#my bedroom is two small conjoined rooms with a short hallway and a door between them
icedteaandoldlace · 2 years
Very busy, productive day today. I cleaned out all the junk that's been sitting in my room for ages (other people's junk btw), swept, dusted, mopped, cleaned the walls, got rid of my broken blinds, moved some furniture around, and got Dad to take a look at it when it was all finished so he could see what needs to be done to get the place fixed up. He has a couple things he has to get done first, but soon he'll get started fixing the leak in my roof, and he'll probably have to tear down my walls, at least partially, and get them replaced due to the water damage. After that, the plan is to buy a new bed and move it into the fixed up half of the room, and junk my current bed while he fixes up the other half. Once that's done, I can move my bookshelves out of my closet and maybe set the area I have my bed in now up to be a little library/sitting area/dressing room.
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webslinger-holland · 4 years
The Royal Family | Chapter One
Summary: When two royal family’s decide to conjoin their countries, they arrange a marriage between their eldest children. Once the two royals meet, it takes a lot of convincing before they are ready to begin their reign together...
Warning: mentions of war and mentions of arranged marriage
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Type: The Royal Family Series
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The palace was an old country mansion that had been extended over the centuries. It now had four sides around a central quadrangle and over five hundred rooms. It took a small army of servants to upkeep such a large abode and indeed most of the rooms were never really used. 
The early hours of the morning were spreading the colors of the sunrise against the skyline. The clouds were tinted with a light pinkish and orangish glow, painting the most magnificent sight known to man. The early risen choir of birds were singing to themselves in a little chipper manner. 
A young princess was currently sitting on the perch of her window. She was looking towards the gardens, spotting the small buds starting to sprout on some of the bushes. She liked to wake up early so she could watch the sunrise every morning. 
She was still dressed in her white nightgown. Her nightgown was the beautiful color of pristine white. The soft and silky fabric trailed down the short stretch of her body to gather near her ankles. The layers of lace were stitched around the edge. The silky sleeves of the nightgown were trailing down to the end of her wrist, bunching into these tight cuffs around her wrists. The lace collar was also stitched to the hemline of the white nightgown. And a single ribbon was hanging down from the center of her chest, which dropped down the length of the gown.
This morning should have been no different than any other morning. The princess had stood to her feet, heading towards the other side of her bedroom. She pulled a long line of fabric that trailed to the ceiling. It acted as a lever that would be pulled to call for service from downstairs. She called for her lady’s maid.
Within a few moments, Elsie (the lady’s maid) had come into the princess’s bedroom with a towel draped over her forearm. She closed the solid wood mahogany behind her, bowing in respect. 
“Good morning, Your Highness.” Elsie said with a soft smile. She was quick to move towards the princess’s white vanity, laying the neatly folded towel beside the porcelain basin of cold water. 
“Good morning, Elsie.” The princess did not hesitate to walk back towards the window. She lifted her hand to brush the silky white curtains away, smiling at the beautiful sight in front of her. Her lady’s maid usually found her in the same spot every morning. 
“It is a beautiful day outside, is it not?” Elsie wondered. She had gone to the mahogany wardrobe in the background, fetching the light blue dress that she would wear for the day. She opened the doors of the wardrobe, pulling out the new dress amongst the various other ones. 
“It is indeed,”the princess agreed. She could only imagine the feel of the wind kissing her skin. She loved to spend her time walking through the gardens, admiring the nature around her. It didn’t take much convincing for her. “I think I would like to walk the gardens later,” the princess claimed.
“Of course, Your Highness. I’ll see to it,” Elsie promised. She had gently urged the young princess away from the window, so that she might be able to dress her for the day. 
The young princess was able to slip out of her white nightgown, watching the soft material tumble to the ground. She was fitted into her corset, which only seemed to grow tighter every time she wore it. She threw the crinoline over her head, waiting for her lady’s maid to tie the ribbons around her waist. She was quick to glance towards the powder blue dress that was laying out for her. It was the final touch.
In the end, the princess looked at her own reflection in the shiny glass mirror. She gave a short twirl to admire her new dress. The powder blue dress sleeves were quite puffy. They only dropped down to her forearms, leaving her shoulders cold and bare. There were white and silver stitches of roses on the skirt of the dress. And a long blue ribbon was wrapped around her waist.
