborate hairstyles. Sometimes he’d even help her brush her hair out...
Muriel shook his head and chastised himself. This wasn’t his Cleo. His Cleo was gone.
Once they reached a good spot Muriel told Cleo to begin collecting moss. He held up a small piece from a nearby tree for her to see.
“It’s soft and green. Here.” He held it out for her to feel.
Cleo’s small pale hand gently brushed the moss in his palm. The carefree smile slipped into a contemplative look as she ran her fingers back over the moss. A small blush touched Muriel’s ears as Cleo’s hand went from the moss to the skin of his inner wrist. How he wanted to fling himself away, to run, to hide until she couldn’t remember him, to... hold her close again...
Muriel started at the sound of a light musical voice.
Cleo trailed her hand up his arm and brought it to rest where she could cup his jaw. Strong bright eyes stared into Muriel’s with what he thought could be recognition. A small shy smile tugged at Cleo’s lips.
“And green.”
The forest could have caught fire around them and it wouldn’t have mattered. The pair only had eyes for each other.
“... Cleo.”
Muriel never again said this wasn’t Cleo. His Cleo was still in there, he could only say that he felt it when she looked at him. A million thoughts ran through his mind that morning as they collected supplies but now he was the one who felt tongue tied. Cleo on the other hand moved around excitedly demonstrating her verbal communication skills by describing things in the woods. It brought a smile to Muriel’s face when he thought:
‘It’s just like Cleo, she won’t do anything unless she knows she can do it perfectly...”
Muriel let her talk all day as they went about their tasks. Usually the sound of someone speaking so much made Muriel frustrated but after two years without it, Cleo’s voice sounded like music to him.
Later that evening when they both began winding down for bed, Cleo went to rummage through the pile of things Asra brought. Muriel only had to wonder what she was looking for before she proudly returned brandishing her hairbrush. Cleo shoved it in Muriel’s hands then sat with her back to him and waited.
This was definitely his Cleo.
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Who is Magni? The answer is here. Be warned though, this is some angst
Pairing: Muriel x OC! Cleo Rosehyn
Warnings: Birth, angst, pain
Pre-Death, Pre-Canon (During event. Post-Death, During Canon (After)
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He Can Never Know
Cries of pain filled the underground lab where the three inside hoped they would stay. If anyone discovered what they were doing... they tried to stay hopeful that everyone would stay away from the library above though.
Light filled the chamber as much as it could but even with every candle lit it wasn’t much. They’d had magic light at first but the task at hand commanded both of their undivided attention. Maybe if the two in the middle of the room had more light they would have noticed the tall lanky shadow hiding nearby, frozen in shock and fear.
“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” Cleo screamed out. She laid out on one of Doctor V’s clinical tables as the Doctor himself rushed around her.
“Good Cleo! Good push! Now I think with the next push we can see their head! Try the stick, please. It will help,” Doctor V held the short wooden dowel wrapped in a towel out to her. Cleo shook her head vigorously.
“No! Don’t you put that in my mouth,” she insisted before another pain began to rip through her. Cleo clenched her teeth this time though and tried to focus all the pressure on her push.
The shadow behind the wall faced an inner turmoil as he listened to the woman’s pain. He was a Doctor and he should be out there helping. But Doctor V had specifically forbidden anyone from entering his lab that night and that included the young Doctor. Not that he’d listened of course. Now he started to regret it.
“I can see the head! You’re doing wonderfully!” Doctor V continued his encouragement as he quickly moved around trying to set up the space by himself. Cleo had helped when she was able but for the actual birth it was all to him. If he’d had any extra energy to spend he’d have been honored that his old friend trusted him so much. Instead, ever since the pair realized Cleo was pregnant they’d lived in fear.
Doctor V did all he could by telling everyone Cleo was still recovering from her “accident” the last time she’d visited Count Lucio. The Count had hounded him frequently whenever Cleo had been sick before but this time he gave the Doctor and the lab a wide breadth. At first, Doctor V really did just want to keep her away from him. When Cleo had returned she had a faraway look in her eye, multiple bruises, and wouldn’t speak to anyone. Doctor V didn’t ask any questions. Unfortunately though, they’d both forgotten to be diligent on her contraceptive. By the time they started to suspect, she was too far gone for it to be a quick fix. So they hid her away. Granted they knew it could all come undone in a moment if anyone noticed and mentioned it to the Count but they tried. Cleo wore baggier clothing, used her magic to glamour herself, helped out in the lab, and started to open up again.
Being so throughly and violently tossed aside by someone she’d loved for 10 years was made all the worse by the fact his seed was quickening in her womb. Doctor V had worried at first and kept a close eye on her. Once he was sure she was stable though he broached the subject of what they would do. They agreed that the Count could never know. The child would be taken elsewhere, far away from Lucio. And Cleo.
“Ahhhh!!! Mmmmm!” Cleo tried to stay quiet.
“The head! Cleo! We have the head! Push!”
With a final monstrous effort, it was done. They waited for the first soft cries... that didn’t come.
