#muse || ala romano
ragewithinthestorm · 2 months
closed for @claratenebris
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Ala was at her breaking point, previously she'd had Eddie to help her, during her pregnancy and just after she gave birth, before he was accused of murder and vanished, he would take her shopping, to appointments, Wayne would help out too. Wayne still helped when he could, but due to both of their work schedules he wasn't able to help her anywhere near as much as Eddie. She kept hoping he'd reappear, she missed him.
The pink haired girl was glad the sun was staying out longer, it gave her a bigger window to get some shopping in as she had to walk all the way from town to the trailer park with her shopping and baby, but that didn't mean it wasn't hard. The first thing she'd done when getting home, was take Theodora in and set her in her crib so she could get the shopping brought in. However upon carrying the bag up the little steps to the door of her trailer, she heard her neighbour Robin saying goodbye to someone and glanced over out of curiosity, only for this to cause her to miss her step and fall, not only dropping her groceries, but hitting her head in the process.
That was it, as she sat there surrounded by her groceries and holding her head, she started crying, at barely over five foot it would be easy to mistake her for a teenager, especially when her heavily tattooed arms were covered by clothing. Ala tried so hard to do everything herself, she didn't have a choice, but she'd already had a tough day at work in the bakery, a customer asking her "are you blind" when she knocked a tray of cookies off the counter, when yes, she was actually blind in one eye, and then this when she was already not feeling great? It was too much.
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cotncandyboifics · 3 years
A Lovely Night: Chapter 2
AO3 Link
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 5 ~ Chapter 6
Pairing(s): pre-established roceit & prinxiety, anaroceit, eventual anaroloceit, eventual intruality
Word count: ~2k
Story summary: Roman's boyfriends had had a rivalry since before either of them had actually met Roman. Running a bit late to a date night, Roman accidentally gets them to start dating too.
General CW: non-detailed description of an anxiety attack, non-detailed description of physical pain, food, kissing, potentially triggering descriptions of physical bodies, swearing, caps lock, school settings, s-xual innuendos, slight description of gore(imagery), vague descriptions of anxiety, Implications of an eating disorder, fatigue, dissociation, suppression of stimming, implied heavy restriction (ED), inner monologue-style anxiety description, eating,(will be added to as I write more)
Chapter CW: kissing, swearing, subtle s-xual innuendo, (let me know if i missed anything please!)
Author notes: this is the starring role chapter! If that makes sense... after this I'm kind of making up the plot stream-of-consciousness style. I'm pretty excited to get CH 5 out.
Virgil knew this whole thing was a mistake.
Roman had practically begged him to break out his skirt, fishnet, and heels. He'd only just bought them, and Roman was entirely too enticed by the idea of his boyfriend wearing them. He was very nervous - he'd never worn heels before, and never a skirt out in public - but he just couldn't bring himself to say no to his love.
And so, here he stood, leaning on the railing over a valley as the sun began reaching to kiss the horizon. He'd worn his favorite ripped crop top and leather jacket, fishnets reaching across his exposed navel, down beneath his plaid purple skirt and all the way into the black high heels he wore. He'd done his makeup a little nicer than usual, winging his eyeliner and getting a bit of purple sparkles in with his eyeshadow. his hair curled and twined haphazardly over his forehead and eyes as he watched lights of houses in the valley flicker on.
This was meant to be a special date, just Janus, Roman and Virgil. Roman had planned it, and kept the events a complete secret to both his boyfriends, simply telling them when and where to meet him. Virgil checked his phone; it was two minutes to seven, the agreed upon time. Virgil tended to arrive early to most things, since he was usually anxious that he'd be late even when getting a 30 minute head start. He passed his phone between his hands, the screen flickering on when his thumb accidentally tapped it, and a picture of Roman kissing a smirking Janus on the cheek greeted him. He felt his cheeks heat up, and slid his phone back into his pocket.
A clicking noise sounded from a little ways away, and Virgil turned to seek its source.
Janus was walking up, the heels of his black and white dress shoes clicking on the pavement. He wore a black wool suit with golden accents, a red dress shirt with subtle frills and a black bowtie. On his head rested his favorite bowler hat, concealing the majority of his golden curls - some of which escaped anyway, tucked neatly against his forehead and over his ears. He smirked and bowed as he approached Virgil, dipping his head and holding one golden gloved hand fisted tight against the small of his own back. Virgil scoffed and shoved his shoulder, and Janus stumbled a bit, snickering back.
