echoeternally · 4 years
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All I can think of is Machamp running around and excitedly yelling about his boyfriend being part dragon. Alakazam tries to stop him, but he cannot.
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medievalmon · 4 years
If Machamp and Alakazam were to make a comeback somehow, either through revival or through anime-bullshit-tier magic powers... can they have a babpy 👉👈 🥺
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“...Ok, wait, what’s anime? Some kind of magic? And also, what’s a ba--?” 
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“A BABY?!?” 
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“Ooohh, ok, that makes more sense. ...Wait, what?” 
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“Even if we could come back from the dead...just...having a baby?!” 
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“That does seem like a pretty cool way to celebrate.” 
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“Bu-but! Uh. We only dated for a short while!” 
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“Yeah, but we’ve been in love most of our lives.” 
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“True. Hm. Well, I certainly would be lying if I denied having thoughts on the matter in the past, of course. Having a family with you...ah...” 
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“Huh?! Wait, really? When...what...?” 
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“Oh, don’t you worry about that. Just...idle fantasies of mine...not that they matter much, considering how we’ve ended up.” 
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“But what if we get brought back?” 
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“Darling, I highly doubt that we really will...after all, the author is such a tease.” 
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“Ugh. That’s true.” 
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“Regardless, it’s a nice trip down fantasy lane, so...a good way to spend the time together, that’s for certain as well.”
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medievalmon · 5 years
MGR but Machamp is Bismuth, Alakazam is Pearl and Chesnaught is Steven (P.S for the author: Jock/nerd ships for the win)
((You have good tastes, Anon! A shipper of culture as well.)) 
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“Oh, so this is Grass Fields Kingdom?” 
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“Yep! Glad you guys could make it down here!” 
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“Oh, this will be such fun! Greninja, you show me all of your friends, and Chesnaught can take Machamp to meet his.” 
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“Wait, what? Where are you going?” 
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“You’re super social, and you make friends so quickly! You don’t need me for that. I’m going to make some connections of my own! Hello, fellow mage!” 
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“Who in the sh…shiny spoons?” 
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“Well, great. They look like they’re already having fun together.” 
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“You should’ve been there for the battle, Greninja! It was great!” 
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“Sounds exciting. We had one to deal with too!” 
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“Talking with Greninja alone is easy, but I don’t know how to talk to him when he’s with our friends…or more his friends, since he made those first…” 
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“You do fine with making friends, right Machamp?” 
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“Oh, uh, yeah, at that, I’m all right.” 
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“All right? It’s what you guys came for, isn’t it?” 
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“Well, uh…” 
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“And then I teleported us from the dragon!” 
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“Wow, that sounds…awesome!” 
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“Wait. Alakazam? Machamp, you came for Alakazam?!” 
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“Hello! Good luck, Machamp!” 
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“Are you…trying to hide it from him?” 
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“I just don’t want to take him away from what he’s got. He has his own thing going on. He’s like the Alakazam I remember, but a little different. He’s happier. I just wanted to keep up.”
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“Yeah…it felt easier to stay together when we were fighting in the Empire, huh? Now it’s like we’re leading different lives…” 
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medievalmon · 4 years
Oh, like a place outside of canon. Got it. So what's it like being mourned for?
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“Did they get to that chapter yet?” 
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“No, but the leaks will sink our barely floating ship faster than the empire fell.” 
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“Isn’t it still standing?” 
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“In pieces, but I suppose that counts.”
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medievalmon · 4 years
... how are Machamp and Alakazam here if they're, y'know. [makes dead gesture]
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“Well, to be technical, not everything that happens here is canon, or else a lot of our issues here would be...either very simple or vastly more complicated.” 
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“Besides, what fun would it be if we weren’t still around to answer questions that feature us? Just pretend that we’re, you know...not gone.” 
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“Also, the late arrival spoilers wouldn’t be pretty.” 
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“Nah, besides actual story readers, who follows this stuff? ...Right?”
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medievalmon · 4 years
Mewtwo would you like to have abs/big muscles like machamp? do you like them?
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“Muscles like Machamp...?” 
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“Uh, haha, yeah, I guess I’m pretty strong.” 
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“He is flawlessly muscular...!” 
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“Aw, I don’t know about that. But thanks!” 
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“It does seem nice, but...I am content with how I am.”
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echoeternally · 5 years
Ah, whichever. Probably the Pokémon.
Hmm. Well, the boring thing is that most are dating, and not at that level, save for the turtles. So, let’s skip ahead to what they’d do if they were married and their desires for kids.
And that’ll be best below a cut, so I’ll toss that up next.
Nidoking - Never had kids before, resigned himself to never having any with Nidoqueen biologically, and they never got far enough along to discuss it after marriage. With Rhydon, he’d ideally have at least two, and wants them to have a much more peaceful life than he did (or, rather, will have). Very nurturing, probably not as concerned about the throne heirs as he should be, though would ultimately shape up after actually having kids.
Rhydon - Mostly resigned himself to never having kids either, since he never carried a relationship for long enough. He’s hesitant about it, due to his and Nidoking’s ages coupled with their stations and the “two dads” stuff, but the more often Nidoking brings it up (so long as it isn’t every week), the more he warms to the idea. The most important thing he wants for his kids would be for them to be capable of defending themselves and each other. He’ll eventually review more roles that come with royalty and help Nidoking guide them.
Carracosta - One half of the only married couple with a kid, hooray! Had virtually no clue on anything related to kids, but quickly became swept up raising Squirtle with Blastoise, and joyfully invested thereafter. His concerns are mostly that Squirtle grows up with a happy and safe childhood, the latter half already failing from the war breakout. Still, since they survived, he’s hoping to help Squirtle adjust and return him to a more peaceful life in the future.
Blastoise - The other half of that couple! Blastoise only ever toyed with the idea of having a child, but promptly went about rearranging his life to include Squirtle into it, and later added Carracosta. Equally invested in having his son grow up safe and happy, though he’s focused on helping Squirtle be a bit more studious, whereas Carracosta plays around with him more. He never overworks Squirtle, given how young he is, but he is hopeful that he becomes more invested in scholar work, or virtually anything that doesn’t involve becoming a knight or soldier of any kind, unlike his husband.
