#my cats steal my pens all the time makeup brushes too
lilmeowmeowsagelesath · 5 months
being a cat owner sure came in handy for playing elite tag and guessing where the missing wallet was 😅
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write-orflight · 4 years
Like Real People Do. Chapter 4
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*Gif not mine*
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Rating: M, eventually will be smut.
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: Sexual themes, talk about sex (not NSFW though), fainting, reader just being thirsty in general. 
A.N We’re getting into the main crux of the story now! Message to be added to the taglist. thanks for reading! Much love, Cia
                Chapter 4: Why were you digging?  
Months pass and the early spring turns into hot humid D.C summer. You were never a big fan of the summer, you preferred the colder months despite the bad memories you had associated with them. 
Things changed and some things stayed the exact same. You caught bad guys, which was typical, you actually ended up getting tackled by a drunk Unsub once which results in you being out of the field with a broken arm for four weeks. You found a cat in an alley digging through the trash near your apartment one day when you were walking home. You left food out for him since until one day he decided to come up to you. And now you have a cat you affectionately named Garbage. 
You and Ethan (the guy from the bar) had a “situation-ship”, as Garcia liked to call it for about a month and a half. In your opinion, there was no situation-ship, you guys had mediocre sex until he wanted more and was upset you “worked too much”. So when he “broke up” with you, you weren’t really upset. Your heart wasn’t in it anyway. 
You and Spencer never talked about that night at the bar. In fact, you hardly talked at all. Your Saturday’s together stopped, you had no excuse to see each other now you were finished with school. Now that there was no thesis, there was no thesis for him to help with. 
That didn’t stop Spencer from occupying the space in your head rent-free though. You couldn’t help yourself, he was always in the forefront of your mind and frankly it was starting to affect how you worked. It was a paperwork day and everyone was working silently, merely coexisting and since there was nothing really going on your mind couldn’t help but wander. Spencer was sitting across you reading case files, taking occasional notes in a legal pad next to him. Your eyes instantly went to his hands as he traced it down the page as he often did when he was reading. You studied them for a while, long slender fingers resting on massive palms. You never thought you were someone who’d be attracted to hands but the amount of times you thought about them on particularly lonely nights, specifically the things he could do with them. 
Yea, it was enough to make you a cheirophile. 
You went back to watching him when suddenly one of the aforementioned hands were waving in your face. 
“Y/N” he said. “I’ve been calling your name for 3 minutes.” 
“I’m sorry, Spen.” You flush instantly at being caught. “What did you need?” 
“I asked if you had a red pen I could borrow?” 
“Yea.” You rummaged through your drawer, producing the pen in question. His hand brushes yours as he grabs it, you try very hard not to shiver at the contact but you couldn’t help it. “Keep it.” you say. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He says. “You’ve been extremely out of it lately.”
He was right, you have been out of it lately. Spencer was putting you out of it. You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about that night at the bar and your almost kiss. Since then, it was like he was trying to constantly bring your attention to his mouth, whether it was by his habit of stealing lollies from Garcia’s office or the constant biting and licking of his lips whenever he was deep in thought. They had seared their way into your frontal lobe without permission. 
Working with him had become exceptionally hard and an unwelcome distraction, especially out in the field. Last month, the two of you had gone undercover in a nightclub, an unsub had been murdering young couples who were overly affectionate in public, so you had to spend the night practically wrapped around the man you had an insane crush on, breathing in his scent. You sipped your “cocktail” (it was just cranberry juice) as Spencer kept his arm steady around your waist. Eventually, you hear Emily in the earpiece you were wearing. 
“You’ve gotta do more guys if we’re going to draw him out.” She says. 
“Yea and loosen up. If  you guys look uncomfortable, no ones going to believe you’re a couple.” Morgan adds. 
You and Spencer look at each other for a beat.  
“If I do something that makes you uncomfortable, you’ll tell me right?” He whispers to you. You nod instantly. Suddenly Spencer’s arm is tighter around you, pulling you flush to his body. He dips down attaching his lips to your neck and jawline. You gasp, you had not been expecting that at all, you clutch your drink harder other hand moving to his side. He pulls you in tighter somehow, suddenly you feel his hand move downward until he is palming your ass, you bite your lip to keep your composure but his lips suddenly meet that spot behind your earlobe that he couldn’t have possibly known about prior. A quiet moan unintentionally rips through you and you could’ve sworn you felt his fingers twitch, squeezing your ass slightly. Emily and Morgan were right, the Unsub did approach you guys shortly after that and led you into the alley like he did so many couples before only to be met by your badges and guns. 
