k-rocket-k · 7 years
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Sometimes I just want.....
Stop this Jess e.e
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teamrocketfanart · 7 years
Some Pics of the new Team Rocket Tumblrs site.
for people who are curious:) 
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I am proud of you blogs:) There are MORE TO COME. I add some more blogs later tonight and tomorrow. Thank you all so much for participating thus far. 
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Tag thing 2 - the revenge
i was tagged by @ohstardustgirl
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
drink - tea
phone call – My sister
text message - an ex-colleague
song you listened to – Rejected - Flight Of The Conchords
time you cried – yesterday when I got rejected
dated someone twice? – yeah
kissed someone and regretted it – Yip
been cheated on – I’ve no evidence but I think yes
lost someone special - yes
been depressed – Since I was 7
gotten drunk and thrown up – Many, many times. Most recently on my friends feet. I’m so classy.
fave colours
Bright pink
Electric blue
in the last year have you…
made new friends – yes, online
fallen out of love - nope
laughed until you cried – That was a daily occurance in my last job
found out someone was talking about you – nope
met someone who changed you – no
found out who your friends are - Oh yeah, oh boy
kissed someone on your facebook friends list - Hubby
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl – Probably 95% of them
do you have any pets -  3 puppers who are my world
do you want to change your name - Did that when I got hitched. There was a time when I wanted to change my name to Aurora (I’m northern lights obsessed)
what did you do for your last birthday – Played pool, drank lots, harrassed barmen, it was a good night!
what time did you wake up today – About midday
what were you doing at midnightlast night – Watching Robot Wars
what is something you can’t wait for – a new job, and a regular income
what are you listening to right now – my puppers playing and running about and fighting over a sock
have you ever talked to a person named tom – yeah
something thats getting on your nerves – being poor
most visited website - facebook
hair colour – magenta
long or short hair – long
do you have a crush on someone – Sam Winchester, Jared Padalecki, James/Kojiro, Hubby
what do you like about yourself – Not a lot. Um, my hair?
want any piercings? – No, I’m actually a bit squeamish about piercings lol. Tattoos on the other hand...
blood type – A +
nicknames – Kelcifer
relationship status - married
zodiac - sagittarius
pronouns - she/her
fave tv shows – Supernatural, Pokemon
tattoos – Team Rocket on arm, pawprints on wrist, fairy blowing bubbles on boob, heart/star thing on lower back, shooting star with a quote I like on hip, thorny rose on other hip
right or left handed - right handed
ever had surgery - Had my gallbladder out Nov 16
piercings – not anymore. Used to have ears and bellybutton done
sport – Playing pool
drinking – oh yes :D
i’m about to watch – right now? Nothing. I need to continue with Pokemon DP, and I’m waiting for the latest Supernatural, AND I’VE JUST REALISED IT’S FRIDAY SO THE LATEST SPN IS AVAILABLE! Thanks for the reminder!
waiting for – To hear back about a job appliction for a post I really REALLY want, I did the online tests last weekend so hoping I get an interview
want - my old job back :’(
get married – Done that
career – My old job back :’(
which is better
hugs or kisses - hugs
lips or eyes - eyes
shorter or taller - taller
older or younger - older
nice arms or stomach - both
hookup or relationship - relationship
troublemaker or hesitant - a mixture
have you ever
kissed a stranger - yep
drank hard liquor - yes
lost glasses - no, I don’t wear glasses
turned someone down - yes
sex on first date - yep
broken someones heart - yes
had your heart broken - yes
been arrested - no
cried when someone died - yes
fallen for a friend - yep
do you believe in
yourself – not really
miracles - No...
love at first sight – no. Lust at first sight tho is a different matter
santa claus - no
kiss on a first date - yes
angels - I believe in Castiel lol
best friend’s name - I have many, and I love them all for different reasons. Shout out to @ohstardustgirl tho. I miss your face.
eye colour – blue/green
fave movie - Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, The Neverending Story, Donnie Darko, Pokemon The Movie 2000
fave actor – Jared, Jensen and Misha
I tag @conretewings @liloelsagranger @lalalastilldreaming @jessicarocket@sonansu @musajirou @musacyn @azumarocket @stagesiren @freak-in-a-fandom @meowthvevo @estrelarabyss
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kojirotrfangirl · 7 years
I was tagged by @musajirou
Nickname: Weirdo and Creep (Don't have a nickname to do with my name.
