#my background was just my duvet colour which is currently white
hilliska · 1 year
I was tagged by @earlgrey-lateatnight like... 2 weeks ago and didn't notice until I accidentally clicked the mentions tab so. Yeah. Better late than never?
Name - Lis
Age - 41
Favourite season - This is a terrible question and I refuse to answer it.
Movies or TV shows? - TV shows, usually.
Do you carry a bag/purse? What kind? - I currently use a basic backpack - like it's basically a totebag I can carry on my back? It is absolutely terrible because it's one big pocket and I can never find anything in it, but I refuse to buy a new one because I have better bags it's just one has a little hole and the other one's strap broke but I'm going to fix it and I'm trying to be environmentally conscious here so I am going to fix them (soon!) and I am not buying another bag!
What colour is your water bottle? - I have a green metal one with leaves on one side. I sometimes use it.
What colour is your phone case? - Green. The only options were black or green so it was an easy choice :D.
Do you sleep in silence or do you need white noise/sounds/music? - Silence. On very rare occasions I put on WTNV cause Cecil's voice is so soothing but half the time it wakes me up more than it helps to fall asleep.
Top sheets - yes or no? - If it's very warm (35°C+) I'll sleep with a top sheet only but other than that no. There's a cover around the duvet already so I don't really see the point?
You’re in the candy aisle at the corner store, what are you grabbing? - Like, just candy candy or does that include cookies? I'm not a big candy fan but I'll grab some sour mats if I feel silly. Otherwise any cookies with chocolate will do. Or without, I'm not picky really.
Preferred mode of travel (plane/train/car/bus/on foot/etc)? - Bike. Anything under 10k I'll bike - which is probably 95% of distances I'm expected to cover on a daily basis. Second is train (fingers crossed they extend the Berlin night train to Prague by next summer!). I don't have a car so I only use that when necessary. Travelling by plane gets on my nerves (so. much. WAITING).
What’s your phone background right now? - One of the generic ones. It's orange and blue.
Are you more of a minimalist or a maximalist? - Maximalist. White walls give me the heebyjeebies and what's the point of surfaces if you won't put anything on them?!?!!
It’s time to paint your bedroom, what colour are you choosing? - I'd say red but that's probably a terrible choice. Last time we painted we chose a muted green. That was a good color, I'd do it again.
And finally, tell me something that brings you joy - My hillerskalibrary sideblog :)
No pressure tags for @andthatisnotfake, @simonsapelsin, @lollygirlpops :)
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leafs-lover · 4 years
Because Two People Got Drunk: 15
Series Masterlist
A/N: Italics is a flashback.
Summary: It is Oliver’s first birthday party. You have friends and family visit for the occasion. You and Fred celebrate Thanksgiving as a family.
Warnings: Smut, swearing, NSFW
Word Count: 5100
 Chapter 15
November 6, 2022
Today you are throwing Oliver’s first birthday party. The penguins have a few days with just practices. The leafs play the following day so Fred asked to have the party the week before his actual birthday, to allow some of his old and current teammates could come. A few of your friends have come down for the weekend to help celebrate his birthday, as well as his parents.
You through him a “Mr. Onderful” themed party; he has on a onesie that had a white bowtie, jeans and suspenders.
You walk in and see Fred dressed in jeans and a white button-up tee with a black bow tie. He gives you a hug “Hey (Y/N).” “Hey Fred, nice outfit” you say half joking half serious. He did look really good, had you weak in the knees.
“I wanted to match my boy” he jokes bouncing Oliver.
“Well you both look really good” you reply realizing you haven’t separated yet.
“So do you (Y/N/N)” he says looking down at you. You are wearing a black maxi dress, its low cut and tight in the top accentuating your boobs, at the waist it becomes flowy. You are still breast feeding, so your breasts are slightly larger.
You see Fred’s eyes shift from your eyes to your boobs which you ignore “thanks Fred.”
You separate from your hug “looks great in here” he says.
“Thanks, but Heather the planner did most of the work. Couldn’t have done this without her” you explain.
Fred rented out a large party space, and got some jumping castles and games for some of the older kids. The party colours were black, white and gold, with cookies in the shape of bowties and mustaches, as well as some cupcakes. Everything turned out super cute.
The guests start trickling in, and even though he is turning one he is spoiled by everyone. There was a fair bit of penguins gear, books, mini sticks and various sports equipment. Auston even got him a shirt that said “little red” earning a laugh from everyone.
Everyone is having a great time as Oliver stumbles around the party. Fred takes him to a jumping castle. He climbs in with him and sits on his knees and helps him jump up and down on as his baby laugh fills the room.
“That is just the cutest thing ever” Allie says, walking up with Carlee, Anna and Kathy.
“I love baby laughs, they make my heart explode” Kathy says.
“It really is” you say smiling.
“So is his girlfriend coming?” Carlee asks, but you can tell that isn’t what she wants to asks.
“Well the party is half over so I’m going to say no. Last we talked about her, he mentioned he hadn’t introduced him to Oliver yet” you respond.
“He hasn’t brought her to any games or anything. I don’t know if he is ready to introduce her to that part of his life yet either” Kathy adds.
Throughout the party you see Charlotte and Ernst, Ernst smiles at you while Charlotte walks up and you have some small talk with her. While you haven’t talked directly to her since the last time you saw her, she did add you on Instagram.
“Hey so I have something to ask you, it’s about my mom” Fred says.
“Okay, go ahead” you respond a little nervous.
“So apparently I don’t send her enough pictures or videos of Ollie, she is mad at me for this.”
This causes you to laugh lightly “Anyways I sent her a video you had posted on Instagram and she wants to know if you will accept her request so she can see pictures and videos of him since I don’t post on there. She wanted to know if you’d be comfortable with it before sending the request, didn’t want it to upset you or anything.”
“Oh come on Fred, you know me better than that. Of course she can add me!” you say.
“Thanks (Y/N/N). This really helps get me out of the dog house with her” he says, you give him a light smile.
You have sent her some videos and pictures directly to her over the past couple months, which you know she appreciates. While you know you Fred has repaired his relationship with his father, you don’t know if you will. But at least you can have some relationship and be civil with your son’s grandmother.
After the party you sit around with your friends, Oliver is with Fred for the night. “So what’s going on with you two?” Carlee asks “I saw him checking you out all night.”
“He wasn’t checking me out” you state filling up the glasses with more wine.
“He couldn’t stop staring at your boobs, he wasn’t subtle.”
“Well can you blame him?” you joke.
“Yeah they were nice before, but since you started breast feeding they are even bigger” Allie jokes.
A bottle later Carlee looks at you “so are you going to make us ask you? We know something happened” You just stare at her slowly taking a sip of wine as 4 eyes stare at you.
You know these girls see through you, being friends since kindergarten. They know what you are thinking before you even think it. You sigh before saying “about a month ago we slept together.”
“WHAT! HOW?” Carlee yells. “How was it?!” Allie yells at the same time.
“Answer her question first, spare no deets” Carlee exclaims.
“It was amazing, as always” you laugh.
“It was amazing” Allie says mockingly. “We need more.”
“Well he knows what he is doing, and he does it very well. He always has” you say taking a sip. “He isn’t someone who is just looking out for himself, he makes sure to take care of me. More than once. “ you smirk, enunciating each word. “But it happened last month, his birthday, I went to the game and we went back to his place had a couple drinks and well you know…” you trail off.
“Last time I heard a story of you two getting drunk and sleeping together it ended with a baby” Carlee laughs.
“I have an IUD now, so I don’t have to worry about forgetting pills. And he used a condom anyways.”
“Okay but like spill, there is more to this. Like how many times?” Allie says.
“We had sex once” you reply. “That’s not what we’re talking about” Carlee groans.
“Twice” you say smirking. “The first time was basically just his mouth, god he is soooo good with his mouth”
“Fuck I need to get me a guy like Freddie” Allie says. “What about the sex?”
“I told you before; he is very good at what he does. But we never talked about it the next day. When I left it was kind of awkward and cold. I don’t know if he regretted it because of Danielle, or just regretted it in general. I mean the time before it caused major problems so maybe he was waiting for something to happen. Or was expecting me to ruin it again.”
“The way he was looking at you today didn’t look like he regretted it. Looked like he wanted to do it again, and maybe another time” Carlee says grinning at you.
“I don’t want to complicate things. Besides I have been seeing someone for the past 3 weeks."
“Boring” Allie says.
“It wasn’t boring, he is a graphic designer. I’m seeing him again Tuesday night after I drop you ladies at the airport.”
“What about Fred?” “What about him, he has Danielle.”
“Hey Fred. Ollie has a fever of 101, and he hasn’t been eating anything really. I called the doctor and they said to keep an eye on him and if he isn’t better to bring him in tomorrow. He won’t stop crying, I can’t calm him down” you rambles quickly barely stopping. All the time you’re talking Oliver is screaming in the background.
“Oh geez” Fred whispers quietly.
“I just, I –“ before you can answer Fred talks again “I’ll be right there.” He is at home for a homestead, but tonight is a night that you have Oliver, and Fred doesn’t have a game.
“Hey” you say opening the door.
“I finally got him to sleep” You explain. “He had a low fever this morning but wasn’t overly hungry, I thought maybe he was teething. He was playing with his toys but seemed fussier than normal. After his nap it got bad, his fever was almost 101°F, he wouldn’t eat and was screaming, I –.” Words are spewing out of your mouth a mile a minute.
He wraps you in a hug “(Y/N/N) babies get sick, it’s okay. You did everything right.” He is trying to calm you down, but your heart is racing, feels like it is beating out of your chest.
“I just am so stressed out, I didn’t know what to do. He never has been like this”
“Go sit down, I’ll get us a drink” he says walking to the kitchen, You sit on the couch and Fred joins you setting two waters on the coffee table “I thought you meant alcohol” you joke lightly as he takes off his jacket.
“Wow you look nice” you say looking him up and down. He has a nice button down shirt tucked into his black dress pants. Seeing him makes your breath hitch slightly.
“Yeah I was at dinner” he says sitting beside you.
“Sorry didn’t mean to interrupt your date.”
He stares at you for a minute. In the chaos you didn’t even get a chance to look at him, and never even considered why he asked you to watch Oliver when he was home with no game. “You would only dress like that if it was a date” you explain.
“Oh. Well it’s not a big deal, Oliver is more important.” Your heart is still racing as you sit there, he pulls you into his lap and strokes your back as tears immediately fall from your eyes. “Hey, hey, hey your fine, and he is fine, no need for this.”
He tilts your head and wipes the tears off your face placing a light kiss on your forehead. You sit there crying as place your head on his shoulder, Fred’s big arms wrapped around you. Finally you stop crying and sit there in silence. You look at Fred through your puffy blurry eyes “you’re doing great (Y/N/N).”
“Stuff like this makes me wish my mom was around still” you whisper.
“(Y/N) you are an amazing mother, and if she was around she would tell you that you’re doing everything right. Babies just gets sick sometimes. Let’s get you to bed.” He carries you to your bedroom setting you on the duvet. You pull them back sliding under them. Fred turns to leave the room “will you stay?” you ask lightly.
“Yeah of course” he replies turning off the light “ I’ll sleep on the couch”
“No, I can’t have you messing your back out there. This bed is big enough.”
“You sure?” he asks.
You nod and pull the blankets down on the other side of the bed. He removes his pants and shirt, leaving him in boxers, he crawls in beside you and pulls the duvet up. He pulls you in close and wraps his arms around you. You feel his warm body pressed against you as his hand stroke your hair lightly. His steady breathing helps slow down your heart rate as you begin to doze off.
The next morning you wake up at 6 and the bed is empty, you walk out and see Fred in the kitchen in his boxers making coffee while holding Oliver. His eyes are red from crying as he sucks on a pacifier. “Hey bud” you say toughing his forehead.
“His fever is lower than yesterday but still high” Fred explains.
“His doctor had an appointment available at 11, I’m going to take him to it. When did he wake up?”
“Half hour ago or so, he’s drank a little bit but not a lot. He has been pulling at his ear a lot, he might have an infection.” You nod pouring both of you coffee’s and begin making breakfast.