Chesnaught - Hasn’t had a partner to discuss the matter with, but considers that he’ll likely have a child some day. Coming from a bit of a big family, his only plans so far are to have just one, but he’s open to more. He has essentially nothing planned out, though, so it’s going to be a very steep learning process for him when he gets there with someone, and he’s considering it’ll be Greninja. His passing thoughts of having a child that can combine the teachings of a knight and a ninja excite him, and he thinks he’ll have the ultimate warrior as his baby.
Greninja - Since he has issues to address with his father, he’s significantly less prepared on having a kid, and is comfortable with not having one. He does notice Chesnaught’s budding interests in children, though, and would be swayed by his partner’s gentle cares with them. His main concern is to give the child unconditional love. In spite of also understanding the difficulties that death can bring and the way the world can change in the blink of an eye, he will desperately want to be around for his child as long as possible.
Gardevoir - She actually isn’t keen on the idea of having a child herself, and reminds Gallade of such when they discuss the topic. As such, adoption would also be her preferred option. The main desire is to have a child that will become a magical prodigy, capable of learning all kinds of spells. She’s relatively unaware of the probable strains that a child of popular nobles might struggle with growing up.
Gallade - He’s accepting of Gardevoir’s requests to not have a child herself, and open to adopting. Secretly, he does wonder if he could ever persuade her otherwise, though he’ll never follow through so long as he knows she’s uncomfortable with it. Looks forward to raising his child or children to a similar path that his family helped him create, and will want them to be upstanding figures that many can aspire to follow. Thus, he similarly would not be prepared to handle a child that might stray from his intended path, and will need to learn how kids develop in their own manner.
Machamp - Pretty much wanted to have at least two kids with Alakazam, and would’ve liked to have a happy family. He would try training both to improve themselves physically, though he imagined they might be more interested in following Alakazam teaching magic and scholar work. His main concern was making sure that his kids would be able to come to him for anything, and to help them laugh as they’d grow. He wondered if Alakazam would want to take them on grand adventures, but never got around to discussing it. Probably would’ve been a loud father, a bit embarrassing, but one of the most loving.
Alakazam - Also planned on having at least two children with Machamp. Though he would have mapped out all kinds of lessons to teach his children, he was open to the possibility that they’d rather become strong like Machamp. He was never certain about them becoming knights, though he wagered they would tread the path anyway, and had started looking into how to best prepare them for such futures. He was excited to have stories that he would regale his children with, both based on his and Machamp’s lives, as well as stories from the myths and legends they wanted to delve into. Presumably would have been equally as embarrassing as Machamp, perhaps a tad more distant, though likely more understanding and empathetic to his kids.
Those are the (as of writing) main five couples (that would adopt anyway) and how they’d plan out children.
If there’s enough interest, I suppose I could write up a few more, as I’m imagining that I missed pairings.
(Also intentionally excluding Escavalier and Accelgor, who have differing opinions on the matter, but would be capable of having kids with Eggs. Accelgor has that adamant “never going to have kids ever” attitude, while Escavalier more or less bugs (ha) her about having them every so often. And this gets a strikethrough because story plot reasons for the MGR sequel, lol.)
Hope that was fun enough!
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medievalmon · 5 years
[facepalm] How the HELL did I forget about Alakazam? ... to be fair, he doesn't strike me as the shy type. Just the well-meaning nerd. And dead.
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“Not shy? My Alakazam? The one that was alone in a cave when we were kids and feared meeting almost anyone else? That same one that detested the very idea of socializing with others at a fancy party he’d otherwise fit in at? My nerd boyfriend who struggled to tell me his feelings as much as I did with him? He never seemed shy to you?" 
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“Putting it all out there like that may make the point, but gods, that also made me feel astonishingly terrible about my life.” 
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“What?! Oh, no! I’m sorry! I was just teasing them! You’re shy, but smart and adorable too! Definitely well-meaning too. The perfect boyfriend I could have ever asked for!” 
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“Hm...that makes me feel a bit better...oh, who am I kidding? I love when you gush about me like that!”
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medievalmon · 5 years
Is Feraligatr going to discuss that new photo of him that has him fused with Machamp? (yes, its actually a knockoff plush that is on sale.)
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“Am I going to discuss how I did what with who?” 
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“Ugh, seriously? Another guy?” 
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“Hold on, hold on! I don’t know anything about this one!” 
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“I’m being serious! You’re the only one for me! Come on, I’m sorry!” 
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“…Uh…actually, I don’t think we should be discussing that one at all…”
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echoeternally · 5 years
Forever Endures (3)
Gosh, this took me so much longer to get to than I planned. But I did want it released alongside my fanfic chapters, so it works out.
If you need a refresher, part one is here, and then, part two is here!
This is the third and final part of my three-shot series, which explores a little more behind the relationship for two characters in my Pokemon fanfic, Alakazam and Machamp.
For the story here, they’re finally in their final stage evolutions, and they’re also together...! That part happens in the fanfic proper, Melting Gelid Roses. However, that story has its primary focus on another particular couple and the events that they get involved in.
More or less...this is just very self-indulgent shipping shenanigans. Please feel free to join me, though, as it’s a pretty cute pairing!
It’s a bit lengthy, just so you’re aware. When you’re ready, just check below the cut for the story. Enjoy reading!
[Iceberg Palace]
 Just in front of the crystal palace itself, a muscular, four-armed warrior stumbled aside as a salamander knight surged from the water, and spiraled at him with katars. He slammed a sword against the bridge they dueled on, and twisted around to swipe at his opponent, who flipped back into the water.
 “Bye, Machamp…” The salamander murmured as he splashed below.
 “Quagsire, you’re not beating me at this,” called Machamp. “Water is nothing that I can’t handle.”
