#my baby bini <3
kpophubb · 2 years
Pls just marry me instead 😔✋🏻 I also dresses up in a black & white dress for you yesterday, I am not pretty like that bambi boy, but I promise I can love you better 🤍🤍
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chameleon-on-lsd · 2 months
Tatort Zürich E3 - E7 liveblogging
Episode 3 (Schattenkinder)
Love how tessa rides the bike to the crime scene and then doesn‘t get to ride with the car. They could‘ve loaded it, p sure that isabella has a prett normal car and not a police cruiser with equipment in the back, right? Noah ily so much. ‚Uf sim pc hets paar cooli games […]‘ ‚völlig kränk‘ !!!!!! Baby boy, ily Tessa‘s eyebrows are very intense this episode „Noah, es ist spät, hast du kein zuhause?“ xDD „äh doch“ Lmao what kind of reaction is ‚luegsch pornos?‘ from charlie to tessa not reacting right away to a question xd Lol isabelle. But also i love her eating his food in the kitchen. And I forgot his name again „Putain, tessa“ lmao What parking structure is that?? Never seen it before The art dude is wearing a very jazzy sweater. Almost Baby Genius like I love how isabelle‘s red-brown holster matches her red turtleneck sweater Yes, let‘s go party with the suspect Lmao tessa, that was the MOST obvious ‚talking into lapel mic‘ ever. Girlie, don‘t go undercover Aww love how Milan is being a server. What does your catering job include lmao AND THEN TESSA LEAVES THE DOOR OPEN WHILE SNEAKING AWAY. Get that woman some training Lmao tessa. 1A ablenkig. How to distract pretentious art wanker? The Arts!!! Just sing a little ditty (She‘s good tho) Also, another woman flirting with grandjean/ott lmao Holy fuck the tension ???!!!!! They actually almost kiss?? ‚Bini der z schnell?‘ fjalshdlal I FORGOT THAT ISABELLA HAS TO LISTEN TO THAT!!!!! W O W Lmao she just insta-installed something? I like the editing of all the different voice-overs in this one Whew max‘s actor Lmao smoking indoors? I guess the police is altmodisch but come on guys SHARING THE CIGARETTE!!!! (Almost sad that hörk don‘t get to share) !!! I figured out like half a second before the reveal that kyomi is the daughter lol Cries, the dad just looks so happy. No old man, don‘t make me cry, you‘re supposed to be a monster Damn bitch, that matte blue/purple car tho. Holy shit. (Also we do just keep with the suicide plots for zurich tatort huh. Are we this depressed??) Awww, cute tess and isabella moment
Episode 4 (Risiken mit Nebenwirkungen)
Lmao the lawyer with the super sassy ‚unzueläässssig‘ Will we finally get an episode without suicide mention? You live on a boat? What are we? Amsterdam? I already don‘t remember the 3rd title caard Isabelle walks onto the boat, instantly touching 3 surfaces lmao. Cool that she got offered gloves like 5 seconds later tho lol „Also = game over“, gamer boy noah lives on Lmao the boss of the lawyers: ‚chani ihne öppis ahbiete? Gin? Single malt?‘ Guess that‘s one way to do business Lmao just quoting law articles to eachother God, i‘m pretty sure they said it before but the sentence ‚folge dem geld oder dem sperma‘ made me half-choke so loud my cat woke up „der sah aus wie ein jammerlappen“ lmao get roasted hot lawyer (Praise kink!noah unlocked. Too bad I don‘t know who to ship him with and I hate reader insert) God that pharma conference is SO wanky We really just don‘t do subtitles huh? (It was a very easy english phone call but like) Uuuuh, does hit lawyer have a conscience? The pharma lady reminds me of that phony pharma lady. Theranos??Mhhh electro porsche Lmao noah losing his shit at his own doing …why is isabelle riding in the ambulance when the attack happend in front of the house? Where the stay at home mom is??? „Sie weiss bscheid“ and she doesn‘t care???! Aw charlie Still don‘t understand how it took the mom so long to get to the hospital NOAH XDDD (Also how did I not see a field day of posts about ‚tessa ott, du bist so hot‘ ??!) Also their reaction??? Also noah, truly a man of the people, writing fanfic on company time and using company equipment !!!!! Isabelle offering to drive tessa! (Under the guise of her not having a light, shush. Also tessa calling her ‚mami‘ lmao) Also the fucking fact that tessa keeps insisting on driving without a helmet!!! Christ „Du bisch en fucking nobody“ lol DAMN professor doesn‘t fuck around Awww the srf radio show Prime tower has fucking glass security gates inside?? What is actually housed in there?! Noah… that is your best work? I guess if you squint hard enough Jesus christ, everyone be killing xD Help the cringe is cringing ;-; xD
Episode 5 (Seilschaft)What the fuck is this english speech? Why do I feel like I know that actor‘s face? Tessa is not a great friend lmao What. The. Fuuuuuck Lmao isabelle again with the ‚you live here?!‘ inquiries (‚hat ihr tesla kein strom mehr?‘ to ms staatsahwältin) Lmao and the next lady to flirt with grandjean What the fuck was that greeting between fedpol guy and staatsahwältin? The french just for shits and giggles xD they literally didn‘t need to do that Have we ever seen inside grandjean‘s home? Wow. That is fucking horrifying. Thanks for showing it with such a banger of background music Aww isabelle's götti Slowly piercing together the ‚tessa was abused‘ backstory I see ‚Hast du hunger?‘ ‚ich will zu dir‘ different kind of hunger lmao ‚Jemand den du gut kennst‘ Aww bless charlie Christ tessa You‘re such a bitch lmao Of course charlie relapses in this environment Also love how boxing clubs are rife cop show material Noah my scruffy beloved Aaaa and he doesn‘t wanna say something wrong around tessa Poor baby boy. ‚Das staht doch da! ;-;‘ Kerim bby Noah‘s hair is SO good That‘s a fucking huuuuge schrebergarte …which protokoll?? Tessa looks so unkempt this episode lmao Poor bbies Aww she apologized Lmao that girl is wearing double denim as in ‚two denim jackets‘. Why ‚Huere komisch‘ Man that girl loves denim Hello hot police officer Lmao ‚watch.ch/watch‘ Is it.. child SA ? Again?? ‚Schnapped sie ihn und packed sie ihn ade eier!‘ xd Mov.ch/watch Slightly better, still odd Also, casually browsing child SA material in an open plan office? Weird, tessa Whew boy that was a lot ….are we heading into another suicide? I still don‘t know where tf I know his face from Oh hey, another rooftop scene W E L P another one bites the dust (on her own terms) Also lmao the fucking death pose. What was that comic meme? Family guy? Fidjsjskd The Hug. Finally Aaaaa söft Akdkfhdhsksjd De fucking blickwechsel vo grandjean und ott, ih dem softe liecht. The sapphic of it all
