#muse: miyako
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"I don't know what a pokemon is, but you can't have Hawkmon!"
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He was still mentally recovering from the pokeball that was just hurled at him.
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"Miya, dear, it's our birthday today! And it's your great-great grandmother's as well."
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"Happy birthday, Granny. Though I have to ask, why do we all share the same birthdate? Are we really that unfortunate?"
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"At this stage of your lives, I am convinced that being born on the 18th day of the tenth month is just a terrible omen for those born in this family."
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tides-of-clarity · 9 months
He was so lost. Lost in both his thoughts but also literally. Miyako had assumed that he should have came to a town, city, or even a village but there was nothing but nature for miles still. Puffing out a breath he pushed of just a bit further. Off in the distance he can hear the roar of water and pulling himself over a rock he became clear what it was.
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Beauty over took his duo color eyes as he saw nature at it finest. Going in he went to the waterfalls edge staring at how grand it was. Setting his pack down he knelt down to look into the crystal clear water. It was all so breath taking that the Brunette forgot to be careful when out in the open. As he dipped his hand in a shadow of a figure cast over his body while he sat at the edge. Gasping he quickly turned around bracing himself for the worse.
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brighth0pe · 1 year
Slight Muse Biography:
Tong Ku is the oldest sister of Xing-Mei and the second daughter of Yoshika Miyako and Yuugi Hoshiguma. An undead oni whose a more serious, quiet and more dangerous sibling. Tong Ku's name is derived from the chinese language meaning " Pain. " or " suffering. " which explains her personality and motivations being a complete sadist, a monster who care little about anyone but her family. Inflicting pain and suffering on everyone she sees as fresh lams or those who deserve it the suffering. However the sibling also suffered issues of loosing her sister, since the two are very close ever since their grisly birth.
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Tong Ku like her twin possessed the same abilities from their mothers, such as the enhanced strength, durability, dexterity, the ability to mutate into a monstrous form and everything else. Unlike her sibling who have been specialized in weapons and unarmed combat, Tong Ku specialized the traditional spell card rules creating powerful spells and talismans design to kill and decimate foes with the usage of necromancy and other powerful spells. That's not to say she isn't specialized in hand to hand combat for she is skilled at fighting regular, using her dark poisonous tendrils covered in black ink like liquid to dismember her foes with all her strength. Tong Ku's horrid form is a large humanoid monstrosity covered in thousand of dark tendrils oozing black substance all over her monstrous form. This is the first of her forms use to crush and demolished her foes all the absorbing them be it magical or biological organic matter causing her form to change and grow in massive proportions while empowering her
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The more biomass she absorbs in her form the more monstrous she will become for she will consume anything be it human, moon rabbit, yokai or demon. She will not stop her pursuing you until you are dead.
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kyosmusedepository · 2 years
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"Yoshika I have a present for you. Please do take good care of it."
The book that Miko handed to the zombie was a collection of the finest works of Japanese poetry. Of course, counted among them, were the works of the famed Miyako No Yoshika.
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"Master Miko, it's Christmas time! Christmas time!" She was overjoyed to spend the holiday with her as much as she did with Seiga! So much that she was caught off guard with Miko's gift...
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"Oh, you have a present for Yoshika? Yoshika is very happy! Master Seiga and Master Miko are both giving Yoshika gifts! Thank you, thank you!" Once again the jiangshi was not paying too much mind, but Miko could certainly see how appreciated she was.
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rubygoldberg · 2 years
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“You know, it’s every hopeless romantic’s dream around Halloween to dress as Jack and Sally as a couple’s costume...”
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vesselreborn · 7 months
I keep thinking about a Miyako that's finally found her way out of the loop.
A Miyako that finally burned and buries all those who've wronged her. A Miyako that had to sacrifice the last few ties that helped her rebel and push to make and be something of herself in order to break said loop. A Miyako who's constantly fighting on finding those ties and feeling whole again or dreading something more wicked would be just around the corner if she tries, and it would drag them with her. A Miyako who's finally gaining her first breath of freedom, and she's at a complete loss on where or what to do.
A Miyako who's now surrounded by sights unknown to her, with people all over, with senses overwhelmed by how different it all is. A Miyako who's surrounded by such, still managing to feel just as alone in this mass than the small shut-in room back at the village.