Star Sign: Capricorn
MBTI Type: Don't have a clue what that is
Height: 5 foot 4 I think. 😂
Time: 15:45pm
Birthday: January 13th
Fave Bands: Little Mix
Fave Solo Artist: Does Shinichiro Miki count? I love his singing voice my favourite song by him is called On the Winds I found it on Spotify. 😂
Song stuck in my mind: Roketto Dan yo Eien ni
Last movie watched: Matilda
Last show watched: Pokémon
When I created my account: Can't remember. I think sometime this year or last year. 😂
What I post about: Team Rocket, Rocketshipping, James and anything related to Team Rocket basically. 😂
Last thing I Googled: Team Rocket James
Why I chose my URL:  because I love James and I'm a fangirl (it used to be jamestrfangirl but I forgot my password)
Following: 142
Followers: 84
Fave color: Lavender
Lucky number: 25
Instruments: I don't play any instruments
What I’m wearing: Penguin Pajamas
Number of blankets with which I sleep: One big quilt and a small fluffy blanket on top
Dream job: Something to do with Pokémon
Dream trip: Japan and America
Fave food: KFC and Chicken Burgers (I'm a very fussy eater)
Dream pet animal: Dunno, I'm already happy with my Dog and Bearded Dragon
tagging anyone who wants to do it. I don't want to put pressure on people. 😂
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aveerockets · 7 years
I was tagged by @rocketshippingassbutt! & @@jessicarocket ♡
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people.
Lady GaGa (Going for her mainstream so it’s easier lol!)
what is your gender: Born This Wayyy
how do you feel: Beautiful, Dirty, (not!)Rich 
if you could go anywhere: Venus
favorite mode of transportation: Just...Dance..
your best friend: The Cure
favorite time of day: Dance In The Dark
if your life was a tv show: Scheiße  
relationship status: *starts singing* ....caught in Bad Romaaance
your fear: Big Girl Now ;-;
Tagging: @james-team-rocket @stagesiren @yamujiburo @musajirou @lalalastilldreaming @themasterassassin @velvetviolence @buchichu
Have fun!!
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conretewings · 7 years
Music Game!
A’ight you guys, my turn!- TAGGED BY @kimkun06
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people.
Artist/band: Linkin Park-my fave band ever, and in honor of Chester I especially choose them </3
•What is your gender: Nobody’s Listening  •How do you feel: Halfway Right •If you could go anywhere: Castle of Glass •Favorite mode of transportation: Easier to Run •Your best friend: Wretches and Kings •Favorite time of day: Shadow of the Day (so evening)  •If your life was a tv show: Roads Untraveled •Relationship status: Valentine’s Day •Your fear: Nobody Can Save Me
Erm...I’m sure most people have been tagged, but- @musajirou, @incredible-edible-nicholas, @estrelarabyss, @stagesiren, @msrenai21, @supersquiddle aaaaand anyone else who wants to
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therainbow-faerie · 8 years
Tagged by: @thetransmod Name: Pip
Height: 5'7
Hogwarts House: I still don't understand this. Go to SSBB character: I don't have one. 
Fictional Character I’d date: James 🖤
Favorite Band/Artist: Marilyn Manson. 
When did I make this blog: Just over a year ago. 
How many blogs do I follow: 100 and something. 
Do I get asks on a regular basis: No (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)
Aesthetic: Fancy dress bondage gay. 
Tag 20 followers you want to get to know better: @incredible-edible-nicholas @conretewings @montanaskye27 @littleprincessemsy @thelovelyjessie @wuyathebest @rocketshipping @buchichu @meowthvevo @musajirou @james-team-rocket
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kiora006 · 8 years
Wait, when did I start following @musajirou ??? I just randomly started seing their posts. In no offense whatsoever, I never recalled pressing the Follow button LeL
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musashi · 5 years
what happened with musajirou? i'm on their blog and they're making it out to look like they're a victim of bullying. which is super manipulative if they in fact bullied you and your friends? just to be clear, i 100% believe your retelling, and you dont have to respond to this if it's a situation u would rather keep private. it doesnt involve me personally, except that i will block them if they were shitty. just super unclear what happened bc their retelling is just " TR fandom is toxic bullies"
a few years back, me and some friends made some PSAs about the general problems the pokemon fandom has with reposting art. most japanese artists who use mediums like pixiv and twitter to share their art are not okay with their art being reposted without permission, and the pokemon fandom in particular is REALLY bad at respecting this. 