“Why aren’t they crying...?” Cleo tried to sit up but a rush of nausea and light headedness took her back down. Doctor V stared from Cleo to the baby in his arms in a panic.
“C-Cleo stay still! You’re hemorrhaging! I’ll.. I’ll.. do something!” The panic rose in his voice.
“Doctor what are you waiting for!? Get that baby breathing!” The hidden figure stepped out. He couldn’t sit by while this mother and child died.
Doctor V only stared in shock for a moment before getting to work.
A hazy vision of dark red curls and a wide reassuring smile filled Cleo’s view.
“Cleo, dear. My name is Doctor Devorak, I’m going to help you. I need you to stay with me and soon you’ll be able to see your son.” Julian patted her hand and moved to examine her but Cleo grabbed his sleeve and pulled him close.
“He... can never... know... he can’t see... he’d never let a son go... promise!”
“I promise.”
True to his word, Julian stopped the bleeding and stayed to watch Mother meet son for the first time. The union was short though. Doctor V turned to Julian.
“You’ve done well. Now that you know, I have one more favor to ask. Take the boy to our friend Sophia in the temple district. She’s waiting behind the Celtica alter and she’ll take him from there.” Julian nodded.
“Cleo?” Doctor V called gently. Cleo continued to stare at the baby in her arms.
“... tell Sophia his name is Magni. Monty told me a story about a god from his land named Magni. He was strong. Valdemar, please?” Cleo turned to Doctor V with a determined look set in her eyes.
“Of course. Magni.”
As Julian slipped away from the palace and into the dark he held his bundle close. Magni, the poor kid would need all the strength he could get.
Cleo shot up straight in bed, her hands outstretched and grabbing at the air in front of her. A low pained noise seemed to stick in her throat.
Muriel was awake in an instant, on guard. He frantically searched the room for any threat as his heart raced. When he finally realized there wasn’t anything in there he turned to Cleo and gently laid his hands on her waist.
“Cleo, wake up... it’s just a bad dream...” Muriel spoke softly and rubbed his thumbs gently against her lower back.
Cleo opened her eyes and lowered her eyes, the dream was already fading away faster than she could hold onto.
“I... I think it had something to do with Magni... I’m not sure what... but I feel like it was important.”
Cleo looked to the right side of the tent where she knew Magni’s tent was set up right next to her own. Most of Vesuvia surrounded them hiding from Lucio at Muriel’s hut so Cleo made sure to put Magni where she could see him.
Muriel watched her with a shadow of a pain over his heart. He could vividly remember the night Cleo told him about Magni but of course, she couldn’t remember any of it.
The confession felt like a fire inside him, always threatening to burst out and burn down the life Cleo had made. Muriel wanted her to know but he remembered the cold lifeless eyes when Cleo had heard about her past before and shut down completely. In the middle of this war didn’t seem like the right time to risk it. Especially when she didn’t even know the details of her relationship with Lucio. So Muriel pushed the fire back down and gently led Cleo to rest her head on his chest. He pulled her close and used his other hand to pet her hair softly.
“Magni’s okay... he’s safe...”
Soon Cleo’s breathing evened out, petting her hair always worked. Muriel stared up at the top of the tent for some time though before whispering to himself.
“I promise... he’ll always be safe...”
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Hello! Could you do the soft sentence starter: [catching the other staring when they think they’re not looking] for Cleo x Muriel, please? :)
They both think they’re sneaky 💕 This is canon to Cleo’s story set pre-death.
Light radiated from the Vesuvian palace, like a flame calling moths towards it. Oh, did the moths flock to it. Citizens of Vesuvia lined the palace halls donning costumes of every color and shape imaginable. Turning one way you could speak with a deer then spin and dine with with a bull.
In the middle of the havoc stood the illustrious Count of Vesuvia who shone just as brightly as his home. Gold and jewels gleamed from every inch of his skin. By skin, they truly were gleaming on his skin because his costume consisted of very little cloth. Jewels and bright clanking gold seemed to stick to his body with little more than the hopes of not falling off by the guests.
Cleo smirked from behind the pillar she’d managed to claim. The servants had laughed for hours in secret after Lucio had brought them all in to glue the pieces in place. It had taken all day and the staff was excited for the end when he realized the glue he insisted on wouldn’t come off.
Across the hallway, the Scourge of the South stood behind the Count looking stern and intimidating. A large heavy looking golden collar replaced his normal one and he was dressed in his full gladiator regalia. Cleo couldn’t help but sneak glances at him from her spot.
Looking down at her own sheer golden dress with a bitter smile. Lucio’s idea. All his immediate staff received golden outfits so he could flaunt his ownership.
Running her hands over the fabric, Cleo wondered if Muriel was going to like it later that night. For now they had to dance for Lucio but once the doors closed behind them for the night then Muriel and Cleo could once again escape into their own world.
Muriel moved away from the entourage, tired of listening to Lucio’s increasing drunk rambling. Finding a small alcove he let himself have a small breath. Before he’d even finished settling, he was scanning the crowd around him for a familiar face. Or rather, he expected her hair to stand out the most. The thought of her bright curls almost brought a smile to his face. Almost. He’d save that for later though when this was over and he alone saw Cleo’s hair released from its intricate style. His favorite part of the day was watching her remove the mask of “Count Lucio’s Concubine” to just Cleo.