Then there was the time a couple of months ago when you and Reid had gone to interview a child psychiatrist and discovered that he was a molester. Spencer had been livid talking to the man, making threats that honestly should've been promises to throw the man in jail. You had never seen Spencer angry or at the very least this angry, and for some reason that turned you on beyond belief. 
You decided to close that can of worms and save it for another day. 
“I’m fine, don’t worry about me.” You say, smiling tightly at him turning back to your stack of files. You couldn’t be mad at Spencer for your inability to keep it in your pants while you were working. So that’s what you did, worked and tried to avoid Spencer as much as you could. And if that night from the club replayed in your head often while you were alone in your bed that night like many nights before, it was no one’s business but your own. 
In the morning, you woke to the sound of construction equipment being used next to your apartment. D.C’s already so dense. What more could they be building?   You thought as you got up to make yourself a much needed cup of coffee. 
Now without your schoolwork or  standing date with Spencer, Saturdays always felt too long. You drank your coffee, read a book, watched some TV and when you looked at the time it was still only noon. You sighed heavily before getting up to get changed. The weather was nice, you hoped a jog would at the very least tire you out so you could waste a couple hours napping. 
So off you went, down the path of a nearby park. You had been jogging for about 30 minutes when you see a familiar shape in the distance. As you get closer you notice it’s exactly who you wanted it to be. 
“Hey, Spen!” You say excitedly as you slow to a stop in front of him. He looks up from the book he was reading on the bench. He smiles once he sees you. “Y/N, Hey.” He says. 
“What’re you doing in the park alone?” You ask. 
He lifts up his book. “I just came to read, thought a change of scenery would do me better than sitting around my apartment.” He says 
“Same here. Now that I finished school, it feels like I have too much time in the day. Now it just feels like I’m doing stuff just to keep myself busy, hence the jogging.” You say lifting your leg slightly, pointing out the running shoes you were wearing. You felt his eyes slowly trail up your bare legs, taking in your form slowly and diligently as if he thought he would forget it all the second he blinked. His eyes finally stopped at yours and you released the breath you didn’t know you holding. 
“Well, I’ll let you get back to your book. I’ve still got 2 miles to go.” You say, as you start to jog away, you hear Spencer call out to you. You stop and turn back. “Yea?” you ask. 
“Umm…” He says trailing off before taking a breath. “I’m going to see a movie later, I was hoping maybe you’d wanna come? It’s in french, but I can whisper-translate for you.” He says. 
“Yea sure, I’m doing anything else.” You say, a little too excitedly. Calm down, Y/N, he didn’t even say it was a date. You think to yourself. “What time should I meet you there?” 
“7?” He says. 
“Great! See you at 7, Reid!” You say before jogging away. 
You leave your house around 6:45, after spending about an hour and a half trying to find something to wear. Since it wasn’t a date, or since he didn't say it was one, you opted for something casual. A pair of comfortable jean shorts and your favorite band’s t-shirt. You did light makeup, and after an inspection in the mirror you decided you looked the right amount of cute and comfortable. 
Spencer was waiting outside the theater when you arrived. He was dressed casually too, a blazer over a simple t-shirt, cuffed jeans and converse. He smiles brightly at you as you walk up to join him. 
He insists on paying for the movie and you have to fight him to get him to let you at least pay for snacks but soon you are seated in the almost empty theater together. 
He moves close to you as the movie starts, whispering translations in your ear. At some point halfway through the movie, his arm ends up around your back as he continues to translate, your hand falls instinctively to his thigh. 
The movie ends eventually, and the two of you begin to walk outside together. You know a really good ice cream place that’s not a far walk from the theatre so you suggest going Spencer instantly says yes. You guys walk in silence for a while before you open your mouth to say something. 
“Can I confess something to you?” You ask him. 
He turns and looks at you. “Yea, what is it?” 
“Je parle quatre langues, dont une est le français.” (I speak four languages, one of which is french.) You say. 
He looks at you incredulously. “Pourquoi m'avez-vous laissé traduire le film entier pour vous?” (Why did you let me translate the entire movie for you?) He asks 
“Tu veux dire, pourquoi t'ai-je laissé chuchoter à mon oreille pendant deux heures d'affilée?” (You mean, Why did I let you whisper in my ear for two hours straight?) You smile flirtatiously at him. “Je suis sûr que tu peux comprendre celui-là.” (I'm sure you can figure that one out) You nudge him with your arm. “Come on, I believe you owe me ice cream.” 
