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nineteen-rats · 1 year
hi i was challenged to jrop a request (im no coward) so you should draw tug and abelard sharing an apple pie :)
they got their pie… but at what cost
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
Alcoholic beverages brewed by different races.
Elven wine is light and airy, brewed from sap and nectar and honey and berries and other fine forest ingredients, soft and subtle to the taste, they're not heavy drinkers but see it as elegant and high-class and fancy.
Dwarven wine is brewed from underground roots and tubers. Deep and rich, like more potent root beer. They prefer bolder flavors and occasionally bring in herbs and spices from above ground to experiment with different mixes.
Goblin wine is definitely an acquired taste for non-goblins. Their cuisine prominently features fermented food and so does their brewery. To the unfamiliar it might taste spoiled or rotten, but to goblin standards it's the finest stuff. Sours and bitters are the strongest hints in their brews, not exactly something most humans would find appealing.
Orc wine is extremely powerful and potent. They even have to come with warning labels to be marketed to other races. To orcs, even fine dining is seen as a glorious challenge, and some even put burning hot spices mixed with their drinks as a further test of will and strength.
Centaurs, fauns and satyrs, being part ruminant, typically stick to the usual grain-based beers. But like how many grazing animals have highly efficient livers that can process alcohol quickly, they can casually down large quantities of the stuff without getting intoxicated or having any ill effects.
Merfolk don't exactly drink, so the next best thing are very mildly toxic seafood to have a similar effect, something along the lines of dolphins tripping on pufferfish. They strictly control the use of these, however, as a misuse can be dangerous, and have a code against making landfolk try it as they don't have natural resistances like the merfolk do.
Oof I love all of this! I didn't know that about grazing animals having efficient livers... interesting fact. Now I'm picturing minos, centaurs, satyrs, and fauns etc. being real heavyweights.
(I would posit though that elven alcohol can also be breathtakingly strong (think fruity schnapps) too).
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fromtheashesweriseif · 11 months
of all the hundreds of upcoming ifs that i follow this is the one i'm most excited about i love everything about it dude you're my favorite author
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This means so much to me anon💘
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tackytigerfic · 3 months
Your fics are my safe place when I feel down❤️‍🩹
Thank you so much, Anon. I've been reading Drarry fics for 20 years now and it's been such a refuge for me during the times when things got a bit shit over the years. When I started reading all those years ago, i would never have imagined anyone would read anything of mine. It still surprises me in the best way that people read things i wrote. and i am so happy that my fics can be of any help to you when you're not feeling great. It's an honour.
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fieldofdaisiies · 3 months
You think I was done spoiling you with random gifs that comes out of nowhere?? Wrong! Now...
Imagine having a bad day, plopping down on your bed with a heavy sigh, ready to cry. But then your mate comes to the rescue...
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Alice!!! oh my goodness😫
I really missed you sending me these gifs, but god, you came back strong...
just imagine their rough calluses brushing against your belly, and if it is Azriel who does so, he would 100% hum a song while doing so and now I am unwell😭
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noblejanobii · 5 months
Are you mayhaps, maybe thinking about Karlach? No reason, just a wild guess.
I have no idea what could give you that indication. I like Karlach a very normal amount. Just very normal amount of thinking about her yes.
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poisonedfate · 3 months
54 with pretty much anyone you like and Morgana romantic or not
okay. so. here's the thing. i struggled with this one a little bit, wasn't quite sure where i wanted to go with it and somehow landed on inner turmoil rather than conflict/exchange? there's still a sort of conversation happening, but i guess it's more my interpretation of morgana's thoughts, feelings. sorry if it's not what you wanted, though i still hope you'll like it,
54. “I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. That’s the problem.” (merlin and morgana/no explicit romance)
send me prompts!
The two of them had gone back and forth for a while, never quite mentioning anything out loud, though it was clear that Merlin knew what was becoming of her, as much as Morgana knew - at least partly - what was becoming of him. It was bound to come to a breaking point, so it wasn't really a surprise when Merlin followed her as she snuck through the castle, as she left, as she headed for the woods. Once they were far enough Morgana stopped, waiting only a moment before speaking: "What do you want, Merlin?" she kept her tone steady, quiet.
