#muse| husk
ducknotinarow · 3 months
"Husk, what the actual ever loving FUCK- !" At first Angel couldn't believe his eyes. He wanted to REFUSE to believe what he was seeing. Yeah, Husk jumped into protect him several times, but to do something THIS stupid? "Husk - "
Why were they smiling at him like that? Stop it -
He's trembling as he falls to his knees beside his fallen crush. The man he so loved. He's quick to cradle their head close to him, squeezing his eyes shut as tears sting the corner of his eyes. "Don't you fucking dare. Not when I, not when we-" A small hiccup as he clings to him. ( YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF. )
| My character takes a fatal blow intended for your character. How does your character react?
Husk had to step in, he seen it before how Val could get with Angel and he couldn't help but wonder when Angel's luck would run out. Husk knows how Angel can push ones buttons he also knows Angel ain't one to take anyone's shit. That included Valentino, just another overlord on a power trip was how Husk saw that damn moth as well. One that loved to flaunt they basically owned Angel and could do whatever they wanted to them. Far as Val seemed sure of Angel's life was his. And that meant they could take it from them at any point as well.
Or so Val thought. Husk wasn't sure what Angel didn't do or even said that finally pushed that moth to just end Angel Dust with out a care for what Angel was worth. Maybe Angel finally succeed in becoming too broken for him even. Husk though? He really wanted to support Angel's quest to be redeemed. Once seeing they meant it and were putting in some effort on that. Husk didn't care about redemption for himself to far gone. But Angel? Angel he felt had it in him if not the least it would save Angel from the same.
So when he say that gun? he knew it was angel bullet inside the finely crafted weapon. Only so thoughtfully designed by Carmilla. And his body moved, before the trigger was even fully tugged back pushing Angel hard as hard as he could just so it wouldn't hit them only to get hit himself.
"Husk, what the actual ever loving FUCK- !"
Husk stumbled and his breath get hard to control, feeling over where the pain was the worst. He pulled his hand back to see the blood coating his paw. "Damn didn't know angel bullets would hurt worse." He manged a faint smirk towards Angel before his legs gave out. Dropping under his own weight.
Husk looked up towards Angel, hearing their voice. All he cared about was that they were able to stand. "Heh, better bit use this as an excuse to do some of thsr dumb shit again." Husk faintly threanted before he fully fell over his body had no strength in it. He recalled this feeling he knew it so well. Everything just slowly fading and slipping away. The pain slowly gone as well even. He was dying. A more permanent death this time around.
Hardly aware, when Angel picked up his head, he could barely even feel how soft the chest fur against his face felt. Letting his eyes just slowly come to a close for a moment. A low soft purr works out from the back of his thoart. "This is nicer than last time." So final in his wording he knows he won't pull through. But he wouldn't trade getting held by, his angel, like this in his final moments. Whatever happens to him next he hopes he gets to hold on to this single moment.
"Don't you fucking dare. Not when I, not when we-"
"Sorry kid," Husk manged to speak Husk knows as everything starts to just feel cold that well this was it. Part of him wonders what happens next? Dose he just fade away like nothing. Weird to think his thoughts will just stop. Maybe he can live in one forever though? That might be too pleasant an end for a sinner like himself though. Least he got to go out like this. "Ya know as corny as it gonna sound? I feel like a winner going out like this" His body grew limp, he wonders which breath will be the last now as he looks up at Angel, unsure why they look so sad right now. "So if I'm a winner now means ya gotta be one too alright?" He wants to at least use the last of the air in lungs for Angel. All his lasts he wants to all belong to them. His last words for Angel. His last breath to speak them. His last thoughts. Even the last few remaining beats of his heart.
All for Angel. His Angel.
"Ya gonna show 'em all that ya more than the porn star. Show them fuckers in heaven you really are an angel. Ya always were my Angel so I want everyone else to see that too." Husk confessed, wishing he could have said that sooner. Before he lets out one last content sigh. Everything slowly slipping away he could feel it he was dying. But that was okay. Because Angel was still living.
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Angel is tactile. His many hands like to poke, hug, grab, pat. His long limbs entangle themselves in other people's personal space like pale branches. It used to drive him mad, it really did, when it came with jagged edges of aggressive, unwanted sexuality - made to attack, provoke, discomfort.
It's different now that they are friends.
