sasster 2 years
i know i don't approach a lot but you're genuinely really cool and i hope we get to talk more because i love your writings and stories and characters! <3 pats ur head
grips you by the skull
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sasster 2 years
hello, maelia! i saw you were responding to people so i thought i could just drop by to wish you a good night/day/etcetc! 馃憢
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"How kind of you.
The same to you, I guess."
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sasster 2 years
hi, redivi! i'm new here, but i just wanted to say hello and ask how you're doing right now. sorry if this is a repeat question. :)
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"Hello there, and a pleasure to meet you. No, I do not believe that any of your peers have asked me how I am doing. I am in a very good mood this evening, what of yourself?"
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