Merlin approached slowly, though she could not call it hesitation - caution, perhaps. "Just wanted to make sure you don't do anything stupid." She closed her eyes, something of a storm behind her eyelids with its dark clouds, furious thunder, and waves crashing against the shore. Morgana was never quite sure what to hope for - that her anger would take over completely, making her blind to those she could never deem evil on her own accord, or that the blood-red sharpness in her head would let up just a bit, allowing her the reminder of love, of what she once thought was most important, permitting her to seek out those dear to her again, hoping to make them understand. The thoughts of it never seemed to last long enough to reach a conclusion, however. Something in her would build until there was almost a tangible voice, awful close to her own, telling her that she should not be hoping for utter misery or senseless weakness. There was no use dwelling on it, and yet: "I don't expect you to understand, but I am asking you not to stand in my way," she said, careful not to let it sound like a plead. "Morgana-," "No. No, I don't want to hear it. I cannot let this continue, Merlin, I can't, why won't you see that?" she stepped closer to him, skin tingling. "And you think this is the way to do it? Do you honestly think fighting fire with fire will make things better? Like your hate isn't going to burn the same as-," Merlin stopped himself, though it was clear what he was insinuating, Morgana's eyes growing wider. It wasn't anything she hadn't considered before - her anger, the way it reminded her of flames, bright and hot and quick to spread once they started. As much as Morgana understood why it had to be this way, why her anger was so important, the idea of comparing it to fire made her sick - so she tried to think of it as water instead - a flood, a wave, drowning, pulling. And yet. "It is not the same," she snarled. There was something almost sad about the way Merlin looked at her. "Yeah? Then why do you carry such hatred for people you used to love? People who have not had a hand in the things Uther has done." Morgana could only stare back at him. "I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. That’s the problem.” Merlin did not seem to have a response to that. She wished she could ask him if he knew what she meant. If he could understand the two sides, if he could honestly tell her which one was better. Merlin was always someone who knew more than was assumed of him, she had come to learn that. Maybe if the situation had been different. Maybe if she could bear to be honest for a little while longer, she could ask - is it better to live with the hurt or to not feel anything at all?
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xbadnews · 3 months
“Your weapon. Tell me about it.” || @spiderwarden
percy tries not to show the mixed tension he feels in his chest when she speaks. instead, his attention is fixed on his pepperbox. he had spent the morning with it in pieces & he'd only just finished putting it back together. it was not unusual for his gun to jam in the middle of battle but there were certain precautions he could take to avoid that outcome. cleaning his weapon was one of them. it was a meticulous process, but grounding. it reminded him why he was still here, why he was still fighting. ( he had work to do. ) he raises his weapon so that the light catches it, casting a shadow over the names etched into its barrel.
" I pull the trigger over here, " he veils his words with a thin layer of sarcasm. he pulls the trigger with a small click, but nothing happens. ( he's yet to load it, after all. ) " and something dies over there. "
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" there are, of course, a few steps in between. " this is more honest, barely. he's reluctant to explain the details of how it works. intrigue is to be expected but… the thought of someone knowing enough to recreate his work? it made his hair stand on end. it is his pride, ultimately, that overshadows this fear. it was his greatest accomplishment, regardless of any soul-stealing help.
" i'm not much of a fighter. or spellcaster. but i made ' the list', " he gestures with his gun, allowing a smirk to split his features, " to even the playing field. "
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chronicowboy · 9 months
Hi, hi, hello, your tags about how the wedding fic was Buck choosing made me want to come freak out about that fic for a bit if that's okay with you. Love what you did with them there, absolutely completely obsessed couldn't put it down, but when Buck asks why Eddie didn't fight for him wanted to smack him so hard, like baby you're marrying someone else, the fight is already lost, what did you want him to do, but also his speech at the end had me crying on the club "I ache for you Eddie Diaz" like shut up that's everything I want in life, thank you for writing that and sharing it. That's all 🩷
that is more than okay with me, in fact encouraged!!!! it is soooo much fun fucking with these little guys but it's especially fun fucking with one guy's head from the perspective of the other. i loved exploring buck's headspace through eddie's pov (the unwritten lore for this fic is intense and lives as a collapsing vortex in my head) but the why didn't you fight for me exchange is my absolute favourite because buck just wants to be chosen. i think that's where we get mixed up with the buddie who needs to choose and who needs to be chosen dichotomy. all buck's ever wanted was to be chosen. by his parents, by random people at bars, by the 118, by abby, by eddie, etc. and for him, someone coming back counts as being chosen. when taylor comes back, when natalia comes back, you can see that's buck thinking he's finally a first choice. he wants to be chosen so bad, he wants to be fought for, but buck has been a very passive participant in his love life. he has to choose but more importantly he has to fight for it!!! and he does. finally. in the end. he chooses eddie diaz over everything else because that's the only way this was ever gonna end.