Husk had thought that the constant touching would go away along with the relentless come-ons, but if anything it seemed to increase by the day: it was now rare not to have a long-fingered hand on his shoulder, a bony knee encroaching on his stool, or as of late the whole seven-feet fluffiness slumped gainst his side while bitching about another shit day at the studio. Husk would have put an end to it pretty quickly, nerves unused to familiarity and distrustful of it, If he hadn't seen Angel do the very same with Cherri. He thinks he understands at least the vague shape of Angel's want for touch that is free of… ties, obligations. Consequences. And Husk finds that he cannot deny him this, his own mild discomfort fading in the face of the reward. Especially when Angel is tipsy, happy, laughing in that loud and unfiltered way that shouldn't be as endearing as it is, talking about a million things at once. Never mind that the dancing fingers on his fur leave him with a strange buzzing under his skin. It's just him being a grumpy-ass old man that hasn't known any contact for decades, Husk can deal with that no problem. This kid deserves it, and Husk will gladly give it.
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creativitycache · 5 months
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...what it means is they're all drawn by the same studio
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tangledfate · 4 months
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Love the idea of Spamton running amuck in the Hazbin Hotel.
He'd fit in so well.
Alastor would find him entertaining and treat him like a little pet. He takes Spamton out on walks to cannibal town to go see Rosie who loves dressing him up in cute outfits.
Husk would be freaked the absolute fuck out by him.
Charlie would be off-putted at first but eventually learn to like the little guy. She tries to help him, but he's like that one stray cat that always shows up but never sticks around long enough to get a hold of so you just end up leaving food out and pspspsps-ing from a distance.
Angel would throw cheetos at him to see what would happen.
Lucifer would get pissed off at him because Spamton would set up a drop shipping account where he sells knock off versions of his rubber ducks. (Lucifer totally tried to take Spamton's "business advice" once and got scammed bad)
Vaggie would get an instant fight or flight response wherever he appeared in the room.
Nifty would probably vibe with him, they'd have roach tea parties together.
Fat Nuggets and Spamton would orchestrate a mafia gang together whilst managing a lucrative 2nd hand car dealership and in their free time play black-jack in the basement.
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Me, a sunshine pretty boy: “yes, I would like to roleplay this character, please.”
Tumblr: “But Sir, that cat is a scrungly, emotionally damaged alcoholic.”
Me: “did I fucking stutter?”
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cyanoticfireflies · 5 days
Hazbin Hotel - Rewatch Thoughts (Episode 1, Part 2)
Charlie kicks into song #1, “Happy Day in Hell,” and KeeKee is just kind of floating in the air listening along with all the rest.  Just an observation.
Okay, so some of the stuff we see in Hell: one very dead ant/praying mantis looking demon, some actually not *that* kinky sex (guys, we’re on AO3… if you know you know), and a slew of dead bodies in the road.  I assume those are fresh kills and not leftovers from last week’s extermination – though maybe?  They smell awful and have flies, which means the dudes picking up corpses in the Pilot are very inefficient at their job.
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Real talk about the barbed-wire pair – what’s the status on Sinner/Imp relationships?
 Because in HB we kind of see some of the social stigma of, say, a Goetia prince and an imp.  Though there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of noise about a Sin and an imp – probably because everyone is way too distracted by Lust falling in love.  And with a Sin and a hellhound, it is telling that the party is populated by imps and hounds exclusively….
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We do get an imp and a sinner making out in the music video Addict (the ladies with Valentino) but that strikes me a bit more as “someone told Valentino that lesbians making out was hot and he said “Yeah, sure.”
I feel like when Charlie hops up on the car we get our first real core philosophical discussion here.  “If I can show them the dream I’ve dreamed, that anyone can change.”  This is *optimism.*  This is highly simplistic so we as first-time viewers of the show can understand Charlie’s personality and motivation.
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This is not realistic.
Vivianne did a livestream where she talked about just this idea and that part of the conflict is that maybe not everyone can be redeemed.  Are we holding out high hopes for the loan sharks that came to the hotel with a battering ram in episode 5?  The skeezy sharks that tried to date-rape Angel in episode 4?  *Valentino?*
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(That last one actually wouldn’t surprise me that much if they tried it, but also how?  If HH pulls it off and genuinely manages to redeem the most universally hated character in the show, I will be impressed.)
Some people don’t want to change their ways and be redeemed.  Others may have done things so horrific that it’s hard to imagine them being able to truly change their ways and move forward with the rest of their existence.  There’s a sliding scale of what is and isn’t forgivable, and VM said herself that the scale is very person-to-person and it’s something the series will struggle with.
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“But I do think there are certain things, you know, to me, from my perspective, that I feel like are irredeemable and, you know, when that line is crossed, I’m like ‘that can’t be uncrossed.’”
Counterpoint to Charlie’s singing, Vaggie starts talking about the angels.  She’s 10,000% convinced that this isn’t going to work, and at this point in the show first-time watchers are just nodding along.
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But we know that Vaggie isn’t just repeating anti-angel slander here.  She knows better than anyone in Hell except maybe big Lulu himself what the angels are like because she *was* one.  When she says they’re stubborn, don’t change their minds, are bloodthirsty, she’s talking from hardcore experience.  And specifically exterminator experience.  We only really spend time with Lute as far as the exterminators go, but – as we’ll see later on in this very episode – Vaggie is pretty much hitting the nail on the head describing her own personal knowledge of angels.