Janus joined Virgil at the railing, looking out at the valley and the setting sun. They stood in a comfortable silence for a while, Virgil needing to consistently will himself not to rest his head on Janus' shoulder that was painfully close but felt so far.
After long enough, Janus cleared his throat. "Where might our dear prince be?" He ran his fingers down the underside of one of his lapels, not yet tearing his gaze from the pink clouds surrounding the sunset. Virgil opted to check his phone.
"Uh..." He couldn't form the words, so he simply presented his phone to Janus. A single text had come through.
Romano<3 Hey babe, I'm running kinda late. Why don't you and Jannie entertain each other until I get there? Sorry. Love you <3<3<3
Janus hummed, eyebrows raised. "Well it appears we're stuck with each other for the time being." He smirked slightly, and Virgil scoffed, bumping shoulders with him.
"What a waste," Virgil mused under his breath after a few more minutes of them staring out at the sunset together.
"Ah..." Janus glanced at Virgil briefly. "Such a shame. What a lovely view. It's practically hand drawn for a couple." He sighed, a little too dramatically, and Virgil furrowed his brow at him. "If only Roman were here. Unfortunately, you're not really my type, darling."
"Really." Virgil spat, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest protectively.
"Alas it's only you and I," Janus continued, leaning slightly closer to Virgil, "and frankly, we've got no chemistry whatsoever."
"Ah, okay snakey." Virgil bit back, not daring to look at the smirk he was sure was playing on Janus' face. "I think I can make that call, huh? Just because you look all pretty in that polyester suit doesn't-"
"It's wool," Janus interjected in annoyance. Although after a moment he gasped slightly, turning to Virgil fully. "Wait a moment! Did you just call me pretty, Charlie Frown?" He leaned a little too close, and Virgil scrunched his nose, leaning away slightly.
"Stealing Ro's nicknames for me doesn't make you creative," Virgil deflected, smirking right back at Janus.
"Mmm, perhaps not," Janus leaned away, seemingly examining his fingernails through his gloves.
"And for the record, I'm also feeling no chemistry."
"Is that so?" Janus' attention was back on Virgil, and their eyes locked in an intense and silent battle. Virgil wouldn't back down, just as he never had before, but this time he wasn't sure what he was trying to prove. He straightened his posture, making his chest puff out slightly. Even if Janus was taller than him, he wouldn't shy away from a confidence contest. No, not even if his crush was literally looming over him, not even if he could swear he just saw Janus' eyes flick to his lips for an imperceptible millisecond.
"Yeah. It is." He leaned his head forward, almost bumping his forehead on Janus'. Had he ever seen Janus' face so red?
"So you agree, then," Janus spoke, voice ever so slightly unsteady, but he didn't dare back down. Even if he was nose to nose with a boy he was in love with.
"Yeah, I guess I do." Virgil scrunched his nose again. This time, when Janus' eyes flicked to his lips, it wasn't deniable. He watched it happen, clear as day.
And so, he took a chance.
He took one step forward, not moving his head at all but nearly pushing his body against Janus'. Janus responded in kind, taking a step forward as well, and they were chest to chest. Virgil reached up and gripped Janus' lapels. They were impressively soft, and Virgil realized Janus hadn't just been bragging; it was in fact a wool suit. Janus' hands came to Virgil's hips. Virgil pressed their foreheads together, and didn't dare look away from Janus' eyes. They both breathed on each other, caught up in the heat of the moment without even needing to move with each other.
They'd both been waiting for this for so long.
Slowly, Janus' arms wrapped around Virgil's waist, and Virgil tilted his jaw up slightly. Janus met him halfway, immediately initiating a passionate, openmouthed kiss. Virgil's arms wrapped around Janus' neck, and Janus held him as close against himself as he physically could.
Virgil's mind was exploding, and so was Janus'. Neither of them could believe that this was really real. But they were both too afraid to break the kiss to make sure that it was, so they just kept kissing.
Hands wandered as they did, and Virgil had his arms wrapped beneath Janus' and around his back, both of them pulling each other against themselves as snugly as they could. Neither could get enough of this feeling they'd been chasing for so many years, and the fact that it had all culminated into this moment felt intoxicating in a way neither could describe.
Eventually things slowed down, and they went from lovingly tongue battling to trading gentle slow pecks, both of them smiling stupidly as they rested their foreheads together once more.