Now the princess had lowered herself into the chair by the white vanity. She didn’t mind her lady’s maid brushing the hard knots out of her hair. She was used to it by now. Instead, the princess was looking through her small boxes of jewelry to find the perfect necklace and earrings to complete her outfit for the day. She would settle on some priceless diamonds.
At the given moment, one of the hall boys had knocked on the princess’s bedroom door. The heavy door had opened at a very slow pace. The hall boy had poked his head into the room, drawing the attention of the princess. 
“Your Highness,” the hall boy said. He was quick to step into the grand bedroom, bowing to her in the utmost form of respect. He was here to deliver a message. “The king is requesting your presence in the throne room,” the hall boy explained.
“Well, I shouldn’t keep the king waiting. I will be there soon,” the princess dismissed him. The hall boy had scurried out of the room so that he could deliver his message to the king himself. He had almost forgotten to bow his head before leaving the princess’s presence.
She quickly stood to her feet. She draped her hands down the long length of her brand new dress, smoothing out the invisible wrinkles. She headed towards the large mahogany door in the background, leaving her bedroom that was secured by two palace guards. She barely even noticed them bowing their heads at her.
The Eastern Princess had known the whole layout of the palace like the back of her hand. She had started to maneuver her way through the various corridors in the palace. She would smile at each of the servants that she passed along the way, though not many of them would catch it because their heads were bowed. She quickly hurried down the long length of the corridor, heading straight towards the throne room. 
The heavy doors of the throne were opened to the princess by the two palace guards. The throne room was an impressive setting for the king to preside 'in majesty' over official ceremonies, to hold council, to grant audiences, to receive homage, to award high honors and offices, and to perform other official functions. It was probably one of the most popular room in the palace.
The long pillars that stretched to the ceiling were made out of pure gold. The ceiling was a dome, decorated with very precise golden details. The line of chandeliers were sparkling in the morning light coming through the bay windows. The white marble floors were practically glistening because they had been scrubbed to perfection the night before. The king’s throne sat at the very end of the room.
The current monarch was definitely living in his last days. He was the most kind and gentle king that the kingdom had grown to know over the years. He was able to be attended to by the various servants in the palace. He also had many health complications, but he refused to make that announcement public to the press in fear that the word might travel. He was very wise in that sense.
The king was perched on the grand golden throne at the end of the hallway. His crown was placed on his head, which he never really wore unless there was someone coming to the palace. He had long white hair and a long beard on his face. His light blue eyes were shining. He smiled down at his only daughter.
“You called for me?” Y/N claimed. She was quick to approach his throne, crouching down to reside by his feet. This was something that she had always done as a child. She looked up at him with warm and gentle eyes. 
“Yes. I wanted to talk to you about something,” the king admitted. He was already dreading having this talk with his daughter. He never talked to her about the things going on in the kingdom. He felt that it would only worry her more. He also did not like to talk business with her, because it was a burden that she didn’t need to bare. 
“Alright,” the princess urged him.
“Many months ago, the King of the North had contacted me with a business proposition that would benefit the both of us.” The king began.“He feared that (with his passing) the Western Kingdom would try to overthrow the Northern Kingdom. I will admit that I have also had these kinds of thoughts in regards to my own kingdom. It is the worst case in my scenario because (unlike him) I do not have an heir who can inherit the title of king,” he further explained.
“You only have me,” the princess said. Her choice of words had come out in a very sad way. She could feel a rough pinch at her heart, because she was constantly reminded of her low position in society. She was ‘just a woman’ whose only purpose in life was to be married to some prince and bare his children. She would never amount to anything in this day and age.
“The king proposes that we should conjoin our two kingdoms together with a special treaty. That way we might be able to stand a chance against the westerners,” the king concluded.
“How would you conjoin the kingdoms though?” The princess wondered. She had furrowed her eyebrows together in thought. She was leaning forward in her place, growing more eager to hear his business proposition. She could only imagine what kind of treaty he would come up with.
“Well, the king has a son.” The king spoke in such a suggestive tone of voice. He had tried to make it look like he didn’t have the whole thing planned out in his mind. Like the idea had just popped into his head at that specific moment.
“Oh father,” Princess Y/N sighed to herself. She rolled her eyes at him. She was quick to stand to her feet again. She had turned her back to him, climbing back down the short steps. She wasn’t very amused with his comment. “Please don’t try to marry me off to some snobbish schoolboy prince,” she pleaded.
