multi-royalty · 1 year
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𝙲𝙰𝚁𝙾𝙻𝙸𝙽𝙴 𝙵𝙾𝚁𝙱𝙴𝚂- When anybody tells me I can’t do something, I prove them wrong.
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carxlines · 1 year
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𝙺𝙰𝙷'𝙻𝙴𝙴 - 𝙻𝙸𝚃𝚃𝙻𝙴 𝚁𝙸𝚅𝙴𝚁 - I found myself in a sea of busy places, in a world of blurry faces. - @kahlee-wonder-child
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inspired by - @voidcode // @smogflesh [X]
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diavolo-is-babygirl · 3 months
🔥 Obey Me MC Tristan Estheim Museboard 🔥
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Tristan Tidbits:
- If anyone were to approach Diavolo with the intent to harm or kill, Triss would say something like 'back off you motherfucking piece of shit'. He knows no fear
- He loves playing chess with Barbatos
- He'd take on Diavolo's father and/or Demon Form Lucifer if it meant protecting Diavolo
- He doesn't see Mephisto as a threat-just as a whiny little brother
- He sometimes stands next to Satan without warning
- You can find him in the kitchen with Beel, late at night, because he suffers from insomnia
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infinitenthq · 1 year
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now that our lovely muses are home and settled back into their usual routine in their daily life and careers, it’s time for a new museboard activity ! this one though is different, requiring you guys to show everyone where your muse lives or in any group members’ cases that still live in dorms, what their room looks like. this will allow us to see what their personal style is, it may also tell us if they collect anything, what hobbies they have, little knick knacks they hold dear, what’s decorating the room that makes the muse them, etc. !! basically a different perspective on their life, what they come home to after a busy day of work at infinite entertainment.
an example can be found HERE, although you don't have to follow this sort of template or description, do whatever makes you comfortable ! no time limit as usual & tag your finished task with infinite:task ♡
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tbhsilver · 2 years
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— task 003 ; silver’s museboard
estj-a / wood / chaotic neutral / slytherin
ESTJ-A ( EXECUTIVE ) — “ Good order is the foundation of all things. ”
Few personality types are as practical and strong-willed as Executives. Known for their reliability and administrative skills, Executives are good at creating and maintaining a secure and stable environment for themselves and their loved ones. Executives’ dedication is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth. Yet Executives can be easily tripped up in areas where their rational and practical approach is more of a liability than an asset. Whether it is finding (or keeping) a partner, learning to relax or improvise, reaching dazzling heights on the career ladder, or managing their workload, Executives need to put in a conscious effort to develop their weaker traits and additional skills.
STRENGTHS: dedicated, strong-willed, direct, loyal, organized, creates order
WEAKNESSES: stubborn, judgemental, difficult to relax, emotionally unavailable
Woods are doers. They turn ideas into action. Woods exude confidence and don’t let much stand in their way. If they can imagine it, it can be done. They know what they want, are decisive, make things happen, and push themselves to the limit. They enjoy debates and arguments and are not easily swayed by other’s opinions. Once they make up their minds, there is little that can convince them that someone else’s opinion is right. Woods know they are right, which acts as fuel for their strong drive, but doesn’t always bode well for their personal relationships. Just as every element is led by a dominant emotion, Woods are often lead by anger. There is a subconscious simmering of anger that surges up fast for Woods, especially when they witness unfair situations or mistreatment of people.
SECONDARY ELEMENT — METAL: The emotion associated with the metal element is grief or sadness. When sadness pervades, a person may isolate and defend themself from the pleasure of attachment and the pain of loss. Metal type people can become possessive, acquisitive, and domineering in an effort to control their environment. Their striving for self-protection may keep them too detached and inaccessible, fearful of true intimacy. They tend to be pleasant but cool. Their lives are designed to keep their feelings in.
A chaotic neutral character follows their whims. They are an individualist first and last. They value their own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. They avoid authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, they would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from themself suffer). A chaotic neutral character may be unpredictable, but their behavior is not totally random. They are not as likely to jump off a bridge as to cross it.
Here are some possible adjectives describing chaotic neutral characters: unreliable, independent, greedy, inconsistent, unpredictable, selfish, disorderly, anarchic, self-centered, confusing, unfettered, free, and individualistic.
Slytherin as a House valued students possessing characteristics of cunning, resourcefulness, leadership, and ambition.
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xojinnie · 2 years
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— task 003 ; jinnie’s museboard
esfj-t / earth / lawful good / hufflepuff
ESFJ-T ( CONSUL ) — “ Encourage, lift, and strengthen one another. For the positive energy spread to one will be felt by us all. ”
For Consuls, life is sweetest when it’s shared with others. People with this personality type form the bedrock of many communities, opening their homes – and their hearts – to friends, loved ones, and neighbors. This doesn’t mean that Consuls like everyone, or that they’re saints. But Consuls do believe in the power of hospitality and good manners, and they tend to feel a sense of duty to those around them. Generous and reliable, people with this personality type often take it upon themselves – in ways both large and small – to hold their families and their communities together.
STRENGTHS: strong sense of duty, very loyal, sensitive, warm, empathetic, social 
WEAKNESSES: inflexible, vulnerable to criticism, needy, too selfless
Earths are the angels of compassion and caring. If you know an Earth person you have probably received some homemade bread, a pie, some chicken soup or a hand-stitched quilt from them. Their nurturing nature comes from deep within the heart and shows itself through generosity. They want to make you feel comfortable, safe, and to know you are loved. They want to give to the whole world. Deep inside, they are hoping for love in return.
