#mwahaha this was FUN
mu-mumie · 1 year
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[ID: A sketch made with an orange marker. Harrier Du Bois from the game Disco Elysium is standing in a bathtub behind a shower courtain. Even though only his head and an arm are peeking from above the courtain, the sexy pose he's striking is clearly apparent from the shadow he casts. End ID]
I could not resist the temptation and had to draw Harry from this wonderfully hilarious fic by @brainrotdotorg. No, he isn't a professional stripper, he just suffered a shot wound and the 24 assholes in his head won't let him rest :'3
(Yes, it's orange because it's Kim's POV.)
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hiddencircus · 2 months
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TSUKASA LAYOUTS! ꩜•̥ ・| for @sekaitransparents event
day 4: maximalist or minimalist likes & reblogs are appreciated! | reblog if use
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bigthecatirl · 1 year
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welcome to team dark! heres your gun.
more punk big cause i couldn’t resist TwT
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figcookie01 · 10 days
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latex shading very relaxing
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ssreeder · 20 days
Chapters: 19/? Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Aang/Katara (Avatar), others to be tagged later - Relationship Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Jet (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Kyoshi Warriors (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Jee (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), A bunch of OCs, Long Feng, Joo Dee (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Ozai (Avatar), General Fong (Avatar) Additional Tags: Violence, Blood and Injury, War, Minor Character Death, Rape/Non-con Elements, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault, Major Character Injury, Amputation, Implied/Referenced Suicide, possible major character death, themes similar to the first two books, Sexism, Racism (like has already been written in first two books), dark themes, Human Trafficking, Slavery, Just a lot of dark war-like themes, there will be a battle, Torture, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Injury Recovery, Healing, Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Animal Death, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Warnings each chapter, Hopefully some healing for Zuko finally, no promises, but that’s the goal, Reunions, hopefully a happy ending, Sokka gets some healing too, Non-Consensual Drug Use Series: Part 3 of Leaving It All Behind Summary:
-This is the last book of the series LIAB, please go read the other two books before this, or you will be very confused-
Zuko has been taken by the Earth Kingdom army to who-knows-where, and Sokka is determined to get him back.
But he can’t do it alone.
With Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors by his side, Sokka is headed to Ba Sing Se to find Katara and Aang so they can go rescue his fire bender.
Things aren’t as easy as he had hoped. Corruption, lies, and unknown horrors await them inside the city’s walls. None of this is helping Sokka’s mental well-being.
Hakoda and his men face a problem of their own as Azula approaches with the intentions of making it rain fire.
Sokka and Zuko will both find themselves having to reintegrate back into a life they thought they left behind, with people they hardly remember. It isn’t easy for anyone, especially when they don’t recognize the person standing in front of them.
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Lucifer 2024 Birthday Collab:
Tea barely won over wine! So with this answer this post will be different without a poll.
This gets aimed at you tea fanatics (or casual enjoyers). What kind of tea would you give Lucifer to try, or what is your favorite flavor that you would like to share with him?
Because this is different from the previous poll-based questions, feel free to either comment or reblog your answer!
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Collab Twitter Account
To join the collab (application)
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sirahce00 · 9 months
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wreckedhoney · 2 months
Surprise! Another horror movie cliché has emerged, and there's a third accomplice involved in Whistling Night!! If this were the case,
Some thoughts on the whole idea under the cut, with some heavy spoilers for one of the endings as well \o/ Feel free to reply with other suggestions or why you chose one of the poll options
A few things can really tickle the possibility. I think the one most players/viewers hone in on are the explosives? Then again, they could learn to make one rather than have a supplier.
Though the bit near the end of the game where The Whistling Man locks Forrest from entering the basement on his way back to the DJ Booth - it can just be a video gamey thing that's choreographed a lil silly (and i'm all for simplicity as well), but it's fun to think that maybe…Forrest could've been in close proximity to TWO whistling men that night 👀
There's also the ending where Henry shows remorse, Forrest's dialogue implying he's under the impression Henry might not have actually killed anyone yet. I don't know how likely it is that Henry hasn't?? But if Henry can actually be steered into a reluctant accomplice narrative, then maybe someone more willing to do the slicing has been working with Marie all along!