After eating you are loading the dishwasher when Fred pulls you in for a hug. “He’s napping, I’m going to go home to shower and change. I’ll be back for the appointment.”
Fred was right and Oliver had an ear infection. He called the team and missed his game that night. He stayed over the next few nights until Oliver was better, only leaving for hockey. Fred likely stayed a few days longer than needed, but you really enjoyed having him around. It helped keep you calm.
November 23, 2022
“Happy Birthday Mommy” you hear as Fred opens the door, revealing Fred and Oliver on the other side.
“Oh you are both so handsome” you say as Fred hands Oliver to you. Oliver is in jeans with a plaid shirt under a sweater vest. Fred is wearing a pair of if grey washed jeans with a tight grey long tee.
Today is your birthday, and tomorrow is American thanksgiving; Fred has a few days off so you spend that time together celebrating. You wanted time with Oliver for your birthday, and since Fred had the time off he wanted time with him so he suggested you spend a few days together, you staying in his guest room.
You walk in setting Oliver down for a minute, Fred grabs your bag and takes it to the room. You take your winter coat off and hang it up “fuck” you hear Fred mumble quietly as he comes back to the room seeing you. You have on a pair of high waist leather pants with a black silk and lace camisole under a jean jacket. His reaction makes you smile to yourself.
You walk in to the kitchen with Oliver and see that dinner is set on the table. After eating Fred gets up and gets a box, he opens it setting a cupcake in front of all of you. You raise your eyebrow as he removes it from the liner before handing it to Oliver “it’s your birthday” Fred explains.
After eating the cupcakes you pick Oliver up and hold him in your lap, Fred puts a gift bag down in front of you, which contains a new pair of white Louboutin heels, with red bottoms. “Fred you didn’t have to do this” you say holding them up to look at them, noticing the sparkles as you move them in the light.
“I didn’t, Ollie did” he shrugs. He kisses the top of your head before scooping Oliver up “speaking of, its bed time little man.” He leaves the kitchen with Oliver to get him ready for bed when your phone goes off, a facetime request from Connor.
“Hey” you say smiling as you answer it.
“Hey, happy birthday!” he says.
“Thanks, how is Minnesota?”
“It’s okay, cold” he grumbles.
You laugh lightly “how was your birthday” he questions.
“Good, Oliver bought me some shoes” you explain holding them up for the camera.
“Wow, he has good taste” he says. You set the shoes down “yeah he does.”
“So do you have a sitter for Oliver? I want to take you out to dinner when I get back for your birthday, but you mentioned you are bringing Oliver back to your place since Fred will be on the road.”
“Uh I don’t have one. But I was going to start the process of finding someone. I’m sure I can figure something out.”
You hear Fred turn the TV on in the living room as you continue to talk with Connor for a few minutes. After you hang up you join Fred on the couch as he is watching Ozark. “Who was that?” he asks.
“Connor” you pause before continuing “we’ve gone out a couple times.”
Fred nods not breaking his eyes from the TV. “If you wanted to, I could ask Christie. Ollie is comfortable with her.”
“Yeah that would be great” you say before settling in to watch TV.
The next day is Thanksgiving, and you are having a lazy day at home. Oliver remains in his pyjamas while running around playing with toys or bringing you books to read. Fred spends the day in his track pants, hung low on his hips and a white t-shirt, you lounging in a loose t-shirt with track shorts. You go to the park, and spend time as a family.
You sit on the counter drinking wine watching Fred as he loads the day’s dishes into the dishwasher. You’re entire day makes you realize what you could have had if you hadn’t panicked earlier in the year, what your life could have been. You swirl the glass in your hand staring at him as he bends over, you see his pants tighten around his ass. You lick your lips eyes locked on him. You don’t even realize that Fred has stood up and is looking at you until you hear him laughing.
Your head snaps up and you realize he caught you staring at him, a blush creeps across your face as he smirks, “sorry” you mumble quickly diverting your eyes taking a sip of wine.
“You could try to not be so obvious” he chuckles.
“Oh, like you are subtle” you retort a smile coming across your face.
“I don’t know what you’re–“
“Oh please, 90% of the conversations you have with me you’re staring about 8 inches below my eyes. Don’t even try to deny it”
He smiles lightly as his cheeks turn red. “I mean I don’t blame you, they are nice” you joke taking another slow sip of wine.
He walks over to you and stops a few inches in front of you ”they are nice” he says. He places his hands on the counter on either side of you “very nice” he whispers, his mouth inches from your ears. You feel wetness pooling in your core, Fred leans forward pressing his bulge against your thigh.
You tilt your head slightly to look at him; his lips are quickly on yours. You wrap your legs around his waist pulling him in close as your hands reach up to his neck, tangling in his hair. He deepens the kiss; you allow his tongue entrance as you place your wine glass on the counter. The kiss becomes sloppy, a frantic mess of tongues and lips. His calloused hand comes up your shirt and begins playing with your nipple under your bra.
You break the kiss for a moment to remove his shirt, your mouth returns to him, this time to his chest. You begin biting his chest, only separating briefly when he removes your shirt and bra.
He stares at you smiling “so fucking nice” he says before his mouth attaches to your nipple, swirling his tongue around it before sucking on it. A low groan leaves your mouth as your head falls back, your nails scratching his biceps, he brings a hand up to your hair and roughly grabs it as he pulls your head back biting your collarbone. He bites and sucks along your neck as you moan out, he applies pressure pushing you backward onto the cool marble counter. He begins making his way down to your core sucking and biting down your stomach.
“Mmm Fred” you say as he slides your pants down your legs. He places soft kisses on your thigh as he moves closer to the area where you need him most. He moves to kiss you on top of your lace underwear, his beard tickling the inside of you. “Oh” you moan as his tongue pushes into you.
“You’re soaked baby” he says kissing you over your underwear he groans as he tastes you through the lace. “Who did this to you?”
His tongue continues to push into you over your underwear. “You did” you moan out. Fred pulls up and bites your thigh while he hooks a finger in your underwear pulling it down your legs.
“You’re so beautiful” he says bending down looking directly at your clit, “so fucking beautiful.” You feel his cool breath as his beard rubs the inside of his thighs. He nips the inside of your legs slowly inching towards you core. As he approaches, your back arches before he moves to kiss your pubic bone.
You are getting annoyed by his teasing and before you can say anything you feel him lick a stripe up you. He stops at your clit and begins to suck on it. “Fuck” you mumble, feeling Fred smile against you. He keeps sucking on your clit as your hands reach down, gripping the counter. Fred slips his tongue inside your folds his nose brushing against your clit.
He licks the inside of your walls, your hands gripping the counter tighter, knuckles going white, as your hips lift slightly. Fred throws his arm over your hips to hold them in place. His other hand comes up to your nipple massaging it, while his tongue continues to lick the inside of you.
“Freddie” you groan “I’m close.” You’re almost surprised by how quickly he has you on the edge, but he knows your body almost better than you know yourself.
He dives in deeper, his hand pinching your nipple. He sucks on your folds, before sliding his tongue back in your folds.  He pushes his nose in harder to your clit, you begin to whimper as your high approaches you. You close your eyes, his nose brushing your swollen bud. You moan as your orgasm comes, you spasm around his tongue as your legs tighten around his head.
He continues working on you as your orgasm continues, he doesn’t move back until he has licked up all your cum. He finally stands up wiping his hand on his mouth to remove the juices from his face, and wiping his hands on his pants. You sit up slightly on your forearms as Fred brings his head to yours, locking you in a deep kiss.
He brings his hands under your thighs, your legs wrapping around his waist. He hoists you up carrying you down the hall, you bite his neck and chest leaving marks. He drops you gently on the bed hovering over you. You pull him closer before you push him onto his back as you straddle him. You rock against him, feeling his sweatpants rub against your core. You feel his hard member underneath you, and slide a hand inside and find his bare penis. You raise an eyebrow at him “no underwear?” you question as you stroke him.
You slide off the bed, pulling his sweats down with you. You crawl over him and place kisses on his abs trailing down his treasure line, his hands reach for your hair. You kiss his stomach, moving lower to his groin when you feel him push your head down trying to get you where he needs you.
“You want something Fred?” you ask innocently placing a light kiss on his tip.
“Babe” he groans trying to push you down further.
“Relax, so needy” you chuckle before licking a stripe on the underside of him. You place a soft kiss on his balls before you continue to his tip, tasting the pre-cum.
“(Y/N) please” he groans.
“Not a fan of being teased eh” you say placing another kiss to his shaft. Before he can respond you wrap a hand around him. You begin stroking him up and down a few times, you suck on his hip while you continue stroking him.
“Fuck” he says, his hands relaxing on you.
“This what you wanted?” you ask seductively, the speed of your hand increasing.
“Yes” he pants.
“You sure?” you lean down and suck another mark on his hip, causing his hip to lift slightly. “I think you want something else” you kiss his tip again “yeah?”
“Please” he moans keeping his eyes locked on you. He watches as you slide his length into your mouth swirling your tongue around him. You bob on him, hollowing your cheek to allow him in deeper. You set a steady pace, bobbing on him.
“(Y/N/N)” he says softy his hands gripping the bedsheets. You can tell he is getting close, as you continue to deep throat him. He hits the back of your throat while you bring a hand up to massage his balls. You take his entire length in your mouth, choking slightly as you continue your pace.
“(Y/N)” he says a little louder this time. “Babe you gotta stop” he says reaching down to pull you off him. You pout as he pulls you in for a deep passionate kiss sucking on your bottom before he pushes you onto your back.
He kisses your chest, sucking on your nipple, you feel his throbbing cock pressed into your stomach. He uses a knee to spread your legs slightly before he slides two fingers into your folds. You moan as he continues sucking your nipple. He slowly thrusts his fingers in and out of you, pushing them fully in every time.
You bend your knee and Fred kisses the inside of your thigh. His fingers thrusting inside you, his thumb pressing circles on your clit.  He returns biting your neck as you bring your hands to his chest scratching down it as he continues to thrust in slowly before he fully pulls out of you. You wince at the empty feeling before Fred brings them to your lips. You open your mouth and he slips his fingers in your mouth. You taste your juices as you clean his fingers.
He pulls his fingers from you “flip over” he says. When you flip onto your hands and knees you hear the sound of foil tearing behind you. You feel his hard member brush against your folds, his tip teasing your entrance. You grind your ass back trying to push onto him.
“Relax, so needy” he chuckles lightly smacking your ass, you groan as he uses your words against you. He slowly slides himself inside you bottoming out, you feel yourself stretching for him. He pulls out, his hands resting on your hips. He uses them to pull you back against him. He sets a fast pace as you continue to grind back onto him. His hand leaves your hip and slaps your ass, harder this time, you wince at the pain as his hand returns to your hip. You continue rolling against him, his pace picks up.
You feel him lean around you, his hand reaches to rub your clit. He starts rubbing fast circles as you feel him becoming sloppy behind you. He uses his other hand to pull you back hard into him
“Aaah, right there” you moan “don’t stop.”
You hear a strangled laugh leave his mouth “didn’t plan on it.” You begin to feel your walls beginning to tighten. “Fuck” you mumble.
“You close (Y/N/N)?” he questions.
“Yeah, so close” a choked groan escapes your lips.
He continues his pace, rubbing on your clit. Your walls tighten as you clench around him, he keeps thrusting while your orgasm continues. Once you return from your high you feel him thrusting his hands pulling your hips back hard onto him.
“Freddie” you moan loudly. He keeps his pace before you continue “babe I want to ride you.”
He quickly pulls out and lies on his back; you crawl over to him and easily slide back onto him. Your hands scratch his chest as you set a quick pace on him. He pushes his hips up, pressing further into you “babe” you groan.
“You gonna cum again?” he asks, his hands playing with your breasts. Your head falls back as you keep rising on him. “You have one more babe?” he asks. You aren’t able to answer him before you feel your walls tighten around him again. Your hands dig hard into his chest as you ride him through your high.
You feel him thrust into you a few more times before his dick twitches, him spilling into the condom. You collapse on your back beside Fred.