Janus opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted. "I genuinely thought you two weren't going to stop kissing for a minute there. Jeez."
Janus gasped and Virgil yelped, both of them jumping about a foot in the air and a foot away from each other. Roman, who was sitting on the bench next to them, broke out in laughter.
"Ro you can't sneak up on us like that, man!" Virgil wheezed out though labored breaths, as he tried to calm himself. Janus just stood straight as a pencil with his hands pressed into his face.
After long enough, Roman caught his breath, but he was still smiling so big at his boyfriends. They both looked between Roman and each other, trying desperately to probe the situation without moving a muscle.
Roman brought his hands to his face, fingers curled into happy fists. "Do you know how happy it makes me that you two finally realized?" Roman practically squealed, and if it were even possible, Virgil's face went even redder. Janus collected himself, and cleared his throat.
"Well hello, Roman." He opened his mouth to say more, but the words wouldn't come. He kept glancing to Virgil, who had taken to staring at the floor.
Roman looked between the two of them for a moment. "Oh you big buffoons. Talking always has been hard for the two of you, huh? Come here, my loves." He patted the bench on either side of him, and his boyfriends came at his call, settling in with their thighs against Roman's. "Now hmm, how should we start... I suppose you can fill me in on what I missed?" he looked between them. "Surely you didn't simply see each other in your lovely-" Roman made a point to look Virgil up and down slowly, "-outfits," And Janus as well, "And just decide to attach at the lips immediately? That sounds like something I'd do, more so than either of you." Janus chuckled, and kissed Roman's cheek.
"Well, snakey here decided to make a deal about how pretty the sunset was. And how it was so romantic and all that. And how it was a waste that-" Virgil's snarky explanation was cut off.
"Excuse me, I started it? No no no Virgie," Janus smirked as Virgil's eyes widened at the nickname, "You were the first to make a sly comment about the waste of a romantic view."
"You tell Ro then, if you think you know so much better." Virgil crossed his arms over his chest and stuck his tongue out at Janus, who hummed a laugh.
"Alright. Well," His smirk was lost then, and he took to adjusting his gloves. "I then made a comment about the lack of chemistry between us, and... And I think Virgie said something about me being pretty," His smirk was no longer lost, and Virgil rolled his eyes to try and distract himself from his heart racing in his chest. "And... I'm not sure. We got... lost in the moment." Janus smiled then. A genuine smile. It was such a rare sight (as Roman and Virgil often commented to each other) that Roman nudged Virgil's shoulder so he'd look up to see it too. They both gaped at Janus happily for a few moments, before Janus cleared his throat. "So I suppose then that in the end, I was correct that you find me pretty, Virgil?"
Virgil choked on air for a moment. "Sure, yeah, whatever," He spoke under his breath, "but you were also wrong about the chemistry thing. So suck it." Virgil gave him a challenging grin.
"Ayo!" Roman snickered at the innuendo, and Virgil and Janus both rolled their eyes at him.
"But darling," Janus ignored Roman for a moment, and Virgil swore his chest would explode if Janus kept using pet names for him, "You so strongly agreed that there was no chemistry to be found between us, and yet." He held his hands out, gesturing to their circumstances and smirking yet again.
"Oh shut up pretty boy," Virgil growled in annoyance, reaching across Roman's lap and pulling Janus by the cheeks into another kiss.
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jcinthedance · 4 years
Unnecessary Detailed Dislikes.
