#muse: Wakaba
oraclememehacker · 8 months
"Here we are Futaba dear, Inaba." The two were in the train station after a long ride from Yokohama to here. Wakaba was here for work related reasons and because Sojiro was going to be busy with his own work, she had no choice but to bring Futaba with her. It wasn't ideal, but she trusted her daughter to behave whilst they were out in a new, unfamiliar place. Plus, compared to home, this area was a lot less densely populated.
Now it was time to head to their place that they were staying at. Work got her hooked up with a place called the Amagi Inn. Apparently it was the premiere tourist destination and a really good place to stay in general. And had a hot springs, which sounded lovely. She hadn't gone to a hot spring in quite some time, and maybe Futaba could experience it for the first time.
They were going through the central shopping district on their way to the Inn, Futaba saw that there was a bookstore there and immediately became enamored. There was a place that she could go! She knew that they had to check in at the Inn but she really wanted to take a quick look in the bookstore. She had some money to spend and maybe she could get a book or two.
After a bit of pleading, Wakaba would eventually relent. However, as Futaba was making her way there, she bumped into a kid. That kid? Ren. It was an honest accident, since she had been so tunnel visioned by the prospect of books that she didn't pay as much attention as she should've. She pushed herself up and helped the other kid up, since that was only the nice thing to do, before looking all shy. "Um...hi..."
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@paleobird​ liked for a starter with Rin and Wakaba
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“You there! Stop! Are you some sort of blue bug!?” Rin had never seen a bird before so coming face to face with a harpy was a totally new experience. Red had always been the color of enemies, so seeing the harpy’s blue feathers left her unsure what she should do. 
“Can you talk?” She decides to take what she guesses Wakaba’s approach would be and see if fighting could be avoided, but she’d attack the moment it looked like Ava was a threat. 
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lavenderrosiefan · 8 months
Random Aikatsu headcanon #1:
Wakaba is half-Austrian
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ariadnesweb · 5 months
Witches in Utena are extremely elusive figures, contrasted and scapegoated by the 'Prince'.
By context, all of the Black Rose Duelists (except for maybe Mikage*?) are witches, existing only in relation as the shadows of their princes. Of course, by the nature of duelists, they are also princes, though noticeably more pitiable and weaker than the student council. Ms. Himemiya, the notable witch herself, is at her most active, vindictive, and empathetic during this arc, helping push and break the other black rose duelists.
Kozue and Shiori are notable even within this array, having a strong presence in the first and third set of duels, and notable for having 'enchanted' their princes through manipulation, leading to an easy understanding of their 'witchiness' in the fandom and the audience. But having done so successfully, they become immortalized as their princes' princesses, who are unwilling to scapegoat the girls. Is this a victory? In the 3rd set of duels the pair return as Rose Brides, having established a solid foothold within the realm of women, either by maintaining an indispensable job (Kozue as Miki's adult counterpart, a bride), or by subsuming her entire character into getting a noble prince to take her (Shiori in her relationship with Ruka, a princess, loyal and bitter to the end).
The other notable witch in the cast is Nanami, Kiryuu Touga's younger sister, and known darling terror of the school. Her abrasive and cold-faced attitude easily places her as the antagonistic jealous counterpart to Himemiya, but this abrasiveness is shortly subsumed. Touga makes Nanami a duelist, and soon after abdicates his responsibilities, leaving Nanami as the Student Council President Pro Tempore for the rest of the series (or until Nanami's last duel - it is her decision, Touga never returns, and the Student Council is never disbanded). Until said last duel, Nanami joins Miki and Juri in the maintenance of the student council theater, theatrically musing on the stabbings and workings of the arena. It takes the events of "Her Tragedy" and "The Romance of the Dancing Girls" to shake her out of her cyclical anxieties, as the growing pains of adulthood snap the idling dreams of princes into perspective; Nanami is Touga's witch, his excuse, shadow, and scapegoat - the thing he uses to keep the other girls at bay, the thing that will never be respected or loved in its anger. The reprieve of a witches power, adult intimidation and sensuality, is only cold misunderstanding to her peers.
