#muse: wilhelm the enforcer
general-kalani · 10 months
Like this post for a starter from Wilhelm the Enforcer!
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{ Multimuses lmk who you want him to respond to! }
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viptower · 3 years
hc: wilhelm made saint n wolf himself n is quite good at engineering, he just prefers fighting ((low-key his special interest n im not at all project my adhd))
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anon ur brain is enormous
I hc that sometimes he just idly talks/rambles to them when he's alone or bored. they don't really understand his mannerisms but they just kinda. listen. and like. just hum and buzz at him.
yes i know they have actual voices but just sit w me here and think about them with sorta animal-like behavior
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[drape]+[lift] for uh tps verse? - @steak-n-robots
[ drape ] - to drape a blanket / jacket / coat over your muse’s shoulders + [ lift ] - to lift your muse up in my muse’s arms
It should have been an easy task, that one. Just a little side-gig while the original owner of his face planned the next move to get back at Zarpederp or how-she's-called. An easy and simple mission in which Timothy could have gotten some more practice with weapons and fighting, in which he was accompanied only by Wilhelm. But whatever could have went wrong, it went wrong.
He blinked a couple of times, realizing to having been knocked out for a few minutes after the battle. What happened? His mind is still too foggy and everything hurts. And he's cold. Very cold, and shivering. Not even the time to figure out why he's so cold, that someone drapes him with a warm jacket. "Uh-" the double needs only a second more to register that the jacket in question is Wilhelm's. And as soon as he notices it, opening his mouth to say something, the Enforcer lifts him up in his arms.
"Ah-" he exhales "Uh- thank you, big guy, but I'm fine, I'm frigging cold but I'm fine" Timothy continues, a light blush appearing on his face "Y-you can let me down, I can stand. And walk...there's... uh- I know that I'm handsome but there's no need to carry me bride-style" he grimaced "No, okay, fuck being in character. But- yeah, I'm fine. You- you can let me down, please and thank you."
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chicagocityofclans · 3 years
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Good Evening City of Clans,
As we discussed on Discord, due to inactivity, we have decided to end the Starter Prompt early. On Friday, February 19th at 9 am CST we will be ending the Starter Prompt and dropping threads. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause muns and muses. Our dash has threads that have been open and ongoing since December. These threads are beginning to overlap. A mass thread drop will be refreshing and show the effects of the Starter Prompt. 
To aid in making this transition smooth, we’ve attached a recap of the Starter Prompt and a few major events that have taken course since December. Below the ‘Keeping Reading’ will be every Original Character who has joined Chicago that might not be on written bios; Upcoming plots and major plots that are now set in motion; Full recap of the 10 Starter Prompts; and new main RPG links to check out. 
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions and/or concerns. Also, be on the lookout for our Favorites Prompt coming out on Saturday. 
New Arrivals Update
The following people have arrived in Chicago since December.
Inez Sparks: Inez is a newly written human shifter that has been established in Chicago for decades. She might not have connections to prewritten bios but she has connections to the local human shifters. Please refer to her bios for these connections.
Gendry Kingsley: Gendry is a witch who is over a millennia-old. He has returned to Chicago after being gone for about a decade. He might not have connections to prewritten bios but he has connections to the local supernatural community. Please refer to his bios for these connections.
Siobhan Cooke: Siobhan is a newly written Kodiak Bear shifter who has lived in Chicago and been a part of Clan Heavy for her entire life. She might not have connections to prewritten bios but she has connections to Clan Heavy. Please refer to her bio for these connections.
Ella Greene: Ella is a newly written hyena that was born and raised outside of Chicago. She was recently bitten and turned into a hyena. She might not have connections to prewritten bios but she has connections to local Hyena Clan. Please refer to her bio for these connections.
Tiggy Krieger: Tiggy was scouted out by a local seeker, Emmett Wilhelm, to join the Chicago supernatural population. She is a warlock with the power of disintegration and is now mentoring under Garrett Cleirigh.