“He is not a snobbish prince. He is a highly respectable and honorable young man,” the king scoffed. He was trying to reason with his stubborn daughter. He pulled out one of his other cards. “I have even met him before. I think that he would be good for you,” the king claimed.
“You have said that before,” the princess called. This was not the first time that the king had tried to marry her off to some prince. She had played the game ‘match-maker’ far too many times to count. She was honestly tired of it now. “And I have told you before that I want to marry for love,” the princess demanded.
“You could learn to love him,” the king proposed. He had almost winced at his own choice of words, fearing her reaction. He was still trying to reason with her, mentally hoping that she would just cave in at some point.
“I highly doubt that,” the princess laughed. She had turned her head to look over the small stretch of her shoulder, shaking her head in denial. She just couldn’t bare the thought of being married off to some random stranger. 
“Well, you will have plenty of time to think it over because I have invited them to stay at the palace for a couple weeks,” the king concluded. He had forced himself to stand to his feet, leaving his gold throne behind him. He looked down at his daughter with a triumphant smile on his face.
“What?!” Y/N exclaimed. She had whirled around to face him. She was looking up at him with the look of horror on her face. Her mouth had dropped open at his words. She couldn’t believe it.
“They will be coming later this afternoon,” the king remarked. He had started to walk down the short steps leading up to his throne, stopping to stand in front of his lovely daughter. He tapped her chin gentle. “Do try to be civil, my dear,” the king pleaded with her.
“Fine,” the princess sighed to herself. “I will try,” the princess promised.
Within a few hours, a beautiful golden carriage was being drawn by four white horses towards the frontside of the king’s palace. The large carriage had come to a full stop in front of the palace staircase leading to the front door. The carriage doors were opened by two palace guards on the sidelines.
The King of the North had climbed out of the golden carriage with ease. He turned his head to look over his shoulder, watching his two twin boys climbing out behind him. His eldest was the last one to clamber out of the carriage. He had shifted to stand beside his father, directing his line of focus towards the magnificent palace in front of them.
The four of them were being escorted through the various corridors of the palace. The king was leading the way. The princes were following behind him, but they were greatly intrigued by the intricate detail engraved into the gold pillars that stretched down the corridor. They knew that this kingdom was well known for their gold, but they did not realize how much of it was incorporated into very single aspect of the palace.
The two palace guards were quick to grab onto the door handles leading into the throne room, opening the two doors for them to enter. The four northerners had started walking towards the large throne at the end of the hallway, stopping to stand in front of the king. The four of them bowed in respect.
“Welcome to the Eastern Kingdom,” the King of the East said. He nodded to them in acknowledgment. He had raised his hands in greeting, gesturing to the great halls around him. He wore a grand smile on his face. 
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” The King of the North spoke. He was slow to lift his head up to look towards the other king in front of him. He hadn’t seen the other king in quite some time. His lips had grown into a friendly smile on his face. “It was very kind of you to invite me and my boys to stay here for a few weeks,” the North King said.
The two kings had started to engage in short conversation. The two younger princes were standing beside each other. They had turned their heads to look towards the young princess standing in their company. The older prince could feel a sharp nudge in his side coming from one of his brothers. He could see his brother gesturing towards someone standing in front of them. 
Slowly, Prince Thomas had turned his head to follow his brother’s line of sight. He found himself gazing at the young princess standing on the side of the throne, feeling his breath getting caught in his throat at the mere sight of her. He had never seen anyone more beautiful in his entire life. He felt that, if she smiled at him, he might just dissolve into dust right there. He wanted her to smile...at him.
On the sidelines, the princess had turned her head to look at the three princes standing beside their father. She had caught one of them looking directly at her. She had just briefly glanced at their matching navy blue and silver uniforms. She was also able to notice that the three princes were much younger than she would have thought for most of the princes that she had met before were much older than her. She would admit that she found them quite handsome.
“Are these your boys?” The King of the East wondered. He found himself looking towards the three princes standing in front of him, gesturing to them with his hand. He took a second to inspect each of them, but he was able to identify the one prince that he had met one other time.
“Yes, they are. These are my three eldest children. This is Sam and Harry,” the king said with a nod of the head. He was quick to turn towards his three boys, so that he could introduce them to the king. He motioned towards each of them with the slight move of the hand. “And this one is my eldest whom you have met—Thomas,” the king concluded.
