#mutant zafara
atduskart · 7 months
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Dear neopets, please add more items to let me turn the mutants into shojo girlies. thamk u.
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coffee-mouse · 5 months
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drqbert3 · 7 months
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made a design based on the mutant zaf, now im so attached im gonna make them real
their nickname is yucky in my head but idk what ill go with lol
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cafe-mouse · 5 months
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my current neopets! I've been doodling stickers of them which you can use on telegram if you wanna!
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mutantmorphingpotions · 2 months
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New Tumblr Sexyman prediction.
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vimbry · 2 years
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joining a neoclone was a mistake
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ohpriddy · 6 months
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Don't mind me... I've just been going balls to the wall on Neopets. :3c I suppose tumblr's a good a place as any to show them off. This is the whole family as of 12/5/23.
Bohdian the Speckled Shoyru
Dreamdozer the Faerie Chomby
Emberdine the Baby Gelert
Pearlpip the Pastel Kiko
HueShift the Toy Bori
Sparklemore the Starry Zafara
Spiritwell the Relic Koi
PolarRainbowe the Mutant Poogle
PolarRainbowe was a pound pet I intended to zap until a particular result, but I unexpectedly got a rly cool mutant I'm hesitant to part with! 😭
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fangandsnoot · 5 months
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neopets anthro drawings from earlier this month!
feat. my friend's Princess Kyrii (Bagel), my Mutant Kyrii (Pirata), and my Christmas Ixi (Lily) and Zafara (Arina).
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ghostshaped · 28 days
your neopet dungeon meshi is really good. what do you think falin would be? :3
thanks!! tbh i only came up with lupe laios ahah, fish ears (go read his comic) came up with the rest. we had thought she was also a lupe, but seeing replies on my post im more inclined for a pteri -> mutant pteri, eyrie or even a zafara ... mmm
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miss-barker · 1 month
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Mutant Petpet Paint Brushes have apparently deflated which meant that I could finally give my Mutant Zafara the perfect ugly-cute pet.
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kitausuret · 2 months
What neopets would various spiderman and venom characters be?
...so, uh, I actually started asking myself this question a few months ago. And. Well. I got a little carried away with my inspiration!
I'll link to each of their lookups just for fun, if any of my followers have an account, but most of them don't have anything on there yet.
This is extremely long so it's going under a break:
We start with Jubulile van Scotter.
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She gets to keep her name because it was untaken. (: I made her an Aisha, because Aishas are a favorite of mine and also most of the wig items look really good on them. I opted for a kind of sporty look for her - essentially sci-fi-ing her canon characterization as a sailor. In this world, her strongest connections are with Flash, Eddie, and Victoria Montesi.
Next, we have Eddie Brock.
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Eddie is so special he gets two looks - but primarily I have focused on his characterization in the most recent run of Venom, inspired by some of the ideas put forward in #18. I've named him Meridial in the sense that Meridius is the version of Eddie who lost all of who he was. What if Eddie managed to lose all semblance of who he was because he's so wrapped up in survival? Caught between life and death, in reality only a few years have passed for him, but to him it's been millenia. It would be tragic - just like him. (:
Then - Edgy Boy McEdgeson - I mean, Dylan Brock.
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I'll be honest, I don't have anything particularly special in mind for him. I just think it would be funny for Dylan to be a cute little dragon but he has EDGE or whatever. The big-ass sword is inspired by his Big Edgy Sword he has as Codex. And this version of Dylan is definitely based on Codex. His name over on Neo is Cytozyme, which after some looking up is actually the name of an enzyme that cuts proteins - it specifically is what converts prothrombin to thrombin during blood clotting. And also I just thought the name had good vibes.
Who's up? Victoria Montesi!
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While not strictly a Venom character, her surname was untaken so obviously I had to create her in Neopets. She's a Zafara simply because I like Zafaras. And yes, she is holding a lesbian pride flag as well as a huge fucking wraith staff. Idk, she's a magic user of some kind.
Next we have the Venom Symbiote!
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Tragedies was actually the result of a trade - I had the name Olympus sitting around so I traded for this custom. (: I love Mutant Acaras and had wanted one for many many years. In the Neopian universe, the Symbiote is more of an entity than anything else. A... space entity. It's a work in progress. But it's still definitely a symbiote, which brings us to...
Peter Parker.
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His name over at Neo is Tintilie, which is actually from the elvish language crafted by Tolkien. Now, while I am not personally a big Tolkien fan, I did look it up and the name means "sparkling" or "twinkling", which I think is a hysterical way to describe someone who is literally glowing because he's radioactive. Notice how he's an Acara? Just like someone else? Yeah. ;) And yes, he's also a teacher. and YES, he is also still a vigilante.
And who is Peter, without Mary Jane Watson?
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Like Eddie, she gets two looks. Her base color is Eventide, because I think it's pretty. However, the old-art style Faerie Lenny is wonderful to me, and I like that it's based on a male peacock. Also because she believes that gender is a game and she's in it to win it. Her name on Neo is "Klieglight", which is a type of lighting that used to be common on movie sets! She goes by "Kay Lynn" or "KL" over yonder. She's still a fabulous model and aspiring actress!
Who's up next? Our friend Harry Osborn! Or maybe Harry Lyman.