Himemiya is Akio's witch, the younger sister he uses to terrorize his fiancee and students, who is terrorized in turn by everyone else in the school.
In lieu of his now-implied-dead fiancee, Akio has no qualms turning Anthy and Utena against each other, functionally leaving them as each others witches. The victory of one is the disappearence of another, and so on.
Though disappearing is its own sort of victory, anyways.
*Mikage is technically Utena's shadow, being the negative chosen one, but due to the nature of princes, he maintains his position by 'Princessing' Utena/Tokiko/Mamiya and scapegoating the other researchers (the ghosts of Nemuro Memorial Hall). The closest Utena has to a proper black rose counter part are Anthy/Tatsuya/Wakaba, who face the emptiness of her idealism.
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cleave-and-plough · 1 year
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you're the most normal girl i know
i've really been loving utena thus far, and these two episodes somehow find a new height. this show fucking rules. how do they do it?
right from the intro it's clear something special is going to happen, as the typical prelude is replaced with a version centering wakaba. much like with utena, she awaits the arrival of her prince, and yet it's a little hollow - no conversation, no promise, no ring - she simply waits. in the meantime, she has her prince surrogate, utena, to dote upon, and the two enjoy another picnic on the lawn until they're approached by tatsuya, the auspicious onion prince.
wakaba's childhood friend and ostensible defender, tatsuya has come to confess to utena, who gently rebuffs him. wakaba stirs up and cautions utena against him, slowly revealing that she has a special place in her heart for him - a fond memory that has grown fainter by the year. hearing wakaba call him a prince, utena infers what's going on and sagely advises her friend to consider the role of fate in all this. wakaba disagrees as a lamppost suddenly illuminates the scene - a happy coincidence.
meanwhile, the student council members discuss their own desires and longing, which remain constant and unfulfilled. miki thinks of anthy whenever he plays the piano, touga remains the sun in nanami's sky, and though her name doesn't escape juri's lips, shiori echoes in her musing on one's inability to choose who they love. this prolonged, unrequited pining atmosphere will return…
utena seeks advice from her weekly akio session, wondering what to do about wakaba and tatsuya, who she feels aren't being honest with each other. akio posits that people's hearts are "veiled with thin silk" and that it's impossible to read their true desires. utena takes this at face value, unaware of how relevant his words are, sitting innocently across from anthy. akio's advice so far has made an interesting contrast to the silhouettes - while the silhouettes seem to obliquely hint at the episode's dramatic thread (prompting utena's skepticism), akio is more straight-to-the-point, and utena usually sees his words as wise guidance (when she can understand his metaphors). there's something to be said here about the voice of a male authority figure taking precedence over the shadowy plays of the feminine silhouettes, especially given akio's apparent menace. the silhouettes seem to grasp at something, possibly as misguided as the teenagers they accompany and often seem to be peers of. what is a tire, anyway?
utena, beleagueredly sipping her tea with a sage air, parrots akio's advice, prompting wakaba to confess her true feelings for tatsuya, which she continues to deny. utena's words do have the desired effect on tatsuya, and he pursues wakaba to a picturesque hill overlooking a burnt orange sunset. he asks wakaba to be honest with him, and there's a smooth bit of animation as wakaba kicks the ground, saying "i'm always honest." typically, the more fluid animations happen during the duels, so it's always intriguing to me to see when they're used otherwise - here, it seems like a potent emphasis of her flustered ambivalence. the rug is pulled and wakaba realizes she needs to embrace her prince, leaving tatsuya in the lurch. fortunately, they say the memorial hall can give guidance to those lost and confused…
just as tatsuya has re-entered wakaba's life too late, he enters the hall without an appointment, begging to be counseled. souji welcomes him, and tatsuya pours forth his anxieties - his love for wakaba, his grief that she doesn't return it, his anger that someone else will take his place and tarnish her, and his eternal hope that love will prevail and bring her back to him. and for the first time, the black rose rejects an interviewee. there's so much to wonder about here: souji claims tatsuya is a truly good person and that this is no place for him. something about how calculated souji is makes me feel like he wouldn't lie unnecessarily, but i also wonder if he simply sees tatsuya as a poor candidate for a duelist, especially when compared to saionji. tatsuya's rant isn't exactly free of incel sentiment, though i'm open to the thought that the elevator provokes a certain raw, unfiltered psyche vomit that doesn't necessarily define the interviewee. maybe it's tatsuya's lingering belief that wakaba will return to him that disqualifies him - he's heartbroken but not hopeless in the way that the other black rose duelists have been.
