#my back starts to hurt from all the hours I spend crouched above my tablet
suokumi · 2 years
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I’m currently at a village and I’m yet to have my own room, so the only place I have to be at with my pc and tablet is bed
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Forty-Seven: Compassion ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina, animal death ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ] 
It wasn’t entirely her choice, at the beginning. Her high school required a certain amount of community service hours, so...Hinata had started looking anywhere she could think. Her first choice - a local nursery for plants - already had several people from her class signed up to help. Most notably was Ino who - despite her family owning a nursery of their own - took up a slot at another in order to circumvent any rules about personal connections to the work.
So there went that idea.
She’d considered a place at one of the smaller medical clinics, but...a few hours at one had her sent home, nauseous and unsteady on her feet. Turns out she had a rather weak stomach when it came to things like injuries. Needless to say, she didn’t go back.
One by one, her initial ideas failed to pan out. And Hinata found herself increasingly frustrated. She wanted to do something she could at least partially enjoy if she was going to dedicate hours and hours to it! Having to use precious time amongst her school days, hours of study, and what few precious free minutes she had meant wanting them to be at least a step above her classes in tolerability.
Venting to a penpal (one homeschooled, and never having had to oblige certain public school requirements, she’d gotten one last idea to make things work.
“What if you volunteered at an animal shelter?”
Lying on her bed as her tablet rests on her pillow for voice chat, Hinata perked up. “...w-what?”
“You know, they always need more people. There’s a lot of abandoned or given up pets that need care. It wouldn’t be too complicated, and I bet you’d be good at it! You’re such a compassionate person, Hinata - be it people or animals, you’re great at helping those in need. And you’d get to be with cute dogs and cats all day, while helping an organization that needs more hands on deck! Seems like a win-win to me.”
The Hyūga went quiet for a moment, mulling that over. She’s never been allowed to have a pet of her own given her father’s rather strict view of them (nothing but messes and mouths to feed, according to him), so...it hadn’t even occurred to her. But her friend has a point. “...I’ll h-have to look into it.”
“Sure! I bet there’s at least a few in a city as big as yours, so you’ll have a few options if the first one or two you try doesn’t work out for whatever reason, right?”
“...I guess so. I just hope it goes better than the medical clinic…”
“I doubt they’d have you do anything with injured animals - probably just help with giving out food, maybe like...grooming or just spending time with them. It’s not the happiest or most stimulating place for an animal to be, y’know.”
That made Hinata wilt a bit. “...true.”
Once the call was over, she started browsing the sites of the local shelters. There were four altogether, and she started by sending all four emails asking about their volunteer programs and doing so for community service credit. Of course, by that time it was late evening - she likely wouldn’t get any replies at least until the next morning. So after exhausting the rest of her night, she shut everything down and headed to bed.
School then took the majority of her day, and she didn’t really have a chance to check for replies until she got home. One had yet to reply, and two had policies restricting volunteer work when it came to those under eighteen.
Opening the last email and feeling rather frustrated, Hinata skimmed the reply before pausing.
They...they said they’d take her!
Wasting no time, she replied and ask for a chance to come in and see if the place would be a good fit, managing to arrange to go in the following Saturday and tour around.
Finally...finally she had another lead!
...now, hopefully she wasn’t allergic to anything…
Thankfully it was only two days until the weekend, and come Saturday she’d already arranged for her father to drive her. It was within biking distance, but...well, she’d prefer to scout the route ahead of time and make sure there weren’t any obstacles making the path a pain. Pulling up to the proper building, Hiashi simply asked she text him when the introduction was finished, and he’d come back by to pick her up.
Well...seemed he wasn’t going to stick around. Not that she really expected him to.
Approaching the front doors a little shyly, she’d been quickly welcomed and introduced to the front staff They were all smiles, glad to have someone her age around to help.
“The animals will love you!”
“I...I hope so!”
The back was filled to the brim with pets, staff, and other volunteers. Hinata was given a thorough but quick-paced tour, it being rather obvious the place was busy.
“So...w-what all would you have me do?”
“To start, probably work with supplies. Your email said you have no experience with pets?”
She shook her head.
“Well, we don’t want to throw you to the wolves, so to speak, so...we’ll introduce you to the different parts of the facility and the tasks slowly. Any known allergies?”
“No, but...well, I only really have one friend with a dog. Cats, I have no idea...or a-anything else.”
“We’ll see how today goes and see if you have any reactions. If they’re mild, you could always take something over the counter if you’d like. But of course we’ll hope you don’t need them!”
Almost immediately...Hinata found herself all wrapped up in the animals. There were dogs and cats of every pattern and color, age and breed. And even other animals like rabbits, hamsters, and reptiles!
“Kittens and puppies tend to have good turn around times, but…” A staff member gestured sadly to an older dog. “Those who are grown, or getting on in years, have trouble finding new forever homes. No one wants something already grown up. They want small and cute. Which is how many of the adults end up here in the first place: they get too big, too rowdy, too...much.”
