#muse mail. james
annabtg · 10 months
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James Potter, renowned potioneer, has a secret side career as an erotica writer under the pen name of Scarlett Goldwing. When his latest book starts to take off, and Scarlett is asked to promote it at a public event, he has no other option but to recruit his colleague Lily Evans to pretend to be Scarlett. The only problem is, Lily Evans hates his guts… or does she?
**Chapter 1: Lovelorn**
Every Friday at quarter past five, after getting off work, James Potter took the Floo to the Leaky Cauldron.
He would take a moment to gulp down a glass of Firewhiskey – his reward for surviving another week with his colleague, he’d say – and head down to the Owl Office.
He would pick up his mail from Anonymous Box 341 and exit the building to Apparate back to his home at Godric’s Hollow.
There, he would turn on the wireless, make something to eat and then sit at his office to peruse his mail. It was usually an activity that brought a smile to his face; but not today.
Today, he sorted through the multitude of letters – they were getting too plentiful; perhaps he’d have to pick up his mail more often, he mused – until he found the one sent from Lovelorne Books Ltd, 45 Horizont Alley, London and opened it.
It was… well, it was good news. Fantastic news, actually. But with a caveat.
Read chapter 1 on AO3
🔥Rated E for later chapters 🔥
Thanks to @constancezin for the banner art!
Next chapter to be posted on Sunday, 3 September!
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winterwitch-trash · 5 months
" Broken. "
Author's Note: Thank you everyone for all the reblogs and the comments! I hope you enjoy this new update that sets a lot of things in motion! <3
Summary: The aftermath of that wretched tape. How will Bucky react upon seeing his wife in this state? One thing is for certain. No one is safe in the city.
Word count: 1722 words Chapter Warnings: Violence, mentions of assault, angst.
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Rumlow had just received the tape that he had created hours ago, so it was time to mail it to the bane of his existence. James Barnes. He hated that man with a burning passion, so he would do anything to ruin him and that’s exactly what he planned to do.
Just as he was getting ready to move out, his right-hand man, Rollins trudged in, wanting to know the arrangements for the day. The dark-haired mobster just shrugged before talking. “You will drop that little tramp back home. But before you do, feel free to do as you please with her. I don’t really care. I need to take care of something.” Rumlow responded as he strapped the gun secure on the inside of his jacket.      
To this, Rollins simply grinned. Finally. He would have a bit of fun with that whore. The whole time his boss was recording, the man could only imagine the sounds she made. But no. He was going to leave something for her to remember them by. 
“Fine. I’ll go downstairs to get her ready.” He grumbled retreating to the corridor, while his boss exited the building. 
Meanwhile, back to the Mansion, Bucky was properly freaking out. He had been trying to reach his wife since yesterday, but her phone kept going straight to voicemail, making him think that something was seriously wrong. And he didn’t like that, at all.
The brunette mobster was getting ready to head out with Clint to look for his wife when Natasha’s voice boomed across the mansion. “Buck!!!! You got mail!”
Mail? From who? This was not exactly a good thing.. Nevertheless, he would see what this was all about. Natasha hadn’t dared to examine the content of the folder as it was destined for Bucky and she knew that he wanted to be the one who took care of things like this. But she couldn’t help but be curious as to what was on this tape. 
“What’s this?” Bucky asked casting a curious glance on the item. “It looks like a tape, but I don’t know what this tape is about…” Nat answered honestly.
“Maybe it’s footage from the club? I took the liberty of requesting it just to make sure we avoid any unnecessary clash with people that think it’s a good idea to come looking for trouble there… And the person who runs it agreed. So maybe that’s it?” She mused, trying to think of the kind of the footage that was on there… Just like James, she was about to be proven wrong in the worst possible way.
One way to find out.
Without uttering another word, the brunette mobster, put the tape on, and sat down, completely unprepared for the shock of his life…
Within minutes, the screen filled with the moans and cries of his wife. No… That was—That was impossible.. Someone had to be playing a sick joke on him. Seeing her bloody and beaten, being forced to listen to her screams for mercy tore his heart out, but he managed to hide it well. So well, that it scared Natasha who was observing him, not bearing to turn towards the screen; she herself couldn’t bear watch her friend being torn apart so brutally. Rumlow had just signed his death sentence, he just didn’t know it.  
As for Odette, she was desperately trying to find something sharp so she could break down the lock. But as soon as she heard the heavy footsteps approaching, she scrambled back to her chair, panting heavily. Seconds later, the heavy door opened to reveal Rollins. Just like Rumlow, he was scary, and downright sadistic. “Morning princess!” He teased, only to be met with silence. “Ah, don’t be mad… You and the boss had fun yesterday, didn’t you?” The moment he reminded her of the torture she had to be subjected the other day, she turned and spat at him. “Leave me the fuck alone!” She screamed, choking back a sob as the memories were still fresh in her mind.
“How about I take you home instead?” He suggested, feigning innocence, despite her act of defiance.
Now, this proposition came out of nowhere, and she pondered on it for a few minutes. “What’s the catch? You put me in the van and kill me instead?” She was not trusting a single word that came out of his mouth. 
“No catch. I promise.” Obviously that was a lie, but he had to get her to relax somehow. 
Odette was exhausted from all the screaming and the pain that seemed never ending. So she simply slumped down to her chair, not expecting the onslaught of pain that he would bring her, as she had no idea that he was about to brand her.
“Smart choice kid..” Rollins smirked victoriously, before strapping her down. “Now, this won’t hurt a bit.” As he spoke, she could see some sort of stick protruding from his jacket.
Oh god. What was he going to do to her?
The HYDRA henchman looked at her as if he could read her thoughts. “What I’m going to do you ask? I’ll just leave a reminder for your husband. That’s all.” He informed her calmly all the while he prepared the burning instrument. Odette was petrified, yet she had no time to react when he pressed the instrument on her skin, her pained screams filling the room.
Soon, the smell of burning skin wafted in the small space. She could see the HYDRA insignia on her bleeding skin, but her throat closed up, leaving her heaving. If there was a God out there, she begged for him to take her life. Bucky wasn’t going to want a person who was damaged goods as a wife… He needed someone perfect… And Odette was far from perfect.
Scarred, violated, beat up… Why would someone like Bucky want to stick with her now? The redhead felt like a shell of herself now…
“There. Now you’ll always remember that you were Rumlow’s whore.” Rollins taunted before pulling her up from the chair, not caring about being gentle or careful.