You lay there for a few minutes, allowing your heart rates to stabilize. Fred gets up and heads to his bathroom to dispose of the condom, returning with boxers on. He has a damp cloth in his hand that he uses to gently clean you before he walks over to his dresser pulling out a t-shirt.
You roll over and sit on your knees as he pulls the t-shirt over your head. You look to the red marks on his hips and your hand grazes over the scratches on his firm chest. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to do such a number on your chest.” A smile comes across his face as he crawls in the bed. He pulls you down into his arms “don’t apologize, I enjoyed it” he says as he kisses you lightly.
The next morning you wake up and brew coffee when you hear Oliver stirring. You place him in the highchair and get him breakfast. You reach up to get two mugs, causing Fred’s t-shirt to rise, revealing you black lace panties “Jesus” you hear Fred grumble behind you. You turn around and immediately hit Fred’s hard shirtless chest, he reaches around you to grab the mugs for you. He sets them on the counter beside you, before bringing a hand to play with the hem of your shirt. You look up at him as he brings his lips down to yours engaging you in a passionate kiss. You moan lightly, he pulls back slightly smiling against your lips “good morning.”
You spend the rest of Friday with him and Oliver. You watch movies and play toys enjoying your time the three of you. After you put Oliver to bed, you walk into the hallway and Fred pushes you against the wall, he picks you up and carries you to bed where you spend the night tangled in his sheets.
The next morning you leave when Fred leaves for a road trip. He helps you down to your car and buckles Oliver into his car seat. Before letting you into your car he pins you against it, bringing his lips down for a deep passionate kiss.
“I had a good couple days with you” he says mumbling against your lips. Your hands lace into his hair and smile “me too” you say before kissing him one last time.
Oliver’s Birthday: 
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Your shoes:
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Next Chapter
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parkerspicedlatte · 6 years
Sweet Pea X Hippie!Reader Blurb
Random Sweet Pea X !Hippie/Free Spirited Reader blurb that has been sitting in my drafts box for far too long.
Inspired by the album FREE Cody Simpson
Word Count: 1.2K
As the sunlight strained to reach into the small apartment placed above the bowling alley behind the White Worm, a sleepy eyed Sweet Pea stirred awake upon realizing that he was no longer under the covers of the soft feather duvet. While he sat up in bed to stretch the sleep away, he couldn't help but to let his eyes wander over to your side of the bed. There you lied peacefully wrapped up in the entire duvet, your calico kitten sleeping in the crook of your neck, slightly covered by your hair which was sprawled out like a beautiful disaster across the pillow case. Even after months of living together, it still brought a warm smile to the boy's face when he realizes where he's woken up and of course, with who.
He takes a moment to look around the room surrounding him. Technically he was in "the bedroom" but all that really was is a small room off the living room/kitchenette, which had previously been a filling room. The living room itself actually used to be an office as was the rest of the apartment. The only thing that separated the bedroom from the living room was antique wooden room divider, that had been found at a garage sale in Greendale, and a few mandala tapestries that hung loosely from the ceiling. Those had been a gift from Toni.
Eventually he let his eyes wander back down to your sleeping frame. You were facing away from him, and if he really tried, he could barely make out your soft snores. He lay back down on his side with his head propped up on his pillow as is fingers danced along your bare back, tracing the 'tattoos' you'd let him draw on you every once in a while (in sharpie mind you). Even in your sleep, he could still see the goose bumps that he gave you as the frigid temperature of his fingertips clashed with the warmth radiating off your back.
"Morning." He whispered as you begin to stir awake, slowly stretching your back before turning to him giving him a sleepy grin. The same grin that makes his stomach erupt with butterflies. He mirrored your smile, almost by reflex, though everything you did could make him smile.
"Morning Sweets" you answer whilst cuddling back into his chest, trying to block out the light steeping into your eyes.
"Careful babe, Basia's behind you."
"Damn cat"
"Uh if I remember correctly, it was your idea to let her live here."
"Uh I if I remember correctly, you didn't try to stop me" you mumbled into his chest making your statement barely audible
"Plus I don't mind taking in a stray every now and then, it's why you're here isn't it"
"Oh come on babe, don't be mean" he teases "plus I'm pretty sure that we took you in first"
"Touché" you yawned
You sat up slowly, scrunching your eyes shut, still adjusting to the early morning sun. Sweet Pea groaned beside you as Basia padded over to his side of the bed before settling on his chest, attempting to lick his chin.
"Damn cat" he chuckles with a lazy smile
"Basia" you cooed, picking her up and rubbing your thumb across the bridge of her nose, causing her to purr in contentment. You placed her on the floor before slipping out of bed yourself. Sweet pea watches as you stretch your arms above your head, lightly sighing and then reach into an open drawer to find a long burnt orange coloured t-shirt you gently pulled over your torso.
He rolled his eyes slightly as his mind wandered to your habits. Burnt orange. That was your colour. Anyone could see this by just stepping into their apartment. The wall space that could be seen was a greyish blue that made the orange accents pop. So really her colours were orange and blue, with an eruption of deep green. The green came from the infinite amount of plants in the room. They were everywhere. Hanging from the ceiling, sitting on window sills, in large pots dotting the room and propagating in containers on the kitchen counter. It really was a jungle that varied from small succulents to the four foot tall fig tree. Every container you could get your hands on became a flower pot of sorts (mason jars, tin coffee cans, small wooden bowls, old chipped mugs, etc). Not that he would ever complain. It made you happy which made him happy.
Though as much as you loved it, Basia had far more adventures in the small jungle that enveloped the living room. The both of you would get a good laugh at watching her creep underneath and between the couch and plants, looking like a child pretending they were on a safari. She would chase moths and the occasionally butterfly that would sneak in from the windows while you sat on the couch skimming old National Geographic's, looking for your next picture add to your travel wall. That wall was smothered in photographs of your current travel wish. Right now it was Australia.
You interrupt Sweet Pea's train of thought by sitting next to him on the bed and placing a plate of breakfast in his lap.
"Where'd you go Sweet's?" you ask curiously as you watch the boy slip back down to earth.
"Still here." he thanks you by placing a chaste kiss to your lips before taking a bite of his breakfast
Truth be told, he would stay here forever as long as you were with him, dancing around the room in whatever weird overalls and t-shirt combination you'd picked out. Though his favourite combination was overalls and no shirt. He loved watching you go about your day, humming a Beetles songs as you water the plants, climbing onto the counters to make sure you could reach them all. That would be his queue. He'd walk over and take the cup of water out of your straining reach and finish up the plants that were hard for you to reach. Then he'd put his hands on your hips, lifting you off the counter, giving you a kiss before setting down.
It was a funny slight really, the bad boy and the hippie. The most unusual combination that any of their friends had seen yet. He didn't care though. He loved being around you, you had a calming effect on him and boy did he need it. When ever he would get himself worked up about something, you'd just hold one finger to your lips, indicating that he needed to stop talking. Then you'd take his hand and pull him over to the living room and have him lay on the floor with you while some old album played in the background. Once you could tell he'd calmed a bit, you would ask him about what was bothering him. Those conversations usually led to other conversations, often landing on plans for the future. The two of you would lie head to head, starring up at the ceiling, smiling contently at the thoughts of spending forever with the other.
That's what he truly wanted. Those moments with you that made time stop momentarily, moments with his happy little hippie.
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zelo-never-dies · 3 years
tagged by @oatflatwhite thank u friend :’)
RULES: answer 11 questions then ask 11 of your own (i’m just gonna answer bc I have no one to ask and ceebs making up more sorry we’re playing by my rules)
1. do you believe in astrology? why/why not?
hmm I don’t care a whole lot for it but it’s always fascinating when I read something that just resonates with me...except when it’s mum using it to try and match-make for me lol take that shit awayyy
2. best book you’ve read this year?
uhhh so I didn’t read any new books this year apart from the divergent series which I wasn’t a huge fan of...guess it’ll have to be my re-read of percy jackson
3. worst book you’ve read this year?
allegiant ohmygod I couldn’t finish it
4. describe your perfect summer’s day?
sun is shining, blue sky maybe a cloud or two, gentle breeze in the air idm if it’s just a little warm (it’s got that summer air feel ya know?), slow start to the day, meet up with my friends for brunch then go over to someone’s house to chill (preferably somewhere with windows that let in the light from outside) and chat/play games/eat more food +/- alcohol depending on who I’m with...or we can go to the beach, I just wanna laze somewhere nice
5. what song/s do you listen to when you’re down?
don’t really have particular songs, i let my default playlist go on shuffle and i kinda just tune out
6. what’s the current colour/pattern of your bedspread/quilt/duvet whatever you call it?
elaborate curly(?) design that’s mainly blue on white background with a little red/yellow/green here and there
7. coffee or tea?
dilmah tea yum
8. do you have any tattoos? what are they?
(coming soon)
9. favourite item of clothing in your wardrobe right now?
probs one of my weeby tees I can’t choose out of levi, kero or gojou (or there’s also the suga genius lab one) WAIT NO it’s definitely my kmart mum (mom? why is it not the same when i spell it the australian way) jeans that are actually pants due to the elastic waistband
10. where do you see yourself in five years’ time? (ideal scenario, c0vid doesn’t exist anymore lol)
I...haven’t thought that far, if my life is on track then all I have in mind atm is career-wise I will be working as a GP somewhere...could be rural idk
11. rec me a music artist/band??
ooohh hmm so it’s definitely gonna be kpop, but either bts (duh) or dreamcatcher (these girls are so cool and underrated)
0 notes
bratkook · 7 years
clairvoyant. (m) part four.
Tumblr media
word count: 9.5k
no warnings this chapter, just nice friendly banter between friends.
The white ceramic mug filled with hot chocolate felt warm in your hand as you brought it back and forth from your knee to your lips in an almost robotic motion. You had your roommates knitted blanket balled around your waist, covering your legs as you sat criss crossed and hunched over your laptop on your bed.
The both of you were in preparation mode, neither of you bothering to turn on the lights in your dorm or open the blinds and instead choosing to have your faces lit up by the blue cast coming from your laptop screens. She was busy typing away, finishing up a 17 page essay on god knows what, her hair was sticking up in different directions from the countless times she ran her fingers through it in frustration, she had a stained grey hoodie on and her purple duvet covering her bottom half. It all screamed stressed college student.
“It’s times like this that I regret being so into history when I was in highschool. Why? Why did you let me do this Y/N?” She shouted out at you, deciding to chuck one of the countless pillows on her side right at you, successfully smacking into the left side of your face, causing your hair to muss up and your teeth to clank against the ceramic mug as you tried to take a drink.
Your fingers rubbed at your front teeth as you turned and glared at her, seeing her face hidden behind her hands as she screamed into them. “I didn’t know you back then Wendy, but in retrospect, you’d be typing up a 17 page essay on something else right now. At least this is something you enjoy.”
She peeked back up from behind her hands, shrugging in agreement at your words, “Very true.”
“Plus, some guys get boners when you mention you’re a history major.”
Her lips turned up at that, shooting you a wink, “Also very true.”
She sighed and flopped onto her back in defeat, your gaze went back to your laptop screen. You had photoshop opened up and a few pictures you had taken of your friends spread out but you were currently working on color correcting a picture of Taehyung.
“How’s it coming along?” Wendy asked, her attention now gone from her essay and completely focused on scrolling through social media on her phone.
You hummed as you studied the picture some more, “It’s coming. I just feel like I’ve been staring at Taehyung’s face for so long that he’s gone ugly.”
She snorted at that, hopping out of bed and going to peek over your shoulder to see the picture you were working on. “Now that’s impossible.” Her chin rested on your shoulder as she watched you fiddle with the levels before finally deciding that it was good and you’d come back to it later, you needed a break from seeing his face staring right back at you.
“I guess.” You reply, raising the arm that wasn’t still holding the mug up for a stretch, hearing stuff pop and feeling the tension in your shoulder ease up. You had been sitting here since noon, reviewing and editing pictures for the upcoming exhibit at the end of the month and it was now 9 at night. It was something they did every year so you had been preparing for this since the start of the summer, which is when you had taken these pictures, you had just held off on editing due to focusing on other projects and work but you couldn’t hold off on any longer.