A Miyako that spent so much energy and focus on her goal that, now that she's reached it, doesn't know how to spend such freedom. It's much less bright than she imagined, much less joyful, with no one but Kabe by her side.
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aeternals · 2 years
tag drop. info might be here or carrd once i hammer out details.
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
" Hey Yoshika you and I make a pretty cool team. "
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" You maybe king, but I...want to keep you safe... "
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Seija raised a brow at the words that come out that zombie vampire's mouth at first she thought the corpse is messing with her.
" ....You serious? "
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" Hnnn... "
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" Oh my gods you're not saying that shit in reverse listen yoshi I'm sorry I fucked with you in the past and back there when we first fought. You know I wanna do some good, better than that hag. "
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" We all make mistakes, don't... Worry about it. "
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" To be honest if I wasn't dating Momoyo, I be a necrophiliac only for you.. "
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" Ugh... "
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genork-the-fandork · 1 month
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Word Count: 571 Prompt: Third Meeting A/N: In case it wasn't clear, I'm sort of interconnecting all of these drabbles. This one calls upon the other two a bit as Hikari and Takeru ponder the adventure ahead of them (02). I love the idea that they're not sure if they belong on this adventure, but they're very much needed. They're very necessary. @takariweek
"Is this Adventure really ours?" Takeru asked, his leg bouncing as he stared up at the sky. They were waiting for the others, waiting to tell them what had transpired today. How Daisuke had come with them to the Digital World, how evolutions were near impossible at the moment, how a Digiegg held the secret to fighting the strange new power at work. 
Hikari's head had been swimming with all this new information ever since they'd returned in a heap on the computer room floor. She shook her head, unsure. "We can't leave Daisuke to fight this, this Digimon Kaiser alone. Not when Tailmon and Agumon and Patamon are there." With a shiver, she put her hands on her arms. "I'm worried about all of the Digimon. I want to help."
"But they can't evolve. How are we supposed to fight anyone if Tailmon and Patamon have no chance?"
She frowned. He had a point. It made little sense to leave such a task up to them with no way of fighting their enemy. Because it always came down to fighting when it came to Digital World business. She hadn't liked it much as a younger child, and it made just as little sense to her now. Still… "Maybe we were always supposed to be the second generation of Chosen. Someone has to help Daisuke learn about the Digimon. Miyako and Iori, too."
"How is it that I happened to move into a building with two other Chosen?" Takeru murmured incredulously. "This is Hikarigaoka all over again."
Bumping her shoulder with his, Hikari pointed out, "The Digital World moves in mysterious ways."
"Too mysterious," he joked, nudging her in the side. They both laughed. Even after not seeing each other for a long time, it was as easy as breathing, being with Takeru. Hikari knew it was something akin to love, what she felt for her friend. It would be a shame (mostly for Daisuke's sake), to care so much about someone at this age, were it not for their history together. How Hikari had gone a day without him in her life, she would never know.
"But you know," Hikari added. "At least Taichi didn't give his goggles to either of us." She grinned. "Can you imagine trying to be like him?"
"Not in a million years. I can barely keep up with my own brother, much less yours." Takeru folded his arms behind his head in a very Taichi-esque gesture. Yet his pose was very Yamato. Hikari knew that neither of them would admit that they were very much the product of their brothers. But neither of them were quite meant to take their places in the group of Chosen, either. "I wonder if Daisuke can handle it."
"He's rough around the edges," Hikari mused. "But I think he's up to it. All he needs is a little hope."
"Maybe some light?" Takeru raised an eyebrow.
"Something like that. He'll be just fine. And if something goes wrong…" Hikari held out her pinkie.
Even though their unspoken promise to each other had not been sealed by pinkies in the slightest, Takeru understood. He interlocked his pinkie with hers. Maybe their Digimon's powers were limited right now, but they would still fight to protect the partners that had come to mean as much to them as they meant to each other. Even if they were the last two Chosen standing.
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fxllengod · 9 days
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"Please! I just want everyone to be safe and happy here- I just want to keep everyone from getting hurt! So please- enjoy yourself here!"