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lesbianlotties · 2 months
omg i fucking love dark fate that movie was so gay and deserved way better, and now bc its you who mentioned it suddenly im thinking abt lottielee dark fate au ft. cyborg laura lee coming back in time to protect future savior of humanity lottie matthews
I KNOW RIGHT!! it's so good!! it deserves so much more. i mean, did everyone else see mackenzie davis arms there??? the little latina lesbian?? the badass iconic milf?? hello??? it's so good!!
now LOTTIELEE DARK FATE AU!!! oh my god it would be GOOD. you know, cult leader... postapocalyptic army commander... lottie could do that. and faithfully devoted as always laura lee would volunteer to travel back in time to save her no matter the risks because they both know only laura lee could
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my-ultimate-is-ready · 2 months
literally i just found u and i also cant find any gabriel fics that r my taste and this is the best day ever.
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sentfromwolves · 3 months
Hi Eran! ^-^ I’m Rachael (she/they) and I’m a fellow writer! This isn’t a question, but I wanted to introduce myself!
I’m outlining a fantasy wip atm, and it’s got an ensemble cast with a number of queer characters!
I don’t have much actually-written work to-date, but I’m looking for other writer friends to write things with!!
I really enjoy your writing style, so much of it is succinct and… visceral, I’ll call it!
Hi friend! (❁´◡`❁) nice to meet you!! thanks so much for sending this ask, I'm always excited to meet new writers ; w ; and aaah yes!! I'm so glad to hear it. visceral is such a vibe I'm always going for in my writing, so I'm so happy to hear it comes across that way hehe
My dms are always open if you ever want to talk more writing, excited to hear more about your wip. fantasy narratives with big queer casts is always the best hehe >:33 I'm so curious to hear what it's about and I'm cheering you on in getting more of written!!
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capow02 · 3 months
i could be wrong, but aren't you Capow02, the one who makes lyric videos for all of the SiO songs on youtube?
i just felt the need, as a hard of hearing person, to thank you for making all of those videos, tbh theyve helped me learn and memorize lyrics better than spotify's lyrics
i also LOVE your art btw
This is so nice!! Yes that's me, I made this account years before my sio ones, so that's why it has a different name (although I'm thinking of changing it because I no longer identify as biro ace haha)
The idea that my lyric videos help hoh people brings me a lot of joy! To think, my channel started because I very casually made a lyric video for skeleton back when it first released. I just wanted to learn the lyrics quickly, I had no idea people would actually watch it 😅
And thanks, I'm glad you like my art!! I love drawing the boys, I'm thinking of starting another piece soon :))
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yeyinde · 2 years
And he’d be just as clingy (if not more) while you’re having sex it’s almost as if he’s trying to memorize every curve of your body, every mark, just all of you, so that’s how you end up with him fucking you from behind in front of your bedroom mirror his back pressed to your chest his hands handing roaming your body that way he can touch you as much as he pleases while still watching you fall apart for him he’s dazed almost intoxicated by you telling you just how well you’re taking him and how good you look and sound all while he litters your neck and cheeks with kisses and even though he’s a bit tired from being away for so long he wouldn’t be able to stop until you both are sated practically melting into each other, and he’d absolutely love it if you cockwarmed him after while you two cuddled and enjoyed each other’s presence no one can convince me otherwise. Feel free to add to this or use it as inspiration if you’d like; this has just been on my mind all day, and I thought you, a fellow Price enjoyer, may appreciate it lol soft domestic Price is everything to me <3 -🧚🏽‍♀️ 2/2
this was amazing!!! 🖤 i genuinely loved every second of this, and i didn't want it to end. it's brilliant, and now i need to lay down and just think of soft, clingy Price worshiping you 🥹😩
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jeanmoreaux · 4 months
what's your favourite memory from January 2024?
oh that‘s a lovely question. i have to say my january was mostly great!! i finished my psych master’s degree and then had the rest of the month off to travel and catch up with friends and family. there were a lot of wonderful small moments with loved ones. tho my favourite memory is probably the afternoon i spent with a friend i hadn’t seen in over a year and instead of things feeling weird it just felt like. we still fit. changed people that changed in ways that are so very recognisable but also different. i don’t know how to expain it other than that we still clicked and that meant everything to me.
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kit-just-kit · 4 months
"Happy Birthday, Miss Kit."
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Inside the luxurious box Will handed over was a silk bathrobe of high quality, extremely soft to the touch. It would fit Kit like a second skin. There also was a smaller box with soaps, bath salt and a small bottle of perfume.
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Kit's birthday!
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"This is gorgeous, dear William. Now, what could I do to thank you? Hmmmmm...........I'll have to think of an appropriate gesture to express how happy you've made me".
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