#muse mail. althea
voxvulgi · 2 years
SARA I need you to tell me about your characters, please scream at me, I am that *slams credit card aggressively on desk* meme, okay, so-- Who amongst your muses would want to trade fates/background/canon (while retaining their memories) with another muse of yours? Which muse is most likely to try time-travel if given the opportunity and which least? Which muse is most likely to develop grudges much later after something has occurred/after pondering it over a while? And which muse is most likely to misunderstand regret and grudge for the other? Which muse is most likely to say 'yes' to immortality/mortality (depending on what the given muse is already equipped with) and which would be most likely to later regret the choice? And YUSH THAT'S ALL love you ♥ (feel free to skip over any OR ALL if you'd rather~)
*cuffs sleeves, makes coffee, cracks knuckles*
Adonis would want to trade lives with Althea. He would retain his love of art and literature -- not only that, but also make it his livelihood -- and his fascination with men, except now it would be socially acceptable and legal in all countries. And he’ll do you one better. He’ll give up his memories, too. Althea wouldn’t agree to this trade, though.
Ian would love to trade lives with Jude -- but only if Ivan could come. He and Ivan could become Jude and Malik, siblings with lots of education and vigilante freedom. They would also have a father. Ian wouldn’t wish his own life on Jude, though, so even if he could trade, he wouldn’t.
And finally...Cass would love to trade lives with Mahogany. And this is where things get interesting and controversial: He definitely doesn’t want Mahogany’s memories or her trauma. But he does want the life Mahogany has where she’s free of her parents. So Cass would love to be Mahogany -- rich and beautiful with the world between her hands, with a confidence that could beat narcissus and the ability to do whatever she wants -- but...without the ugly stuff. He would want Mahogany’s life after she had killed her parents, and he wouldn’t want any of her memories or consequences of her crimes. Mahogany, of course, would rather die than trade lives with Cass.
The most likely muse to time-travel is Hailey. She loves Xander and has grown used to a life of hunting monsters and saving people-- but she would give it all up in a heartbeat if she could travel back in time to when her mother was alive, save her, and spare herself and Jace the life of killing and dodging death.
The least likely muse to time-travel is Damian. He’s already been alive for so long. He’s seen enough and felt enough and it’s all just...enough. He’s not even sure he would go back in time to save someone he loves or stop a war; he is not delusional or desperate enough to think his attempts wouldn’t cause greater tragedy. So no, while he hates everything he’d witnessed and misses everyone he’s lost, he wouldn’t dare go back.
All the muses either hold grudges immediately or are too smart to hold them at all -- but there’s only one person who would develop a grudge over time: Jude. She’s a sweet and generally forgiving person, but when someone wrongs her or harms her family... Well, this is kind of a direct product of her forgiving nature. She tries to forgive -- tries really hard -- so eventually, after trying to close a stab wound with bandaid after bandaid, Jude’s bitterness will jump in. This has happened with her mother and a lot of her cousins. That being said, Jude holding a grudge against you is honestly as scary as a mouse holding a toothpick.
Grudge vs Regret:
Adonis. I’m honestly not 100% sure what this question means, but the way I understand it is which muse is most likely to think that regretting someone is a grudge against them, and a grudge against someone is just regretting you knew them. (Does that make sense?) Adonis is the most likely to mix up those emotions because not only is his emotional intelligence very low, but his tendency to self-blame will very often turn a grudge into regret. (ex: “The fact that this person hurt me isn’t their fault; it’s mine. I regret getting hurt by what they did.”)
...and finally!
Damian would jump on the chance to be mortal again faster than the speed of light. He’s always hated immortality, and the fact that he’s destined to live forever hugely contributes to his depression and suicidal ideation. The world is terrible and terrifying and he hates it-- he hates having to live wars in many forms over and over and over until either someone kills him or the universe comes to an end.
On the other hand, Mahogany would like to become immortal. How willing she is to do it would depend on the price. She is a businesswoman, after all.