Luke Corvinus: Luke’s pack was killed senselessly by hunters. He is a coywolf who came to Chicago in search of Anton and has joined the Nimble Clan. He is debating joining the local Wolf Clan but refuses to do so without Anton.
Dante Parisi: Dante is a grizzly bear and a member of Michael Johnansen’s old pack. Dante alone with 36 moose, 20 assorted bears, 8 mountain goats, multiple families of bison, reindeers, and rams moved to Chicago and joined Clan Heavy after they had trouble adjusting in Wyoming.
Natasha Mahoney: Natasha is a human shifter that moved to Chicago from Nashville. She moved along with her sister to be closer with her long-distance boyfriend, Sirius Cobic, and to work as a supernatural lawyer.
General Plot Updates
Clan Rat has found out about the Underground being truly poisoned and the Vampire Seethe Master is asking for retribution from the entire clan for the damage and heartache they’ve caused.
The local Human Shifters have confessed that a handful of human cops, detectives, judges, and internal affairs (law enforcement) know about the Supernatural. While the immortal three could care less, a majority of the Animal Shifter Council is furious and are in the works of planning a Council meeting to discuss possible consequences.
The Lasiter Mark has officially been added to the Codex. Updates on the main are soon to follow.
Gretchen Sims has finally officially taken the head position of Clan Hyena. Nada Rajui has returned to his position as 2nd and Liaison.
Scorpius Getta has told the supernatural community about plans for Hotel Winona and asked for Witches and Warlocks to lend a hand.
Garrett Cleirigh has campaigned for the open warlock seat on the council and has been granted the seat.
Starter Prompt Recap 
Below is a recap of what happened during the unfinished Starter Prompt.
Bess found out about vampires. Dan killed a Comic book store owner and Bess caught him in the act. Dan eventually convinced her to help him clean up the mess. He promised her they would see again before running from the freshly cleaned-up scene. 
Bess has possibly found out about magic users. She found Lyra on the scene of a deadly B&E (breaking and entering). Lyra followed a spirit that was begging for help when Bess showed up. Lyra explained to Bess that she thought she heard someone in the backroom calling out for help before eventually teleporting away. 
Bess found out about the supernatural. Inez was trying to cover up a hyena attack when Bess showed up on the scene. The owner of a Comic Book store was bitten and in the process of changing as Inez tried to come up with a cover story for Bess. During this Bess was attacked by a shifted hyena whom Inez shot dead as a result. Bess was bleeding from the head when Inez reported that there was an officer down and that they needed an ambulance. Inez stayed on the scene to explain things to the responding human shifter cop.
Rhiannon found Ainsley as a fox and took her home to heal her. She believed her to be a real fox and was simply wanting to help out an injured animal. Ainsley shifted back to her human form once Rhiannon had her healed and Rhiannon offered her a change of clothes and a ride back to her home. 
Patch found a fox being attacked by a wild coyote and saved her. He brought her home and cared for her thinking she was a real fox. He eventually called on Judson to help him and it was an awkward moment when he found out his new pet, Maid Marian, was actually Ainsley from Clan Nimble. Judson volunteered to take Ainsley home as Patch wrapped his head around having bathe a grown woman in her shifted form. 
Peter saved Ainsley from a coyote attack. He caught the color of her white eyes earlier on and knew she was a nimble shifter. He talked her into shifting back to her human form but Ainsley soon passed out after. Giving her his jacket, Peter took her to the hospital and contacted Clan Nimble. He stayed long enough to give a police report and retell the story to Percy before leaving. 
Lyra was found by Ben’s ghost and led to where Conrad was laying. She decided to help him out of the Underground, and this led to Conrad finding out that Lyra could speak and see Ben, who had died over a year ago. Lyra explained that her powers allowed her to see and speak with the spirits of the dead. 
Conrad was found unconscious and naked by Kris, who ran to Jaxson and Sam, who were visiting the Underground, for help. Jaxson took charge of the situation and ordered an evacuation of the Underground. Jaxson and Sam started to feel symptoms of whatever poison that was still lingering around Conrad as they carried him out of the Underground. Kris was waiting for them when they got out and drove them to one of the safehouses. 