Tagged by: @littlexbluexflame​  thank you !! This was fun
Tagging:  @lil-miss-romano
Muse name:  Jervis Tetch Least Favorite Nickname:  “ It’s Jerbis Tej. It’s just that one...” Least Favorite Color:  “ The lack thereof is my least favorite thusly. ” Least Favorite Season:  “ Gotham’s winters make an already bitter city colder-- ”  Least Favorite - Hot or Cold:   “ --Even so, I prefer the cold, elsewise I’d have to                                               take my coat off! Or even my tie. God forbid my hat... ” Least Favorite Holiday: “ I used to hate Halloween.... don’t tell Jonathan. ” Least Favorite Food: “ Whatever mysterious substance they serve to us in Arkham. ” Least Favorite Flavor:  “ Whatever flavor the above is! ” Least Favorite Drink:  “ Everything’s on the same tier somewhere beneath tea, I think. ” Least Favorite Scent:  " Things... that-- for whatever reason-- have been dead for a while, and                                           I’ve... forgotten to discard them. ” Least Favorite Sound:   “ Forks scraping the porcelain... ” Least Favorite TV show: “ I can’t remember the last time                                                  I watched anything besides the news…” Least Favorite Area of School: “ ... Physical Education? ” Least Favorite Aspect of their Jobs: “ Oh, there’s plenty I hate to do for my line                                                                 of work, but alas... ” Least Favorite Place:  “ Solitary confinement. ” Least Favorite Thing to Talk About:   Previous Alices. Least Favorite thing about Themselves:   Their appearance, or at least how others see him. Least Favorite Daily Chore:  " I haven’t had to do a chore in ages,                                                     thanks to my obedient helpers~ ” Least Favorite Type of Clothing:  “ The colorless inpatient robes! ” Least Favorite Superpower:  “ All the ones the goody-goodies have... ” Least Favorite Thing About Being In Love:  “ ... Being the one that isn’t loved. ” Least Favorite Thing About Death:  “ It’s a friend of Time, and far too close... ”
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Ad Astra or This Movie Was the Brad Pitts
Ad Astra was the worst movie I have paid to see since 2015’s Kill Your Friends, which is my least favourite cinema experience of all time. It was a dry and dreary story about emotionally stunted white men in a bleak and boring capitalist version of space, with jarring and superfluous Christian undertones. The plot and everyone’s motives were so non-existent that Brad Pitt had to narrate the whole thing in a monotone so flat and dead I literally screamed all the way from the cinema to the bus stop when it was over, partly out of a frustration so deep it was non-verbal, but also just to finally hear some pitch variation.
*Ad Astra spoilers follow*
There technically were women in this movie. Lots of women, particularly women of colour, occupied high ranking positions and were addressed by their titles, a touch I think is important and that usually tips the scales in favour of a good review for me. We were graced with Adjutant General Vogel (LisaGay Hamilton), Captain Lu (Freda Foh Shen), Sergeant Romano (Kimmy Shields), Tanya Pincus (Natasha Lyonne) and Lorraine Deavers (Kimberly Elise), as well as several unnamed female personnel (Kayla Adams, Elisa Perry, Sasha Compère and Mallory Low). I would like to particularly highlight Natasha Lyonne’s performance as apparently she was the only actor employed to play a human being and not a replicant. She was on screen for maybe twenty seconds, as is sadly the case with most of these women, but was a glorious breath of fresh air as the only character to simultaneously emote expressively and speak with inflection and enthusiasm. The only one! In a two hour movie!
All of these women appear to be respected and capable members of various illustrious teams, but are always outnumbered by men. There are two male generals alongside Vogel and Deavers is initially outnumbered 4:1 on her space craft by men. Tragically, whenever a team is being picked off, it is always the people of colour who die first. Not only is this obviously racist, it is just a disgusting cliché that we just don’t need to see anymore in movies. Deavers dies first when Roy (Brad Pitt) forcibly invades their vehicle, followed by Franklin Yoshida (Bobby Nish), an Asian man, and Donald Stanford (Loren Dean), a white guy, is the last to go. Roy cradles him in his arms and attempts to save his life. I hope it’s not just me that sees something wrong with the order of events there.
A similar scenario takes place in the lunar chase, which absurdly seems to occur in the same crapy looking buggies as the original moon landing, a confusing visual choice considering we’ve just seen a vast and impressive modern concrete moon base. The film takes the time to introduce us to Willie Levant (Sean Blakemore), a black officer who will be escorting Ray across the moon. As soon as we see he has a photo of his wife and child taped to his tablet screen I knew he was going to die - in the year 2019 I should not be able to predict that a black character is going to die because we saw a family photo. Can we just not anymore? Again, aside from the racism, that’s just shitty writing. I like to think that as a species, if we can conceptualise something as vast and seemingly impossible as solar travel, we can also move beyond basic and derogatory cinematic tropes.
I was most excited by the appearance of Helen Lantos (Ruth Negga), a woman of colour who occupies a position of power on Mars and introduces herself assertively using her full name. Also, her whole look was excellent. However, this brief release of serotonin was very short lived as she literally walks Roy down a corridor then is immediately cut off and superseded by a white guy with a man bun. Lantos does return later, but alas, as an exposition machine to give Roy some plot news about his dad. Even as she explains that her parents were murdered by his, Lantos falls victim to the dire, emotionless monotone that I can only assume was forced on the entire cast of this film. Then, she is an actual chauffeur and drives Ray to a manhole so he can continue his dad quest. A character brimming with original potential is presented as nothing more than a device.