 “How about a sudden blizzard then?”
 Jolting up, Machamp pivoted around as an elegant white spirit flew up into the sky. She winked to him, spun away, and forced her arms forward, as howling winds followed. Snow, hail, and ice rode the drafts as Machamp lifted his arms to shield whatever little he could.
 A light flashed before him, however, just before the winds brushed him away. In another flash, he stood further down along the bridge, and blinked as he watched the gusts from a distance. His robed savior twirled a spoon in one hand, and brushed his mustache with another. Rolling her eyes, the ghost flew toward them.
 “Alakazam, that’s just cheating,” she complained. “You can’t just…Teleport away from a storm.”
 “Ah, and yet I can, and so I have,” teased Alakazam. He smirked up at Froslass, who lowered her eyes. “Didn’t take the wind from your sails now, did I?”
 “Don’t ever use that line again.”
 “Apologies.” He chuckled. “The opportunity presented itself, and I seized it.”
 “Seize this.”
 Lifting her arms with a dark purple energy coating thing, Froslass brought both together. Water came from below the bridge and wrapped around Machamp and Alakazam, forcing them together and locking them in between it. Dark aura flickered against the hand-shaped water, and Froslass grinned.
 “Ha, no good when you can’t disappear, is it?” She giggled and drifted lower to the pair. “Now kiss, mwah!”
 “You’ll only encourage them.”
 Froslass spiraled around as Quagsire ambled over to her. She groaned and rolled her eyes.
 “How do you do that?”
 “Do what?”
 “Sneak up on people!” Froslass swayed in the air. “You’re so…I don’t know, quiet!”
 “Just don’t draw in a lot of attention,” guessed Quagsire. “You might want to focus, though.”
 She blinked as Quagsire pointed past her, and Froslass spun around. She gawked as Machamp pushed the water from him and Alakazam, who grabbed onto him, and teleported them from the crushing tide.
 “That’s not possible!” Froslass swept the water away, and glared at where the couple had been. “They…they can’t just…that was imbued with Ghost magic!”
 “So was I.”
 Froslass twisted back, as Machamp waved his hands, each cloaked in a deep purple glow that slowly faded. Alakazam lowered his arms, his spoons flickering with the same color.
 “Psychics are weak to Ghost though!”
 “Doesn’t mean we can’t borrow a hex or two,” taunted Alakazam with a smirk.
 “Oh, that’s true. That was pretty clever.”
 “Don’t compliment them, Quagsire.” Froslass glared at the pair. “They cheated.”
 “Care to define magic again, Froslass?”
 “Shut up, Alakazam!”
 She flew over to him, but Machamp stepped in front of him, raising his swords and swiping at Froslass.
 With a yelp, she floated back, evading his first strike, but fell as he slashed again.
 Water burst from beside Machamp, as Quagsire tackled into him, knocking his swords back with his katar. He stumbled back as Quagsire dove back into the water, and slipped at the tip of the bridge.
 As Machamp flailed his arms in the air, he blinked, staring behind him at the water. He looked back up, as Alakazam guided him back onto the bridge.
 “Thanks!” Machamp grinned. “You’re the big hero for this match!”
 “It’s mostly self-preservation, but thank you.”
 “Nah, even if we’re together, helping me counts for selflessness.”
 “Ugh.” Froslass buried her head into the bridge. “You’re both so…cute. Just stop already.”
 “You’ll have to make us.”
 Firing up from the ground, Froslass shot into the air, and drifted back. Quagsire poked his head from the water, and gazed up at her, as dark energy swirled around her.
 “Prepare to fall before the mightiest mage alive!”
 “Who’s that?”
 “Me, you jerk!” Froslass scowled at Alakazam, who smirked at her. “Come on, at least try to make this a little serious.”
 “To the contrary, I prefer not to.”
 Water burst from beneath her, and Froslass glanced down, as Quagsire rocketed up at her. Smacking into her, both yelped and plummeted back down toward the bridge and water, their weapons falling from their hands.
 “Do something, Quagsire!”
 “Thinking doesn’t help, react! REACT!” She blinked. “Wait, I can fly.”
 “Shut up and hold on!”
 Spiraling, Froslass grabbed onto Quagsire, and the two spun around as they came lower. She lifted a wave of water below, as Quagsire twisted them around, enveloping the pair in the wave.
 Together, the two launched a combined jet of water at Alakazam. He forced his spoons up, but Machamp jumped up, grabbing the pair as they flew forward.
 Gritting his teeth, Machamp skidded back against the ice, as he locked against the bridge, sliding back into Alakazam, who lifted his arms to Machamp’s sides.
 With a roar, Machamp flung Quagsire and Froslass back into the water, both crashing down with a splash. He panted and wiped his brow, as Alakazam drummed on his sides.
 “Something wrong?”
 “Not in the slightest.” Alakazam trailed his hands up Machamp’s sides. “Just enjoying the view and then some.”
 “Hey, come on, we’re trying to fight here.” Machamp leaned back and winked at Alakazam. “You can enjoy me later.”
 “Oho, a lovely offer.” Alakazam leaned up to Machamp. “But I’m always enjoying you as it is, so you’ll need a special offer with that—”
 A heavy burst of water splashed out as Froslass shot up, holding Quagsire in her arms. She glared at the couple on the bridge, while Quagsire waved to them.
 “Let’s pick that up later,” decided Machamp. “But, ah, since your arms are already around me, might as well make it worthwhile.”
 “With pleasure.”
 Lifting his spoons again, Alakazam scooped orbs of energy into Machamp’s hands. Froslass spun around and launched Quagsire at the pair first, and followed with a powerful wind burst.
 Charged with energy, Machamp forced his palms forward, and blasted Quagsire back, knocking him into the water once more.
 Holding Machamp, Alakazam teleported away from the wind surge, which crashed against the bridge. They reappeared once more, as Froslass seethed.
 Pulling her arms back, she fired a barrage of icy stalactites down on the pair. Machamp pulled back his fists, but Alakazam pushed past him, and spun his spoons around.