Getta, Petra, and Sadie found Conrad unconscious and naked Underground. Getta ordered one of their magical healers to heal Conrad. They explained to Conrad what happened to him and the poisonous gas that plagues the Underground. Geta got in contact with the Human Shifter to escort Conrad out of the Underground, after having Conrad sign a waiver, acknowledging that he was not attacked by anyone Underground. 
Winnie found Conrad naked and unconscious in the Underground. She woke him up with her powers and after the two realized one another were Supernaturals he trusted her enough to get him out. Conrad shifted and Winnie carried him out in her pocket. He had her drop him off not far from a safe house. After she left he scurried in and passed out again.
Kudzai found Conrad naked and unconscious in the Underground. She teleported him to her home and began healing him. After he regained consciousness, Kudzai contacted Nick who came to pick him up. 
Emmett got Monty to help with his search for a dangerous witch he was searching for. She was arrested and punished by the Council. Patch and Monty are tasked with coming up with a cover-up story for the Nimbles News report and their own police and autopsy reports. 
Duke was taken to Isaac. Monty did not believe that Duke had a twin brother that was the culprit. Isaac explained that Duke indeed had a twin brother and asked for the charges for the destruction of property to be dropped. 
Asa was taken to Clara. Clara’s reaction wasn’t the best, therefore, Monty didn’t stick around for long and made sure to erase all evidence. 
Ebony was taken to Alexus who happened to be with Grant at the moment. Monty told them of what happened that there will possibly be charges rung up against her if the animal shifter wanted.  
Asa was injured due to Ebony but got away. He was found on the side of the road where he had fallen and was taken to the ER where Kudzai worked. She performed surgery on him and he is mending. 
Zack was injured in a clan dispute. Kudzai healed Zack’s minor injuries enough to wake him up and ask a few questions before preparing him for surgery. Zack asked for his wife, Sarah, to be called and waited for her to arrive before proceeding with the procedure. Zack had a bruised liver and had to have an exploratory laparoscopic procedure to examine the extent of the damage. Kudzai surgically and magically fixed Zack’s severe blood loss, a forming infection, and a slight problem forming in his bile ducts. The procedure was successful but Zack remained in the hospital under Kudzai care for a few days. Since Zack refused to age, Kudzai, with the help of Rhiannon had to slowly heal him and make it look like he was aging to trick the on-duty human nurses. 
Peter was injured in an attack by fellow wolves who were attempting to take his position. He allowed Kudzai to begin to heal him and asked that she contact Garrett Cleirigh. Who quickly teleported there and teleported Peter away. There was no discharge order and no patient, so Kudzai had to come up with a cover story, causing more tension between the two council members. 
Cassandra was unconscious when she arrived. Kudzai made quick work of healing her and contacted her emergency contact Helenus. Kudzai has asked that Cassandra return for a checkup since the reasoning behind her unconsciousness was inconclusive. 
Helo was setting up new surveillance for CAMO when Ebony came out in full gear and began running after him. He eventually played it off like he was human, and swore not to tell anyone she chased him if she let him go. He is unsure if she bought the ruse or not. Ebony doesn’t fully buy Helo’s story and plans on getting security surveillance up soon. She has also reached out to her neighbors about a suspicious kid around the neighborhood that she thinks might break in; knowing they will more than likely call the cops if he shows his face around there again.
Ebony has made it aware that she wants to take over the family and went on a hunt to prove her intentions. Sam saw Ebony prowling around the younger Jackal shifters she was watching and decided to lead her off of them. This led to a chase in the park where the two women fought. Sam was able to change into her rat form and slip away from the hunter. She sustained mild injuries but declined to admit how she got them to others in her pack out of embarrassment that a hunter got some hits in. Ebony is trying to figure out what kind of supernatural the girl was. One moment she was there and another moment she had vanished. She is hoping to trail the girl in the future and find out more. 