Episode 6 (Blinder Fleck)
Warum fahred ihr en vogel gassi? Achso, tierarzt Gross fucking moustache btw A kid case. For grandjean. Whooooo boy Good hair from botj ladies currently …..she would be sitting in her mom‘s piss…. Death is not pretty Oooo. Biker is also dead Bitch loves the forest. And his drone. And birds Lmao ‚ghat‘s?‘ at tessa dying after walking up the stairs How are you holding the child? Oh she is holding you Cries …oh the forstarbeiter didn‘t find the biker duse, they were talking about the others Aaaaand bird!guy knows bike!guy Isabelle, what the fuck was that sentence? Good look, noah (i do miss his ugly ties a bit) Lmaaooooo the fucking american deutsch with the weird r‘s xDD Lmao that fucking bird is just going on a weltreise Oh they were trying to bring it back to the kid, makes sense. And she‘s like?? This biih?! Aww milan Also, to be serenaded by two loving people? IMAGINE Aw isabelle. You‘re trying to use milan. Shame on you Also fully don‘t understand his backstory. Zeugenschutz?? Lol tessa playing peekaboo with the bird Wow… both those extras are doing…rough acting jobs Aaaaa noah outside! xD He left his IT den I don‘t like the banker lady Noah bby, y u so pretty Lmao lars. Way go be fucking creepy. And in danger Awww noah calling bird!guy DAMN. What a fucking outfit from bird guy ….you wanna tell me that tessa follows the traffic laws to a T? Absolutely not Mhhh microwave sketti and fake fanta xD And insta-triggered herself Frau staatsahwältin is so confounded by kids lmao Same tho What do you mean ‚er het nöd chöne cho‘?? He left after seeing the kid (which i kinda expected) but wut Lmao bird!guy keeping on flirting with tessa Seeleverwandt with birds. My guy, you‘re fucked …weird bank things are happening ‚Du kennsch mi sit 2 johr‘….. fully expected a longer time. 2 yrs is… nothing God those actors both look like leather couches …why we gotta see them make out Lmao bird!guy Interesting acting choices from both luca and ada. And with interesting I mean cringe Nice use of ‚police data bases take 2 seconds to find results‘ Awww milan baby boy. His love language is def food He calls her IsabellA right?? Guess that‘s why I was confused at some point with her name And you walked right into that one isabelle Ooooooh. Combat drone?? Amazing Lmao love the drone shots that are super unrealistic. You‘d hear that fucker, you can‘t stalk someone Background person with purple hair! (At least it looked so in the 0.5 they were on screen xD) They use ‚clear‘ as signal for cleaning rooms? Interesting Ada‘s garden is very nice But lol lars and ada are both weird JESUS!!!!!!!! A fucking axt to the head??? That was so graphic holy shit xD That kid has such a creppy stare lmao Damn luca, you‘re going on a rampage Damn mr jail man, you look good Bit of a weird beard but still hot ….the fact that tessa is allowed to go to a person of interest alone is so wild… like she's ready to engage and doesn‘t have a partner with her?? No buddy system??! How would any of this hold up in court? Do we not require that? Kill drone engage! Schön am walche kino verbi xD Aww and the landesmusuem ..how is noah supposed to find it exactly? You go grandma Is luca gonna shoot himself….. Or jump…. Come ON guys Can we have more episodes without suicides/attempts? This is depressing I guess that‘s what we get for tessa‘s failed attempt? Spatort gets spaten flashbacks, zurich gets suicides He‘s gonna juuuuuump Oh wow he didn‘t Aww that was a fun transition of the normal camera going up to the drone overlay
Episode 7 (Von Affen und Menschen) re-watch so skipping through it
Lmao staatsahwältin is such a flirt The sunglasses <3 Severin!!! (Zoo director) He always reminds me of elijah kamski Lmao for an ‚ebenso‘ und ‚sorry ich muss los‘ Nooooaaah, very cute in that hoodie and your fuckass headphones xD ‚Isch öpper hässig gsi‘ xD (about someone shooting 6 times) But god all the non-main actors are SO cringe in this one Staatsahwältin doing her little jig lmao I wanna hug noah$ ‚Warum düüted alles uf sini frau hi, noah? Oh ja merssi für d frag‘ bby boy, they don‘t appreciate you xD ahskkskaja The little moment of tessa tossing the wet paper towel at noah and the little ‚swish‘ sound edit and his smirk ????? I don‘t understand why isabelle and milan don‘t kiss more. They did so before. Why are they back to being coy? ‚Erpressig? Lösegeld? En banane? Um was ghats?‘ noah‘s face xD Lmao and so joyful to share gruesome details about the nail gun kill Zoom and enhance that doesn‘t work! The insta-toss of the phone is so funny THIS ONE ALSO INCLUDES A (staged) SUICIDE!!!! What the fuck is it with zurich So I think only 1 episode has none? Tessa‘s ‚lieber nöd :)‘ to the other police xD Lmao and severin‘s second scene is him hitting a glass and then standing there DaMN that‘s a neat white beard and moustache at the back Everyone hates their putzpersonal lmao That is the second one that gets their work interrupted I like the yellow and green theme of the outfits this episode for noah and tessa ‚noah, c‘est simplement genial‘ ‚ou, je sais :))‘ bless Lmao isabelle being a trash racoon Staatsahwältin‘s outfit is very strange.. Stripey top and tie thing, very wide belt, checked skirt Hello hot undercover cop(s) Yeah tessa, you done goofed. Bad friend award goes to you
Also I feel like we got over it way too fast that tessa was fucking fingerbanged at a club
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fairybinie · 3 years
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nobody speak to me. 