The final woman to mention is the first one we see, Roy’s ex-wife Eve (Liv Tyler). We see the blurry, out of focus back of her head in the background of a shot before we see her face, and this is incredibly telling, because that’s all Eve is, the simulacrum of a woman. She could be anybody - so why she is Liv Tyler defies belief, I can only assume they held her loved ones hostage - her story is untold and entirely irrelevant. Again, she is only a device, although this time not for Roy’s forward momentum, but this time seemingly to emphasise that Roy is a total sociopath with no emotions whatsoever. We don’t learn Eve’s name for another twenty minutes, and it is an hour and twenty minutes before we hear her speak. Even then, it’s not a live conversation, because god forbid this film have too many of those, but a voice recording explaining that their relationship is over. I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty sure that’s what it was, but everything she said was so generic I have no memory of it whatsoever. She is presented as a ghost, a blurry image on a screen, a memory fixed in time, not a real person with agency and personality. At the end of the movie we finally see her in real time, and that is when she has made the unfathomable decision to meet Roy for coffee. Even her face in that moment gives no emotion away, perhaps because Tyler had no idea how to act this entirely nonsensical decision. To our knowledge, she would not have seen any change in Roy, only received news that he survived a dangerous space mission, which is apparently enough of a reason to get back with this emotionless egg of a man?
I almost didn’t want to devote words to them, but I think it’s important to address just how dire Roy and his dad H. Clifford McBride (Tommy Lee Jones) are. This is their film, they are the reason that all of these women’s stories are passed over. It is made clear over and over again that both Roy and Clifford believe they are the only people capable of completing their various missions. Roy hijacks a ship and inadvertently kills everyone on board because he thinks that it’s his destiny or whatever to get his dad back, never mind that they were all highly trained space personnel who were arguably better suited to the mission precisely because it wasn’t their dad. Clifford straight up murders his whole crew because they are too “small minded” to fly off further and further into space forever on a mission that has yet yielded absolutely no evidence of their goals. A variety of talented human beings are destroyed because of the entitlement of white men, their delusional and unshakable conviction that they are at the centre of the universe and that no one else could possibly accomplish the lofty goals that kismet apparently calls them to.
The way they speak about themselves and to each other is absolutely psychotic. Roy’s solo musings include, “The flight recorder will tell the story, but history will have to decide,” and “In the end, the son suffers the sins of the father.” Clifford imparts his son with the delightful greeting of, “There was never anything there for me, I never cared for you or your mother or your small ideas.” In addition, they both physically flinch from human contact at various points in the move. Now, I totally understand that we live in a neurodiverse world and that many people experience emotions and social interactions in any number of ways, and that is a beautiful thing that makes our world so interesting to live in. However, that these men both abjectly state that they have no empathy is presented within the context of their megalomaniacal ideals that they must accomplish their god-given quests irregardless of how many people they have to kill along the way. It is a facet of their strangely two-dimensional, arrogant and narcissistic personalities, not one part of many complex features that make a complete and relatable human being.
Roy has to literally say out loud that he is a human being at the end of the movie; “I will rely on those closest to me…I will live and love,” which makes him sound more like a learning AI trying to pass a Turing test than anything else. The music swells as Clifford throws himself towards the surface of Neptune in an orchestral deluge that is unsubtly significant in this very quiet film, as though I’m supposed to start crying and think anything other than, “well thank fuck, it’s about time this murderer dies in the cold vacuum of space, I hope Roy stays spinning and screaming here forever too.” We are supposed to feel sympathy for them as the heroes of this movie, despite the fact that they show no care for anyone else throughout the whole thing and act entirely in their own self interests.
Overall, the women in this film are given about five seconds of potential as they introduce themselves variously as decorated soldiers and otherwise capable personnel, before being shoved to the side, or murdered, for Roy. This is obviously objectionable, but is made so much worse by the fact that Roy is an emotionless, entitled, empathy-less white man who doesn’t care if other people have to die for him to get what he wants. That is what these women are being passed up in favour of. I felt like I was watching a two hour long Voight-Kampff test. Space movies like this should be about what we can achieve if we work together as a species, not about how white men will still be the kings of dreary capitalism, even on the moon. We can do better than this.