SECONDARY ELEMENT — FIRE: Fires have the natural ability to pull other elements out of stubbornness, darkness, depression, boredom, and worry into the land of the living. Their energy, laughter and high spirits are contagious. They laugh easily and seem to be bubbling over with excitement even if others don’t see anything about which to get excited. Just about every day is an incredible experience for them.
A lawful good character acts as a good person is expected or required to act. They combine a commitment to oppose evil with the discipline to fight relentlessly. They tell the truth, keeps their word, helps those in need, and speaks out against injustice. A lawful good character hates to see the guilty go unpunished.
Here are some possible adjectives describing lawful good characters: friendly, courteous, sensitive to the feelings of others, scrupulous, honorable, trustworthy, reliable, helpful, loyal, and respectful of “life, love, and the pursuit of happiness”.
Hufflepuff is the most inclusive among the four houses, valuing hard work, dedication, patience, loyalty, and fair play rather than a particular aptitude in its members.
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okayhaneul · 2 years
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— task 003 ; haneul’s museboard
istj-a / wood / lawful neutral / gryffindor
ISTJ-A ( LOGISTICIAN ) — “ I’d be more frightened by not using whatever abilities I’d been given. I’d be more frightened by procrastination and laziness. ”
Logisticians pride themselves on their integrity. People with this personality type mean what they say, and when they commit to doing something, they make sure to follow through. This personality type makes up a good portion of the overall population, and while Logisticians may not be particularly flashy or attention-seeking, they do more than their share to keep society on a sturdy, stable foundation. In their families and their communities, Logisticians often earn respect for their reliability, their practicality, and their ability to stay grounded and logical, even in the most stressful situations.
STRENGTHS: honest, direct, strong-willed, dutiful, responsible, jack-of-all-trades
WEAKNESSES: stubborn, insensitive, judgmental, often blames themselves
Wood people often get the fuzzy end of the lollipop because they are often misunderstood as harsh, or intimidating. They are actually funny and kind but they wield a lot of power and they are often honest to a fault. Woods are fearless. They lead with a determination and will that surpasses all limits. At the same time, Wood people see the bigger picture, find solutions, seek out the best in things, and make changes. They are strong, sturdy, stable, fearless, logical, reasonable, bold, independent, and unapologetic. They are also very fair-minded, and nothing upsets them more than injustices. This makes them powerful.
SECONDARY ELEMENT — METAL: The Metal way is a reverent way. The Metal person is a master at meeting life where it is at and rising above it. They are above the fray of its ups and downs and never get too ruffled. If you don’t fit into their vision, then they will probably politely end their relationship with you. There is not arguing or struggle. The Metal will say “farewell,” and move on to something and someone at the level that they require. It can feel cold and detached, but for the Metal it is a path of the highest respect for themselves and their journey. 
A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs them. Order and organization are paramount to them. They may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or she may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government.
Here are some possible adjectives describing lawful good characters: reliable, responsible, truthful, orderly, loyal, respectful of authority, regular, structured, rigid, neat, methodical, and precise.
Gryffindor as a House valued students possessing characteristics of courage, chivalry, nerve and determination.
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madewithxrage · 2 years
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hypegumi · 3 years
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Thanks for everything, Shibuya. See you again someday.
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roryalexishale1 · 4 years
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Rory Hale, Noa Hale, Alyssa Hale - Moodboards
Is this what family is like: the feeling that everyone’s connected, that with one piece missing, the whole thing’s broken?
[ @noahale - @alyssastales ]
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purplefrayedisaster · 4 years
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Kayden aesthetic
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multi-royalty · 1 year
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𝙰𝙳𝙳𝙸𝙴 𝙻𝙰𝚁𝚄𝙴 -There is a defiance in being a dreamer
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theurbanbohemian · 5 years
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diavolo-is-babygirl · 3 months
Reverie Lowell's Museboard
(Divider by aquazero)
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Revi Bits
- Reverie has a loving, soothing aura that affects anyone near him. Many within the Devildom find it incredibly easy to let down their guard around him.
- He has a beautiful singing voice that's constantly used to comfort people.
- Revi's favorite brothers: Asmo and Mammon
- He finds Solomon amusing and exhibits curiosity towards his culinary nightmares. Mammon thinks Reverie's a demon instead of a human after one particularly dangerous taste test. Reverie just says Solomon reminds him of his former Police Chief.
- Reverie thinks Simeon and Diavolo are adorable beyond words. Even when Simeon asks for his help with computers.
- Despite his luminous, cheerful demeanor, Reverie kicks pretty mean ass with firearms. He ends up receiving a magical firearm in the Devildom. So he ends up fighting like this against rogue demons:
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infinitenthq · 2 years
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this task involves your classic moodboard but i’ve added a little something to make it more interesting, to really get inside your muse’s minds and really get down to who exactly they are ! i’ve found a few quizzes for just the thing, ranging from fun to hard-hitting. and to pair with your results, you get to let your creativity flow with a matching moodboard of some sort. it could be related to your answers or aesthetically pleasing, etc., there’s no wrong answer. 
make sure your muses take these quizzes (under read more), read the questions from their mindset and let them choose the answers. to see an example, click HERE ! it doesn’t have to be the same, y’all can go into as much length as you want. again, there’s no time limit and make sure to tag this with infinite:task. 
you can find the quizzes here ; one (mbti), two (element personality), three (moral alignment), four (hogwarts house, optional)
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Moodboard (5/?) - Ophelia and Hendrix ( @hvndrix )
“Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.” - Mark Twain 
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