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s-uwu-binie · 3 years
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txt's reaction to you skipping school just to see them ♡
➻ txt x reader (gender neutral)
➻ fluff <3
➻ requested by our lovely anon 💕
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一 yeonjun
he'd be so surprised to see you in the front door of the dorm when he opened it
yeonjun would be speechless at first and would not know what to say
but honestly tho, i feel like he'd be smug about it too
"oh? you missed me that much?"
"get in here," he'd say while scooping you in his arms, swaying you around
and he'd also be so flattered that you came all the way to the dorm just to see him, like awww just for him? 🥺
"babeee, for me?? i love you so much, you know that?"
most likely would keep you to himself all day, not letting you near any of the boys cuz he missed you too :((
y'all look cute all cuddled up in his bed, watching some series or movies all day
he a big baby who also needs some lovin
一 soobin
soobin would be so concerned about why you skipped out on school because he didn't expect that of you
and then when you told him the reason, he shakes his head saying he is so disappointed in you with a smile on his face. but really tho, he feels as if he is about to combust
boy was ready to spend the day with you
"so... food or movie first?"
then you go
"why not both? :>" y'all rush to the kitchen to grab some snacks, ready to lay around the rest of the day
then just like that, both of you are wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, similar to a burrito
"i love you."
一 beomgyu
beomgyu would be ecstatic but also worried about it
lile, he's happy to see you
but he's still worried about you skipping
actually concerned that you might miss a lot of stuff on lectures and stuff like that
you have to reassure him that you got it covered
"are you sure you'll be okay? like, a 100% sure that you got it covered?"
asks a million questions
"yes, gyu i'll be fine."
he'd still be slightly worried, but he's glad to have you by his side
after his countless questions, he'd look at you and say
"now cuddle me"
say less 😤
一 taehyun
if you think you're getting away with skipping on school to see him, you're right
but you won't pass without some teasing here and there
the moment he opened the door, taehyun immediately knew what you'd done
and he won't let you off the hook without some teasing
"what are you doing here?"
"i came here to see you."
"hmmm okay, now go back to school." he'd turn you around and would jokingly push you out the door, but he won't actually let you go
"you know what, i change my mind. you should stay."
boy would literally pull you to his room where you both slept and ate for the rest of the day
someone please get me a taehyun 🥺
一 hueningkai
this boy would probably laugh at the situation. of course, with a light blush coating his cheeks
the second he saw you on the other side of the door, he just stares in confusion
he stares for a few more seconds
then the next thing you know, he laughing as if there's no tomorrow
his dolphin laughs almost scaring you
"y-you what?" he'd be out of breath
"wait, i'm sorry. i know i should be concerned but this is hilarious!" hueningkai would be toppled over in giggles
and he'd have tears in the corners of his eyes by the end of his laughing fit
"god, i love you so much. now get in here, bub 🥺."
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all rights reserved © s-uwu-binie
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theweirdkidinside03 · 2 years
Yet To Come by BTS stayed on top for the second week in a row
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1. Yet To Come - BTS
2. Left And Right (feat. Jung Kook of BTS) - Charlie Puth
3. A Thousand Miles - The Kid Laroi
4. About Damn Time - Lizzo
5. First Class- Jack Harlow
6. Potion - Calvin Harris, Dua Lipa & Young Thug
7. That That (feat. SUGA of BTS) - Psy 
8. Out Of Time - The Weeknd 
9. Bones - Imagine Dragons
10. Maybe You’re The Problem - Ava Max      
11. So Good - Halsey
12. Churchill Downs (feat. Drake) - Jack Harlow
13. That’s Hilarious - Charlie Puth
14. Falling Back - Drake
15. As it Was - Harry Styles
16. Hold My Hand - Lady Gaga
17. Honest (feat. Don Toliver) - Justin Bieber
18. Words (feat. Zara Larsson) - Alesso
19. Love Me More - Sam Smith
20. For Your Love - Gunnar Gehl
21. Cooped Up (With Roddy Ricch) - Post Malone 
22. I Love U - The Chainsmokers
23. Can’t Handle It - Brevin Kim  
24. I Like You (A Happier Song) (with Doja Cat) - Post Malone
25. Skin Of My Teeth - Demi Lovato 
26. No One Dies From Love - Tove Lo 
27. Me, Myself & I - 5 Seconds of Summer   
28. Best Time - BGYO
29. Memories - Conan Gray
30. Vegas - Doja Cat
31. Sharks - Imagine Dragons
32. Na Na Na - BINI
33. psychofreak (feat. WILLOW) - Camila Cabello
34. When You’re Gone - Shawn Mendes
35. Dueles Tan Bien - Bruses
36. Disaster - Imagine Dragons
37. Bad For Me (feat. Teddy Swims) - Meghan Trainor
38. 2Step (feat. Lil Baby) - Ed Sheeran
39. Sweetest Pie - Megan Thee Stallion & Dua Lipa
40. Forever My Love - J Balvin & Ed Sheeran
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kpophubb · 2 years
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First of all, calm down baby omg😭 *hee stare making me go sjsnsisjs*
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I was seriously SO occupied with uni work that I barely had time to answer to asks and dms, let alone write </3 but now I’m a little free to serve you good content again ;)
Anyways, I have 4 jungwon drabbles in my drafts that I haven’t added to my wips 🙈🤍 here are the fics 👉🏻👈🏻☺️
1) “my favourite place to kiss you.” It’s a noona x jungwon reader where jw falls in love with Jay’s girlfriend’s best friend. He pins for her but is too afraid to confess to her, and to catch glimpses of her smiling and spend time with her that he loves so much, he always tags along with jay whenever jay visits his gf. Until one day, while they were playing truth and dare and jay dares y/n to kiss jungwon, he realizes how he’s so irresistibly in love with her and his entire world is about to turn upside down just from that one burning kiss.