Hinata had wilted. Oh, if only she could change her father’s mind...she’d love to get a cat someday. Or maybe a rabbit. “I...I see…”
“So if you’d like, once you’re more settled in, we could have you spend some time with some of the harder adopts. They need and enjoy the company. It’s good for them. We’ll keep you only to those already proven sociable and behaving. No problem cases for someone new to it like you.”
When a few hours had passed of touring and not even a trace of hives or a sniffle, Hinata was given the clear to officially sign on to the volunteer program. She’d be there twice a week for two hours a day. Not too bad - she could make her homework fit around it, she was sure!
Her first tasks were mostly help with upkeep and organization. There was a lot to keep track of, and every animal had to be accounted for. Exercise and play times, meals, clean up, baths...Hinata was mostly involved in the former things. Nothing that was too hands on, given her beginner status.
She loved it.
Even after her required hours were met for the year, she kept on. And came back next year. And the next. Soon came the Summer before college, and she’d soon have to give up the practice as her schedule became too packed.
...that’s when it happens.
Spending some time with a young adult cat she’s grown fond of, Hinata hears the telltale sound of the door to the back opening. Sounds like someone’s here to look at the animals! Closing up the kennel and turning to look, there’s a pause.
...she knows this guy!
Dark eyes flickering over the bars, none other than Sasuke Uchiha - a rather popular boy from her class - peruses the selection of felines in this part of the shelter. For a moment he doesn’t notice her, but a glance eventually locks their eyes.
...well that’s a surprise. He knows her name…? “Uh...yeah! Fancy seeing you here.”
“I could say the same. Do you...work here?”
“Volunteer. I have since I was a freshman. Sadly this is my last week since school is s-starting up. I’m hoping I can come back in the Summers.”
Brows lift slightly, clearly not expecting...any of this. “...glad you like it.”
“I do.” After a polite pause, it’s her turn to ask. “So...here to look for a pet?”
“Yeah...me and a few others are renting a house this year and pets are allowed. I lost my cat a few months ago, and wanted to get a new one to keep me company.”
That gets her to sober. “...I’m sorry for your loss.”
“...thanks.” He gestures to the kennels. “...any recommendations?”
“All of them,” she replies with a smile that’s clearly teasing. “Um...any preferred traits…?”
“I’d like one more quiet. Maybe independent since I’ll have to be gone for classes and studying.”
Well...she knows just the one. Waving him over, she nods to the cat she was just visiting: a little smoky grey female. “This is Miya. She’s about three years old, and was given up when her owners had a baby. They were afraid she might hurt the child. But she’s really sweet. Even tempered, and not very clingy...but she’ll sit with you and just h-hang out.”
“Miya, huh…?” Sasuke observes her for a moment. “...can I..?”
“We’ll take her to the play room.” Getting the feline out, Hinata leads Sasuke to the proper room, complete with places to hide and climb and play for the cats. “Just, um...have a seat, and we’ll see what she’ll do. She can be a bit nervous of strangers, but otherwise she’s friendly.” Setting Miya down on a platform, Hinata steps back to observe.
Eyes scanning the room, they land on Sasuke, and Miya drops to a crouch. Sasuke doesn’t move, just...watching back.
A long minute of standoff passes, Hinata glancing between the two. Well...at least she isn’t hiding. That’s a good -
Cautiously, Miya drops to the floor, tail twitching. Hugging the wall, she nevertheless gets closer, sniffing the air curiously.
Ever so slowly, Sasuke holds out a hand.
The cat retreats half a step, ears conveying her nerves. But then she eases up, little nose flaring as she smells his fingers.
“...hey there,” he murmurs, watching her think.
Another pause...and then she gently strokes her cheek along his hand.
Hinata releases a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.
The pair bond for a while longer, Miya even being so brave as to sit on his lap. Sasuke is clearly enamored, and before the afternoon is out...he signs the adoption papers.
“Thanks,” he offers as she’s put into a carrier.
“Thank you for taking her.”
“I’d never have given her a try if not for you. Seems you know your stuff.”
That earns a smile. “...guess I do. Um…”
Hinata hesitates. “...could you...let me know how she does? I’ve been working with her a lot, and…”
“Oh! Yeah, sure. Uh...I can text you…” Fishing out his phone, he exchanges their numbers. “I’ll let you know how she settles in. And if I have any questions.”
“Okay...great! I know she’s g-going to a good home.” Turning to the crate, Hinata gives the kitty a somber smile. “...you be good for Sasuke, all right?”
She gives a soft meow in reply.
“All right, well...you better get her home so she can start adjusting.”
“Will do. Thanks, Hinata.”
“Bye…” Waving, she watches them take their leave.
One down...many more to go.
     It's late @~@ This is...rather random, but I like it! And it actually turned out a lot longer than I thought it would, lol. I like the idea of Hinata working with animals. Usually I have her as a plant person, but...this was really sweet! And her getting to help Sasuke find his next kitty companion was too cute not to write~      Anyway, I'm...very tired and my eyeballs aren't happy, so I'm gonna go xD Thanks for reading!