And now for some asides:
What the actual fuck was the font at the beginning? I guess a red serif all caps should have alerted me to the fact that I was about to watch a horror movie.
As a lover of space horror, I was absolutely gutted that it was a bad CG angry baboon and not a cool gross alien. Also, what was that scene? “Hmm, we need to get rid of this loser because Brad Pitt is the best at space ships and he needs to be the captain. Uhh…what about…space monkeys? Yeah! Space monkeys on a deserted Norwegian ship. That makes sense.”
Can I just have a film bout those moon pirates fighting space capitalism please? I was more invested in them that anyone else in this garbage movie.
Credit for the Bradd Pitts joke goes to the talented and lovely Ed Cheverton
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ancientbuildings · 4 years
Jejak Kaki 14.000 tahun di Gua Italia Mengungkapkan Perilaku Manusia Kuno
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Bukti merangkak dalam sistem gua Italia memberi cahaya baru pada perilaku manusia Zaman Batu dalam kelompok, terutama ketika menjelajahi lahan baru, kata sebuah penelitian yang diterbitkan hari ini di eLife.
Penemuan Merangkak Manusia Kuno
Gua Bura di Toirano dan jejak fosil manusia dan binatangnya telah dikenal sejak 1950-an, dengan studi pertama yang dilakukan oleh arkeolog Italia Virginia Chiappella. Dalam studi saat ini, dipromosikan oleh Kantor Warisan Arkeologi Liguria, peneliti dari Italia, Argentina, dan Afrika Selatan menggunakan beberapa pendekatan untuk menganalisis jejak manusia dan mengidentifikasi untuk pertama kalinya perilaku merangkak dari sekitar 14.000 tahun yang lalu.
"Dalam penelitian kami, kami ingin melihat bagaimana manusia purba menjelajahi sistem gua yang menakjubkan ini," kata penulis pertama Marco Romano, Postdoctoral Fellow di University of the Witwatersrand, Afrika Selatan. "Secara khusus, kami berangkat untuk menemukan berapa banyak orang yang memasuki gua, apakah mereka menjelajah sebagai individu atau sebagai kelompok, usia, jenis kelamin dan rute seperti apa yang mereka ambil sekali di dalam gua."
Wawasan Ke Perilaku Manusia Kuno
Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, tim multidisiplin mempelajari 180 trek dari dalam gua, termasuk jejak kaki dan sidik jari di lantai yang kaya tanah liat. Mereka menerapkan berbagai metode kencan modern, perangkat lunak yang menganalisis struktur trek, dan berbagai jenis pemodelan 3D.
"Bersama-sama, pendekatan ini memungkinkan kita untuk membangun narasi tentang bagaimana manusia masuk dan keluar dari gua, dan aktivitas mereka begitu mereka berada di dalam," Romano menjelaskan.
Tim menentukan bahwa lima individu, termasuk dua orang dewasa, seorang remaja berusia sekitar 11 tahun, dan dua anak berusia tiga dan enam tahun, memasuki gua tanpa alas kaki dan menerangi jalan menggunakan tongkat kayu. Ini menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak kecil adalah anggota kelompok aktif selama Zaman Batu, bahkan ketika melakukan kegiatan yang tampaknya berbahaya.
Para peneliti melaporkan bukti pertama merangkak di jejak kaki dari terowongan rendah - rute yang diambil untuk mengakses bagian dalam gua. Rincian anatomi di jejak kaki menunjukkan bahwa penjelajah pergi dengan kaki telanjang saat mereka menavigasi jalur ini.
Analisis Perilaku Manusia Kuno
Ketika menganalisis berbagai cetakan tangan, tim menemukan bahwa beberapa di antaranya tampak 'tidak disengaja' dan berkaitan dengan penjelajahan gua saja, sementara yang lain lebih 'disengaja' dan menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan sosial atau simbolis terjadi di dalam kamar dalam. "Oleh karena itu, pengumpul-pemburu mungkin didorong oleh kegiatan yang menyenangkan selama eksplorasi, serta hanya kebutuhan untuk menemukan makanan," tambah Romano.
"Bersama-sama, hasil kami menunjukkan bagaimana pendekatan yang bervariasi untuk mempelajari jejak nenek moyang kita dapat memberikan wawasan rinci tentang perilaku mereka," simpul penulis senior Marco Avanzini, kepala departemen geologi di MUSE - Trento Museum of Science, Italia. "Kami berharap pendekatan kami akan berguna untuk melukis gambar serupa tentang bagaimana manusia berperilaku di bagian lain dunia dan selama periode waktu yang berbeda."