Tbh it's all just fun conjecture, not really something I'd push as close canon, but it can be cool to think about nonetheless
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rocketbirdie · 1 month
*cue cloud strife, sobbing hysterically while snowboarding straight back into r&d's labs*
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phonydiaries · 7 months
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He's just so...
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teratoya · 3 months
Your hanbok art ..incredible dude makes me so happy to see ur korean oc oh my goddd so perfect!!!
Thank you so much!! Hanbok has such beautiful shape and structure its sooo much fun to draw so I'm happy if i could do it any justice 😭💜
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cardboardfeet · 4 months
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couple of Nakamura's inspired by ApomaroMellow's fic Attentive Tentacles!
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jackforshort · 10 months
heard from a little birdie that you were going through writer's block, hopefully you have time to exercise those fingers with a special prompt!! <33
— ambreigns, mile high club. ;)
ahh this was a great exercise i loved writing this, anon! i hope you enjoy (: this is around 2k and it's explicit
Dean would feel embarrassed if he wasn't so fucking hard.
As it was (it being his insanely hard cock pressing up against his jeans, making an unmistakable tent), he could hardly feel embarrassed when there were much better things he could be doing— one brilliant idea being to wake up Roman, who was peacefully sleeping beside him, to help him with his problem. 
“Ro,” he whispered, nudging his side. “Ro, wake up.”
Roman had little buds in his ears so Dean pulled them out by the wire abruptly, but his boyfriend still didn’t budge— un-fucking-believable. Was it too much to get a handie in this day and age? 35,000 feet in the air? 
Considering what they were coming back from, he couldn’t really blame Roman— Night of Champions, against the Wyatt family, and Jericho costing them the match after they went through the ringer. It was Roman’s idea to choose Jericho and Dean had already had to tell him it wasn’t his fault if Jericho couldn’t be a team-player. Dean just wanted to get his hands around his neck, or maybe the Wyatts— didn’t really matter to him, to be honest. He had been tired, too, and had fallen asleep as soon as they had taken off.
Up until dreamland seemed to lead him back to the match, but this time it was without anyone else in the ring except him and Roman. Roman, with his hair wet and everywhere, crawling over to get the tag, only to pull himself up, biceps flexing, letting Dean grab his face and—
He elbowed Roman’s side harder.
Roman woke with a grunt, eyebrows furrowing as he blearily looked at Dean. “Wha'? Dean?”
Dean could feel that his cheeks were flushed and he brought a hand up to mess with his hair a bit. “Wake up.”
The rest of the plane around them was quiet, them being on the red-eye back to Orlando, and Roman was wiping the remnants of sleep from his eyes. “Why?” Even clearly half-asleep, Dean felt his heart do a couple of acrobatic flips when Roman met his eyes. He was always so— so everything, but now, bun a mess and a warm look in his eyes, not even cranky at Dean, just tired and curious, he was cute, a word that Dean didn’t use too often but couldn’t help but use with Roman like this.
He was getting distracted. He grabbed Roman’s hand where it was resting on his thigh and put on his best suggestive look. “‘Cause,” he said, swiping his tongue over his bottom lip once. “You ever wanna join the mile high club?”
Oh, now he’s waking up. “What?” he hissed out, sitting up straighter. 
Dean dropped his hand to squeeze his thigh twice. “We headed straight to the plane, we didn’t get to— y’know, work out the post-match stresses.”
Roman was shifting in his seat, so easy to work up when there was still a fight thrumming under his skin. “And you want to do it here? We’re like—” he glanced down at his phone, “—like, thirty minutes from landing.”
“Well, Roman, I don’t think it’ll take thirty minutes and I’d be happy to be proven right,” Dean said, still smirking a bit, and Roman’s eyes flickered down to his jeans before rolling his eyes.
“You’re so—” the other man cut himself off, shutting off his phone and stuffing it and his headphones into the bag between them.
Dean perked up. “Wait, does this mean—”
“I’m headed to the bathroom,” Roman told him, “could you maybe check if it’s locked behind me?”
Dean’s cock throbbed in his jeans, and he adjusted himself, nodding frantically, watching Roman devotedly as Roman gave him an exasperated but happy little smile as he got out of his seat.
One second. Two seconds. Three seconds.
Dean leaned over, eyes moving up and down the row— people asleep or on their phones, attendants’ attention diverted.
