#my 92sies thoughts
shsl-fander · 2 months
Something I love about Javey is making them both think the other is out of their league. They both are convinced they couldn't possibly deserve one another and yet they're so in love.
Jack thinks Davey is smart and more sophisticated than him and has a real family so why would he want " a mess" like him when he could get so much better.
Davey thinks Jack is so confident and cool (and hot) and he admires how all the newsies easily listen to him. Jack is a natural born leader and has this energy to him that everyone likes. Davey can't imagine what its like to be like that and he thinks Jack would never want someone awkward like him.
And yet they match each other so perfectly and are exactly what the other needed. Davey needed to learn how to truly be himself and let go, hang out with the other newsies and become less uptight. Jack needed someone like Davey to understand him and talk to him logically and bring him down to earth instead of daydream land.
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loiteringandlurking · 7 months
headcanon that there's HEAPS of spare beds in the lodging house but the newsies just choose to sleep in the same beds hit post
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Alright I'm going feral but let me explain when cannon era Javid hits, you gotta write about it
David dressing Jacks wounds and him pulling back and sucking in a breath, "Jackie you need to hold still."
"It hurts when you do that Dave."
"Well, I gotta clean it, Jack."
Jack rolls his eyes but lets David clean the wound. Jack lets his mind race with feelings as he feels bad for making David worry about him. "I'm sorry." He says quietly
David looks up at him, "Don't be sorry."
"But I can't keep you worrying over me." He bites his lip
"Jack I will never stop worrying about you!" David holds his hand in his "
"No you can't David, I'm not perfect and I can't give you anything back and-"
"Jack stop it! Don't say that about yourself, I don't care that you can't give anything back and I don't care if you're not perfect neither am I or even my parents, I love you, Jack, you gotta know that."
Jack's eyes glisten, "Are you sure?"
David locks eyes with his,"More than sure Jackie, I love you not matter what."
"I love you too," Jack whispers and feels a tear go down his cheek.
David kissed him gently and continued with dressing his wounds. After finishing and putting supplies away David leads Jack to bed and wraps him into a hug while saying "I love you". Jack looks up at him one more time and, "I love you too. Thank you."
"Of course Jackie, anytime."
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oh so lying is bad but this is okay david?
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got it 👍
and don't forget that carriage driver you almost killed...
remember this guy?
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you sent him flying, dave...
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
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nyx-thedragon · 4 days
okay, here's the post about my thoughts on Newsies 1992 that I promised, because I just remembered that I was gonna do that.
First of all, I didn't realize that Kenny Ortega directed the movie until the credits (I did like, zero research on the cast or crew, I just knew that Christian Bale played Jack Kelly) and I think that explains why it was so fucking good (and why Jack and Davey were so gay lmao)
Number 2: this one is just a thought about the story of Newsies in general, but I do not see the need for a romance subplot at all. especially in the movie, because Jack and Sarah barely interact with each other, and the "oooh they like each other he he he" little subplot start the first time they meet ? at least in the musical, Jack and Katherine interact a lot and they're friends before the romance stuff starts. idk. it just kind of irks me when media has a romance subplot for no reason.
Number 2.5: following up on the romance subplot; it could be completely taken out and the story would be exactly the same. "but what about at the end when Jack decides to stay in New York because of his love interest?" you may be asking. simple: he realizes that he has a family already in New York with the newsies and he doesn't want to leave them and be alone. this ending emphasizes the importance of familial and platonic relationships and bonds, which I think we just need more of in general.
Number 3: I love how the movie has the time and means to go more in-depth with Davey and how he reacts to Jack's betrayal and how he keeps the strike going without Jack and everything. I know that the live version is a musical, and therefore has more music, but still they kind of glossed over all that if I'm remembering correctly (I haven't watched livesies in a while and may be misremembering things oops)
Number 4: the scene where the rest of the workers join the crowd for the children's crusade is so much more powerful in the movie, because they were able to have a ton of extra people, as it is a movie and not a stage production with a smaller cast. I genuinely got some chills when I watched that scene it was awesome.
