#my brain has been particuarly mean about me when it comes to him
selfshippinglover · 7 months
Me, knowing full well Alastor would never like me back:
yeah? well
what if we d-danced in the hotel i-in the middle of the night huh?
when we think no one else is around? w-what then?
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bytheangell · 5 years
This Is the Coda That Never Ends... Part 22
(Read on AO3) (Read from the start)
Lorenzo knows he has no right to be frustrated with Andrew. Andrew isn’t who he’s mad at. In truth, he isn’t mad at anyone, merely frustrated with the situation as a whole.  When he took over for Magnus as the High Warlock of Brooklyn it was with the promise, both to himself and his people, that he would never compromise them for the sake of the Shadowhunters the way that Magnus so often had - that there would be no greater good , only what is good for the Warlocks. 
It should’ve been easy. He had it all planned out… except he didn’t plan for one Andrew Underhill to come into his life and upturn every last priority he never expected to waver on. 
Up until now it hadn’t mattered. There are no wars, no battles to fight, no sides to choose. He might do the occasional extra favor or two for the Institute but it’s never been anything quite like the last day and a half. In fact, it’s as if the world is trying to make up for an entire year of relative calm by shoving as much chaos into his life as possible all at once. 
The meeting with the Downworld Representatives already had him on edge when Andrew arrived. He thought his boyfriend’s presence might ease the tensions and concerns he felt, but instead Andrew’s desire to detach himself from the chaos, rather than share in it, rubs Lorenzo the wrong way immediately. Rather than accept Andrew’s offer to talk it out he shuts down and brushes it off instead. 
He regrets it more with every bit of forced small-talk but he refuses to cave now, stubborn as ever. Honestly, it’s a miracle that Andrew puts up with him as long as he does, even to the point of insisting to stay. In fact, his Shadowhunter is sleeping peacefully beside him as Lorenzo gingerly slips out from under Andrew’s arm and down the hall, out onto the cool, crisp air of  balcony. 
He considers his next action for a few moments before dialing a number on his phone and bringing it up to his ear, only a little surprised to find the voice on the other end actually answering at this hour. 
“Lorenzo? Is everything alright?”
“Hello, Magnus,” Lorenzo says. “Yes… and no. I need your honest opinion on something. Objectively, from one High Warlock to another.” 
He can hear a considering hum on the other end of the line. “Okay. What is it?” 
Lorenzo considers his words carefully. “I know progress is being made in Alicante, but… how much do you truly trust the Clave and the Council?” 
“More than I did a year ago,” Magnus responds. 
“They’re looking into everything with Clarissa, and Andrew told me that Lydia Branwell is going to ask to speak with me regarding my involvement. I must say, I don’t particuarly enjoy being in this position.” 
Lorenzo’s annoyance only increases at the huff of laughter from Magnus. “No, I can imagine not,” Magnus says. “I remember exactly how you reacted to me… how did you put it? ‘Abandoning our people to protect those undeserving Nephilim’? ” 
“Yes, well. Mistakes were made,” Lorenzo admits, knowing full well that Magnus no longer holds that against him the way he once did, no matter how often he enjoys bringing it back up now that Lorenzo is dating a Shadowhunter. “And I’d like to not make so many this time around. I know I volunteered to assist in the ceremony knowing full well that it was to be kept off the record. But with Lydia looking into things that day, she knows I took Clary away to your apartment. I don’t want to drag your name into it, but given how the night ended…” Lorenzo’s words trail off, and he waits for Magnus to realize what he means. 
When Magnus does, he curses. 
“I portaled her home,” Magnus realizes. Lorenzo knows they barely had the energy for that after the memory demon, and Magnus’ tone is enough to confirm his suspicions that he hadn’t used a glamour in the moment. It hardly seemed to matter at the time, but now that people were looking… 
“I could… Andrew is the one checking the tapes for her. I could see what he’d be willing to… overlook?” Even as he suggests it, the words feel wrong, but what options do they have? This isn’t their problem - they did the Nephilim a favor , and now here they are, one step away from being interrogated for it. 
“No,” Magnus says with a resigned sigh. “You were in my Loft, after all, it isn’t out of the realm of possibility that I met you there after Isabelle’s call and portalled Clary back after she woke up. You know, so she’d wake up to a familiar face. Hardly worth noting with everything else going on at the time.” 
Lorenzo nods to himself even though Magnus can’t see it. “Thank you for talking this through. Normally I would’ve picked Andrew’s brain over something like this, but he doesn’t even know about the memory demon so...”
“You didn’t tell him?” Magnus questions, surprised. 
“I was going to, of course. But he wanted to know as little as possible that might trip him up while Lydia’s around. I hardly blame him. I’m barely in-the-know about these things and it’s already causing problems with the Downworlders.” 
“...what sort of problems?” Magnus asks immediately, and Lorenzo silently curses himself for saying that much. 
“Nothing serious. The Seelies don’t trust the Nephilim, which is nothing new. But with the strange circumstances surrounding Clarissa’s memories being taken, and now returning again out of nowhere, they’re on edge. Nothing I’d worry about quite yet,” Lorenzo backtracks, not only because Magnus has enough to worry about on his own plate, but because he knows how Meliorn and Lily feel about Magnus’ biases towards the Nephilim, the same ones they occasionally imply that he shares now as well. The last thing Lorenzo needs is for them to think he’s conspiring with Magnus over them. 
“If you say so,” Magnus says, and seems willing to drop the subject for now, much to Lorenzo’s relief. 
“I do,” Lorenzo assures him. “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I must slip back inside before I’m missed.” 
“Let me know if anything changes,” Magnus says. “And thank you again for helping with Clary. I hope you know how much everyone involved appreciates it. All of it.” 
Lorenzo knows he’s talking about more than just the summoning itself, and while it should make him uncomfortable to know he’s putting himself in a potentially compromising position to keep a secret for Magnus and the Shadowhunters, all he feels is a sense of strange gratification. He hopes that’s a sign that he’s making the right call. 
Lorenzo almost manages to slip back into bed unnoticed until he hears the mumbled words beside him as Andrew shifts onto his side. 
“You’re... cold...” Andrew mutters, still half-asleep, and Lorenzo realizes he must be cool from the chilly night air he just came back inside from.  
“Well then, you’d better warm me back up.” Lorenzo allows Andrew to wrap around him under the covers, and though Andrew drifts back off in mere seconds, it’s much longer before Lorenzo’s mind calms enough to join him in sleep.
As promised, Lorenzo is feeling much better the next morning and, after sharing an impressive breakfast spread, sends Andrew off to work via portal. He already cancelled any business he had lined up for the day to properly replenish his magic before diving back in to work, so he’s free when he gets the call from Lydia he’s been expecting all day, asking if he can meet with her. So much of him wants to say no, that his schedule is simply too full right now, but he suspects that might create more problems than it’d solve. So instead he bites his tongue and agrees to a meeting later that day. 
Andrew is out on a patrol when Lorenzo arrives so he wastes no time in finding Lydia to get this over with. 
“Thank you for meeting with me on such short notice, Mr. Rey. I know you’re a busy man so I won’t take up too much of your time,” Lydia says, ushering them into Isabelle’s office, which they’re borrowing for their little chat. 
“It’s no trouble at all. What may I assist you with?” 
“I’m just talking to everyone involved in Clary’s sudden appearance at the Institute and the events that followed. You were the one Underhill called to take Clary away, right?” 
“That is correct. I arrived, Clary was clearly distressed and in pain, so I rendered her temporarily unconscious and portalled her away from the Institute.” He wonders how many times Lydia’s already heard this story, and how many more it will take for her to believe that’s all there is to it. “We took her to Magnus��� loft, somewhere close and familiar, until she woke back up. When she didn’t actually know anything and asked to go home, we took her home.” 
“...this isn’t an interrogation,” Lydia says, a frown on her face over his precise breakdown. 
“Isn’t it?” Lorenzo counters, glancing around the room. He’s alone in the Head of the Institute’s office with an envoy from the Clave, there aren’t many other ways to look at this. 
“I’m just trying to get the full picture. We’re just talking… may I call you Lorenzo?” 
“I think Mr. Rey would be fine for now,” Lorenzo says, wondering if he’s being unnecessarily on edge over all of this. 
Lydia sighs. “Have it your way, Mr. Rey. Why did you let her go? Surely you’re aware that a situation as peculiar as this might have consequences - she could be a danger to herself, given her reaction at the Institute, or to others?” 
Lorenzo narrows his eyes. “We let her go because she asked to leave. So far the girl’s done nothing wrong, and I’m not in the business of unlawfully detaining innocent people who wish to go home.” That much is true. Though the words came from Magnus when Clary asked if she was a prisoner there, Lorenzo agreed with the call no matter what Meliorn or the Clave may believe.
Lydia nods. She doesn’t ask him to clarify who ‘we’ is. He realizes then that she isn’t taking any notes down, wondering if she’s going to after he leaves, or if she’s perhaps recording their conversation. He wishes he could simply trust her that this is just a talk, but… 
Their conversation is cut short by a knock at the door, which is slowly opened by a young, nervous-looking Shadowhunter Lorenzo recognizes as someone he’s seen interacting with Andrew on multiple occasions in the past. 
“Yes, Whitdale?” Lydia prompts when he doesn’t immediately speak. 
“I just, uh, sorry to interrupt. But you said to let you know if we see anything, and-” 
“What is it, Whitdale?” Lydia asks again, leaning forward this time, clearly curious. 
“It’s Clary Fray, Miss Branwell. She’s with the Daylighter, Simon Lewis.” 
Lorenzo frowns. 
Lydia, on the other hand, suddenly looks ten times more interested than she’d been for any of her conversation with him. In fact, she’s already standing up from the desk to make her way towards the door. 
“Sorry, Lor-- Mr. Rey. Perhaps we can pick this up another time?” Lydia says, not sounding sorry at all. 
“Of course,” he agrees simply, not wasting any time in leaving the Institute grounds before she can change her mind. 
As much as he wanted this visit cut short, this isn’t quite how he wanted it to happen. At least now anything he hasn’t said he can blame on not having the chance to, rather than intentionally keeping the information from Lydia. 
He only hopes whatever she discovers instead isn’t worse.
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b0ne-marrow · 5 years
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Valorverse - Ships
Welp. I wanted to doodle one of the "Crack"ships I came up with after watching the recent MLP movie, and started a doodle page where I was gonna add more ships and stuff that came to mind, as I saw another Crack-ish ship that I liked and debated on as well lol I moved some doodles and made them their own drawings (The Ocellus drawing I posted recently was one of them for example) and struggled to fill the page but I remembered one of the old ships I touched upon LOL. And without further ado I shall get to the ships. 1. Derpy x Kerfuffle This is the crackship I am talking about above, lol. I don't know where it came from, but I just find this ship dynamic really sweet. Both Kerfuffle and Derpy are adorable rays of sunshine and I only imagine their relationship as a goo-y mushy mess, lol. They met when Kerfuffle came to Ponyville to visit Rarity's boutique after the Rainbow Roadtrip movie. She had to mail something out while visiting and they just hit it off right off the bat. It didn't get romantic for a while, but they were always close, bonding over their cheery demeanors and shared (But vastly different) experiences as disabled ponies. I imagine Derpy to be really romantic and kinda like a Crow/Raven, finding little things that she loves and reminds her of Kerfuffle and giving them to her. (Also I struggled with Kerfuffle's leg on this so I'm sorry if it looks off. it was hard to translate it into my style of drawing legs, plus I redesigned it a bit lol. 2. Marble Pie x Sugar Belle Now this one came kinda out of nowhere lol. It was kinda spawned from a lovely headcanon drawing piece done by :iconItsTechTock: itsTechTock that you can see here!: https://www.deviantart.com/itstechtock/art/HC-Sweet-As-Pie-808490066 They, of course, didn't ship them and talks about something completely different, but my brain started thinking about them and thought they'd be really cute together actually, lol. I feel like in the Valorverse they met through Big mac, both of them being his exes. Sugar Belle just adores how shy Marble is, even though she's trying to help her overcome that. 3. Fluery Heart x Ocellus I saw this ship (Well, Flurry Heart. Fluery's the Valoverse's version of Flurry) in an adorable drawing you can see here: https://www.deviantart.com/peachydust/art/AU-NextGen-Carina-806723551 and I've liked it since, though I have a bit of qualms with it pertaining to my nextgen. (Mainly the age gap if I'm going to be right honest but age gap doesn't necessarily mean youKnowWhat's going on.) Fluery and Ocellus met on "official" princess duties. Princess Cadence has done all she can to strengthen the bond between Changelings and Ponies since the war broke out, and because of that there's been a lot of meetings between them and other leaders around the world. Since Fluery and Skyla are both technically princesses, she would bring them along (as well as her other children occasionally) with her. For similar reasons, Thorax and Chrysalis would bring Ocellus with them. Not really being a part of the political aspects of being Princesses, Fluery, Skyla, and Ocellus would often wander off and go do something else while the adults talked things through, though it took a while for Fluery to be interested in what they did. (I'll post a writing here at some point about that.) Soon enough they would become the closest friends, even making time to go see and talk to each other outside of meetings. Though Skyla didn't go with them outside of the meetings, and eventually had to attend them herself, she was the big sister of the group making sure they didn't get in too much trouble, lol. One day, as they're hanging out, Fluery happens to drop a particuarly funny joke that gets Ocellus really laughing, and she kinda realizes that wow... she's really cute when she does that and oh... she kinda maybe possibly has a crush on her BFF. Ah shit. Skyla totally gives her shit about it though cuz she knew since the beginning lol. I might keep this just a crush on Fluery's end, Ocellus not really picking up on it or not repricating her feelings. I'm not sure though. I do at least think it'd be hilarious if Ocellus didn't pick up on it at first, lol. 4. Pharynx x Tymbal(?), Feelings Forum Changeling I kinda hinted at this one in the Ocellus drawing lol. So I saw it in a stamp: https://www.deviantart.com/cascayd/art/Pharynx-x-Feelings-Forum-Changeling-Stamp-776221176 and at first, I just found it weird and not really my ship tbh but it really started growing on me after rewatching the episode they're in the last few days, lol. Total grumpy pants that's completely soft for a ray of sunshine/calm gentle person is just a trope I like lol. Tymbal knew Pharynx before the hive transformed and they were kinda close then. She wasn't nearly as hippy-ish and theraputic as she is now though, and was actually a hardcore fighter herself. She identified as a guy before the transformation mainly because most Changeling drones/guards did. She and him were great together in battle and were buds because of it. It broke her heart to see her friend struggle so much with the new changes in the hive, wishing she knew how to help besides with the Feelings Forum and Art classes that he hated. She really couldn't reach him until after his transformation. After that, Pharynx seemed to open himself up to getting help and and participting in other things within the hive. Only then was she really able to help, getting him to vent out his feelings in a more healthy way and particpate in the creative art classes there are. Suddenly, Pharynx finds that the icky and yucky feelings and frilly bullshit the changelings did together were a lot more tolerable when he did them with people he loved and was friends with. and eventually, with all the time they've spent together, they fall in love. and Pharynx fucking HATES it and how she makes him feel. He started getting feelings for her first, and he really didn't cope with them well at all. He'd kinda lash out at her, not being able to handle his emotions, but he eventually settled down and they get together with a decently healthy relationship. He still gets flustered though, she just melts his heart lol. 5. Pistachio x Star Tracker Honestly, I was just looking to ship someone with Pistachio. I think their nerdy attitudes combine really well together too lol. Some of Star Tracker's favorite moments with Pistachio are when he starts gushing about fashion or something else he's passionate about, and he just keeps blabbing and Blabbing and BLABBING and will talk to him about it for hours. He just loves listening to him and thinks it's adorable and cute to see how long he'll go. Being a guard when he grows up, Star really appreciates the little things and time they spend together. I guess this is when they're younger and first figuring their feelings out. Anyways i'm like brain dead I'm so tired so I'm going to bed, lol. I really hope you enjoy this doodle. Adopts should be coming next!