Verses (WIP)
Anime Faceclaims: Miyako Shikimori and Akimitsu Mochizuki
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Interest Checker (Updated!)
((After realizing that Google Forms is an option, HERE is the link to the new interest checker!
This is my first time using a Google Form, so please let me know if anything is amiss/not working/etc.))
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glassesandpassion · 7 months
Send 🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours. [idk if you're ok with me asking for Lui but if not, Taichi :V ]
Send 🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours. [i'm okay with lui, of course!!]
It shouldn't have been surprising that the weather forescast in Japan wasn't the same as in India. And yet there was Miyako, looking dejected, sitting at the (thankfully covered) bus stop while her dampt long hair made sure to leave puddles of water around her.
Her goal was to meet Lui right after his work shift to talk about his experiences as a Chosen Child. There was a lot she didn't understand about him being the "first" and the whole deal about Ukkomon being responsible for the Chosen Children system, so she was glad that the timid young man agreed to be interviewed by her. The plan was to meet him outside the cafe he worked at, but since she didn't know its exact location, she only managed to open a Digital Gate on the nearby area.
What poor excited Miyako didn't expect was to be pouring down back at Tokyo, considering how clean the skies were in Bangalore that day. Clear skies meant no umbrellas, which in turn left her stuck between that bus stop and the growing desire to throw it all away and open a Gate back to her dormitory.
She was typing on her phone, about to call the whole thing off, when a soft voice called her name. There was Lui, right next to the bus stop, his umbrella doing a terrible job at keeping him safe from the rainstorm.
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- Oh, Ohwada-kun, I was... - she waved her phone at him, as if it meant anything - ...nevermind. Come, sit! There's a lot to talk about, and the rain won't stop any time soon!
He hesitated for a moment, seemingly unsure of what was happening, but soon joined her under the canopy while closing his umbrella. A moment of silence went by before he confessed he thought she wouldn't show up that day. No one was crazy enough to go out in that storm, not if they could avoid it. Lui, who had no other choice, was just there to catch a bus and go home.
- I see... - Miyako hoped he hadn't noticed her blush, being pretty sure he'd just called her crazy. He wouldn't be the first, but still - The weather was pretty nice in Bangalore, y-you know? And I didn't want to miss this today, I had already arranged my schedule for it. Do you mind if we go somewhere together? There's still so much I need you to tell me!
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detectiveichijouji · 1 year
Case 9 - Hikari has a secret admirer!?
[AO3 version!!]
Tailmon is a mature cat with lots of responsibilities, but she also could lose a few brain cells to please Hikari. At least she and Hikari are doing well now!! Since the day she was rescued from Vamdemon’s hands, life has turned into a pleasant adventure for her. Even with the deepest struggles and despair they had faced… Tailmon and Hikari had the help of their friends, and Taichi, to surpass all the sadness and misfortune in the world.
But… Today’s case… It’s a little complicated.
“... Ichijouji-kun… I need your help.”
Ken was looking at Hikari, who suddenly appeared at the end of his classes and in front of the entrance of his school. Wormmon looked at Ken, who glanced from Wormmon to Hikari in confusion.
“Yes? How can we help you?”
Oddly, Tailmon was not in her usual digimon level form -- she was devolved into Plotmon. This brought some suspicion to both Ken and Wormmon. Seriously, what’s going on there?
“I can’t talk here…” she used her free hand to grab Ken’s arm gently and drag him on a walk, “Can we go to your home, please?”
Ken blinked. What does THIS mean!? His curiosity just hit him badly that he decided to accept the idea. And while they were on the way to his apartment, he noticed Hikari looking behind, and around… Continuously. So… Maybe she has been stalked? -- Ken mused.
Once they arrived at the Ichijouji’s residence, he asked if she wanted something to drink, because he definitely noticed her being quite wary. Hikari accepted a warm tea cup, and then he prepared it for both of them.
“So… What’s wrong?” Ken finally had the moment to ask for the details.
“Someone… is stalking us,” Hikari said, a bit timidly and awkwardly.
“Ah I see” he sipped his tea, then made his next question “Do you know who is?”
“No. All I know is… They left a letter on our apartment’s doorstep”
“Hmm…” Wormmon mused, while Ken did it in silence, “Why do you need our help, Hikari-san?”