“I guess,” Wendy mocked your voice, smacking the back of your head before retreating back to her bed, “he is god sent Y/N. A classic Mcdreamy, honestly.”
You reached across your bed to set the empty mug down on the desk at the end of your bed, “Wow Wendy, want me to put in a good word for you?”
She slapped her palm against her chest, “Oh no, my heart is way too fragile for the man that Kim Taehyung is. He’s wonderful to look at from afar and I am but a weak woman who would cry after a one night stand.”
You sat back on your butt and laughed, Wendy had told you time and time again that the college life just wasn’t for her. She couldn’t handle mindless hooking up and Kim Taehyung was the literal definition of a mindless hookup, him being the kind of guy that would suggest getting you an uber before your post orgasm glow faded, leaving the weak feeling vulnerable and a little betrayed.
“Honestly I applaud you.” She continued, placing her headphones around her neck as she fixed up her bed a bit.
“And why’s that?” You ask, mimicking her actions and tidying up your bed as well, tossing her knit blanket back at her. Your cream coloured duvet being smoothed out and your graphic pillows being placed at the head of the bed, one adorning a repeating pattern of an eye and the other having a drawing of a moth on it.
Wendy plopped back down on the bed, resuming her stewing position and attempting to finish off her essay, “Because you have a heart of steel.”
Your sock covered feet padded their way to flick on the light to see the mirror held above your desk, using it to help fix up your hair that had been in the same lopsided ponytail since you woke up. “Negative. I’m just not looking for commitment right now. Believe me, if I had any romantic feelings for Tae I would’ve been a crying ball of mush by now.”
Your fingers raked through your hair, smoothing out the bumps and pulling out any of the knots as you remade the ponytail and began digging through your drawers for a change of clothes. You slipped off your faded graphic tee and threw it in the hamper, it smelled like coffee and inner frustrations, instead you grabbed a distressed white tee and slipped it on. Wendy was talking in the background but a sound coming from the hall caught your attention.
You could hear boots stomping around and childish laughter, your finger was raised up, successfully shushing Wendy and making her ears perk up to listen. “Is that…”
A loud smack could be heard before someone groaned out in pain, “Ow, fuck you Min Yoongi.” The voice rasped out, sounding a lot closer now.
You mouthed out a sorry at Wendy, which she shrugged off with a smile, deciding to slip on her headphones and play music to block out the events that were about to happen while going back to her essay.
You were expecting knocks to come from your door but instead it was swung open, eliciting a scream from you and a gasp from Wendy, both of you having your hands placed over your hearts.
“Jesus fucking–”
“You really should lock your door Y/N, you never know what creeps could be lurking.”
Your fists were balled up and you couldn’t hold back from smacking him on the chest repeatedly, “Fuck you Yoongi! You nearly gave me a heart attack!”
“Fight! Fight! Fight!” Tae and Hoseok chanted behind him, phone’s being held up, pretending to record the cat fight. His fingers wrapped around your wrist, stopping you from assaulting him as he gave you a dry smile, “Don’t attack me for proving why you should lock your door, I could’ve been a creep.”
You glare up at him, seeing him huff out a piece of hair that had fallen out of place from your attack, “You’re not far from it.” You grumbled out, yanking your wrists out of his grasp and going back to your clothes. “Now please tell me what I have done to be graced with your presence.”
The three of them seemed to finally realize your roommate was in, giving her a small greeting which she returned before she turned up the volume in her headphones and typed away. Taehyung made himself at home, sitting on your bed and looking at your laptop, “Hey, thats me!”
Hoseok sat down behind him, looking over his shoulder just like Wendy had done earlier, “That’s all of us, you self centered fuck.” Smack. Tae’s red hair flew up at the impact, his fingers rubbing the spot Hobi had hit.
“This was before you dyed your hair, please refresh my memory was Ronald Mcdonald your inspo?” Hoseok teased him, laughing out at the shocked expression on his face.
“Fuck you Jung, this red hair makes me a chick magnet–”
“Who even calls themselves a chick magnet anymore?”
“Someone who gets a lot of pussy!��
They continued their back and forth bickering but the first comment caught Yoongi’s attention so he made his way to the bed, seeing the files you had open of the photoshoot you had them agree to months ago. It had been shot in two days, half of the pictures being shot with colorful confetti outdoors with your DSLR and the other half, which were shot on film and were not on your computer, being in black and white in a studio. “What was this for again?”
You were holding up two pairs of jeans against yourself, not being able to decide until Hoseok pointed at the blue denim with holes in the knees, “The Fall photography exhibit.”
“Yeah but isn’t that a good ways from now?”
You gave him a curious look, “No, Yoongi. It’s next week.”
His eyes widened at that, “Fuck me.” His hands ran down his face as he groaned, he obviously lost track of time and most likely didn’t even know what month it was anymore. “I need to start editing my photos now.” He spoke to himself, going through a game plan of how he would get it done.
You grabbed the changing divider you had in your room for situations like this and slipped behind it, changing out of your sweats and into the pair of jeans before folding it back up and resting it against the wall.
“You’ll get it done, you planned it all summer. Don’t stress.” You gave him a reassuring smile as you made your way to them, saving the files in your computer before closing the laptop and shoving it into your side bag, choosing to sit down in front of Taehyung with your back against the wall.
He snapped his fingers in realization, “Right, speaking of stress, I got you a job.”
Your back straightened up at that, eyebrows raised up as you waited for him to elaborate. “Just say the word and it’s yours. I put in a good word for you at the photo studio I work at and if you want it, you’re hired.”
“Yes! Yeah I want it!”
“Good, I was gonna beat you down if you said no. They’re most likely gonna have us work together since our schedules are similar but you start Monday so you have today and tomorrow to bask in unemployment.”
It was like the angels began to sing, you had been searching for a job after you quit the last place you had been working at for months, being tired of getting yelled at by drunken customers that spit more than they actually talked. The amount of times you had come back to the dorms, exhausted from school and work, reeking of meat and cheap soju was ridiculous so you quit a month before school started. The stress of bills hadn’t piled up yet due to the fact that your scholarship was still paying but you knew if a job wasn’t found soon you would spiral again.
“I’ll text you the time and location if I don’t see you before. I gotta go start editing, you just lit a fire under my ass Y/N.” He reached over and ruffled your hair before leaving, making a note to lock your door and shoot you a wink before shutting it.
“Party tonight, you in?” Tae asked the second Yoongi left, his hands reaching out and digging into your left shoulder at an attempt to massage it.
“I’m gonna pass, is it at the Delta fucking whatever’s again?”
His thumb dug deeper into your shoulder making you wince and slap his hand away, “No, just a house party. I got my roommate to agree to go.”
You gave him a side glance, seeing Hoseok roll his eyes, “He agreed to go for fun or did he agree to go to baby sit you?”
He hummed at that, “Now that you put it that way…I’m gonna have to get him super drunk from the get go. Better start pregaming now.” He shot up from the bed and just walked out, no goodbyes, his mind too focused on thinking what drinks he’d force down Jeon Jungkook’s throat.
You could just picture Jungkook now, wide eyed and very out of his element. It had been three weeks since the start of school and you had only really interacted a handful of times, a few times when you were in his and Tae’s room and a few other times in class but you never really hung out, or fulfilled the open promise of coffee. Regardless the few interactions you two had made it very clear that Jungkook was very far from Taehyung, he entered college with a serious determination to study, he always declined offers for parties and always seemed wary when Tae mentioned drugs so the fact that he agreed to go to this house party was very shocking.
“Poor kid.” Hoseok sighed out, he was laid back on your bed, his hands behind his head, looking rather comfy.
“I’m tempted to go to make sure Tae doesn’t get him black out drunk but I can’t waste anymore time with these pictures.”
He shook his head, “Tae’s wild but he’s not an ass, he probably just wants to show him what he’s been missing. I think he’ll be fine.”
That was true, he wouldn’t leave him like a fish out of water. He would probably just ease him into alcohol and leave it at that, as long as Jungkook didn’t naively say yes to everything he would be fine.
Your stomach grumbled out and you looked down at it with a frown, your hands going to pat it in realization that it was in fact empty.
“Have you eaten?”
“Yes mom.” You muttered out, avoiding eye contact.
He squinted at you, his eyes scanning the room for possible food leftovers for proof and as they landed by your bed he gasped, “Y/N, you better not tell me that this,” he held up the open box of coco puffs as evidence, “is your sorry excuse for a meal.”
Your lips pursed as he scolded you, refusing to look at the pathetic meal he held up. “So you had cereal and whatever substance is in that cup–”
“Hot chocolate.”
“Cereal and hot chocolate. Wow so nutritious.”
You stood back up from the bed and grabbed your side bag that was on the floor, “Where are you going?”
You opened the leather bag and inspected the inside, sunglasses, lotion, gum, a tiny plastic bag Tae had handed you at a party to keep safe, your wallet, some sd cards, an extra lens a handful of rings that you decided to just slip on and your laptop. “To go eat, since you scolded me. Are you coming or are you gonna stay here?”
He shot up with a smile, hands rubbing his stomach, clearly looking forward to filling it up with whatever you mentioned. He also took the liberty to pick up your camera, hanging it off his neck with pride.
“Wendy,” you tapped her shoulder, taking her out of her deep concentration. She slipped off her headphones, eyebrows raised in question, “wanna come eat with us?”
Her eyes flicked down at the page count, a sigh leaving her when she saw it was only 10 pages done out of the 17 needed by tomorrow, “Can’t, I’m just gonna grab something from the cafeteria and come back here to finish. Thanks though.”
You nodded in understanding, motioning for Hoseok to follow you out of your room. The hallways of your dorm were full of autumn decor, a few orange and red leaves drawn out on paper being hung up on the wall and a bulletin board full of activities being held this month on your floor. October was approaching and all the girls on your floor were planning a get together to decorate and watch horror movies, that was one thing to look forward to in the pile of homework you had.
“The girl’s dorm is always so cute, the closest we get to decorations is opened condom wrappers everywhere.”
Yeah, you’ve seen that. Everywhere. Your dorms encouraged safe sex but the guy’s were just messy as hell, completely unsanitary. It was truly a mystery why you were always there.
The both of you swiftly exited the building, walking down the trail that lead off campus and onto the main road. Hoseok was busying himself with snapping shots on your camera, for once not complaining about the weight because you had switched the lens out for a smaller single zoom lens.
He walked mindlessly behind you taking random snaps of nature and himself, occasionally looking up to make sure you didn’t stray too far ahead. The streets were rather empty and there weren’t many people on the sidewalks, letting you freely kick the fallen leaves as you walked slowly.
You were on a hunt for a place you had come to one night when you were very drunk with Jimin and you knew it was just a few blocks from school. You remembered it perfectly despite not being sober, you also remember Jimin having to feed you because your fingers just couldn’t remember how to hold your chopsticks.
The second you spotted the red exterior you reached back to stop Hoseok from ramming into your back. Your palm froze him in his tracks and he looked up at the sign, “Ramen, really?”
“Hey, this beats coco puffs and hot chocolate. Show some respect.”
He wouldn’t argue with that, besides he had a soft spot for ramen, never really being against having it as a meal because it was always satisfying.
The two of you were seated quickly and in a booth in the corner, per the request of Hoseok asking for a booth with the best lighting. Mason jars with the drinks of your choice were brought to your table and you both ordered, before you were given a chance to breathe Hoseok slid your camera your way and you knew what he meant.
Over the past couple of months you had become Hoseok’s photographer of choice, he had a pretty decent instagram following and according to him you were best at bringing his visions to life in a way that fit his feed. You didn’t mind it, he was fun to take pictures of and with and him tagging you in all the pictures you took for him had gained you a good following on your photography page.
You flipped off the lens cap, adjusting the shutter speed and ISO before pointing your camera at him, his gaze was cast off to the side, staring out of the window beside the booth and the soft light from above hit his face at just the right angle, accentuating his profile and making his jaw look sharper, his teeth gently bit the straw attached to his mason jar and you could applaud him for looking so great doing something so simple. He changed his facial expressions a few times and switched up his posing for options and you knew he’d find one he liked.
