#my HAWKE is there for hsi personality :)
roguehanders · 3 months
cannot fault anyone for liking their preferred video game romance based on how hot they are, but i'm like super ace and my favorite thing about anders romance is that he's kinda ugly
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linkspooky · 11 months
You've written about Overhaul in the past. Any tips on writing him accurately?
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Overhaul's actually one of the most complex villains in the story that's not a part of the league of villains, however since he's pretty unlikable and has mostly negative and unsavory character traits he's not discussed as often. However when it comes to writing him, there's a lot of rich material to mine here.
So my starting point whenever trying to write a character and make them as in-character as possible, is to figure out what the author intended for them in story. What role are they supposed to play? What function do they serve? In my opinion, Chisaki was an attempt by Horikoshi to twist a lot of traditional "good guy" traits into a villainous character that the audience would despise.
One of my biggest ways of doing this is to compare them to other characters, especially haracters who aren't given as much screentime because there are lots of cogs in a story and often the purpose of one character is to highlight a personality trait in another character because they share it.
Now I'm going to explain Chisaki's characterization by comparing them to another character, but here's the curveball here: I'm not going to use Shigaraki. Because I can explain it real quick with Shigaraki, the purpose of Chisaki is to show how Shigaraki's leadership differs from Chisaki because Shigaraki sees his allies as more than just pawns to be utilized. However, to come to understand why Chisaki wholeheartedly believes that everyone exists to be used thoroughly to further his own ends, we're going to look at a different character.
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Hawks and Chisaki are both bird-themed. They are both orphans who were taken in by an organization at a young age, Chisaki by the Yakuza and Hawks by the hero commission. They are both also extremely fanatically loyal to that organization and do everything possible to ensure that organizations survival, in part because they feel they have to repay being taken in.
They are both characters who were introduced to the league of villains, trusted by Twice, only to turn around and kill a member of the league. For Hawks it was literally Twice himself he killed. They were also initially presented as cooperating with the league, but when they reveal their true colors it shows how they view people in stark contrast to how the league views and treats it's own members. Which like, Hawks does not come out looking pretty in the comparison.
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Hawks doesn't actively abuse children so he has that over overhaul, but he does drag them onto battlefields that are basically an active warzone where the villains are fighting to kill. Which means that much like Overhaul, he tends to treat children the way he was treated: Ie, weaponizing them.
If you are familiar with Hawks mindset, "I am a pawn, so therefore everyone else is a pawn that I can maneuver around to obtain my objective" then it's easy to extrapolate the same onto Chisaki. Hawks talks about dirtying his hands, Chisaki is literally a germaphobe who has panic attacks if he gets blood on his hands (I'm exaggerating only slightly).
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Chisaki is introduced with a deep psychological need to stay clean and avoid everything he considers filth, dirty, or diseased a rampant paranoia of his which spreads to his hatred of quirks. We never get the reason why Chisaki hates quirks, besides the fact that the advent of heroes threatened his home in the Yakuza, but if we're going to extrapolate here it's probably due to the grotesque nature of his own quirk. He literally targets Eri because their quirks are similiar and he finds hers to be incredibly disgusting, and justifies his abuse of her with that logic.
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My pet theory is that he was either abandoned by his parents because of hsi quirk, or that he was taken in by AFO at some point and deliberately targeted by his quirk like Toya was (people have pointed out that the wallpaper here and the children playing int he background resemble the house that Toya was taken to).
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So, what we get here is Chisaki hates quirks, and he likely hates his own quirk possibly because of how he was treated in childhood because of it. He was definitely exploited by the same man who took him in due to that quirk, considering the fact he's a yakuza enforcer and has probably been committing violent crime since childhood. Once again, a Hawks trait, to be born with a prodigious quirk and yet find that quirk incredibly filthy.