In the meantime, Bucky was pacing in his office like a raging bull. Even Nat couldn’t keep him in check at this point. “Bucky! Just listen to me!” She all but yelled at him. “I know you want to get Odette out of there, believe me, I do! But if we barge in there right now, guns blazing, Rumlow will not hesitate and end her life in front of you. Is that what you want?!” She relayed the situation from a logical perspective. She wanted her friend back home too, so she could understand how he felt. This wasn’t an easy situation where he could just attack his enemy in his own turf.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do Nat? Just sit around, waiting for him to send me another tape??! I just witnessed the woman I loved being violated in the most brutal ways!” He yelled, clutching at his gun. But deep down, the mob boss knew that she had made a valid point. However, no one in the streets would be safe from now on. He would leave no stone unturned and every HYDRA sympathizer would be dealt with accordingly. Before meeting Odette, Bucky was dubbed as Winter. That was due to his cold nature when it came to executions and assassinations of whoever crossed his path. So one could say that Winter was coming for everyone. “I need Steve, Clint and Sam in here. We’re going to have a meeting. I need you to go out, warn civilians to stay in their homes. Our target as of right now is Rumlow and his whole gang. But the citizens don’t need to get caught in the crossfire.” Bucky announced moments later, after he had managed to regain control of his emotions. Nat nodded in agreement and just as she opened the door to head out, one of the housekeepers was standing there, with a mortified expression. “Sir…  You need to come see this.” She said, voice trembling. Before she even finished the sentence, Bucky was rushing down the stairs. And what he witnessed, knocked the air right out of him. Same with Nat. Her eyes widened in shock. Odette was back.
“Baby…” Bucky muttered, rushing to her side as the housekeepers were instructed to prepare her room.
She was back… She was finally back to his arms, and at that moment Bucky swore that he would never let go of her again. Seeing the bruises and the marks littering her skin, made him feel awful.. But seeing the HYDRA insignia branded on her was the worst. Why couldn’t he sense that something was wrong? “Bucky… They—They—” Odette broke down in his embrace, not caring about the wounds or the scars. All that mattered was that she was back.
“Shh… It’s okay my love.. You’re okay… You’re going to be okay… I promise…” Bucky whispered back kissing her repeatedly on her lips, attempting to distract her even a little.
“Alright! Everyone, we need to give our boss a little privacy!” Steve announced to the staff and everyone who was watching the scene unfold. In that moment Bucky couldn’t feel more grateful to his friend for that…
Slowly, the small crowd dispersed, going back to their duties.
“Let’s get you upstairs angel…” Bucky proposed softly swooping his wife up in his arms. Minutes later, the two had made it into their bedroom, and the brunette was carefully stripping her off the dirty and torn-up clothes. God, what they had done to someone so precious as her? A million thoughts were swirling in his mind, but he couldn’t—no, he didn’t want to do anything right now. All that mattered was to help his wife. “B-Bathroom…” She mumbled hoarsely, not having the strength to stand on her feet. And so, the mobster did as she asked him, her soft cries breaking his heart little by little. “This wasn’t your fault…” He kept repeating as if that would make it better… But what more could he say to help her feel better even a little? Nothing. So, he spent the next hours, taking care of her. Rumlow could wait. But one thing was certain. War was coming to him.
@world-of-aus @tuiccim Thank you for the ideas and the inspiration you're giving me for this story <3
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thebadgerclan · 9 months
Pairing: Alex Claremont-Diaz x Henry Fox
Summary: While Henry is living in New York, he decided to surprise his boyfriend in D.C.
It was strange–this interim period.  Alex was finishing classes at Georgetown, Henry was setting up his foundation in New York, Ellen had secured a second term, Alex and Henry were free to love each other openly; life was…good.  While Henry had his Brownstone in Brooklyn, Alex had rented an apartment in downtown D.C., having decided to move out of the Residence.  When he was finished with school, when he got accepted to NYU (because he would get accepted to NYU), he’d move to New York, but for now, having his own space was a nice change.  And being only 200 miles away from his boyfriend rather than 3,500 was certainly an advantage.
But the First Son couldn’t simply move into any old apartment.  No, it had to be approved by the Service and be revamped with the highest degree of security available.  Every resident of the apartment building and all the staff had been required to sign an NDA when Alex moved in, and only the building manager and members of the Service knew which apartment Alex lived in.  His mail was either delivered directly to him by whichever agent was on duty, or he picked it up on his way to or from classes.
Which is why it wasn’t unusual for Alex to receive a text from Amy, who was stationed in the lobby for her shift.  There’s a delivery here for you.  It’s already been cleared.  Alex didn’t remember ordering anything, but it was entirely possible he had and completely forgotten.  As he made his way down to the lobby, he was pondering what on earth might be waiting for him.  A book?  A new phone case?  Something from his mother?
What Alex certainly wasn’t expecting was to find Henry standing in the lobby, a beaming smile on his face, a bouquet of two dozen red roses in hand.  “Baby?” Alex said, and he was immediately running towards him, not caring that the people milling about could see.  They’d signed NDAs anyhow.  Amy stepped forward and took the flowers before Alex could crush them between his and Henry’s bodies as he flung himself at the Prince, wrapping him in a crushing embrace.
Henry held him close, kissing Alex’s temple as he breathed in his scent: spices and coffee, and simply Alex.  “Hi, my love,” he said, carding a hand through Alex’s hair.  “What’re you doing here?” Alex asked, and Henry kissed him, cradling his face in his hands.  “Am I not allowed to come see my boyfriend?”  “Well, yeah, but aren’t you busy with the shelters?”  Henry smiled, tracing a thumb over Alex’s cheekbone.
“Pez is handling things for the weekend.  And I recall hearing that someone doesn’t have any exams next week and has a free weekend…”  It made something flutter in Alex’s heart to know that Henry knew his schedule and that he cared enough to come in from New York just for him.  “God, I love you so much, you know that?”  “I believe you’ve told me once or twice, darling,” Henry responded.  “But I could stand to hear it again.”
Alex laughed, pressing his lips to Henry’s, letting his fingers tangle in his blond locks.  “Henry George Edward James Fox-Mountchirsten-Windsor, I love you so stupidly fucking much.”  “And I love you, my dear.  Now, might my stupidly handsome boyfriend take me upstairs?”  Alex beamed.  “I’ll never get tired of you calling me your boyfriend, baby.  And yes, please, you’ve been here for 10 minutes, and I already want to do several bad things to you.”
Nearly two hours later, Alex lay curled up in Henry’s arms, both of them bare beneath the covers, Henry pressing lazy kisses to Alex’s skin.  “You are so beautiful,” the Prince mused, and Alex felt his face heat.  “Like…like someone brought a priceless piece of artwork to life.”  Alex blushed deeper, turning his face into his boyfriend’s chest.  “Don’t hide, love,” Henry said gently, coaxing Alex’s face upwards to look at him.  “God, you are perfect.  My perfect, beautiful love.”