Ah, there she was.
Muriel moved slightly to get a better view of the woman almost hidden by the pillar she was strategically leaning against. Some noble was making a nuisance of himself and Cleo had her best “customer smile” on. Annoying pests always flocked to her light.
It did give Muriel an opportunity to take in her outfit for the night. Lucio had insisted that all his staff dressed in gold to represent his “bounty” which sounded like an excuse from someone without an ounce of creativity. The dress did accentuate Cleo’s beautiful shape though even if it flaunted most of her skin. Muriel didn’t care though, he knew that no one else would ever get a chance with Cleo. She was too stubborn.
As he scanned up towards her face he was surprised to gaze into her mossy green eyes.
Cleo sent him the smallest smirk and this time he couldn’t help but smile back.
Cleo’s dress inspiration 🥰
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Do I have a list of WIPs that need attention? Yes. Did I write self indulgent CleoXMuriel smutty angst ficlet instead? Yes 😓
Pairing: Pre-plague Cleo Rosehyn x Muriel of the Kokhuri
Ft. Count Lucio (as a villain), Nadia Satrinava, Julian Devorak
⚠️ Warnings: 18+, angst, smut, some possessive behavior, public (?) sex, forbidden love, mentions of height (it’s not a big part, he’s just very distinctively massive), set up is set after Count Lucio took Vesuvia ⚠️
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Inside the extravagant walls of the Vesuvian palace there was always excitement to behold. Ever since the arrival of a hardened mercenary who managed to change the course of fate. When the citizens first spotted the proud face of one Montag Morgasson, few imagined he’d actually enact his plans. Still, he inflamed the people with his beautiful face and persuasive speeches. Before anyone in the upper classes could even consider him a threat, he was already breaking down their gates. Count Lucio sat on the throne exactly as promised.
Unfortunately for the citizens, he wasn’t the leader they expected. With him came decadence for the new upper class which left the common people almost exactly where they had been before.
Rumors swirled of the Count’s misdeeds but it was far too late. Who was there to care about orphans being dragged into the coliseum? Or unusual dealings with the company he brought along? No one who wanted to hold onto their normal lives.
Inside the palace though, people pushed the boundaries of normal to avoid it at all cost. Lavish feasts, deadly fights, and hedonistic parties were either happening or planned to happen soon. Servants flew about in busy panics as they kept up with the demands. But the rich and powerful paid them no mind.
So the sight of the Count in the middle of a garishly decorated courtyard surrounded by sycophants and concubines could almost be called normal. He sat on a throne of gold with luxury at the tips of his fingers at all time. Often someone sat across his lap in full display of everyone and that someone was never his wife. Countess Nadia Satrinava had resolutely refused any such behavior immediately in their marriage. Not that it dissuaded the Count at all. The Countess was still in attendance, as her role demanded, but she slipped through the crowds making quiet connections or spoke with the palace Doctor’s assistant, Julian Devorak, when she needed a break. Only for a moment though because if the Count spotted them he would insist on Julian replacing whoever was on his lap.
The night was late though and the Count had been in his cups for some time. So the guests felt freer to move about their own way without drawing his attention. Nadia and Julian sat in deep contemplation while blocking out the rest of the world for a while. The courtiers roamed the floor to find conflicts, well except for one who was more preoccupied with the food. Lucio whispered into his companions ear to the delight of giggles and blushes. It was only then that two prominent fixtures could slip away unnoticed. Which they eagerly did.
Away from the noise and parade in a deserted hallway, a large shadow of a man pressed a much smaller figure against the stone of the wall. If anyone were to walk by then they wouldn’t be able to identify the smaller person but there was no missing the Scourge. Larger than anyone else in the palace, he stood at 6’10” with solid muscle on his body accompanied by too many scars to count. A heavy collar rested on his neck, golden and decorated for the event. Stories ran wild about the savagery of the Count’s personal executioner. Not a word of it the truth.
As he lifted his partner up to wrap their legs around his waist he touched them reverently. Large hands handling someone he treated as a treasure. Pale freckled legs shone in the moonlight and contrasted with his dark skin. With the harsh clattering sound of hair ornaments being thrown to the ground, bright red curls spilled down their back.
They only wanted each other and not even her belonging to the Count himself could stop them. Cleo Rosehyn, a concubine to the most powerful person in Vesuvia, wrapped herself around her partner and pressed frantic kisses to his lips. They never knew how much time they would have.
“Muriel,” she breathed softly against his lips. He groaned into her and pulled back to rest his forehead on hers. Both panting from the lack of air but desperate to stay close.
“... this is a bad idea,” his low voice rumbled. They both knew how it hurt to remember that.
“You say that every time,” she teased him. “But I’d rather this idea than any that involve you being away from me.”
He couldn’t argue with that when it was exactly what he wanted too.
“He doesn’t suspect...?”