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Hawks and Chisaki are a study in how characters can be painted to have "good guy" and "bad guy" traits, when really they're only being painted that way because of circumstances or surroudnings. Hawks in a lot of ways acts the same as Chisaki, he just happens to be manipulating people for the heroes, not to restore the Yakuza. Chisaki values no one, everyone including his childhood friend, the people he takes in off the streets, are pawns to be utilized by the best of their aiblity. He even tries to teach Shigaraki to play Shogi (Shigaraki not knowing how to play probably signifying how much he views people differently).
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So, Chisaki's willing to utilize everyone around him in service of a goal, the worth they have is to how he can use them to benefit his larger goal in mind and he's got no qualms about it.
Villainous trait, villainous trait, you say but Hawks does the same thing basically maneuvering everyone on the battlefield in the first and second wars the way Chisaki does, he just does it for an entirely different goal. He's even willing to personally betray and mutilate someone who trusted him in order to achieve that goal. Chisaki's point of no return is him completely massacring Nemoto in order to fuse with him when the tables started to turn against him in his fight against the hero. Hawks stabs Twice in the back in order to prevent him from using his quirk to stop the raid. In both cases it's a personal betrayal of someone who was good to them and trusted them.
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You could say Hawks did it for the greater good, but for CHisaki who only knows his Yakzua way of life he's doing it for the survival of the only life he knows. Which is why I say they're so similiar, Hawks isn't really protecting innocent people, he's protecting his role in the hero commission. He takes what he was raised to do to the extreme.
Which is another central character trait they share, Chisaki's biggest defect is that he never, ever gives up on anything ever. A traditionally heroic trait especially in the shonen manga where the character never gives up ever, but his determination is twisted into something hideous because he has no qualms about making sacrifices to get what he wants.
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Since childhood Chisaki has done absolutely everything to protect the family's dignity, to the point where it was disturbing. He never changes his mind, never backs down, even when the man he's trying to repay goes against him, but it comes from the same source as Hawks.
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He believes he owes the person who took him in, and does everything he does in service of that debt.
So the last part is Chisaki's germophobia himself. Now Chisaki is a man completely divorced from his own sense of guilt who doesn't really hesitate before making heinous actions, but I wouldn't say he feels nothing,the man's clearly not mentally well. If anything I'd say his own germophobia is a metaphor for the guilt and self-loathing he feels and chooses to ignore.
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He usually has breakdowns shortly after using his quirk as well. He'll absolutely brutalize people and then have a breakdown about the blood that they've gotten on him. Which suggests he you know, probably does not enjoy bloodshed in any real way. You could even compare it to Shigaraki's statement that he always feels like there's a constant sickness no matter what he destroys, which is likely his repressed guilt that AFO played off as some kind of urge to destroy, or the way Shigarki carries his hands of his family on him so he'll never forget his own self-disgust at murdering them.
Chisaki is living completely divorced from his own sense of guilt, until he's not. Once you remove him from his position of power, when he's away from the mission and forced to sit in his prison cell in tartarus he's reduced to a shambling mess that just constantly apologizes over and over to his boss and begs for the chance to see him again.
Which means that Chisaki represses all of his emotions to perform a task, and when he si not performing a task or functioning in a role he falls to pieces, because he doesn't have any sort of life except for serving in the yakuza. He's even referred to as a "gangster without a heart" because he literally has nothing else and no identity.
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Chisaki's gotta be a gangster and he'll even throw a coup and put his boss in a coma for fear of losing that place in the world, because what else is there for him?
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He even hates being called by his real name, much like Hawks, so his central issue is really a lack of identity because he was raised in a fishbowl with no other place to belong in the real world. Except we saw Chisaki when he was taken out of his fishbowl, and all he did was flop around like a magikarp.
As for general guidelines on his voice:
The germaphobia is a constant thing with him. Don't put your shoes in my table. Don't breathe in my direction. Hey stop bleeding on me your blood is filthy.
He talks down to people in general. He's extremely condescending with Shigaraki right off the bat, and states to his face that the only worth that Shigaraki and the League will ever have is pawns to be used as a part of his plan.