we talked primarily about rocketfandom because that’s where we’re most active, and some members of rocketfandom took this VERY personally. i don’t know if they’re just thirsty for notes or what, but a lot of people just COULD NOT HANDLE the idea of being told to not repost art. and it wasn’t like we mentioned anyone by name! it’s such a wide-spread problem, and so many people circulate that art without knowing, it can’t be blamed on any group of people. i reblogged SOOOO much reposted art when i first joined tumblr, hell i reposted a lot of it myself.
james-team-rocket, musajirou, & buchichiu were the most vocal about their disdain for this idea that artists were to be respected. the latter two used the classic, ‘well I’M an artist and i’m fine with it!!!!!’ defense. so i blocked them, because i block people who annoy me. we have not interacted since then.
prior to this, most of them were a source of annoyance to me and a lot of my friends, anyways. jez (james-team-rocket) would reblog queer headcanons attempting to “disprove” them with canon evidence. musajirou would reblog innocent posts from me and my friends and just leave ridiculously negative garbage on them all the time. after we all just rolled our eyes and blocked them, they started vaguing about us on private apps thinking word wouldn’t get to us. a number of them, most notably musajirou, badmouthed my friend jessica pretty bad, even though she’s really never done much beside get on to make goofy jokes every once in a blue moon.
jez has a habit of making personal posts where she rallies her followers to bother me in order to circumvent blocks. at one point she smeared another rocketblogger i was friends with, claiming that this blogger called jez out directly even though it was ME who was doing the calling out. jez purposefully screencapped my her blog in such a way that it looked like this other blogger was at fault when it was ME!!! naming names and picking fights. why? because i’m untouchable. i block everyone, i stand up for what i believe in, i scare people. consistently, these members of the fandom tend to only go after folks they view as easy to cut down and bully. that blogger jez framed ended up nearly run off the site for things that had nothing to do with her. the lot of them then tried to appeal to said blogger’s senses by sending her asks in the vein of we know it wasnt you, honey, it was that evil bitch musashi.
we were also able to connect musajirou’s IP to a number of troll accounts. these accounts were meant to directly smear the kind of rocketbloggers me and my friends were--they were incredibly hyperbolic accounts that loudly sang jessie’s praises while consantly bashing james. this was in response to me and my friends calling out the misogyny in the rocketfandom, how the woman in the ship was often villified while the man was treated like a Soft Baby Boy Who Could Do No Wrong. when they weren’t this, they were loudly queershipping, reblogging rocketshipping posts to derail about how ‘lol they’re gay sorry!!!!!’ in an attempt to make fans who interpreted the rockets as not cishet look like ~crazy faggots lol!~
eventually, these accounts devolved into outright homophobia. unsurprising, lmao.
and again i’d like to reiterate, i blocked all these users LONG before all of this. their temper tantrums have and always will be responses to things i say on my own blog far away from them. it’s wild how the people in rocketfandom wildly recognized as toxic & ones to avoid are the ones calling people who don’t engage with them bullies. almost makes me wonder if maybe they’re the problem! xD
yeah i name names and yeah i don’t forget. nasty fuckers get remembered! you can call me a bully all you want, if it shuts your ass up and keeps you away from this website then good, it’s a much healthier place without your negativity and my dash has been a much brighter, dare i say MUCH GAYER place since i blocked y’all in 2017. stay mad! 
EDIT: forgot to mention jez also sent her friends after me lol... here’s one of the better messages i got from one of them:
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heterophobia is real because some lesbian on the internet wants you to not repost art
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teamrocketfanart · 7 years
It’s up
for those of you who didn’t see the updated post, here is the link to the Team Rocket Tumblr’s site I said I would make:
see original the updated original post here:
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The website is still under construction. Right now only a few blogs are up, but I plan on adding an average of two a day until I get a post for everyone who wants one. The posts on this new site are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER. If you did get back to me, expect your link to be up soon if it isn’t already.