2) “those cherry lips of yours.” It’s a friends to lovers y/n x jungwon fic where jungwon and y/n are best friends but y/n is in love with an oblivious jungwon. Afraid to ruin their friendship, y/n doesn’t express her love for jungwon but uses indirect hints to tell him he loves her but unfortunately nothing gets through to him. That is until on that one ocassion, where jungwon gets confessed to by the most popular girl in college y/n decides to do something about her feelings. Will she really end up making her best friend her lover, or will she lose him forever?
3) “one kiss is all it takes”- okay this might be the STEAMIEST fluff I will ever write about jungwon, where jungwon is in love with his y/n noona, who is in love with another member. He wants to love her from far away and never get in her way, but one time as they all hang out and drink together, fazed by the alcohol, yang jungwon can’t resist his temptation for the girl he loves anymore. Sometimes, one small move, and one little kiss can make you realize who you’re truly in love with and want for the rest of your life.
4) “when hate turns to love” it’s an idea inspired by my anon who requested this, but y/n and jungwon are academic rivals. It’s an enemies to lovers trope, where jungwon eventually falls in love with his classmate y/n but she’s too dumb to realize it. So one day, jungwon just grows frustrated by her innocence and decides to kiss her to make her realize his true feelings for her.
These are the fun wips of jungwon im working on! <3 I’ll try my best to post them asap but today I’ll be posting Jake’s belated bday fic 🥲💓 ik y’all gonna enjoy all these wonie drabbles TOO much ;)
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kemungkinan-blog · 6 years
(Video) 'Kena lempang 3 kali' - Anak saudara tampil ceritakan kejadian sebenar
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Viral di media sosial video seorang lelaki melempang muka remaja di perkarangan masjid, mengundang pelbagai reaksi netizen. 
Video berdurasi 28 saat yang dimuat naik oleh sepupu mangsa, @Ashzff, berkata, kejadian itu berlaku di Masjid Al-Faizin, Kepong. 
"Guys, this pakcik is so rude. Look at what he did to my cousin. Yang lain boleh tengok and gelak je?
"Lepaskan geram dekat budak yang tak bersalah. You lucky I was not there! Shame on you. Ni dekat Masjid Al-Faizin, Kepong," tulisnya di Twitter. 
Guys this pakcik is so rude. Look at what he did to my cousin. Yang lain boleh tengok and gelak je? So damn stupid. Lepaskan geram dekat budak yang tak bersalah. U lucky i was not there! Shame on you. Ni dekat Masjid Al-Faizin Kepong. pic.twitter.com/sx70GYYqnF
— ash.zeta (@ashzff) February 20, 2019
Menurut @ashzff, sepupunya ditugaskan untuk mengambil duit di tabung masjid oleh AJK masjid. Namun tanpa bertanya apa-apa, sepupunya dilempang kerana disangka mencuri. 
"Cerita dia, my cousin ditugaskan untuk ambil duit dekat tabung masjid oleh AJK masjid. Then tanpa tanya apa-apa, dia terus lempang budak ni. Dia ingat my cousin mencuri. Dah sah-sah budak tu selalu kat masjid and semua orang kenal dia. Takkan dia mencuri. 
"And now dah jadi kes polis. Hadaplah sendiri.
"Dia boleh maki my cousin 'bodoh' 'babi' 'binatang' 'sial' 'celaka' 'baik tak payah jadi manusia'," tulis @ashzff. 
Cerita dia, my cousin ditugaskan untuk ambil duit dekat tabung masjid oleh ajk masjid. Then tanpa tanya apa apa, dia terus lempang budak ni. Dia ingat my cousin mencuri. Dah sah sah hudak tu selalu kat masjid. And semua orang kenal dia. Takkan dia mencuri
— ash.zeta (@ashzff) February 20, 2019
And now dah jadi kes polis. Hadaplah sendiri. Tapi still sombong bongkak.
— ash.zeta (@ashzff) February 20, 2019
And siapa yang dah tengok video ni, bayangkan dia balik kayuh basikal menangis, and sampai rumah amek ice letak kat muka. Weh pakcik? Takde hati perut ke kau ni?