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fcundwings-archive2 · 4 years
tags + ooc & althea
❛ i wish i was part of the cool kids ! —— [ ooc / posts. ] ❛ squad squad ! —— [ ooc / promo. ] ❛ i hate mysef ! —— [ ooc / sp. ] ❛ make me delete photoshop ! —— [ ooc / graphics. ] ❛ mutuals only, specify muse ! —— [ ooc / memes. ] ❛ please love me ! —— [ ooc / sr. ] ❛ use your voice ! —— [ ooc / psa. ] ❛ you have mail ! —— [ ooc / inbox. ] ❛ mutuals only, specify muse ! —— [ ooc / sc. ] ❛ for the dark days ! —— [ ooc / saved. ] ❛ i have the memory of a walnut ! —— [ ooc / ref. ]  
❛ i can’t be your perfect angel ! —— [ tarnishcdbadge / vis. ]  ❛ devil threw an afterparty, took off late night on his harley ! —— [ tarnishcdbadge / aes. ] ❛ lost my mind trying to get through these dark ass waters ! —— [ tarnishcdbadge / dos. ] ❛ i don’t give a flying fuck, that’s why they call me lieutenant ! —— [ tarnishcdbadge / main. ] ❛ only thing that’s on my mind is who’s gonna run this town tonight ! —— [ tarnishcdbadge / past. ] 
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voxvulgi · 1 year
"Althea, what do you think you deserve?"
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"Love." Althea had never answered a question so quickly in her life. "I think everyone deserves love, mind you. But me, specifically? I think I deserve someone who listens to me talk about things they don't care about. I think I deserve someone who compliments my perfumes, notices the changes in my hairstyle, writes me poetry whether it's good or sappy. I deserve someone who expresses...that they're grateful I exist. Grateful for my humanity. And naturally, I would be grateful to that person's existence in return."
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voxvulgi · 1 year
Althea: dryhumping
Send my muse a 🕯KINK⛓ and they’ll rate it!
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not today satan | fuck no | no thanks | eeeh | not sure | I’d give it a shot | sure why not | omfg yes | there go my pants | holy fuck take me now
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"Has nobody ever told you it's rude to ask a lady about her sexual preferences?"
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voxvulgi · 1 year
Althea: choking
Send my muse a 🕯KINK⛓ and they’ll rate it!
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not today satan | fuck no | no thanks | eeeh | not sure | I’d give it a shot | sure why not | omfg yes | there go my pants | holy fuck take me now
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"That sounds...unpleasant. I don't like the idea of power imbalance like that-- but I haven't actually tried it. So, realistically, I cannot say I dislike something I haven't tried."
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voxvulgi · 2 years
Devlin: "Tell me more about that siren dream, Althea? It sounds interesting."
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“Well, I don’t really remember more of it than I’d already mentioned. It feels silly, like a little girl’s tea party fantasy. Though, it did feel equally enjoyable. Imagine being a creature nobody can say no to. Or imagine being something so powerful and lethal like a siren, and then simply using your power to...invite people to dinner.” Althea couldn’t help the chuckle that left her lips at the thought -- no, the memory. It was nice while it lasted. “Funnily enough, I do remember what I served. It was a fish-based dish, and there was this soup that smelled fantastic... Goodness, I’m making myself hungry!”
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voxvulgi · 3 years
Flashback for Althea
Send in “Flashback” for a scenario of my muse’s past || @skyler-bane
Althea was 16-years-old the first time her mother scolded her for her weight.
Emily may not have cared before, as Althea had always been a chubby child and pre-teen. But now that she was "becoming a lady", as her mother put it, she needed to "look more like one."
Althea understood what acting like a lady meant. She had good posture, spoke gently, accepted no disrespect from her male counterparts. But what did "looking like a lady" mean? Althea knew that a so-called ladylike look required skirts and dresses and blouses, and khakis if pants were a must. She liked that line of fashion, and so she dressed accordingly. But the other night, Emily had made sure Althea knew her problem was not her outfits, but her body. Hips too wide, belly too layered, arms too thick, and the list went on and on. All because she had gone on a swimming trip with her mother and mother's friends. Not that Althea's swimsuit was remotely revealing, but Emily still managed to complain about stretchmarks this, cellulite that.
Now, Althea looked at herself in the mirror. No, not looked. She watched herself, going on for minutes that added up to an hour as she recalled her mother's words and judged their soundness. Althea was aware of her bigger body, and honestly? It wasn't as big as her mother made it sound. Perhaps if Althea stood next to one of her mother's friends' daughters -- a couple of which worked part-time as models -- she would seem drastically overweight. But there was nothing drastic about Althea. She was just that: Overweight. Overweight in a family with no heart disease or diabetes history, but in a world where desirability got falsely painted as invariable. And even if desirability were invariable, Althea wouldn't care to be desirable to others.
When she wanted herself in the mirror, she saw grace in the way her skin curved. The stretchmarks at her thighs and near her armpits were a display of the human body's ability to accommodate. Althea traced them and thought to herself that someday, she should paint them on canvas. Even the back fat, she realised as she hugged herself, made holding her easier, softer. The largeness of her body made her warmer.