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Also, it’s worth noting that Vaggie says “those angels,” “they.”  This is partially to avoid spoiling the big reveal later on but also because Vaggie genuinely doesn’t think of herself as an angel anymore.
She no longer has wings.  She’s no longer an exterminator.  She lives in Hell.  She doesn’t have any personal connections – that we’ve seen yet – to anyone in Heaven but has a Hellborn girlfriend.  Vaggie’s life exists in BC and AD in terms of “Before Charlie” and “After Demon [Princess].”  More on this later.
 (What moron killed this dude and then *left. the. drugs?*)
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This next part is, to me, where “Happy Day in Hell” cooks.  You sing it, Princess!
So… Travis?  Why???  What is this dude’s deal?  Not even getting into the pilot or Addict videos, but in episode 4 – so actual published show cannon – this guy directs Valentino’s porn.
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His literal job is watching porn all day long, live and in 3D.  But he wants to spend his free time watching other porn and getting so randy he’s practically humping the windows?  Me thinks his sins are related to a porn addiction that is very not under control.
Moving on to Cannibal Town, I have a legitimate question.  We’re told that sinners can’t “double-die” unless they take an angelic weapon to the face.  Does that mean that those who are cannibalized in Hell don’t actually die from it? 
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And if they won’t die from it, are there people who volunteer to be eaten?  Do the cannibals take turns deciding whose turn it is to eat and whose it is to be eaten?  And then after they’re eaten, do they just respawn?  Is there a lottery system?
It's been a long time since I was in band, but I think the sheet music behind Charlie is actually correct, which is like a super impressive little detail.  Tri-pe-let-hold.  There’s-just-no-way. 
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As someone who likes shows where the person “playing” music is so far off of the music that it’s laughable sometimes, it’s just really cool to see.  It probably wouldn’t have been any more – or less – work to just make something up, so there was no reason not to.  But I’ll still give the kudos!
Little detail that cracks me up every time is Husk’s original VA being the flasher Trenchcoat Demon.  “Touch his parts” indeed. 
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Sorry, buddy – only certain fluffy spiders get to touch the parts.  Imagine getting told you’re being replaced by Keith David only for them to find a part for you anyway and it’s that.  Mick Lauer must have a great sense of humor.
Without going into too much detail on my job, I actually do a reasonable amount of communication with and visits to embassies in Washington, DC.  Charlie’s experience of walking straight in the front door and ambling around until she finds the reception desk is definitely a suspend your disbelief moment for me. 
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I know the whole point is that it’s abandoned and creepy.  But no metal detectors or bag checks?  At least there is a sign in sheet.
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Someone pointed this out, but how does Adam eat through his mask?  I know that the ribs are a hologram, but so is Adam, so assumedly the real Adam is eating real ribs up in, like, the atelier off of Sera’s office? 
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In episode 6 we later see him drinking through his mask while he’s walking around with Lute, but that’s normal drinking.  This is like he’s shoving the ribs through a rib-stripper that mechanically separates the meat from the bone.  That whirs.
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The hologram part of Adam’s presence does seem to be entirely arbitrary, though, based on whether the scene wants him to pull a prank on Charlie or be slightly threatening.  Her hand goes right through him when they go to shake, but later on he is able to grab her wrist and physically move her. 
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Is there a button up in Heaven?
Wait… if Adam is a hologram for Charlie, is Charlie also a hologram for Adam?  Is he in full VR like he’s sitting in the Heaven Embassy in Hell, or is he sitting in his own office and just Charlie’s physical presence is being projected?  Or did the design the two rooms to look the same so no one would get lost on where they are?  If Adam moves a chair in Heaven, does an identical chair move in Hell so that if Charlie walks in that exact spot the two images won’t overlap?
I may be thinking too much about this.
We go back to the hotel, where Vaggie wants to create a new commercial. 
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I love that Angel can’t be within a few feet of Husk without basically going “the old man… I desire him.”  Poor Husk.  His eye is actually *twitching.*
Notice me not saying anything about the genuinely impossible physics related to another (missing) eye.  So proud of myself.
Alastor creates a new camera for them, and I’m genuinely curious what his thought process is.  The photo camera he makes seems pretty congruous with his time period (aside from some antler decorations), so it seems like he conjures what is familiar for him.  But when he creates the video camera, it includes an eye and even eyelashes. 
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I wonder if this might be related to some part of his backstory with Vox.  We know that Vox has cameras set up all over the place and watches people, so maybe Alastor associates video cameras with being watched.
