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|| QUICKSILVER by @veroww
Do not know if I ever posted this?? I do not think so. A commission for me made by beautiful veroww a long time ago when I still RPed Quicksilver. He is running in STYLE.
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Me, reading the Scarlet Witch (2023) comic: Oh this seems nice. PIETRO IS HERE!
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Me: Oh no what have you done-
I was so mad about this and I don't think anyone will ever understand why. But I was about to punch a wall. Nine pages in and this book made me question it all again even though it seems so cool. I am glad for Wanda fans! but why was this necessary? But I am also SO glad to see my boy. I love him sm.
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|| -- @thefastestaround : continuation
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Time seemed to cease. The words Pietro said hit him with the force of a sledgehammer and he did not know how to reply. They both knew to wield their sharp words like second natures. Gone too far, patience and compassion tipped over.
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Magneto's gaze remained unyielding, a mask of cold indifference that had often sheltered him from the tumult of emotions. His son's words struck home, not because they were false, but because they danced perilously close to truths that lingered in the depths of his conscience. He wanted to ignore the words.
As Pietro lashed out with the bitterness of a son abandoned, Magneto's eyes, hidden behind the imposing helmet, revealed an unusual glint of remorse. It was a regret that whispered of missed opportunities, of failed attempts to bridge the chasm between them.
"Failure - It's the cost of being what I am, of doing what I do. But failure at the hands of your own choices, your own arrogance, that is what worries me." He says with more anger in his tone than he had intended to slip through. "No, Pietro. You will not die. Fail perhaps-"
The master of magnetism was always doing everything himself. And it was only a matter of time before he failed. It was only a matter of time before more people died while he was away focusing on the threat that had the most likelihood to kill everyone. Everything was a lose-lose scenario. If only Pietro did not have his superspeed, then Magnus could at least illusion himself with the fact that his son would not see the crack of the facade happening in slow motion. He also tells himself that the magnetic shield he puts up to keep the boy away from seeing it is just a subconcious act.
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"Failure, Pietro, is something we both have a history with," Erik says, calmly, not authorative but Pietro could read the tone well enough. "But being me ... is one thing you will make sure you do not fail at. I don't want you to become like me. I want you to be better, to build a world where mutants can live without fear, without needing a savior. But don't mistake my concern for weakness."
And he should not claim to need him and speak that he can do everything on his own in the same sentence. It makes him sound foolish, Erik thought. But his son, he had to admit, had all the right to need him.
There was a part of Pietro that had always tried to maintain a distance, to avoid being overshadowed by the legacy of Magneto's actions. It was a difficult thing ... to wear the shadow of the bucket helmet. Erik could only imagine. His son wanted to carve his own path, even if it meant making choices that were different from what he thought should be done. A web of emotions and tensions lay bare, the father and son grappling.
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|| -- @thefastestaround : "Father," he said suddenly, appearing in the doorway of Magneto's abode, arms crossed and looking like he was ready to discuss something very important and dire. "So there are rumors on the island of Katherine and I being...involved." This was so fucking uncomfortable for Pietro. But he had wanted to try to be closer to his father, and this was a way to do it. "Do you think you could...squash a few of them? For her, I mean, not a good look for her to be connected to me."
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"What are the rumors?"
He asked, leaning back in the seat and raising an eyebrow. He couldn't tell whether his son was referring to the same he knew, or whether the rumors were something else.
He had wondered when Pietro would eventually bring this up to him. It was a very bold move for the speedster, given the fact that he always seemed to be so reluctant to spend time with him. But it had to mean something, that the speedster had taken some of his time to ask for something like this. Even though the rumor mills of his nation are not something he normally indulges in.
The unexpected revelation that Pietro and Miss Pryde were on amicable terms left Magneto genuinely surprised. The notion that these two, in his eyes, vastly different individuals would even entertain the prospect of romance struck him as a peculiar twist of fate, almost amusing in its own right. Erik found himself facing an intriguing dilemma.
His natural inclination was to maintain his silence on the matter. After all, the island of mutants already buzzed with its fair share of speculations and gossip. But he realized that this very silence could inadvertently fuel the rumors further, adding an air of mystery to the alleged romance.
"So you are here to... not woo her?"
Erik and Pietro were not the best individuals to have private conversations in a lonely room. Erik could read the speedster not like Wanda could, but Pietro would never lower himself to asking his father for anything were it not... something more. Something to the rumors. But he pushed that thought away with haste.
"Then tell me, Pietro, why is it so that you wish to remain in the good graces of Katherine but also make sure that the rumors you two are romantically involved cease? And how would I go about doing so? I do not possess telepathic abilities, now do I?"
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❛  do you really think a simple apology is gonna make everything okay again?  ❜ (Wanda accepting his apology and Pietro throwing it back at him)
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Magnus's gaze falls upon him, and once their eyes meet, Pietro's voice pierces the tense air. His eyes shimmer with disapproval and defiance, an ever-present undertone. His son's understanding falls short, unlike that of his daughter.
The lines etch deeper into his expression, his brow furrowing into a stern crease, and his voice adopts a near-growl tone. There had been no apologies, unlike how Wanda had perceived his... 'rambling'. Piercing Pietro's gaze ignites the frustration and tension from recent events, reigniting the smoldering embers within. He feels more scrutinized when met with Pietro's eyes compared to Wanda's, and the lack of concern he feels for this judgment infuriates him.
The reminder serves as the last straw, tipping the cup of patience beyond its brim. The weight of those scrutinizing glances, especially when coming from Pietro and Wanda, pushes him perilously close to the edge. An internal scoff echoes as he's observed as if they've unveiled his temperamental tantrum.
But in a voice that remains level, a controlled calm masking his thoughts, he responds. Waves of magnetic power ripple through the atmosphere, each word carrying its force. His gaze remains as cold and unwavering as steel.
"No, the intention to apologize did not cross my mind." "I took actions the Avengers... would've shied away from. More lives would have perished—lives your human companions hold little regard for." The words drip with accusation, laced with venom.
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-- MUN: I made this forever ago as a joke when I still RPed ma boy more actively. Now, I need to share it with the world.
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He is cheering you on!
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