“Not at all, he rarely seeks me out anymore. Which I’m grateful for.”
Muriel only grunted in response. A small fire in his sternum built whenever he thought about the Count’s hands on Cleo. His own hands held her closer and pressed her further into the stone, as if he could just hide her away and erase Lucio’s touch with his own. A soft hand laid on his cheek and pulled him up to meet her eyes. The soft green held a conviction he admired and envied. Muriel leaned in to place a kiss on her button nose in reassurance that he wasn’t giving up. The stolen moments, glances, touches, they all played a part in this dangerous idea of theirs. For a year they ignored all of it and pretended as though nothing more than friendship and camaraderie. But what burned between them became too much to hide.
All they had were these liaisons when no one would miss them but they’d become necessary for them both to stay sane inside the palace. Knowing that if they were found out then it’d mean harsh punishment, potentially death, or worse separation.
Eager to escape the thought of consequences, Muriel pulled Cleo back to him for a deep kiss. For now they could just think of one another. Cleo’s fingers tangled into his thick black hair and she kissed back with as much enthusiasm.
“Please... Muriel... please?” She murmured against his lips. He knew what she wanted.
Using the wall and his body to keep her up his hands moved down to undo the laces of his pants. At least Lucio didn’t demand he wear anything ridiculous at parties beyond the collar. Cleo was usually kept in complicated and intricate clothing but not around her lower half. Lucio believed the blatant show of his many concubines represented power so he made sure everyone knew who they were. While he worked at his laces Cleo took the opportunity to shower his neck and shoulders with kisses and small nips. Most bruising could be explained away on a gladiator but love bites on his neck were just a bit too obvious.
“Cleo,” he groaned at the feeling of her lips. “You’re distracting me.”
His tone didn’t change from the low growl but she knew he was teasing her now.
“Mm, what are you going to do about it?”
A smirk flashed across his face and he pulled her clothing away just enough to slip inside her. The intrusion caused her to gasp and then she laughed with a bright smile. Muriel swore he’d do anything for that smile, once again. It was a true smile that was reserved for him when they were alone.
“I’ll have to distract you.”
She nuzzled close to him for a slow languid kiss. Once she was adjusted comfortably she rolled her hips into him and drew a groan. Now he could feel the grin in her kisses. Without waiting any longer he began thrusting into her. With that, not even the Count himself walking by could drag their attention from each other. Muriel watched her eyes flutter and savored every quiet moan. Cleo tried to keep her eyes on his, she knew he loved that and placed a hand on his chest to feel the satisfied rumbling. They moved together slowly as if they had all the time in the world. In this private world, they did.
Muriel dropped his head onto her shoulder when he started to feel the telltale clenching of her. She was close and he picked up his speed. He needed to feel her, to hear her, to know she was satisfied... to know she was his.
“Muriel... mon amour... mo ghràdh,” she called directly into his ear. He drove into her harder, the urge to release himself growing.
“Say it.” His breath was coming in pants and he spoke through gritted teeth.
Cleo leaned even closer.
“Yours, my love. All yours. I love you. I love you. Tha gaol agam ort!”
She cried out as she clamped around him. Without too much thought he only went harder to prolong her orgasm before following himself. A hard growl against her skin as he held her as tight as he dared. Both of them basking in each other for the blissful moment.
“Би чамд хайртай.”
He whispered, one of the few phrases he remembered from his childhood.
After they finally separated and righted their clothing, Cleo took Muriel’s hand in hers to place a small kiss on the inside of his wrist. It was their unspoken promise. That maybe someday they could leave it all behind. No longer a forbidden love between a concubine and executioner but just love between two people.
mon amour... mo ghràdh - My love (both)
Tha gaol agam ort! - I love you
Би чамд хайртай - I love you
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Character Bio: Cleo Rosehyn
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Age: 28 (ish)
Pronouns: She/Her
LI: Muriel
Sexuality: Pansexual
Birthday/Sign: March 8/Pisces
Origin: Celtica
Height/Weight: 5’5” 140lbs
Tarot: Justice
Favorite Food: Pavlova with spiced pears
Favorite Drink: Champagne
Favorite Flower: Wisteria
Familiar: Anu the Jaguar
🔥 Spicy 🥰 Fluffy 👿 Angst ⚠️ Potentially Triggering Elements
The Beginning of Cleo - A small child survives the decimation of her village but what now? ⚠️
It Only Takes One Spark - Young Cleo meets a handsome mercenary and her life changes. 🌶 (Flirty)
We’ll Get Along Just Fine - Everything’s changed now, what do you talk about on the ride there? 🔥
Self-Control - Monty and Cleo’s first night together does not go as expected. 🔥
So It’s War? - After Monty’s surprising announcement Cleo begins to wonder if her training is enough.
How Much Do You Want Me? - Who breaks first, Monty or Cleo? 🔥🔥
When You Touch Me - Soft sentance prompt 🥰🔥
Honeymoon’s Over, Doctor - It all went wrong, can Monty and Cleo work it out? 👿🔥⚠️
He Can Never Know - Unintended side effects catch up with Cleo with the birth of a son. ⚠️👿
Whispers and Rumors - Monty is Count Lucio now and Cleo is the only one who can calm him down. 🔥👿⚠️
Who’s The Guest In The Right Wing? - Cleo meets with an unusual guest, the Scourge.