 Creating a wheel of fire, Alakazam telekinetically lifted it, burning away Froslass’s follow-up attack.
 She gawked as Machamp lifted Alakazam up, and helped him raise the fiery wheel. He guided it up to Froslass, who lifted the water below to douse the flames.
 “That’s just not fair,” complained Froslass. “And this is all totally impractical.”
 “Entirely,” agreed Alakazam. “We’ll never have the concentration for this.” He shrugged. “But, it’s still fun.”
 “Yeah, but I’m getting tired from it,” admitted Machamp. “Can we finish this up?”
 “Of course, love.”
 “Wait, what?!”
 Alakazam teleported with Machamp again, and they reappeared above Froslass. Grabbing her, Machamp forced her down, as Alakazam teleported again.
 Together, they appeared just above the bridge, as Froslass was slammed onto it. She groaned and flopped out.
 Machamp spun Alakazam around, as he fired a colorful ray at the rising water, blasting Quagsire as he rose up. As he crashed into the bridge, Machamp dragged him back up, and Alakazam blasted him back once more.
 Quagsire jumped up, coughed, and slammed back down to the ground.
 “…Can we yield now, Froslass?”
 “…Yeah, sounds good.” She waved her arm around. “We surrender.”
 “By now, I should hope so,” teased Alakazam.
 “Yay, we won!” Machamp scooped up Alakazam and hugged him. “That was great!”
 “Of course.” Alakazam hugged Machamp back. “Together, we’re a powerful force.”
 “And a cute team too,” murmured Quagsire, as he pushed himself back up. “You two know how to move as one.”
 “We’re getting used to it again.” Machamp chuckled. “We could still use some practice.”
 “You just had it,” joked Froslass. “And crushed it.”
 “Ah, if you guys think so.” Machamp shrugged, and slipped away from Alakazam. “Ok, we better go put these weapons away.”
 Machamp reached to grab his sword, but Froslass swept in and scooped it up. He blinked and watched her fly up before him, giggling with two more swords in her arms.
 “Actually, Quagsire and I can clean it up ourselves,” insisted Froslass. “Punishment for losing or whatever.”
 “Uh…are you sure?”
 “Mm, it’s fine,” agreed Quagsire, carrying his katars and one of Machamp’s swords. “Bed should be after this anyway…”
 “Yeah, I’m just going to, ah, read over some new hexes that I wanted to study,” tossed out Froslass. “And to bother someone else, like, um…Weavile! Yeah, her.”
 “Oh, ok.” Machamp smiled. “Well, thanks you two!”
 “No problem!” Froslass winked. “And you two take care! Have fun!”
 She erupted into a fit of giggles as she floated away, and Quagsire smiled as he waddled after her. Machamp scratched his head with an upper arm, and glanced back at Alakazam, who tugged on his mustache.
 “What’d she mean by that?”
 “Who knows?” Alakazam shrugged, shifting his eyes around. “Froslass loves to joke around, almost always.”
 “You know I can tell when you’re lying,” reminded Machamp. “Your heartbeat has a specific rhythm with it.”
 “Stupid fighter chi sensing techniques,” grumbled Alakazam. He folded his arms while Machamp placed his lower hands on his hips. “Ok, fine! Maybe I mentioned to her that we were looking to do something after practice.” A slight blush crept onto his face. “Alone, together. Just us.”
 “Ha, you don’t have to treat it like something special,” joked Machamp. “We spend a lot of free time together anyway.”
 “Except today is special,” insisted Alakazam.
 “It is?” Machamp thought for a moment, and then smacked his head. “Oh, bloody blazes, today’s not the day we met, is it?”
 “The very one.”
 “Ah, gods forgive me, I forgot again.” Machamp groaned and buried his face in his hands. “I swore up and down I was going to remember every time after I last forgot.”
 “Funny enough, you remembered to the day when we weren’t on good terms,” teased Alakazam. “You had little gifts that you tried to give me, and—”
 “Ok, ok, yeah, I did better last year for sure,” admitted Machamp. “Things just kind of slipped from my mind, I’m sorry.”
 “Machamp, it’s all right,” soothed Alakazam. “I’m just teasing you.”
 “Yeah, but today’s really important!” He grinned to the mage. “I don’t know where I’d be without you in my life!”
 “Who knows?” Alakazam sighed. “I’d probably be dead.”
 “Don’t talk like that!” Machamp picked Alakazam’s hands up into his lower pair. “I don’t care if that’s what was probable, you hear?”
 “Sorry.” Slipping his hands from Machamp, Alakazam reached up and caressed his lover’s face. “I just…I’m really grateful that we met, because you gave me so much.”
 “And you’ve done everything you can to give it right back, so, that’s fine.” Machamp took one of Alakazam’s hands and kissed it. “But we’re here now, so come on, what should we do for the rest of today?”
 “To be honest, I didn’t quite have anything special in mind.” Alakazam shrugged. “All I need is to spend it with you, so…we can do anything.”
 “Well, I could use some relaxation from that practice,” decided Machamp. “So, how about we take a dip in the onsen?”
 “Hot springs?” Alakazam chuckled. “We’re going to melt in there some day.” He rested against Machamp, tapping his chest. “But I’d like that too, so, yes, let’s.”
 “Great! Let’s go get changed, then.”
 “Right away.”
 Wrapping himself around Machamp, Alakazam teleported the two away from the bridge. They reappeared outside of the bedchamber halls, as Alakazam brushed his head and deeply exhaled.
 “Don’t keep teleporting like that,” scolded Machamp. “You’ll kill yourself like that.”
 “Oh, it’s fine.” Alakazam wiped his head again. “I haven’t…used it to the…limit yet.”
 “Well, quit pushing yourself.” Machamp rubbed Alakazam’s back. “We should have a fun evening, so let’s take it slow.”
 “All right, as you wish.” Alakazam heaved. “Ah…maybe I did overdo it…”
 “Do you want to rest for a while?”
