#muse tag: // kenneth choi.
sonnagh · 4 years
 ━━ tag dump. 
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fresnoborn · 4 years
Can’t Just Knock On The Front Door
This is a sideblog to weaponizedembrace. I follow from there.
Mun is 35+. Please do not follow or interact if you’re underage.
Morita is MCU and HC based.
I am not Japanese, nor do I particularly consider myself a history buff, but I am going to do my best to portray Morita as accurately and sensitively as I can when issues surrounding race/racism arise. If you ever have a problem with something I’ve written or said in regards to this, please come talk to me off anon. I am happy to learn and do better.
OOC -phobias/isms and repeat negative vagueing will get you unfollowed.
I will probably not follow rp blogs that do not have a statement of the mun’s age (the most important of these to me), basic rules and tagging, and reasonably cut posts. I will also not follow or interact with strictly genderbent/rule 63 versions of canon muses.
Thought I suspect it won’t arise here, I love duplicates, and I’m happy to do same muse threads!
I do not enforce reblog karma strictly, but please be considerate and don’t blast my notifs without ever sending anything.
I am MUTUALS ONLY for IC interaction! This blog is going to be very selective in who I interact with (and probably low activity).
Thread tracker links are coming soon, along with all relevant info.
No major godmodding without discussion. You guys know the deal.
2-5 paragraphs is the sweet spot for me for plotted/continued threads, and sometimes I get on a roll and write novels for people. You don’t have to match my lengths, but don’t give me 3 sentences when I write 3 paras, you feel?
One of my personal peeves in roleplaying is conversation splicing. If we’re writing long replies with a lot of dialogue and/or action and you notice that I don’t respond to everything single thing your muse said/did, and have started my response by replying to the last thing your muse said first and working back if necessary, this is my attempt to prevent serious splicing of the conversation. If this bothers you, please talk to me and we can switch to shorter threads.
I have a tendency to tense switch a lot between past and present. If that’s going to bother you… *shrugs*
Muse =/= mun.
I don’t require formatting or icons for interaction. That’s bullshit.
Mutuals can feel free to continue asks as long as you move it to a new post (tell me if you genuinely can’t). I do drop threads from time to time, though, so please understand these may go before plotted things, depending on how developed they become. Note: If an ask is nsfw, I will be more selective about continuing it. If we’ve never written or discussed smut (and you’re not one half of my otp–see autoshipping section below), asking before continuing might be a good idea if you’re going to be bothered if I don’t reply.
Dropping threads happens if I get overwhelmed or overly stressed, and I might not tell you (anxiety! -jazz hands-). Relationships developed in said threads remain, though, if mutually desired.
When I queue a reply, it’s usually just scheduled for the next day so I can feel accomplished clearing multiple drafts at once without potentially getting them right back.
My reply speeds vary greatly, from immediate to months later. You can reply at any speed you want to, but I do archive threads on a semi-regular schedule (see tracker link above for details).
Feel free to send me ooc/character development/positivity/etc and spam my inbox whether we’re mutuals or not!
IC asks from your muse are for mutuals only.
Asks are sometimes deleted for the same reason threads get dropped. It’s not personal! Feel free to send more at any time!
Please don’t send messages like “hi” or “wanna rp?” with nothing else.
I am mentally ill and anxiety ridden (in case you haven’t realized yet lol), and therefore can be spotty in replying to messages. It’s not you. Sorry in advance.
Discord is available for mutuals. Just ask for it.
GENERAL: 1) Shipping is one of my favorite things. I am a ship whore, but I will likely want to write at least a little with you before fully committing to shipping. 2) Morita is cis and bisexual, though threads taking place during his canon timeline that become shippy with men will probably feature a heavy dose of fear and/or internalized homophobia due to the times. This does not mean I don’t want to explore that, though, because I do. 3) If you are feeling chemistry between your muse and mine, please tell me! I probably am too! 4) If you send me a shippy/smutty meme and we’ve never discussed either, my muse may respond in a way that might not be positive or I may delete your ask.
AUTOSHIPPING: The more comfy I am with any given mun, the more likely I am to jump into ships with any of their muses without build up, if they are of the same mind.
SMUT: I like writing smut, if muses are muns are comfortable with each other and of age, though I will get bored if it’s all we write. Do not expect either muse to be DTF in our first thread, though it may occasionally happen if plotted/discussed.
Canon-typical violence/blood/etc. will not be tagged.
I will try to remember to tag nsfw, and for other triggers as “tw: trigger”. If I forget one or there’s one I’m not tagging that you think I should be, please message me!
I use Kazunari Ninomiya as a faceclaim because Morita should have been 24 years old during TFA (Kenneth Choi was around 40 at the time). It’s already easy enough to forget how young most of the men fighting in WWII were. You will probably see Kenneth Choi here from time to time, though, just bc he is the canon fc.
I do not ask for a password to be sent, nor will I send one to you. I have read your rules if I followed you. If I accidentally break one, I’m human. Please tell me.
I know my rules are long because I’m a wordy bitch, but thank you very much for taking the time to read them. I appreciate you. :)
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