Alex whimpered, something that made Henry’s heart skip several beats, and he kissed him, wrapping his arms around Henry’s neck, pulling him closer.  “How are you real?” Alex asked.  “How are you here, how are you mine?”  Henry’s heart couldn’t help but break.  His Alex had been through more than he deserved, had had his heart broken far more than anyone should.  And Henry was fortunate enough to have earned that heart, and he knew with absolute certainty that he would defend it.
“I’m yours, my love,” Henry said, cupping Alex’s cheek, smiling when he leaned into the touch.  “Because you are devastatingly kind, funny, generous, intelligent, and yes, ridiculously handsome.  I am yours because you see me for me, not the Prince others see.  And I am yours because despite my flaws and problems, you love me.  And Alex, my darling, you love me so well.  And I love you, sweetheart, more than anything else in the world.”
Alex sniffled, Henry’s words had brought him to tears.  “More than David?”  “Don’t tell him, but just a bit, yes.”  Alex laughed, and Henry swiped away his tears.  “I am yours, Alex, for as long as you’ll have me.  I love you.”  “I love you too, H.  God, I love you.”  Henry smiled, kissing him once more, wrapping his arms a bit tighter around him.  Alex wanted nothing more than to have this every moment of every day; Henry in his bed, in his arms, but for now, until Henry’s shelters were on their feet, until Alex was done at Georgetown, this…this interim…this was wonderful
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[ SEXTING ] ― my muse sends your muse a dirty text / picture. ( victor @ logan! dirty doesn't have to mean, like, actually sexy. knowing him. )
Happy SinDay
[ Text :: 11:00 PM] Logan
[ Text :: 11:00 PM] Logan
[ Text :: 11:00 PM] James
[ Text :: 11:00 PM] Jimmy
[ Text :: 11:00 PM] james
[ Text :: 11:00 PM] RUNT
[ Text :: 11:01 PM] Jeremy
[ Text :: 11:01 PM] you deserve someone that worships you
[ Text :: 12:42 AM] and by that I mean someone wholl sacrifice you ritualistically once a month or something dont be weird about it
[ Text :: 1:16 AM] Whats got eight holes but still cant get fucked
[ Text :: 1:17 AM] its you because everyone you smile at dies horrifically haha youre the worst
[ Text :: 3:29 AM] I fucking miss you [Message unsent. Message Deleted]
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sugcrkisses · 6 months
º ✧ 。send “🌿🍒” (or "mistletoe") for my muse's reaction to standing under a mistletoe with your muse ♡ ; accepting
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ㅤㅤㅤJade was completely in her own little world, earbuds in, music on, she was in the ground floor lobby picking up her mail. It was all decorated for the holidays and had been for quite a while, that's why she didn't pay it any attention. She was absentmindedly going towards the elevator, mail in her hands as she was going through it, Jade stopped in her tracks, reading one of the letters she had received. She noticed some movement in the corner of her eye but didn't pay much attention to it until she saw a pair of black combat boots come into her vision. Jade looked up just to come face to face with James. "Hello there," she smiled, but since he didn't reply and there was a slight hint of a smirk on his face, Jade's brow quirked up in slight confusion. It was as if he knew something she didn't. He pointed up and she lifted her eyes to the ceiling. Of course. Someone had put a mistletoe in the middle of the lobby and Jade was sure she knew which one of their neighbors had done it. They had never kissed in public, she had never been into public displays of affection anyway and normally she'd avoid this kind of tradition entirely. Still, this time she was feeling a little bold and mischievous. "You want a kiss, huh?" she asked with a playfully taunting tone. "I don't know..." she dragged out, "these superstitions are kind of lame." Jade scrunched her nose, yet took a step closer to James and put her hands on his hips to pull him closer. "You're lucky I like kissing you," she whispered and raised on her tiptoes to give him a long kiss.
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sundrde · 1 year
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(  muse n /  26  /  cis female  /  she/her  ) — did you see  vivienne moore  wandering around the island today? they kind of look like  zendaya  from certain angles? i heard around town that the  baker is  altruistic and  cordial, but also  diffident and  stoic. people say that they remind them of  clear frames with lenses that are lightly fogged,  baggy knitted cardigans, and  the sound of soft laughter echoing through the kitchen, and  good days by sza is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town.
hi everyone!! i'm jojo, and i'm stoked to be here :) here's a quick rundown of vivi, and if you'd like to plot, feel free to hit me up!!
ꔛ ۫ ✿ dossier, basics.
full name: vivienne iris moore
nickname(s): vivi, viv, v
age: 26 years old
date of birth: july 14
birthplace: saint james, missouri
current residence: kings haven, massachusetts
gender: cis woman, she/her pronouns
orientation: pansexual, panromantic
occupation: baker at early gull and business owner
ꔛ ۫ ✿ dossier, history.
vivi was adopted by a sweet older couple when she was four years old and raised in the countryside of missouri
family was everything to her. she was close to her parents, and they always provided her a childhood full of unconditional love and support :') her fondest memories of them involved baking sweets every sunday afternoon
growing up she was always the outdoors-y type, appreciating nature and all of it's beauty. aside providing assistance in tending the farm, she was always found hanging out by the fields or water, reading a book or knitting
as an only child living in the literal middle of nowhere, on top of being homeschooled, her social skills ... needed some help!! small talk with the elderly came easy, but with peers and those her age? seemed impossible. even up until now, with slight improvement, she continues to be more reserved
her experience with public school began in high school. it was hard for her to fit in and make friends, so she kept a tight-knit group and focused on her studies
she was then accepted into the university of massachusetts, and 4 years later, received her bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences
a part of her wanted to go back home after graduating, but her parents convinced her that it was time to be selfish. so, she settled down in kings haven and it's been her home since!!
now she works as a baker at the early gull to make ends meet. her real passion is her currently failing business, where she crochets little plants and flower bouquets and sells them online
ꔛ ۫ ✿ dossier, facts.
isn't a big fan of the elite and the wealthy - due to the fact that they've screwed over her parents and their business in the past. she'll be cordial towards them, though maintains a distance
has a green thumb!! she has a lil fruit and veggie garden at her place and will sometimes share the harvest to neighbors and friends
acts like a mom that is worried about ur well-being
is so old fashioned that she hasn't upgraded her phone in years ... and prefers phone calls over texts ... sends letters in the mail ... listens to music on an ipod nano and pays $1.25 per song ...
loves to bake!! her specialties include macarons and any fruit pie imaginable
has a lil mini schnauzer named pepper
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lastcrush · 5 months
open to  :  anyone, 25+.  long-distance partner. muse  :  james 'jem' adeyemi.  27.  museum curator.  she/they/xe. plot  :  we've been in a long distance relationship that's becoming a little strained and i impulsively booked a plane ticket to visit without telling you.