He flips between being detached, and extreme anger. Basically he's able to act cold and detached when things are going his way, and when people resist his plans or manipulations he then switches to browbeating, bullying or just otherwise lashing out in anger. If the square peg won't fit in the round hole, then just hit it harder until it does. He's cold and calculating until his calculations fail then he just brute forces it.
He's generally pretty good at negging people, he's got Eri convinced that her quirk is disgusting and she's the source of the misfortune around her. He's also got a bunch of street rats incredibly loyal to him by convincing them they can literally do no better in life than being used as a part of his plan.
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He also has a softer and more polite side that only comes out in front of the boss. This is his childish side too. When he's fighting Deku and has basically lost, he flashes back to his boss patting him on the head and thanking him for protecting the family's honor. He literally just craves validation from the closest thing he has to a father figure. He'll go to any lengths to get it.
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In general Chisaki should be disturbingly inhuman too, not just in his actions, but in his rationale and how far he can go and how little he considers other people in the equation. Even his own childhood friend and fellow yakuza finds him to be offputting. His boss asks him point blank, "What are humans to you?"
Basically, he's creepy, weird, anti-social, uses everyone around him, and is also completely divorced from his own feelings and sense of guilt which lets him run roughshod over other people's feelings.
So, y'know. Hawks.
Except Hawks puts on a charming and likable personality, whereas Chisaki's personality is having no personality.
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finnsucks23 · 4 years
I love you by Billie Eilish with Hawks please! SFW, but I’m honestly indifferent. Btw, I love love love your work!
I Love You.
Hawks x GN!Reader
Warnings: Angst.
The way you sat on the edge made your heart beat quicken just a tad bit, the sun was setting as tears slowly began to pool and fall along your cheekbones.
It's not true.
You didn't even turn your head as you heard his feet hit the concrete of the roof, he had managed to even find you all the way up here. Somehow, you knew deep in your heart that's what you wanted all along.
Tell me I've been lied to.
The gentle breeze had his feathers rustling, it was almost a calming sensation everytime you heard them at this point, but even now you felt so highly strung.
You let your legs sway and hit some of the roof as he sat beside you without a word, the tension had your knees buckling.
This wasn't what you wanted.
Crying isn't like you.
With a deep breath, you decided to spare him a glance. You took in his disheveled appearance, honey golden eyes gleamed with tears, his sharp cheekbones were unusually red.
What the hell did I do?
Keigo's usual 5'o clock shadow looked a bit more messy than usual, like he hadn't shaved since the last time you spoke to him. It broke your heart in a way you couldn't explain, how could you do this to him?
Never been the type to let someone see right through.
You clenched your eyes shut, trying to stop the tears, but seeing him now only made them build up even more before spilling so harshly. You prayed and wished that everything could go back to the way it was before, but it couldn't.
Baby, won't you take it back?
Keigo took in a sharp breath, letting his wings fall behind him as he decided to speak. Your heart ached, knowing what was about to come.
"You didn't have to run away, Y/n." He sounded to tired, did he not sleep at all?
Say you were tryna make me laugh.
"I know I didn't..." you crumbled, breaking out a in sob and you gripped the edge of the building tighter. "I'm so sorry." You cried, looking down at the ground. Everyone looked so small.
And nothing has to change today.
Keigo swallowed thickly, inhaling through his nose as he moved closer to you, careful not to startle you. He had always looked at you like you were a fragile porcelain doll.
Now, he could only watch you break.
You didn't mean to say "I love you."
"Then why?" He asked, moving his hand to run it through your hair, something he knew you loved.
It was a comfort thing that he slowly realized you appreciated, anytime you would feel sick or hurt, he would lay you in his lap and just run his hands through your hair until you fell asleep.
"I got scared." You sniffled, wiping away the tears as you avoided his eyes, his begging and pleading eyes.
I love you... and I don't want to.
Before you could say anything else, he grabbed your body and pulled you into his chest.