returning to wakaba, i truly thought she would run into utena's arms, but the fact that she used "him" to describe her prince did plant a seed of doubt in my mind. how naive i was. the ending of this episode was the shock of my life.
unable to wait, i continued. the warm, hazy light from the sunset returns and suffuses the air of this episode, gently accompanying wakaba as she descends into the town to shop and then returns to her dorm, to saionji. what a contrast to the other episodes - in place of miki's golden memories, nanami's noir imagination, and juri's preserved photographs, wakaba floats in a heavenly summer aura. her reality has become better than her dreams, and though her fate seems bent towards sorrow, for these few days, weeks, she has attained what every other character longs for. she has found her shining thing, her miracle.
removed from the influence of touga, the council, and ohtori, saionji has become remarkably docile and emotional, tearfully thanking wakaba for hiding him after his expulsion. stripped of the pressures and rituals of the school, he has a chance to reforge himself, exchanging his kendo sword for a whittling knife and paint. yet, his uniform hangs on the wall, a reminder of all he lost and might regain.
wakaba is in bloom. in an arc of secrets, hers is one to treasure, and in keeping it, she has become, for the first time, special. she excels at school, at sports, and though she loses touch with her friends, she can go home every day to her prince, acting out a quaint domestic life not unlike anthy and utena. utena knows something's changed, and consults her advisor, akio, who spins a tale of two kinds of people: those with special destinies, like utena, and those without, like wakaba. the latter, he explains, may become special - but only temporarily. utena is confused by akio's words, which he cites as proof of her specialness, but it all certainly smacks of any number of hierarchical -isms and -archies. that said, he may be right that utena's uncertainty at her own "specialness" is a component of her success - her humility, chivalry, and nobility are the rare qualities that bring her good fortune, popularity, and victory, while her rivals, such as touga, who see themselves as superior to others, consign themselves to defeat. it of course remains to be seen how akio's ostensible sense of superiority will affect his fate.
meanwhile, saionji presents the leaf clip to wakaba, and she sheds a tear. "it's perfect," she says. her life can soar no higher.
leaving only one direction.
as wakaba cheerfully recounts the goings-on of the council, she just so happens to omit one of their members, prompting saionji to ask the fateful question: "how is anthy doing?" and so an unignorable crack forms in wakaba's perfect life. touga's cruel words from long ago echo: "your feelings will betray you as deeply as you feel them." saionji hasn't let go of his feelings for anthy, and wakaba fears she can't compete with her, relegating her back to obscurity and unspecialness. as her heart begins to cloud, souji strikes.
"no secret escapes the notice of the black rose circle," he tells saionji, once again bringing the arc's themes into stark relief and following it up with another knockout line: "how will you escape this purgatory?" i thought, "of course!" the lovesick pining, the endless fealty to end of the world, wakaba's earlier comments that nothing ever happens at ohtori - all reflections of the purgatorial nature of the show's world. everyone is waiting, unchanging - saionji waits to return to school, tsuwabuki waits to grow up, utena and wakaba wait for their princes, juri waits for a miracle, miki waits for his shining thing to return, nanami waits for touga to reciprocate her love, and touga now waits for a resurrection. what is high school but the long wait before "adulthood" - a wait that we fear may be both far too short and unending? in this atmosphere, the duels stand out as rare moments of action, as characters finally move to seize their desires. and all along, the prince's castle hangs in the stars above, while the fires of the memorial hall's incinerator burn below.