Ebony was chasing Asa on a hunch that he was an animal shifter. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it but she was guessing that he was something big and powerful by the way he moved through the trees. Ebony eventually caught up with Asa and held his attention with a crossbow pointed at his heart. She was able to do a brief interrogation before Asa attacked then gave her the slip. Asa made it to the ER with a crossbow injury and a few other cuts and bruises. 
Neaera got a recording of Lyra performing a ritual in the woods. While Lyra was able to bind the spirit but she didn’t finish her ritual due. Neaera played dumb and ran from the scene. She replayed what she got to Ray and Louis. GOLD plans on returning to the scene of the ritual to see if they can gather more information and they also plan on putting an expert group on Lyra. 
Talia walked in on Lyra performing a ritual by chance. The disruption was enough for one of the spirits to escape. Talia and Lyra spent the entire night recapturing the escaped spirit. Lyra finished her ritual but it was under the close watch of Talia and Roman; whom Talia talked Lyra into calling.
Averill watched Lyra work from the darkness of the woods, randomly, but a scream from somewhere else distracted the both of them. They would later find out it was a scream from a hunter hunting down an animal shifter. Lyra had asked that Averill help her catch the elemental spirits that escaped during the short distraction for her ritual. The two formed a somewhat awkward bond while hunting down and summoning the last two spirits needed for the ritual. 
Ken managed to get out of the Underground without too many consequences thanks to Arthur. He called Judson once out of the Underground and Judson teleported to his aid. Once Judson saw that it was Arthur that had helped Ken, Ken learned that Arthur was a good friend of Roman’s, who had made Ken’s work life a living nightmare. 
Isabetta was unaffected by Ken’s powers. She easily picked him out of the crowd as the possible culprit which Ken confessed to and had no power over what was happening. Offering to help him out and into a Lyft or Uber, Isabetta and Ken made their way out of the underground while avoiding people who were obviously affected by his power. Ken may have given Isabetta his number and address as a thank you gesture. He also offered to get her a wine bottle filled with the blood of an aged witch or warlock with the power of her choice. 
Rachel was working on her homework Underground when she noticed all of the non-vampires were acting strange. She was ready to bold, not wanting anyone to think she had anything to do with it when she nearly tripped over Ken. They met before and striking up a conversation wasn’t hard. Rachel found out that it was Ken causing all of the commotions and that his powers don't work on her. With the help of Fiona and Aleksander, Rachel was able to help Ken from the Underground and contact Simon who took Ken home. 
Skylar accidentally pulled water out of Kate’s water bottle. She witnessed the water act almost animatedly and when Skylar ran into the nearest store, Kate followed. There she was met with the sight of her long-term crush, Ryan Cleirigh. He sent Skylar away to Judson and then invited Kate up to his apartment to explain what she saw. 
Skylar lost control of her powers when she found out she was locked out of her apartment building. Minsky tried to help her calm down but Skylar’s magic had the best of her. She saw Minsky as a threat and the key her magic was forming eventually turned into a knife. Minsky managed to talk her down and Skylar apologized before making a run for Judson’s shop. She explained what happened to Judson, who gave her Minsky’s number, and Skylar personally called him to apologize again.
Fenrin saved Skylar from exposing herself when she accidentally used her magic in public. He triggered a fire hydrant to go off and made his escape with Skylar. Both had heard of each other from mutual contacts caused Skylar to be more relaxed than she would have with anyone else. Fenrin offered to buy her a coffee to calm her nerves as she waited for Audo, Ryan, or Judson to return home. Fenrin and Skylar talked about their shared powers and got to know each other. 
Kudzai witnessed Skylar’s accidental magic. Being older and a Council member, Kudzai was able to send a spell causing the water to evaporate. She and Skylar walked around the block before Kudzai offered to teleport inside of Skylar’s apartment. While they were walking, Kudzai was able to calm Skylar’s nerves and assure her that things like that happened all the time. Skylar has never thought about joining the medical field but they had exchanged numbers and Kudzai told Skylar to contact her if she ever wanted to talk about it.