That process was repeated the second the food was set in front of you, the both of you standing up and snapping shots of the food like a pair of idiots but like Hobi said it’s all for the shot. The bowls were turned infinite times, the mason jars had to be just right and so did the utensils everything had to flow and Hoseok trusted your knowledge to get this shot before you were allowed to actually enjoy the meal.
The whole ordeal took about 10 minutes so when he finally decided one or you got the shot you instantly dug into your meal.
“So,” he wiped his mouth, setting his chopsticks on top of the bowl, “how drunk do you think they are right now?”
You shoved a clump of rice into your mouth, mulling the question over as you chewed, “Not drunk enough. I bet Jungkook has to drag his ass back to their room, if he can carry him.”
He let out a low whistle, “If he can carry him, Y/N that boy is built like a fucking rock. He can probably carry Tae with one hand easily.”
That you hadn’t known, he always looked so…not buff? He was timid, and soft spoken, the only time he really spoke out was the day you had decked him with your camera so I guess his personality made him seem smaller than he was. Maybe Tae should work out with him since he had a sudden urge to buff up.
You just shrugged, if he carried Tae back to the dorms completely wasted Namjoon would be livid when it came time to do rounds at the dorm, the amount of times he had let Tae, or any of you really, off the hook was absurd and it was shocking he still held the position of being RA, it was most likely due to the fact that he had a charming personality.
You pushed your noodles around with your chopsticks as you took a sip of your drink, seeing Hoseok’s phone vibrate twice, indicating a new message.
“Ooooh, is that your girlfriend.” You teased him, stuffing the noodles into your mouth and slurping them up with a grin when he ignored your question. “How are things with, what’s her name? Yeob–”
“Irrelevant.” He took a pretty aggressive bite out of his meat before scowling and locking the phone to get rid of the notification.
“Trouble in paradise?” You wiped your face, looking down at your bowl and seeing that your meal was disappearing, a clear display of how starving you were.
He took a sip of the broth and sighed, “Yeah, I guess.”
Did you wanna press this? You weren’t quite sure if he wanted to talk about it because he came off as rather dismissive. Him and his girlfriend have been together for about five years, high school sweethearts that kept going strong regardless of moving and going to different universities. He always talked about her and she had come to visit in the past and everyone kind of thought she was the one for him but things have obviously changed.
“She cheated on me.”
Your hand froze on its trip towards your mouth, your grip loosening on the chopsticks so your noodles slipped through them. “What?”
That was all you found appropriate to say, in reality you wanted to call her every name in the book because who would cheat, especially on someone like Hoseok? He deserved better, it was for the best that he broke up with her and moved on to someone else. There were plenty of girls in the university that had their sights out for him, he could snag one up easily.
“She’s been texting me nonstop apologizing–”
“Fuck her.” You blurted out without noticing, “She can’t do that and apologize once you dumped her.”
His lips pursed out at that, eyes locked on his bowl of food, “I…I didn’t dump her.”
You just decided to set your chopsticks down because food was gone from your mind. “Hobi, what do you mean.”
He took a sip of his drink, stalling, “I mean, she texted me a week or so ago telling me she cheated but that she was drunk so I told her I forgave her….I love her, I couldn’t just end it but I probably should have.”
“I gave her another chance, and yeah shit was weird because there was like a giant elephant in the room that neither of us were acknowledging but I fucking tried to make it work and then–” he lets out a frustrated sigh and his palms rub his face,
“then the other night she sent me a fucking video. A video Y/N.”
“Oh no.” You mumble out.
“She was sucking off some guy and sent me the video he took of her with we should breakup being the only text under it. I fucking blew up, I called her and text her like a madman and got nothing in response and now, now she’s texting me saying it was a mistake but I can’t. Not anymore.”
What a bitch.
“Has she been calling you?”
He nodded and right on cue his phone lit up with her face, signaling a call.
“Go find some girl tonight, sleep with her and call her while doing that.”
“Y/N, I’m not that horrible.”
You just shrugged in response, “It was just a suggestion.”
Hoseok just sat there, staring at his phone as it continued to buzz and eventually light up with the notification of a missed call. You could tell he was thinking over what you had said and it was honestly very petty to do but at this point it would make her feel like shit to know how it is to be the one getting explicit content of your significant other with someone else.
Both of your meals were basically done and it was obvious they weren’t going to be touched after the current topic so you raised your hand and politely called over your server to ask for the check.
“Look, I know it feels horrible right now and you have every right to sulk about it but don’t let her weasel into your head and cry her way back to you. You’re a great guy Hobi, you know that right? You treated your relationship with respect and you loved her with all you had, this is all her fault. And if you want to let loose and have fun, you go ahead and do so.”
He looked up at you and you just wanted to bring him in for a hug, his eyes just looked so defeated but you didn’t blame him.
“Thanks Y/N,” you handed the waiter your card when she brought the check, not letting him get a chance to offer to pay, “I think I’m gonna head out to that party Taehyung went to, just to forget about this, no promises on hooking up with someone. Did you want to come?”
You took your card back and began putting everything back into your bag as you both prepared to leave, “No, I’m gonna head out to the school cafe and work on my pictures for a bit. I promise I’ll be back to my normal riot self once these are finished. Make sure Tae or Jungkook aren’t blacked out and keep me updated.”
The both of you got up, Hoseok slapping a few bills onto the table as a tip before you exited the building.
The chilly air hit your skin and you shivered, letting out a laugh when you felt Hoseok drape his jacket over your shoulders and your camera around your neck, “Thanks, be safe okay? I’ll send you the pictures later tonight. ”
He nodded and pulled you in for a hug before waving and walking off in the opposite direction from school. You tightened his jacket around yourself as you watched his silhouette get smaller in the distance, once you could no longer see him you grinned and started your short walk back to school.
The roads were pretty empty now, a few cars drove by and you passed a couple of people that you knew went to your university but besides that it was quiet and alone, something you weren’t used to experiencing while being in college and dorming so you took your sweet ass time getting back there.
You snapped a couple of pictures of the half dead trees, lit up by the streetlights so their remaining leaves let off a slight orange tinge. The reality of Yoongi scoring you a job still hadn’t hit you yet and when it did you were pretty sure you were going to smother him with love because you really needed it. He always mentioned his job at the studio was relatively laid back, all he did was set up lights, backdrops, and occasionally get called on to take shoots which would be great experience and maybe you could network there who knows.
You were reviewing a few shots you had taken on the walk just now with a giddy expression as you reached the concrete path that lead you to the quad when you noticed that your phone started vibrating. You dug it out of your pockets and answered when you saw it was Jimin calling you.
“What do you want?” You teased, hearing his soft gasp.
“You know, if I knew being a caring friend would get me this treatment I would’ve stayed a loner.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile, continuing your walk up the path lit up by tall lights. You could see your destination up ahead but you kept your slow pace.
“Such a baby. But excuse me, hello Jimin how’s your night going?”
There was rustling on the other end and you knew he was walking around, whether it be in his apartment or just roaming the streets. “That’s better…but my nights going good. Namjoon just called me trying to get me to go out to that party everyone’s at, you going?”
You readjusted the strap from your bag higher up your shoulder, “That’s the third time I’ve been asked today and nope, I’m editing nonstop tonight. Did Namjoon convince you?”
“Almost but then my mom called and said if I show up hungover to her fucking brunch event she’s shunning me from the family.”
You could just picture Jimin showing up with giant shades on to hide how badly he looked while the rest of the guests were dressed in their most expensive attire. Everytime he went to one of these events he would call you, using your phone call as an excuse to leave a conversation about him eventually taking over the family business.
His hatred for these events was very evident, both his parents knew but they baited him in with money. Jimin wasn’t foolish, yes he wished he could choose a path of his own and be happy but he also knew that without money came stress and unhappiness, so he chose to suck it up and then complain to you.
“And shunning equates to you saying bye to your money right?”
“Exactly and we can’t have that.” He let out a sigh before speaking again, “Anyways, I was gonna ask you to come over and pig out on pizza but seeing as you’re on a editing marathon I’ll let you go. Let me know if you need anything alright?”
You hummed as you neared the cafe, seeing the lights on through the windowed walls, “I might show up at 1am in the mood for pizza.” He said that was completely fine with him and then said his goodbyes.
Your hand grasped the metal handle and pulled the door open to the cafe, smiling at the two girls behind the counter as you approached them and ordered an iced coffee before sitting down at the half booth by the corner. They were open until 1 am, you had about 3 hours or less to edit before they kicked you out.
One of the workers whose name you learned was Jisoo came and brought you your drink with a smile before returning back behind the counter to clean up. You took a sip and sighed before pulling out your laptop and opening it up to continue where you left off.
The amount of times you sat in this same booth doing this was laughable, most of the workers here knew how you liked your iced coffee and knew you had a favorite spot to sit at, they would come by and ask if you wanted another coffee after a few hours but besides that they would leave you alone. It was nice, it made it more comfortable to sit here for hours on end when you felt like you had a personal connection with the baristas.
The plastic straw of the drink was between your teeth, currently being gnawed at while your right hand worked on bringing the light catches back into Jimin’s eyes, you had adjusted the tone of the light pink hair he had at the time and had made sure everything looked right colorwise. This concept was very keen on color so you made sure everything popped without being overly saturated.
Considering this was the only set of photos you would be editing you were determined to give it your best effort. The other set was being blown up the way they were shot. Black and white, grainy, showing the true beauty of film, a big contrast to the photos you were currently working on.
Seeing these pictures just brought back memories of summer. The trouble you had gone through to find this location and forcing the guys to help you cut up confetti because you could only find gold and that just wouldn’t do. How many injuries the guys got from fucking around and slipping on the confetti, the end tally was 10 scrapes, a handful of bruises and Namjoon almost breaking his arm from the rough fall he had taken.
You set your cup down with a smile and fell into a rhythm, all of your photos were shot in RAW so if anything simple needed adjusting it was easy to do to speed up the process. You filled in empty spots with extra confetti, sharpened them up and made sure they didn’t get lost in everything going on in the background.
The screen flicked back and forth between photos until you decided you were completely satisfied with it and proceeded to move on to the next one. You had finished the shots of Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon and Taehyung. The last two remaining were Jin and Hoseok and if you were quick enough you could finish them off before 1am.
Your eyes scanned over the picture of Hobi looking up at the confetti with a smile, the confetti that fell in front him being out of focus as well as the background.
Alright, this will be quick.
Your fingers tapped on the mousepad before deciding what to do when you heard a voice fill up the quiet cafe. Your gaze moved away from your screen and up towards the voice, seeing a boy with a black bomber jacket ordering an americano.
His hair looked disheveled, either really bad sex hair or the effect of him running his hands through it, his body language made it clear he was exhausted so maybe just a college student cramming for something?
You were about to regain your focus on work until you heard the barista call out his name, then your ears perked up.
“Here you go Jungkook.”
“Thanks.” He mumbled out with a smile, turning around to leave and before you could help it you were calling out his name also.
His cup of coffee stopped before it could reach his lips and then his eyes started their search for the voice, bouncing over every seat until landing on you, sat in the back with your hand raised up waving him over.
Red flags waved around in his head along with a tiny voice chanting ohfuckohfuck as he gave you a smile before shyly making his way over, choosing to stand by the table instead of sitting down right away.
“I thought you were at that party with Taehyung?” You moved your bag, plopping it on the ground beside you and scooting over so he had some room to sit, he looked at the seat for a moment before deciding to just sit down, both of his hands cupping his warm cup of coffee as he thought of a response.
“Yeah, I was. It just…got a little too crazy for me.” He looked nervous, refusing to make eye contact, fingers tapping against the cup and rolling his lips together. Was he hiding something? Maybe he did something while drunk that he normally wouldn’t have done?
“That’s usually how house parties end up. Did you have fun? Taehyung didn’t peer pressure you too bad did he?” You saved the file you were working on and gently pushed your computer back so you could really face him, your own drink in your hand.
Jungkook set his cup of coffee down and ran his fingers through his hair, looking conflicted for a moment before deciding to finally look at you, seeing your eyebrows raised in question. “You okay?” You asked him, tilting your head slightly.