His dark red feathers encased the both of you like a blanket as you just relished in the warmth that you missed.
Up all night.
Letting out a shaky breath, you grabbed onto his coat and nuzzled into him. You had missed him so much, maybe that's why you got so scared.
On another red eye.
"I wish I could take it back, it was too soon." He sighed, gripping you tighter. Holding you as if he were to let go, for even a second, you would be gone again.
I wish we never learned to fly.
You shivered, feeling the cold breeze brush against your exposed legs, you shook your head.
"It wasn't your fault, it's mine, Keigo. I shouldn't have reacted that way." You began to feel a certain anger bubble inside of you.
Maybe we should just try to tell ourselves a good lie.
"I'm sorry that I hurt you, I should've stayed. But when you told me that-that..." you grew angrier when you couldn't even say it. You broke his heart, and you can't even repeat the words that he spoke to you that night?
You felt pathetic.
I didn't mean to make you cry.
You weren't angry with him, you were angry with yourself.
You weren't scared because of him, you were scared that you would ruin everything.
That's all you seemed to do.
Baby, won't you take it back?
"Keigo..." you choked out, moving away from his chest to look him in the eyes. Those beautiful golden brown eyes that shimmered with every smile he gave, even the cocky ones you swore you hated.
Say you were tryna make me laugh.
Your chest tightened, would he even forgive you?
And nothing has to change today.
You leaned up to him, wrapping your arms around his neck as the tears stung yet again.
"What's up kid?" He tilted his head, furrowing his eyebrows with a glimmer of hope.
You didn't mean to say "I love you."
"Did you mean it?" You frowned, worrying as you chewed at your cheek.
A look of concern crossed his face for a second, he began to wonder if he spoke the truth, would you go away again?
This time forever?
I love you... and I don't want to.
"I don't want to lose you again," he frowned, moving his hand down to your chin and lifting it up to look at him even more.
"Tell me what you want to hear, and I'll say it." You shook your head, Keigo was trying to swallow his own pride.
He never imagined it would be this hard.
The smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying.
"No." You frowned, hands shaking as you moved them to grab the sides of his face.
"Tell me the truth... please." You begged.
We fall apart as it gets dark, I'm in your arms in Central Park.
He unwrapped hsi wings from around you.
Your heart shattered.
He did what everyone else does in your life.
This is why you ran.
You didn't want to get attached.
"Y/n," he smiled softly.
There's nothing you could do or say.
"I'll always love you, and if that scares you, it's okay." His hands found yours, intertwining your fingers.
I can't escape the way I love you.
"Just let me help you, please. That's all I ask." Hawks tried to keep up his bad boy persona in every situation possible, but with you... he just couldn't.
You made him weak.
I don't want to, but I love you.
With a watery smile, you laughed and nodded. Letting go of his hands and wrapping yourself back up into him.
"I love you too."
▪︎ ▪︎ ▪︎
A/N: AHHHH. This made me emotional writing it and I'm sorry??? At least it's a holy ending 🥺
Also thank you so much Riot for your kind words! You have no idea how much it means to me since I'm just now starting to post on here! You are my favorite person right now and I will kill a man for you. I hope you liked it!
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mwritesink · 6 years
16) are there any characters who haunt you?
In terms of characters I’ve written/am currently writing fanfiction for, it’s an even race between Jono Starsmore (as evidenced by how many fucking things featuring him in my wips list), and Griffin Flaherty from the “Whyborne and Griffin” series by Jordan L Hawk (the short collection i’m writing in likely to all be in first person PoV from hsi point of view so I have to get in his head a lot, or try to)
in terms of characters from my original works: Sir Mordred from my “My Squire, My Knight” VN idea, and Lawrence Barton from my wip “Rebel Songs”. Mordred has always fascinated me, especially in how his character changed from the earlier arthurian tales he showed up in to how Malory portrays him as irredeemable. With Lawrence, I’ve had to do a lot more thinking in his formation as a character and re contextualizing his reactions and his past. 
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