i can't wait to finish the show and read what other people have made of it - i feel i'm barely scratching the surfaces with moments like this.
souji's moves are keen as a razor, and he dangles exactly the right bait for saionji: the reversal of his expulsion. "i'll need something of yours," he says, rich with dramatic irony. everything falls into place. anthy wears the leaf clip in front of wakaba, shattering her into pieces. she returns home and seizes the sword from saionji with frightening speed and violence. utena ascends to the arena and is rendered speechless. "utena, the sword!" anthy pleads, but utena can't raise it against her closest friend. wakaba delivers some truly heartrending plaints (huge props to her VA), cursing utena and the school's elites for trampling her life into the dirt. all she wanted was what they want - love, and a place in the sun. so utena provides as best she can, reassuring wakaba of her love for her, and yet… and yet… "i'll save you."
because she needs saving. just as utena once saw herself as anthy's savior, she now sees herself as the savior of wakaba. and, as nobly as she means this, it creates a distinction, a hierarchy between them. and so it's utena who makes the calls. wakaba's rose is cut. saionji returns to ohtori, rumors swirling about whether he'll try to rejoin the student council, his star once more ascendant among the school. and wakaba goes home to an empty room.
just like normal.
stray thoughts:
the silhouettes discuss purchasing tires and fox weddings, a legend i remember from akira kurosawa's dreams collection. been meaning to rewatch that sometime soon, i think i'd get a lot more out of it now.
hard to think of something scummier than akio telling anthy "i hope you find your own prince soon."
love that wakaba's home life with saionji is so funny - him scampering away to hide and then wiggling out from under the bed like some kind of giant insect, and meanwhile she's pretending to be a religious devotee to cover for him.
interesting that saionji frames his return to school as like, being part of a mission to space. "launch!" maybe he'd been spending time with akio before this? ever since akio's fixation on the stars was introduced, i've wondered if the show will somehow eventually go to space, continually expanding in scope a la gurren lagann.
anthy's cries to utena to draw the sword reminded me of another of my favorite desperate shouts: "chan! we need fire! bring the fire!" from the tunnel fight scene in snowpiercer (happens at 3:10 in the clip)
thought about the beast asking the woodsman "are you really ready to go back to that empty house?" in over the garden wall when wakaba got home at the end.
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
in revolution with a vampire…whos ur rgu muse/s or analogue/ s for each vc/iwtv chara?
OH SHIT OK lemme think on this
I think sort of as a blanket statement the whole general set up of Interview feels very Black Rose arc, with season 2 the latter half/ Mikage background stuff. And instead of a fully present Akio figure it's more similar to the letters and student council meetings discussing "Ends of the World" without actual presence. And that Akio being Magnus and Marius. As far as analogues:
Louis: Some Utena I think in terms of being "saved" by a prince figure (lestat) and to take it to a sort of twisted extreme I think you can make the argument for him imitating that prince hood in Dubai and the little we've seen in San fran. A lil Anthy in there. Mikage for SURE
Claudia: Anthy definitely and this is gonna sound kinda weird maybe but Utena and Nanami but more specifically kinda in the ways they intersect?
Lestat- Touga ofc. Some Ruka in there too.
Armand: I can't keep saying anthy but he literally was groomed by Marius. There's definitely more in there I'm blanking.
Daniel: shadow girls but old white man. Actually ok gonna say something kinda insane he's like a wakaba that really sucks (normal friend that got left behind trying to become something special; I mean he's back now BUT)
Vampirism itself is an Absolute Destiny Apocalypse especially the reused animation. Armand would duel Utena and lose horribly.