“It is a pleasure to meet you again,” the Eastern King said. He could barely contain the smile from growing on his face. He knew that it had been a few years since he had seen the prince last. But he had seen him grow into a very handsome young man.
“Thank you, Your Majesty,” Prince Thomas complimented him. He had bowed his head down once again to show some more respect to the king. He looked up at the king with a timid look on his face, mentally hoping that he would gain his favor.
“May I present to you my only daughter?” The King of the East proposed in such a suggestive tone. He had glanced down at his daughter standing at the lower level of steps leading up to the throne. He waved his hand to gesture towards her. 
Of course, the King of the North and the King of the East had known in advance that the prince and princess were going to be the sole members of the treaty between their countries. The two kings had turned their heads to look at each other with slight amusement written on their faces. They smirked in an all-knowing manner.
Now the prince and princess had also been informed about this treaty between their countries. They had been told that they would be married to each other, so that their kingdoms might be able to stand a chance against their enemies. It was only natural for them to blush at the king’s suggestive comment.
Slowly, Prince Thomas had found himself walking towards the young princess standing in front of him. He could see that (with each step he took) he was able to admire some of the more delicate details of her face. He watched her raise her hand towards him. 
“Your Highness. It’s an honor to finally meet you,” Prince Thomas confessed. He was careful to bring her hand towards his face, pressing the most delicate kiss onto the back of her hand. He lifted his head to look up at her, feeling the smile growing on his face. “You truly are the most beautiful princess in the land,” Prince Thomas complimented.
The young princess had almost grown tense under his stare. Her breath had caught in the back of her throat, so she was unable to form any words. She felt this tingly sensation on the back of her hand where his lips had touched her soft skin. Her cheeks had started to grow pink and rosy at his words. 
“My dear,” the king of the east called to her. He had tried to pull her back to reality. He could already acknowledge that she was probably caught up in her own thoughts right then and there. “Why don't you show the young princes to their rooms? They can get some rest before dinner,” the king suggested. 
“Oh yes,” the princess said in a cheery tone of voice. She was hesitant to pull her hand out of the prince’s. She didn’t turn her head to even acknowledge the king’s command. She was too caught up in the prince’s strong stare. “I will take them there,” the princess concluded. 
The Northern Prince had never heard anything more beautiful than the words that came out of her mouth. He didn’t even notice that his hand was back at his side. He didn’t even want to draw his eyes away from her. His heart started to flutter wildly in his chest upon seeing the kindest and warmest gesture in the world. She had smiled at him.
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sarsi-writes · 7 years
Happy birthday!
Author’s note: First of all, I wish happy birthday to the amazing @becaamm and hope you had the best day and that everything you want will come true. Second, this has not been edited by anyone, so there is bound to have a few mistakes and so. Third I hope you like it.
Word count: 2164
Pairing: Sam Winchester x OC, Dean Winchester x OC, Charlie Bradbury x OC, Jody Miills x OC, Castiel x OC (all of them platonic)
Warnings: Idk, mentions of death and fluff, i guess?
I was awoken by loud knocking on my front door. No, not knocking, pounding. Groaning, I cursed the angels who let the person at my door wake me up from my not so peaceful slumber. The pounding got louder as I neared the polished dark oak wood, afraid that whoever was behind it would break it. Leaving the silver pistol in its drawer I stupidly swung the door open and very, very viciously hissed:
"What?!" The two men who were at the door stumbled backwards, but quickly recovered.
"Well, good morning to you too Beca."
"It's three in the morning, Dean, what are you doing on my door?" I asked slowly, still woozy from just waking up and with my appearance I could be mistaken for a homeless person.
"We need your help. "He said pushing through the door, making me stumble, but Sam was quick enough to catch me. Mumbling I shut the door behind me and locked it. "What was that?"
"Oh nothing Dean, I was just commenting on how you decided to just pound on my door at three in the morning whenever you need my help." But he was already in my kitchen, raiding it for a piece of pie he knew that I always kept for these kind of situations. "Why am I even bothering?" Sam just flashed me an apologetic smile. "Let me just grab my first cup of coffee for the day-well night."