Skylar’s magic had a mind of its own and unknowingly pulled coffee from two Starbucks cups Lyra was holding to form a key for her apartment. Lyra’s soothing and calming tone helped Skylar calm down enough to stop her oncoming panic attack. With instructions from Lyra, Skylar was able to place the coffee back into the coffee cups but insisted on buying Lyra new ones. 
Asa heard about what was happening at the zoo and went to help Michael with crowd control. Michael and Asa lost sight of each other when the human shifters finally stepped in after someone tried to climb over a gated area. However, when Michael returned to the Hotel, and sought out Asa and thanked him for his help. 
Clara saw Michael’s speech and the outcome on social media. She went to help but somehow the two got into a heated dispute. A few choice words were said and Michael has been avoiding Clara like a plague. 
Hailey lost track of where she was and ended up in a rioting crowd that Michael was trying to talk the crowd down and keep the peace. Michael explained what was happening to her but was quickly pulled away from her by someone else. 
Ebony was tracking someone to the zoo when she ran into the big crowd. Michael tried to explain what was happening to her but she clearly wasn’t buying what he was selling. Michael doesn’t know she’s a hunter but wrote down his Twitter information on a flyer he gave her. He would like to continue to pick her brain but it is only if she follows him or reaches out to him. 
New Links and Pages
Most Wanted Connections - New Tag
Most Wanted Connections Application - New Page 
Monthly Plot Updates - New Navi Section 
Rules Page - Update 02/12/2021
Taken Face Claims - Updated 02/18/2021
Masterlist Update (Missing Ella Greene) - Coming Soon
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capeshifters · 4 years
New Muses
Serafina Rosario
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Name: Serafina Rosario fc: Manni L. Perex / in sims Gender: female Age/DoB : about 35 in 1998 Race: wizard /pureblood Height: 5′3 Sexual/Romantic pref: bisexual/heteroromantic(middle sex drive) Personality: nerdy, kind, friendly, brave Zodiac: virgo Occupation: Teacher at BeauBatons / Hogwarts   Studiedat : Hogwarts
Lilo Young 
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Name: Lilo Young  fc: Nyakim Gatwech / in sims Gender: female Age/DoB : about 25 in 1998 Race: wizard /halfblood/animagus Height: 4′11 Sexual/Romantic pref: pansexual c(high sex drive) Personality: funny, sunny, joyful, nice, lively , smart Zodiac: leo Occupation: In the Department of the Magical Creatures in the Ministry of Magic Studied at : Hogwarts / Hufflepuff
Wilhelm Marble
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Name: Wilhelm Marble fc: Santiago Carbera Gender: male  Age/DoB : about 45 in 1998 Race: wizard /pureblood/death eater spy Height: 6′1 Sexual/Romantic pref: bisexual (high sex drive) Personality: Charming, casual, classy, good manners, secretive, emotionless sometimes Zodiac: scorpio Occupation: In the Department of the Magical Law Enforcement  in the Ministry of Magic (not an auror) Studied at : Hogwarts /Slytherin 
They can have more verse later on :) but now Wilhelm and Serafina have only HP verse, Lily has Dragon Age verse, where she works in a brothel , is a mage and shapeshifter but keeps that secret and ally to pirates and cousin to Jacob Rivera.(my muse)
All are in the muse page but bios will come later
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theculturedmarxist · 5 years
What really makes me mad when I read critical (and even some favorable) reactions to my work is the recurring characterization of me as a postmodern cultural critic – the one thing I don’t want to be. I consider myself a philosopher dealing with fundamental ontological questions, and, furthermore, a philosopher in the traditional vein of German Idealism.
Everyone who has seen Hitchcock’s Vertigo remembers the mysterious scene in the sequoia park where Madeleine walks over to a redwood cross-section of an over-thousand-year-old trunk showing its growth history by date, points to two circular lines close to the outer edge and says: “Here I was born . . . and here I died.” In a similar way, we can imagine a philosophy muse in front of a timeline of European history, pointing to two date markers close to each other and saying: “Here I was born . . . and here I died.” The first marker designates 1781, the publication date of Immanuel Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, and the second one 1831, the year of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s death.