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askaniritual · 6 months
Hello! I just wanted to ask simply because I think we might have conflicting interpretations but I think Wakaba is decidedly not happier or saved after her black rose duel. I understand that wakaba's duel is a bit unique, but I also think her actual duel was also over like Utena's affections, and I think by the end of the series she kind of occupied Utena's role in the narrative (girl with clingy best friend) I was just wondering if you had any thoughts on that? (Especially since in adolecense Wakaba becomes a car as well.) But anywho I've really enjoyed reading your musings on utena
hi bestie! so i have to be totally honest, my thing about people seeming happier after their black rose duels was 100% me being a cunt and vagueing about a take i saw about the end of the series that i disagreed with haha
as far as wakaba's narrative goes, i agree that i think her black rose duel was about wakaba's need for affection, and her desire to be close to people that she perceives as "special" in some sense. as far as how that relates to the end of the series, i think that the idyllic ending shown for the characters before anthy walks out is supposed to show that the coffin pacifies people by giving them what they think they want, even if it's something that will ultimately keep them trapped in harmful cycles. in wakaba's case, it was about wanting to be special, and about wanting to be wanted. showing her in utena's place with the clingy best friend leaves her as the person she always wanted to be.
as far as the car thing goes, i read that as like. characters who become machines to serve the narrative. literal plot devices if you will. both shiori and wakaba merely exist to move the more interesting and special characters along on the path that akio has created for them, and to do so they in many ways lose their humanity and instead become machines. this is related to wakaba's role in the first part of the movie where she's basically just walking utena through the school, shepherding her on her path.
anyway those are my wakaba-specific thoughts. as far as the black rose arc goes generally, when i say i think people are happier after their duels, i don't mean that they are actually happy, but more that because they have lost their duels and thus been denied revolution, they are forced to once again sublimate the desires that led them to violence in service of conformity (the desks lined up in a grid and the duelists falling into predetermined body shapes emphasize how losing a duel forces duelists back into rigid societal structures). even at the end of wakaba's episode, she doesn't cry or rail against utena, she simply continues on as she has been, saying hello to an empty room with 2 mugs that symbolize the unfulfilled desire for true connection that she's always reaching for but is consistently denied
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More 23-24 Program Music Announcements
Dinh Tran (USA) - FP: Tron: Legacy, choreo by Misha Ge
Daniil Murzin (USA) - FP: Phantom of the Opera, choreo by Misha Ge
Yaroslav Paniot (USA) - SP: “Kiss” by Prince, choreo by Rohene Ward
Sena Miyake (JPN) - SP: Gypsy Kings Medley
Kao Miura (JPN) - FP: Attack on Titan OST, choreo by Shae-Lynn Bourne
Matteo Rizzo (ITA) - SP: Derniere Danse, choreo by Massimo Scali
Camden Pulkinen (USA) - SP: A Different Kind of Love by Son Lux, choreo by Marie-France Dubreuil
Nikolaj Memola (ITA) - SP: Adios Nonino and Inverno Porteño by Astor Piazzolla, choreo by Andrea Gilardi and Corrado Giordani; He will be keeping his FP from last season.
Kyrylo Marsak (UKR) - SP: “Pale Yellow” by Woodkid, choreo by Monica Lindors
Andrew Torgashev (USA) - FP: “Void of Madness” by Muse
Nikita Starostin (GER) - SP:  "Disco Inferno" by The Trammps; LP - "I Want It That Way” and “Larger Than Life" by the Backstreet Boys
Starr Andrews (USA) - FP: Being Good Isn’t Good Enough (from Hallelujah, Baby!)