“I thought about going to the place they asked us to go and…”
“... And?” Ken and Wormmon repeated.
“... Tell them that I already have a boyfriend...”
“I see…” they said together.
“... And I’d like to ask if you could pretend to be my boyfriend in front of them.”
Ken and Wormmon spat their tea on each other’s faces.
“W-what!?” Ken babbled, “I don’t think this would work… I mean, I think you should’ve asked Takeru-kun or Daisuke for that--”
“Takeru-kun and Daisuke-kun wouldn’t look like the perfect match for this plan… Takeru-kun might be nice but he’s a little scary and I don’t want to have him threatening whoever is this secret admirer. And Daisuke-kun… W-well, he’s Daisuke-kun…!”
“He would end up messing this up” Plotmon explained, “Besides, he doesn’t seem the kind to intimidate someone.”
“Daisuke’s going to murder me…” Ken muttered.
“True, Ken-chan is boyfriend material” Wormmon nodded sagely.
“W-Wormmon!!” Ken blushed. Then, he asked: “Did you tell anyone else about this? Taichi-san? Miyako-san? Iori-kun?”
She and Plotmon shook their heads gently, but frowning. Hikari added: “No, because we didn’t know what to do… Until I had this idea from a TV show I was watching recently.”
“Then, how do you plan to make it work?��� Ken and Wormmon said in unison. 
“We do this quickly and then we get away with this, without anyone knowing about this plan, ok?” Hikari replied with a timid smile.
Ken did not ask for this, and he hasn't cogitated about Iori as a fake boyfriend because Iori’s younger than Hikari. But deep down Ken knew this wouldn’t work well, but Hikari is so good at manipulating people that when he realized…
“Please, I… I trust you to discover who they are and intercept them”
“F-fine… But… I’d like to say one detail: I like someone else, and I hope we can keep this person away from this…”
“Oh okay! Let’s don’t do anything like that in public, only when we meet that secret admirer.”
… it was too late to go back.
Hikari met Daisuke and Takeru at class the next day, as usual. But Tailmon kept in Plotmon form, which wasn’t usual at all. Daisuke and Chibimon were the first ones to suspect of something wrong:
“Maybe Tailmon got sick!” It was Daisuke’s theory.
“Have you ever seen a digimon sick before?” Takeru asked, innocently.
“I’ve seen one sick! Chibimon got a cold once! He sneezed like a hedgehog!”
“H-hey!!” Chibimon protested.
“But it was a funny sneeze sound that I wish I had recorded for myself…”
“Maybe she’s not sick,” Patamon mused, “Digimon in this world tend to run their energies so fast to maintain higher forms…”
“Ah… That’s true,” Daisuke blinked. Chibimon agreed with a nod.
“Maybe we should ask Plotmon herself?” Takeru suggested, with a warm smile on his face.
“Tailmon devolved because she’s tired” Hikari interrupted them, “Because she got a little sick yesterday. So both are right.”
“Yes, I don’t recommend staying close, it might be contagious,” Plotmon added.
“C-contagious!?” Daisuke and Chibimon gasped.
“It’s just a cold, nothing to worry about,” Hikari giggled.
“No, it is” Plotmon disagreed, with a serious tone, “It might be too contagious so better you, Takeru and Patamon don’t get any closer. Hikari is fine because she’s infected too.”
“Um… I-It’s not that bad…”
“HIKARI-CHAN PLEASE GO HOME, NOW! I’LL TELL THE TEACHERS! You can get my notebook for the lessons you miss, but please GO HOME NOW!”
“Plotmon… Forgot to say this is only with Chosen Children!”
“Exactly!” Plotmon added, “Non-partnered humans and digimon cannot get infected. They’re safe. It only affects Chosen Children and partnered digimon.”
Takeru looked at Patamon for a moment and whispered to him: “Hikari-chan and Plotmon are acting weirdly today… That’s definitely a lie.”
“Yeah, but it’s working on Daisuke and Chibimon…” Patamon pointed at the other duo just… standing away from Hikari and Plotmon.
“... I forgot Daisuke-kun and Chibimon are the kind to believe in everything without hesitation…” Takeru sighed.
After class…
“I can’t believe Hikari-chan is sick and we can’t stay close to her!!” Daisuke sighed.