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          her palms won't stop sweating.  there's a current of excitement and tension jolting through her body, reminiscent of the nerves she had during their first date all that time ago before they had to move half way across the world.  jem goes to ring their doorbell, pauses, retreats a few steps and pulls out her phone.  calling them is second nature by now and once she hears their voice all the anxiety melts away.     "     hey  !  yeah , it's super late here , shuddup.  i — uh — had a surprise gift mailed over to you and just got the notification that it's there.  check it out and let me know what you think before i fall asleep  ?     "     
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motherofqups · 11 months
The Iris Oracle (Referenced Songs)
Updated 07.28.23
Black Mambo - Glass Animals
Toes - Glass Animals
Gold - Chet Faker
All Your Gold - Bat for Lashes
Queen of Peace - Florence + the Machine
Thunder Love - Little Dragon
Days Are Gone - HAIM
Water Slides - Mew
Rabbit Will Run - Iron & Wine
Die Young - Sylvan Esso
I Bet You Look Good On the Dance Floor (Arctic Monkeys cover) - Baby Charles
Pristine - Snail Mail
Hearts A Mess - Gotye
Unraveling - Violents, Monica Martin
Not - Big Thief
I'm on Fire (Bruce Springsteen cover) - Bat for Lashes
715 - CRΣΣKS - Bon Iver
Only Got one - Frou Frou
How It Left - Violents, Monica Martin
I Go To Sleep (Pretenders cover) - Sia
Premonition of the Hex - Circa Survive
Fiction - the xx
You Know I'm No Good - Amy Winehouse
Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Ill Wind - Radiohead
Shh - Frou Frou
Bad to Worse - Ra Ra Riot
Floorplan (Tegan and Sara cover) - Sara Bareilles
In a River - Rostam
Elephant Gun - Beirut
No Plan - Hozier
Canvas - Imogen Heap
Tessellate - alt-J
Pop Song - Perfume Genius
Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups
Guilty Party - the National
Boy With a Coin - Iron & Wine
Resurrection Fern - Iron & Wine
The End of Love - Florence + the Machine
Cornflake Girl - Tori Amos
Rabbit Will Run (Iron & Wine cover) - Psaikozet, Marina Pavlova
There, There - Radiohead
I Fold You - Elder Island
Gallipoli - Beirut
Glass - Bat for Lashes
House by the Sea - Iron & Wine
I Told You Everything - Sharon Van Etten
Down Side of Me - CHVRCHES
Delicate - Taylor Swift
This Is the Last Time - the National
Indestructible - Robyn
The Recluse - Cursive
I Never Learn - Lykke Li
Retrograde - James Blake
As It Was - Hozier
sad day - FKA twigs
These Things - She Wants Revenge
begin again - Purity Ring
The Season - the Dodos
Barefoot In The Park - James Blake, Rosalía
My My My! - Troye Sivan
Slow Show - the National
Landslide - Fleetwood Mac
Numb - Sia
White Flag - Dido
imagine - Ariana Grande
Two Slow Dancers - Mitski
Soon We'll Be Found - Sia
Starboy - the Weeknd, Daft Punk
Metal Heart - Cat Power
Radioactive - MARINA
Missing U - Robyn
Joga - Björk
Ascension - Gorillaz, Vince Staples
when the party's over - Billie Eilish
Atticus, in the Desert (live) - Kishi Bashi
Gobbledigook - Sigur Rós
Dreams (Fleetwood Mac cover) - Lissie
Pang - Caroline Polachek
Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
Turn the Light - Karen O, Danger Mouse
Work Song - Hozier
Mystery of Love - Sufjan Stevens
Closing In - Imogen Heap
Psychobabble - Frou Frou
Fever Dream - Iron & Wine
Precious - Depeche Mode
Machete - Amanda Palmer
Hanging On - Active Child
Three Men Hanging - Murder by Death
Daydreaming - Radiohead
needy - Ariana Grande
Soft Animal - Hotelier
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
Grendel - Sunny Day Real Estate
Marigolds - Kishi Bashi
Night Light - Sleater-Kinney
Puffer - Speedy Ortiz, Lizzo, Lazerbeak
Paris Is Burning - St. Vincent
Your Fake Name Is Good Enough for Me - Iron & Wine
Jukai - Jhené Aiko
Mother - Florence + the Machine
New World - Björk
Youth - Glass Animals
Call It Dreaming - Iron & Wine
Kids In the Dark - Bat for Lashes
6/10 - dodie
Runner - Tennis
She - dodie
In a Black Out - Hamilton Leithauser, Rostam
Roses/Lotus/Violet/Iris - Hayley Williams
Garden Song - Phoebe Bridgers
Buzzcut Season - Lorde
Blue Monday (New Order cover) - Orgy
I Got It - Charli XCX, cupcakKe, Pabllo Vittar, Brooke Candy
Rylan - the National
Where Is Her Head - the National
Tap Dancer - Local Natives
Glass House - Gabbie Hanna
peacefall - Purity Ring
Is It Cold in the Water? - SOPHIE
Under Ice - Kate Bush
Hot & Heavy - Lucy Dacus
Shimmer - Moose Blood
HYD - Hayley Williams
Hysteria - Muse
Strange Terrain - Circa Survive
i like the devil - Purity Ring
My Enemy - CHVRCHES, Matt Berninger
Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) - Kate Bush
Various Storms & Saints - Florence + the Machine
Rat A Tat - Fall Out Boy, Courtney Love
Therefore I Am - Billie Eilish
Go As a Dream - Caroline Polachek
No Light, No Light - Florence + the Machine
Scatterheart - Björk
Baby Girl, I'm a Blur - Say Anything
Hey, Ma - Bon Iver
Prescilla - Bat for Lashes
Heavy Balloon - Fiona Apple
As You Are - Kimbra
Can I Believe You...? - Fleet Foxes
Nate Growing Up - Labrinth
Burn the Witch - Radiohead
Kingslayer - Bring Me the Horizon, BABYMETAL
Space Ghost Coast to Coast - Glass Animals
Applause - Lady Gaga
Running Up That Hill (Kate Bush cover) - MEG MYERS
Aura - Lady Gaga
As It Was - Harry Styles
2-1 - Imogen Heap
Daydreaming - Radiohead
Imposter Syndrome - Circa Survive
One Day the Only Butterflies Left Will Be in Your Chest As You March Towards Your Death - Bring Me the Horizon, Amy Lee
Gone For Good - Circa Survive
Truth Is a Beautiful Thing - London Grammar
Asking for a Friend - CHVRCHES
Weights & Measures - Dry the River
Laughing With a Mouth of Blood - St. Vincent
Blood in the Cut - K. Flay
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rahirah · 2 years
Pre-S7 ranting
More hard drive scrapings:  This is an exceptionally doomy and gloomy post I wrote for the Blood Awful Poet Society mailing list in August of 2002.  Boy, Past Me can be melodramatic when she’s in the mood.