He pursed his lips, looking like he was talking to himself internally before taking a deep breath, “Y/N…”
You nodded slowly, motioning for him to continue, if anything happened tonight that made him act like he’s acting right now you wanted to know.
“You seem like a really nice person. Someone who is always there for people, loyal you know? I told myself I wasn’t gonna say anything but I really have to.” Okay now you were confused…
“Jungkook, whats up?”
His hands were on their way to run through his hair once again but you caught them in your palms, seeing his eyes go wide at the contact, “Taehyung’s cheating on you.”
Jungkook looked utterly confused when you started laughing, letting his hands go to cover your mouth as your giggles filled up the empty cafe. His brows were furrowed, thinking maybe you were just in shock and the waterworks would begin any moment now.
“You’re kidding right?”
Oh yeah, she’s in denial. He thought to himself, his left hand going to gently pat your right shoulder in an attempt for comfort.
“No, he kept taking shots and I kept pretending to take them so he got really drunk, then I lost him for a bit and when I found him again he was making out with some girl. I had to leave, I couldn’t watch that happen and I wasn’t going to tell you because I just felt like it wasn’t my place and then I see you here and you’re working hard while your boyfriends out there being a dick and I couldn’t help myself.” He was rambling now, his lips moving too fast it was shocking the words he was speaking were coherent and not a slur altogether.
Your laughter stopped with his explanation, a smile adorning your face because that was actually really sweet.
“He was really drunk so–”
“–maybe you could forgive him? But you needed to know–”
“Kook.” You tried again, finally stopping him and letting him catch his breath and take another sip of his drink, although maybe he should just leave it because he honestly looked like he was about to puke out everything he ate today.
“Drunk or not I wouldn’t forgive a cheater but,” you gently placed your hand on top of his that was still on your shoulder, “me and Taehyung are not dating.”
The confusion clouded his eyes once again, he was looking at you like a lost puppy and it dawned on you that you’d probably have to explain your relationship to him and you weren’t used to doing that. Everyone in your friend group never asked and never wondered but Jungkook was definitely wondering now.
“But you’re always at the dorm late and he always tells me not to come to the room unless I want front row seats.”
You quickly took a sip of your coffee as you thought of what to say. He had an assumption already but he didn’t want to go out and say it in case it offended you, plus a part of him told him that maybe you really were in shock and were now going to make lies up to mask your hurt but he didn’t want to go out and say that in case that offended you as well.
“Tae and I sleep together occasionally but it’s nothing serious. No labels, no commitment so yeah, we’re not dating. It’s just fun.”
Fun? He didn’t really understand how sleeping with each other while also sleeping with other people was fun but then again he had never been in a situation like that so what did he know.
“So…you’re okay with it?”
You took another sip of your drink and nodded, “Yeah, it’s not like the only person I sleep with is Tae. The way I see it is I’m young and not entirely convinced that commitment is up my alley at the moment so until then I’m not going to limit myself.”
Jungkook hummed in understanding, that made a little more sense to him now. Why would you get into a relationship knowing that wasn’t what you wanted, it would suck for the person who was more emotionally invested.
“Is that something you would recommend others do?” He shyly asked, his fingers resuming their tapping from earlier.
“Others as in you?”
“Hmm…it depends really. Have you ever had meaningless sex, no strings attached, one night stands?”
His messed up hair shook as he nodded his head no.
“Ah, so only sex with a girlfriend?” He blushed at that, he didn’t understand how you could openly talk about sex in public, albeit the cafe was practically empty but still.
“Or a boyfriend, sorry for assuming.”
He immediately turned to face you with wide eyes, boths his hands help up in front of him, “No, no I’m not into–guys aren’t–I’m straight.”
Jungkook watched you shrug your shoulders and say okay cool, still waiting for him to answer the question.
Alright, Jungkook could totally have a conversation like this. I mean he only had two options, ignore the question and end the conversation even though he strangely wanted to talk about it because really who else would he talk about this with, or he could just answer it and see what direction this conversation would go in.
“Yeah I guess…it wasn’t really a normal thing it only happened once before we broke up.”
“And that was the only relationship you had?” That was hard to believe, yeah it was obvious Jungkook wasn’t a very open person at first but he was attractive. You’d have to be completely blind to not think so.
He nodded and sipped his warm drink, slowly seeming more comfortable. After getting what he thought was Tae cheating off his chest he looked more at ease, a little anxious but that could be due to the coffee or the conversation at hand.
“But you’re hot.”
He choked on his drink, his fingers wiping the few drops that had spilt over his lips and on his chin, “Thanks–”
“Did girls just not approach you or did you just ignore it?”
Jungkook just shrugged because he honestly didn’t know. Maybe girls had approached him but he had been too naive and inexperienced to know any better. The only relationship he had was with a girl who he had known for years, friends since the start of middle school and one day she just blurted out that she liked him and wanted to be his girlfriend and all he could mutter out was a dumb okay if you want. It only lasted a few months before she broke it off and they stopped talking altogether.
“Alright,” you clapped your hands together with a grin, “this is your first year of college and since relationships aren’t common ground for you maybe you should ease into it?”
“How?” He wanted to know, he was growing tired of feeling like an inexperienced child. Of course there was nothing wrong with that but at this point he just wanted something to happen.
“Ask a cute girl out on a date? Someone from your class, someone you see on campus. Anyone here would say yes instantly. Plus you have me to help if you want?”
“Like…coach me?”
That was a good way of putting it, “Yeah, sure. I’ll tell you what to say, how to make a move. All that good stuff. Once you get into the groove of things you decide if you think the hookup lifestyle is for you.”
Okay, he’d basically have to tell you everything for your coaching to work and he was already getting embarrassed by it. Yeah he remembered you saying he didn’t have to be careful about what he said around you but that didn’t mean he’d get word vomit.
You slid your phone over to him so he could input his number, which he did with slightly shaky fingers, and then you sent him a text with suggestive emojis and your name just because you knew it would make him blush.
You closed your laptop and nudged his thigh so he could reach your bag for you. The cafe was closing down which meant it was now 1 in the morning. You slipped your silver laptop and camera into the bag and took the last sips of your coffee before standing and giving him a smirk that made him a little nervous.
“I promise,” you gave his cheek a gentle pat with your hand, “that you’ll get laid by the end of October with my help.”
Oh god.
“If you want.” You shrugged. He finally got up and you both slid out of the booth. Jungkook stayed a few feet behind you, seeing you wave at the baristas so he did the same before exiting the cafe.
The temperature outside had dropped significantly from when you first entered the place so you zipped up the jacket Hoseok lent you. It swallowed you whole and Jungkook just laughed at how silly you looked.
“Hey, we finally had coffee together.” You told him with a giant smile, giving him a hug and noticing he felt extremely warm, but then you were backing up, he noticed you were always quick to say your goodbyes and leave, “I’ll see you later yeah?”
You turned around and started your walk to the road by campus, already knowing you were heading for Jimin’s for the pizza he had promised when Jungkook yelled something out.
“I want it!”
That stopped you in your tracks, your brows furrowing as you turned back around, “Huh?” You shouted back, the two of you were about 20 feet apart but the slight wind made it a little difficult to really hear.
“I want your help!”
You threw your hands up with a stupid smile, shooting him a thumbs up as you walked backwards now. “Hell yeah! It’ll be great! Send me a text whenever you find a girl!”
He stood there, watching you slowly walk away and noticing you weren’t going towards the girls dorm at all. He could take help from you, you clearly knew a thing or two about carefree living, especially if you were wandering off campus at 1am. It wasn’t like you were going to a friends house to watch movies, right?
But little did Jungkook know that’s exactly what you were doing. Moana was currently being played on Jimin’s flat screen as he cut up the pizza he had just taken out of the oven and you poured the both of you cups of soda.
“How’d the editing go?”
The glass cups were placed on top of the wooden coasters on his black coffee table in the living room along with two plates, “Good, just two pictures left to edit and then I’ll be ready to blow them up for the exhibit.”
Jimin walked out of the kitchen, a black oven mitt in his right hand that held the pizza tray and a wooden slab in his left hand that he placed beside the drinks before setting the pizza tray on top. “I’m excited for your exhibit by the way. I’m curious to see how you pulled off a photoshoot with us idiots barely cooperating.”
You watched the strings of cheese stretch out as Jimin pulled up a slice before dropping it onto his plate once his fingers burned, “You’ll be surprised with how well they turned out. Maybe you should buy one of the pictures and hang it up there.” You pointed to the area of blank space on the wall above his dining table.
“I’ll think about it.” He hummed out with a grin before deciding he didn’t give a shit about the roof of his mouth and took a bite of the hot pizza.
“So, how excited are you for tomorrow?” The shit eating grin on your face made him scowl, you clearly knew he was extremely unexcited for tomorrow. If he had to put his mother’s brunch events on a hate list it would be a solid two, right above kidz bop and below vomiting.
“Super!” He sarcastically answered, “How excited are you at joining me for the thanksgiving fundraiser dinner?”
Now that made you almost choke on your pizza as you swallowed it, “Fuck you were serious about that?” A few months back Jimin had mentioned needing a date for that event because his parents kept trying to set him up with random rich girls and he was getting fed up so you were his go to choice in making his parents stop trying to play matchmaker.
“I’ll give you five grand.”
Daggers. Pure fucking daggers were being thrown his way from your eyes, “Jimin you can’t pay me to go to events with you, you’re not my sugar daddy.”
That made him laugh, hysterically, to the point where he wiped tears away from the corner of his eyes. “That could be arranged.” He joked with a wiggle of his brows.
A scoff left you and your fingers itched to toss the crispy crust you held right at his face but you held back, choosing to bite a chunk of it instead. Jimin was too much sometimes but then again so were the rest of the guys.
“Sometimes I wonder how life would be if I would have chosen different friends back in freshman year.”
The second the words left your mouth your phone sounded off, the ring letting you know someone wanted to facetime you and because of the time it was either Taehyung or Hoseok.
“You wouldn’t be getting drunken facetime calls right now that’s forsure.” Jimin giggled to himself as he shuffled closer because his nosey self wanted to see the scene that was about to unfold.
You picked up the phone, noting that it was Tae calling and you swiped accept without a second thought, the loud sounds of house music making you turn down the volume slightly.
“Y/N!” He yelled out, his face extremely close to the phone.
“Taehyung, how are you doing cute stuff?”
He whined and pulled the phone back as he rubbed his eyes with the hand that was clutching onto a red solo cup. “Great, ‘miss you though. And look who else is doing great.” He dropped the cup in his hand and tossed his whole arm around someone, yanking them next to him and into shot.
“It’s Jungkook!”
You tilted your head at the screen because that definitely was not Jungkook.
“Tae that’s not–”
“He’s an animal, he takes shots like a champ don’t you Kookie.”
The black haired man who was obviously very drunk nodded along with a smile, “That’s not Jungkook.”
Tae scoffed and looked at his new friend and then back at you, “Of course he is. Tell her you’re Jungkook man.”
“I can be whoever you want baby.”
Oh great.
“Taehyung that’s Yugyeom he literally lives across the hall from you. I saw Jungkook earlier on campus.”
Taehyung made the funniest face, not quite sure if he believed you or if you were fucking with him because he was drunk. But if you were telling the truth that meant he had lost Jungkook and that was a big fat no in his book. So him being Tae did the typical Tae thing, “Sorry I gotta go I think my phones broken.” His drunk ass then proceeded to chuck his phone across the room at full force while you and Jimin watched as the screen blurred together before the entire thing went black when it probably hit a wall or something hard.
“He’s literally fucking insane.” Jimin laughed out as you stared at your phone screen in awe. Taehyung was literally fucking insane, exactly how Jimin put it but he sure did know how to keep things interesting.
You sent Hoseok a quick text telling him to keep his eyes peeled for Tae if he was still at the party. “He’s going to regret that tomorrow when he can no longer take his precious selfies.”
The amount of times drunk Taehyung had full on broken his phone to the point of no return was absurd. It’s gotten to the point where your group places bets on the time frame he’ll break it at the next outing you all attend, it’s almost always past 1am depending on if he’s mixed his liquor with a few pills or not.