“... Daisuke-kun,” Takeru looked at him seriously, “Did you do something to Hikari-chan and Tailmon?”
“W-what? No! I didn’t!” Daisuke growled,  “Do ya think it’s my fault now!?”
“No… It felt like she was trying to keep both of us away from her…”
“Did you do something instead?” Chibimon asked, but innocently.
“Nope.” Patamon answered with a shrug.
“But why would she…” Daisuke seemed concerned, he was glancing at the street while he and Takeru were eating some burgers at a fast food store.
“Should we investigate it?” Chibimon asked the boys and Patamon.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Takeru confessed, “It would be better if we wait until they can explain it to us.”
“Besides, stalking is a bad idea,” Patamon said, looking at Takeru, “Right, Takeru?”
“I don’t say stalking Hikari-chan…” Daisuke frowned, “I don’t want her or Tailmon to get hurt if they’re sick…”
“She’s not sick,” Takeru sighed, “More likely she’s hiding something from us.”
“Yeah… Hmm, do ya think she’s mad at us?”
“If we didn’t do anything wrong, that might not be the case,” Chibimon commented.
“Yeah!” Patamon agreed, “It might be for another reason.”
“Maybe we shouldn’t worry,” Takeru gave Daisuke a smile, “Hikari-chan and Tailmon might be fine, if anything bad happens she will call us five to help her.”
“Y-yeah, it’s not like she got a super secret right?” Daisuke chuckled, but then he saw Hikari on the other side of the street, “Ah, she’s there.”
“I guess she’s waiting for someone… Taichi-san, Miyako-san or another friend outside our group.”
“Yea-- HUH!?”
Daisuke gasped, and then he saw Ken with Hikari now.
“Ichijouji-kun? Huh, I didn’t know she would meet him today…”
“But I thought Ken liked-- A-another person I’m not allowed to say because that’s private and if I let anyone else know he might hunt me down!”
“But I thought it was Daisuke who liked Hikari” Patamon and Chibimon said together.
“H-hey!! It’s not like I have a crush on her or something!!”
Well, you’re definitely panicked here about this… -- Takeru thought, shrugging. It’s not a secret that Daisuke has a crush on Hikari, and everyone in that circle is pretty much aware of that, including Hikari herself. But Daisuke… He thinks he’s so good at hiding it to not notice the truth, that he’s too transparent when it comes to his crush on Hikari.
Oh no, will he…
“Let’s follow them!”
“Daisuke-kun I don’t think it’s a good idea--”
“Like goddamnit, I just wish they could have told us! We would understand! We wouldn’t do anything to separate them from each other! And it’s not like the-one-who-Ken-has-a-crush-and-I-can’t-tell-ya will be mad either…”
“Don’t you think you’re jumping to conclusions too fast?” Patamon blinked, his face was a legit 😐 right now.
“Miyako’s gonna be disappointed tho” Chibimon frowned, “Hikari got Ken before her.”
“B-before we start panicking about this…” Takeru tried to calm everyone down, “Maybe we should ask them directly. But not now. We have to respect their privacy.”
“Yeah, it doesn’t sound right,” Patamon said, and then ate a french fry, “Here, eat a crunchy french fry!!” He offered it to Chibimon.
“I think I just saw Daisuke-san, Chibimon, Takeru-san and Patamon at the burger shop,” Wormmon commented with the other three.
“As long as they didn’t see us, it will be okay,” Plotmon said calmly.
“But why are we meeting in an alley?” Ken frowned, “There’s something off…”
“It’s what’s said in the letter” Hikari said, “I knew it would be too risky so…”
“You could’ve asked Miyako-san’s help instead… She’s your jogress partner after all…”
“Yeah, but…”
“But?” Ken raised an eyebrow.
“... The reason Tailmon devolved was…”
“Hohoho, there you are my beloved Tailmon~”
Ken put himself in front of Hikari and Plotmon, with Wormmon on guard. The boy just screamed: “Who’s there!?”
“Huh??” the digimon, who looked like a Tailmon costume wore by a humanoid monster (a la Etemon) just popped from the shadows, “Who the heck are you? Where’s Tailmon!?”
“... Betsumon?” Wormmon tilted his head.