Pride, Bias, and Accepting You’re Wrong - Cleo admits her misunderstandings and the new pair find a compromise. ⚠️🥰
A Dance To Remember For the Forgotten - Soft moment between Cleo and Muriel in the midst of so much unease. 🥰
Caught - The Masquerades were always dull when Muriel just wanted to be alone with Cleo. 🥰
The Violence Within - In a violent world, violent things will happen. They don’t have to define a person. ⚠️👿🥰
Will You Look Me In The Eye At The End, Dear? - Lucio would never give up Cleo so easily. ⚠️👿
From The Darkness, Now What? - Is it the end for Cleo? Or just the beginning? ⚠️
Stranger In The Woods - Muriel finds a familiar face out in the forest. 👿
Soft - Muriel hoped he would be forgotten but for the first time he discovers what it means to be known. 🥰🥰
First Of The Season Visitor - Cleo’s excited for the changing of the seasons and the special guest it brings. 🥰
Magni - Cleo sees a face she could never forget. 👿🥰
Magni Pt. 2: The Blond Canonball - Magni is back in her life and he’s quite a handful. 🥰
Together - Count Lucio is back but if he wants Cleo then he’ll have to go through Muriel. 👿🥰
Who Am I Now? Pt. 1 - The war is over and Lucio locked away. But now, Cleo wants some answers. 👿
Anu - Cleo finds her familiar. 🥰
New Beginnings In The Snow - Muriel and Cleo’s wedding. 🥰x10000000000
Our Little Family - Family fluff for Muriel, Cleo, and Magni 🥰
A Blessing In Disguise - Cleo brings Julian the perfect gift. 🥰
I Can Wait - Fluffy Muriel and Cleo. 🥰
Accidental Kiss - CleoXMaggie 🥰
Out Under The Stars - CleoXMaggie 🥰
Red Caps - Fae AU CleoXMuriel
Forget-Me-Nots In Our Secret Moment - Red Caps Sequel 🥰
In the Line - Modern Co-Parenting AU
Cleo x Aster ( @xvi-the-tower )
Better Than Good 🥰
Sunflowers and Daisies 🥰
First Kick(s?!) 🥰
Hidden - CleoXMuriel 🥰🔥⚠️
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Children: Magni Cleosson & Roan of the Kokhuri
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Reface app fun
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(Art by @joeyhazell-art and @frankielucky )
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(Art by @miel-1411)
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(Template by @/savenkey, Cleo by @punky-peach and card by me)
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Fan kids!
Andi x Asra
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Ayda & Daniyah Alnazar
Cleo x Lucio
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Magni Cleosson
Cleo x Muriel
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Roan of the Kokhuri
Link in case you’d like to use this Picrew ❤️
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Happy birthday, Asra and Faust!!! Asra’s route was the first I played and really what got me hooked on The Arcana. But no one wants to hear about that! 😂 more importantly, Asra birthday short fic! (Also yes, I will use this art forever because it’s so beautiful)
Pairing: Asra Alnazar x OC! Andi, mentions of Muriel x OC! Cleo Rosehyn
Post-death, post-canon
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Happy Birthday Asra and Faust!
“Are you sure you wouldn’t have liked something a bit... I don’t know... bigger?” Andi said.
Asra shook his head and smiled.
“This is perfect,” he pulled their entwined hands up to press a kiss to Andi’s.
The afternoon was slowly slipping into evening as the two magicians sat overlooking the marketplace below them. They’d had a wonderful dinner and even received a few special treats from Salasi. The only thing remaining from their favorite baker being pumpkin bread crumbs.
Faust lounged on Asra’s shoulders with a full belly and sleepy eyes. The night carried soft music from nearby street musicians and muffled chatter from the few people below.
Asra felt like he had never been this content.
When he looked over the table he saw Andi staring at him softly as she rested her head on her other hand, the wedding ring gleaming in the candlelight.
“We should probably head home soon. I know Portia said she’d look after Ayda as long as we wanted but...” Andi’s eyes trailed towards the shop. Asra smiled and agreed that he missed their baby too so they set off.
Andi hung back a step as Asra released the charms then stepped into the darkened shop then suddenly...
Asra stared around the shop in shock as the lights flew on and all his friends surrounded him. Music filled the air and he spotted Julian and Nadia off with their instruments. Muriel stood near the back with a small smile which contrasted greatly to Cleo who jumped up with joy. Portia began pouring champagne into flutes and passing them out.
Salim and Aisha came forward with a beautiful cake with “HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAUST” written in large letters and a smaller “And Asra” under it. Asra burst into laughter at it. Faust quickly slithered away from Asra and onto Aisha’s wrist where she could see the candle.
“Faust, what more could we wish for?” Asra said softly as he looked around. Everywhere he looked he saw smiling faces and friends. He turned around to see Andi had slipped upstairs to get Ayda. The little fluffy white haired child sleepily rubbed her bright blue eyes then spotted him and reached out.