At the ATAS panel, Joss Whedon said that the abandonment of metaphor this last season was deliberate; that season six was about reality, which was ever so much more painful and, uh, well, real. This was why Tara died by a prosaic bullet, the villains were ordinary humans, and Spike and Buffy crashed and burned.
I suppose I could buy that as a mission statement for the season. I don't think they carried it off well, but I could believe that that's what they were trying for. Except...(delicate cough)... the climax of the season, the Big Cliffhanger, is a whopping great return to the biggest metaphor they've got: the soul thing.
I'm betting that they are going to go with Soul!Having!Spike being a completely different person, not in a character-developy "I've changed" way, but in a "Spike is dead, long live Neo!Spike" kind of way. After all, from ME's point of view, season six was devoted to demonstrating that Spike =can't= change; that no matter what he does, he's still an evil dead thing. That I got an entirely different message is my problem. And if Spike can't change, he must be killed, and someone more acceptable resurrected in his image, because, after all, it's only the cheekbones we care about, right?
Making Neo!Spike a different person is the logical cop-out--er, way to get around putting Spike and Buffy back together after the attempted rape: they'll be together, he just won't be Spike any more. Unfortunately, and despite ME's best attempts to dissuade me, it's Spike in whom I'm emotionally invested as a character. I don't know this new guy, though I hear he's played by James Marsters, who was pretty good as Spike. Explain to me why I should care about him any more than Dawn's new pals.
Of course I'm gonna. I won't be able to help it, damn it. I feel a certain squicky kinship with Spike's musings about the hypothetical Zombie Buffy: if there's any part of Spike left, I'll love it... but I'll always be aware it's just a fragment of the real thing. And if I can't have the real thing, I want something BETTER, damn it.
From the sound of recent spoilers, the season opens with Neo!Spike tormented by his new soul, lurking in the shadows and occasionally emerging reluctantly to give Buffy cryptic advice but no real help. Well, that sounds like fun...not... and nothing at all like Angel, no sir, no repetition here! I'm interested in finding out if the text of the show backs up the various writers' assertions over the summer that Spike got the soul deliberately, but otherwise, there's a distinct lack of thrill here in Barbland, folks. I'm shallow. I'm tired of mopey Spike. I want snarky, kick-ass Spike back. I want Randy Giles in a duster. I want Xander to get that punch in the nose that's he's had coming for the last season. I want world peace and a pony, while I'm at it.
Given Joss's impassioned defense of the season's 'reality' at ATAS, could someone explain to me why Spike's big change is the result of a soul injection rather than 'real' character development? I'm serious. If we're all about painful reality now, why retreat in this one area to the comfortable black-and-white cartoon certainties of soul=good, no soul=bad, when the entire rest of the season was devoted to demonstrating that the souled characters can be as venal, destructive and cruel as any vampire ever sired?
It's not like the character development wasn't there. (Right, I'm sorry, I forgot. It wasn't. Spike never really changed or grew or experienced any internal conflict. The writers just faked us into thinking he had, and that's not clumsy or deceptive writing; it's brilliant storytelling. Mea maxima culpa.) But rather than use it, the writers dodged the question. I still think that they were too chicken to carry it to its logical conclusion, for fear of the "If even one vampire is redeemable, then Buffy's a mass murderer" thing.
I don't believe the vampire-formerly-known-as-Spike will be relegated to cameo appearances, and I do believe there'll be some form of Buffy/VFKAS ship... but I want to, damn it. I want to feel like I felt in seasons 5 and early 6, like I still feel about the AtS characters. All I want is for =Spike= to come back to Sunnydale. Good, evil, with or without Buffy. Spike, the vampire with a heart, not some guy with a vague resemblance to Spike.
Damn it, is that too much to ask?
Probably so.
I don't WANT to be cynical and depressed all summer, but my thank-god-they-didn't-make-him- human euphoria is wearing off, and the vague S7 spoilage leaking out of the ATAS panel doesn't thrill me in the slightest. Back to high school is the watchword – guess that growing up business didn't work out. Quippy Buffy will set Dawn up for a spin-off – er, show Dawn the world, and forget the shitty way she treated Spike last season; he was an evil dead thing and deserved it. Willow's transgressions will be plastered over with a good speech and forgotten, while Spike... well, Spike is dead. He died in a cave in Africa, alone, unloved, and unmourned, and Joss alone knows who's walking around in his skin.
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ageofxail · 2 years
I am a multi-muse! I’m simply lacking in time management skills to actually get all of my graphics and whatnot update since mushing all of my muses into one blog on top of Noel’s old one. 
My URL is an attempt to be Clever and cover many bases at once. Each muse comes with a “pun” of sorts that can play into the main url. Nicholas, Noel, and Daniel are the primary muses, with the others available upon request.
Age of Sail ;; Noel Thomas Mercer - Modern England. (1648-Present).
Born in the middle of the seventeenth century he, was born into the latest era in which a peasant boy could hope to ascend to a gentleman’s title – with the only route of option being that of becoming an officer in the Royal Navy. While born a human, the lack of one of England’s representatives tolled on the Kingdom and required a new one step into Nicholas’ place. Having proven himself to be what constitutes an ideal Englishman - loyal, gritty, fiercely devoted to his King and Country - Noel was granted the life of an Immortal. And he complains about every moment of it.
Age of (chain) Mail ;; Sir Nicholas William Grey - Medieval England/Plantagenet England (1048-1514)
Born in the late 10th century, he came to represent the Kingdom of England under the guidance of the royal family Plantagenet. He served as a personal, immortal bodyguard and advisor to the Kings of England throughout the medieval era until the aftermath of the War of the Roses & the rise of Tudor England left him so disconnected from his kingdom that he could no longer serve. Some say he still haunts the Tower of London to this day, but modern sightings are incredibly rare.
Age of Rail ;; Daniel Aleksander King Hill  Fitzroy - Manhattan/New York/The United States of America (1627-Present)
Born and soon orphaned in the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam in the early days of its conception, adopted into the British Empire, he learned and grew with the fledgling colony and developed a right love of the ideas of equality and fairness. He was loyal to the crown and fought desperately to keep order within the colony, to stamp out the Rebellion. However, the will of the People won out, and Daniel found himself growing ever prouder of his People as time went by. America itself went through many tests in its time, questioning what was right and what was fair, the struggle of embodying an entire nation is not an easy task, but the weight has fallen upon his shoulders.
Non-primary muses, in order from most to least developed.