“So that’s the reason,” Ken looked at Hikari, “You got the letter talking about someone having a crush on Tailmon, then you knew you were being watched by Betsumon so you lied about the fake date plan and couldn’t put the other in danger. Am I right, Hikari-san?”
“What what what??” Betsumon growled, “you brought this punk with ya!? I asked one thing and you--”
“Miyako and Hawkmon also know,” Plotmon said, “But I can’t Jogress-evolve into Silphymon with Aquilamon. So it would be pointless.”
“Why?” Ken and Wormmon asked.
“Because I have THIS with me,” and then Betsumon showed one of those portable Dark Towers.
“Oh, that makes sense now…” Ken replied with an unpleasant voice tone. Oh of course it’s one of those portable Dark Towers. Again. Someday he will find who’s building those and make them never build one ever again.
“But how can we fight!?” Wormmon seemed concerned, and he glanced at the other three, “You should’ve called for Takeru-san or Daisuke-san’s help.”
Hikari then gave her D-Terminal, “Please, use this.”
“Digimental…?” Ken took it and then… “I got it…” he glanced at Wormmon, “Wormmon, ready?”
“What?” Betsumon raised an eyebrow, “Will ya pick a fight against me? I’m a perfect level digimon, you can’t--”
“Light Digimental Up!!”
Wormmon Armor-evolved with the Digimental of Light to a mythological beast, with traces of the Mayan’s Quetzalcoatl, the plumed and winged serpent: Coatlmon.
“Oh I guess you wanna fight someone bigger than you!” Betsumon laughed.
Apparently, Betsumon was smaller than Coatlmon. Ken, Hikari and Plotmon were just staring at him coldly, as if that opponent digimon was just a big joke. That wasn’t funny though…
“That’s my chance…!!” Betsumon’s eyes flashed like lights, and he took the advantage of his ‘Cold Gag’ technique to try to snatch Plotmon from Hikari’s hands.
But Ken shielded Hikari and Plotmon, giving time for Coatlmon to attack and then coil around Betsumon, forcing him drop the portable Dark Tower on the floor. Plotmon jumped from Hikari’s arms, caught the tiny tower and handed it to Ken, who tossed it to the ground and broke it with his foot.
“M-MY DARK TOWER!!” Betsumon cried, then used his paws to hit Coatlmon’s head like if he was hitting the boke of a manzai show -- his special technique: the Tsukkomi Punch !!
“Ouch!” Coatlmon devolved to Wormmon and set Betsumon free, falling in Ken’s arms… He was mentally drained and couldn’t keep his Armor form!!
“Hahaha, that was my best shot!” Betsumon laughed menacingly, “Now let me get my prize!”
“Not so fast,” Ken smirked, a legit Digimon Kaiser smirk. When Betsumon realized, Angewomon had fled in his direction.
“W-WHAT!?” Betsumon screamed, but he recognized that smirk, “Y-YOU’RE THAT… THAT GUY!! THE DIGIMON--”
And then, Angewomon knocked him down with a punch.
“-- KAIS--ACK!!” And then he was knocked out.
“It had been a while since I heard someone calling me by that name…” Ken sighed, then he looked at Hikari, “Case solved, now we should just send him back to the Digital World and you and Tailmon will be free from him.”
“Thank you, Ichijouji-kun but… Are you and Wormmon okay?”
Ken nodded his head, “Yeah, it just caught me off guard for a little… So those things are still in use…” he looked at the shattered Dark Tower on the floor.
“Ken open the gate,” Angewomon asked politely, with Betsumon on her shoulder like if she was carrying a sack of potatoes.
“A-ah, right…” Ken took his D-3 and pointed to a random space in the alley, “Digital Gate, open.”
The gate opened and Betsumon was dumped into it as if Angewomon was taking out the trash. And then, Ken closed the gate.
When they were leaving the alley, they saw a very very EMOTIONAL Daisuke with Chibimon on his head, dragging Takeru by his wrist (with Patamon on Takeru’s head) -- Ken gulped: They will have to explain a lot of this to those two now…
“KEN! YOU, YOU--!!”
“Daisuke I--”
“Eh!?” Ken and Hikari blinked. Then Daisuke gestured to the store they stood in front of -- a store with stuff for parties.