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chaosandhope · 9 years
Sorry about not getting back to your lovely messages, @musajirou and @conretewings. I Tumbl on my phone a lot, and they're not as accessible as on the desktop. I'll reply to you soon!
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I was tagged by @ohstardustgirl
Rules: using only song titles from one artist/band, cleverly answer the questions and then tag people.
what is your gender: Do We Need This? (referring to the question, as I can’t find a suitable song title to answer it lol)
how do you feel: Butterflies And Hurricanes
if you could go anywhere: Escape
favorite mode of transportation: Animals
your best friend: Glorious
favorite time of day: Starlight
if your life was a tv show: Liquid State
relationship status: I Belong To You
your fear: Time Is Running Out
Gonna tag @stagesiren @jessicarocket @kimkun06 @sonansu @liloelsagranger @aveerockets @musajirou
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queenmusashi · 10 years
musajirou reblogged your photoset:Don’t forget, Christopher shipped them first. He...
I was sad at first they didn’t introduce Mondo instead of him, but now that I think of it, Yuusaku is way better xD...
Yes, he certainly is the closest thing I think we'll get to Mondo. But we mustn't forget that Mondo is out there, somewhere, very jealous.
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conretewings · 7 years
Song List Tag Game!
I was tagged by @estrelarabyss
Thanks hun! ^_^ Sorry it took me a bit. I know, I suck.
Post ten songs you’ve been listening to lately, then tag some people!  ....I have eclectic tastes. And I love it.
1. Thunder by Imagine Dragons
2. Shape of You by Ed Sheeran
3. Welcome to Your Life by Grouplove
4. Nana by Vanilla
5. Senbonzakura by Lindsey Sterling
6. Sunshine by Matt Costa
7. Solsbury Hill by Peter Gabriel
8. I Am by Awolnation
9. Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men
10. Kashmir by Led Zeppelin
I tag....um... @alolan-rockets, @musajirou, @stagesiren, @rocketshippingassbutt, @msrenai21, @tyrannobro and anyone else who wants to! And no pressure on those I did tag. ^_^
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I believe that even Jessie...
// OK, thank you for clarifying what you meant. However, you have taken the post entirely out of context 
because the question was a sort of thought experiment and the reply was light-hearted. I was asked to choose from three options: fuck, marry, kill. Nothing else. So, I chose one and applied it to the characters specified in the ask, because, by process of elimination, it was the choice most likely to be chosen by her. Yes, of course, Jessie isn't going to kill anyone. Yes, of course, she isn't a psycho. I was not implying that she was actually going to kill them nor that she actually wanted to kill them. Nobody killed anybody. Nobody wanted to kill anybody. Again, it was a light-hearted thought experiment.
Regarding having attention stolen from her, when James dressed up as Jessilina she was grateful for a victory but she also was displeased at him for being more popular than her. In a couple of episodes where a camera has been rolling they compete to be in the center. Those are a few examples I can think of off the top of my head. My interpretation of this is that she wants the attention. No, she doesn't threaten to kill him over it, just like I didn't actually threaten to kill him in the post. 
Additionally, I am in no way trying to highlight or enhance the bad aspects of her personality just because I have watched the dub. I take pride in this blog and the quality of my character portrayal. I stress that your opinion about the dub is just that, and it doesn't justify comments such as "I feel sorry for people who do X". What fans watch is a matter of preference. Sometimes it can be a matter of circumstance. We are all in the same fandom. Sure, let's discuss the differences in the original and the dubs. Let's talk about what we like or don't like. That's cool. But putting other people down because they chose to watch the dub over the original, or vice versa, that isn't cool. 
Anyway, I think this post is long enough so I'll wrap up now; hopefully I've explained everything clearly. Please think before you reblog and add comments such as "urgghhh so OOC" because said comments are, quite frankly, hurtful (though like I said before, constructive criticism is always welcome).
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Thanks for the tag @kimkun06 and @conretewings 😁 This was harder than I thought lol. I tag @stagesiren @aveerockets @buchichu @liloelsagranger @musajirou plus anyone else that wants to do it, consider yourself tagged too 😁
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