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gesteckt1 · 6 years
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While our camera crew takes a moment to set up a super-slow-motion shot, I quietly crouch down next to a pile of ready-to-test batteries and whip out my multimeter to verify the current. But sure enough, the meter reads 4.2 volts -- we're looking at fully charged lithium-ions.Then, we play NASA Mission Control, counting down to the moment our technician will press the big button and these batteries will get their chance to ignite.First, we try a standard lithium-ion pouch battery pack -- no SafeCore material inside. As the nail goes in, it's astounding how quickly the battery reacts. It bulges like a balloon, bursts with a puff of smoke, shoots out flying reddish sparks and finally explodes into a huge column of flame that reaches the ceiling of the test chamber -- all within 6 seconds flat.
But when we place SafeCore-treated batteries in the same torture devices, there's no bulge, no smoke, no flame. The punctured, crushed batteries are warm, maybe even hot to the touch for the next 10 minutes, but they feel no more dangerous than the hand warmers my Scoutmaster used to hand out on Boy Scout camping trips.Getting a great laptop doesn't have to cost you a fortune. There are tons of great sub-$1,000 options out there, whether you need a mobile business machine, a portable gaming powerhouse, or something in between. Here are our top picks.To evaluate whether a laptop is worth your hard-earned money, we run industry-standard performance benchmarks such as Geekbench and 3DMark as well as a variety of real-world tests that we've developed in our labs. This includes the Laptop Mag Battery Test, which surfs the web at 150 nits of brightness until a laptop runs out of juice, as well as a custom spreadsheet test that measures a laptop's processing power. For more on our process, see this page on how we test laptops.
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Microsoft's Surface Pro is still the detachable to beat, thanks to its slim and versatile design that's a joy to use whether you're drawing with your Surface Pen in tablet mode or getting work done with a Type Cover keyboard attached. The $999 version of this 2-in-1 gets you a Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM and a 128GB SSD, which is more than enough power for staying productive on the road. The hybrid's gorgeous PixelSense display is just icing on the cake.If you need desktop-level power on a laptop budget, the Dell Precision 3530 is for you. This business powerhouse features a durable, MIL-STD 810G-tested design, a secure fingerprint reader, and enough battery life to last through a full work day and then some. And with a Core i5 processor and 15-inch anti-glare display in the machine's $929 configuration, you'll have plenty of muscle for getting work done on the go.
The Lenovo ThinkPad E580 is a no-nonsense work laptop that packs everything you need for running a small business or putting together a presentation, without all the bloat (and cost) of enterprise-level notebooks. The E580 packs a best-in-class keyboard with Lenovo's signature pointing stick, a ton of ports for accessories and monitors, an optional fingerprint reader and strong overall performance no matter how you configure it. You can get the E580 for just $699 with a 15-inch 1080p display and an Intel Core i5 processor, which are specs you'll rarely find at such a low price.Sometimes it is obvious which apps are draining your laptop battery, and sometimes it can be difficult to know if Windows indexing files in the background or your antivirus are responsible for cutting down your cord-free existence from 6 to 3 hours.
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A few months ago, with the Windows 10 October 2018 Update insider previews, Microsoft added the ability to see power consumption in the task manager, not just instantaneously, but also over time.The new columns are normally hidden by default unless you make the task manager wider or maximise it, but otherwise does not need to be activated or selected.Unfortunately, the numbers are expressed qualitatively (very low, low, high etc) rather than quantitatively but it should still give you an idea which are the vampire processes draining your battery the most.The October 2018 update is currently only available to Windows 10 Insiders, but should, of course, reach regular users sometime over the next few weeks.Video editing is often a tedious and intricate process that requires incredible attention to detail, long hours spent in front of editing software, and the ability to make a bunch of different factors (i.e. sound, graphics, film) line up and come together to achieve a great final product (aka, your masterpiece.)
Similarly, finding the best laptop to assist in your *work of sheer genius* also involves a lot of different components coming together into one kick-ass video editing machine. The reality is: a laptop fit for video editing is going to require some serious specs.Generally, a great video editing laptop will have a powerful processor (CPU) and graphics card (GPU), an impressive display, and a hell of a lot of memory and storage. In an ideal world, this laptop would also offer multiple different input/output options and be relatively lightweight, because if you happen to also be shooting the video you'll edit, the last thing you want to do is add weight to your already-heavy camera equipment bag(s). Lastly, in this ideal world, these laptops would be cheap. Spoiler alert: this is the real world and these things aren't cheap. However, some are definitely more affordable than others — so if you're on a budget, price is obviously another huge factor to consider.
SEE ALSO: Best photo editing software for your desktopUnfortunately, until the laptop-manufacturing gods (or whoever is in charge of laptop branding) decide to make "video editing laptop" as easily identifiable as "gaming laptop," we're forced to break down the specs for ourselves, seeking out the one that hits the most checkmarks on our list of necessities. Fortunately for you, we've devoured the tech specs of all of the top contenders for the best video editing laptops and organized them in a way that'll help you pick the best option for you. So whether you dream about Premiere Pro and video playback in your sleep, or you're just starting out and need a laptop that can grow with you, these are our top picks.
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