“Zaza!” Andi passed the squirming child to Asra who kissed the top of her head then grabbed Andi by her waist to place a sweet kiss on her lips.
“You did this, didn’t you?”
Andi wiggled her nose and grinned.
“I’ll never tell.”
“Okay Faust,” Asra leaned down to the cake and thought hard before blowing out the candle. The crowd cheered.
The well wishes poured in as the party started and soon everyone was laughing, dancing, and enjoying each other’s company. Shockingly, even Muriel was involved but likely because Cleo insisted.
A few people surround Aisha and Salim as they animatedly shared stories of Asra as a child.
“So that’s why when Ayda was born you locked away all the teapots!”
Asra grinned. His cheeks were starting to ache from all the smiling but that wouldn’t stop him. Andi turned from listening to his parents to snuggle closer on the loveseat they’d claimed.
“So what did you wish for?” She asked as she laid her head on his shoulder. So many strong emotions had to be tiring on her. Asra leaned close to her ear.
“Don’t worry, I’ll show you when everyone leaves.”
A slight red blush tinged her cheeks. True to his word though, he did.
A couple months passed after Asra’s party when Andi and Ayda returned from seeing Julian for a check up. Mostly for Ayda but Andi had been a little worse lately as well and Asra worried she was pushing herself too hard. Ayda was quick to tell Asra how it went in complete gibberish while he nodded along with the occasional “I see” and “Yes of course”.
When Ayda finally went down for her nap, Asra turned to Andi who hadn’t said much yet.
“Did Julian say anything?”
Andi looked down and nodded.
“He said ‘Happy late birthday’”
A smile took over and Asra ran to pick Andi up in hug so he could spin her around. She giggled slightly and hugged him back tightly.
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The wedding fever came for me today! I was inspired to write this after some wedding OC asks by @theroyalmage and now I’m taking you all with me! Plus an ending partially inspired by @greyhands recent art 😉
Pairing Muriel x OC! Cleo
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(Dress inspiration with winter modifications, unknown designer)
New Beginnings In the Snow
Far away from the bustling streets of Vesuvia, the Shining Steppe seemed to cover everything with its silence. The first winter snow blanketed the ground and ice gleamed like gems on every tree. The Kokhuri once called this place home but it had been so long since the sounds of the peaceful village had echoed through the land. Now though, a small joy was blooming in the midst of the freeze.
Cleo watched the light snow flakes falling from inside the house as Portia whirled around getting things together and chatting away.
“It’s just so exciting! And so romantic!” Portia gushed as she pulled the last of her outfit together and turned to Cleo.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
Cleo started a bit at the sound of Portia so close all of a sudden.
“Oh, sorry Portia. I guess I got lost in my own thoughts,” Cleo smiled and reached out for Portia’s hand.
“Well now is the time to come back here! We have to get you dressed and ready! Now obviously you have to look the best but I think I look pretty good myself, hm? Maybe there’s some eligible secret royalty out tonight for me~”
Portia tapped Cleo’s head lightly and winked before moving to the other side of the room to unpack. Cleo took the moment to look around. Muriel had built this house himself when they started visiting his homeland more. The rooms still smelled of freshly cut trees and seemed to be bursting with life all around them. He’d also insisted that Cleo have their own place to get ready in and said he would be fine in Khamgalai’s hut. Granted, Cleo knew this was the better arrangement since she’d gone more extravagant than Muriel on her outfit.
Portia walked over and proudly presented the dress.
“Oooh Cleo I’m so happy you got this one! It’s going to look so beautiful on you!”
Cleo couldn’t help but smile as Portia helped her step into the dress. Both women had practically radiated excitement since the announcement and now they were finally here.
The dress slid on and Portia began lacing Cleo into it. They both stole glances in the mirror to admire it. The champagne color complimented Cleo’s pale skin and wouldn’t clash with her vibrant red hair, a very important detail she’d insisted on. The ballgown silhouette felt too flashy at first but Cleo had harbored the secret desire for the large gown and once Portia found out it was over. The lace and beading had practically made the decision for Cleo. It was intricate, extravagant and beautiful. Plus Muriel always wanted a reason to call her a city dweller.
“It certainly was the right choice. I’m so glad you talked me into it!”
“Of course! Why not be a little fancy? It’s your wedding day after all!”
Over in Khamgalai’s hut, Muriel tried to relax as Asra fixed them a cup of tea.
“Stop fidgeting, you’ll rock the whole house down,” Asra chided Muriel softly. He was used to seeing his friend nervous but never this nervous without crowds around.
Muriel rolled his eyes and went back to staring out the window at his house. Maybe he hoped to catch a glimpse of her even though Portia had made many violent threats if he did. He shuddered at the thought.
“Muriel, sit down and drink this. You know Portia will send Illya in here if she catches you looking,” Asra brought the tea to the table and lounged in one of the chairs. Muriel slumped over and fell heavily into his seat.
“... why’d she have to bring him...”