You and Spencer, deciding you don’t want the night to end just yet,  take your ice cream and walk to a park. You lick lazily at the cone you opted for opposed to the cup he got. You guys seem to try and catch up on everything the two of you had done since your last coffee shop visit. He tells you about the books and Doctor’s journals he’s read. You explain to him the entire plot of the latest season of Drag race. You talk and talk and talk, to the point you don’t even realize it’s getting late. 
“It’s late.” he says, “We should head back.” 
And so you do, the two of you walk back to your cars parked near the movie theatre in semi-silence. As the two of you approach your driver door, you turn to look at each other. 
“This was fun, to hang out, I mean.” You say. 
“Yea, it was.” He adds. “I’d like to do it more, if you don’t mind.” 
You shake your head. “No, I’d love that.” you say. 
He takes a step closer to you and you do the same. This was it, he was finally going to kiss you. He looks down at your lips and up to your eyes again as if searching for the approval you give a quick tiny nod. He smiles, moving a hand to the side of your head leaning into you--
Your phone rings. He takes a step back. 
Moment ruined.   
You look at your caller ID. “It’s Hotch.” you say, he nods at you while you answer the phone “Y/L/N” you say. 
“Y/N/N, you need to meet me at the office. Right now.” He says. 
“Why sir? Is there a case?” You ask. 
“No case.” He says. “Gabriel Ferguson’s date has been set.” 
That name. 
You tried everyday to forget that name. 
The name of the man who took your family. 
Your innocence. 
Your way of life. 
Gabriel Ferguson. 
The Beechwood Killer. 
You freeze. Spencer is watching you, concerned now. “W-Why do you need me to come in for that?” You stutter. 
“Because… he’s refusing to tell us where he dumped the first bodies.” Hotch pauses. “Until he speaks to you.” 
You drop your phone. 
The last thing you hear is Spencer calling out to you while everything fades to black.
Taglist: @haylaansmi​     @yoruebeautiful​ @kianagilder-blog​ @l0ve-0f-my-life​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms @dreamer7black​ @baby-banana​ @drreidshands​ @blameitonthenight21​ @slyskyeey​ @liaabsurd​ @di-essere-amato​
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sapphicscholar · 6 years
I know you've kind of done this already in Tabula Rasa, but could you maybe write a fic where some of the Superfriends end up in a parallel Earth where all of the Superfriends (or at least most, I'd love to see another version of evil Alex for sure. Maybe a version of her who became evil even without working for a xenophobic DEO? IDK) are evil? (This prompt may or may not be inspired by my annoyance at the plot of the crossover...)
I just posted it to AO3! 
A/N:Ugh yes, we can all be annoyed at the crossover… Since I already did an actual evil alternate universe in Tabula Rasa, I went full on campy evil for this one (think Lucy Diamond in DEBS) that’s largely inspired by my earlier musings here. Anyhow, I hope you enjoy and sorry it took me a while to get to it! I’m finally going through some old prompt requests now that I’ve got a bit of time in these quiet few days at work.
Chapter Text
“Not again,” Alex hissed as the monitors flickered to black before flashing back up now covered in full color, high resolution photos of her from high school: black choker around her neck, black vest on, striped tie looped around the waist of her low-rise jeans, and some heavy black eyeliner to top off the whole punk rock aesthetic.
“You’ve got company headed up in 5,” James informed her, ignoring the litany of increasingly obscene threats crackling through his earpiece.
“Then get your little boyfriend on the phone and tell him to knock it the fuck off,” Alex growled, waiting for the inevitable refutation of their relationship, the insistence that they “don’t do labels.”
Even as he protested, James dialed Winn.
“Hello?” Winn answered, the poorly disguised snicker proof enough that he was behind the hack.
“C’mon man, we let Lucy have her heist last night without issue. Let Alex back into the system.”
“You’re getting off too easily,” Winn huffed.
“And I can guarantee you won’t get off at all tonight if you don’t call this off,” James threatened.
“You’re the worst.”
“Nah, I don’t think so.”
“You know how much shit I’m gonna get from Vasquez if I give in this quickly?”
“What if we promise not to ruin their date night with Lucy this week?”
Winn paused, deliberating for a few minutes. “That I can work with.”
“Thanks, man.”
“See you tonight?”
“My place or yours?”