"Oh come on sleeping beauty, you've already had your five-hour beauty sleep." I walked to the kitchen and ushered him out of it, threatening to him with a rolling pin if he didn’t leave me alone. Grabbing the steaming cups of coffee I walked to the living room to see Sam looking thought the photos placed on the shelves in between books and Dean lying on the couch with his legs on the white wooden coffee table.
"Okay first off burro*,” I nudged his legs off of the table. ”it's my birthday. That means I can sleep for as long as I want to," placing one of the cups in front of Dean along with a piece of pie on a plate and handing the second one to Sam I plopped down in one of the plush wine red armchairs and turned to stare at Dean, who was gulping down the pie as if he hadn’t seen one in years. "but seeing as you two are here, I guess I gotta scratch that off from my to-do list." I finished and took a sip of the hot coffee.
“Yeah, um, sorry about that.” Sam’s voice startled me and the mug I was holding in my hand slipped from my fingers and I yelped when the burning liquid touched my skin. Jumping up from the seat and Sam cursing, I set the mug on the table and grabbed the paper towels that Sam had grabbed from my kitchen counter and dabbed the wet stains.
“Great, just great.” The skin on my thighs was starting to hurt so I excused myself to the bathroom conjoined to my bedroom to take a cold shower and change my clothes for new clean ones. A few minutes after, I exited the bathroom fully dressed in a red t-shirt, a dark jean jacket and matching dark medium bottom bell jeans along with my brown ankle boots. Putting my brown hair up in a ponytail, I left the bedroom and walked down the hallway leading to the living room. Hearing hushed voices I tried to eaves drop but the voices were too quiet so I gave up and instead walked straight in. Sam and Dean straightened their backs up as soon as they saw me enter the room. A phone clattered to the ground, but Dean was quick enough to pick it up before I could see who he was texting.
“Is everything okay?” Confusion appeared on their faces but it was gone as soon as it appeared.
“Nope. Come on, we got a case to solve.” Dean replied quickly, as if trying to cover something up but I gave it no thought, figuring that he would tell me whatever he was hiding once he was ready. Grabbing my duffel bag and placing it in the trunk of the Impala, right next to theirs, I, with a coffee filled thermos, climbed in the back seat of the sleek black car.
The ride wasn’t long, thirty minutes or so. We didn’t even bother about booking a motel and went straight to the victim’s house to investigate. The brothers were dressed in black suits and they instructed me to look around the outside of the house while they questioned the victim’s family.
“It turns out that the victim’s brother, Jeffrey Sanchez, has been involved into amateur dark magic and so, but other than that nothing’s out of the ordinary.” Sam spoke as soon as I sat down in the Impala. ”But there was no sulfur at key places.”
“Beca, you found anything?”
“There were no signs of forced entry or anything. No sulfur either. And the EMF didn’t catch up on anything. Seems like this one was a blow, boys.”
“It seems so. Anyways, wanna come over? The bunker isn’t too far and plus, you haven’t seen it at all.” Sam was giving me his adorable puppy eyes that it was impossible to say no.
“So whaddaya say?” Dean joined in as well, seeming uninterested but I knew better.
“Okay, fine. Just hurry up, if you don’t want to hear the sound a mating whale makes.” Sam laughed wholeheartedly and Dean let an actual genuine smile grace his lips.
You see, I met them back in the day when I was still starting out as a hunter. I caught word that two other hunters were working my case. Thanking the unsuspecting old lady, who as I observed was obsessed with pink and cats. Strangely, she reminded me of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter. Anyway, the two of them got caught and captured so I, being a nice person, decided to rescue them. Long story short, I rescued them, they owed me their lives and from then on whenever we need the others’ help we just give each other a call.
The car came to a halt in front of an old, underground bunker like door. Sam and I exited the car and grabbed the three bags from the trunk and then proceeded to descend the few steps that led to the entrance of the old bunker while Dean went to park the car into the garage, which they promised to show me later.
“Leave your bag in the bedroom down the hall on the left.” Sam pointed and turned the other way walking towards probably his bedroom, but not before Handing me my own bag. The hallways had an eerie feeling to them, like you were being watched or something. Noticing the door that Sam was talking about, I pushed the door open and was greeted by an empty and cold room. The shelves and drawers were empty and the bed looked like it hadn’t been touched in years, yet there was no dust, showing that it was cleaned recently.