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
fate goes (on recon)
Arsé-kun: *The previous conversation pauses for food. It then Very Quickly resumes, as if it had never stopped.* Sheepy: Sherlock: Except I was always a Ruler since Minako accepted me. Sheepy: Sherlock: Before that, I was faking injury. I grew bored of the charade. Sheepy: Eiji: S-so then, do you th...think the culprits.... could, uh... y-you know.... Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Sheepy: Eiji: Fix what they did? Sheepy: Sherlock: Not to be the bearer of bad news, but once circuits are damaged, there's no fixing them. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he's floating behind Minako, almost curled around her chair* That's a damn shame! Can we kill em for it? Sheepy: Sherlock: Certainly. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You're allowing that?! I mean, I've always got bombs ready! Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah, it's not as though I'm allowing it. I'm a detective, after all. Sheepy: Sherlock: Rather, I'm... hmm. Sheepy: Sherlock: Overlooking it. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I dunno, you might not wanna! What if there's important evidence that I decide to blow up? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I hope you like ashes and fragments of remains! Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh, of course I wouldn't allow it before I'm done investigating. Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, I guess killing them is a waste of information. Arsé-kun: Mori: And I suppose we do need that information. Sheepy: Sherlock: You see, I've spent quite a few days visiting Chaldea. Sheepy: Sherlock: You probably haven't heard of him, but Yan Qing is capable of disguising himself as just about anyone, including imitating their class. Sheepy: Sherlock: So he could easily spy on the group. Arsé-kun: Mori: Have you gone senile? That man visited here months ago. Sheepy: Sherlock: I wasn't here. Sheepy: Sherlock: You really overestimate me. Arsé-kun: Mori: He pretended to be you. You were both speaking to me. It was awful. Either you've gone completely senile, you're that damn tired, or you're an idiot. Sheepy: Sherlock: It's not senility. Arsé-kun: Mori: And you're no fool. Sheepy: Sherlock: I understand, you want me to sleep. I'll do it when I feel like I need to. Sheepy: Lobo: *he is eyeing Sherlock closely* Arsé-kun: Liz: *she arrives and joins Lobo in this activity. Nothing is said* Sheepy: Sherlock: ... What? Sheepy: Rider: "I want his head." Sheepy: Sherlock: Wh-what are you planning...? Arsé-kun: Liz: I call dibs before you, just because! *she skips over to Sherlock, gets uncomfortably close, and puts her head to his chest* Mmmm, it's a wonder your heart hasn't given out yet~ Sheepy: Sherlock: ..... Sheepy: *Lobo's tail is wagging, despite his growling...* Arsé-kun: Liz: How long do you think it can go when it's out of your chest? It'd be a great metronome at this volume! Sheepy: Sherlock: Would you mind giving me some space? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That implies she has a mind to begin wit-Ack! Arsé-kun: *Liz backed off Only to grab and tug Mephisto's cape. eat shit. win/win* Sheepy: Lobo: *he stands up and joins Liz * Arsé-kun: Mori: With that, we've learned that if you were a mortal human, Sherlock, you'd certainly be dead right now Sheepy: *Lobo slowly inches towards Sherlock, only to be stopped by Kintaro. The two exchange body language and barks, growls, and whines. Seems like they may be arguing?* Arsé-kun: *Liz and Mephisto are also bantering, pulling on each others' tails and generally complaining. "You can't have his heart to ascend," Liz says. "I don't need it and are you saying he's a demon?" Mephisto shoots back, grabbing her horns and pulling* Arsé-kun: Mori: This is almost a death sentence. Fantastic. I don't have to do it. Sheepy: *Rider silently strides over, Sherlock not even paying him any mind. His focus is on the two bickering parties. They're loud. He's tired. What's that crunching noise. Not important. What's Moriarty saying? Death sentence? More important.* Arsé-kun: Minako: uh, sherlock, Sheepy: Sherlock: What is it? Sheepy: Sherlock: Moriarty, take your hand off of my shoulder. That hurts. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he raises his hands* It's not me. Sheepy: Sherlock: ... ... ... Arsé-kun: *Both Liz and Mephisto shut up* Sheepy: Sherlock: *He looks behind him. You know how Rider actually has more than 4 limbs? Yeah. His six extra limbs are out, and they're twitching unnaturally. Ready. Waiting. His once gloved hands are now claws with thorn-like growths coming from his arms. Sherlock screams. Much like the women in the King Kong and Godzilla movies, he faints.* Sheepy: *...And Rider imitates laughter as best as one without a head can, reverting back to normal with unnatural, grotesque noises to accompany the transformation.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Beautiful! A wonderful performance, dear Rider! Five stars! Sheepy: Satoru: Don't you think Rider is cool? Sheepy: Rider: *he puffs his chest out in pride from the compliments* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Thanks, I hate it! Sheepy: Kintaro: ... Ah... That's not golden at all.... Arsé-kun: Mozart: I not only heard it, but felt it resonate within my soul, and let me tell you: It was awful. If it were a silent film, i'd have given it a 7/10. Sheepy: Rider: "What do you give its horror factor with noise?" Arsé-kun: Mozart: If not for my own faults, eight. Crunch, crunch, scream. I did not need to be present to know what occurred. Sheepy: Rider: "That's too bad." Sheepy: Rider: "It seems he's dead, despite his breathing. Can I have his head?" Arsé-kun: Minako: No! And Liz, get off of him. Arsé-kun: Liz: *she grumbles a particuarly colorful complaint but does so.* His bloodstreams are full of caffeine! It tastes like the coffee Hyde mades! Bad! Sheepy: Rider: "Nobody lets me have fun." Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo and I have been growing bored recently." Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, maybe we can bring you guys after we do.. Uh. Whatever Sherlock was gonna suggest. Sheepy: Lobo: *His tail is wagging verrrrrry fast now!* Arsé-kun: Mori: But is it a good idea? We only have what Sherlock knows to go off of. While that should be enough to get inside, I feel we should have a few recon visits first. Get some assassins in there. Arsé-kun: Mori: .. But I suppose it will have to wait. Sheepy: Rider: "He shouldn't have tempted me." Arsé-kun: Mori: Don't you be that way. You made that decision on your own. Sheepy: Rider: "He needed sleep and I got the job done, didn't I?" Arsé-kun: Mori: It's not the same... Sheepy: Rider: "How different is it?" Sheepy: Rider: "It is not as though I decapitated him." Arsé-kun: Mori: Very. .... I suppose it'll do the job anyways. Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo was going to eat him." Sheepy: Rider: "I think what I did was an improvement." Sheepy: Kintaro: Lobo brought up the agreement I first made with him that he can only go after servants who are endangering Chief and Rulers, but I didn't even know Ruler was a class... this isn't golden at all... Arsé-kun: Minako: Yeah, it's a rare one. It's only got like, three members? Four? Tiny group. Sheepy: Eiji: B-but Lobo is a dog. Sheepy: *Lobo snarls angrily.* Sheepy: Eiji: *SCARY* Arsé-kun: Mori: Lobo, no. Sheepy: Kintaro: He said that he's not a dog and not to have such closeminded assumptions that he wouldn't understand things such as deal making and compromjses. Sheepy: Kintaro: Furthermore, he said that he's had much more experience with people than you've had with wolves, so he has more of a right to make baseless assumptions about you than you do about him. Sheepy: Kintaro: On that note, he says that you advocate hunting, which is his baseless assumption of you. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Baseless like calling someone a can of tuna? Sheepy: Kintaro:? Sheepy: Eiji: S-sorry, Lobo. Sheepy: *Lobo huffs and sits down.* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Now that I think about this... Rider, you may be good for doing recon as well. If you'll agree to do so, I suppose I can bring you and Lobo to the scrapyard to decapitate a demon or two. Sheepy: Rider: "How?" Arsé-kun: Mori: How what? Would you be good at it? Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Arsé-kun: Mori: You can walk through walls and disappear from any guards' sight, you make no sound most of the time, and you would certainly make short work of anyone who tries to catch you. Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm glad you understand. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Arsé-kun: Mori: Who would be able to assist you...? Not myself, as much as I'd love to. I'll come for a secondary recon. Sheepy: Rider: "Why?" Arsé-kun: Mori: Why do you think? Sheepy: Rider: "You're the brains and I'm the brawn?" Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't trust my body enough to hold up the entire time. Sheepy: Rider: "Ah, right." Arsé-kun: Mori: .... We don't have much choice in the way of Assassins. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Convincing one of the two shouldn't be very hard. The other is a risk. Sheepy: Rider: "Other?" Arsé-kun: Mori: The other assassin in question. Sheepy: Rider: "Whom?" Arsé-kun: Mori: Dr. Jekyll, of course. Sheepy: Rider: "I didn't know..." Arsé-kun: Mori: And that's fine. Arsé-kun: Mori: Carmilla can be easily enticed with cat toys and a fish or two from the Lancers' catch. Jekyll comes with Hyde.. Sheepy: Satoru: Hyde sounds like something a serial killer would call themselves in a cheesy slasher movie. Especially with the y. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Probably because of him! Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh Sheepy: Satoru: I'm worried about this but I think you'll be okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa isn't going so it's okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa is old and old people are prone to joint pain. He'd be in danger of hurting his hip if he went. Eiji isn't old and he's prone to joint pain already, so when he grows old his pain will go away. That's how it works. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Can't survive this either! *he goes to jump onto Eiji, but Mephisto catches him first* Motherfucker! Why the fuck am I bein' namedropped?? What's the fuck in this thread? Sheepy: Eiji:?! Sheepy: Satoru: *gasp* Arsé-kun: Mori: This is the exact thing I was worrying about. Sheepy: Satoru: You said a bad word! Arsé-kun: Hyde: Who cares?? It's fun! Sheepy: Satoru: No! Sheepy: Satoru: Guin will wash your mouth out with soap! She threatened it one day so I've never said a bad word. Ever! Arsé-kun: Hyde: Bah! She won't do shit! Sheepy: Satoru: She's never, ever lied. Sheepy: Satoru: She's not like Sakura. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Like I'll let her catch me! The only way she would is if I wann-*mephisto throws him at the floor and goes Up out of his reach* You stupid floating homo! Sheepy: Satoru: She's strong and fast. Sheepy: Satoru: She has a sword. Sheepy: Satoru: I won't tell her you said a bad word. Sheepy: Satoru: Your secret is safe with me. Arsé-kun: Mori: Do me a favor, Hyde, and put Jekyll on the line. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Fuck off! Do you think we just do this when we want??? I'm here to goddamn party! I'm gonna fucking fu-*he is very promptly cut off by a coffin gun materializing directly above him. Gravity does it's job.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Awful. Downright awful. Don't ever take after him, Satoru. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'm going to take after you instead. Arsé-kun: Mori: Fantastic. Sheepy: Tristan: *funeral music* Sheepy: Tristan: We are all gathered here today to laugh at Hyde in his dying moments. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Finally. Sheepy: Tristan: There's nothing positive about him so this eulogy will be short. Arsé-kun: Minako: We could probably think of something. Sheepy: Tristan: Tolerating him is as far as any of us got. It's fortunate we barely knew him, because we'd probably not even be capable of toleration if we knew him better. Sheepy: Tristan: That concludes the funeral service. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I call first chance to piss on his grave. Sheepy: Tristan: Excellent. Sheepy: *Lobo comes over and sniffs Hyde* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ...?? Uhm..! Hello, Lobo..! Sheepy: Lobo: *Boof* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: What did Hyde do this time..? Sheepy: *Lobo nudges the gun off of Jekyll and licks his face. You have been healed, Jekyll.* Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, be a public embarrassment. The usual. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I'm so sorry.... He said we were needed for something? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Rider: "You're coming with me." Sheepy: Rider: "We're infiltrating an enemy base." Sheepy: Rider: "Carmilla, you, and me." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Me..? You must be mistaken. I may be Assassin class, but only because I'm difficult to identify as a servant.. Sheepy: Rider: "I'm not mistaken. I never said you had a choice in the matter." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he looks to Minako for some kind of escape or mercy* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he pops around her chair again* That's the point, Doktor! They won't think you're a threat! Sheepy: Rider: "No harm will come to you." Sheepy: Rider: "Those who even threaten you will lose their heads." Sheepy: Rider: "So, you're at no risk and you get to be a hero." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... ..... And if Hyde comes out again? Sheepy: Rider: "Technically, he is a threat to you." Sheepy: Rider: "As I stated, I will decapitate any threats." Arsé-kun: Minako: Rider, that'd kill Jekyll AND Hyde. Sheepy: Rider: "Hopefully that'll convince him to stay dormant until you're done." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: He's trying to claim that he'd... Er... Defeat you in combat. Sheepy: Rider:... ... ... Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I know he'd certainly lose, but I'd like to live! Sheepy: Rider: *He writhes some, and his extra limbs come out once more, accompanied by the noises of bones shifting and crunching.* Sheepy: Rider: "I hope this is enough to convince him otherwise." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I am not repeating the things he is saying. *he shudders* Sheepy: Rider: "I would like you to live, too. He would endanger you." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: He already does that! Sheepy: Rider: "Your participation is necessary. His participation is banned." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I understand that. I'll do my best to assist. Sheepy: Rider: "Excellent. And Hyde?" Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ...... I am absolutely not repeating his demands. Sheepy: Rider:.... Sheepy: Rider: "I would say I'd consider them if it meant him not showing up during the mission, but..." Sheepy: Rider: "I have a feeling there's a reason why you're withholding it from me." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: There's no guarantees that he'll keep his word, for one. As for the other... Uh. Sheepy: Rider:.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Maaaster, is there a reason you'r- .. .. *he spots Rider* That's certainly a moodkiller. Sheepy: Eiji: Wh....what.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's just a form of hollow magic, Master! He's able to do it due to his class and circumstance. Sheepy: Eiji: But...but... Arsé-kun: Minako: *to Rider* Can I touch your arm?? Sheepy: Rider: *He hold out his arm* Sheepy: Rider: "Did you mean this or the others?" Arsé-kun: Minako: The other ones! Sheepy: Eiji: Th-the noise...it hurts... Sheepy: Rider: "Sure." Arsé-kun: Mozart: That's what I said. I do hope he can remove them elsewhere. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she reaches up to poke one of the extra arms. poke* Sheepy: *It twitches as a response. Gross.* Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo can do something similar." Arsé-kun: Minako: Hehe. It feels like cold jello- Ooh? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Do not! Sheepy: Rider: "It's not extra limbs." Sheepy: Rider: "Just fire." Sheepy: Rider: "It shouldn't bother you, Mozart." Sheepy: Rider: "He doesn't want to show you, though. He's shy." Arsé-kun: Mozart: It's the sound that does, not the contents. Sheepy: Rider: "It's not any of his body parts shifting either." Sheepy: Rider: "There's no noise other than his usual noises." Arsé-kun: Mori: Not inside. Fire can easily ruin the room. Sheepy: Rider: "He's shy so he won't show anyone." Arsé-kun: Mori: Back on topic. We still need Carmilla. ... And to know where, exactly, this is. Which means we're going to have to wait. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Arsé-kun: Mori: This in mind, we should meet up again tomorrow to discuss this. Arsé-kun: Mori: That being said, meeting adjourned. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Eiji: I w-want to help... but I can't.... Sheepy: Lobo: *he playbows towards Jekyll. Hello!!! I like you!!! Let's play!!* Arsé-kun: Mori: You can, hoping you recall details. Sheepy: Eiji: ...Ah, like a testimony... Arsé-kun: Mori: Perhaps? Sheepy: Eiji: .......... Sheepy: Eiji: I'd...uh...rather... not try to remember it. Arsé-kun: Mori: Fair enough. Arsé-kun: *Lets skip ahead to the following morning* Arsé-kun: Liz: Good morning♪, good morning♪, get the hell out of my roooom♫ Sheepy: Sherlock: ... *he grunts and sits up* What am I doing in here? Arsé-kun: Liz: I couldn't just leave you on the floor! Lobo was looking at you with those big, hungry eyes! Sheepy: Sherlock: But I have a place to sleep. Arsé-kun: Liz: Gil's old couch? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Liz: How do you stand it?? It smells like old wine and rust! Sheepy: Sherlock: I have nowhere better to sleep. Sheepy: Sherlock: Which doesn't bother me, since I'm technically taking advantage of everyone by staying here. Sheepy: *Sherlock stands* Sheepy: Sherlock: Let me get out of your way, now. Arsé-kun: Liz: Well then, shoo! I've been waiting to sing all night! Sheepy: *Sherlock quickly leaves.* Arsé-kun: *and Liz breaks into song. She wasn't kidding* Sheepy: Sherlock: *EW* Sheepy: *Sherlock creates as much distance between himself and her singing as he can.* Arsé-kun: *He is quickly joined by others who are also escaping the noise* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Oh, uh, good morning, Sherlock..! Sheepy: Sherlock: Ugh... Sheepy: Sherlock: Good morning. Sheepy: *Lobo is howling.... is it to block out Liz's singing, or does he think she's howling to talk to him?* Arsé-kun: *or she actually is just howling at this point. it all sounds the same* Sheepy: Satoru: You're such a good singer, Lobo. Arsé-kun: *there is the briefest moment of silence before all hell breaks loose. lobo howling, at least two berserkers screaming, liz also screaming. Mozart found dead in Miami* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, that's not good. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Not again. Sheepy: *You know who else is going to join in? Kintaro.* Arsé-kun: *Proto may as well.* Sheepy: *Cu is silently judging.* Arsé-kun: *Cu is, then, judging himself. think about that one asshole* Sheepy: *Cu doesn't care.* Sheepy: *Cu clears his throat and puts his coffee down. He stands.* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: please save us, Cu. Sheepy: Cu: SHUT UP!!! Arsé-kun: *dead silent.* Sheepy: Cu: *he sits down and goes back to enjoying his coffee.* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Our hero.. Sheepy: Cu: Well, I certainly do like the ego-fluffing, but it was nothing really. Sheepy: Cu: That's just how I feel when I hear that obnoxious idol girl sing. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: And the rest of it...? Sheepy: Cu: It was annoying me. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Mozart will probably thank you for that service. Sheepy: Cu: Or kill me for being the loudest of them all. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: You did end it.. Sheepy: Cu: That's true. Sheepy: Cu: Just consider it me working from experience. Sheepy: Satoru: I once tried to learn music because Uncle Mozzy was teaching me it. I wonder if my music sounded like that... ... I tried really hard but never got better. Sheepy: Bedi:...What was that...? *Bedi has come downstairs, looking tired. He probably just woke up.* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: A disaster. Sheepy: Satoru: Who's that? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Huh? It's just Bedivere.. Sheepy: Satoru: No, Uncle Bedi has pigtails. Sheepy: Satoru: He has hair all over his face and it's long. That's not Uncle Bedi. Arsé-kun: *Bedi has been followed by a giant shaggy carpet with legs, which reaches up to Bedi's hair and pulls it back. The only reason we can identify this as Merlin is the flowers on the ground.* Sheepy: Satoru:?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: we didn't do our hair yet. morning, boys. Sheepy: Satoru: It's alive!!! Arsé-kun: Merlin: i sure hope so. Sheepy: Bedi: Of course, this is Merlin. Why wouldn't he be? Sheepy: Satoru: But...! Merlin has a face! Sheepy: Satoru: He doesn't have a face.... Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... *he sighs and pushes some hair out of the way* Sheepy: Satoru: !!!! Sheepy: Satoru: Merlin was eaten by hair! Arsé-kun: Merlin: ...... Satoru.... It's my hair.. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Sheepy: Satoru: *he looks down, visibly embarrassed* Sheepy: Satoru:...Okay. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ....... Should someone go cook..? Sheepy: Bedi: I- Sheepy: Tristan: No. Sheepy: Bedi: I've gotten better since back then! Sheepy: Tristan: The only thing you can make presently that actually tastes like something is coffee. Sheepy: Bedi: I can make other things! Like...! Merlin, back me up here! Arsé-kun: Merlin: You can make.... Uh... *he's silent for a moment* .... I just remembered a thing. I need to iron my hair. *Merlin exits scene* Sheepy: Bedi: Wh-what is that supposed to mean?! Sheepy: Tristan: It means he admits that you’re talentless in that field. Sheepy: Bedi: Talent means nothing if you’re passionate enough! Sheepy: Tristan: And as do you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he returns, holding an actual iron* What? He can make pancakes and waffles pretty well. Sheepy: Bedi: See! Arsé-kun: Liz: No, he doesn't! Also, that was some nice self esteem teaming right there! Sheepy: Tristan: ...Hmm. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .. Go ahead, Bedi. Show em what you've got. I'm gonna finish with my hair. Arsé-kun: Merlin: ... .... Don't look so nervous! Do you want me to help you? Sheepy: Bedi: ...Is that okay? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Of course! Arsé-kun: *and so, Bedi and Merlin take over a kitchen. One of the three in this convoluted house mess. Probably the one in the middle house. It's not Emiya's territory and it doesn't have a giant dog in the way* Sheepy: Lobo: -*Whiiiiiiine* Sheepy: Rider: ... Sheepy: Lobo: *Whiiiiine...* Arsé-kun: *something is thrown at the basement's ceiling. that's vlad telling you to shut up* Sheepy: Lobo: *This annoys him because it shows Vlad is listening to him but ignoring his cries. He lets out a loud howl after dropping the leash on the floor* Sheepy: Rider: *he flips to the next page of his book* Arsé-kun: Proto: Okay, okay!! *enter scene.* I'll walk you, okay?! Sheepy: Lobo: *he stops and picks up the leash, tail wagging. Rider stands up and joins Lobo's side* Sheepy: *Lobo trots over to Proto and drops the leash on him* Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Rider: *he claps his hands to grab Proto's attention (and probably to annoy Vlad)* "Good luck." Arsé-kun: Proto: For what..? Lobo not running over a car? Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo not dragging you under a car." Arsé-kun: Proto: He better not do that either! *he picks up the leash* Sheepy: Rider: "He might." Arsé-kun: Proto: Please don't! Sheepy: Lobo: *Bawuuu?* Arsé-kun: Proto: I'd like to survive the morning! Sheepy: Lobo: *he huffs* Arsé-kun: Proto: At least let me live until noon? Sheepy: Lobo: *he grunts and tugs at the leash* Arsé-kun: Proto: Okay, okay! Why do I even hold this?? You don't wear a collar! Sheepy: Lobo: *He starts dragging Proto along by using the leash* Arsé-kun: *so you mean he just grabbed the end in his mouth and pulled?* Sheepy: *Yes* Arsé-kun: *fantastic* Sheepy: Rider: "You're not walking him. He's walking you." Sheepy: Rider: "Lobo is the alpha and considers the concept of a collar a sign of ..." Arsé-kun: Proto: ... Being a little bitch? Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "I'll be nearby. Dogs aren't allowed to roam without a leash, hence his insistence on you holding one." Sheepy: Rider: "He's a wolf so the laws don't apply to him, but he states that humans are idiots who'll make any incorrect assumptions intentionally if it'll support their general view." Sheepy: Lobo: Bawuu? Sheepy: Rider: "...Ah, that's mostly me, actually..." Arsé-kun: Proto: Well, you're not totally wrong.. But what's a leash gonna do with a giant wolf anyway..? Sheepy: Rider: "He wants to keep his friends healthy by giving them walks." Arsé-kun: Proto: Thanks, Lobo! Sheepy: Lobo: *he scoops the end of the leash up again and puffs his chest out some. He's a good alpha.* Sheepy: Rider: "We had to explain to him that Satoru's too little to be walked because for a while he kept dropping the leash in Satoru's lap and whining." Arsé-kun: Proto: That's a damn shame. Sheepy: Rider: "It's better to have a living Master than to let Lobo walk him. Guinevere and I have been trying to take Satoru out on walks but he refuses to leave the house..." Arsé-kun: Proto: If it weren't winter, I'd take him fishing. Sheepy: Rider: "...He'd probably refuse to go." Sheepy: Lobo: *he lowers his head and begins sniffing at the ground* Arsé-kun: Proto: Oh? What is it? Sheepy: *Lobo pauses and suddenly launches off towards the nearest mailman, snarling as he goes. What do you do, Proto?* Arsé-kun: *Proto digs his heels into the dirt and tries his damnest to stop Lobo. It's kind of a given that he'll fail, but When* Arsé-kun: *Realistically.. It'd either be ten seconds before he's pulled along, or seven seconds and the leash snaps* Arsé-kun: *He's absolutely not ready for this and ends up grabbing at Lobo's fur to hold on* Sheepy: *The mailman throws his mail and runs. Lobo goes after the mail.* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he just clings for dear life* Sheepy: *Lobo stops in front of the mail, drops the leash, nudges the mail some, picks it up, and trots over to Proto.* Sheepy: *...He then dumps the mail on him and sits* Arsé-kun: Proto: ... *he sits up and picks up the mail* Why've you gotta be this way? Arsé-kun: Proto: We don't even need this.. Sheepy: Lobo: *growl* Arsé-kun: Proto: Then why'd you decide to do all that?? *he gets up and drops the mail in the proper mailbox. merry mailmas* Sheepy: Lobo: *growl* Arsé-kun: Proto: Then be more clear next time! Sheepy: Lobo: *whine* Sheepy: Lobo: *he tries to stick his snout in the mailbox* Arsé-kun: Proto: No, Lobo. That's not ours. Sheepy: Lobo: ? *Not ours? But what if...is ours?* Arsé-kun: Proto: Don't you give me that! It's not! Sheepy: Lobo: *he huffs* Arsé-kun: Proto: This is a walk, not a steal! Sheepy: Lobo: *he huffs*Sheepy: Lobo: *he huffs once again and picks up the leash** Arsé-kun: Proto: Thank you! Sheepy: Lobo: *he whines and looks at the mailbox* Arsé-kun: Proto: Noooooo! Sheepy: Lobo: *he begins to trot off* Arsé-kun: *And Proto drags himself after Lobo* Sheepy: *Vroom Vroom! It's a motorcycle!* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he looks around and lightly tugs the leash* Outta the road, Lobo. Sheepy: *Lobo starts snarling at the motorcycle with no intent of leaving the road. Since Lobo's big, the rider (Kintaro) stops nearby because he can actually see Lobo.* Arsé-kun: Proto: Lobo, we gotta let traffic pass..! Sheepy: Lobo: *he huffs and begins scratching himself* Sheepy: Kintaro: Oi, Lobo! That's not Golden of you at all! Arsé-kun: Proto: You want to deal with him..? I still can't do it.. *he throws an arm in the air, tossing the leash with it* Have fun, I'm going home. Sheepy: Kintaro: Eh? You're leaving? Arsé-kun: Proto: I want to, but I know Lobo won't. Sheepy: Kintaro: Here's what to do. Sheepy: *Kintaro lifts up Lobo, who yelps with surprise, and moves him off of the road* Arsé-kun: Proto: I can't do that..! Sheepy: Kintaro: What? Why not? Arsé-kun: Proto: I'm strong, but not that strong! Arsé-kun: Proto: *he grabs onto his other shoulder, frowning* And I think Lobo pulled my shoulder again. Sheepy: Lobo: ? Arsé-kun: Proto: Don't give me that look! Sheepy: Lobo: *he looks at Proto's shoulder* ? Arsé-kun: Proto: *he attempts to get his arm back into his shoulder socket. it hurts, but he manages. Pop!* That! Sheepy: Lobo: *he licks Proto's face. You are cured now.* Arsé-kun: Proto: ... thanks Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Kintaro: I'd walk him but I'm currently running errands. Arsé-kun: Proto: Darn. Sorry for getting in your way. Sheepy: Lobo: *growl* Sheepy: Kintaro: Well, how about this. Arsé-kun: Proto: :< Sheepy: Kintaro: I'll accompany you until we pass by the store. Sheepy: Kintaro: The Golden Bear and I will then part ways with you when we do. Sheepy: Kintaro: Is that okay? Arsé-kun: Proto: That works. Sheepy: Kintaro: OK. Golden Bear, let's go!! Sheepy: Bear: *bear* Sheepy: Lobo:?!?!?!?!?!?! Arsé-kun: Proto: .. What, Lobo? It's a bike.. Sheepy: *The bike shudders and shifts. It's now a bear.* Arsé-kun: Proto: Eh?! Sheepy: Kintaro: Golden Bear and I are joining you. Sheepy: Kintaro: She's amazing. She can turn into anything. Sheepy: Kintaro: She's Golden fast. Sheepy: Kintaro: She can go 2500 kilometers per hour. Arsé-kun: Proto: Fast... Sheepy: Kintaro: Mhm! Arsé-kun: Proto: Can I...? *he wants to Pet* Sheepy: Kintaro: Sure, she's golden cute. Arsé-kun: *Proto pats Golden Bear. Nice bear. Good bear. Not an asshole like Lobo bear* Sheepy: *Golden Bear is pleased by this. She sits.* Arsé-kun: *This is the highest point of Proto's day so far* Sheepy: *Lobo whines* Arsé-kun: *Lobo can goddamn wait* Sheepy: Lobo: *he stops whining and huffs* Sheepy: Kintaro: She can turn into a truck, but I like motorcycles more. Sheepy: Lobo: *Lobo yawns and begins scratching himself. I-it's not like he cares or anything, b-baka* Arsé-kun: Proto: Can she drive herself, too? Sheepy: Kintaro: Maybe? Sheepy: Kintaro: Probably! Arsé-kun: Proto: Gotta try that someday. Sheepy: Kintaro: Ooh! We should! Sheepy: Lobo: ... Sheepy: Kintaro: Where were you headed anyway? Arsé-kun: Proto: ... Wherever Lobo wants to go, I guess. Sheepy: Kintaro: Oh, the trick to walking Lobo is promising him food if he goes the way you want him to go. Arsé-kun: Proto: That... That would have been great to know Sheepy: Kintaro: Lobo's an avenger and while he's golden cute, he's really irritable unless he loves you. Sheepy: Kintaro: He's easily bribable though. Sheepy: Lobo: *he has his paw out? when will he get his reward?? he is using his technique: Shake. Where is his treat* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he looks up and reaches to try and shake* Sheepy: *Lobo shakes Proto's hand!* Arsé-kun: Proto: When we get home, I'll make sure to take a steak out, just for you. Sheepy: Lobo: ?! Sheepy: Lobo: *he licks Proto's face* Sheepy: Bear: *She's quietly watching. Bears are actually silent creatures who mostly talk in body language and smells.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Now you can go wherever you want. Arsé-kun: Proto: Thanks so much! Arsé-kun: *So Proto and Lobo return home. Lobo gets his steak.* Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, you've returned... is your shoulder okay? Arsé-kun: Proto: Maybe? I had to shove it back into place again.. What'd I miss? It smells like pancakes in here. Sheepy: Bedi: I made pancakes. Arsé-kun: Proto: Is there any left?? Arsé-kun: *there won't be much left when the dog is done with it.* Sheepy: *Tristan mourns the pancakes.* Arsé-kun: *tristan, you had your pancakes, shut up* Sheepy: Tristan: *he's playing his harp..* Sheepy: Tristan: Perhaps it's the desperation that I feel, but the light fluffiness of the pancakes give me a strong sense of... ... melancholy? Sheepy: Tristan: Their innocence reminds me of the days back then when we were much like a family. Certainly, our battles always had the chance of leading us to our demises. But... back then, in those blissful days, that thought never occurred to me. Sheepy: Tristan: I guess once the impossibility happened, that layer of purity was stripped away, leaving "what has been and could be once more". Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Tristan, they're growing cold. Sheepy: Tristan: Considering that I am the one who began the downfall of our naively joyful little group, they're right to be cold towards me. Sheepy: Bedi: Your pancakes. Are growing cold. Sir Tristan. You asked me to make them. *There's a huge smile on his face.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he joins the table crew, pulling up a seat* They appear more edible than anything Gawain had made. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh! Sir Lancelot! Sheepy: Bedi: I'm glad to hear that they're at least somewhat to your satisfaction. Sheepy: Tristan: *he's shut up and is eating his pancakes* Arsé-kun: *THANK GOD* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin helped a lot. Arsé-kun: Lance: So I heard. I do apologize about the earlier screaming. Sheepy: Bedi: It's fine. Sheepy: Bedi: It's the howling that bothered me. Sheepy: *meanwhile as the knights eat pancakes, mori gets to laugh as sherlock is trapped watching sherlock hound with satoru* Arsé-kun: *and Mori did get his laughs. Now he's just watching because hey, it's material to make fun of Sherlock with* Sheepy: *Satoru's visibly enjoying it because a) Grandpa is here!! and b) Dog Grandpa is on the screen!!* Sheepy: *Sherlock has a small smile on his face. His pokerface. Is he enjoying it or grinning and bearing it?* Arsé-kun: *Only Sherlock knows. Maybe Andersen, but he's not here to state this to the world.* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... I still find it amusing they made you a corgi. Were they calling you short of stature? Sheepy: Sherlock: I'm not. Arsé-kun: Mori: But the insult remains. Sheepy: Satoru: I like corgis. Sheepy: Sherlock: So then, you like m- Sheepy: Satoru: No. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Ah... Arsé-kun: Mori: I didn't even tell him to say that. Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you sure? Arsé-kun: Mori: Quite sure. Arsé-kun: Mori: I think he's still sour over your removal of me from the stories, excuses nonwithstanding. Sheepy: Sherlock: It was necessary. Sheepy: Sherlock: Besides, you can tell him what he missed. Arsé-kun: Mori: I suppose I could. ... Though it would require bringing up the case with the cat and the window.. ... That was almost traumatizing. Almost. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah? Sheepy: Sherlock: I don't recall this. Arsé-kun: Mori: Sure. Sheepy: Sherlock: I erase unimportant things from my mind. Sheepy: Satoru: That's just you taking credit for the cocaine's hard work of destroying your brain cells. Sheepy: Sherlock: I-... Arsé-kun: *Mori has to turn away and stifle laughter* Sheepy: Sherlock: *he wordlessly stares at Satoru* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Did you think no one knew about that? Sheepy: Sherlock: Of course, it was in the books. Sheepy: Sherlock: So I didn't think it wasn't common knowledge. Arsé-kun: Mori: It was opium in the novels, you lingering crackhead. Sheepy: Satoru: Watson said he took both in the first book. Arsé-kun: Mori: Ah, my mistake. That's worse. Sheepy: Sherlock: Boredom is more destructive to my brain than drugs. Sheepy: Satoru: That's what drug addicts say. Sheepy: Sherlock: I'd rather you not console me on how to live my life. You're ten. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm almost eleven. Sheepy: Sherlock: Oh? Really? When's your birthday? Sheepy: Satoru: The day I was born. Sheepy: Sherlock: And when was that? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ...? *he joins this discussion, leaning over the back of the sofa* What is happening here, exactly? Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah. Sheepy: Sherlock: Satoru's decided he's smarter than me because he's nine. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm almost 11. Sheepy: Satoru: And he's using my age as an excuse to ignore my warnings about drugs. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... I was under the impression you were already eleven. And he's stubborn. *he frowns* Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh, I am. Sheepy: Satoru: But I'm almost eleven because I'm not exactly eleven. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not near twelve either Sheepy: Satoru: So I'm only almost eleven. Sheepy: Sherlock: Tell me one good reason to stop. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Secondhand smoke may affect others. Sheepy: Sherlock: Hmm. Sheepy: Sherlock: Perhaps. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Do you want a clown getting high? I don't want a clown getting high. Sheepy: Sherlock: So then, I just don't do it around the young, the elderly, and Mephisto. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: That's most of this household in one fell swoop. Sheepy: Sherlock: Young constitutes anyone 11 or under. Sheepy: Sherlock: Elderly is Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Mori: I firmly dislike how I expected that. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa smokes. If you do drugs around him you may be a bad influence on him. Arsé-kun: Mori: I know better than that. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I believe you. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're old, and apparently impressionable. Sheepy: Satoru: Jekyll, do you know Sherlock? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I sure do, yes. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Why do I know him? We worked together on the odd occasion when we were both alive. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: That's nice. Sheepy: Satoru: You missed my favorite show. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Did I? My apologies. Sheepy: Satoru: Don't apologize. I should've invited you. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa's in it. He's a dog. Sheepy: Satoru: Sherlock and Watson are in it too, but I mostly watch it for Grandpa. I'm always let down when he loses in the end but that's okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa's too smart and if he used all of his brainpower against Sherlock, Sherlock would quickly give up from frustration. So Grandpa lets him win because he's a good sport. Sheepy: Sherlock:?! ... *he bursts out laughing* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he looks almost offended. wait, he is.* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I don't think that was correct. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: So then Grandpa just loses to Sherlock even when he tries? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I can't say Moriarty hasn't won at all, but Sherlock does tend to win. Unfortunately. Arsé-kun: *Mori, looking even more bitter,* Sheepy: Satoru: That's okay. Sheepy: Satoru: He'll win next time. Sheepy: Sherlock: What makes you so sure? Sheepy: Satoru: You're running on energy drinks and Grandpa gets beauty sleep, according to Big Bro, but he seemed sarcastic. Sheepy: Sherlock: Yeah, it definitely doesn't show. Sheepy: Satoru: That's what Big Bro said. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's still better than having travel bags under my eyes. Sheepy: Sherlock: I just haven't needed to sleep Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mori: Sure. Sheepy: Satoru: You'll sleep a lot when you've died from exhaustion so it's fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...How old did you say you were? Sheepy: Satoru: Almost 11. Sheepy: Sherlock: ... ... Arsé-kun: Mori: I had absolutely nothing to do with this. He was reading Dracula when he was seven. Sheepy: Sherlock: His hair's almost the same shade... ... Andersen, are you having a giggle? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not Andersen, I'm Satoru. Arsé-kun: Andersen: You called? Sheepy: Sherlock: ...Oh, there goes one idea. Sheepy: Sherlock: You're being a bad influence. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Fantastic. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I didn't even do anything yet. On multiple other hands, because I am clearly an octopus in this scenario, you are being an A class idiot, I can almost hear Hyde screaming from here, and do I count as under 11? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *quietly* good call. Sheepy: Sherlock: No. Sheepy: Sherlock: Only Satoru and Kid Gil do. Sheepy: Sherlock: Kintaro smokes so I'm not counting him. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Great. I'm going to borrow shit off of you. Sheepy: Sherlock: What? Arsé-kun: Andersen: What do you think? Arsé-kun: *And then Andersen ran off to Sherlock's room. Sherlock follows. His stuff is at risk. Again* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Barring all that, now would be an opportune time to discuss yesterday's plan. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, I'll bring everyone else in... by the way, why do I smell pancakes? Sheepy: Tristan (Who has eaten pancakes): The other knights are eating them. You should join them - I'm like a torrential downpour on their pancake parade. Sheepy: Tristan: Thank you, odd poet. Arsé-kun: Mori: Good morning, Shinjuku Assassin. Nice of you to join us. Sheepy: Tristan:...What? Arsé-kun: Mori: Who else could you be? Sheepy: Tristan: Tristan. Once I was Sir Tristan of the Round, but I no longer deserve such a title. Sheepy: Tristan(Pancake): It's unfortunate for me to admit, because I enjoyed my time with them, but my past crimes should ban me from being a knight. Sheepy: Tristan: I haven't a clue who this Shinjuku Assassin man is. ... Anyway, I'm going to ask to share pancakes. Sheepy: Tristan(Pancake): *he plops down on the sofa* Arsé-kun: Mori: All right, then. Which of you was it that encountered the great noise of earlier this morning? Sheepy: Tristan: Noise? Sheepy: Tristan(Pancake): Ah, it shook my very soul... Arsé-kun: Mori: Thank you for confirming it's you, Yan Qing. You missed it. It was awful. Sheepy: Tristan: I'm not Yan Qing. Sheepy: Tristan: I don't know who that is. Sheepy: Tristan: I just woke up. Sheepy: Tristan(Pancakes): ...*snrk* Sheepy: Tristan?(Pancakes): *he bursts out laughing* Arsé-kun: Mori: *calculating woman face* Sheepy: *Poof! Yan Qing's disguise is gone!* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Ah, I see what happened here. You got me that time. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ahahahahaha! I really fooled you that time, Old Man! Arsé-kun: Mori: You truly did. Don't you brag about it, now. Arsé-kun: *in the bg, merlin informs the knights that it was not tristan that was with them. there's a collective groan in reply.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: I won't, I won't~ Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah! I nearly forgot! Old Man, Old Man! Arsé-kun: Mori: What? Sheepy: Yan Qing: There's a new ramen place opening up! Let's go soon! Arsé-kun: Mori: Uh. Thanks. Sheepy: Yan Qing:... Sheepy: Yan Qing: Eh, let me rephrase that. Arsé-kun: Mori: Please do. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Buy me ramen! Arsé-kun: Mori: Buy it yourself! Sheepy: Yan Qing: You're rich and I'm not getting paid. Arsé-kun: Mori: That'll be your payment if you help out on a recon mission. Sheepy: Yan Qing: ?! Arsé-kun: *Yan gets the situation explained to him. If Moriarty is lucky, Yan knows where this base is and they don't need Sherlock to find it* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Eh, just that? Arsé-kun: Mori: "Just"? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Just buying me dinner for a mission like that? Sheepy: Yan Qing: It doesn't sound difficult at all, but it does sound risky. Arsé-kun: Mori: The risks of being caught are unnaturally high. Grail mud is involved. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Alright, with that in mind... Sheepy: Yan Qing: Two. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Two seperate meals. Arsé-kun: Mori: Do I look like I'm made of money?! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Well.. Sheepy: Yan Qing:..... Sheepy: Yan Qing: You look like a guy who'd have his face on paper money... Arsé-kun: Mori: Good call. Fine, it's a deal. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Good. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he's remained quiet up to this point- Mostly because he started watching a rerun with Satoru. Nice priorities. Hyde approved.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: OK, I'm pretty sure that I know where that is. Arsé-kun: Mori: So we don't need Holmes at all. Thank goodness. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I don't like him. Arsé-kun: Mori: We've derailed. Sheepy: Yan Qing: We've switched trains. Arsé-kun: Mori: We're going to rob both trains. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Yes. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Do you know what I like? Arsé-kun: Mori: Tell me. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Disguising myself as the people I don't like and saying stupid things. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Also, Tepes's hamburgers on the rare occassion I can have one. Arsé-kun: Mori: We can entertain ourselves with such immaturity once you've been successful. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Awww~ Sheepy: Yan Qing: So I'm dragging Four Eyes with me, right? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Anyone else? Arsé-kun: Mori: I'd intended for other assassins to join you, but a smaller group would be better. So no. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Sounds good. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then be careful. Come back in one piece. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Thanks. I'll wait until he's done. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I'm sorry, are you waiting for me? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Yup! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Sorry! We can go. Sheepy: *Yan Qing drags Jekyll there, all the while babbling about ladies and nice food he's eaten.* Arsé-kun: *Jekyll pays some attention. You never know if any of it will be useful info* Sheepy: Yan Qing: A woman who loves you for buying her something is very different than a woman who loves you for the feelings you display to her through giving her gifts. Sheepy: Yan Qing: One is a user snd the other loves you for y...ah? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Sh, sshh. Sheepy: Yan Qing: We're here. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he nods* Sheepy: *Yan Qing disguises himself as one of the group members and strolls on in* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ?! What am I supposed to do...? Sheepy: Yan Qing: You do you. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I'll just follow you.. Sheepy: *Yan goes inside to investigate* Arsé-kun: *Jekyll follows him in* Sheepy: *People dont pay too much mind to them since they aren't suspicious ... yet* Arsé-kun: *This leaves them free to explore. It's very dark and dreary in here. There's nothing incriminating at the entrance.* Sheepy: *Of course not, they aren't stupid.* Sheepy: *Yan Qing does not give up though.* Arsé-kun: *Which means Jekyll must follow him. Let us descend these delightful stairs* Sheepy: *OK!* Sheepy: *Yan Qing descends the funtime stairs!* Arsé-kun: *It's even darker downstairs, only lit by magic lanterns. suffer* Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he squints. He isn't sure about this.* Sheepy: *he sniffs at the air* Sheepy: *As they approach, the once seemingly loud footsteps that accompanied them is muffled by the screaming and cursing of a man. The loud thrashing against metal almost covers up the pained coughing of his companion, but it still rings out among all of the chaos.* Sheepy: Yan Qing:...? Sheepy: *finally, a third man cries out, "AW, SHUT UP! THEY AREN'T GOING TO LISTEN TO YOU AND I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!"* Sheepy: *The two men begin shouting at each other as the coughing fit continues...* Arsé-kun: *A fourth man raises his voice over everyone else, announcing his desire to commit homicide if the others don't stop screaming* Sheepy: *The first man starts yelling at him instead, and the third one groans loudly* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ..... I'm not entirely sure I wish to be here. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah, one of those sounds like the blue one. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Blue one..? You mean Lancer..? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Yeah. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: They were both home, yes? Unless that is Caster. Sheepy: Yan Qing: ...? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Whom? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he starts to say "Lancer Caster" but realizes the issue before he finishes* Caster Cu? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah... Arsé-kun: Jekyll: The others I don't recognize.. Sheepy: Yan Qing: ... Sheepy: Yan Qing: What do we do... Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... I'm not quite sure. It might be dangerous to approach.. Sheepy: Yan Qing: We won't know until we do so. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ... I'll stay behind you. Sheepy: *Yan Qing strolls on in.* Arsé-kun: *He is immediately hissed at. Someone tries to claw at him from behind bars.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: *He looks around* Ah, ah, calm down. Arsé-kun: Alter Cu: I will not! Let me go before I filet you like a fish! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Sh, sh. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Calm down and listen to me Sheepy: Yan Qing: If you cooperate with me, you might just get out of here. Don't exclaim loudly, now, or someone may notice. Sheepy: Yan Qing: What do you know about the source of the mud? Sheepy: Yan Qing: And what capabilities do 'we' have? Sheepy: Caster Cu: You really are a forgetful kid, aren't you? Arsé-kun: Acu: You idiot. Who here wouldn't know something that stupidly simple? Go break your head on a wall, Caster. Sheepy: Caster Cu: In the end, we're the ones who got trapped in this jail? Now, if I were a Lancer, I'd be able to get out easily... Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah, me, I don't. Arsé-kun: Acu: Go downstairs and you tell us, stupid. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Downstairs? Arsé-kun: Acu: Get your ass down that hallway. Maybe you'll fall down the stairs if I'm lucky. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah, do you want to be stuck here? You'll be lucky if I fall, then. Arsé-kun: Acu: Then I'll kill you myself afterwards. Sheepy: Caster Cu: Why did he have to be public relations...? Arsé-kun: Acu: I changed my mind. He goes first. Sheepy: Yan Qing: But for now, you need to wait. Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he turns towards the hallway* Good luck. Sheepy: Caster Cu: Why me...? Arsé-kun: Acu: Because I am tired of your damn voice! Sheepy: Caster Cu: We have the same voice, idiot! Arsé-kun: Acu: Bastard! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Maybe we should move on.. Sheepy: Caster Cu: Testosterone-brained butthead! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Mhm. Arsé-kun: Acu: Spineless mangy mutt! Sheepy: Caster Cu: Muscle-brained buffoon! Arsé-kun: Acu: Armorless hippie-looking imbecile! Sheepy: Caster Cu: Spiky nature-defying beast! Arsé-kun: Acu: Stupid dog! You make me look bad! Sheepy: Caster Cu: You somehow took a handsome face like mine and made it ugly! You're a hard worker at ruining everything! Sheepy: Caster Cu: If only you had been anyone else! Arsé-kun: Acu: If only you'd shut the hell up! Sheepy: Caster Cu: You and that idiot berserker kept me from sleeping! Sheepy: Caster Cu: Reap what you sew and stop running from what you've created! Arsé-kun: Acu: Sow! It's sow, you idiot! Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ..... ... *he glances at another cell, but wisely decides to Not Ask* Sheepy: *Hijikata looks extremely angry. Found the Berserker. Okita is curled up in a ball, her breathing ragged. She has Hijikata's coat for a blanket...* Sheepy: *...Hijikata looks ready to kill Jekyll for even looking in his general direction.* Arsé-kun: *No explanation is needed here. Jekyll averts his gaze* Sheepy: *The two head further downstairs!* Arsé-kun: *it has stopped looking like a jail and more like a dark, iron underground hospital. Lots of hooded cultists are scuttling around.* Arsé-kun: *Jekyll shifts a bit closer to Yan. Discomfort* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah, it's fine if you cower beside me... you're a blond, so I suppose you're close enough...but you're the wrong gender, too bad. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: ...... ........... *he frowns* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah? You don't find it funny? Too bad. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Just get going..! Sheepy: *Yan Qing does so* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: So what do we do..? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Figure out their weakness. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Letting the Berserkers free is a significant weakness. Sheepy: Yan Qing: ...So hunt down the keys. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Right. ... I wonder why they can't simply break the bars. Sheepy: Yan Qing: They're special bars maybe. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Oh, most likely.. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I'll focus on finding keys. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: All right. I'll try to find useful data. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Thanks. Sheepy: *So Yan Qing hunts for the key* Arsé-kun: *He finds a single key! Just one. It is vaguely labeled as "Devil's Key"* Arsé-kun: *he isn't interrupted.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he pulls out the key* Which one of you is the devil? ...Hmm. Arsé-kun: Acu: !! *he rushes to the bars of his cell. he looks EXCITED* Arsé-kun: Acu: You were sincere in your statements! How impressive! Arsé-kun: Acu: I mean, hurry up! I'm going to destroy them! Arsé-kun: *In the background is Emiya Alter, the Lostman, Detroit Emiya, Demiya, etc. He appears to be extraordinarily confused* Sheepy: *Yan Qing unlocks the aCu's jail cell door.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Have fun, now. I need to look for the other keys unless you know how to break them out. Sheepy: Caster Cu: *he's fast asleep...* Sheepy: Yan Qing: I'm assuming you can't break through the wall or something to get the others... Sheepy: Yan Qing:...Don't actually do that unless you've got a plan on how to deal with all of the people who would show up. Arsé-kun: Acu: I have a few ideas. Arsé-kun: Acu: Are you questioning me? *he heads to the first lock he sees, aka the one on Hijikata and Okita's cell. He then tries to use his spear to pick the lock.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Oh, no. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I meant it more as "What is it?" as opposed to "Does it exist?". Arsé-kun: Acu: This. *his spear does the barbs thing. The lock doesn't stand a chance. No magic, just spikes. die, lock, die* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ah. Good job. Arsé-kun: Acu: *he throws the door open* Give me your orders, Demon Commander. We'll make them regret being born. Sheepy: *Hijikata busts the door open upon the lock being removed* Sheepy: Hijikata: Kill anyone who tries to stop us. Arsé-kun: Acu: That is my favorite plan. Sheepy: Okita: Let me help. Arsé-kun: Acu: What are you going to do? Bleed on me? Sheepy: Hijikata: No you can’t, stay with the useless Caster. *he lifts up his gun and shoots the lock off of CasCu’s jail cell* Sheepy: Caster Cu: I’m up, I’m up! Arsé-kun: Acu: Better idea. Keep an eye on the senile lostman. *he rips the lock off of Demiya's cell.* Sheepy: Okita: I’ll keep an eye on both of them- *cough, cough* Sheepy: Hijikata: You, Lostman. You stay with Okita. She’s the only girl in the group. This one, over here. Arsé-kun: Demiya: ... *he looks down at his floor and compares this to what he has written. it matches up, so he nods* Sheepy: Hijikata: Okita. Don’t fight unless you need to. Sheepy: Hijikata: And you, mysterious man, don’t die. Arsé-kun: Acu: Or you can, it doesn't matter. Your buddy is probably dead. Sheepy: Yan Qing: ...! Sheepy: Yan Qing: I forgot all about him. Sheepy: Yan Qing: He’s a servant so he should be somewhat okay, but it’s true I haven’t seen him around. Arsé-kun: Acu: Then he probably wants to be dead. Go find him so we can commit homicide. Sheepy: Yan Qing: No problem. *he goes looking for Jekyll* Arsé-kun: *this takes longer than expected. to get him on the proper trail, there's a convenient blood path. no word on if it's jek's or not* Arsé-kun: *i mean there is probably a way to find out, but it'd take almost an hour. probably. idk.* Sheepy: *He follows the blood* Arsé-kun: *this eventually leads to Jekyll, who's tied down to a table. blood is most likely his* Sheepy: Yan Qing: !? Sheepy: *Yan Qing rushes over to untie him* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: You.. You took your time.. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I was breaking them out. Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he unties Jekyll* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *he sits up* I guess that's a reason. "I" couldn't bear the wait. Sheepy: Yan Qing: OK, let's go before they kill everyone including us. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Yes, I agree. I'm not in a condition to join them. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I'll protect you. We're going to stay with the weaker ones. Arsé-kun: Jekyll?: Oh, are we killing them too? Sheepy: Yan Qing: No, of course not. Now let's get going. Arsé-kun: Hyde: *he pulls on Yan's face* Didn't you pay attention at all?? Don't you know Jekyll's famous because of me?? Apologize for being stupid! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Who? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Oh, did you mean the little kid back at home? Arsé-kun: Hyde: I'm Hyde..! Oh, forget it! I'll cut up your prettyboy face later! *he lets go and starts to storm off* Where the hell are the stairs?? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Where? You're in plain sight. ... Well, whatever. Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he begins to lead Hyde to the stairs* Arsé-kun: Hyde: *he irritably grumbles* That's my NAME. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Well, thank you for telling me your True Name! Arsé-kun: Hyde: That's not all of it! No one uses the full thing, Mister Yan Qing! Eat shit. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Here's the stairs. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Old Man better pay me well for this. Arsé-kun: Hyde: We didn't get offered any sort of payment..! Sheepy: Yan Qing: That's because you don't work for Old Man. Sheepy: Yan Qing: So he can gst away with not paying you, you see? Arsé-kun: Hyde: I've got a few words for him, starting with "Fuck!" and ending with "You!" Sheepy: Yan Qing: Well, you never asked to be paid. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I demanded it up front. Arsé-kun: Hyde: I wasn't there, and the other "I" didn't think of it! Sheepy: Yan Qing: You really need to become assertive if you want Old Man to pay you. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Oh, I'll show you assertive..! Sheepy: Yan Qing: You will? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Or is that metaphorical? Arsé-kun: Hyde: Screw what the old man offered you! I'll pay for food tonight! Maybe I'll show you the best places in town to get a guy or gal, too, if you shut the hell up! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Sounds good to me! Arsé-kun: *so they head upstairs. hyde's using the railing like it's the only way he'll make it. he makes the offcomment that all the blood is kinda hot. thank you hyde for your unpopular opinion* Arsé-kun: *they eventually get back to the cells. somehow, mass murder hasn't taken place yet* Sheepy: Hijikata: Finally. Sheepy: Caster Cu: *yawn* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Let's get out of here Arsé-kun: Acu: *he sits up. naptime over* What, no battles? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Well, you can kill anyone we pass by so long as they work here. Sheepy: Yan Qing: You deserve it. Sheepy: Hijikata:...You certainly have an odd way of talking. Arsé-kun: Acu: Wonderful. Let the massacre begin, then. Sheepy: Hijikata: *he readies his guns* Sheepy: *...And rushes upstairs. Follow the leader!* Arsé-kun: *Acu hurries after him, grinning. There's that Happy Cu Face.* Sheepy: *CasCu and Okita (who is guiding Demiya by the hand) follow at a slower pace, with Yan Qing following behind the group* Arsé-kun: *Hyde takes the rear position, mumbling to himself and fidgeting with his knife. Watch your back, Yan.* Sheepy: *Screaming and yelling has erupted. Gunshots roar.* Arsé-kun: *alter cu also screams. a lot* Arsé-kun: *the following floor is bloody and gory. no one is fazed by this. Maybe Yan or CasCu, but no one on my end. Especially not Demiya, who just stares at it with a straight face. nbd* Sheepy: Caster Cu: ..Ugh. I just hope that I don't slip. Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he's grinning like always, but there's something off about it this time.* Sheepy: Okita: *she gently takes CasCu's hand. Now no one will fall! ... Or maybe she did it because she's feeling weak from her TB.* Arsé-kun: *in the background is Hyde taking anything that isn't nailed down- Which is not a lot, surprisingly.* Sheepy: *Yan Qing doesn't comment. That's actually useful.* Arsé-kun: *He's got so much stuff in his arms. Probably including an actual arm* Sheepy: Yan Qing: *Hm* Arsé-kun: *it could be useful for DNA and RNA and all that science shit that Hyde doesn't care about. He just thinks it's funny* Sheepy: *Yan Qing focuses on leaving* Arsé-kun: *this is a good decision* Sheepy: *The group leaves* Arsé-kun: *freedom at last.* Arsé-kun: *Demiya ends up shielding his eyes from the sun, while Acu shakes off the blood. like a dog* Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he sheds his disguise* Arsé-kun: Hyde: Waiting till the last minute to do that, huh? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Aha, with my good looks, all of the grunts would've had their eyes on me. Arsé-kun: Hyde: And weapons. Sheepy: Yan Qing:...Yes. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Could you come with me to Chaldea? Sheepy: Yan Qing: Not you, Seek, but the other ones. Arsé-kun: *Hyde makes an unhappy face.* Arsé-kun: Acu: For what reason..? Sheepy: Yan Qing: To help you. Arsé-kun: Acu: ... I don't care, but they need it. Sheepy: Yan Qing: We'll take them down. You can help. More importantly, Chaldea provides free resources. Arsé-kun: Acu: You've got the mutt's interest more than mine. Sheepy: Caster Cu: You aren't coming with me? Arsé-kun: Acu: Where in that sentence was the word "No," you unrestrained dog? Sheepy: Caster Cu: "I don't care". Arsé-kun: Acu: That was prior to "free things" Sheepy: Caster Cu: ...Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Acu: Are your listening skills worse than your lancing skills?? Sheepy: Caster Cu: It's not my fault that I'm a Caster! Arsé-kun: Acu: No, but you perform better as a caster than you ever did as a lancer! You are an awful lancer! Sheepy: Caster Cu: ?! Sheepy: *...That hit pretty hard.* Arsé-kun: Acu: Are you insulted? Think about it harder with that hamster-wheel brain of yours. Sheepy: Caster Cu: I'd rather be a Lancer...oh, or a Saber! Sheepy: Caster Cu: I haven't tried that out yet. Arsé-kun: Acu: Forget it. *he looks to Yan* I guess I'll come with. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Good. Arsé-kun: Acu: *he looks back to Hijikata* You wanna get her help or what? Sheepy: Hijikata: Take me there. Sheepy: Yan Qing: I will. Arsé-kun: *Acu shifts his gaze to Demiya, and right back to Yan. No words needed* Sheepy: *Yan Qibg leads them to Chaldea. Hijikata ends up carrying an unamused Okita. CasCu focuses his attention on aCu the entire trip.* Sheepy: Hijikata:.... Who are you? Sheepy: Yan Qing: I'm of the Assassin class! Sheepy: Hijikata: No. Your name. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Eeheheheh! That's a secret~! But don't worry, I'm sure you'll find out soon enough, my friend! Arsé-kun: Acu: .. The hell are you looking at, dog? Sheepy: Caster Cu: I don't know, I think a bird. Arsé-kun: Acu: Here, let me ask so you can understand it: WHY. Sheepy: Caster Cu: Oh, I don't know. Birds are good, I guess. Sheepy: Caster Cu: They're tasty when cooked and they look nice from a distance. Arsé-kun: Acu: Look at someone else, anyone else, before I take your eyes out. Sheepy: Caster Cu: What's up with you? Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Too much. Sheepy: Caster Cu: If you need anything, just tell me. Arsé-kun: Acu: You sound like a shop employee. Arsé-kun: Acu: Or a shitty therapist. Sheepy: Caster Cu: Not like a wise big brother? Arsé-kun: Acu: No, not really. Sheepy: CasCu: ...Really? Arsé-kun: Acu: Maybe one that's working forty hours a week to make ends meet Sheepy: CasCu: Oh? Sheepy: CasCu: ... Arsé-kun: Acu: ... Sheepy: CasCu: ...Wait a minute! Why would I want to do that!? Sheepy: CasCu: I don't exist to listen to people's problems for 40 hours a week! Arsé-kun: Acu: That sounds like your last month. Sheepy: CasCu: ....Right. I guess so. Arsé-kun: Acu: Except it was less that and more dealing with us in general. Sheepy: CasCu: Well, yes. But it all worked out well in the end. Arsé-kun: Acu: mhm. Sheepy: CasCu: My newfound freedom is making my head race with what I'm going to do next... Arsé-kun: Acu: Go the fuck to bed. Sheepy: CasCu: Fine, Mom. Sheepy: CasCu: You do that too. Arsé-kun: Acu: I'd love to. Sheepy: Yan Qing: We'll need to find you a room first but then you're free to sleep. Sheepy: Yan Qing: A room together or two separate ones? Sheepy: CasCu: Together, because I need ready access to babysit him so he doesn't break everything. Arsé-kun: Acu: I was going to say the same about you. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Good, that's simple. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Just so you know, don't try to flirt with the therapist...? Whatever she is, don't get the blind redhead drunk, and especially don't talk to the... therapist? with the thought of picking her up in mind. Sheepy: CasCu:...?! Arsé-kun: Acu: You can't say that and not explain. Sheepy: Yan Qing: She's technically single. Arsé-kun: Acu: That's oddly specific. Arsé-kun: *Meanwhile, NO ONE IS BABYSITTING EDWARD HYDE. More specifically, he ran off to do who-knows-what. This being Hyde, he's here to have fun and do stupid shit, so he decided to track down Chaldea's master and approach. "Hey, Ricecakes, I gotcha a weapon! You want it?" He was quickly met with interest from Rice-kun, who "Ooh"ed and "ahh"ed.* Arsé-kun: *This stopped when Hyde gifted them the human arm, grinning from ear to ear. "It's a bludgeoning weapon, you see? It inflicts fear!" Rice-kun stopped, slowly looking back to Hyde. "Is this real..?" they asked, visibly uncomfortable. "It's whatever you believe it is, pal!" Hyde cheerfully responded, dumping the rest of what he was carrying on the table. "Get someone to hand this in! It's got data and numbers and I don't care!" Seeing that Rice-kun didn't reply to this, Hyde started to leave, only stopping to lean on the doorframe. "Maybe now you can give someone a hand!"* Sheepy: Yan Qing: But her servant who's known for brutally murdering people considers her his wife. Sheepy: CasCu:....Oh. Sheepy: CasCu: That's rough. I feel bad for her. Sheepy: Haku: Are you badtalking Tepes? Sheepy: Yan Qing:?! ...Yo, Haku! What's up?! Sheepy: Yan Qing: We were just... uh... Sheepy: Haku: Can I join? Sheepy: Haku: Have you ever noticed that despite his scary outer appearance, there's a lot of little things about him that take away from the scariness factor.... like how fluffy his hair is, or the little ...eh, what's the word, bandana he wears on his head when he cooks? Or anything that pops out of his mouth... in the end, he's not threatening at all. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Are you badtalking him or just gushing about the things you like about him while acting like it's potentially negative?! Arsé-kun: *Demiya continues to add SO MUCH to the current scene. wowza* Arsé-kun: *Acu pulls on Yan's scarf. Impatient* Sheepy: Yan Qing:...Oh, right, the rooms. I'll be back. Don't flirt with Haku. Sheepy: *Yan Qing escapes to get a room for aCu and CasCu* Sheepy: Haku: ? Sheepy: CasCu:...So. Arsé-kun: Acu: Don't. Sheepy: CasCu: Are you here often? Sheepy: Haku: Considering I work here, yes. Arsé-kun: Acu: Are you deaf? Sheepy: CasCu: Oho! What do you do for a living? Sheepy: Haku: Work. Sheepy: CasCu: Oh, right, he mentioned you were a therapist! So if I need therapy, you'll be the one to go to, right? And I'll get to talk to a pretty lady about my problems... Arsé-kun: Acu: .... Do I have to apologize for you thinking with your second brain? Cut it out. Sheepy: CasCu: Hey, what's up with you? Sheepy: CasCu: Idiot. He's saying not to flirt with her so he can. Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he enters scene, forcing a grin and being loud. intentionally* Oh, this is where you went off to, dear wife! I'm glad you found it in you to leave the office, but can you please tell me when you do? Sheepy: Haku: Sorry about that. Sheepy: CasCu: Ehhh... Arsé-kun: Tepes: Oh, am I interrupting something? Do go on! Sheepy: CasCu:...You're into old guys?... Sheepy: Haku:?! Arsé-kun: Tepes: That's not something you ask a lady. Sheepy: Haku: What kind of out there question is that? Is it because you're old? Sheepy: CasCu: I'm not old and your aged appearance surprised me. Sheepy: Haku: Oh. Yeah. Tepes looks old. Sheepy: CasCu: Well, now I'm confused. Sheepy: CasCu: Yan Qing made it out to be that that guy is forcing you to be his wife. So then does that mean you're single or not? What does technically single mean..?! Arsé-kun: Tepes: He did say that? How rude. I'll have a chat with him after this. Arsé-kun: Tepes: And I am not. If she disliked it, she could say so. :< Sheepy: Yan Qing: Yo! I'm back! I've got your room number! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Hey, hey, what's with the upset look? Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he just looks at Yan. you know what you did.* Sheepy: Haku: It doesn't make enough of an emotional impact at this point for me to care. Arsé-kun: Acu: *he grabs CasCu's hood and pulls a little.* It's been three thousand years. We've all wasted away. Sheepy: Yan Qing:...Scary... Sheepy: Yan Qing: Here, have your key. *he gives two keycards to the Cus* Sheepy: Yan Qing: You probably should shoo before you get involved further. Arsé-kun: Acu: Appreciated. You've spared us another ten minutes of this dog barking. Sheepy: CasCu: I've in jail for so long with the only woman in sight not even being my type! Arsé-kun: Acu: See what I mean? Sheepy: CasCu: You're not even taking what I say seriously...?! This is why I need a hot therapist to talk to about my issues Sheepy: Haku: $200. Sheepy: CasCu: Eh? Sheepy: Haku: $200 an hour to talk to a therapist. Sheepy: CasCu:! Costly, but I can afford it! Sheepy: Haku: Okay. I'll call up Tristan later. Sheepy: CasCu:...Isn't that a man's name? Arsé-kun: Acu: Hey, wait. *he tugs on CasCu's hood. shattap for a sec* How much is it for the guy with Altzuh.. ... The senile lostman over here? Sheepy: Haku: Huh? Sheepy: Haku: It kinda depends on how obnoxious he is. Sheepy: Haku: Because Chaldea already pays me, servants don't need to unless they're obnoxious . Sheepy: Haku: In which case, I do to their wallet what Tepes probably wishes he could do directly to them. Arsé-kun: Acu: *snrk* That's understandable. He's clearly awful. Look how much he's definitely speaking. Sheepy: Haku: So in the case of the servant over there, it's free. For you it'd be free. For the caster... Sheepy: Haku:...