— ash.zeta (@ashzff) February 20, 2019
Dia boleh maki my cousin “bodoh” “babi” “binatang” “sial” “cilaka” “”baik takpayah jadi manusia” hey pakcik, kau ni tu yang takyah jadi manusia. Iblis kau tu. sorry ter emosi 🙏🏻
— ash.zeta (@ashzff) February 20, 2019
Bagaimanapun, tampil seorang wanita yang merupakan anak saudara kepada lelaki terbabit menjelaskan apa yang berlaku itu kerana salah faham sahaja dan kes telahpun diselesaikan. 
assalamualaikum hi! both sides are at fault here, there are misundersatnding and the case is settled. i apologize on behalf. thank you and may Allah bless you always! 😊 p/s: dia tak pukul anak bini jangan risau haha
— ⁠⁠⁠⁠🌻 (@anithfazira) February 21, 2019
nope, i said it's my uncle. report police has been done, yes from the kid. and the case is settled whereby the kid is at fault as well. there is misunderstanding here. but i tak kata he's not at fault, ok?
— ⁠⁠⁠⁠🌻 (@anithfazira) February 21, 2019
one of the ajk (sama nama mcm pakcik) asked the kid to pecah masuk bilik masjid untuk amek duit tu. macam nak kena kan my uncle lah biasa lah politik masjid. at first budak tu tak ngaku, sebab tu kena pukul. lepastu baru ngaku. tapi malu lah from our side.
— ⁠⁠⁠⁠🌻 (@anithfazira) February 21, 2019
hi, i am not on his shoes masatu so i tak sure apa yang dia fikir. might be his temper (doakan he can control in the future). but the kid shouldnt ceroboh masuk dalam office masjid jugak in the future. sorry on behalf of his act. and, apa niat yang viral? nak malukan jugak?
— ⁠⁠⁠⁠🌻 (@anithfazira) February 21, 2019
yeah, i think my uncle's family talk nicely with the kid's family after the report. then the kid baru mengaku why he masuk bilik masjid. politik masjid. entah lah haha
— ⁠⁠⁠⁠🌻 (@anithfazira) February 21, 2019
Sumber: @ashzff, @anithfazira
from The Reporter https://ift.tt/2T9RUbG via IFTTT from Cerita Terkini Sensasi Dan Tepat https://ift.tt/2DZQNlr via IFTTT
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fairybinie · 3 years
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suddenly all my pain went away
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s-uwu-binie · 3 years
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— perspective
➻ choi soobin x reader (gender neutral)
➻ fluff <3
⤷ just a bit of loving banter with the choi soobin
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“we should get new curtains soon.” your fingers fiddled with the cotton material. it’s been so long since you’ve shopped for any home decor, and you thought now would be the perfect time to change it up. “preferably the color beige, something light this time.”
soobin perked up from his spot on the couch, “but I actually like the color we have now.” he eyed the curtain with consideration before nodding, going back to scrolling on his phone.”i like it as it is.”
a huff slid out of your mouth, “but it looks tacky and so old, bub. we need new ones.” your hands widely gestured to the curtain behind you. “do you even see the state of this thing?”
soobin glanced at you and said, “crystal.” then, his attention is all trained on his phone again, leaving you to your devices.
“fine.” you stormed out of the living room to get your coat, ready to leave to purchase new curtains. the sound of your footsteps echoes in soobin’s ears. he sat up when he noticed you weren’t in the room. immediately, soobin stood up on his feet and rushed to get to you. “y/n, wait!”
he spotted you later at the door, body draped in your coat and money at the ready.
wow, you’re really serious about the curtain. soobin thought. a smile almost made its way on his lips as he looked over at you.
“where are you going?” he asked.
you popped out your hip, hand placed on your waist. “uhh, to the furniture store? You know, to buy new curtains?” you said with attitude.
“but why?” soobin pouted at you.
“because the one we have is ugly!”
soobin looked over his shoulder, gazing at the curtain hanging on the window. “hmm... i don’t see the hideousness you speak of, bub.”
“come here.” you tugged soobin by his sleeves, leading him to stand in front of said curtains. “just see it from my perspective.”
he remained silent with his head slightly tilted to the side. “i just don’t see it, y/n.” his eyes darted to you, a mischievous glint present in his orbs. soobin moved a bit closer to you, then he crouched down to your height, seemingly to ‘see’ it from your perspective.
did this man just-
“oh, i see it now!” he cheered from beside you. “yeah, we need new ones.” laughing, soobin turned his head to you.
“don’t talk to me.” you deadpanned.
“but i just saw it from your perspective!” soobin thrashed his long arms in the air with an evident pout on his lips. you ignored him as you stomped your way back to the bedroom.
“i’m not talking to you!” you cupped your hands on both of your ears, leaving your hearing muffled and unclear.
“oh come on, y/n. baby? bub? sunshine?”
“lalalala!” you screamed at the top of your lungs.
soobin just shook his head at your cute annoying antics.
what a brat, but a cute one tho. he thought.
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all rights reserved © s-uwu-binie
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kpophubb · 2 years
we were never married
he is a flirt and that's bad for my poor heart
DID YOU SEE THE WAY OUR HEEJAKE POSTED A TIKTOK right after you sent the asks?😭🖤 *screaming on top of my LUNGS like a maniac atp*
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You were never married but it’s never too late to get married now ;)
But hey, atleast he’s a romantic 🤫🤍
You’re so sweet😭🫶🏻 it’s also MY JOB TO KEEP BEING SWEET TO YOU UGH! 💞 I’ve seen some new heejake edits, lemme attach them to the new asks! + I have some interesting life updates atp that kept me busy so yaay (if you wanna hear that is lol)
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bittersweetchoices · 3 years
Title : Life as a husband
Shared on tinyurl.com/CeritaAku
Salam all. I am a man, married with 2 young kids. Lately banyak sangat stories about infidelity and all. Aku share sikit married life from a men's perspective. Usually banyak from a woman's pov kan, laki Tak tolong buat kerja, balik rumah main handphone and whatnot.
So,let's do this. Just a typical day in the life of a married man ( mine in particular). So bangun pagi at 6am settle firstborn with breakfast, mandi and siap to school. After all done, send him to school which is a stone throw away. Alhamdulillah sekolah dekat.