“James!” Alex growled, her voice startling him.
“Mine,” he quickly answered Winn, hanging up to refocus his attention on Alex. “You should be back in any second now.”
“Not dating my ass.” Alex continued trying to circumvent the active hack until suddenly it disappeared, the screens flashing back to the museum security feed she’d been trying to overwrite when Winn and Vasquez decided to play their little prank. “I’m back.”
“Good. You’ve got about two minutes.”
“Only need one.”
“That’s my girl,” Maggie chimed in, her voice barely audible over the sound of her motorcycle roaring to life.
“Now who’s being gross?” James teased, following Maggie’s location through her motorcycle’s GPS tracker.
“Still you,” came Alex and Maggie’s voices in unison.
“And we’re…clear!” Alex cheered, slinging the long cardboard tube over her back, wiping the keyboard even though she was wearing gloves, and bolting for the back exit where the security cameras were still under repair.
“Three, two, one,” James counted down, watching as Alex and Maggie’s blinking red GPS lights got closer and closer together.
“Hey babe,” Alex rasped, throwing on the spare helmet and straddling the back of Maggie’s bike. “Take me home. You know how I get after a good heist.”
“You still have to come here first!” James yelled, hoping he wouldn’t have to go over in the middle of the night to interrupt them…again.
“I’m thinking diamonds,” Lucy mused, her teeth nipping at Vasquez’s earlobes and her hips grinding down into their lap.
“Mm, yeah?” Vasquez asked, not trying particularly hard to pay much attention to their girlfriend’s words. At this stage, they were always just ideas, liable to change with a moment’s notice—often to thwart Alex’s latest ploy. They were just grateful that the rivalry had turned (mainly) friendly over the years. Back before Alex started dating Maggie, the two had been at each other’s throats,  more often focused on ruining the other’s heists than on actually accomplishing anything themselves. But now that Alex had a “mission statement,” which Lucy loved to scoff at, even though she liked to boast about how she operated within her own code of honor, they’d come to an uneasy truce that involved more playful attempts at sabotage that rarely turned violent these days.
“Can you two not do that in the van?” Winn whined. “This is my space—my sacred space.”
“You said that about your lab too,” Vasquez pointed out.
“Yeah, Schott, you only get one. Pick wisely.”
“Just don’t—keep your clothes on, alright?”
“No promises.”
“Why do I tolerate you two?”
“Because otherwise you’d be sitting in a lab full of perfect inventions without the daring to go use them yourself?” Vasquez offered.
“You’d have this van all rigged for surveillance with no one to watch for?” Lucy chimed in.
“You’d know how to make targeted explosions and decoys and holograms but never see them put to their best uses?”
“Okay! Okay, I get it. You two are the muscle.”
“And the looks.”
“And the courage.”
“Do you want me to leave?”
“No,” Vasquez said, shaking their head. “C’mon, who would actually know enough about computers to hack me if you left?”
“I guess,” Winn sighed melodramatically. “So you said diamonds…want me to start looking up possible targets?”
“I know just the one.”
“That so?”
Lucy nodded. “Oh yeah. She has more money than anyone in National City—just enough for some forcible sharing, I think.”
“Love the way you think,” Vasquez said, placing a kiss on Lucy’s cheek.
“Wait. You’re gonna try to rob Cat and Astra?” Winn asked, his mouth gaping.
“What? No, I don’t have a death wish,” Lucy laughed. “Besides, they’re already fighting the good fight.”
“Ah yes, that Lucy Lane patented code of honor.”
Holding two fingers up, Vasquez repeated in a military-esque monotone: “Criminals with honor do not harm or steal from other criminals with honor.”
“Damn straight.”
“And so how do you justify messing with Alex?” Winn asked.
“That sense of honor is still new. And these days I don’t harm her—just inconvenience her.”
“Fine,” Winn gave in. “But who’s richer than Cat and Astra?”
“Lena Luthor.”
The next morning, Alex carefully brushed away a speck of almost imperceptible dust from the broad shoulders of James’ suit jacket, watching in the mirror as he straightened his jacket and tightened the knot of his tie just a hair. Maggie handed him his phone and gun once Alex got his cufflinks fastened.
With a charming (and perfectly disarming) smile and wink, James slung the tube over his shoulder. “Wish me luck.”
“You don’t need luck when you look like that,” Maggie teased, swatting at James as he walked toward the front door, putting an extra swing in his step and letting out a deep laugh at the teasing wolf whistles and catcalls Alex and Maggie sent his way.