For me, in some sense, all of philosophy happened in these fifty years: the vast development prior to it was just a preparation for the rise of the notion of the transcendental, and in the post-Hegelian development, philosophy returns in the guise of the common Judy, i.e., the vulgar nineteenth-century empiricism. For me, all four great German idealists — Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel — articulated a distance towards idealist subjectivity and gained a non-metaphysical insight into the essence of history and the alienation of our existence. They struggled with how to break out of the horizon of absolute subjectivity without regressing to pre-transcendental realism.
But which Hegel am I referring to here? Where am I speaking from? To simplify it to the utmost, the triad that defines my philosophical stance is that of Baruch Spinoza, Kant and Hegel. Spinoza is arguably the pinnacle of realist ontology: there is substantial reality out there, and we can get to know it through our reason, dispelling the veil of illusions. Kant’s transcendental turn introduces a radical gap here: we cannot ever gain access to the way things are in themselves, our reason is constricted to the domain of phenomena, and if we try to reach beyond phenomena to the totality of being, our mind gets caught in necessary antinomies and inconsistencies. What Hegel does here is to posit that there is no reality in-itself beyond phenomena, which does not mean that all that there is is the interplay of phenomena. The phenomenal world is marked by the bar of impossibility, but beyond this bar there is nothing, no other world, no positive reality, so we are not returning to pre-Kantian realism; it is just that what for Kant is the limitation of our knowledge, the impossibility to reach the thing-in-itself, is inscribed into this thing itself.
Furthermore, Hegel is NOT a critical thinker: his basic stance is that of reconciliation – not reconciliation as a long-term goal but reconciliation as a fact which confronts us with the unexpected bitter truth of the actualized Ideal. If there is a Hegelian motto, it is something like: find a truth in how things turn wrong! The message of Hegel is not “the spirit of trust” (the title of Robert Brandom’s latest book on Hegel’s Phenomenology) but rather the spirit of distrust – his premise is that every large human project turns wrong and only in this way attests to its truth. The French Revolution wanted universal freedom and climaxed in terror, Communism wanted global emancipation and gave birth to Stalinist terror… Hegel’s lesson is thus a new version of Big Brother’s famous slogan from George Orwell’s 1984 ”freedom is slavery”: when we try to enforce freedom directly, the result is slavery. So whatever Hegel is, he is decidedly not a thinker of a perfect ideal that we approach infinitely.
Heinrich Heine (who was Hegel’s student in the philosopher’s last years) propagated the story that he once told Hegel he cannot endorse Hegel’s formula “all that is actual is rational,” and that Hegel looked carefully around and told his student not too loudly: “Perhaps, I should say: all that is actual should be rational.” Even if factually true, this anecdote is philosophically a lie – if not an outright invention of Heine, it represents Hegel’s attempt to cover up from his student the painful message or truth of his thinking.
Such a Hegel is the central point of reference of my entire work.
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entelexcheia · 6 years
// bcos im sappy over ur reply ⊗ for jack n hora
Send me ⊗ for 3+ headcanons about your muse and mine. ( x )
The bastard is more than likely in love with her but just can’t bring himself to confess or even admit it for that matter because he’s a little bitch. 
1. Okay, in all seriousness, he just doesn’t really know how to handle these kinds of emotions, as cliché as that sounds but it’s true. 
Since he never really had anyone who’s treated him with this much genuine kindness (tbh it’s almost overwhelming), he can’t help but be attached to her but at the same time, he’s afraid to get too close. It’s ironic considering that she’s one of the most comforting people to be around for him but his self-doubt gets in the way. 
He cares for her. He just wants her to be safe and happy. He has no doubt in his mind that she feels the same way towards him but beyond that? He has no idea. They’re friends but is there potential for something more than that? He honestly has no idea. 