So that done, balik rumah by then the baby girl will be up already and layan dia jap and mandikan and siapkan si adik. Prep her Susu and then I am off to work.
K wait. I do have a wife and yes she is sleeping. No she is not lazy. No, I am not bullied. This is just my way of appreciating her. So, you see. My wife is a SAHM who does online selling from home. So she settle the kids during the day and when they sleep then she does her work. So her typical day will end Ard 3 or 4am. And the baby do wake up at night as well for milk and usually she settles that.
So it's like an unspoken agreement or understanding that we have. She let me rest as I need to wake up early to settle the firstborn and me I will let her sleep slightly longer as I settle the kids before I go to work.
I am at work during the day but I always have my wife in mind like is she ok with the kids at home. Being a stay at home mom is not easy. Nowhere near easy. Yes you may have your routine covered and stuff. But you know growing kids have their antics and juggling them and doing house work is no easy feat.
Always check on them if they are ok. Kadang2 makan Pon Tak dapat, Mandi don't say la. Kalau dapat Mandi Pon not in peace. Such is the life of a SAHM. So for aku, I told my wife, you just settle of the kids, tu is Primary. Settling of house is secondary. Masak also, for me don't have it's ok. As long kids Ade makan. Aku balik bole tapao bro no Hal. Balik makan Maggie curry panas2 berdua Pon sodap bro.
So when I get home, rumah memang standard ah mainan bersepah. Rumah mcm nak terbalik. But I am used to this. Means my wife had a typical busy day with the kids and she is tired. Tak payah dia cakap,tengok rumah da tahu. Kalau rumah bersih yang aku risau, anak sakit ker or not themselves tu lagi worrying.
Aku balik rumah after a long day memang penat Bro. Giler Tak penat. But aku Ade lunch break, tea break, toilet break, bini aku blom tahu Ade Mandi break. So sampai rumah aku Mandi Kasi segar badan buang penat, drink coffee or what then kemas rumah. Settle budak2 Mandi petang and malam nk tido.
Bini aku Kasi makan budak, then once done we put the kids to sleep and have the night to ourselves from 10 pm onwards. We treat ourselves to a movie on Netflix over a tub of Ben and Jerry's cream.
So this is married life from a man's perspective. I am not complaining. We are tired but we are happy and most importantly we are sane. Mental health Pon nak kene jaga eh. Raising kids is no easy feat. Every kid is different,every marriage is different.
Being married is not just about nak elakkan daripada maksiat. So Tak nk berzina, you get married to make it halal. Eh halo, it's not just that horh. Being married is more to it. It's being responsible with a capital R. You are responsible for the well being of your wife, how your marriage turns out, how your kids grow up, basically all that is your responsibility. So if it's too big of a responsibility for you then please do not embark on it when you are not ready.
Jangan da kahwin then problem sikit je nak Ade affair la, nak cerai la, laki Tak guna la, bini Tak Tau masak la . Perangai jangan budak2 please. Ade problem please bawak bincang. Be mature adults and come center and accommodate. Jangan nak ego sangat. If only one person is being the adult in the marriage means u got a serious problem, you are married to a kid. Please jangan buat Hal. Hantar balik this boy stuck in a man's body who keep playing games, back to his parents and please also send that girl who keep running away from her problems like she is still 14 years old running away from school because cikgu marah rambut Tak dye balik hitam.
My apologies kalau cerita terpanjang or meleret. My point is, marriage is a chapter in your life. You need to grow up to be able to handle it. Do not compare marriage kau dgn orang lain. You do you. You chose your partner kan, you chose to be married kan. So you do you. Make it work, and make sure the 2 of you have a say in it because it's a marriage of 2 people horh. If it's not working pls rectify it early and if still can't work then be mature about it and seek professional assistance.
Ini sekadar perkongsian cerita aku my own perspective. Marriage is the best that happen to me. Just putting my story here if anybody out there who gets put off on marriage because of stories here or have a mindset that "all men are the same". Not all men are the same. Hopefully you meet the man who accept you and willing to grow old with you.
I salute this man! Good job!