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He's a little rainbow Meerca because I think I'm funny. And yes. He still runs the Coffee Bean. And yes, his father was still rich as hell but is now gone (not dead, just serving time). But what about Harry's family, you ask? Well, have I got good news for you, because I've also crafted into this universe...
Liz Allan!
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Would you believe I found an Ixi in the pound named Liz? It's crazy. I painted her Valentine and gave her an expensive-looking custom. She's my darling. I honestly had so much fun with her. But she's also got a kid, who is...
Normie Osborn.
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Okay, so, he isn't actually painted Halloween - yet. But I'm working on it. Right now he's red, which kind of matches his mom? But anyways. Yes it is admittedly inspired by his Red Goblin look but like... what if he was just cursed but also was just chill about it. He's not actually evil or nothing he's just twelve. Also yes his background is a parody of the "this is fine" comic because that's his life. Falling apart around him and he's trying to pretend everything is fine. Theoretically he would have first been a Rainbow Ixi. The Osborn extended family is messy and big though, so we can't leave out...
Lily Hollister!
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She is still blonde but I gave her better hair. (: There's a little bit of a nod to her as Menace, as much as I hate to give Dan Slott any credit... but I love those horns. They look good on her. She's fabulous. And that's why her name is Diahmonds! And who's just as great, is her and Harry's son...
Stanley Osborn.
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Look how cute he is! Right now he's a Green Kougra wearing a UC Baby Kougra token, but I want to make him Rainbow to match his dad's coloring. For right now though? He is baby. And the creepy lab is inspired by the fact that right after he was born he had that touching moment being hand-fed by the Lizard. He's fine, I'm sure.
And last but absolutely not least is Flash!
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While he doesn't have any tokens, this fantastic Kyrii does get two customs - one with a wheelchair and one with a cane. Why? Because he's amazing that's why. I definitely leaned most into his Space Knight stuff because reasons. He still for sure has connections with everyone listed above though!
Hoo boy this got really long but as you can see I've regained some inspiration in Neopets. They also all have designs I've doodled but nobody gets to see those yet because I'm embarrassed fjkdasl;jfla.
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ixiraider · 3 months
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Okay, I got a Valentine PB from the Neopies this year and I'd been sitting on if I wanted to sell it or keep it but last night I went crazy and moved around some of my pets to diff accounts leaving me with an open pet slot and decided to just use it. Zafaras used to be my favorite species in the world as a kid and while they've been superseded in recent years by Chombies and Vandagyres, I still felt like I was lacking by not having one on any account.
So I put together this little Christmas/Valentine crosspaint, Her name is Eelings :) She's obviously a work in progress but I'm really happy with her so far. Beside her is Cyflea, my Mutant Vanda, sporting his new look! I gave her some of the items I had previously attached to him, and since I'm picky I didn't want them to have the same big customization setpieces, so I completely redid Cy's custom from the ground up. Now he's stargazing with his little psychedelic camp setup and she can have his old pink theme :)
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coffee-mouse · 5 months
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Chioffi my Mutant Zafara ♡
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joshnekuu · 4 months
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Neopets Colorized :3
Saikyu the Aisha- he was originally speckled, but I painted him baby. He’s not really a baby anymore to me though, so I tried to come up with a design that reflected various color schemes/patterns I’ve given him over the years.
Tai the darigan wocky- the son of my life, my perfect littol angel. His original color scheme was black and green so I might try drawing him as a darigan wocky with that color scheme at some point? But I’ve never officially drawn him in his proper darigan colors, so I waited to give it a shot.
‘Z’ the Halloween zafara- I only keep the tail and feet bones on him because I hate the way the head skull looks haha, but I like the black body with the white belly, so I think it looks nice for him! I’ve always been torn between him being shadow or darigan, because I adore darigan zafaras and his twin is a Christmas zafara so Angel/demon imagery would make sense, but also he’d look too much like Tai, so I eventually settled on Halloween for him.
Saibe the mutant Aisha- my horrible boy whom I love so much. He was also originally meant to be a shadow Aisha but I’ve always been infatuated with mutant Aishas, and decided to fuse the mutant design with his original color scheme.
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kieuecaprie · 6 months
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I got my Draik Transmogrification Potion from the Weekly so now I'm forcing you to look at them (plus bonus Zafara) and their customization I picked out.
I think the worst part of customization on Neopets right now is the fact that a lot of the wigs are overdesigned to all hell and that a good majority of them are just... strange when put on a neopet so it was hard trying to pick out ones that actually look decent enough.
So... now what? Maybe I could go hunt for the last three lab ray map pieces to unlock the lab ray and start zapping...
And before you say "Hey, I thought you said you used a Draik Transmog potion, where's the mutant?"
Well, it turns out that past me was sitting on a Rainbow Fountain charge from a Fountain Faerie Quest from a long while back so I decided to eat it to turn them from Mutant to Faerie 'cause that's what I had planned out when I was looking for something good on Dress to Impress.
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dalekaiken · 1 year
(if someone has asked already sry) what's your favorite neopet?
Zafara! Especially starry zafaras, I fell in love with them as a kid and always wanted one, and now, well... Here's my baby boy:
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Skeiths are a close second favorite, especially mutant skeiths :3
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