#musings of a teenage werepup
were-jer · 1 year
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Jeremy is headed to see the Barbie Movie, he's wearing a hot pink tank top and will share his edibles if asked.
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were-jer · 10 months
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Some people Love
With every atom of their being
It rends flesh and leaves ashes
Burns holes never healing
I love gently
A whisper on the breeze
Touching you for a moment
Then floating at ease
You won't leave a mark
I won't miss you when you're gone
I am
But I
Will remember you fondly
Hope that you're happy
I will love you dearly
Yet I will always be
- Homework Assignment, Jeremy Gilbert
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were-jer · 1 year
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It's thunder storming outside. Dreary and rainy all day, the heat of summer has broken for the day at least and there's a comfortable coolness to the room
Jeremy and @baby-royalty have decided that it's a lay in bed kind of Wednesday. There's not conversation, so much as there are coy smiles and soft laughter, between dozing cat naps. She tells him about her dreams. He tells her about his nightmares.
Her skin is so smooth under his touch, he could pet her for hours, fingertips tracing the curve of her spine. It's idyllic, a spell that neither of them wants to break. The real world seems so far away, outside the soft cocoon of each other.
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were-jer · 1 year
A pin board for Stiles and Jeremy that @evolvingheartisms didn't ask for <3
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were-jer · 1 year
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I've finally watched Teen Wolf (partway through season four now) so I'll be adding a verse to my carrd and following more of you beautiful TW muses <33
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were-jer · 8 months
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He needs to chew. His teeth H U R T. He craves to rend flesh from bone and eat while the heart is still pumping blood into the muscle.
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Luckily, he has this stupid little chew necklace that Elena got him for his birthday. It squeaks.
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were-jer · 9 months
☹ Response to a leaky faucet or other household problem ♡ What their wedding invitations would look like ☃ What they wear around the house ♆ The worst kind of neighbor they could have, and how they deal with them ♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof) ✂ How well they do yardwork (or blow up the lawnmower) ♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em ✧ How clean their living space is now, and/or would be ideally ♜ Interior decorating aesthetic ♘ Any pets they might have ☗ What you’d find in their cabinets
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☹ Response to a leaky faucet or other household problem
Ignore it until he absolutely couldn't. He just changes his life and routine around the problem instead of fixing it. When his boke got a flat tire? He just started walking everywhere. Garage door stops working? Guess he doesn't have a garage anymore. Dorm room heating broke? Layers.
As long as it's not catastrophic like flooding, he just.. wont.
@little-elena visits his apartment or dorm or where ever, she's the one on the phone calling a plumber to fix a leaky faucet while Jer rolls his eyes.
♡ What their wedding invitations would look like
He's texting his side of the friends and family a week before the wedding. I'll be a little more specific for his two strongest relationships:
@baby-royalty - There is an engagement party, and engagement dinner, a save the date text, email, and physical letter in the mail at minimum a year in advance. Then the official invitations are absolutely gorgeous, expensive feeling, the calligraphy is 24kt gold leaf, all sent six months in advance and a thinly veiled threat about RSVP due dates.
@sarcasticsnackpack - This actually might just be an instagram post announcing they eloped.
☃ What they wear around the house
Summer - boxers
Winter - boxers and a hoodie
♆ The worst kind of neighbor they could have, and how they deal with them
A goddamn busy body snitch. Whether its the weird hours he keeps, the strange friends, or the smell of weed - all he really wants is someone chill and minding their own business.
♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof)
Jeremy cannot cook, should not be in a kitchen beyong microwaved nachos (tortilla chips with half melted shredded cheddar) or hot pockets. Him and Elena really drew the short end of the parenting stick there.
✂ How well they do yardwork (or blow up the lawnmower)
Very well! Raking leaves, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow, etc - were all chores of his growing up. He enjoys being outside and if he ever got his own place he might try his hand at some artsy landscaping.
♟ If they like board games, and how good they are at ‘em
Jeremy never really played boardgames much, it wasn't really a family activity and well highschool was pretty busy with all his other crap. I think if someone introduced him to playing in a small friend group that he would really enjoy it.
He will always prefer a good LAN party instead though.
✧ How clean their living space is now, and/or would be ideally
Not... The worst.
♜ Interior decorating aesthetic
His childhood room is still decorated by his mother's hand. Mrs. Gilbert had a very specific idea of how her home should look. He didnt really put any thought it into it.
Now in his own place? Creepy dark or trippy art, tacked to the walls of his room or dorm room, just covering the space radiating out from his desk.
♘ Any pets they might have
Jeremy doesn't own any pets and to be honest he would probably be afraid to have any. He's died so many times, and so many people around him have died as well that he struggles a bit with permanency. The idea of a pet was ruined after his second death, the one Bonnie had to bring him back for - the next time he thought about having a dog all he could picture was it waiting on him to come home one day.
you can't explain that to a dog or a cat
However, he would enjoy a partner having a pet.
☗ What you’d find in their cabinets
History books, video games, rocks? loose change. A lot of random shit from his dad, scavenges from the boxes in the attic that he's only brave enough to open when it's after midnight and he can't sleep.
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were-jer · 9 months
Dash Game: What Emotion Are You?
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Your disgust is like a rot, a vile and toxic waste that festers and spreads, poisoning everything it touches. It is a feeling that leaves a bad taste in your mouth, a feeling that makes you cringe at the mere thought of it. It is like a disease that spreads, infecting everything in its path. Why do you feel repulsed at the sight of yourself? Is the weight of the world so much that you must push it away? I can see you swallow down your words- the scowl on your face is enough to know why.
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Tagged by @malka-lisitsa
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