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dj-chickawowwow · 5 years
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FUNKY SX PODCAST 2019-05-11 full of FUNKY FLAVAS #techhouse #electrohouse #housemusic #basshouse #soulfulhouse #deephouse #jackinhouse #nudisco #indiedance #funkyhouse #funky #dj #femaledj #djlife #radio #livemix #wearefunky @funkysx • MIXLIST and catch up ..!! MIXCLOUD link in bio. GET FUNKY. BE FUNKY SX #WeAreFunky • Featured artists: RAN OUT OF TAGS • 1 Shake Da (Original Mix) Sebastian Knight 2 Say Something (Rebuke Acid Rave Remix) Nasser Baker 3 Come Feel My Music (Tommy Bones Remix) Steve Synfull, Nina Lares, Tommy Bones 4 Rubber (Original Mix) Mirko Di Florio 5 Oh Baby (Original Mix) Shigaki : Marzzano 6 The Reverend (Sinner & James Remix) Copy Paste Soul, Sinner & James 7 New York City (Original Club Mix) Platinum Doug 8 Nobodys Bizness (Jamie Lewis Extended Remix) Billie Brown, Jamie Lewis 9 The Only One (Jesusdapnk Underground Remix) Demarkus Lewis, Jesusdapnk 10 Turya Audiojack 11 Lovve (Original Mix) Betoko, SevenEver, Malikk 12 Bring It Back (Original Mix) Blaqwell 13 Italian Stallion (Original Mix) Carlostella 14 Turn It Out (Original Mix) Chris Main 15 party starter (extended mix) Chriz Samz and Versus 16 When The Sun Goes Down (Mirko & Meex Remix) Din Jay, Mirko & Meex 17 Hypnotized (Original Mix) Emma Love 18 Push Me (Original Mix) Martin Badder 19 Make the Ground Move (Original Mix) Greater Than Us 20 Bang Bang (Original Mix) Mason, Shingai 21 Love Question (Original Mix) Nautica (UK) 22 The Test Andre Salmon & Ekcesive Groove 23 Start The Party (Original Mix) George Smeddles 24 Waiting For (Original Mix) Gianni Bini 25 Control It (Original Mix) Hart & Neenan 26 Jacking (Original Mix) Incognet, Yvvan Back 27 Put Your Phone Down (Low) (Extended Mix) Jack Back 28 Posers Ray Gun (Original Mix) Rebuke 29 Loopa (Original Mix) Tenacious 30 Remember Me (Hoxton Whores Remix) Blue Boy, Hoxton Whores 31 Night Talk (Original Mix) Heartlybeats 32 Soundboy (Original Mix) Ronnie Lopez 33 Gici (Extended Mix) 84Bit • @mixcloud @pioneer_djing @rekordbox.dj (at Funky Essex) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxVHZ9cFdum/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=47txix6z9tym
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themomsandthecity · 5 years
A Mom of 3 Had Kids in Her Early 20s, but She Wouldn't Change It For the World
When Luwam Tesfaye and her husband Bini realized they were pregnant with their first child, Isabella - Bella for short - they were 23 and 24, respectively. Fresh out of college, Luwam admitted she didn't know the first thing about raising a child. Regardless, the pair tackled parenthood together head on. In a reflective blog post, Luwam outlined the pros and cons of having kids in your early 20s, and you're going to want to take what she said to heart no matter your age. "One look at our daughter's dark brown eyes, and we were hooked," she wrote. "There is something so precious about babies that all you want to do is love them with all your heart. I'm glad everything happened the way it did. Isabella saved my life and brought me out of misery after my father died. My heart was and will forever be full of love for her. I feel blessed to have kids at different stages in my life and have learned to appreciate the timing of it all." Related: This Woman's Advice For Young Mothers Will Have You Nodding in Agreement She went on to describe some of the positives - as well as downsides - of having a kid when you're relatively young, and it's certainly food for thought. The Pros 1. The best part of having children young was having all the energy to run around with the kids when they were little. I see such a difference in the way Bella was raised when compared to Lorenzo and now Novena. As I got older, my energy level went down, and with each child, I can see a difference in how I parent. 2. We were ahead in the parenting game. Isabella is now almost our height, so while our friends are just now having babies and going through all the motions of being a parent, we've already mastered it . . . well as much as anyone can. 3. With youth comes free spirit and the idea that nothing has to be perfect. There was no structure, no plan, and every day we made it as parents was a blessing. I miss those carefree days when I got in a car and took Bella everywhere with me, including restaurants at 9 p.m. Asked if I'd do that now, and my answer would definitely be no. We were also the masters of leaving Bella with our friends and disappearing for hours to get a break from parenting. Another carefree behavior I'd never entertain today. The Cons 1. We were babies ourselves and knew nothing about parenthood. Everything we learned was through books and family members that came to help. 2. I felt like life was passing me by. While I was home raising a child, my friends were all going to grad school, partying, and just starting in their careers. I felt left out and alone on my motherhood journey. The only moms I could relate to were much older than me and had established lives already. 3. Having less patience. While you have all the energy in the world, you lack patience, the kind that comes with age." Although Luwam certainly knows she can't undo the past, she does have some advice for her former 23-year-old self. "I'd tell her to be more patient and listen to other people's advice but still follow her heart," she said. "I'd tell her to be confident in her parenting and trust the purpose. Most of all, I'd say that although there is no perfect parent, having structure and a plan in place is key to ensuring that everything gets done." And looking back, she wouldn't change her life's trajectory for anything in the world. "With age comes the wisdom of understanding that we are all exactly where we need to be in life," she wrote. "If you're currently pregnant or even thinking about it but terrified of the idea of bringing a child into this world, consider this: God only gives us what he knows we can handle. Don't overthink the idea of being a parent, simply be one and let your heart guide you along the way. Take everything day by day and always be a present parent." http://bit.ly/30btkLQ
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she-willnotfall · 5 years
You are going to want a stable, sturdy model that can face up to spilling, kicking, and regular cleaning for at minimum a calendar year (some babies are unable to bear to sit in a significant chair after that). Nak menunggu kepulangan suami 2 bulan lagi adalh terlalu lama rasa nya kurus kering lah aku menahan penderitaan batin ku. Anak saudara suami ku, zaidin dan zairul pulak tak balik ke kampung kalau tak mahu aku mengulangi perbuatan yang lepas, manakala pak mat pula dah ada bini muda.