Her mother didn't think she looked elegant in a swimsuit, which made little sense as one of the friends' daughters had complimented Althea on how well that very swimsuit fit her. Elegance wasn't a matter of size, and Althea knew this. But the problem was that she thought her mother knew this. Many lean women folded in on themselves like they would rather be anywhere other than their own skin, and Althea noticed it. Fat people did it, too, and Althea tried to imagine their struggle with themselves. Just the idea of it hurt. Many girls -- most girls -- would look in the mirror to judge themselves.
Althea was grateful that the longer she watched her mirrored self, the more she liked her body.
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voxvulgi · 3 years
[althea] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
questions for Althea!!! || @ribbedxgloves
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The colour pink, renaissance flowers, the smell of peaches, soft skin, clean marble, greek statues, neatly preserved books, absentmindedness, elegant motion, crossed legs, unique blouses, marker poetry pages, fruit and floral tea, crystal perfume decanters, fully stocked bookshelves, plump lips, and wax seals. These are all things I associate with Althea. I answered this question by simply listing stuff that make me think of her. Her aesthetic is close to my heart because to me, it's perfect and alluring. A lot of muses' aesthetics cross over, but not Althea (expect with books and marble statues bc Adonis is trash for those too). These are all things she loves or things she exhibits. She is soft and genius, stupidly naïve but smart enough to know everything changes. I wish I were more like her.
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voxvulgi · 4 years
multiples of 6 - for whoever you think has the best answer including youuuu (you can skip those you don't like xD)
// alright so *cracks knuckles* *puts on accountant hat* *takes out calculator* in 100, the largest multiple of 6 is 96, which has 16 6′s in it. i have 18 muses, but 4 of them are exclusive, so i can stick to the 14 non-exclusive muses and have 2 questions to spare, which i can answer myself
Keep reading
6: do you keep plants? 
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“I do. I live alone, so the flat feels dead sometimes. Plants help me feel like I don’t live alone. I do like isolation, but that’s only to a certain extent. Plants are living beings you have to take care of, and they’re a sight for sore eyes, too. I especially like them in the kitchen. When I wake up to make breakfast, the sun is at an angle that pours gold into my kitchen window, and the specific shade of green of their leaves is absolutely gorgeous. I also have a group of small pots to plant thyme and rosemary and such. I could just buy them fresh, but picking your spices yourself every now and again just...engulfs the senses.”
12: what's your favorite planet? 
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“When Malik asked me this question and I told him Uranus, he laughed at me for ten minutes straight. At first, he laughed for a few seconds because he thought I was making a joke, but when I told him I was serious, he laughed for the rest of the ten. I really wish scientists just let Uranus be called Ouranos. Did they really not consider that sometime in the future, a girl would tell someone that her favourte planet was your-anus and get laughed at? Rude. But anyway, Uranus is my favourite planet...literally just because it’s pretty. Blue is my favourite colour. Also, it’s the only planet that spins on its side, which was what made me decide that it was more worthy of being my favourite planet than Neptune. Neptune just goes with the flow. Lame, right? Uranus is not like other planets. It’s different. It stays home and eats chicken nuggets instead of going to parties. Also, it was the only planet named after a Greek god instead of a Roman one, and when I found that out, I was like finally, and I just made it my favourite planet.”
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
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“I live with my cousins, alright? They own a pub. So, basically, we live upstairs, and the pub is downstairs and open until late. My cousins don’t have a problem with this because they set their won work hours and wake and sleep as they please and all, but I have to attend work with the local herbalist sometimes because she trains me. So, one night, the pub was open well after the usual closing time because some man was getting married in a few days and wanted to celebrate with his friends. I’m not the kind of person to tell people how to live their lives and how late to go to bed, but I was irritated and went downstairs to ask my cousin when this would be over. You know, just so I could get a good idea of when I’ll finally be able to sleep. When I got there, the man to be married was flirting with the barmaid. I would have ignored it, but she looked terribly uncomfortable. I told him off first, and it didn’t work-- obviously. So I went back to my room and gathered some leftover poison ivy powder. I went back downstairs, flirted with him, and unbuckled his belt in front of all his friends. They ooh’ed and ahh’ed because they’re idiots, then I tugged on the back of his waistband and left him with poison ivy all over his arse. I waited until his face twisted and he started drunkenly panicking, then I left. That man didn’t know I’m related to the owners since my cousins are white and all, so there was no harm done to the pub’s reputation, but my cousins and the pub workers -- even the barmaid -- now keep asking me not to hide poison ivy in their pants whenever I look even mildly disapproving.”