 “We can rest…together, outside,” insisted Alakazam. “Go on, go change.”
 Stroking Alakazam’s cheek and mustache, Machamp smiled to him, and turned away to his room. Alakazam chuckled, touching his cheek, before retreating into his room to do the same. He closed the door behind himself and steadied his breathing.
 “Anyone would think that I’m the only one between us to worry so much,” softly joked Alakazam. “Gods, I love him.”
 Undoing the ties for his robes, Alakazam let them fall from his body, and tossed them onto his bed. He stripped from his underclothes next, placing them out as well, and then he opened his wardrobe.
 “Hm…which color would he want me to wear…?”
 Sorting through his swimwear, Alakazam plucked out a black pair. He smirked and put them on. Glancing at his mirror and posing a bit, Alakazam chuckled before grabbing a towel and turning away.
 As he ambled off to leave his room, Alakazam glanced back once more, looking inside of it. He curled his hand over the doorknob, and tapped his foot.
 “Maybe we should consider choosing one room and sharing,” he quietly pondered. “I wonder which he’d prefer…” Alakazam shook his head. “It’s still early on, and we’ll have time to decide later.”
 He closed his door and strolled down the hall. Machamp opened his door, spotted Alakazam, and grinned. Waiting in the doorway until Alakazam came close, he rested his upper arms on the doorframe while flexing a bit with his lower arms. Alakazam laughed and folded his arms as he stood before his partner.
 “Ready to go, or are you just going to goof around the whole time?”
 “Aw, come on.” Machamp slid one of his hands down the door, suggestively lowering his eyes. “Doesn’t any of this entice you?”
 “All of it does every day, so, yes.” Alakazam laughed as Machamp deflated. Clearing his throat, Alakazam tapped his chin, and matched Machamp’s tone, “But, I do enjoy you wearing less and propping yourself up for me.”
 “Just lead with that next time.” Machamp stuck his tongue out at Alakazam, whose eyes wandered down at his white swimsuit. “Aha, there we go! My eyes are up here, don’t you know?”
 “Yes, but that looks a bit tight on you.”
 “That’s the point.”
 “For someone so smart, you tend to miss a lot of cues,” teased Machamp. He slid from his doorway and pulled the door shut. “Maybe I ought to be more obvious about them.” He smirked as his arms slid around Alakazam’s shoulders, trailing down near his waist as he passed by. “Unless you like it when we play it cool.”
 “Well, I think I’m fairly flexible.” Alakazam tugged on his mustache as Machamp beamed to him. “Don’t.”
 “Why not?”
 “We’re in the hall.”
 “Bed chambers.”
 “Ok, ok.” He shrugged and strode away from Alakazam. “Doesn’t have to be a bed.”
 “Oh, that does it.” Alakazam charged after Machamp. “Come here!”
 “Just remember that you started this!” Machamp jogged away from his boyfriend. “If anything, you brought this side out of me, so you can only blame yourself!”
 “Fine, but you could’ve ended it at any time!”
 “Now what fun would that be?”
 They rushed through the hallways, racing down a flight of stairs and whipping around corners, passing the palace portraits and sculptures.
 Alakazam gained quickly upon Machamp.
 “You’re not fast enough to outrun me!” He reached out to Machamp.
 “No, but I am stronger!”
 Spinning around, Machamp scooped up Alakazam and carried him onward, cradling him in his arms.
 “Put me down, Machamp!”
 “Aw, don’t you like it up here by me?”
 “Come off it,” grumbled Alakazam. “I’m not that much shorter than you.”
 “Maybe not, but you’re small and light enough to fit in my arms,” pointed out Machamp. “So, you’re easily whisked away…!”
 “Don’t sound so happy about it.”
 “But I love carrying you around.” Machamp lowered his eyes and smirked. “Besides, you’ve got the advantage over me, and you could get away any time you want.” His beam broadened as Alakazam blushed and looked away. “Well…?”
 “You don’t need to be so smug about it.”
 “Sounds like someone’s enjoying himself!”
 “A bit.” Alakazam returned his attention to Machamp, who cocked an eyebrow. “…Ok, a lot.” His lips bubbled into a smile. “I like being spoiled, I admit it. Satisfied?”
 “Not yet, but that makes a good start.” Machamp leaned close to Alakazam. “You still have to spoil me some.”
 “Don’t push it.”
 Grinning still, Machamp slid open the door to the towel room. Alakazam wiggled a bit in his arms, but Machamp kept him hoisted up, simply gathering a few towels for them both, and setting them aside for later.
 “Are you going to let me down yet?”
 “Hey, I never want to do that again!”
 “…Was that meant to be a joke—?”
 “Yes.” Machamp sticks his tongue out. “You need to keep up with me.”
 “Well, you’re keeping me up, so it works out.”
 Machamp laughed while Alakazam smirked and leaned back into his arms. Carrying him outside of the room, Machamp and Alakazam gazed upon the hot springs.
 Stepping by the edge of the water, Machamp glanced over, with a playful smirk crawling onto his face. Alakazam shifted his attention between his lover and the water, and then frowned.
 “No, no, don’t do it.”
 “Don’t drop me in.” Alakazam slouched. “Please.”
 “Aw, I’d never.” Machamp paused a moment and his smirk lifted. “Well, maybe with a normal pond or lake.” He chuckled. “But here, no, and especially because you asked nicely.”
 “Just for that?”
 “Manners matter.”
 Setting Alakazam down, Machamp dipped his feet in, letting them into the water. He grinned as his shoulders fell, and with a happy sigh, pushed himself into the spring. His delighted moans got Alakazam to jump and quickly slide into the water right after him.
 “What’s wrong?”
 “Nothing!” Alakazam inhaled and exhaled, sinking into the spring. “Just…wanted to join in…”
 “Uh-huh.” Machamp leaned closer to Alakazam and lowered his eyes. “So if I reach down a bit over here—”
 “Do it and I’m dunking you.”
 “Come on, it’s just us out here,” teased Machamp. “You can lighten up with me.”