Gabriel Emmanuel Hill, The American Southwest/Deseret/Utah. (Daniel’s son!) Bradley Marion Walker-Rhodes, Appalachia/Tennessee. Rhydian “Rhys” Eurig Mathonwy, Wales Jonàs Immanuel Federer, Switzerland. Noah Jack Martin, Australia. (Noel’s son!) Ferdinand Muyskens, Belgium Thore Taubel, Brandenburg Thiel Joachim Semjezaheit, Prussia Santiago Tercero del Oroitz, Spain. MacKenzie James Hudson, Canada Richard Adlerstahn, Austria Johannes Becker, Steiermark Matthias Andersen, Denmark Special case: Milovar Menowen, Latveria. (Fictional country in Marvel Comics. I’m very undecided if I want to actually have him here???) Please note that my personifications are NOT the Hetalia character - and in most cases (particularly notable with Daniel!) they have almost nothing in common with their Hetalia canon counterpart. My muses are intended to co-exist with Hetalia muses, NOT replace them! Noel is of lower rank than Arthur, but still a representative of England, likewise for Daniel to Alfred. All of my muses have highly specific origins and if needed for comfort, they can pass as representatives of “lower” rungs on the ladder, ie Daniel a representative of New York, Noel is Northern England/Working Class, Noah is Queensland, etc.
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kristinkisska · 3 months
Ale You Need is Love
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Below is the transcript from my guest post on the crime fiction blog, Sleuthsayers. <You can read the original post here>
Confession time.
I’m not a beer drinker. Never have been. In my early days of enjoying spiked beverages, I reached for wine coolers (shoutout to my two college friends, Bartles and James). Then Scotch whiskey, both single malt and blends, took over as my libation of choice. These days, I favor crisp Italian white wines.
Which is a long way of saying, I was in store for some fun new-to-me research to help craft my short story of suspense, “Not Yo’ Mama’s IPA” in Murder, Neat, a SleuthSayers Anthology. I took Happy Hour fieldtrips to a few of Richmond, Virginia’s finest brew pubs. Tasted flights of beers. Studied the origins of IPAs, as well as the proper way to pour and serve. Did you know India Pale Ales (a.k.a. IPAs) have their own dedicated glassware? I didn’t when I started plotting my story idea.
Well, then if not beer, what inspired my story, you might wonder?  An insurance statement delivered by snail mail not so long ago. Sexy? Maybe not, but I found it pretty compelling.Kristin Kisska © Lindsey Pantele Photgraphy
As the beneficiary of my husband’s life insurance, I received what would be the final premium invoice for his term policy. That auspicious morning, I’d ripped open the envelope, looked up from the paystub to him, and joked that for one final year, he’d be worth more dead than alive—crime authors can be sensitive and thoughtful that way. It’s a good thing my husband shares my humor!
But my muse took my dark quip, noodled it for a while, and ultimately ran with it. What would it take for someone to cash in on a loved one’s expiring policy? How deep and dark would an injustice need be to give them motive?
Let me introduce you to Lynn and Jack, the unlucky-in-love, beer-drinking couple at the heart of my short story of suspense, “Not Yo’ Mama’s IPA”. Lynn finds out that ignorance can indeed be bliss…until the truth hits you like a sledgehammer.
Happy reading!
For the true crime enthusiast with an interest in insurance as motive for murder, I recommend reading the creative nonfiction, The Devil in the White City by Erik Larson, which dramatizes the chilling story of serial killer on the loose in Chicago at the turn of the twentieth century. The murderer, H.H. Holmes, mastered the art of convincing his many victims to take out insurance policies with him as the beneficiary. Spoiler alert ~ his prey had a very short life expectancy after signing on the dotted line.
Insurance fraud can be deadly.
At the end of the day, you may or may not find me savoring a fine IPA at happy hour. But one thing I’ll forever be preaching from my soapbox is, don’t let your life insurance policy be used as a weapon against you.
Note ~ No real-life husbands were harmed in the plotting of this short story. On the contrary, mine enjoyed being my plus one as I conducted my IPA and brewery research. I’m happy to report that we both survived the expiration of his insurance policy.
Cheers, y’all!
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 6.14
Baltic Freedom Day
Ban Live Exports International Awareness Day
Blood Type Awareness Day
Caldecott Day (Literature)
Congressional Baseball Massacre Day
Day of Memory for Repressed People (Armenia)
Day of Mourning and Commemoration (Estonia)
Family History Day
Flag Day (US)
Freedom Day (Malawi)
Green for Grenfell Day (UK)
Hydranencephaly Awareness Day
International Bath Day
International Steampunk Day
Jasmine Day (French Republic)
John McCain Day
Kiss Day (South Korea)
Leinapev (Day of Mourning  and Commemoration; Estonia)
Liberation Day (Falkland Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands)
Lunes Siguiente a la Festividad de San Antonio (Ceuta, Spain)
Magic Circles Day
Monkey Around Day
Mourning and Hope Day (Lithuania)
National Hoe Day
National New Mexico Day
National Skunk Day
National YWCA Greater Los Angeles Unsung Heroes Day
No Mailing Children Day
Obama Day (a.k.a. Obama Appreciation Day)
Own Your Share of America Day [Weekday closest to 6.14]
Pahaliraja (a.k.a. Pahili Day; India)
Pause for the Pledge Day [7 PM EDT]
Pig Callers’ Day
Pop Goes the Weasel Day
Queen’s Birthday (Anguilla, Australia, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Saint Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands)
Raja (India)
Sandpaper Day
U.S. Army Birthday
Women's Day (Iraq)
World Blood Donor Day (UN)
Yesterday and Today Recall Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Marengo Day
National Bourbon Day
National Strawberry Shortcake Day
World Cucumber Day
2nd Wednesday in June
National Time Out Day [2nd Wednesday]
Worshipful Company of Vintners of the City of London Annual Procession [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Kopernik (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Arthur Davis (Artology)
Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea (Christian; Saint)
Bourbon Day (Pastafarian)
Burchard of Meissen (Christian; Saint)
Castora Gabrielli (Christian; Saint)
Caomhán of Inisheer (Christian; Saint)
Docmael (a.k.a. Toel; Christian; Saint)
Elisha the Prophet (Roman Catholic and Lutheran)
Fag Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Fortunatus of Naples (Roman Catholic)
Francisca de Paula de Jesus (Nhá Chica; Christian; Blessed)
Harry Nilsson (Humanism; Saint)
Joseph the Hymnographer (Roman Catholic: Orthodox April 3)