“We’ll be in the area if you need us, alright?” Alex added, her expression morphing into a more serious one.
“I know you’ve got my back, Alex.”
Within half an hour, James’ town car pulled up in front of the buyer’s restored nineteenth-century brownstone where he’d agreed to meet them—the hominess of it all somehow helping their genteel clientele to assuage their guilt over purchasing stolen artwork.
“Mr. Kent?” a middle-aged woman answered the door.
“At your service,” James replied with a small dip of his head and an easy smile that had her cheeks flushing a faint pink. “Can I ask your name?”
“Oh, I’m not the one you want to see.”
“On the contrary. You’re the very first one I’ve seen, which must make you someone worth knowing.” James smiled as any sense of wariness dissipated, the woman clearly charmed by him.
“I’m Katarina. I work for Morgan Edge.”
“Well it is my deepest pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
“Yes, I, uh, yes,” she stammered, mumbling her way through a few pleasantries before finally guiding him out of the entrance room. “Come right this way.” He followed her through a long hallway until they reached the home office in the back.
“Mr. Edge, it’s so nice to meet in person,” James greeted the man.
“I see you brought my newest acquisition.”
Right to business apparently, James thought. “I did. I assume you’ll want to see it first.”
As he pulled the tube over his shoulders, Katarina returned, a small mug clutched in her hands. “I brought your espresso.”
“Thank you,” James said, his deep voice rumbling over the disgruntled huff of Morgan’s complaints about her always interrupting his meetings. He paused for a moment to sip at it. “Always better to enjoy while it’s hot,” he added by way of explanation. “And it is excellent, Katarina.”
“Well, if you ever find yourself in need of a fix…”
“You’ll be the first person I call.” Sensing Morgan’s growing frustration, he turned back to the tube, slipping on a pair of gloves to pull out the painting.
Morgan leaned in closely, magnifying glass in hand as he inspected a few areas—always the same ones, James thought to himself, almost disappointed by the predictability of it all. After several long minutes, Morgan nodded. “It will be the perfect piece for my study.”
“And now it’s my turn to inspect.” James carefully rolled the painting up once more and stuck it back in the tube.
“Of course.” Morgan handed over a briefcase full to the rim with stacks of bills before turning back to his desk. With the painting strapped to his back for safekeeping, James checked the totals, then ran the special detecting pen Alex had invented to find fake money by scanning the chemical makeup of the ink and paper over the edges of the bills.
When Morgan turned again, already demanding to know what the holdup was, he found a gun pointed between his eyes. “And what do you think you’re doing?” he growled. “In my own home? I’ll have the police here before you can even think of pulling that trigger.”
“Oh, I don’t think you will. At least not when you’re buying stolen art and trying to pay me with counterfeit bills.”
“They’re perfectly real,” Morgan scoffed, pulling out one of top stacks.
“No, no.” Shaking his head, James pulled out the stacks beneath it. “The rest of it.”
Looking slightly inconvenienced but not at all abashed about having been caught, Morgan unlocked his safe and pulled out another briefcase, which James inspected thoroughly. Finally convinced that they were real, James added the top layer of real bills from the other briefcase to the new one—“for the trouble you put me through”—and handed off the painting, slowly backing out of the room, gun still pointed at the man until he was out of sight.
“Deal’s done,” came James’ voice through the intercom once he was safe in the town car again. “You need backup?”
“Nah, this part is the easiest,” Maggie answered, grinning over at Alex, who was leaning heavily against the wall of the warehouse, barely stifling her tired yawns. “Looks like I wore you out last night, babe.”
“More like Lucy did,” Alex huffed. “I’m so sick of having to deal with the added stress of her shit.”
“Oh please, you two keep each other sharp.”
Before their bickering could escalate—or turn into the heated makeup sex they favored—they heard the door creak open, and Alex smiled as Maggie greeted the first man through the door in perfect Spanish. They never used names, but she still felt close to him, a level of loyalty she afforded to very few of her other clients.
“I believe we have something that belongs to you,” she said, switching back to English when the rest of the group joined them.
“We’re nothing if not efficient,” Alex chimed in.
“Why?” one of the women in the group asked. She was new, Maggie noted, and rightfully suspicious of a gift that seemed to come with no strings attached.
“I don’t take kindly to my country profiting off of stolen artwork. I’m simply…expediting the process of repatriation.”
The woman scoffed. “And your country is okay with this?”
