#my body is absolutely broken by diets and weight loss surgery that led to even more depression so yay
imaginary-wanderer · 1 year
I'm so losing at the food game lol It's actually funny how ridiculous it is.
Coffee has no effect on me (thanks to my DNA), I don't like cilantro (it tastes like what a crushed stink bug smells), many basic food give me big heartburn that can literally keep me up at night, as in I need to stay up, I can't lie down (red color food hates me but also garlic), I'm lactose intolerant, sensitive to tannin (= big heartburn) and breathing makes me fatter (no but you know what I mean).
Oh, and I'm obviously fighting an ED since forever. Not losing but it's a daily fight to keep it on an acceptable level.
I mean. WTF. Is there a small win somewhere for me? Well, I don't have allergies. I guess that's a win!
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