Number 5: all of these guys have beautiful voices. I didn't know that Christian Bale could sing (if it is him singing and not someone else because I know sometimes movies do that; have someone else sing for a character instead of their actor or voice actor). The songs are different than what I'm used to with the musical soundtrack, but I enjoyed them a lot. and the choreography was great too.
Number 6: I like Denton. he's awesome. it's great that the newsies have an actual adult that helps them instead of someone who is assumed to be close to Jack's age (Katherine).
Number 7: the scene in Medda's theater when Snyder and the police showed up was so- I don't even know, I just really like it. I was on the edge of my seat watching it. also, Davey kicking Snyder in the face on the swing was so badass. I love you movie Davey you're so cool
Number 8: there was way more romantic tension between Jack and Davey than between Jack and Sarah. I'm just saying. the scene where Jack was being carried away by the police after getting punched by Snyder, when Davey reaches for him and tries to get the police to let go of him? oh he wants that cookie so effing bad. Davey going after Jack by himself when he was taken to Pulitzer's from the Refuge? Gay. (also how did no one see him??) the alley scene? they should've kissed. Davey confronting Jack after he sold out to Pulitzer? they should've angry-kissed there. the scene at the end after Jack comes back on the governor's carriage and the way they stare at each other?? my homo-alarm was going off so loud. idk they just had so much tension and I thank Kenny Ortega for that, because I know damn well that he had everything to do with that.
Number 9: THE FUCKING HARMONIES HELLO. I feel the same way about the harmonies in livesies, but the ones in 92sies are different from those, which I'm used to, and it was just so fun listening to them. god, I love music, can you tell?
Number 10: Spot Conlon. that's it, really. I like him, he's funny, "on the grounds of Brooklyn, your honor". I just love him. so much.
Number 10.5: Racetrack Higgins. he does so much more in the movie than in the stage production, and I love that. he's also very funny and has incredibly witty lines and I love it.
Number 11: I love getting to see more of the other newsies, and especially Davey's interactions with them. I don't remember getting to see much of that in livesies, and I think it really helps the viewer to connect with the characters and story more.
ummm, I think that's all I can think of that I wanted to share. if I think of more things, I will come back to share them. I think I'm probably gonna watch it like ten more times in the coming week and try to get my younger brother to watch it cause he's only seen the stage production so far (my town's high school is doing Newsies for their musical this year and he's gonna audition !!!!).
alrighty chat, that'll wrap up this tumblr post. have a great day and keep being cool :3
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saysflora · 2 months
Even the great Jack Kelly isn't immune to sickness every once in a while, no matter what he likes to say. This time around, though, he'd made the rookie mistake of fainting in front of David, and is suffering the consequences by being held captive in the Jacobs' apartment until they deem him better.
Actually, it might not be all that bad.
OR: Jack gets sick and recovers in the Jacobs' apartment, with no small amount of tomfoolery.
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liliesyonder · 7 months
hiiii so I just recently discovered your art through your Racetrack drawing (which I LOVE BTW) and I was wondering if you could draw a Sparah scene and also tell me your thoughts on them? I have suggestions for the scene if you need them :D
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They’d play a mean game of poker! (And wipe everyone out of their money.) But also I genuinely think they’d work well together! I hadn’t considered them seriously until I read @/queenofbrooklyn’s fantastic fics (GO READ THEM RN. GO!!! I could talk about Libby’s fics Forever. Genuinely surviving the ride was formative in cementing how much I love this pairing and I revisit it whenever I can.) and ever since I’ve been hooked. I think they’re both very intelligent and opportunistic individuals that would find each other fascinating in their own right. There’s a softness in Sarah that spot can’t have as a figurehead and there’s a bluntness that spot conducts himself with which sarah admires for its necessity. Very good parallels/foils if written well! Also thank you for liking the racetrack piece hopefully more 92sies Art to come ^_^
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1nm806 · 1 year
Racetrack "physical touch is my love language" Higgins and Spot "if you touch me and I'm not prepared 23 days in advance at least I'll punch you in the face" Conlon.
Race who actively has to restrain himself from shaking Spot every time something exciting happens and Spot who is trying his best not to crave death whenever Racer can't actually restrain himself.