Wakaba Higuchi (JPN) - FP: “Fix You” and “Paradise” by Coldplay
Mone Chiba (JPN) - SP: Les Yeux Noirs (Dark Eyes), choreo by Misha Ge
Yujae Kim (KOR) - SP: Flamenco, classical guitar; FP: Avatar soundtrack, choreo by Yaeji Shin
Sonja Hilmer (USA) - FP: Avatar: the Last Airbender soundtrack by The Track Team and Samuel KimS; choreo by Sonja Hilmer
Grace Hanns / Danny Neudecker (USA) - FP: Bram Stoker's Dracula soundtrack by Wojciech Kilar; choreo by Natalia Mishkutenok
Ice Dance
Klara Kowar / Thomas Schwappach (USA) RD: “Never Tear Us Apart” by INXS; FD: No Time to Die by Billie Ellish
Nadiia Bashynska / Peter Beaumont (CAN) - RD: “Never Tear Us Apart” by INXS and “Wild Boys” by Duran Duran
Hannah Lim / Ye Quan (KOR) - RD: Prince
Isabella Flores / Ivan Desyatov (USA) - FD: West Wide Story, choreo by Kaitlyn Weaver
Marjorie Lajoie / Zachary Lagha (CAN) - RD: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson
Holly Harris / Jason Chan (AUS) - RD:  "Material Girl" by Madonna; "Express Yourself" by Madonna; choreo by Sam Chouinard
Sofia Val / Asaf Kazimov (ESP) - RD: Top Gun Soundtrack
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hotmonkeelove · 1 year
Feel Free to Smack Me...
I have weird, yet unsurprising news on the fanfic writing front. I've gotten a little stuck again on the fics I was pushing myself to write. These would be the penultimate chapter of RWYB, my Zabuza x Haku reincarnation AU (yanki/ bosozoku!Zabuza meets otokonoko!Haku at a high school for delinquents), my Saionji x Wakaba post-series romance, the L x Misa college AU, and my what-if Juri x Shiori x Ruka angst-turned-to-passionate-threeway lemon.
So what's new, you ask? It turns out that diving headfirst into Black Butler gave me a tiny plot bunny of Sebastian spanking Mey-Rin that quickly grew into a rabbit kaiju of angsty fwb-to-lovers. I'm currently approaching 6300 words and should have the first three chapters done within a month.
In addition, I've got yet another Utena fic on my plate. It's Ruka's POV, going from how and why he leaves his hospital bed to return to Ohtori, his thoughts and experiences during his arc, and what his fate after is. I'm so passionate about him, more so because people pigeon-hole him as this one-dimensional villain, ignoring that he was revealed to be more like Anthy and Utena; becoming martyrs and willing to be hated in order to save the ones they love. (Also, I'm writing it in present tense, so this is a new challenge for me! I tend to find present tense jolting, but the urgency of the subject matter calls for it.) I've gotten a good chunk of it written already and Ruka is really chatty with me, muse-wise!
Anyway, sorry I've been so damn slow with my fics, especially my Orochimaru x Anko stuff. I promise you I have not quit. I'm only expanding the scope of my writings. (This includes upcoming original novels and my debut book of poetry. One that I'm actually publishing, not just printing up a draft of, then getting too scared to take the next step.)
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naive-petals · 1 year
Warning the following drabble will have NOWAYU Spoilers, Blood mention, and pregnancy mention. also tagging @wxtchpilot because your Muse.
Heading out from the hospital Rose found herself sighing for more times then she could count since arriving, her hand reaching down to where her stomach was as she found herself lost in thought. She should have expected this to have been a possibility after all they did "that" but she still couldn't believe it, how could one night have led to this? Checking her phone she saqw a text from Chikage, the girl she needed to see.
"Heading to my hometown today, I will be back later."
Placing her phone back in her purse the red headed girl began to head to the train station, She knew she could wait around for the other to return but something told her she should go to her. Besides, it would be better to let the other know sooner rather than later. She was sure that the other wouldn't be happy but surely they'd at least remain friends?
Wandering around town Rose saw various posters each displaying similar messages. "heroes are useless" "No point in a hero who can't save shit" and similar messages along with others towards someones family gave her a sense of unease, she needed to find Chikage quickly before anything bad happened here. It obviously wasn't safe. Hearing a scream Roses ears perked up as she ran towards the location only to slow as she heard anothers words.
"Doi-san and Iyojima-san… both stood up against fierce monsters despite hopeless odds… evenw hen it cost them their lives…. if you think you have any right to criticize us… then why don't you try fighting something overwhelmingly stronger than yourselves for once…!?"