$300 an hour. Sheepy: CasCu:?! Arsé-kun: Acu: Better make it worth a casino. Or something. Now are you gonna shut up, dog? Sheepy: CasCu:...*sigh* I'm exhausted Arsé-kun: Acu: Can't you answer a simple yes or no? *eyeroll* Let me free you of this burden, lady. *and he drags CasCu out of scene, exit left* Sheepy: Haku: Ah, the annoyance is gone. Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he drops the grin* I was going to initially leave you be, until I heard him harassing you. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Eheheh... Sheepy: Yan Qing: I forgot something! Sheepy: Haku: Thanks. Sheepy: Haku: Yan Qing, wait. We aren't done badtalking Tepes yet. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Your idea of badtalking him is gushing about what you like about him and then covering yourself by acting like it's negative! Arsé-kun: Tepes: You, unlike them, are fair game. You've got about five minutes to make yourself scarce, Assassin. Sheepy: Yan Qing: Why?! Arsé-kun: Tepes: Did you think I didn't hear you before? Shoo. Sheepy: Yan Qing:?!! Sheepy: *Yan Qing flees* Arsé-kun: Tepes: Now we're free of the annoyance. Sheepy: Haku: Too bad, we didn't finish badtalking you. Sheepy: Haku: *she gently takes Tepes's hand* I'm bored and on break, so let's do something fun. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Oh, certainly! What did you have in mind? Sheepy: Haku: I want to bug Dr. Roman. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Only if he isn't busy. Sheepy: Haku: Aw, fine. Arsé-kun: *Lets go bully the good doctor!* Sheepy: Haku: Dr. Roman!! Are you busy? Arsé-kun: Roman: *he VERY quickly switches tabs to an important looking document* Y-yes?? Sheepy: Haku: I saw that, don't worry about hiding it. Sheepy: Haku: People will find out you aren't working anyway once they find out no work is coming from you. Arsé-kun: Roman: *he sends off the important looking document* No, now I'm done working. Sheepy: Haku: Good, I've come to harass you because I'm bored and taking a break for once in a millennia. Arsé-kun: Roman: Then pull up a seat! Sheepy: *Haku pulls up a seat and joins Dr. Roman* Arsé-kun: *is everyone ready for about half an hour of an idol doing whatever she's doing this episode?* Sheepy: Bedivere: Dr. Roman, I have a - Ah, this is the one where I had to stand there and hold a light for him for two hours straight because he couldn't get his lines right. Arsé-kun: Roman: *instant pause and swivel, a maneuver he has mastered, before registering the rest of the sentence* I thought it being him was a big secret? Sheepy: Bedivere: Oh, I didn't notice these two. Sheepy: Bedivere: Well, it's fine, I suppose. Sheepy: Bedivere: Unless you mean I'm not supposed to know, and, well... Sheepy: Bedi: Unfortunately, it isn't exactly that much of a secret considering that the two names are almost exactly the same. Arsé-kun: Tepes: *he honestly doesn't give a damn, meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Don't ruin the magic, Bedi!! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh. Sheepy: Bedi: Whoops, sorry. I'm so used to it that there isn't any magic to me. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, is this the one I almost went off singing instead of my lines? Sheepy: Bedi: *There's a grin on his face. There's something ominous about it...* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, I almost forgot about that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You're cyberbullying me Sheepy: Bedi: How? Arsé-kun: Merlin: At this rate, everyone's gonna know it's me. Sheepy: Bedi: ...Oh, sorry. Sheepy: Bedi: Then, what should I do to make up for it? Sheepy: Bedi: Should I talk about embarrassing things you've done in the past to prove it isn't you because there's no way an idol like Magi Mari would do such things? Arsé-kun: *Roman decides this is far more entertaining, meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Merlin: No!! Or I'll do it to you! Sheepy: Bedi: I have embarrassing stories? Arsé-kun: *Merlin grins. Spoop* Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know what you're talking about. Sheepy: Bedi: You can't threaten me with that if I haven't a clue what you're referring to. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You walked into a glass door. More than once. I still have the tape. Sheepy: Bedi: ... Sheepy: Bedi: ...W-well, it'd be silly to waste my artillery to return that attack... Arsé-kun: Merlin: And so did I. Sheepy: Bedi: There's not much I can do to justify it other than being tired and it being new technology... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Multiple times. Despite knowing it was there. That's also on tape. Sheepy: Bedi: ?! Arsé-kun: Merlin: And what do you mean "new"?! It was glass! Sheepy: Bedi: !?!?!!? Sheepy: Bedi: But! Glass pane windows didn't exist back then! So...! Sheepy: Bedi: Why would I expect glass to block my path? Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's true. Who would? Sheepy: Bedi: You. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh, yeah! *he looks back to the group, minus Tepes, who doesn't care* There's a new ep coming out tomorrow, then I gotta film some more. Sheepy: Haku: I don't really understand the appeal. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm cute and I think I'm funny. Sheepy: Bedi: So Magi Mari's only fan is Dr. Roman after all... Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's harsh. Sheepy: Bedi: It is? Arsé-kun: Merlin: I know there are more fans than that! By a long shot! Sheepy: Bedi: Name five people. Arsé-kun: Merlin: The subscription list begs to differ. Sheepy: Bedi: Name five people. Arsé-kun: Merlin: You, for starters. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not a fan. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, because you help me on it. You're the set manager. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Bedi: It'd be narcissistic if I was a fan. Sheepy: Bedi: It'd be like if you were a fan. Arsé-kun: Merlin: .... I feel lazy. You think I can get away with releasing all the blooper reels for a month or so? Sheepy: Bedi: No. Sheepy: Bedi: You've spoiled the content for your only fan. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I didn't say when! Sheepy: Bedi: It'll be easy to tell. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm gonna make it subtle to spite you. Sheepy: Bedi: Good luck! I believe in you! Sheepy: *Bedi is smiling enthusiastically! He knows you can do it, Merlin!!* Sheepy: Bedi: I have come to both bring Hyde back and comment about the situation with the hopes that you have ideas about where we should go next. Arsé-kun: Roman: I got a report earlier saying that he tried to pawn off an arm to Rice-kun.. Sheepy: Haku: Dr. Roman probably can't even decide on what he'll eat for breakfast each morning... Arsé-kun: Roman: Hey! I'm better than that! Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, that's not what I was referring to, but it's technically related. Sheepy: Bedi: Organizations like this are like ants, I suppose. Sheepy: Bedi: Have you ever noticed that no matter how many ants you kill there's always another one there to replace it? Arsé-kun: Tepes: Until you kill the entire mound. Sheepy: Bedi: While the mission was certainly a success in helping fellow Servants, it was a failure in finding the "Queen Ant". Sheepy: Bedi: Yan Qing mentioned that the berserkers went on a killing spree and he was unable to capture anyone who would have knowledge about the higher ups. Sheepy: Bedi: Furthermore, he saw no one who looked important... Sheepy: Bedi:..Meaning that we've lost a very valuable resource this day. Arsé-kun: Merlin: we could summon some ghosts if we need to! Sheepy: Bedi: You'd need names and a face to do that. Sheepy: Bedi: Finally, I've seen no pattern to the servants they've been targeting Arsé-kun: Hyde: This is the last place I'm visiting! *he enters, carrying all those papers and folders, and that arm. Seems Rice-kun didn't like it much* Sheepy: Haku: Finally, someone who does their job around here. Sheepy: Bedi:....Hyde? What's that arm for? Arsé-kun: Hyde: It's a blunt force weapon! Sheepy: Bedi:... Arsé-kun: Hyde: You wanna have a real arm instead of that oven? You can have it! Sheepy: Bedi: You didn't cut that off of someone yourself, right...? Arsé-kun: Hyde: You wanna have a real arm instead of that oven? You can have it! Sheepy: Bedi: And.. certainly, there are times where I feel phantom limb... or when I get fed up with the inherit clumsiness of the Airgetlam... Arsé-kun: Hyde: Sadly! I missed all the fun! I just looted. *he drops the stack of papers and folders (and it's probably not light) on roman's lap. ow* You want it? It's for the low price of free. Sheepy: Bedi: But I'd rather not have someone else's arm... Sheepy: Haku: Great, thanks. Ars��-kun: *Bedi receives Someone Else's Arm!* Sheepy: Bedi: *hrk* Sheepy: Haku: Don't throw up. Sheepy: Bedi: *his face is a mix of horror, fear, and nausea* Sheepy: Haku: Tepes, could you disarm him-.... Sheepy: Haku: I meant take it off of his hands. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Certainly. *he takes it, and exits stage right* Sheepy: Haku: He actually left... Arsé-kun: Tepes: I'll be right back! Sheepy: Haku: You are? Arsé-kun: *Tepes would reply, but he has actually exited the scene. What's he up to? fuck idk* Sheepy: *Hey, Tepes! Who's the brunette there? The one babbling about Christianity to Yan Qing, who looks like he wants to escape?* Arsé-kun: Tepes: *this is perfect, he decides. There's a guy he wanted to punch, and also his senpai. He considers smacking Yan with the arm.* Sheepy: Yan Qing: *he gives Tepes a desperate look* Arsé-kun: Tepes: It's almost like you deserved a talk about how you need Jesus. Arsé-kun: Tepes: No idea. Your horse is trying to eat the tablecloth again. Sheepy: Georgios: ?! Sheepy: *Georgios looks over to Bayard* Sheepy: Yan Qing: ...What're you even talking about... Arsé-kun: *And Tepes takes the opportunity to deck Yan while the horse chews a tablecloth* Sheepy: Yan Qing: Ow! Sheepy: Georgios: ?! Sheepy: *Georgios whirls around, dropping the table cloth* Sheepy: Georgios: Did something happen? Arsé-kun: Tepes: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." *that's all he'll give on the matter* Sheepy: Yan Qing: You punched me! Sheepy: Yan Qing: I didn't punch you! Sheepy: Georgios: Violence is not the answer. If you hurt others, you stoop to their level. Arsé-kun: Tepes: It is considered acceptable to a monster when their wife is insulted. Sheepy: Georgios: ...Well, I can understand you being upset. However. Sheepy: Georgios: If you see yourself a monster, you will become one. You are more than that. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... You are correct. My apologies. Sheepy: Georgios: No need to apologize to me. Sheepy: Georgios: The one you are hurting is yourself. Arsé-kun: *and then it was Tepes' turn to get religion-blasted. He actually understands what Georgios is saying, so no big deal. also yan has the arm now. cursed arm. hahahaha* Sheepy: Yan Qing: ... *Ugh* Sheepy: Yan Qing: What do you expect me to do with this? Arsé-kun: *Tepes shrugs* Sheepy: Yan Qing: I don't want it! Arsé-kun: Tepes: No one wants it! Sheepy: Yan Qing: Then get rid of it yourself! Arsé-kun: Tepes: Do it for me! I have a wife to be with! Sheepy: Yan Qing: What will you pay me? Arsé-kun: Tepes: With lunch. Sheepy: Yan Qing: .. Fine. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Thank you. Sheepy: *Yan Qing scurries off...* Arsé-kun: Tepes: I apologize for you having to see that, Saint. Sheepy: Georgios: No, no, this is evidence that I must work harder. Arsé-kun: Tepes: ... I was referring to the limb. Sheepy: Georgios: Where did it come from? Arsé-kun: Tepes: I'm not quite sure. A berserker picked it up. Sheepy: Georgios: I see. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Again, my apologies. Sheepy: Georgios: There's no need. Sheepy: Georgios: You were going to return to your wife, correct? Then go do so. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Thank you. *he heads back* Sheepy: Haku: Aw, Tepes is back. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Is that a bad thing? Sheepy: Haku: Well, now we can't trashtalk you. Arsé-kun: Tepes: Not again! Sheepy: Haku: What will I do if I can't do that? Sheepy: Haku: You're always nagging me to take a break and now you won't give me any ideas on how to spend it. Arsé-kun: Tepes: This is what you wanted to do, dear. Sheepy: Haku: Huh? Arsé-kun: Tepes: You wanted to bother the doctor, so here we are. Sheepy: Haku: Ah! Arsé-kun: *and Romani's shit is woefully unflipped.* Sheepy: *Haku sticks a sticker on Dr. Roman while he isn't looking...* Arsé-kun: Roman: What was that..? Sheepy: Haku: Nothing. Arsé-kun: Roman: Hmm.. *he looks away* Sheepy: *Haku waits a bit and then sticks another on him* Arsé-kun: *roman doesn't seem to notice that one* Sheepy: *Haku continues doing it* Arsé-kun: *Haku has not been discovered yet* Sheepy: *So she will continue doing this until Dr. Roman notices her or she runs out of stickers* Arsé-kun: *Roman eventually notices..* Arsé-kun: Roman: H-hey, what's the big deal?? Again?? Sheepy: Haku: There was a bug. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's what you said last time!! Sheepy: Haku: It came back. Arsé-kun: Roman: I can see the stickers! Sheepy: Haku: ... Sheepy: *Haku peels one off of the sticker page and sticks it on Dr. Roman's forehead* Arsé-kun: Tepes: She got the bug. Sheepy: Haku: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Roman: Are you calling me a bug??? Sheepy: Haku: No. Arsé-kun: Roman: Are you sure?? Sheepy: Haku: You're taller than me, so how can you be a bug? Arsé-kun: Roman: ..... I didn't think about that part. Sheepy: Haku: Exactly. Arsé-kun: Hyde: ---Let me go, dammit! Sheepy: Bedi: You've proven yourself unable to walk in the right direction, so I've come to help you find your way back. Sheepy: Bedi: It'd be worrisome if you got lost, so we'll go back together! Arsé-kun: Hyde: I can tell my left from right! Are you calling me dumb?? Sheepy: Bedi: No, you misunderstand. Sheepy: Bedi: It's neither left nor right. Sheepy: Bedi: It's forward, you see? Arsé-kun: Hyde: The only thing in FRONT of me is this fucking dick wizard! Sheepy: Bedi: Oh, just so you know, his name is Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: M-e-r-l-i-n. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Cut the sass before I cut you! Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know what you're talking about. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Nor do I! Sheepy: Bedi: You have difficulties with names so I was simply reinforcing the memory of his name. Arsé-kun: Hyde: I don't. Caaare. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah? Sheepy: Bedi: What was that? Sheepy: Bedi: You care? Sheepy: Bedi: Well, that's good. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Oh, shut up. Sheepy: Bedi: Talk more? Certainly. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you wish to know a very detailed account of the Hundred Year War? Arsé-kun: Hyde: Shut up, shut up, shut up! Sheepy: Bedi: You see, the Hundred Year War began in 1337. France and England fought the same war off-and-on until 1453. Arsé-kun: Hyde: SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP! Sheepy: Bedi: While the war technically was not a hundred years long, conflicts arose between France and Britain over that 116 year span. Arsé-kun: Hyde: SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP Sheepy: Bedi: The war started due to Charles the IV of France dying without a son. No one truly had a claim to the throne due to how the rules worked back then, so Britain decided that it had more of a right to France's throne than France did. Arsé-kun: *Hyde more or less belts out an agonized scream* Sheepy: Bedi: *...he goes on, ignoring Hyde's complaints.* Sheepy: *This includes a detailed explanation for many of the conflicts...* Arsé-kun: Hyde: ........ I do one good thing in my life, and this is how you repay me? Sheepy: Bedi: Don't you feel enlightened? Arsé-kun: Hyde: I want to die. I'd let Jekyll stab us right about now. Sheepy: Bedi: Oh? You liked it? Arsé-kun: Hyde: Jekyll's already doing badly enough, don't make this half want to die too. Sheepy: Bedi: What happened to Jekyll? Arsé-kun: Hyde: Oh, fun stuff! Got chained down and bloodied up a bit! Kinda kinky if you ask me, but hoo boy! He didn't like it! Sheepy: Bedi: ... Arsé-kun: Hyde: If I hadn't taken the drivers' seat, we'd be doin' a whole lot of nothing! Sheepy: Bedi: So... he's emotionally damaged? Arsé-kun: Hyde: And cowering! Now shut up! Sheepy: Bedi: I see. I will then. Arsé-kun: Hyde: Now can we go hooome?? Sheepy: Bedi: We'll be there when we're there. Arsé-kun: *and then Merlin catches up. Seems he had a few words to give before hopping in the teleporter* Arsé-kun: Merlin: What'd I miss?? Sheepy: Bedi: Apparently, Jekyll is hurt Arsé-kun: Merlin: Oh. Sheepy: Bedi: Hyde wants to go home so we should get on top of that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's rather out-of-character, isn't it? We'd better. Sheepy: *The three head home.* Arsé-kun: *They're greeted by Mozart, who definitely was not drawing a dick in the snow before hearing them approach. Nope. Ignore that.* Sheepy: Satoru: You're really good at making butterflies in the snow, Uncle Mozzy. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... Ah, thank you. Here, this one will be for you. *and he starts an actual butterfly before looking up* Welcome back. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Sheepy: *Bedi puts Hyde down* Arsé-kun: *This was a fatal mistake. Hyde just lies down in the snow.* Sheepy: Bedi:...Um, did you want me to carry you inside? Arsé-kun: Hyde: .... yeah. couldn't even go the full way, could you? Sheepy: *Bedi picks him up and heads inside* Arsé-kun: *and discovers the actual reason Mozart is Outside within ten seconds.