I think that at the end of the strike Spot initiates a group hug and there's a moment of hesitation before all his friends go "fuck it this isn't gonna happen again". I'm fucking insane about these people.
I need to write about them tbh. I need to write the whole of 92sies from Spot's point of view.
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chaosfairy18 · 7 months
Ok so since a few of my friends have been very passionate about Katherine lately I thought I'd also talk about her (and Denton) a bit, not specifically judging or calling out but just some thoughts I had on them personally. So who knows me knows I love 92sies and yeah I was mad at first for Disney shoving a Disney Plot twist (oh no the reporter is related to the villain, we can't trust her now) as well as a love plot for an independent working woman in and then even cut my man Denton when my ideal world would have both of them. (Additional info since seeing UKsies I am much more in favour of Jatherine but before that they had no chemistry for me almost which only made me more annoyed at the love interest thing)
Hear me out. So Denton is interested in the strike but at first definitely only a bit until Kony (or more rather the fight before where police is not stepping in but instead keeping children locked in so they can get hit and beat). In the world we have both of them working for the Sun I am imagining him seeing her drive and want to work, her aspiration and her feeling for a good story and telling her about it, saying she should maybe go to where the newsies hang out and ask about the strike as he knows she wants to get out of the social pages and probably doesn't yet know how big the strike would get. The very latest they'd both be there for the Brooklyn showing up fight (or just taking the picture before Kony, but I do like my world more with Brooklyn here early) and then both for different reasons get really involved in the strike, personally.
So not to talk more about the timeline but more about how different Denton and Katherine get into the strike and connected to the newsies. Denton has seen some things as an ace war reporter, I'm sure, especially terrible things and has most likely seen young boys fight, even if not in a strike. He's feeling for them as an older man who knows he isn't in their shoes, far from it, but he has empathy for them and sees how dependent on child labour the city is after a short while and also how unfair they are treated, admires their fight, but he doesn't get it all, which is where Katherine comes in. Katherine also has to fight, so so much, just to get acknowledged, just to work at all, and even then the newsies first and foremost react to her with misogyny, but she still knows their fight in ways Denton doesn't, knows how it is to earn almost nothing (because even if her father is rich her own money she makes is abysmally small, probably around what a newsie makes that doesn't sell 100papes per edition as as far as I read that is a Huge amount) and knows she will treat them as, in a way, people with an equal fight (at least after Kony).
Which is also fitting on the topic of "oh Denton paid their fees and food" Denton has most likely a lot of money as an older white man who was an 'ace war reporter' and is 'friends' with the governour (Denty *cough*) Katherine has almost no money she makes herself, it is unlikely that at this time she just has money from her father she can use, and she sees the newsies as people that she is sure wouldn't want charity and people just paying for their things (like food) and is therefore not only not able to pay their fees or for food but also at least wouldn't do much for food as they are both rude to her at first and she wants to treat them without thinking of them as "poor orphans where a rich socialite has to pay their food"
One last thing I do think she could see him as a father figure who actually supports her as Pulitzer doesn't seem to be fond of her working until he is bragging in front of Jack and Denton could be so supporting in the Sun, helping her with everything and even trying to get her stories. Just let them co-exist in peace
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sluttylittlenewsboy · 7 months
Yes yes yes, nonbinary Sarah Jacobs, my love, but what about transfem Sarah!!!
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dcbutinamrev · 4 months
Should be doing Newsies Mini Bang artwork BUT:
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Have an exclusive doodle of Jack and Davey from my latest chapter “Chapter Eighteen” of My Dear Kelly (book link on my page) cause i can make my own fanart of my own book goddamnit
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newsiesimagines · 2 years
Newsies Imagines #36
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there is no way in hell that my coworker used to watch 92sies as a kid
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thefamousjackkelly · 1 year
An early morning shared between the two.
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ftm-megamind · 1 year
listen i love les but i just know he's the biggest cockblocker ever. like david trying to get kissy with jack and then les interrupts them with "JACK LOOK AT THIS COOL ROCK I FOUND!!" and david just groans and jack sighs but obliges anyway
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