Four seconds. Five seconds—
Good enough. He hustled out of his seat and did a terribly unsubtle walk to the bathroom, heading in without waiting around long enough that anyone questioned it. 
He locked the door, twisting around only to see Roman not even a foot away, already palming himself, hand pressed under his sweatpants. Dean dropped back against the door, a hand up to his mouth to muffle his groan at the sight. Roman’s cheeks warmed up.
The stall was small but it wasn't any different than some of the other places that they’ve gotten up to shit like this— Dean always asking, pressing Roman’s buttons until Roman couldn’t resist, big hands grasping Dean’s tightly as they ducked out into closets, stalls, corners, heads ducked close, breathless as they crowded together. 
There was enough room to breathe in here but it was just small enough that when Dean surged forward, taking Roman’s mouth with his own, Roman was already pressed up against the counter behind him, both of them arching into one another, Dean wrapping his arms around him, Roman grabbing his face, all of it so fucking— it was always so fucking good with him, Dean could never get tired of the feeling of it, of how Roman’s broad body felt against his own, the way his strong hands would grip at him endlessly. 
“Fuck, you looked so good tonight, I couldn’t— Couldn’t wait, Ro, I couldn’t,” he panted out.
“I know, I—” Roman was ducking his face into Dean’s neck, kissing across it hungrily, as Dean let his hands push up under Roman’s shirt, feeling across his back, how the muscles rippled for him, “—you’re always so ready for me, so—”
Their hips rolled against one another, nearly perfectly in sync, and Dean let out a helpless little huff of a laugh against Roman’s hair, their clothed cocks rubbing against one another for a drawn out moment where Dean struggled to think straight and Roman grasped at his ass needily.
And then Roman was twisting them, their positions switched before he was picking Dean up just a bit until Dean was sitting on the bathroom counter top, putting space in between them. Dean looked at him, lost. “Wha— Why, come on—”
But he cut himself off with a choking noise when Roman dropped to his knees between his legs, a dark look in his eyes as he kept them on Dean.
Who swallowed, gripping the edge of the countertop tightly, “Ro,” spilling out of his mouth, “whatcha doing down there?”
Roman laid one hand on Dean’s thigh, the other fiddling with the zipper of his jeans. “Thought we were joining the club, hm?”
When Dean had said that, he imagined them maybe jacking each other off, maybe humping it out and trying to avoid getting anything unseemly on their shirts, not Roman on his knees, looking up at him with heavily lidded eyes, unzipping him and mouthing at him through his briefs—
“Yeah, yeah, yep,” he was saying, voice higher-pitched than usual. “Yep, that’s what we’re doing, hell, yeah.”
Roman chuckled, charmed smile across his lips. “Alright, big guy, wanna help me get these off?”
Dean was holding himself up with one arm, pushing down his jeans and briefs with the other within the second, his cock jutting up between them. “C’mon, Ro, I want it so bad—” and then—
And then Roman’s mouth was on him, taking him halfway down, one hand curled around his base, and Dean could only moan. Loud.
Roman pulled off of him, giving him an admonishing look that was less biting than he might've wanted it to be considering that he was jacking Dean with the layer of spit he left behind. “Gotta be quiet, D,” he teased, leaning down to lick a stripe up the underside of his cock. “Can’t have anyone knocking and seeing us, hm?”
Heat and desire rolled around Dean’s stomach as he nodded, staring down at Roman, biting on his lip hard to muffle any noises. 
Lips back against the head of his cock, pursed, sucking against him until Roman took just the tip in, swirling his tongue around it, tonguing at the slit. Dean was panting, face flushed hot, one hand gripping the countertop while the other flew to Roman’s head, fingers in his hair. Roman let out an appreciative noise, taking him deeper, the sound vibrating around Dean deliciously.
“Fuck, Ro, your mouth is so fucking good.” Dean’s fingers were against Ro’s scalp now, practically petting him until Roman moved his tongue sinfully against him, Dean’s grip tightening to gain some control. “Absolute best head ever, 10/10.”
Roman rolled his eyes, smiling around Dean’s dick, before he was taking a deep breath in through his nose and—
Even knowing he was gonna do it, Dean had to bury a fist in his mouth to stop the loud moan from tumbling out, his hips bucking up as Roman deep-throated him. Roman gagged a bit with the unexpected thrust but he didn’t pull off, just groaned around Dean, eyes going heavier as he drooled around Dean. 