Hurrying towards the sound the teen found Chikage swinging her scythe towards another girl, blood running down her thigh and cheek as hair laid around them and other girls screamed. Hoping to stop the other from becoming a murderer she found herself standing in front of the other girl as the scythe came towards her at stomach level, her eyes widening before closing as she silently prayed to whatever god would hear her that she'd be safe.
Opening her eyes Rose felt her heartrate spike as the scythe was milimeters away from her, how close she was to death. Looking over to Chikage Rose did her best to offer the other a soft smile even as panic gripped her heart.
"It's okay Gun-chan." Stepping closer her heart pounded in her chest harder as she did her best to wrap her arms around, she would have to apologize to Yuna later but hopefully the nickname would help the other relax.
"We're okay." Briefly she spotted Wakaba landing behind her fellow hero, her hero.Nodding she leaned against the other as she did her best to stay concious.
"The baby's o…" As the panic and stress became to great Rose found herself falling unconcious as she fell limp against Chikage, the hero quick to grab her as the last thing she could make out was "Stop it… Stop it… I'm begging you… please love me…"
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oraclememehacker · 2 years
Voices from Beyond
There was an individual who found themselves stuck in the realm of the living despite having died, their spirit refusing for whatever reason to go to the afterlife, whatever that would be anyways. This person wandered around and was trying to figure out what was preventing them from moving on. In this case, it was none other than former esteemed researcher and cognitive psientist Isshiki Wakaba. She had been killed in order for her research to be stolen and used for nefarious purposes, and now was stuck as a cognitive ghost.
At first, she was unable to recall much aside from her name and the fact that she was apparently dead. But overtime she was able to remember a bunch more, and was looking over Futaba as her poor daughter was hating herself. She had watched her daughter cry and accuse herself of what had happened, and while she still didn’t know for sure what had caused her death, she knew for a fact that it wasn’t Futaba’s fault, and wanted nothing more than to assure her that wasn’t the case.
However, over time it seemed that Futaba received the help that she so desperately needed and now was surrounded by friends. Something that she remembered wasn’t really the case when she was a kid. It would bring a tear to her eyes if she was still capable of crying. She thought that maybe this was the reason why she was still around; to see her daughter get better. However, despite that, the afterlife didn’t call for her. And now she was hanging around the cafe, as Futaba was waiting for someone.
“Yamagishi-san said she’d be around soon. Hopefully she brought her laptop with her.” Futaba felt a little chill in the air, the chill coming from Wakaba’s spirit cooling the air around her unintentionally. She just took that as feeling a sudden bit of cold air from the door or just a random cold chill. The familiar ringing from the door would be heard and Futaba’s attention was immediately fixated on that. There she was. She just waved and motioned for the older woman to sit down at the booth with her, pointing at her laptop and other stuff she brought. It was gaming time.
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iiroiiros · 1 year
✏ (Wakaba maybe? if not Futaba will work :eyes:)
draw your muse
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xaracosmia · 4 months
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name / alias: artemis age: 25 pronouns: they / she ooc contact: smearedcanvases @ twt / forgedsplendor @ tumblr other characters in xc: suguru getou
name: kanon hisui age: 18 pronouns: she / her series: ranger reject canon point: chapter 137 ( latest chapter as of writing ) app triggers: familial death, violence, imagery of / references to throat injury
kanon hisui is an animal.
kanon hisui is a feral, furious, violent animal.
what else can she be? who else can she be? her ordinary life was shattered a long, long time ago— taken alongside her innocence. she is like a kitten taken from its mother, in the midst of her weaning, tossed into the streets and forced to survive.
the fire in her heart is all that's kept her warm. the instincts in her bones is all that's kept her alive. she is an animal, guided by these two alone, and she growls and she bites at the hand that comes near.