Asra laughed and pushed a cup to Muriel who accepted it just to have something to do with his hands.
“Maybe because Illya is our friend. And he’s been very helpful to the endeavor out here,” Asra gestured to the window.
Muriel couldn’t argue with that so he drank his tea instead and grinned a bit when he tasted something more in there, definitely courtesy of Asra.
When things had finally calmed down in Vesuvia, well as much as they ever would, Muriel began to return to the Steppe. The land had been empty for so long apart from the memorials that it seemed as though it would fade entirely. The idea started with a sudden trip by the docks.
Nadia has asked Muriel and Asra to visit with her in hopes of finding the cities orphan population and persuading them to live in the newly built Orphanage. The theory proved much more successful than the reality. The kids didn’t trust the Vesuvian government to take care of them and still told horror stories of what happened to orphans during the plague when Valdemar came around offering shelter. Nadia was discouraged and turned to the two for help. Asra convinced a few of the kids to move in but many wouldn’t even consider it. Suddenly Asra thought, ‘It’s Vesuvia they don’t trust, what if they didn’t have to stay in Vesuvia?” Massive amounts of land laid unclaimed in the Steppe and Asra was determined that it could be a great place for them to have a fresh start. Muriel could barely believe the idea at first but as he visited more and saw the land barren he came around. Nadia pushed the funds, Asra advertised, Julian provided the medical help, and Muriel and Cleo transported and taught the kids how to live like the Kokhuri as best as they could.
Now the village was dotted with homes where not only the orphans inhabited but others came to seek refuge. They all believed in peace and with Khamgalai’s history they began to grow.
It was here that Muriel began to see a future and in it he saw Cleo. On one such visit he watched her teaching herself how to make tapestries in Khamgalai’s style then still make time to visit the memorials. It was right then he decided she was real and he wouldn’t want to live a single day without her.
Muriel proposed in front of his parents with a ring he’d forged himself and if any tears were spilled, only the spirits knew.
Now the day was here.
“Let’s head out there,” Asra offered gently and touched Muriel’s arm. Muriel nodded and they walked out together.
The snow continued to lazily fall from the sky as the villagers gathered. The air buzzed with excitement and the sounds of whispered conversation. Winter air carried the smells of the forest and Muriel took a deep breath to calm himself and looked down at Inanna who wagged her tail. Portia had even given Inanna a golden bow so she wouldn’t feel left out. Asra signaled to Illya who stood at the ready with his violin. The tune he’d chosen wasn’t traditional, he’d gone with something happier. ‘It’s not everyday we get to see soulmates joining together in the most sacred union. It shouldn’t sound like a funeral!’ Everyone had just rolled their eyes at the dramatic Doctor.
The tune floated through the air and seemed to fit perfectly, Illya called the song ‘Hope’. He was a romantic after all.
Muriel watched as Cleo stepped out of their house with Portia leading. The stunning light blue of Portia’s dress pulled everyone’s attention but then all eyes were on Cleo.
All around her the world seemed to sparkle and glow. Muriel’s breath caught in his throat.
The lace of Cleo’s cape glided over the snow and the crystals studded throughout caught every bit of the setting sun. Muriel was moving before he even consciously made the decision to, he just couldn’t wait. He reached out his hand and Cleo sped up to reach for him as well. As soon as their hands touched they twined their fingers together.
“... you’re real...” Muriel said breathily and cupped Cleo’s cheek. She beamed up at him.
“I am and we’re here together.”
Asra preformed the ceremony and managed to throw in a few jokes about eagerness as he wound a red ribbon around the two’s hands. The couple only had eyes for each other though. All the planning and worrying melted away now that they were here. The ceremony seemed to go so fast and when Asra finally proclaimed them bound under the eyes of the Hermit and Justice, Muriel lifted Cleo into his arms immediately and pressed his lips against hers. The crowd cheered (Julian wolf whistled before Portia stepped on his toe) and Asra jumped towards the couple to wrap them in a hug.
Cleo and Muriel heard the well wishes of every villager and accepted the gifts they’d brought. But as the crowd winded down to head to the village center where food and music waited Cleo let out a breath and quickly sat down.
“What’s wrong?” Muriel was kneeling in an instant and searching her face but Cleo smiled and waved her hand.
“Nothing, my dear. Just a little overexcited I suppose,” her cheeks grew slightly red.
Asra, Julian, and Portia came over with looks of concern but Cleo assured them all that everything was fine.
“Well, I suppose with everyone here I should make a little announcement.” The blush grew on Cleo’s face and she looked to Julian briefly who nodded. She turned and took both of Muriel’s hands in hers, grateful that he was kneeling already.
“My love. My Muriel. My husband. You and I are bound before your ancestors, the Arcana, and our friends. I wanted to wait till things settled a bit but Muriel,” she paused and took a breath.
“We’re a family now.”
Julian grinned and placed a hand on Cleo’s shoulder, Portia and Asra stood in confusion, and complete lack of understanding was written on Muriel’s face.
Portia realized it first.