 “We’re not lightening up by lightening the single articles of clothing that we’re wearing, Machamp.” Alakazam tilted his head back. “Remember what happened last time?”
 “Oh, come on, Carracosta didn’t mind.”
 “And before that?”
 “Mienshao should’ve knocked.”
 “And before that?”
 “Emperor Empoleon usually finds the time to go out on his own! How were we supposed to know?”
 “Gods…” Alakazam shook his head, and propped himself against Machamp’s arms. “At least feel a little guilty.”
 “Over bonding with you?” Machamp snorted. “Never.”
 “Ha, that’s…” Alakazam shrugged. “Ok, I’ll let it slide.”
 “Great!” Machamp reached down, but Alakazam tugged his hand back up.
 “Not that.”
 “Spoil sport…”
 “Well, think of it this way,” suggested Alakazam. “If you want just that, you could always go find that Fire fellow from before.”
 “Oh no.”
 “Was he a chicken? It’s been a while, I can’t remember.” Alakazam smirked. “But in that case, you could have a real—”
 “Ok, ok, you made your point!” Machamp dipped lower into the water, with only his head remaining above it. “I don’t want to go over that.”
 “Sorry.” Alakazam scooted closer into him, sinking in the water beside him. “I was just teasing; trying to make light out of something that I blew so far out of proportion.”
 “Let’s just leave it as something that we worked past, huh?” Machamp pecked Alakazam’s cheek. “It’s an important day, so let’s get back to that.”
 “Night by now,” corrected Alakazam as he pointed to the sky. “But you’re right.”
 “Ooh, you know what?” Machamp bobbed back out. “How about we talk about some things that we want to do with life down the road? We’ve spent so many years together, so let’s talk about future stuff!”
 “Like what?”
 “I didn’t think it out that far.”
 “Give me a second!” Machamp drummed at the edge of the spring, while Alakazam rose up beside him, leaning against the ledge as well. “Um…how about…what we want next most in our lives? Or what we could do to make it more gratifying?”
 “…Is this going back to—?”
 “No!” Machamp groaned. “Look, I’m trying to figure out what to give you!” He sighed and flicked at the ground. “I didn’t get anything for today, but I’d like to work on what else you want from me.”
 “Just you, that’s fine.”
 “Thank you, but I mean like what else you want from life with me!”
 “Mm…I don’t know.” Alakazam traced a circle around on the ground before him. “Being with you makes everything feel complete.”
 “Of course.”
 “How’s your life fulfilled by just being with me?” Machamp raised an eyebrow. “I don’t define you.”
 “Perhaps not entirely. And I do suppose that we could have lived our lives entirely separate, never known one another, and been none the wiser, but still content.” Alakazam shrugged and smiled. “I suppose that, by having you with me for so long, my life has become that much more enriched.” He rested against Machamp and stroked his face. “With you, I feel like I’ve become a better version of myself than I could ever achieve on my own. And having you gives me something that adds to my purpose, my being, my core. This eclipses any thought of a life without you, and that somehow makes the notion all the more frightening, because you’ve given me so much that completes me.”
 Machamp gawked at Alakazam, as the latter’s hands slid from his face. He scooted back and rested in the water.
 “Maybe that could be overstating it, but that’s what I feel.” Alakazam scratched the side of his head. “I’m not sure if you entirely under—”
 Alakazam had two hands scoop his face up, as two more pulled him close. Machamp pressed their lips together, and tightly held his lover against him, softly caressing him as he deepened their kiss. Soon, Alakazam brought one hand back to Machamp’s face, as the other wrapped behind his neck, and the two sank into each other, still kissing. They broke apart to breathe a bit, but only came together again, and again, until they pulled away once more, just barely, panting for more air.
 “So,” managed Alakazam, “that was a…suitable explanation, then.”
 “Did you think all of that through, or was it just roll off the top of your head?” Machamp rubbed Alakazam’s cheek. “Where do you even come up with such beautiful words for me?”
 “I read a lot.”
 “What?” Alakazam poked at Machamp. “You think I don’t read enough trashy romance novellas?”
 “They’re not trashy, they’re cute.” Machamp grinned. “You make the cutest noises when you’re really into reading one.”
 “No, don’t talk about my second-hand excitement!”
 “But it’s adorable!”
 “Ugh, stop…!” Alakazam sank down into the water. “I’m a complete fool.”
 “If you’re a fool, I don’t want to know what that makes me,” joked Machamp. “You’re too smart for me.”
 “Hey, hey, no putting yourself down again.” Alakazam popped back up and rested against Machamp’s chest. “Come on. You’re plenty smart enough to keep up with me.”
 “Most days.”
 “Every day.” Alakazam drummed along Machamp’s shoulders. “That’s like me telling you that I’m not strong enough for you.”
 “Yeah, that’s definitely not true.” Machamp lowered his eyes and smirked. “We proved that a few different ways.” He raised an eyebrow as Alakazam lifted his hand and pinched at his cheek. “Ouch! Hey, quit it!” Machamp groaned as Alakazam dropped his hand away. “Ok, I deserved that.”
 “Yep.” Alakazam folded his arms. “Can’t we bring up something cute about you?”
 “Aw, you think I’m cute?”
 “We’re dating, so, yeah.”
 “Don’t give me that.” Alakazam nudged Machamp. “I’ve only been hopelessly attracted to you since we met, more or less.”
 “We were kids.”
 “You didn’t know that was a crush,” teased Machamp. “Little you just wanted a good friend, and I caved to give you that.”
 “What? ‘Caved?’ You wanted to be my friend!”
 “Ha, yeah, I did.” Machamp winked to Alakazam. “Maybe we’ve both been into each other the whole time after all.”
 “Oh, now you agree with me.”
 “It’s worth considering,” conceded Machamp. “After we left that cave, we stuck together, and we were always fascinated by each other.” He chuckled. “And you thought I was strong back then!”
 “How was I supposed to know you’d bulk out even more?” Alakazam sank back. “Some of us have radically different evolutions.”