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ragewithinthestorm · 16 days
closed for @stopthecarrrr
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Ala was exhausted, things were more difficult without her neighbour around, Wayne was doing his best to help the young mother out but she hadn’t realised how much she’d relied on Eddie to help out, and now it was raining hard.
She ducked into the video store, at just over five feet tall she was swallowed up by the oversized frog hoodie she wore, pushing a pram with a, thankfully sleeping, baby in. Making her way over to the counter, she looked up at the young man that worked there, “um, hi, is it okay if I wait the rain out in here?” She asked as she pushed wet hair out of her eyes, her right eye having barely any pigment in, she had a pair of skates on her feet. "I can take the skates off," she offered in hopes he'd allow her to wait inside.
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ragewithinthestorm · 2 months
closed for @rebelliousfamily
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Ala couldn't shake the feeling that her neighbour had recognised her at the club, she hoped his alternative appearance meant he wasn't paying attention to the very thin bubblegum pink dancer, but she could have sworn she caught him looking at her. They hadn't had any one on one interaction yet, of course she knew who Eddie Munson was, she wasn't stupid, but they had yet to actually meet.
She'd awoken early the next morning, only having gotten a few hours sleep due to working late but that was normal for her, thankfully she only worked two nights a week at the club. Ala was wearing one of her oversized pastel green hoodies and a short white skirt that barely peaked out below it, her legs were ink free, but her arms were heavily tattooed, so she kept them covered up most of the time so people wouldn't avoid the bakery thinking she was a tattooed thug. Poking her head out the door for a moment to check the weather, she withdrew again before coming out and sitting on the steps to her trailer with rollerskates in hand and putting them on, wanting to get some skating in before her daughter wakes up, not noticing her neighbour outside.
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ragewithinthestorm · 4 months
closed for @coastercrushed
Ala could swear the boat journey wasn't that bad when she came for the first and only time as a child to meet her future husband, was she upset about having to leave her homeland behind potentially forever? Yes. Was she glad to finally be free of her uncle and his friends? Also yes. But the journey had been hell, storm after storm, she was sure that was a bad omen. She'd thrown up so much from the constant movement of the ocean that she had stopped eating much in hopes it would help, not that she ate much to begin with under her uncles control, but she had lost even more weight, she missed being a chubby child sometimes, her parents would make sure she was well fed.
The lack of food and sleep had her absolutely exhausted to the point that an hour into bedding in the carriage for her day long journey to her new home she had fallen into a deep sleep. By the time she reached her destination she was still sleeping, having slept for almost twenty solid hours curled up the plush seating, at barely over five foot tall, the eighteen year old looked tiny buried in the layers of her dress, shoulder length dark brown hair fell over her pale face, clearly no sign of her emerging from the carriage as her future family-in-law waited to welcome her.
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ragewithinthestorm · 5 months
closed for @flowercrowns-and-leatherjackets
To say Ala was annoyed was an understatement, it took ages to walk home and it had begun to rain heavily just as she made it to the store. She had only planned on picking up a few things to carry home while pushing her daughter, but with the weather she was gong to have to pay for an uber, so she decided to take advantage and get more shopping in. So here she was, stood under the shelter as she watched the little map on her phone as the uber pulled into the area, the name and picture for the driver seemed familiar but she couldn't place it as she squinted at her phone, trying to see the small photo better. "Ah, there he is," she said to her daughter who was starting to fall asleep from the sound of the rain, thankfully the pram she used had a removable car seat.
"Could you help me with the bags?" She asked the driver before looking at him, "oh! I know you," She short girl almost seemed to light up upon recognising the other, due to her limited eyesight she always felt unsafe in ubers.
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ragewithinthestorm · 2 months
Closed for @fatalframez
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Ala was exhausted, things were more difficult without her neighbour around, Wayne was doing his best to help the young mother out but she hadn't realised how much she'd relied on Eddie to help out, and now it was raining hard.
Ducking into the video store, at just over five feet tall she was swallowed up by the oversized frog hoodie she wore, pushing a pram with a, thankfully sleeping, baby in. Making her way over to the counter, she looked up at the young man that worked there, "um, hi, is it okay if I wait the rain out in here?" She asked as she pushed wet hair out of her eyes, her right eye having barely any pigment in.