“At first I thought you and Hikari-chan liked each other!” Daisuke babbled, dramatically of course “But Takeru and I found that too strange! And I know you like you-know-who so it would be bad if you were like that cheap prince named Wallace, the dude from America, y’know!”
Ken and Hikari looked at each other. Didn’t Daisuke see them leaving the alley, so maybe they could roll with it, right?
“But! But Hikari-chan is Miyako’s bestie, and you’re so tall and chill so it wouldn’t mind carrying a few boxes for her, right!?”
“Uh… Yeah!” Hikari nodded, “I called Ichijouji-kun to help me with the packages! But turns out we had to catch a digimon and send it back to the Digital World, so we did it without calling the others!”
Takeru had been shaken by Daisuke’s gestures (because Daisuke didn’t let go of his wrist) and he was completely exhausted from being dragged like that. Daisuke sighed relieved:
“Ok, I’m glad you two are fine… But what was that thing about not gettin’ close to Chosen Children and partnered digimon to not infect them with a flu?”
“H-huh?” Ken looked at her.
“Oh…!!” Hikari was sweating now, but kept calm, “I know you guys would spill the beans if I told you about Miyako’s birthday surprise party, so… I asked for Ichijouji-kun’s help instead.”
“I see… Well then, next time call Takeru and me! We can handle it! We’re strong too!!”
“Right! I will call you and Takeru-kun if we need help then.”
“Call me for wh--” then Daisuke just turned back, still dragging Takeru by his wrist “He-hey! Daisuke-kun--”
“... Should we tell them later?” Ken and Wormmon asked the other two.
“Yes, we should tell them later,” they replied.
“Now that he mentioned it… Isn’t Miyako’s birthday in May?” and then the boy raised an eyebrow, “We’re in August…”
“Considering it was Daisuke who made that assumption, better not remember him yet” Tailmon shrugged, Hikari giggled.
Suddenly, Hikari’s phone rang and she answered the call, it was Miyako: “Hikari-chan! I’m sorry I couldn’t help you with that sneaky creep digimon! But… Are you okay? Did it work?”
“Oh, it worked! You were right, Ichijouji-kun and I beat that Betsumon and… I think we will have to explain it to Takeru-kun and Daisuke-kun later…”
“Oh… Well, I’ll message them later. Are you with Ken-kun now?”
“Yes, he’s here! Do you want to talk to him?” and then she gave the phone to Ken, and he was… a little confused and tense?
“Hello, it’s Miyako!” Miyako said with a happy voice tone, “A-ah, I’m sorry for that! I dumped this on you because of a school club activity… But it was our only option, the other two wouldn’t work for that job!!”
“W-wait, it was your idea??” Ken blinked.
“Hehe… Sorry~”
Of course it was actually Miyako’s plan. Hikari isn’t the kind to make risky plans… Or ask someone to pretend to be a boyfriend to shoo some stalker out. However, Miyako… Yeah, this explains why Hikari was so tense and nervous. But she was also watched by Betsumon, so…
“... N-next time please explain to me before sending Hikari-san. We almost made Daisuke freak out thinking we were secretly dating.”
“Of course he would put a nail in my perfect plan!” she growled, “But I will explain everything to everyone! Sorry and Thank you~♡”
She hung up. Ken silently gave the phone to Hikari again. Oh that day was… Too stressful, he might go home and crash in bed. He looked at Hikari, his brain kinda fried by whatever happened that day:
“Why did Miyako-san make a plan like this if Tailmon was the target?”
“Uh… We thought Betsumon was a partnered digimon… So we thought it was someone else and Betsumon.”
“That… That sounds right,” he remembered how both Daisuke and V-mon are though…
“We were hiding one more detail though” Tailmon began, explaining, “Someone tried to attack Hikari when she found the letter, and then I protected her. I ran after the suspect, but then I got hit by something and devolved into Plotmon.”
“You mean… Betsumon attacked you?” Wormmon commented.
“Yeah, and then… When I went to look for Tailmon…” Hikari continued from there, “Betsumon found me and asked to bring Tailmon. Hours later, she came home as Plotmon and told me what happened.”