“My family’s gonna wonder why the fuck I keep buying iPhones.” Jimin sighed in faux annoyance as he went onto his phone and placed an order so Taehyung wouldn’t be completely phoneless.
“No!” You shouted with a laugh, “You need to stop reinforcing his bad habits, he’ll never learn if you keep giving him phones to break.”
Jimin’s gaze slowly lifted towards you, his face saying oh really? “Need I remind you of the time when your baked ass swore your phone would fly if you put it on airplane mode?”
You suddenly couldn’t hear, and wow the movie just go so interesting.
“Where did your phone end up? In the pool.”
He was tilting his head closer to you so you could see him from your peripheral as hard as you tried not to.
“It was still salvageable but oh no, what did Y/N decide to do to dry if off? Put it in the fucking microwave!”
You could feel your lips quivering as you held in your laughter, “Okay! Okay I got it! But what did you do, you bought me a new one and gave me the lecture of a lifetime, told me this phone didn’t have insurance and guess what? I still have it in pristine condition so thanks.”
He mocked your voice under his breath as he completed the order on his phone. He knew Taehyung was harmless and meant well, and besides he was practically a brother to him and in Jimin’s eyes if the roles were switched he knew Tae would do the same for him.
“Shut up and watch Moana.”
That’s how the remainder of the night went, the entire pizza being consumed and Moana along with half of Brave being watched before you felt yourself drifting off on his couch. You deemed his couch the perfect place to sleep and you weren’t worried about not being in your dorm considering it was saturday and they were pretty forgiving on saturdays.
Your breathing was evening out and your face was smushed against one of his pillows when you felt him whispering next to you, “Y/N come on.” His finger gently prodded your cheek once before he repeated your name.
“What?” You mumbled out.
“You’re not sleeping on the couch c’mon.” He took it in him to grab both your arms and haul you up in your half asleep state. Your arms were wrapped around his neck as he basically dragged you to his room, your sock clad feet rubbing against the rug he had in his hallway.
Once you finally reached his room you sat on his bed and yawned as he pulled back the duvet for you. “Aw,” you reached for his cheeks and squished them between your hands, “I might just take you up on that sugar daddy offer.” You patted them gently which only made him laugh and shove your head away.
“Go to sleep, I’m gonna clean up and then knock out too. There’s a charger by the bed if you need it.”
You mumbled out a thanks as you slipped in between the sheets, plugging your phone in and seeing it was 4am along with text notifications from Jungkook.
You rubbed the rest of sleep out of your eyes to see whatever text he sent you. 
Jungkook 3:15am The girl in the coffee shop
Jungkook 3:18am Jisoo
Jungkook 3:19am Help pls
He was adorable and this would be very entertaining for you and hopefully very exciting for him. Your fingers tapped across your phone as you wrote a response out and hit send.
Y/N 4:25am I gotchu my lil grasshopper
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chocolatequeennk · 8 years
Red and White, Be Mine Tonight
On a New Year’s Eve on an alien planet, the Doctor and Rose take an important step in their relationship. Ten x Rose, teen.
This story is set in the True Things ‘verse, after Believing and Knowing and before Jackie Tyler Saves the Universe.
I used two squares on the @timepetalsprompts winter fic bingo card: white and wish.
Their outfits--and thus a great deal of the background for the gala--was inspired by this painting by @the-untempered-prism
The Doctor sighed in contentment as Rose cuddled closer to him. These moments spent in the hazy afterglow of lovemaking were some of the favourites he shared with her. He loved the intimacy of knowing this time belonged only to them. The sweetness of the temporary telepathic connection that came to life each time they made love only highlighted the specialness.
Their skin cooled as sweat evaporated, and he tugged the duvet up to cover them. At the same time, he began to withdraw from her mind like he always did.
A soft sound of dissatisfaction stopped him. “Rose?” He brushed a kiss to her forehead. “What’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing, it’s just…” She sighed and kissed his chest, in between his hearts. “I wish we didn’t have to undo our telepathic connection every time we’re done making love.”
The Doctor’s hand was raised, poised so he could run his fingers through her hair. Her mumbled confession shocked him, though, and he froze. A moment later, his hand landed somewhat heavily on her head, and Rose shifted until he had his hand wrapped around her shoulder.
“What’s going on in that brain of yours?” she asked. “I hope I didn’t make you think this isn’t enough for me. Because it is, it really is. Travelling through time and space with my alien lover.” She grinned up at him as she said that, and he tilted his head to capture that tongue in a kiss.
His mind kept working, though. Because contrary to her fears, her words hadn’t made him think she was unhappy with their relationship—they’d given him hope that she might be interested in more.
“So, where are we off to?” Rose asked the Doctor the next morning. Her legs swung back and forth as she sat on the jump seat, watching him fly the TARDIS.
To her surprise, he tugged at his ear—a sure sign that he was nervous. “Well, I happen to have an invitation to the New Year’s ball on Ostrao,” the Doctor said. “I thought we could put on formal clothes and go tonight?”
Rose slid off the jump seat and walked over to him. “You’re going to risk the Tux of Doom?” she teased, tugging gently on his tie.
The Doctor’s hands landed on her waist and he pulled her close. “I’m going to be very, very careful with the coordinates,” he promised. “And the TARDIS says she’ll help. I just…” He sighed and brushed his thumbs over her hips. “I want to take you someplace special.”
Rose smiled at him. “Yeah, that would be nice. That would be lovely, actually.”
The Doctor grinned and spun around the console. “And there will be no Tux of Doom. The dress code for this event is a bit strict, as you will discover when you go to the wardrobe room.”
“What do you mean?” Rose asked.
He threw the lever, then shooed her off as the time rotor started its slow chug. “Go on; you’ll find out.”
Rose raised an eyebrow, but the Doctor just laughed and pushed gently on the middle of her back. “Go! I’ll meet you back here in an hour.”
She shook her head, but her steps were eager as she left the console room. If he’d sent her to the wardrobe room, he really was planning something special.
When Rose stepped inside the cavernous room, she immediately understood the Doctor’s oblique remarks. The entire area near the door was filled with racks of red and white dresses. “Oh, these are gorgeous,” Rose told the TARDIS as she flipped quickly through the first rack.
A sleeveless white satin and lace top caught her eye, and she set it aside and moved to a rack of skirts. A thought occurred to her as she rejected five taffeta skirts—if the Doctor wouldn’t be in his tux because of the dress code, that must mean he’d be in red and white, too. Which, by extension, meant that for once, he’d be wearing something she’d never seen before.
Rose bit her lip, and her fingers fumbled with a few hangers. She had no idea how he’d pull off red and white, but she was positive he’d look gorgeous in his new outfit.
She paused on a long, velvet skirt in a rich shade of crimson. “Oh, that’ll look amazing,” she murmured, and took both garments over to her vanity so she could change.
A quick look in the mirror thirty minutes later assured Rose that she looked ready for a holiday gala. “Wish me luck,” she whispered to the TARDIS as she walked out of the room, and the ship wrapped her in a warm telepathic hug.
The Doctor’s back was to her when she entered the console room, and a smile tugged at her lips when she spotted his outfit. “Of course you have a red and white pinstriped suit,” she teased. “Looks like it fits just like your brown one—do you just have the same suit in a variety of colours?”
“Well, I do have—”
The Doctor’s sentence trailed off into silence when he turned around and caught sight of Rose. Her hair fell in soft waves around her shoulders, and she’d found a red velvet cloak to wear over her dress. He took half a step toward her, already itching to feel the plush texture beneath his fingers.
She held her arms out so the cloak would fall away from her body a little, letting him see some of the gown. “What do you think?” she asked, giving a quick twirl.
“Blimey, you’re gorgeous, love,” he whispered. He sighed when he reached for her; the fabric of the cloak and skirt were almost as soft as her skin.
Rose’s eyes lit up. “Not just considering I’m human?” Her tongue teased him, drawing his attention to her lips, painted deep red to match her gown.
He shook his head firmly. “You are gorgeous, full stop.”
She tugged on his red tie until he bent down enough that she could reach his lips. I love you.
The Doctor pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. These little bits of telepathic contact only teased them both, but hopefully, if she agreed, they could have more after tonight.
He glanced down at her and locked that thought up as tightly as he possibly could; the real purpose of their trip tonight was supposed to be a surprise.
“You know,” he said after he cleared his throat. “We’ve already landed. We should probably go outside before we miss the entire party.”
Rose nodded quickly and spun away from him. “Tell me about where we are,” she asked as he pushed the doors open.
The Doctor smiled at her little gasp of awe when she saw the planet. The path to the palace was lined with trees, and for the gala tonight, they’d been covered in thousands of fairy lights. The twinkling lights reflecting on the freshly fallen snow made the planet sparkle.
He shut the doors behind them and took her hand. “Ostrao is the centre of the Saulea Empire,” he said as they walked towards the palace gates. “They’re very big on celebrating transitions and new beginnings in this culture, so the start of the new year is the biggest holiday of all.”
“And why red and white?” Rose asked. They could see other guests arriving now, all of them dressed in the same two colours.
“White symbolises newness, and red is for happiness.”
They were quiet for a few minutes as they entered the palace. Like the trees, the walls and ceiling were lit with fairy lights. Red satin streamers and banners hung from the ceiling, and even the invitation the Doctor handed over at the door was red ink printed on white vellum.
“You actually had a real invitation?” Rose whispered to him. “I thought you just meant we’d use the psychic paper to get in, like usual.”
“Nope!” He popped the p and bounced on his toes. “This time, I was really invited. I might have saved the current king from an assassination attempt a few years back. Or is it a few years in the future? I don’t know… pretty sure it’s the current king, though.”
Rose giggled and poked him in the side. “You’re barmy,” she told him, her eyes sparkling up at him.
“And yet you love me,” he countered. “What does that say about your sanity?”
They reached the cloakroom and she undid the tie on her cape. “Barking mad, me,” she agreed as she slid it off and handed it to the attendant.
The Doctor swallowed hard when he got his first unobstructed view of her outfit. The white lacy top was sleeveless, leaving her shoulders bare. That was more enticing to him than cleavage would have been, and he couldn’t resist pressing a line of barely-there kisses to her right shoulder.
Rose stepped away from him and took his hand. “I thought you’d like that,” she whispered as they entered the ballroom.
“I’d like it if you danced with me,” he countered, pulling her towards the floor. She smiled happily, but he could feel her sense of humour bubbling at the edge of his awareness, and he waited for her teasing comments.
They weren’t long in coming. “Dancing first thing?” She wrapped one arm around his shoulders while he placed a hand on her waist. “No excited babbling about nibbles, or how this ballroom was designed by some famous architect?”
The Doctor shook his head and drew her close, sighing when she rested her cheek against his chest. “No more deflection, remember?” he whispered in her ear. “No more running, no more pretending.”
“So all those times you came up with ridiculous facts…”
“I was trying to distract you—or myself—from the undeniable intimacy of whatever situation we’d found ourselves in,” he confirmed.
She snuggled closer to him and he tightened his hold on her. “I think I like the new no-running Doctor.”
“Yeah?” The Doctor tried to swallow, but his throat was too dry. “Enough to stay with him?”
Rose huffed and pulled back enough to glare at him before settling against him again. “You’re daft,” she said bluntly. “Of course I’m staying with you.”
He managed to swallow, finally, and choke out his next question. “How—how long are you going to stay with me?”
She sounded so sure, so certain—like she’d never considered any other possibility. He wanted to ask her how long ago she’d made that decision, but he knew he needed to get through the next few steps before she really figured out that all the agitation she could sense telepathically was his.
The Doctor navigated them to the edge of the dance floor. “You know, you never asked if there was a reason I’d chosen this year in particular to use the invitation.”
Rose looked up at him. “Is there?”
He took her hand and tugged her away from the crowds. “Oh, yes.”
The Doctor’s anxiety finally came through to Rose as he led her up a narrow, twisting staircase. Not for the first time, she wished they could have the same deep connection they shared while making love all the time. Being able to pick up on what he was feeling without understanding why he was upset didn’t do much good.
She shot him a sidelong look. Well, at least he doesn’t really look that worried, she thought. More nervous than anxious, maybe?