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ragewithinthestorm · 5 months
closed for @hangtenn
"Oh my god I'm so sorry," Ala was panicked as she pried her daughter's little fingers apart to release the strangers hair. She had been sat on a park bench having a rest with Theodora in a baby carrier on her chest, she had turned slightly to try and get her phone out of her pocket, only for Theodora to grab a hand full of the long blonde hair of the person beside them.
"Teddy you can't do that, here," she managed to replace the hair with a little cuddly tadpole toy which instantly went into her mouth to start chewing.
"I'm so, so sorry," the small mother apologised again, not wanting to be perceived as rude or a bad mother, she as trying her best. She was wearing a green frog hoodie with pastel pink hair, she knew people perceived her as a bad parent due to her appearance, she'd had those comments made towards her before.
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ragewithinthestorm · 5 months
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ragewithinthestorm · 2 years
@its-me-lestat continued from here:
Lestat had tried to stop it.  Tried to force the rogue vampire away from the poor woman.  But he had been held back by their coven.  A coven that had since been turned to flames by Lestat's own gifts.
Standing before the newly turned, he knelt before her.
"I'm not here to hurt you.  I'm afraid I failed to safe you.  We must leave.  The sun will rise soon."
Ala tried to move further back but the wall got in the way. She didn’t understand, shaking her head, “why?” She had been living on the street since turning 18, she had managed to survive by selling her body, managing to stay fairly safe for years, but not this time, she had fallen into the wrong hands and she didn’t understand what was happening.
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ragewithinthestorm · 2 years
Ala wandered into the Family Video store, glancing around to see how busy it was, thankfully it was just her and Robin. She was thankful it was at least a woman working today and not a man, that would make her far more anxious for what she had come to find. Ala was wearing an oversized rainbow sweater as a dress, her hair only a little longer than Robin’s but dyed pink, one of her eyes was incredibly pale. She bumped into the edge of one of the shelving units, muttering a sorry to the inanimate object as she looked for her target. After a few minutes she walked up to the counter, holding the video tight to her chest as if afraid to show what she wanted but eventually put it down. Kiss of the Spider Woman. It was a lesbian prison drama, Ala couldn’t look at Robin, she just stared down as if feeling shame for what she was renting. “I’d like this please...”
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ragewithinthestorm · 2 years
Name: Ala Romano
Nickname(s): X
Age: 18-24
Birthday: X
Sexuality: Pansexual
Sex / Gender: Female / Female
Pronouns: She / Her
Nationality: Half Italian, half American
Occupation: Baker / sex worker (verse dependant)
Skin: Light olive, torso and arms heavily tattooed, self harm scars
Eyes: Brown, on lacking in pigment
Hair: Naturally brown but dyes it randomly, often bright colours, never longer than shoulder length
Height: Just over 5 foot
Disability / Mental Health: Blind in one eye, said eye is lacking in pigment
Other Appearance: Ala dresses in bright cute and often pastel clothing in an attempt to regain her stolen childhood, but also dresses in an alternative style when she feels like it or at home in private
FC if needed: X
Verses: Main
Ala grew up in the foster system. She uses her cutesy bright exterior, often dressed in bright colours and fun clothes to make herself feel some level of joy. She struggles with her mental health but tries to make up for it by trying to make others happy.
After getting pregnant with Theodora, she started trying her best to become stable so she can give her child the life she never had. She doesn’t have much, constantly floating around the poverty line, but she manages and when she gets a bonus it tends to go on tattoo after making sure her baby has everything she needs.
muse || ala romano
ala || dreams in the dead of night || musings
ala || make me feel again || usfw | desires
ala || i find joy in my clothes || wardrobe
ala || don't look at me || fc
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ragewithinthestorm · 5 months
closed for @stopthecarrrr
Ala was exhausted, things were more difficult without her neighbour around, Wayne was doing his best to help the young mother out but she hadn't realised how much she'd relied on Eddie to help out, and now it was raining hard.
She ducked into the video store, at just over five feet tall she was swallowed up by the oversized frog hoodie she wore, pushing a pram with a, thankfully sleeping, baby in. Making her way over to the counter, she looked up at the young man that worked there, "um, hi, is it okay if I wait the rain out in here?" She asked as she pushed wet hair out of her eyes, her right eye having barely any pigment in.
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