He’d like to be more than just friends but there’s a lot of complications involved if they even get together in the first place. They’re already kind of on thin ice as it is. He’s worried about a lot of things and some of them aren’t necessarily unfounded either. 
Besides, it’s entirely up to her and what she wants in the end. 
Despite of all this, he wants to do his best to be there for her. That’s all he can do for her, since he just cares for her that much.
2. If they get together, in a specific verse or whatever, then I honestly think that they’d be super adorable and happy together, their long distance aside. 
Furthermore, since Jack is busy most of the time, he’d only really be able to see her in person a few times. They’d have a better chance of keeping in touch through technology. 
He’d have to tell her the truth about his life though. His past, his actual occupation. Why he’s even involved with Wilhelm and Hell in general to begin with. It’d be really difficult at first, but he trusts her more than anyone. 
It’s hard for Jack to trust people but with Horizon, he finds it a lot easier to do so, which is just another reason why he loves her. 
Of course, he wouldn’t just hide it from her. Even before he’d confess his feelings, Jack would probably try to break it to her as gently as possible that he’s not as good of a person as she thinks he is.
He’s not sure how she’d react and he honestly wouldn’t blame her if she wanted nothing to do with him after finding out what he’s done. A part of him would accept it but another part of him would probably would just wish that he could hide this from her forever, but he really can’t. He can’t lie to her.
Knowing Horizon though, I see her looking past all of that and accepting him for who he is, since Jack himself really does want to better himself.
I think they’d both help each other out in that regard, improving themselves to be better people but as far as Jack is convinced, Hora’s already perfect the way she is. :3rz
3. If they don’t get together, then Jack would accept it. That is to say if she ends up with someone else (most likely Giga) or if she rejects his confession or whatever. He can’t really enforce anything upon her, since he loves her and he’d let her go and still look out for her. 
No matter what happens, he’d still be super protective of her. Cares about her too much to the point where he’d probably end up getting lowkey distracted at times. 
Which is a problem in of itself, considering he’s got a lot of work to do but if anything, he’d try to motivate himself to work harder so that he isn’t slacking off.
I see him supporting her until the very end, until he inevitably dies because uh, I don’t actually know what kind of “ending” I have planned for Jack but it definitely involves something along the lines of a termination of his contract with Wil. >>;;; 
Until then though, no matter what, he’d just try to be with her as much as possible. Whether it be through idle chatter, going on a trip somewhere, or just doing absolutely nothing while sitting around in each other’s company. 
It’s the little things in life that make it really worthwhile for them.
I just want these children to be happy. ; w ;
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general-kalani · 9 months
{ @threadsandwings liked for a starter from Wilhelm the enforcer! }
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"Hey, kid. What brings you here?" Probably the first one to have noticed Audrey was even here but he was mostly making small talk so he wasn't bored. Waiting to find the Elpis Vault was such a drain on him.
He wanted it over and done with already so he could get paid, leave, get his cool robot stuff up and running and then get more payments.
But no, stuck on Helios till Jack finished up finding exactly where the Vault was.
If there was every any other time he was bored, he surely forgot about it.
Plus he was just trying to get better at small talk. He was never the best at conversations in the first place.
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general-kalani · 9 months
{ @redjaybird liked for a starter from Wilhelm the enforcer! }
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Well that wasn't very nice from him. Then again, when was he ever nice.
A steady income from Jack ensured his loyalty never wavered. The sick ass robot suit ensured he wasn't going to leave any time soon either.
This guy though, who wandered Helios as if it was his own space station. He could just feel the arrogance.
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general-kalani · 10 months
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{ @redjaybird oh no LMFAO- }
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"Looked at me wrong."
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general-kalani · 9 months
{ @nicholas-wolfwood liked for a starter from Wilhelm the enforcer! }
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"... Holy shit kid, you use that regularly?" A simple question from a simple guy.
Seriously though what is that?! he hadn't seen anything like it in the Borderlands. It was kinda cool.
Kinda freaky.
And the fact this guy was so casual about using it too was bewildering...
Maybe he should pick up something like that, surely it wasn't that heavy. "Teach me how that works later."