A knock sounded on the door and I turned around to see Sam standing by the door frame. “Come on. I wanna show you something.” His voice was soft, and as he turned around his hair moved gracefully around his face. Shrugging I followed after him down the lonely hallways of the underground bunker.
“So, have you heard of the Men of Letters?” He was still walking forward with long strides, yet I was able to somehow keep up.
“Stories. My papai used to tell me about them as bed time stories. He said that he was once a Man of Letters, but left that behind him once he married ‎mamãe .” A soft smile grew on my lips as I recalled happy memories.
“Aww.” He cooed and winked down at me but I just shoved him away, well, I tried to at least.
“Shut up. What about them tho?”
“Well, for starters, this is their bunker. Everything you see here, it belonged to them. And apparently, we are legacies left by them.” His smile was proud and his eyes sparkled, but it ended all too soon once we stopped in front of two large doors. “Be careful.”
As soon as he opened the door, I was met with darkness. Turning to scowl at him I saw he was gone. Warily I entered the room and as soon as I passed a few steps, the lights turned on and confetti filled the air.
“HAPPY BITHDAY!” A chorus of voices yelled and I screamed in shock but it soon turned to laughter as I noticed the large ‘Happy Birthday Beca’ banner hanging from the ceiling and balloons and streamers decorating the walls and floor. There were two tables filled with food and drinks and chairs all around them.
“What the-“ Not even finishing my sentence I was pulled into a large group hug. Laughter ringed in my ears and clapping could be heard as well. Once the group hug disbanded I could finally see the smile covered faces of my best friends, first was Charlie. She walked up to me with a small paper bag in her hand and leaned to hug me, to which I responded with a hug of my own.
“Happy birthday, sweetie. This is for you.” She said handing me a silver paper bag, its contents a mystery.
“Thank you Charlie.” Her smile was so wide and bright I was wondering how could her cheeks not hurt. Next was Jodie and she set a simple velvet box on the table, right next to Charlie’s.
“Happy birthday, Beca. I give you the best of wishes.” We shared a quick hug and she returned to stand next to Charlie and Sam. After her came Castiel with another small box, wrapped in blue and white wrapping paper.
“I believe the custom is to say Happy Birthday and that I am to give you a gift. Or so Sam told me,” his eyes flickered to Sam, who nodded, for a split second but quickly returned to mine, “so, this is for you Beca.” Smiling I took the gift from his hands and placed it down, right next to Jodie’s.
“Thank you Castiel, I am glad that you remembered.” He smiled a genuine smile and turning around he walked back towards Dean. Seconds after him, Sam approached me with a rectangular black box with a red ribbon tied in a pretty bow with a note attached to it.
“This is from Crowley. He wanted to give this to you himself, but he said he was too busy so he asked me to give it to you.” I nodded with a smile on my face and thanked him, reminding myself to thank Crowley the next time I see him. And last of them all was Dean. He approached me slowly with a sheepish smile on his face.
“This is from us. From me and Sammy. We weren’t sure as to what to give you so we decided on this. I hope you like it. I mean it’s not much but you know, it could be useful so why no-“
“Oh meu Deus, Dean just chill. It’s okay. Don’t worry.” He nodded and he extended his arm warily, his hand formed into a fist.
“Open your hand.” I did as he told me and something cold dropped into my open palm.
“A key?”
“To the bunker.” Quipped Sam from behind one of the tables.” We figured it would be useful. I mean you don’t have to move in, it’s just in case something happens, you know?” Tears formed into my eyes and I could hold them back anymore. So I started crying. Charlie cooed and wrapped her slender arms around me, crushing me into a hug with such force I didn’t know she had. Smiling from ear to ear I pulled back and wiped the tears from my eyes.
“Thank you. Thank you so so much, I don’t even know how to thank you to you all. This,” I gestured to the surprise party that the boys had managed to organize, “this means so much.” Then Charlie pulled my arm and shoved me towards the rest of the small group, laughing.
Soon after, the large room was filled with laughter and joy, sparking a variety of emotions and creating yet another beautiful and vivid moment; a memory that’s hard to be forgotten; a reminder as to why we should be grateful for everything and everyone we have in our lives and never take anyone or anything for granted. Because we never know when we might lose them.
@0000aj0000 @trashyhumanespresso @pinkfluffyunicorn394 @thinkwritexpress-official
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