 “Are you going to whine about your lost tail again?”
 “No!” Alakazam flicked at the water. “…Maybe…”
 “And you’re making fun of me not getting over things,” joked Machamp. “Look, the tail was cute, but I’m perfectly fine around you without it.”
 “…Are you being sweet or—”
 “Just go with sweet, please.”
 “Yay!” Machamp smooched Alakazam on the lips and brushed his mustache. “Besides, this getting longer was a nice trade-off.”
 “It’s fun to play with.” Machamp beamed. “Especially with my lips.”
 “What, my tail wasn’t?” Alakazam smirked as Machamp gawked at him. “That’s your one for the night.”
 “Bu…but that’s not fair!” Machamp scooped Alakazam closer into him. “I was too dumb to do anything with you before!”
 “Not dumb,” insisted Alakazam. “Though…I might give you a tad oblivious.”
 “Knighthood made me that way.”
 “It was preparation for it.”
 “Whatever, I was distracted.” Machamp sighed. “I should’ve gone past our first kiss and told you everything that same night at the manor.”
 “Don’t, it’s fine.” Alakazam kissed at Machamp’s neck. “We’re together again, and everything worked out, didn’t it?”
 “After taking too long, yeah.” Another kiss and Machamp contentedly exhaled. “Ooh, how long can you do that for?”
 “Want to find out?”
 “Mm…maybe later,” suggested Machamp. He flexed his upper arms. “Maybe you could give me a massage too.”
 “Wait, really?”
 “Yes.” Alakazam winked. “I like getting my hands all over you.”
 “That’s the second, so be grateful.”
 “Can’t you just be happy spoiling me some too?”
 “Please.” Alakazam leaned closer to Machamp. “We both know that I’m going to—”
 Machamp leaned in and kissed Alakazam, who blinked. They parted and he raised an eyebrow at his boyfriend.
 “What was that for?”
 “Because I knew where that was going.”
 “Ah, right.” Alakazam rested against Machamp, lowering his eyes as they smiled to one another. “And here I thought you just liked the feel of my lips.”
 “Oh, that too, definitely.” Machamp poked at Alakazam’s nose. “Plus that. And your mustache.”
 “They all feel nice and soft.” Machamp flicked at the spring. “Better than me.”
 “Firm and tight muscles, big lips, and four arms.” Alakazam grinned. “Personally, I think I’m getting the better deal out of this.”
 “No way.”
 “Absolutely.” Alakazam sighed. “You do attract a crowd.”
 “Don’t want them, though.” He wrapped his lower arms around Alakazam’s waist. “All I want is you.”
 “Mmm…definitely sweet.”
 “You know, you never did tell me what else you wanted in life.” Machamp gazed down to Alakazam. “Besides being with me, what else do you want to do? We’ve still got some years ahead of us, right?”
 “…I really don’t know.” Alakazam shrugged. “We spoke of those legends and mysteries that we wanted to explore when we were young. So…I suppose we can look into them later on.”
 “Nothing personal for you, though?” Machamp frowned. “I became a knight, and you a mage, but that was to stay with me. So…what do you want?”
 “We’ve still got time, right?” Alakazam softly smiled. “I can figure it out. You can help me. We’re usually a good team like that.”
 “Well, of course, but—”
 “Don’t worry about it for now.” Alakazam cuddled closer into Machamp. “As long as you stay with me, I can think of something.”
 “That makes it sound like it’s distracting when I’m not with you,” teased Machamp, smiling a bit.
 “Since my mind wanders into wondering about you, yes, it’s completely distracting,” joked Alakazam. “You need to stay around me, or I’m doomed.”
 “Oh, now you’re being dramatic!”
 “Not entirely,” quietly admitted Alakazam. “…I…don’t like being without you. Ever.”
 “You never will be.” Machamp kissed his head. “I’m going wherever you want whenever you’re ready.”
 “Honestly, there’s no need—”
 “If I’m your boyfriend, there is absolutely a need,” insisted Machamp. “Especially if there’s more to come from that!”
 “More…?” Alakazam blushed and pulled back from Machamp. “Is that a proposal already? I thought we were waiting.”
 “Wait, what?!” Machamp’s face burned a deep red, and he scooted back against the spring’s edge. “Ha-hold on a second! I-I wasn’t…I just meant more time together—”
 “Calm down,” soothed Alakazam. “I’m just teasing.”
 “Oh. Uh, yeah! I knew that.” Machamp glanced away as Alakazam chuckled. He surveyed around the spring, but went right back to Alakazam. “But, um. We will get married some day, right?”
 “Huh?” Alakazam’s blush deepened. “Well, we, uh, we’re trying to see if we want that, you know.”
 “Yeah.” Machamp smiled and lowered his shoulders. “But…I don’t have anyone else that I’d rather.” He sighed as Alakazam gazed up to him. “Not that we need to, you know, get married or make a big deal of it. I just—”
 “Like the idea?”
 “Yeah…among some, um. Other things.”
 “As do I.” Alakazam slowly smiled back. “It’s…probably inevitable, but we’ll see as we go along, of course.”
 “Yep, you’re right.”
 “…Would this be a bad time to bring up dreaming of it?”
 “Not at all, because I’ve done the same.” Machamp smirked. “Especially lately.”
 “Oh…?” Alakazam rubbed his face. “Tell me more.”
 “Don’t press me like that,” teased Machamp. “I have to keep some surprises.”
 “Mm…that’s fair.”
 “But you know what’s going to be part of the theme?”
 “Some big banners that say, ‘together forever, forever together.’” Machamp beamed as Alakazam’s eyes lit up.
 “Absolutely, please! Let’s get those!” Alakazam wrapped his arms around Machamp’s neck. “Together forever. You promise?”
 “Definitely.” Machamp kissed Alakazam, pressing their lips tightly together, but dropping apart, a bit overheated. “And this time I’ll mean it and stick with it.”