* Sheepy: *Ozy and Gil are being obnoxious. Kogil is playing with Lobo... or trying to. Lobo couldn't care less about Kogil's presence* Sheepy: *By obnoxious, I mean that they're laughing a ton while playing chess. They're about even.* Sheepy: Kogil: You grab onto it and pull. Sheepy: Lobo: *he yawns* Sheepy: Kogil: Okay. Then we can go outside and then you'll chase this ball. Sheepy: Lobo: *he scratches an itch* Sheepy: Kogil: Enkidu! Why is he ignoring me? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: He doesn't like being told what to do. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: He just wants to nap, but these two won't stop howling. Sheepy: Kogil: That's fine. Sheepy: Kogil: They're really annoying Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I can understand why you would think that, young lord. Sheepy: Lobo: *he huffs and stands up* Sheepy: Kogil: There's no need to laugh during chess- Sheepy: *Lobo knocks the table over* Sheepy: Ozy: ?! Sheepy: Gil: What was that for, you oversized mutt? Sheepy: Kogil: Good boy! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Lobo has decided you are both of equal skill, and that this was not the proper way to determine the better of the two. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: That, and he wants to sleep. Sheepy: Gil: What skill does a dog have at judging such things? Sheepy: *Lobo plops down on the fallen chess board. Time to sleep* Sheepy: Ozy: He's like a sphinx almost... Sheepy: Kogil: Oh, I guess he won't want to play fetch for a while...Now what? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Wolf, my lord. He's far smarter than the average housepet. Sheepy: Gil: What's the difference? Sheepy: Gil: One's more barbaric than the other and apparently I should act like wolf is a compliment? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: It isn't a compliment? Wolves are wonderfully social creatures... Sheepy: Kogil: Well dogs act subservient, while wolves generally don't, right? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: That's right. Sheepy: Kogil: So wolves are more willing to be themselves instead of fitting into the social role they've been forced to take on. Sheepy: Gil: I doubt dogs or wolves think of that. Sheepy: Gil: Also, dogs are more social. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: My proper master is a wolf, my lords. I think I know what I am talking about. Sheepy: Gil: I've never cared for them Sheepy: Kogil: You treat Lobo like he's lower than you, but he's still technically a king... Sheepy: Kogil: According to the internet anyway. Sheepy: Gil: Dogs can't be king. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Wolf. Sheepy: Gil: Whatever. Sheepy: Gil: In the end, the only difference is domestication. Sheepy: Gil: He'll play fetch. He plays with dog toys. He snarls at strangers. Sheepy: Gil: He just doesn't bark that often. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: .. A dog could do that as well. Sheepy: Kogil: Really? Sheepy: Kogil: Aww~ I was hoping he would be special... Sheepy: Kogil: Not that he isn't, but I mean in that respect. Sheepy: Lobo: *yawn* Sheepy: Gil: My lions are much better. Sheepy: Lobo: *growl* Sheepy: Gil: Don't threaten me, mongrel! Sheepy: Lobo: *he places a paw on the back of Gil's head (while facing him) and sharply pulls fowards before letting go. Bye Gil. I hope you like the floor.* Sheepy: *And then to shove how he feels about Gil's words directly into his face, he licks Kogil's face and nuzzles Enkidu.* Sheepy: Gil: Ow! Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Thank you, Lobo, but I do not think that helped much. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: We do not want unneeded violence between kings here.. Sheepy: Lobo: ? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: I'm saying not to fight. Sheepy: Lobo: *whine* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Yes, that counted. Sheepy: Lobo: *he whines again and plops down on the ground* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Please do not. Sheepy: *Lobo yawns* Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Am I keeping you up? So sorry. Sheepy: Lobo: *it's nap time* Arsé-kun: *And so, Enkidu returns to his #1 priority and picks Gil up off the ground* Sheepy: Gil: Who taught him to do that...? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: Who said anyone had to teach him? Sheepy: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Enkidu: He's smart. He can figure things out. But are you okay? Sheepy: Gil: Of course. Arsé-kun: Enkidu: That's good. Sheepy: Kogil: *he pops his head out of the door* They're done. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Thank goodness. We'll be coming in shortly. Sheepy: Kogil: Just be careful - Lobo is sleeping. Arsé-kun: Mozart: So keep performances to my territory. Got it. Sheepy: Kogil: Yes, exactly! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Good to know. Satoru, lets head on inside. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *so they Do* Sheepy: Satoru: Doesn't Lobo need a blanket? He'll be cold... Sheepy: Kogil: Lobo is covered with fur, so he won't be cold. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! But why does Lobo have fur but we don't? Sheepy: Kogil: Um... We're sort of covered in fur? We've got hair on our body. It just isn't a lot... Sheepy: Satoru: You're right.... you're smart. Sheepy: Gil: Of course! He's a concept of myself! Meaning, I'm smarter! Sheepy: Satoru: Sorry, I didn't mean you when I said that. Sheepy: Gil:?! Cursed Child, who taught you such barb-filled remarks? Sheepy: Satoru: There's no barbs. I don't see any barbs. Arsé-kun: *Enkidu decides not to get involved in this one. He's gonna watch* Sheepy: Gil:...Ugh! I meant it figuratively! Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Gil: ... Arsé-kun: *Enkidu joins Satoru in just staring at Gil uncomfortably. He's still not involved, he swears.* Sheepy: Gil: Figurative speech. How do you not know figurative speech? Sheepy: Satoru: Figurative speech is when you say something you don't mean and expect the other person to read your mind. Sheepy: Satoru: Metaphorical language is personal to each person, so one person's connotation of a word anf the values it holds may be different than another's. Sheepy: Satoru: Such as, one person may see "My love is like a rose" as a metaphor for its beautiful, romantic nature. However, another may view it as thorny and dying off quickly. Sheepy: Satoru: In the end, figurative language adds one more layer of complication to language that isn't needed and only serves to confuse and occasionally emphasize a point. I prefer to take things literally until the other catches on that I'm not sure what they've trying to say. Sheepy: Gil: You're overthinking things. Arsé-kun: *Background Andersen wipes away a single, manly tear. Kids learn so quickly. He's so proud.* Sheepy: *If Satoru knew Andersen was proud of him he'd beam of joy.* Sheepy: Satoru: So then, what did you mean? Sheepy: Gil: I meant... pointed... no, sharp... ... Just forget it! Arsé-kun: Andersen: It was a sharp retort, a particularly smartassy response. I approve wholeheartedly. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, okay. Sheepy: Satoru: *he seems somewhat pleased by the last part...* Sheepy: Gil: You are an adult. Act it and be a good influence, not one who praises him when he insults others. Sheepy: Kogil: You're an adult and you don't act it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: At least sometimes. Sheepy: Gil: I do! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Sometimes. You do... Oh, forget it. I get the feeling that now is not the time for me to add insult to injury. Sheepy: Gil: ?! What is it? Sheepy: Kogil: He's being merciful and you're asking for it anyway. Sheepy: Gil: Excuse me? Sheepy: Kogil: Nooothing~ Arsé-kun: Andersen: If I say what I wanted, promise me you'll do no harm to anyone present. Sheepy: Gil: Fine. Arsé-kun: Andersen: While you make a fantastic king and rulemaker, you are downright awful at talking to children. I haven't seen you speak to a single one like they're a normal human being. Sheepy: Gil: That's because they aren't. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Everyone is a fucking child at some point. You idiot. At least everyone normal- Oh! Wait! You refuse to acknowledge your own childhood! Sheepy: Gil: Hah. Hah. Wahahahahaha! Arsé-kun: Andersen: We'll now have ten minutes of that and him pretending I'm wrong. Time for an intermission. I have to piss. Sheepy: Gil: Foolishness! Sheepy: Gil: Cursed Child! Tell me, what is your favorite animal? Sheepy: Satoru: Rhinos. Sheepy: Gil: Clearly, children are not normal human beings! Arsé-kun: Andersen: They're people before people figure out maturity and logic. Now shut up before I take a leak right here. *exit scene* Arsé-kun: *Andersen re-enters scene five minutes later* Sheepy: Satoru: Andersen, is there something wrong with rhinos? Sheepy: Gil: Obviously. They're ugly. Arsé-kun: Andersen: No? Now hippos are another story. We won't delve into that. Sheepy: Satoru: Hippos? Sheepy: Satoru: They're okay. Arsé-kun: Andersen: They're jerks, I've been told. Sheepy: Gil: Rhinos are worse. Sheepy: Satoru: But... I like rhinos... Sheepy: Gil: Rhinos just sit around with birds on them all day. Arsé-kun: Andersen: So what is the issue? They have enough problems as is. Sheepy: Satoru: You don't contribute anything all day too but unlike rhinos you don't even give birds a place to sit. Arsé-kun: Andersen: As much as I'd love to agree, it's inaccurate. Sheepy: Satoru: He gives birds a place to sit? Arsé-kun: Andersen: No, he contributes. Sheepy: Satoru: He contributes? Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Arsé-kun: Andersen: More than I do. Arsé-kun: Andersen: .. And while I like to make that sound like a very low bar, I... *he crouches down, and reaches under the sofa, pulling out two full tomes of writing* Do a lot of work. Arsé-kun: Andersen: This isn't even where I keep my actual publication drafts. This is all scrapped concepts and planning. *he drops them. loud thud* Arsé-kun: Andersen: You can look if you want. I don't care much. I have duplicate copies. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? That's a lot, though. Sheepy: Satoru: You shouldn't understate your worth, because people might start to believe that's true. Sheepy: Gil: In terms of battling, he's capable of very little. Sheepy: Gil: Writing is his forte, so I technically do more when it comes to contributing as a ... Sheepy: Gil: ... Heroic Spirit. Sheepy: Kogil: You don't. Sheepy: Gil: Shut up, brat. Sheepy: Kogil: You may be strong but you couldn't care less about Minako, so you only use a fraction of your power. Sheepy: Kogil: Meaning, compared to others, you may contribute a lot, But based on your abilities, you don't. Sheepy: Gil: I'm not wasting my energy on fighting her battles more than I have to. Sheepy: Kogil: No, it's because you're still stuck on the Master you actually grew to like. The one you'd do anything for. If you keep comparing everyone you serve to her, you'll keep finding Masters who get fed up with you. Sheepy: Gil: Silence, maggot! Arsé-kun: Andersen: He's not wrong, idiot tyrant. Sheepy: Gil: What do you know? Sheepy: Gil: The only one who summoned you was that disgusting nun. Arsé-kun: Andersen: She was definitely disgusting, I agree. I lived in a box... But that is irrelevant! Arsé-kun: Andersen: But you stay withdrawn with people you don't care about. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And you may or may not be trying not to show if you really do care. Just maybe? Sheepy: Gil: My point is that you know no one better than Minako. Sheepy: Gil: I've had two Masters in my time who have intrigued me. Sheepy: Gil: There's nothing interesting about Minako. Sheepy: Gil: I've simply found no one better yet because they're a rare few in the world of Magus. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Have I said I never had other masters? And so you say. Sheepy: Gil: You've had others? Sheepy: Gil: And simply, all magi have the same types of wishes. Sheepy: Gil: Power. Wealth. To bring someone back. To be what they are not. Sheepy: Gil: These wishes are so dull that I see no reason to help anyone achieve them. Sheepy: Gil: Power should be earned. Wealth should be earned. Death should not be reversed. They should not achieve their career goals artificially. Sheepy: Gil: If thoughts of greed drive their wish, I've got no interest in it. Sheepy: Gil: I've already m- Arsé-kun: Andersen: Lets see: Minako doesn't care about that. Nor that. Or that. And especially that. Wow! She fits all of your standards! Sheepy: Gil: She's pathetic. Sheepy: Gil: In the respect of wishes, there's simply no reason for me to assist her. Sheepy: Gil: As far as I can see, she has none. Sheepy: Gil: Which in my eyes, is worse than a generic wish. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Did you ever consider for ten seconds that this isn't a Holy Grail War? Sheepy: Gil: Andersen. Arsé-kun: Andersen: That's not an insult. I'm already afraid. Sheepy: Gil: For one who acts as though he has brains, he doesn't seem to use it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Oh, there it is. Sheepy: Gil: Have you ever concerned why humans exist? Sheepy: Gil: It is to achieve their goals and to impact the world, even in the tiniest of ways. Sheepy: Gil: It is to follow their dreams and wish for what cannot be. Arsé-kun: Andersen: And maybe not every single person does these great obvious things. Sheepy: Gil: What is a human without a wish? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Someone who maybe just didn't figure it out yet. Sheepy: Gil: Someone who has no drive if they don't even bother seeking it Sheepy: Gil: I've seen what it's like for a Master to question their reason for existence. Their wish. Their purpose for fighting. It is this question that should drive them if they haven't come up with rhe answer. Sheepy: Gil: One who doesn't even go so far as to ask this question is not worth my time. There are many others out rhere who lust for my power but I've decided to give her a chance. Sheepy: Gil: I could leave at any time as I please, so the question stands: Will she try to find her dream before I give up on her? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Fuck if I know. Why don't you get off your ass and ask her yourself? Sheepy: Gil: You're the one who can read others. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I can't do it from four rooms away. Sheepy: Gil: So you've only interacted with her from four rooms away? Arsé-kun: Andersen: I never read about that detail! I can't do it if I can't see her! You read with your eyes! Sheepy: Gil: Fine, fine. Sheepy: Gil: Then I will speak with her. Sheepy: *Gil goes to talk to Minako* Sheepy: Gil: Mongrel! Arsé-kun: *Mink is... Not eating, for once. She's sorting craft essence cards* Arsé-kun: Minako: Mongrel! Sheepy: Gil: It is time to put those down and speak to your king! Sheepy: Gil: For my message is much more important than my usual very important statements. Arsé-kun: Minako: We're already speaking! How important could it be? Sheepy: Gil: I have closely examined your progress as a human since I have allowed you to have the honor of my presence. Arsé-kun: Minako: Am I getting a report card? Sheepy: Gil: You've given me no choice but to propose a challenge. Arsé-kun: Minako: Don't make me write an essay Sheepy: Gil: If you do not try to find your wish - what you would fight a Holy Grail War for - I will abandon you. Sheepy: Gil: That is my final decision, Mutt! Do not try to argue for lenience! Arsé-kun: Minako: What I would fight for? Other than keeping you guys alive? Hmmm.. Arsé-kun: Minako: Do I need an answer now? Sheepy: Gil: Foolishness. Sheepy: Gil: We fight for what you believe in. Sheepy: Gil: For what you dream of. Sheepy: Gil: If you wish to keep us alive, you should have never summoned us in the first place. Sheepy: Gil: However. I do not expect an immediate answer. Arsé-kun: Minako: Great. I can't keep up with a royal's sudden ability to spout philosophy! Sheepy: Gil: Hah. You must understand. Sheepy: Gil: Much like a Holy Grail War, those you fight all have a reason for fighting. Sheepy: Gil: Perhaps it's to accomplish a goal or to protect what they already have. Sheepy: Gil: You, a woman with no reason past your view of justice, will be consumed by their greed and fear. Sheepy: Gil: Greed and fear are more powerful than an artificial state like justice. Sheepy: Gil: For this reason, it's a waste for me to assist you because without a dream you'll die no matter what I do. Sheepy: Gil: Furthermore, your fighting without a reason past justice is selfishly stealing away the chance those you fight have to grant their wish. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she's thinking. this might take a few minutes* Arsé-kun: Minako: I'd like to keep what I have. We magus don't tend to live long. Arsé-kun: Minako: I'd go for a great hero of justice route, but I know better than that. Emiya's explained enough to shoot that down. Arsé-kun: Minako: The world doesn't need any major changes, and neither do we. Arsé-kun: Minako: And of course, we're not going full on world conquering. Too much work when you're at the top! Sheepy: Gil:...Hm. Sheepy: Gil: So then, you've got nothing? Sheepy: Gil: I see. Sheepy: Gil: That's unfortunate. Sheepy: Gil: You, the Magus, have no wish. I, however, do: to have a different Master. Arsé-kun: Minako: When did I say I was done thinking about it? You said I didn't need an immediate answer! Arsé-kun: Minako: And you don't need to be such a bully! If you want someone else so bad, why'd you come to me, huh? Sheepy: Gil: Because the one I want I can't have. Sheepy: Gil: Everything else in this world I can snatch up with ease. Arsé-kun: Minako: You can't grab grail mud, though. *she picks the ce cards back up and starts shuffling through them* Sheepy: Gil: I don't want grail mud. Arsé-kun: Minako: You want a ce with a cute kid on it? I have a bunch of those. Sheepy: Gil: What's that supposed to mean? Arsé-kun: Minako: One of these is good for crits, so it might help you out a bit? Arsé-kun: *Gil is handed Victor of the Moon and Another Ending* Sheepy: Gil: ... Arsé-kun: Minako: ... These are the ones you wanted, right? Sheepy: Gil: How did you know? Arsé-kun: Minako: You're not very subtle. Sheepy: Gil: ... Sheepy: Gil: I see. I should fix this, then. Arsé-kun: Minako: If you want to? I thought it was cute. Sheepy: Gil: Thought what was cute? Arsé-kun: Minako: The face you make when you see something you like! You look so excited! It's cute! Sheepy: Gil: Foolishness! I do no such thing! Arsé-kun: Minako: Okaaaayyyyy~ Sheepy: Gil: Do not speak lies like this? Sheepy: Gil: Do not speak like you know me, mutt! Arsé-kun: Minako: Make me? Sheepy: Gil: You know nothing Sheepy: Gil: And yet, you act like an expert. Arsé-kun: Minako: Well, yeah. You'll trample on me otherwise..! Sheepy: Gil: Trample? Arsé-kun: Minako: *she deepens her voice, which does nothing to make her sound similar to Gil* "Shut up, peasant, you're clueless and a peasant! I'm the king, I have a bigger brain, I don't have to listen to you! Huuuuurr, I'm gonna bone the king of Camelot!" Sheepy: Gil:...Hm. Arsé-kun: Minako: Something like that, but worded more eloquently and with you laughing for three hours. Sheepy: Gil: Would you rather I not inform you of what you must learn, and allow you to flounder instead? Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, you can! Can't I tease you a little? Sheepy: Gil: You'll have to do better than that. Sheepy: Gil: A king must be wise yet cruel. If his subjects do not know their places, he will be overthrown. Sheepy: Gil: Being sweet and lovable like that brat shows weakness. Sheepy: Gil: Furthermore! I have had everything I've wished for in my life! The King of Knights has evaded me again and again. Her not throwing herself into my arms, yet being cruel by leading me on and then leaving is her most attractive trait. Arsé-kun: Minako: Gil, uh... If you catch her, then what are you gonna do? Did you think this through? You gonna let her loose in the forest and hunt her down like prey for fun? Sheepy: Gil: Foolishness. She is uncatchable, meaning that I can't catch her. Arsé-kun: Minako: You sure caught her that one night. Sheepy: Gil: Yes, yes. Sheepy: Gil: That is to give me occasional reinforcement so I don't give up. Sheepy: Gil: A "chance", but a chance that will never come to be. Arsé-kun: Minako: So you don't have everything in the world. Sheepy: Gil: Exactly. Sheepy: Gil: There's very few things i don't have, but i don't have everything. Arsé-kun: Minako: That'd be something... Owning literally everything? That's almost world domination. Sheepy: Gil: There was a time where I thought that that was what I wanted. Sheepy: Gil: Things are worth something until you've got them. Arsé-kun: Minako: So the best thing to have is some stuff and people around you, huh? Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Some people don't even have that. It must be awful. Sheepy: Gil: ... Sheepy: Gil: Yes. Arsé-kun: Minako: That's not fair at all. Sheepy: Gil: Life isn't fair. Arsé-kun: Minako: And neither is the grail. You think the grail would let people have happy families without shitting all over it? Sheepy: Gil: Hm. Arsé-kun: Minako: That'd be cool. Arsé-kun: *Unfortunately, Gil is then dragged off by Cu and Emiya, followed by Proto and Liz. They're gonna overthrow Gil* Sheepy: Gil: Let go of me, you grubby mutts! Arsé-kun: Liz: Down with the patriarchy! Sheepy: Gil: Shut it, Liz-ard! Arsé-kun: Liz: I'll scream! Sheepy: Gil: I'll kill you! Arsé-kun: Liz: I'll just come back! Battle continuation! Sheepy: Gil: I'll kill you a second time, then! Arsé-kun: Liz: Enjoy mopping up all the blood! Sheepy: Gil: That is not my duty. Arsé-kun: Liz: You're gonna have to wear the apron of shame! Sheepy: Gil: Hah! I will not! Arsé-kun: Liz: Frilly pi--iink approoon! Sheepy: Gil: You cannot make me. Arsé-kun: Liz: House rules! You make the mess, you clean it up! Sheepy: Gil: Foolishness! I am above the rules! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Can you two yell outside of someone else's room?? Sheepy: Gil: Fine. Arsé-kun: Liz: Awahh, fiiinne! Sheepy: Tristan: I call this one... "The Hungover Tune." Sheepy: *Tristan begins to play a cheery tune on his harp, mostly consisting of higher notes. The type of song that's good until you're in a bad mood. And then you want to strangle them.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he nods and listens. he understands that feeling* Sheepy: Tristan: *Once he finishes...* I would play this to Sir Kay when he was hungover, hence the name. Sheepy: Tristan: The others, too, of course, with the exception of Sir Bedivere in the rare occasion the festivities tempted him into drinking. Mostly, however, Sir Kay was the target. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I understand. Did he rightfully deserve it? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, he's obnoxious. Sheepy: Tristan: I feel like everyone dislikes him in some respect, and from that we grow closer. With the exception of Sir Bedivere, of course. I'm curious as to how they met, since Sir Bedivere somehow tolerates his behavior despite being strict... Arsé-kun: Mozart: Perhaps they've known each other long enough to t-*he flinches as Liz- and it's definitely liz- making some unholy noise* tolerate it. Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. So long enough to punish me for tormenting Sir Kay... Arsé-kun: Mozart: That seems possible.. Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... I'm relatively tired of hearing whatever it is that is happening. Could you step out for a moment? There's something I'd like to do. Sheepy: *Tristan leaves* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... You, too, Satoru. Just for a minute or so. Sheepy: Satoru: ...OK. Sheepy: *Satoru follows Tristan* Arsé-kun: *Mozart closes the door. musical magic sounds. yippee motherfucker* Sheepy: Satoru: Ah, he's drowning his sorrows in music. Sheepy: Tristan: Like me... Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he cracks the door open* Incorrect. Have you seen a theater before, Satoru? Sheepy: Satoru: Nuh-uh. Arsé-kun: Mozart: You will now. Come on in. Sheepy: Satoru: Masato once tried to drag me to one and I played dead. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: *Satoru enters* Arsé-kun: *to an empty theater.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I haven't shown you my proper territory, have I? Sheepy: Satoru: When did this get here? Arsé-kun: Mozart: When I will it to be here. It's an extension of my magecraft. Sheepy: Satoru: You're magical. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I am a caster, after all. Tristan, you may return as well. Sheepy: *Tristan joins them.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: This is much better for performing, is it not? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes, definitely. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Take a seat wherever you'd like. I don't mind. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: *he chooses a nearby seat* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he pulls out a trumpet from under a nearby seat* Ah, so that's what I placed here. Sheepy: Satoru: It's my second favorite instrument. Arsé-kun: Mozart: My apologies. I haven't made a banana an instrument yet. Sheepy: Satoru: That's okay. I have a new favorite. Arsé-kun: Mozart: What this week? Sheepy: Satoru: The fridge. Sheepy: Tristan: I see, you have interesting tastes. Sheepy: Satoru: So did the weird food in the back of the fridge. Sheepy: Satoru: Cu Chu took it from me angrily and said it could make me sick. He threw it away. I was sad. Arsé-kun: Mozart: He's right, you know. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Stale food is bad for you, that's why. Sheepy: Satoru: But if nobody gives it a home it'll be sad. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: You agree? Arsé-kun: Mozart: I didn't say that. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Sheepy: Satoru: But... Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... *hehehe. butt* Sheepy: Satoru: Why don't you? Sheepy: Satoru: If you were old and stinky I'd still love you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Is that why Vlad is still here? *he grins. potshot TAKEN* Sheepy: Satoru: I love my dad. I hope he stays. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Why wouldn't he? Either way, this isn't what we're here for. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he toots the horn* Sheepy: Satoru:! Sheepy: Tristan: Ah. Yes. Sheepy: Tristan: Do you know how to play? Here, join us. Sheepy: Satoru: No. Uncle Mozzy tried to teach me but I got frustrated and gave up. Sheepy: Tristan: Why? Sheepy: Satoru: Because some things sound the same to me but they don't to everyone else, and other stuff just sounds like noise to me but to others it doesn't. Sheepy: Tristan: That is... ironic. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Isn't it? Sheepy: Tristan: Yes, considering that he is your master. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It's fine. I've learned to make sure my pitch changes are easily detectable when I play for him. Sheepy: Tristan: How kind of you. Sheepy: Tristan: I'll do my best to adapt. Arsé-kun: Mozart: You'll do fine. Let me get something with a wider range of tones, first. Sheepy: Tristan: Go ahead. Arsé-kun: *Mozart heads to the stage, and then goes offstage.* Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: *Mozart returns a few minutes later, keyboard under his arm* Sheepy: Satoru: It's the flat piano. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It is. Sheepy: Satoru: I like the flat piano. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm glad to hear that. Arsé-kun: *The keyboard is turned on, and Mozart does a quick scale to warm up before beginning to play* Sheepy: *Satoru watches silently. Tristan is impressed by Mozart.* Sheepy: Tristan: *He isn't sure if it's Mozart's relaxing tune or what, but he's starting to feel exhausted... his head droops.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he stops playing rather abruptly, nearly dropping the keyboard* Sheepy: Satoru: ...? Sheepy: *Satoru is fidgeting uncomfortably...* Arsé-kun: *Everyone is unceremoniously dropped back into Mozart's room. His keyboard does not come with* Sheepy: Satoru:.....Something's not right... Sheepy: Tristan: *he lets out an exhausted sigh* Perhaps... this is death finally claiming me...to drag me down to the burning fires of pain and sin... for my adulterous acts and running from my responsibilities... Arsé-kun: Mozart: ... m-hm... *he struggles to sit up* ... Shut up, Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: But I didn't expect death to feel quite like this...My body is going limp... Sheepy: Tristan: And...It feels so cold... I don't like the cold... Sheepy: Satoru: *he hesitantly stands* Should I get Grandpa? He might know what to do. Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... Yes. Sheepy: Satoru: *he turns and hunts down Moriarty* Arsé-kun: *Mori is sitting on the stairs. He, too, seems exhausted* Sheepy: Satoru: Grandpa? Arsé-kun: Mori: You. Basement. We're under attack..! Sheepy: Satoru: ...? *he nods, confused, and rushes to the basement* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he picks up Satoru the moment he sees him* What is happening upstairs..? Sheepy: Satoru: But... why? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Don't know. Don't care. Sheepy: Satoru: What do we do? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Stay. Need to get through me if anyone wishes harm to you. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: Will Grandpa be okay? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Don't know. Sheepy: Satoru: Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Vlad: For now. Sheepy: Satoru:...Okay. Sheepy: *Satoru still seems scared but has at least stopped asking questions.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he's keeping his attention on the stairs. He hasn't put Satoru down yet* Arsé-kun: *No one tell Satoru about Apo* Sheepy: *like the part that vlad was scary?* Arsé-kun: *No, he'd like that. The part where vlad died* Sheepy: *OH* Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... There's a fight. I can hear it. Sheepy: Satoru: Something's wrong... Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... What was the first clue? Sheepy: Satoru: I started to feel strange and then Uncle Mozzy fell over. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I can't say you're wrong. Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... I think I may have to fight. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... ... *he frowns* I will. It's suddenly quiet upstairs. Sheepy: Satoru: Where do I go, then...? Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... Coffin. I'll guard it. Sheepy: Satoru: OK. Arsé-kun: *Vlad closes the lid. Satoru is now Safe™* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... All right in there? Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Good. Arsé-kun: *And so, some shmuck of a grunt managed to get into the basement. They survive for about fifteen seconds. Now Vlad is powered up, and there's a pile of dust.* Sheepy: *Rest in pieces.* Arsé-kun: *Very many microscopic pieces* Sheepy: *Satoru is going to try to forget the noises of that.* Arsé-kun: *Satoru will probably succeed* Sheepy: *Hopefully* Arsé-kun: *And so, the basement is quickly flooded by grunts, most of which who are Probably dying in increasingly gory ways. Satoru does not need to see any of it.* Sheepy: *That's good, because he doesn't want to* Arsé-kun: *Then all the noise stops.* Sheepy: Satoru: ... ? Sheepy: Satoru: *he pokes his head out* Arsé-kun: Masanori: Good afternoon, sire. I regret to inform you that you are no longer in safety. Sheepy: Satoru: ?! Sheepy: Satoru: G-go away! Arsé-kun: Masanori: I will be shortly. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Go, go! I never want to see you again! Arsé-kun: Masanori: You've grown brave. Who taught you? They have my commendations. Sheepy: Satoru: Y-you don't live here anymore! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Correct, and thank goodness. There's nothing stopping me anymore. Sheepy: Satoru: Stopping...you....? Sheepy: Satoru: If there's nothing stopping you from not living here, then go move! Far away! So I never have to think about you again! Arsé-kun: Masanori: I'm glad you can still echo my words like a parrot with dementia. I only came here for one thing, after which I will leave. Sheepy: Satoru: One thing? Arsé-kun: Masanori: Just one. You have my word. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Then go take it and leave me alone! Arsé-kun: Masanori: That's going to be a bit difficult, I will admit. Sheepy: Satoru: Difficult...? Arsé-kun: Masanori: I can't both take it, and leave you alone. It's very simple. *and he opens the coffin. Satoru, try to ignore the room's new paintjob.* Sheepy: Satoru: D...don't... come any closer... Sheepy: Satoru: I-I'll... Sheepy: Satoru: *he does a pretty bad imitation of Kintaro. Let him believe that he's threatening* I'll mess you up! Arsé-kun: Masanori: What will you do, welp? The only power you have comes from your "family". Sheepy: Satoru: Uh! No! Sheepy: Satoru: My family is really strong! But I can deal with you myself! Sheepy: Satoru: So! Don't come any closer! Or I'll do it! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Prove it. Sheepy: Satoru: *he holds out his right hand shakily* Y-you've got five seconds to run, you... you monster! Okay! One...! Arsé-kun: Masanori: This should prove to be entertaining. Go on. Sheepy: Satoru: No! You're supposed to leave! Arsé-kun: Masanori: I already told you. Not until I have what I want. Sheepy: Satoru: Thr-uh! Two! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Your first servant is a math professor and you messed that up? Sheepy: Satoru: Uh! Sheepy: Satoru: Th...three... Three means that you should go now! Arsé-kun: Masanori: I'm so terrified. Hoo-wee. Sheepy: Satoru: You should be! Arsé-kun: Masanori: I've never been afraid of you. Sheepy: Satoru: E...eh.... Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru: Th-the monster always dies in the end... so... Arsé-kun: Masanori: Who lied to you? Everyone dies in the end. Sheepy: Satoru: No! Sheepy: Satoru: Only you do! Arsé-kun: Masanori: We'll see about that. What happened to four? Sheepy: Satoru: That's the number of death so you should be dead now! Sheepy: Satoru:....Five! *he closes his eyes. nothing happens.* Arsé-kun: Masanori: Would you look at that. It's absolutely nothing. Sheepy: Satoru: Um..um... Sheepy: Satoru: I'm just sparing you! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Go away! Bye! Arsé-kun: Masanori: How cute. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay!!!! It's time for you to go!!!!!! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Sure thing, sire. *he goes to grab Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru: NO! Sheepy: Satoru: GO AWAY! Arsé-kun: Masanori: I already told you- I will once I have what I want. Sheepy: Satoru: LEAVE ME ALONE! Arsé-kun: Masanori: No can do. *grab successful* Sheepy: Satoru: LET GO! LET GO! Sheepy: Satoru: I HATE YOU! Arsé-kun: Masanori: That's wonderful. I don't care. Sheepy: Satoru: I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! LET GO! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Don't make me muzzle you. Sheepy: Satoru: *he grabs Masanori's cheek and tugs* Arsé-kun: Masanori: You little brat..! Sheepy: Satoru: LET GO! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Fine. I will. *and he drops Satoru. into a sack. he's doing this the old fashioned way* Sheepy: Satoru: N...no...! Arsé-kun: Masanori: Be glad I won't toss you into a river when I'm done with you. Sheepy: Satoru:... ... Arsé-kun: Masanori: I'm on strict orders not to harm you. That's the only reason I'm being so nice about this. Sheepy: Satoru:...*he lets out a soft whine* Arsé-kun: Masanori: What delightful conversation. We'll be going now. Sheepy: *Satoru doesn't respond* Arsé-kun: *and Masanori more or less walks out with him, unscathed.* Sheepy: *Satoru has since given up and is playing dead* Arsé-kun: *Masanori: 1. Satoru and friends: 0*
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