she hates. oh, she hates. she writhes and she bites and she sinks her teeth into the flesh of her enemies. there is no logic to it. it is the pure, white-hot, bloody revenge of a cornered animal— one whose learned the face of the one who's taken everything from her and she will do all she can, blood rushing through her ears and vision blinded by red and white, to defy and hurt.
she was born to fight.
something your muse struggles with: hisui, under everything... is just a broken young girl. she's cocooned herself under so many layers it's practically impossible to find that person now, though.
your muse’s greatest strength: she loves her family. all the ones she's had: from her biological family that she lost at eight, the green battalion she lost years ago, to the new one she's found with chidori, angel, and fighter d.
history / background:
kanon hisui was only eight years old when her world was shattered.
even she is more than familiar with the irony of her own existence. there is no difference between her and any other girl her age; she was simply dealt an unlucky hand, and as punishment she was broken— like a twig snapped in two, splinters flying everywhere, now only ever capable of hurt.
and so she joined the rangers. and at ten years old, she became the youngest to ever graduate from bailong's nest.
it was always going to be the green batallion. she was always going to hunt down every single one of the executives and tear out their throats. yet even in their hunt she'd found her new pack— her new family. chidori. wakaba. tokiwa...
( she should've known. she always should've known. )
history repeats itself. another executive. another family, snatched from her hands. and kanon is left, all alone, to...
well. it is what it is.
she knows the hand she was dealt with. she simply forgot her place.
she puts on her mouth guard and continues to fight.
( ... )
( ... the little footsoldier. angel usukubo. )
( ... fine, sure. she'll take them in, too. )
powers / abilities: none. she's just a human! inherent abilities: none. stronger and more agile than the average human due to training, but nothing supernaturally exceptional. items / weapons: MOUTH GUARD. a divine tool replica. divine tools are weapons created by the human army a year into the war with the invaders; hisui's mouth guard is one of twenty-five replicas, and with its incantation to , ukemochi no kami, can basically "consume" incoming strong attacks. ... literally. chidori "burps" after comsuming one and kanon says "gochisousama" herself. on that note they can get "full" if there are too many strong attacks; kanon mentions being unable to take another bite after one.
starting ability: n/a starting item: mouth guard
would you like this character to be housed upon arrival?: yes!
yeah she's from the power rangers anime... i know...
okay i actually have no idea what her age could be. because her family died from invaders when she was eight... which you would assume happened in the first year of the war, but that was thirteen years ago, making her twenty-one. but it also isn't entirely impossible for it to have happened sometime after that first year, as we know executives have killed plenty of people in between... there's also the fact that she also wears a school uniform and her dynamic with d and chidori is very younger sister. but its not like we know their ages either and chidori is absoltuely 30+ so her also being early 20s isn't unreasonable. BUT WHO KNOWS. so i'm going for 18 until we get confirmed ages.
discord id: ukemochinokami
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badlydrawndrawnings · 4 years
the ‘goro-futaba’ sibling theory is one of the best and worst theory to exist for p5.
best theory because it explains questions why shido is very obsess with wakaba...’s work, and why shido ruin futaba’s life to the extremes because shido did it already with his son when he was in the womb go two-for-two.
worst theory because that means shido and wakaba were while not a thing, given their jobs it was more serious than shido and ms. akechi and he still went ‘f*ck this i’m out’ sir how are you getting ladies to begin with?
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lambgrail · 5 years
tag dump
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occitaniejapon · 3 years
Du japon à Toulouse en juillet : Fête de Tanabata, dégustations de sakés, les escales de l'été
Du japon à Toulouse en juillet : Fête de Tanabata, dégustations de sakés, les escales de l’été
On aurait pu croire qu’avec le début des vacances d’été, les événements culturels japonais à Toulouse et Occitanie auraient eux aussi pris un peu de repos mais il n’en ait rien ! Le Japon va continuer de vivre durant la saison estivale sur Toulouse et ses environs. Nous avons recensé pour vous l’ensemble des événements dont nous avons eu la connaissance. Si un événement manque à cette liste,…
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