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general-kalani · 9 months
{ @starvingtongue liked for a starter from Wilhelm the enforcer! }
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Being alive was not a foreign feeling to Wilhelm. What was foreign was the imminent stench of betrayal. The abandonment.
His mind failed to cooperate for a few minutes but system warnings flashed.
Heavy damage sustained. Disconnection from lower legs.
It was hard for his memory to cooperate. To recognise that he wanted to access what happened before this. Then it clicked.
The fight with the Vault Hunters. They took him down. Nearly killed him if it wasn't for the fact he was... Meant to be a badass robot!
But here he was, staring at the sky as snow drifted down and touched what remained of his face.
He might as well-
Oh it was just his luck...
That was probably why there was no rescue for him. It was time for him to get repaired, then continue the fight with those Vault Hunters.
Though the question lingered in the back of his mind. Why were they able to destroy part of his body, but before they weren't able to scratch him?
It was something he didn't want to think about. Something he didn't want to entertain the idea of. Something he was somehow terrified of hearing the answer to.
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general-kalani · 10 months
Problem: Exists
Wilhelm: I'm gonna shoot it and see if it goes away.
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general-kalani · 9 months
!!!- I would love to see any HC's you've got with Audrey and the BL characters esp Knoxx, Hammerlock/Jackobs, Katagawa Jr, Wil I'm also curious about HC's ideas you have about the Seed brothers too. Of course only do what you have the inspiration for. Don't feel like you need to talk about all of them just ideas.
{ Prompt from here!
Mun note: I GOTTA TALK ABOUT ALL OF THEM MAN LMFAO I'm a sucker for going in-depth about them ykyk- Under a read more for being long }
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He's KINDA terrified of Audrey. Mostly because she's a pseudo-siren and he has. Lots of trauma with that from Lilith. The fact he has to work alongside her ALSO doesn't help things. But the HC? Working alongside Audrey helps him get over that trauma because, well, she's young he can't hold it against HER and. Yeah they work great together. Actually finds himself relaxing when around Audrey.
Refuses to admit he's 'going soft'.
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She's adopted by them. I can't hc past this she's just been adopted and they're gonna take such great care of her and spoil her and-
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Would rather drop her off the face of the galaxy than deal with her. To him, she's a brat and he'd rather die than even look at her.
Slowly grows to like her for shenanigans though. He has never known 'fun' but her introducing it to him? Well he kinda likes it!
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Yeah he'd be like. An older brother to her. Not exactly adopted but he's absolutely the type to laugh at whatever she did one minute and then defend her the next going "SHE'S DOING FUCKING GREAT AND YOU WILL SUPPORT HER TOO."
Honestly, best dynamic.
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Would try to use her for his plans. Of course he's not really seeing it as such. It's necessary to him that he takes 'control' of her. After all, a witch is powerful in the right hands and while God may be disappointed in him for it, but he'll do anything to make the sinners repent and atone quicker.
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Would be the one to condition her if Joseph gave her to him. Is it brutal? Sure. But it's the one thing he knows how to do well and it's making soldiers. And she'd be the most special soldier he's made.
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Would teach her how to fly a plane. That's really it nothing special past that. And teaching her how to torture people should he be away. But mostly the plane flying.
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general-kalani · 9 months
{ @starvingtongue sent in; ❝ Open your eyes, and see the truth around you. ❞ (from the watcher to wilhelm)
Prompt from here! }
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Oh he didn't want to. Oh how he didn't want to recognise the fact he was abandoned and betrayed.
And yet.
Where was Jack? Where was the backup? The guards?!
Each day that passed without this backup and guards gave him more despair.
And then there was that damn ECHO recording.
He didn't want to recognise it was real! He didn't want to believe it was real.
Why would Jack try to throw him away like this?!
Did everything before mean nothing? Was he really that much of a pawn to be used and then cast aside? He was more than that how could he be sacrificed like that?!
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general-kalani · 10 months
"Watch out for sharks"
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"What about it? I'm gonna shoot it."
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