A moment later, her ponderings were interrupted when he led her out onto a balcony. Rose shivered in the winter night air, and the Doctor quickly wrapped her in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder so he could whisper in her ear.
“Look up at the sky. It should start any minute.”
Rose leaned back against his chest and stared at the unfamiliar stars. One twinkled, then seemed to fall through the atmosphere, and she made a wish on it as it flared and then burnt out. Please, let me stay with him forever.
Something shimmered just at the edge of her vision, and she turned her head to watch it. The small burst of colour was already fading, but another soon followed, and then another.
“It’s the Northern Lights,” Rose breathed.
The Doctor hummed. “Only they’re much rarer on Ostrao than they are on Earth. The Saulean sun isn’t nearly as active as old Sol; the aurora only happen here once or twice in a generation. And tonight is the only time in millennia of recorded history that they happen on the night of the New Year.”
He hesitated for a moment, then Rose felt his mind brush against hers. She started to relax into his telepathic embrace, but he pulled back just enough to make that impossible.
He sighed, and Rose shivered when his breath tickled her neck. “Last night, you said you wished we could be like this all the time,” he said, bringing his mind just a little bit closer to hers. “What would you say if I told you we could?”
Rose turned in his arms so she could see his face, but the Doctor pressed his finger to her lips before she could tell him how much she wanted that.
“Before you… before you say yes, I should explain a little.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and Rose’s skin tingled where he’d touched her. “This is… it’s called a bond. It’s a way of tying two minds together, and…” He took a deep breath. “And it’s unbreakable. If we did this, our minds would be connected for the rest of our lives.”
Rose’s eyes widened. “This is why you asked me how long I’m going to stay with you.”
The Doctor nodded. “Yes.”
The sky behind the palace was awash with colour, and in the courtyard below, Rose heard people exclaiming over the beauty. But for her, the glory of the aurora paled in comparison to what was happening there on the balcony. A permanent bond, and a promise to stay with him forever…
“This bond… it’s like marriage for your people, isn’t it?” she whispered.
His Adam’s apple bobbed. “It was, yeah. I never thought… there was never anyone I trusted enough to be this open with, until I met you.” He ran his hand through his hair. “I didn’t think you’d want something like this, though, until last night.”
The Doctor held his breath as he waited for Rose’s answer. The comparison to marriage was the closest parallel, but a bond was still more than a human marriage. The irrevocable nature, the absolute openness and intimacy… It was what he craved, but it was quite different from what Rose’s upbringing had taught her to expect in a life commitment.
Rose took his hands and stepped closer to him. “Could we do it now?”
The Doctor’s hearts stopped and his eager mind nearly surged into hers unchecked, but he made himself ask one last time. “Are you positive, Rose?”
“Yeah, I am. When you’re not there…” She bit her lip. “It feels lonely in my mind. I want you there with me, sharing my life as I share yours.”  
The Doctor blinked several times against the sudden tears that threatened. “I’m lonely without you, too,” he agreed, his voice hoarse.
Rose smiled up at him. “Then let’s bond, right here. It’s the new year, and the universe is putting on a show, just for us.”
The Doctor stumbled over his instructions in a few places, but soon enough, Rose had her hands on his temples and was pushing slowly into his mind as he worked his way into hers. He could see the colours flaring across the sky behind his closed eyelids as he recited the traditional vows, then he opened his eyes and looked down at Rose, bathed in purple light, as she promised to stay with him forever and tie their timelines together.
When they were done, he tentatively removed his hands from her temples and nearly collapsed beneath the wave of happiness and pleasure when he did not lose the connection with her. She was there in his mind, just as vibrant and real as she stood physically before him.
“Are we married now?” Rose had her arms around his neck and her lips were only an inch away from his.
“Then Doctor, you may now kiss the bride.”
The wide grin stretching across his face made it hard to kiss her properly, but he didn’t think his new bond mate minded the slightly awkward kiss. Her giggle when her nose bumped against his turned into full-fledged laughter when he picked her up and spun her around.
“Rose Tyler,” he said as he set her back down.
“Yes, love?” she asked, taking his hand and lacing their fingers together securely.
The Doctor grinned down at her, just as wide and manic as he had the night he’d met her. “Run!”
The rest of the palace guests stared in astonishment as the couple raced through the great hall and out the doors, not even stopping for Rose’s cloak. Outside, it had started to snow, and they laughed again as they ran beneath the colour-changing sky back to the TARDIS.
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felicezhukov · 7 years
:: Dear Nicolas Jaar ::
Its one of those days, I’ve just spilled my second pint of water, the first was earlier when I was waking up, lowering myself back into bed to write this letter to you, I called myself a stupid bitch when it happened in lieu of the fact my ex wasn’t there to do it, no shouting resounded or escalation occurred, I was alone. I’m clumsy, I break stuff, knock things over, get caught on women’s scarves on buses, or stuck in my ear phone wires at Tesco’s counters, laugh so loud sometimes that people look at me in shock, a couple of days ago my ex said this to me regarding my angel: “You haven’t scared her off have you? The monies still there?” The final countdown before my exodus has started, its less than a week till I move, less than a week till I, probably, throw the majority of my possessions in the bin. I guess when I mentioned the week had been extraordinary in my Friday letter it might not seem to the typical observer that anything particularly special has taken place but my soul and my state of mind have undergone transformative journeys, spiralling left, right, up and down, through anxiety, heavy almost flabby contentment, absolute jubilation, scuttling fearful tremors, in the gaps between these ferocious states I find myself crying, it’s overwhelming. I filmed a performance on Sunday night that seems to encapsulate my current state, which I’ll go in to more detail about a little later, it charts this emotional instability, despite that not being the plan, within it I am every facet of myself, hopefully it’ll be online by the end of this mammoth admin session I’m undertaking today. 
As a performance artist I think thats my schtick, my performances aren’t really so much dedicated enactments but instead just me, raw, frank, channeling all my elements, now I’ve poured over my past in detail to put it all online I notice it’s been the theme throughout my oeuvre. 
Right now I’m paralysed, I can’t do anything I normally do, no dressing up, no reading, no flaneurism. I keep getting the bus, I feel a resistance to my usual routes through the city, there’s something painful in the prospect of walking through Victoria or Haggerston park at the moment, I see shadows in the tree’s of these cherished spaces. Shadows of anticipation, shadow’s of love and savagery, shadows of loss. Give me a week and this should all be a memory, a shadow in its own right, at least I hope so.
It need’s to, and will, change dramatically, last time I moved away from my ex things dipped though and my fear is this will happen again. I’m going to have to start balancing my finance’s, something that takes a lot of discipline for me, I have this issue with money, it causes a violent reaction in me when I have it, a physical repulsion, a need to expunge and rid myself of it, like I’ve been overcome by a demon that needs to be exorcised. The concept of accumulating this hateful element fills me with dread and desire, which must somehow in part explain why I’m so useless at selling what I create and pushing my wares on people. 
There’s this absurd sense of nobility coursing through my veins, I see it in my father as well, I find it the whole concept of marketing myself and pushing myself on others scandalous, I’d much prefer people come to me of their own free will, heart and soul aligned. In a society where the normality is to be the sum of our buying power I feel a sense of pride in this, so much is being sold to us on various levels of our consciousness, cookies, buses swathed in posters, soundcloud adverts, asos emails, suggested everything, marketing is the very air we breath, especially in a metropolis where the eyeline is never not inundated with messages of potential happiness, just a tap away.
But thats not to say I’m not happy to share, that must already be clear in these letters, all my insides are out and on display in various walled gardens across the internet. This sale is just causing me a lot of internal bleeding, now I’ve catalogued the 190+ items it incorporates and uploaded them, I’m drowning, how do I rid myself of these objects in a diligent and respectful way? The restful mornings of self guided education have been replaced by incessant letters to you (these are important for giving this whole thing a soul), answering messages, nagging, tagging, planning, photographing, uploading, editing, despairing, the saving grace of this upward struggle is that I’m allowing myself to do yoga and categorise it by writing everything to you, I need soul food right now. 
As an example this is my to do list today:
* make 6x animations / 6x written pieces / 6x mini videos from pre recorded footage to upload on to instagram (this has been on the list for days, it keeps getting pushed back)
* go to studio, take more detail shots of items I want to put on ebay as this will increase their chances of being sold, items on list include my wedding ring, larger paintings, designer clothes then come home, pay my ebay fee’s so my access is unrestricted and upload everything including necessary details – then post this to my social media accounts
*promote my sale on facebook by linking from twitter and poss instagram, adding to community groups, messaging friends
* pay rent to my studio’s then email them to ask about my move and if I will need to hire a skip
* type up this letter, post to facebook and screenshot, post to twitter, tag you
*answer and correspond with all the beautiful people that are messaging me about the sale, answer questions, like comments and reply
* edit the film I made on Sunday, render, upload to youtube, share on social media platforms, post on my site
* eat? drink?
* do yoga
* wash hair?
* put together synopsis and brief for arts programme I am curating for a meeting tomorrow, consolidate the idea
This is the bare bones of my itinerary, I’ve done 2 of the tasks so far, I know its not unusual for a Londoner to be so busy and I bet your schedule looks like this sometimes, but really I’d just like to crawl in to bed and read and write a little and then fall asleep. This is probably the apex of my project now and there will be a brief reprieve, but before I cast everything asunder I have to do my life some justice so I’m not cursing myself in future years, and I’m working for the next 4 days, 12 hour shifts nearly daily so its the last push before the major haul the beginning of next week.
So then…. Part 3 // Sunday
On Sunday night I filmed myself performing for 6 hours plus, by all rights is was as demanding as the mermaid descent, but it was impromptu, I wasn’t naked, covered in paint, fucking 2 cucumbers, so it didn’t quite have the same edge.
I came to on the studio of my floor rolled up in a blanket on a duvet cover I use as a rug of sorts, thick white make up and glitter caked in my eyes, permanent wine coloured lip stick still reverberating over my lips. I’d passed out re-watching the footage I’d taken of myself staging 7 scene’s, dressed in variously important pieces from my wardrobe, singing some of the my most treasured songs, or stumbling over them in the case of witness the fitness by roots manuva. In the background the sonic landscape was shaped by various mixes of yours I’ve found on soundcloud, bleating from my i phone speakers.
Firstly I crawled around the central space in a turquoise swimming costume, shooting myself coming towards the camera from various angles, trying to make creative use of the runway like black borders which are the echoes of the descent installation. Then I shimmied and pulsated in terracotta sequins, attempting to channel my inner seductress, envisaging jessica rabbit, whilst adorning myself in the bloodletting costume pieces. Following that I hit things with ping pong bats and comically attempted to mc, stumbling over gorgeous lyrics and twerking in my adidas, I was with the mermaids for this and I’m sure they were silently mocking me. Next the black lipstick and adventure time sweatshirt were paraded around, as a backdrop to me turning myself into a human display case, though the actual performance was probably the best. I then threw on my big white shirt (not the alexander wang, but the one I wore to my little brothers wedding), I hugged the unicorn, blew bubbles and sang behind acrylic glass. The penultimate scene saw me dress in preppy tan vintage adidas shorts and a pink silk bomber, clumsily adorning myself in all my jewellery and gratingly bursting through lyrics. Finally at 2am I somehow managed to strap myself in to my wedding dress, read a harrowing letter from my teenage self and blurrily cry through the lyrics of one of the most potent songs I’ve ever met. But I didn’t pass out in my wedding dress, though that’d be a more aesthetic turn. 
The film is as if you’re watching a young girl raid her mums jewellery and clothes collection and film herself in her bedroom, except this girl has the weight of adulthood clearly marked on her shoulders. The developed pains of experience, etched on her face. Having your mixes as a background noise wasn’t intended that night, and in a way it really detracts from my singing, but I was all alone in my studio building and having your music on made me feel less scared. 
It might be that I could of made better use of my time on a more organised aspect of this project, but these performances are the legacy of my life thus far, I’m manically creating them as documentation, because very soon it will all be gone.  I want proof for myself that it did all really exist, and it was beautiful. 
That video should be uploaded later today.
I hope you have something like yoga in your life to centre you when things are chaos. 
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