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
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“I’d trust Alan with every one of my secrets. Except if I do something that isn’t actually worrying but I think might worry him anyway. Because he’s a worrier. That’s not technically a secret.”
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
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“Look, I think everyone has been truly scared. There’s always a moment in their life that really scares them, and just because it isn’t as scared as they can psychologically be doesn’t mean it wasn’t true scared. So yes, I have been truly scared. The most scared I’ve ever been was, obviously enough, when I got the phone call from my mother about Joseph.”
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
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“Branches. They’re upbeat but at the same time make me feel calm and relaxed, which is thankfully my mood in general.”
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
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“My favourite coffee shop is a block down from my work. I rarely take work there, usually just buy a coffee and leave or stay for a while and lounge. It’s my favourite because they make the coffee taste how it smells. If coffee doesn’t taste the way it smells, you might as well be drinking mud water. They practically have walls instead of windows, and there’s this terrace on the second floor. It gives you a good view of the street. Looks best in the morning because there’s a park just a street away and people everywhere. The coffee shop itself -- the interior, I mean -- is just clean and tidy. Their seats are comfortable but don’t look like something a wannabe hippie would own. They like their plants in moderation. Their tables are glass, not metal or wood. They don’t have puns or cheesy quotes anywhere. I like that.”
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
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“My biggest fear was that a dragon would kidnap my mom and hide her in a tower. I thought and still think that my mom is so pretty! So I figured that if a dragon was going to kidnap someone, it would be my mom. I don’t have that fear now, but I’m...well, I’m really afraid of Jace dying.”
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
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“Jenny and Dean last father’s day. Their dad’s already been dead for about a year at that point, but...hell, it’s their dad. I probably looked really sad, too, and he wasn’t even my biological dad.”
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
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“I do like poetry. Not big on the older stuff, mostly because of the language barrier. The modern stuff is easier to understand. I actually prefer confessional poetry because it’s like looking into the dark corners of someone’s mind, and not in this romanticised way. Not for me, at least. This certain kind makes me feel seen because when someone shares their experiences from behind their own eyes, in their own shoes, they experience emotions and thoughts that are so raw and human that I feel less alone reading them. I haven’t read that much, to be honest, so I don’t have favourites. I’ve only read the more popular ones that have been coming out in the past decade, so I think picking a favourite is unfair because my pool is so small.”
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? 
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“I don’t know. I’ve never worn a flower crown, but I suppose that if I were given one, I’d like for it to have a good amount of leaves along with the flowers. Green is my favourite colour. The flowers can be anything, but I think open ones look better. Maybe daisies-- they sound perfect. Yellows and pinks and reds would be welcome, too, as long as there’s a good amount of white daisies.”
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
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“I would not say I forget easily, but I note everything down, just in case. Some things are too important to get wrong, while others just cause avoidable inconvenience. It helps me organise my time and prioritise, too, so I just opt for making notes.”
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
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“Fanclub! They’re very cute. I only saw them in that movie called Despicable Me. Most of the time, Ivan and I aren’t allowed to use the TV, but it was on one of the days we were allowed, so we watched it. I liked it a lot. The minions are so full of energy and happy and stuff.”
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
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“Ooooh, yes!! I’m gonna get a bunch of tattoos! They won’t be anything fancy, though. Just some stars and smiley faces here and there. They’ll all be in colour. Nothing black or white. There’s probably gonna be some small dinosaurs. And music notes. Oh, and rocket ships! I’ll just get a tattoo every time I think of something. They’ll be small. Like, and inch or something, so there’s plenty of room!”
90: talk about one of your favorite cities.
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“Paris is my favourite city. The thing about it is...it loves you. That’s how I can describe it. It’s a very old city, okay? A lot of shit went down in it. There were wars and revolutions and all that. I admit that I don’t know much about the historical details because I sucked ass in history class, but I just feel like Paris was founded on fighting, and people fight for their rights and the things they love. So...I think that every building in Paris was made with love and built with a purpose. I don’t like New York because I feel like it just wants to eat you. Paris loves you. I’m very appreciative of that, and I’m appreciative of the buildings most of all. Especially the old ones are gorgeous. I try to incorporate as much of Paris into my architecture models as I could.”
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
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“Not really quickly. If I just got on my computer and it tells me it needs to update, I wait until I’m done with my task before I update it. Otherwise, it’ll keep bothering me about it, so I just like to get it over with. Similar thing with my phone. I postpone the update until bedtime then let it update while I sleep. No need to let it disturb the flow of my day, you know? But I’m still gonna do it. I’m not a big procrastinator.”
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