“OOOOOOOOOOOH! Oh Cleo!! Really??” Her voice jumped a few octaves and she began almost bouncing around Cleo. Asra was next following this outburst.
“Congratulations! Faust! Did you hear that! Illya! You KNEW!?” Portia and Asra turned on Julian quickly with angry stares and he held up his hands and backed away slowly.
Muriel watched on in confusion until Cleo reached out to take his hand again and gently led him to place his palm on her stomach. Feeling the slightly swollen lump, everything suddenly clicked.
“... a family...”
The couple stared into each other’s eyes and Cleo watched as the joy took over Muriel’s entire face.
The Shining Steppe was slowly returning after so long and the spirits watched on happily as their people came alive once again.
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Okay! There’s no art for this unfortunately (I feel like I should commission a header with all the characters in their modern AU roles 😂)so here’s a pretty flower instead! Here’s a short chapter one! This one is Nadia centric as we introduce some of the backstory.
Pairings: Nadia Satrinava X Emrys, Andi X Asra Alnazar, Cleo Rosehyn X Muriel of the Kokhuri, Kit X Portia Devorak
Warnings: Mentions of illegal activity
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Chapter 1: The Note
Sprawling red words seemed to rip across the white paper which sat atop the Prime Minister’s desk. Whoever had written the note seemed to be angry at its very existence and took it out on the fragile medium.
Prime Minister Nadia Satrivana had been staring at the note for almost an hour now, unmoving and deep in thought.
The sky had long since gone dark outside her 12th story window. When Nadia had first moved into the office it felt so full of hope and promise. Newly married and full of determination, Nadia thought she was ready to face any challenge the world could throw at her. It had been a tough campaign. Some Vesuvians were hesitant about the idea of an immigrant being elected but Nadia’s PR manager played it to their advantage. “All People Together” was the rallying cry for many voters who wanted to embrace Vesuvia’s melting pot culture.
Andraste Ó Conail, or Andi, had been a rare treasure in those trying times. The young woman faced any challenge with the same determination as she had during her time as a journalist. The sassy blonde kept everyone informed and threw off the toughest interviewees with her short statue and big bright blue eyes. A position in the new office was quickly made available for Andi after the election. Nadia was thrilled to have her on the team.
Not all members of the team were as helpful. Lucio Morgasson, just the name was enough to turn Nadia’s stomach now. In her naivety, Nadia had fallen (very briefly) for the handsome war hero. Though he didn’t have any connections in society, his name did inspire the citizens who spoke of brave and daring missions. Lucio was a well known Army Veteran and Nadia Satrivana was the least known of her family’s good name. The Satrinava family held power and prestige back in Prakra but Nadia had lived her whole life in her siblings shadows. Being the youngest of seven, it felt like anything important was already being done by someone else. With Lucio, Nadia took her ambitions to reality. It boosted her ratings once she announced their engagement taking her from a farfetched idea to the ideal underdog.
Well when alcohol is flowing and a handsome face is involved, it was always doomed to go downhill. Nadia held onto the fantasy for the first six months but then the rumors finally reached her. Lucio wasn’t mysterious and exciting, he was just gone so much that he seemed aloof. Trashy tabloids wrote about Lucio’s new nightclubs taking in people from the street for illegal fighting. It was even suggested that children were groomed for fighting, gambling, and entertaining. What really broke through though was the photo of Lucio kissing his mistress.
It took a lot of influence to keep that out of the press.
Allegations kept building then disappearing but Lucio couldn’t run forever. The Doctors said it was stress that caused Lucio’s immune system to weaken. When Lucio got sicker it looked to everyone he had caught the illness sweeping Vesuvia and would certainly die like the others. The “Red Beetle Sickness” they called it. Something was said about germs or cells, something resembled red beetles. Most Vesuvians thought it was a stupid name and called it the Red Mist. Everyone thought they were so original.
The past caught up to Lucio faster. One of his gaudy nightclubs caught fire with him inside and burned him beyond recognition. Oh the tabloids had a field day.
“Prime Minister’s Husband Victim of Jealous Rage!”
“Who Killed The Count? Jealous Ex-Lover Gets Revenge”
“Doctor Turned Arsonist Still On The Run!”
Andi ran around as if she were on fire herself trying to settle all the rumors. Press releases were dispatched quickly.
“The cause of the fire has not yet been determined... Dr. Julian Devorak is considered a person of interest only... please do not approach...”
Just remembering could trigger Nadia’s migraines.
Truthfully though, she hadn’t been saddened by his absence. Nadia had certainly never wanted him dead but divorce was in her mind beforehand. Maybe that’s why she was being punished now? Should she have been sadder about her husband’s death? Was she guilty for feeling slightly relieved?
The sound of the intercom pulled Nadia from her somber reflections.
“Prime Minister Satrinava?”
Portia’s light airy voice came through.
“Yes, Ms. Kocourek?”
“There’s a gentleman here about... uh... well about the note, ma’am.”
Nadia held in the sigh that threatened to spill over. She was definitely too tired for this.
“Send him in, please.”
Nadia straightened in her chair and waited. Nothing could have prepared her for who walked through the door though.
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