“Hmm…” Ken mused, “That Betsumon was looking after something then…”
“But let’s not worry about it now” Hikari said quickly and awkwardly, “It might be just some love sick Betsumon, right?”
“No, it doesn’t seem to be the case…” Ken thought, “But I’ll keep an eye on our surroundings…”
If it was on purpose or just a digimon in love with Tailmon they don’t know. Whatever comes next is uncertain, so better not waste time thinking too hard about it…
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lattehearted · 6 months
Archie Comics
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Daphne Tremaine (OC)
Delilah Tremaine (OC)
Diana Tremaine (OC)
Drizella Tremaine
Melody Andersen
Pacifica Northwest
Danganronpa (unfortunately lol)
Miu Iruma
Miyako Okamoto (OC)
Hanako "Peko" Pekoyama
Sonia Nordskov Nevermind
Yasu Sonada (OC)
Fandomless OCs
Alondra Santiago (modern witch OC)
Liora Avram (affiliated werewolf OC)
Nasreen Shirazi (affiliated vampire OC)
Fantasy High
Adaine Abernant / O'Shaughnessy
Aelwyn Abernant
Ayda Aguefort (TESTING)
Figueroth Faeth
Ivy Embra
Kristen Applebees (TESTING)
Mazey Phaedra (TESTING)
Ostantatia Wallace (TESTING)
Sam Nightingale (TESTING)
Sandra Lynn Faeth
Fire Emblem
Annette Fantine Dominic (Three Houses ; TESTING)
Byleth Eisner (Three Houses ; she/they)
Corrin (Fates ; she/her ; TESTING)
Dorothea Arnault (Three Houses)
Hilda Valentine Goneril (Three Houses)
Ingrid Brandl Galatea (Three Houses)
Inigo / Laslow (Awakening and Fates)
Leonie Pinelli (Three Houses)
Maribelle (Awakening ; TESTING)
Olivia (Awakening ; TESTING)
Owain / Odin (Awakening and Fates)
Robin (Awakening ; she/her ; TESTING)
Severa / Selena (Awakening and Fates)
Sumia (Awakening ; TESTING)
Yunaka (Engage)
Forte Castagna (Rune Factory 4)
Juliet Capulet (reincarnation AU)
Leah Revankar-Walsh (Stardew Valley)
Wednesday Addams (90s movies and musical based)
Graziella "Hotshot" Kowalski (OC)
Dungeons and Dragons (AUs for live play show universes and BG3 available)
Winlynn Ariel Northeris (air genasi bard)
Secret Menu
Abigail Lee-Dubois (Stardew Valley ; TESTING)
Alex Flores-Mulner (Stardew Valley)
Catalina Gonzales (dance instructor OC - loosely based on h*talia)
Giselle Legume (Disney OC)
Koriand'r / Kori Anders / Starfire (DC Comics)
Julie Powers (Scott Pilgrim ; TESTING)
Katherine Plumber (Newsies)
Oliver "Mush" Meyers (Newsies)
Phoebe Rae Carter (supernatural hunter OC)
Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim ; TESTING)
Remy's Secret Menu
Albert Dasilva (Newsies)
Daniel "Spot" Conlon (Newsies)
Esperanza "Hope" Delgado (Newsies OC)
Hannah McGowan (Newsies)
Jyn Erso (Star Wars)
Harriet Hook (Disney OC)
Luna D'Angelo (fandomless OC)
"Poppy" Higgins (Newsies OC)
Sarah Jacobs (Newsies)
Peg Hunnicutt (M*A*S*H)
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digitalworid · 7 months
🐈 [to daisuke. miyako doesn't need a reason]
[Send 🐈 to pick up my your muse by the scruff of their neck like the menace they are!]
"Aaah-!" Up he goes. God dammit. "You...you tree! I'm going to have my growth spurt, then everyone has to stop calling me 'fun-size', you hear me!? I'll be the tallest! Put me down!"
Tumblr media
Squirming. Kicking, even."Let go!! It's not funny!!!!"
And yet such a growth spurt would never come, he was doomed to be outpaced by Iori before they graduated highschool, and be the runt of the 2002 litter for the rest of his life.
Would that he knew who cursed him to such a fate, he wouldn't be able to retaliate, being too short and all.
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