Louisey (Muppetism)
Media Ver VIII (Pagan)
Methodios I of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Muse’s Nativity Day (Celebrating their mother, Mnemosyne; Ancient Greece)
Nennus (a.k.a. Nehemias; Christian; Saint)
Nicolas Bentley (Artology)
Psalmodius (Christian; Saint)
Quintian of Rodez (a.k.a. Rodez; Christian; Saint)
Richard Baxter (Church of England)
Rufinus and Valerius (Christian; Martyrs)
Valerius and Rufinus (Christian; Saint)
Vidar (Norse festival to the Son of Odin)
St. Vincent de Paul (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 27 of 60)
Bosky the Sheep-Herder (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
The Bourne Identity (Film; 2002)
Daydream Believer, recorded by The Monkees (Song; 1967)
The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Saran (Science Book; 1977)
1st entry in The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank (Diary; 1942)
Flags of Our Fathers, by James Bradley with Ron Powers (History Book; 2000)
Fort Apache (Film; 1948)
The Gong Show (TV Game Show; 1976)
Kind Hearts and Coronets (Film; 1950)
King Tweety (WB Animated Film; 2022)
The Last of Us (Video Game; 2013)
Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane recorded (1923) [1st country music hit]
The Massacre at Fall Creek, by Jessamyn West (Novel; 1975)
Man of Steel (Film; 2013)
Men in Black: International (Film; 2019)
Murder Mystery (Film; 2019)
The Parallax View (Film; 1974)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Film; 1991)
Scooby-Doo (Film; 2002)
Shaft (Film; 2019)
She, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1999)
Stealing Beauty (Film; 1996)
Tarkus, by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Album; 1971)
Tibetan Peach Pie, by Tom Robbins (Novel; 2014)
That Touch of Mink (Film; 1962)
Wallace and Grommit Festival (Animated Film; 1996)
Wild in the Country (Film; 1961)
Workingman’s Dead, by The Grateful Dead (Album; 1970)
Today’s Name Days
Hartwig, Meinrad (Austria)
Elizej, Rufin, Valerije, Zlatko (Croatia)
Roland (Czech Republic)
Rufinus (Denmark)
Leina, Leine, Leini (Estonia)
Kielo, Pihla (Finland)
Élisée, Valère (France)
Hartwig, Meinrad (Germany)
Elissaios, Nefon (Greece)
Vazul (Hungary)
Eliseo, Valerio (Italy)
Kitija, Klitija, Saiva, Sentis, Tija (Latvia)
Almina, Bazilijus, Digna, Labvardas (Lithuania)
Erland, Erlend (Norway)
Bazylid, Bazylis, Eliza, Justyn, Justyna, Ninogniew, Walerian, Waleriana (Poland)
Elisei (România)
Vasil (Slovakia)
Anastasio, Digna, Eliseo, Félix, Metodio (Spain)
Håkan, Hakon (Sweden)
Vladyslav (Ukraine)
Basil, Basilia, Jaren, Jaron, Jarron, Vasily (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 165 of 2024; 200 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 24 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 27 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 25 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 15 Sol; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 1 June 2023
Moon: 13%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Vincent de Paul]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 86 of 92)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 24 of 32)
Calendar Changes
June (a.k.a. Iunius; Julian Calendar) [Month 6 of 12]
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 6.14
Baltic Freedom Day
Ban Live Exports International Awareness Day
Blood Type Awareness Day
Caldecott Day (Literature)
Congressional Baseball Massacre Day
Day of Memory for Repressed People (Armenia)
Day of Mourning and Commemoration (Estonia)
Family History Day
Flag Day (US)
Freedom Day (Malawi)
Green for Grenfell Day (UK)
Hydranencephaly Awareness Day
International Bath Day
International Steampunk Day
Jasmine Day (French Republic)
John McCain Day
Kiss Day (South Korea)
Leinapev (Day of Mourning  and Commemoration; Estonia)
Liberation Day (Falkland Islands, South Georgia, South Sandwich Islands)
Lunes Siguiente a la Festividad de San Antonio (Ceuta, Spain)
Magic Circles Day
Monkey Around Day
Mourning and Hope Day (Lithuania)
National Hoe Day
National New Mexico Day
National Skunk Day
National YWCA Greater Los Angeles Unsung Heroes Day
No Mailing Children Day
Obama Day (a.k.a. Obama Appreciation Day)
Own Your Share of America Day [Weekday closest to 6.14]
Pahaliraja (a.k.a. Pahili Day; India)
Pause for the Pledge Day [7 PM EDT]
Pig Callers’ Day
Pop Goes the Weasel Day
Queen’s Birthday (Anguilla, Australia, Cayman Islands, Gibraltar, Montserrat, Norfolk Island, Papua New Guinea, Saint Helena, Turks and Caicos Islands)
Raja (India)
Sandpaper Day
U.S. Army Birthday
Women's Day (Iraq)
World Blood Donor Day (UN)
Yesterday and Today Recall Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Marengo Day
National Bourbon Day
National Strawberry Shortcake Day
World Cucumber Day
2nd Wednesday in June
National Time Out Day [2nd Wednesday]
Worshipful Company of Vintners of the City of London Annual Procession [2nd Wednesday]
Independence Days
Kopernik (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Arthur Davis (Artology)
Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea (Christian; Saint)
Bourbon Day (Pastafarian)
Burchard of Meissen (Christian; Saint)
Castora Gabrielli (Christian; Saint)
Caomhán of Inisheer (Christian; Saint)
Docmael (a.k.a. Toel; Christian; Saint)
Elisha the Prophet (Roman Catholic and Lutheran)
Fag Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Fortunatus of Naples (Roman Catholic)
Francisca de Paula de Jesus (Nhá Chica; Christian; Blessed)
Harry Nilsson (Humanism; Saint)
Joseph the Hymnographer (Roman Catholic: Orthodox April 3)
Louisey (Muppetism)
Media Ver VIII (Pagan)
Methodios I of Constantinople (Christian; Saint)
Muse’s Nativity Day (Celebrating their mother, Mnemosyne; Ancient Greece)
Nennus (a.k.a. Nehemias; Christian; Saint)
Nicolas Bentley (Artology)
Psalmodius (Christian; Saint)
Quintian of Rodez (a.k.a. Rodez; Christian; Saint)
Richard Baxter (Church of England)
Rufinus and Valerius (Christian; Martyrs)
Valerius and Rufinus (Christian; Saint)
Vidar (Norse festival to the Son of Odin)
St. Vincent de Paul (Positivist; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Umu Limnu (Evil Day; Babylonian Calendar; 27 of 60)
Bosky the Sheep-Herder (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
The Bourne Identity (Film; 2002)
Daydream Believer, recorded by The Monkees (Song; 1967)
The Dragons of Eden, by Carl Saran (Science Book; 1977)
1st entry in The Diary of a Young Girl, by Anne Frank (Diary; 1942)
Flags of Our Fathers, by James Bradley with Ron Powers (History Book; 2000)
Fort Apache (Film; 1948)
The Gong Show (TV Game Show; 1976)
Kind Hearts and Coronets (Film; 1950)
King Tweety (WB Animated Film; 2022)
The Last of Us (Video Game; 2013)
Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane recorded (1923) [1st country music hit]