My adult Halloween bash playlist incorporates songs like: Monster Mash (a typical), Thriller, Stroll Like a Zombie by the Horrorpops, The Nightmare Ahead of Christmas Soundtrack, Marilyn Manson tunes like Tainted Love and If I Was Your Vampire, The Bloodletting Music by Concrete Blonde, The Queen of the Damned soundtrack, and there are oh-so-quite a few more great adult Halloween get together audio out there. And a different time we had a cross that was hung up in my grandmas room so my aunt damp to the bathroom came out to obtain that the cross that was hung up was laying on the bed with the fone on the bed off the hook laying on the bed also another time I was in my grandmas room with my aunt n my aunts close friend very well the 3 of us was talking the curtains moved like there was a gussed of wind but I was like hell in the hell did the curtains move if the again door was closed n lock if the window was closed n locked n the lavatory window was closed n locked far too n it was night time to. That could be attacked in many ways needs to, but seeing its recipients examine it, a person is really taken-aback at the poverty life for the duration Dining Room Table And Chair Covers of the rule of Apartheid-it was dismal… And that's what those people folks consider-The ANC is offering us a thing(a bribe)? Tapi bila dah menegak, pak mat yang lah susah, tak lena tidur dibuat nya sebab dah gian dan teringin sangat nak bersetubuh dengan perempuan dah 20 tahun tak merasa burit, tak nak buat macam mana, bini tak nak layan, akhir nya bantal peluk jugak lah jadi mangsa sampai tongkat pak mat kendur. Jika di malam-malam yang lepas aku ditiduri oleh suami sendiri dan hanya zakar suami sahaja yang memasuki faraj ku tetapi malam ini aku akan ditiduri oleh anak saudara suami ku dan mungkin zakar mereka akan memasuki faraj ku. Tambahan lagi saiz dan kekerasan batang pelir zaidin menyebabkan faraj ku berdenyut-denyut melihat nya. Bob Timberlake Property Furniture Store by Goods NC Discount Home furnishings Come across Bob Timberlake Place Furniture at Products and solutions in Charlotte NC. Retailer Goods for deal Timberlake Furnishings beds, tables, chairs and desks. This Congress did the right point in apologizing for the imprisonment of Jap-Us residents through World War II and in encouraging the Jap Government to apologize for the use of "consolation women of all ages." But the truth that this federal government has not apologized to its have citizens, African-Us residents, for the institution of slavery and for the Jim Crow legal guidelines that followed and accepted that truth and encouraged improvements in our dialogue and comprehension in the measures of this region to rectify which is without a doubt a slip-up.
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kivircikedebiyatii · 5 years
It just isn't also early to start off contemplating about extra seating if you are internet hosting a distinctive holiday evening meal this coming year. As for Agnes, and Catherine (whom you didn't meet - solemn woman in a black dress, hates religion, sticks mostly to the 1st and 2nd flooring), whilst they are by now named just after authentic folks from the Paisely Witch Trials (Scotland's variation of our Salem), they had their origins elsewhere.
My adult Halloween bash playlist features tunes like: Monster Mash (a common), Thriller, Stroll Like a Zombie by the Horrorpops, The Nightmare Before Christmas Soundtrack, Marilyn Manson audio like Tainted Enjoy and If I Was Your Vampire, The Bloodletting Music by Concrete Blonde, The Queen of the Damned soundtrack, and there are oh-so-many a lot more neat adult Halloween get together tunes out there. And a further time we had a cross that was hung up in my grandmas room so my aunt damp to the lavatory came out to locate that the cross that was hung up was laying on the bed with the fone on the bed off the hook laying on the bed way too a different time I was in my grandmas room with my aunt n my aunts mate properly the three of us was talking the curtains moved like there was a gussed of wind but I was like hell in the hell did the curtains move if the again door was closed n lock if the window was closed n locked n the lavatory window was closed n locked also n it was night time to. Actually I chose Christianity simply because I felt that Jesus was a pretty wonderful role model for the traits that I aspire to. I would like to heal the sick, help small children and forgive the folks that have hurt me. I discover Buy Jean 3 Piece Coffee Table Set Milan Furniture Fair 2019 Trends convenience in the thought of an afterlife and like to consider that I might be able to generate the ultimate sacrifice if it could help save someone else that I care about. Tapi bila dah menegak, pak mat yang lah susah, tak lena tidur dibuat nya sebab dah gian dan teringin sangat nak bersetubuh dengan perempuan dah 20 tahun tak merasa burit, tak nak buat macam mana, bini tak nak layan, akhir nya bantal peluk jugak lah jadi mangsa sampai tongkat pak mat kendur. In late 1983 or early 1984 expierenced anything that woke me up from a rest my 13 month previous son was beside me in bed and I have never been so frightened in my entire existence my household mentioned it was a desire I knew it wasn't so was reluctant to explain to everyone about my expierennce. Well, it really is about time we begun chatting to each individual other and not at have to chat and hear to 1 one more and cease dictating our 50 percent-cooked mind-sets to individuals we deem to be lower than us, and nonetheless we are in the exact prison, the same devastated real truth that we experience as the Africans of Mzantsi. There are still a handful of previous-fashioned picket substantial chairs out there with a removable tray or arms that lift the tray in excess of a newborn's head, When they aren't always as cozy for babies as the fashionable, condition-fitting designs on the advertise now, and most of them aren't accredited as conference the most current safety benchmarks.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Now i wanna lowkey start writing, but idk if i'll do a good job at it :(
@scented-morker will be our baby
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Cause look at this picture, what on holy earth is this??^ *sobs like a maniac*
I’m so glad you loved it bc after all I made you wait sooo much for it🤭 a comeback surprise tehee!! ;) true it was about a G O D but naurr, it’s a fanfic written by a mortal lady- me T-T </3 but pls the reference got me KICKING MY FEET AND BLUSHING, KYAAA STAP!!
Start writing if you want to baby, remember writing should only be for yourself. If you think you enjoy it and what you write MEETS YOUR STANDARDS OF GOOD, then it is good, no matter if there are only 2 notes on it. <3 I remember my first pics looking back now were so cringy :] and didn’t receive as much readers but I still kept them bc they were sth I wanted to write. There’s always room for improvement and practice makes perfect, so don’t be anxious before you even start! 🤍 remember, I’ll always support you in this!
PLS DYING CRYING SCREAMING THROWING UP I WANNA BE THE JAKE TO YOUR HEESEUNG SO BAD!😳🖤 and ofc, if she’s willing to^^ I wouldn’t mind a family lol, I like collecting cuties like y’all all over tumblr 🙈
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