#my blog is just that i think coolsville sucks meme by now and its exhuasting
ablednt · 4 years
“No other discrimination you may face cancels out your cis privilege you absolutely must address this if you want to go on calling yourself an intersectional activist or a liberal because at this point it's all performative.”
Holy fuck, are you serious? How can you say this when black people and other racial minorities are still killed by the police and for hate crimes? Women in Mexico, ciswomen, are being murdered in such high numbers and basically everywhere around the world too for that matter because they’re cis women. Women who are trapped in ICE centers right now are having hysterectomies forced upon them. But the awful discrimination they face doesn’t matter because they might be cis? I just can’t wrap my head around this, that’s a really self centered mindset. I think you need to consider intersectional issues than just gender.
That's not what I said, and not what you quoted means even remotely. I did not say no other discrimination you face matters. I said none of that cancels out cis privilege. That's how intersectionality works, every one is discriminated against in some ways and privileged in others and the more ways people are discriminated against the more struggles they have.
For example I face discrimination for my disabilities, plurality, gender, sexuality, and more but absolutely none of that discrimination (even though some of it is extreme enough to put my life at risk) erases the fact that I have white privilege. I also am TME (transmisogyny exempt) so even though I'm Trans and nonbinary I still have privilege over people who face Transmisogyny. I also have privilege over many disabled communities because my body can see and hear and walk etc.
I cannot speak on how experiencing racism affects someone's experiences so I will not attempt to explain what level of cis privilege any of the aforementioned groups experience but I do know that there are trans and nonbinary BIPOC and that in their communities cis people do have privilege over them which they've talked about. This is what the concept of intersectionality is describing and iirc it was coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw to discuss racism in feminist spaces and it also inherently applies to any kind of privilege and discrimination. Rather than being synonymous with "inclusive" as it's often used, it's a way to look at the way discrimination overlaps and affects privilege and is necessary for understanding better how to accommodate people and coexist as marginalized communities.
My whole point is that facing other types of discrimination does not make people incapable of transphobia and nonbinaryphobia if they're not trans and nonbinary. That statement makes no comparison to other forms of discrimination and does not speak on their severity or importance in advocacy.
Edit: When I say I won't get into what privileges cis people of color have, I mean that as a white person I have no right to an opinion on that matter as that is very clearly an intercommunity discussion that I do not have the experience necessary to be a part of without being insensitive and discriminatory in one way or another because of my privilege. That conversation is best led by trans people of color, not me.
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