The Massacre at Fall Creek, by Jessamyn West (Novel; 1975)
Man of Steel (Film; 2013)
Men in Black: International (Film; 2019)
Murder Mystery (Film; 2019)
The Parallax View (Film; 1974)
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (Film; 1991)
Scooby-Doo (Film; 2002)
Shaft (Film; 2019)
She, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1999)
Stealing Beauty (Film; 1996)
Tarkus, by Emerson, Lake & Palmer (Album; 1971)
Tibetan Peach Pie, by Tom Robbins (Novel; 2014)
That Touch of Mink (Film; 1962)
Wallace and Grommit Festival (Animated Film; 1996)
Wild in the Country (Film; 1961)
Workingman’s Dead, by The Grateful Dead (Album; 1970)
Today’s Name Days
Hartwig, Meinrad (Austria)
Elizej, Rufin, Valerije, Zlatko (Croatia)
Roland (Czech Republic)
Rufinus (Denmark)
Leina, Leine, Leini (Estonia)
Kielo, Pihla (Finland)
Élisée, Valère (France)
Hartwig, Meinrad (Germany)
Elissaios, Nefon (Greece)
Vazul (Hungary)
Eliseo, Valerio (Italy)
Kitija, Klitija, Saiva, Sentis, Tija (Latvia)
Almina, Bazilijus, Digna, Labvardas (Lithuania)
Erland, Erlend (Norway)
Bazylid, Bazylis, Eliza, Justyn, Justyna, Ninogniew, Walerian, Waleriana (Poland)
Elisei (România)
Vasil (Slovakia)
Anastasio, Digna, Eliseo, Félix, Metodio (Spain)
Håkan, Hakon (Sweden)
Vladyslav (Ukraine)
Basil, Basilia, Jaren, Jaron, Jarron, Vasily (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 165 of 2024; 200 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 3 of week 24 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Duir (Oak) [Day 3 of 28]
Chinese: Month 4 (Ding-Si), Day 27 (Gui-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 25 Sivan 5783
Islamic: 25 Dhu al-Qada 1444
J Cal: 15 Sol; Oneday [15 of 30]
Julian: 1 June 2023
Moon: 13%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 25 St. Paul (6th Month) [St. Vincent de Paul]
Runic Half Month: Dag (Day) [Day 5 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 86 of 92)
Zodiac: Gemini (Day 24 of 32)
Calendar Changes
June (a.k.a. Iunius; Julian Calendar) [Month 6 of 12]
0 notes
alivewithmagic · 2 years
FULL NAME: James Henry Trotter
BASED ON: James from James and the Giant Peach
FACE CLAIM: George Mackay
GENDER: he/him
AGE: 29
SPECIES: human
OCCUPATION: is a children’s author and a part time barista
LIVES IN: Sunnyside
Cool Kids by Echosmith
Positive: sweet ◇ loving ◇ creative ◇ smart
Negative: shy ◇ traumatized ◇ lonely ◇ scared
Priorities: living as normal a life as he can after the abuse from his aunts
Muse’s soft spot: he would do anything for his friends
Greatest strength: he truly loves people and does whatever he can to help them.
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: due to traumas that he’s doing his best to overcome, he can be painfully shy and slow to act
Muse’s secret: He’s had a crush on Miss Spider since the moment he met her
PAST: James parents died in a train accident when he was just eight years old. The only family he had left were his father’s sisters and they were cruel, turning him from the happy child he had once been into their slave that they had no problem hitting and demeaning. He retreated into himself and began working through the trauma his aunts caused him by creating friends in his head that would eventually become the beloved characters of his children’s books.
At sixteen he left his aunt’s custody with the push of someone who knew him from school and at eighteen he moved to America where he published his first book and settled into a small affordable apartment where he turned that one children’s book into a series. He still struggles with the trauma his aunts put him through but he’s making a life for himself, by himself. He’s always touched by the letters and e-mails he gets from fans of his books and is determined to keep working on stories because they make others happy and they make him happy too.
PRESENT: James wants to make more friends. It was something he longed for during his time in England and it’s something he wants now. He’s just truly never learned how to overcome his shy awkwardness and make himself friendly. He still lives in the same apartment in Sunnyside and works as a barista and writes his books but lately he’s been questioning if something needs to change. He has no idea what it might be but he’s going to work at all of the above. Maybe, he might even be able to do something… brave. Just like his parents would have done if they were still here.
MUSE AESTHETICS ◇ rain on the window glass while he reads ◇ an over abundance of art/school supplies ◇ audio books
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(Delivered in the mail for the following people):
Evelyn Chao plus One
Martha Clawe (NPC) plus One
James Collins plus One
Aubrey Duncan plus One
Rufus Dunbar and Maisie Dunbar (NPC)
Austin Duncan
Gaspard Duval (NPC) plus One
Marlow von Eynern plus One
Mr and Mrs Florez (NPC)
Aurelia Florez plus One
Scarlett Florez
Debra Gibson (NPC) plus One
Dominic Hollins plus One
Simon Lane (NPC) plus One
Theodore Lavigne
Sajan Mahato
Catalina Marquois plus One
Diego Morales
Anthony Myers and Gwen Myers
Michael Proctor (NPC) plus One
Helene Ricardo and Isla Robinson-Reed
Cheryl, Roy, Juliette etc. Ritchie (NPC)
Alexis St. James plus One
Monique Walton (NPC) plus One
Any NPCs with a Plus One means that any muses not on the “list” per se can be their plus one if you want muses who aren’t on the list joining in :)
0 notes
papillon-mechant · 2 years
for dialogues can you please do dbf james picking you up after a really bad date with someone?:)
when you get in the car, it’s hard not to notice the huge “i told you so” look on his face. he doesn’t say it though, because he knows how bad you feel already and he doesn’t wanna make it worse.
“so, are you going to tell me what happened?” he finally asks after driving in silence for almost 10 minutes. you huff, crossing your arms and poking your lip out in an exaggerated pout.
“he sucked,” you whine, “talked about himself all night, didn’t hold the door open or pull my chair out. and he wouldn’t even give me a kiss.” your pout becomes more exaggerated at the flashback of your date denying you a kiss, your favorite things to get.
james chuckles, poking at your lip, “stop that, no pouting in my car.” you roll your eyes but stop nonetheless. when you finally arrive home, james gets out of the car to open the door for you, making you smile.
“thank you jamie.” you say, ready to walk into your house. but james grabs hold of your arm, stopping you. you let out a surprised yelp as he pulls your body into his, bringing you into a slow and passionate kiss.
after what feels like forever, the kiss stops. you stand breathless while james stands with his signature smirk, “just don’t tell your dad, okay kiddo?”
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