“Fuck,” Dean cursed heartily, rubbing the back of his knuckles across Roman’s cheekbone. Roman’s eyelashes fluttered. “How’d I get so lucky, hm?”
A pretty fluster before Roman started moving again, sucking Dean off masterfully, the tip of his cock hitting the back of his throat almost rhythmically, Roman eagerly choking himself on Dean’s cock and then—
Roman intertwined his fingers with Dean’s hand that was still in his hair and then he was nudging them. Dean had to shut his eyes for a second before croaking out, “You— You want me to…”
A wet noise as Roman pulled all the way off, his lips still hovering near Dean’s tip. “Face-fuck me,” he said, voice hoarse, before dropping his jaw completely and—
Dean buried his cock back into his mouth, sliding off the counter completely so that he could properly fuck into Roman, trembling with his thrusts as he held Roman still, hips pistoning. Roman moaned around him, taking it so well, eyes closed as he kept pliant but— Dean could see how his arm was moving, knew he was jacking off to it, so hot and heavy, just from Dean’s cock in his mouth.
“So perfect for me, so perfect, Ro, can’t stop— God, you’re just—” Dean couldn’t get a single coherent thought out, so enamored by Roman’s perfect mouth, how he was working quicker, so hot from it, and— “I’m close, Ro, I’m close, are you—” 
And then Roman was gasping around his cock, throat clenching, and his body wracking as— 
“Are you—?” Dean gasped out, and Roman nodded frantically as he rode out his orgasm, blissful look over his face, and Dean couldn’t help himself any more, hips snapping in hard, and— “I’m gonna come, Ro, let me pull out—” but Roman was holding onto Dean’s ass, keeping him close, and then Dean was finishing hard, filling up Roman’s mouth. 
He fell back against the counter, fucked-out, eyes still fixed on the perfect image of Roman on his knees. A line of cum was creeping from his mouth. Roman visibly swallowed, expression still so blissful, and Dean was falling to his knees in front of him, bringing a hand up to push the cum back into his mouth. Roman’s eyes opened, and he sucked Dean’s thumb gently before parting his lips.
Dean pressed forward, kissing him deeply, tasting himself on his tongue. It was a good taste, him and Roman combined, and Roman hummed like he felt the same. Dean’s chest was warm when they pulled away.
They leaned against one another, forehead to forehead, smiling a bit dopily at each other. 
“Y’think there’s any chance no one heard all that?” Dean asked him, some amusement and some hysteria at what they just did.
Roman kissed him again. “No way in hell, D.”
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merakiui · 1 year
Love how you always make azul such a loser in your fanfics that he has to resort to cheating just to win, like he wins in the end in end in most fics but does he really?
He's just a very pathetic tako who can't stand the thought of losing, so he has to cheat to feel validation. Let's tally the times Azul has cheated/used underhanded methods in each of the fics featuring him!
Sea Glass - ✓ (lying and gaslighting as he always does. though technically you were doomed from the very beginning because you were what was owed all along, so he was winning from the start.)
Azul thought 1 - ✓ (he doesn't need to cheat for this one. he just takes advantage of reader's inability to sense a scam.)
Azul thought 2 - ✓ (cheating in the worst possible way: forced pregnancy. but despite that, he doesn't really win because he's still set free to the sea and he never sees you again...until part two. then he really begins to feel like a winner.)
Azul thought 3 - ✓ (using his power and authority to break you down. he also had a man killed, so that's taking cheating to many illegal levels.)
Azul thought 4 - ✓ (despite the fact that he isn't actively suffering like he usually does in the other thoughts, he was cheating all along with those potions. but oh the rizz that this azul has. he deserves this win even if it was attained through cheating. how could you not fall in love with the rizzard of twisted wonderland, the rizz master himself, the rizztopus mr. azul rizzengrotto?!?!)
Unsurprisingly, he lies and cheats and backstabs and lies and cheats in every fic. orz but I wouldn't have him any other way. <3
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suna1suna1 · 8 months
@shadamytober Day 6, "Tim Burton Films"
A Corpse Bride au with some minor plot changes
Inspired by the Piano Duet, composed by Danny Elfman on the Corpse Bride OST
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meadow-roses · 1 year
This fun little comic has turned into a 15 page SCENE help me
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