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Vaggie films Husk and Angel first, and I love hearing awesome actors act like they’re awful actors.  But this also makes me curious what the storyboard Vaggie has in mind is.  Also, there’s no way Vaggie actually handed Angel a script that said “big, strong daddy.”  She’d die.
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I know the “you come” set up the Angel-filthy-moan joke, but it should definitely be “you’ve come” – possibly setting Angel up for a “not yet, baby” joke…  Either Husk really needs the script that close to his nose to read it or the scriptwriter didn’t get good grades in grammar.
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Scrub that counter good later, Niffty and/or Husk.  We know where Angel’s *everything* has been.
… I’m not even asking what the skeletons around the bar are from, but one does look like a snake. 
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Maybe that’s why Sir Pentious thought they other residents had it out for him.
I’ll get into this more in episode 4, but even this early we can see Angel adopting some of Valentino’s mannerisms  when he’s making passes at Husk.  “Baby-cakes” from the pet called “Angel-cakes” by his own master…. 
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I know it’s upsetting you, Husk, but take the lid off the bottle first.
(We'll pick up in Episode 1, Part 3 due to Tumblr's 30 images-per-post limit.)
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aestheticbyais · 4 months
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"Call me Whiskers again and I'll jam that bottle down your throat.”
Husk character aesthetic.
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overlordhusk · 3 months
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My overlord Husk performing on stage and his casino show girls. (And after show smoke lol)
When your headliner act for the night cancels at the last minute and you gotta pull a 2-hour magic show and singing act out of your ass, lol
Last pic is Insert Bettlejuice Reference Here of Husk going "-and that's why I don't do two shows a night anymore. I just won't~."
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myhiraeth · 4 months
Husk going from
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to shielding the others (with his wings, a detail I'm crazy about)
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is peak development IMO and I can't find anyone talking about so I'm just gonna bring it up myself lol
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wazzi2ya · 3 months
Let me cook here for a second and hear me out: Fashion designer Husk.
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ducknotinarow · 2 months
"Would you - I hate to ask, but could I have your company tonight while I sleep?" ( AngelHusk uwu )
| Muse interaction
It was well dumb on Husk part maybe but he really did mean what he said to Angel the other night at the club. Husk had no plans on redemption himself. Angel? it was his way outta of this literal hell hole though. Angel was a fighter what Husk grew to love and admire about them all at once. But he can't tell them that can he? If he were to tell Angel all of that? Angel might give everything up.
His ticket to freedom.
Husk wasn't a powerful overlord anymore. He was just someones damn and he hated to admit it 'pet'. At the end of the day. He couldn't even help Angel if he wanted and damn did he want to. Because when he sees Angel at his door just now, clearly in a shape that would lead one to the bottom of a bottle? If he had a heart it break from the sight alone.
"Uh-what's up?" Smooth but what else was he meant to ask just then?
"Would you - I hate to ask, but could I have your company tonight while I sleep?"
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"Uh you? I mean what happened? Why uh-" Despite each try the words just were not lining up correctly for a single sentence to come across in that time. Instead he stood to the side and pushed his door back so to make more space. Offering a tilt of his head as a wing stretchered out to add to the pointing out of his bed. Letting Angel walk on by him. He can't help how his eyes look over Angel trying to spot any signs of that damn moth hurting them again, before he shuts the door behind them.
He moves to sit beside Angle on the foot of his bed, as he lets his wing drape across their shoulders. "Ain't bugging me for a drop of booze uh?" he tries to lead with as he speaks. "Must been one helluva a night uh?" Angel didn't seem up for the banter though he let the tips of his wing move to fold around their arms. A sorry attempt at some comfort. "ya don't gotta talk about it kid but, I think it due you some good to get it out. You look worse than being in the middle of street fight or a gang bang right now."
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flxshy · 4 months
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"You seem the most annoyed in this hotel. Can you make me a Champaign and tell me about it?"
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questionablemuses · 2 months
//Valentino's muse is awake & THRIVING. As soon as I push these couple of replies out later, muses I'm sorry, but you're taking a back seat for a bit. Mammon probably won't in between things, but still. Just uh. I wanna flesh my Val out & I get to more now. :'3
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tangledfate · 4 months
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Rarepair Hazbin ships I absolutely love with no context
Rosie X Camilla 🌹🩰
Rosie X Sera 🌹🪽
Cherri Bomb X Velvette 🍒🤳
Cherri Bomb X Molly 🍒💝
Adam X Arakniss 🎸🕷️
Lute X Arakniss 💀🕷️
Adam X Vox 🎸🔌 (but like it's only as a one time fling) (I propose the ship name electric guitar)
Stolas & Rosie 🌌🌹 (platonic friendship)
Emily & Sir Pentious & Molly 🩵🐍💝 (platonic friendship)
Mimzy X Husk💃🥃 (ex's but where Mimzy low-key still has a bit of a one-sided thing for him)
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