 Alakazam laughed, and cuddled closer into Machamp, who pulled him as close in as he could. They chattered a bit longer, discussing the future that awaited them.
 Together was something they planned to be, forever.
Goodness, I miss my line breaks. Now this story is going to seem so different with its footnotes. Bleh, oh well.
Yay and hooray, Machamp and Alakazam have cute plans for themselves as a couple! They’re very adorable together, and things feel so nice being that way.
Unlike the previous two entries, this one simply explores the relationship between the couple, and doesn’t really delve into past events, as we’re all caught up by this stage of their dating period. It’s simply to share their time together, along with their hopes and dreams of the future.
It’s also something of a swan song, I suppose.
Anyway, not much more to be added on, since that’s the wrap up. If you’ve enjoyed this couple, then you’ve joined me on this ship, and I’m glad that we can sail for this lovely couple!
Oh, and if you’re interested and didn’t check the links above, and/or you’re not quite versed on these stories, here are some related picks:
Forever Endures (1) - The first of this mini-series, showing the origin of Alakazam and Machamp when they were Abra and Machop!
Forever Endures (2) - The second of this mini-series, which closes in on Alakazam and Machamp as Kadabra and Machoke, as they plan for a future that might lead them somewhere different.
Inferiority Complex - A separate one-shot that involves both Machamp and Alakazam, though it goes over some insercurities they have instead!
Melting Gelid Roses - This is the main source of my Pokemon fanfic shenanigans, and heavily features Alakazam and Machamp midway into the story, as they slowly become a couple.
That’ll do it for this one. As always, thank you so much for reading! I hope you’ve enjoyed it all.
14 notes · View notes
medievalmon · 5 years
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“Which one?!” 
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“Do I qualify for this?” 
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“No, don’t!” 
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“If you do, then I want to.” 
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“Chesnaught does too!” 
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“This is kind of like a beard.” 
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“Stop it! Stop it, all of you!” 
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“I mean, it’s mostly ice and...well, it’s ice, but can I join?” 
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“I didn’t realize there were so many elegant and hairy fellows around.” 
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“Who was this post referring to, anyway?” 
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“That seems embarrassing. I’ve no idea.” 
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“Clearly you, Alakazam. Everyone else looks inferior by comparison.” 
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“Who’s your favorite, anyway?” 
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“Don’t ask such a horrible question!!”
7 notes · View notes
medievalmon · 5 years
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“Huh? But neither of us wears glasses.” 
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“Here, look! I found two pairs, let’s try them.” 
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“We don’t need them, though. Isn’t that rude?” 
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“Ah, it’s fine. Glasses are stylish. Come on, let’s see!” 
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“Still, I don’t think...oh, fine. ...Wow, you do look cute in them! How about me?” 
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“...They look so wonderful on you...!” 
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“Ha, uh, well I’m sure the upkeep might be a pain, but, thank you.” 
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“No, thank you. This was enlightening! Now we should get more pairs--hey, wait, don’t go!”
0 notes
medievalmon · 5 years
Which pokemon is the most intelligent, and which the most dumb, and the most angsty and the most emo? XD
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“Most intelligent is yours truly.” 
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“What? No way. It’s me.” 
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“Gardevoir is pretty smart.” 
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“Oh no, you stay out of this. If we start using couples’ opinions, then-” 
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“Alakazam is the smartest being alive, and no one can tell me otherwise!!” 
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“Ah, I don’t know about that...but thank you, darling! I’ll strive for those expectations.” 
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“Absolutely no pressure! You’re great as is! ...Which also happens to be the best anyway!” 
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“Ugh. Someone go get Mewtwo. Might as well get everyone in on this.” 
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“I was requested?” 
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“Oh, perfect. Mind games galore.” 
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“We’ve got a big competition for the smartest. So who would be the dumbest?” 
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“I’ve got a good nomination.” 
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“Yeah, I can agree to that one.” 
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“Everyone should.” 
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“What’s an ‘emo’ anyway?” 
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“I don’t know. Who wins the angsty contest?” 
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“Emperor Empoleon, probably.” 
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“What? No, I don’t want to win that. I’ve got pride.” 
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“You can be prideful and angsty, milord!” 
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“That’s terrible. Can someone else more brooding and dark challenge me for this title?” 
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“What about dark and brooding?” 
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“Oh, perfect! I have no idea who you are, but you seem to fit the bill nicely!” 
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“I think you’re confused...try him over there.” 
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“Wait, why are you looking at me?! I’m not that angsty! Get lost!”
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medievalmon · 5 years
so Alakazam and Machamp, I know you specialise as a mage and knight respectively, but have you ever tried to teach each other how to fight in each others' style? Seeing an Alakazam punch or a Machamp conjure up elemental attacks would definitely surprise some opponents
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“Ah, well, hm. We have attempted that sort of power-swap training before, and-” 
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“We both absolutely suck at what the other does!” 
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“Not entirely! We have that Focus Blast combination that you’re capable of delivering.” 
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“Yeah, because you power it up. And let’s not go over the times that I’ve tried casting spells out of the tomes.” 
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“It wasn’t…so bad. You certainly had a blast with some spells, if you’ll forgive the pun. Nothing compared to my lack of ability to even throw a decent punch.” 
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“Actually, you learned how to throw a good few punches, if you charge them up with something else! And your old tail tricks were pretty clever.” 
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“That one is no longer viable, and I still lack the raw power to use my body well enough.” 
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“So what? You’re still faster than me, and that’s definitely something!” 
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“I suppose.” 
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“All in all, we’re the right mix as we are, and that’s part of how we can make each other better!” 
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“Now that I can certainly agree with. You and I together are a near perfect balanced pairing, and that’s absolutely a fact.” 
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“Got that right, ha!”
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echoeternally · 6 years
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Apparently, there’s basically no new posts feature my favorite Pokémon couples since all of the other stuff I’ve posted. Tragic.
Instead, have this little picture banner that I stole from Serebii because it had Machamp and Alakazam together on it, and I was so happy with that.
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