“Was yours when we stole the art in the first place?”
“And there are no strings attached?”
“Ah, well, I do like a nice bottle of wine—I’m partial to reds, and my partner here likes a dry wine.”
“Anything for you,” the man from before added, tipping his head to Maggie before taking the tube from her. “As always, thank you.”
“Have I mentioned lately how much I love having shapeshifters for friends?” Kara asked, throwing an arm around J’onn’s shoulders and reaching a hand out to M’gann. “Because I really, really do.”
“Whatever we can do to help Lena’s shelter—just say the word,” J’onn said.
“As long as you never say a word, then we’ll be just fine.”
“I still don’t see why the girl won’t let her good deeds be known,” M’gann mused, letting go of Kara’s hand to settle back in behind the bar.
“It’s harder to blackmail rich bad guys when you’re not invited around anymore because the Luthor last name has lost all meaning.”
“You’re the one that collects half the dirt with your powers, though.”
“But I wouldn’t know where to go digging if it weren’t for Lena’s first steps. Plus, you know how she enjoys siphoning off Luthor Corp funds. It’d be less fun if she had to spend her own money.”
“You know we’re mindreaders, right?” J’onn asked, arching an eyebrow at Kara.
“You can’t read mine,” Kara countered.
“No,” M’gann admitted, “but we know that your little girlfriend donates half of her personal income to charities every year.”
Kara groaned. “Don’t tell her you know, okay? She doesn’t want people knowing about it—once people know, it ruins it for her.”
“Whatever you say…”
“It’s not like you want people to know you’ve been volunteering to keep her refugee center running either.”
“No one would willingly enter a center run in part by a White Martian, especially one who shapeshifts to steal and infiltrate the local police units.”
“And you think that they’d send their kids off to play with a Luthor?”
“Point taken.”
“Anyway, are you two coming over for dinner tonight?”
“Not tonight, sorry,” J’onn apologized. “We’re a little short-staffed at the bar, and you know how Friday nights can get.”
“But next time, we promise,” M’gann added, reaching over to give Kara a hug before she left.
“We should really get going,” Astra sighed, even as she lifted her arms to allow her shirt to be removed. “Wouldn’t want to be late.” Her breath hitched at the feeling of teeth nipping at her neck and nimble fingers deftly undoing the button and zipper of her black pants.
“She’s not my niece,” Cat shrugged. “Besides, I’ve always preferred to be fashionably late.”
“And yet if I’m just a minute late for dinner…”
“I. Do. Not. Wait.” Cat declared, punctuating her words with harder bites, wishing she could leave some kind of mark on that flawless skin.
“I always make it worth your while, though,” Astra drawled, easily flipping them so that Cat was on her back, her breathing ragged and her chest flushed a faint pink.
“Last night you didn’t.”
“Last night I had the chance to sabotage the newest oil pipeline, darling. I don’t complain when your work comes first.” Astra’s fingers trailed up Cat’s thighs, gently pushing up the hem of her dress.
“I know, I know. It’s just a shame—you know my fingers, talented as they might be, just don’t compare to your tongue.”
“Well, why don’t we get dressed for dinner with Kara, and when we get back, I’ll make it up to you threefold.”
“I suppose I could be amenable to those terms if you let us take the car to dinner tonight.”
“But flying is so environmentally friendly.”
“It’s windy.”
“I’ll shield you.”
“We drive a hybrid.”
“Fine,” Astra finally relented.
Looking around the table, Kara couldn’t help but smile at the sight of her friends and family all gathered together, laughing as Maggie regaled them with tales of Alex’s latest misadventures with Lucy, Vasquez, and Winn. As much as Alex complained about the lot of them, she knew better than to believe that she truly hated them. After all, it had been Lucy and Alex who’d willingly put aside their differences to bring down Non when Astra’s life was in jeopardy, then again when Max Lord came for Kara herself. Plus, she doubted that Alex would voluntarily spend hours sifting through childhood photos of someone she truly despised, even if she was looking only for the most embarrassing ones.
“What matters,” Alex finally cut in when it seemed like Maggie was just one step away from pulling out the photos for a show and tell, “is that we made it out just fine.”
“Which is why we’re letting Lucy have her little date night tonight without any interruptions from us.”
The laughter that filled the room was soon cut off as both Kara and Astra sprung to their feet.
“We have company,” Astra hissed. Within moments, everyone in the room had at least one weapon drawn, all of which were pointed at the intruder that Astra whisked in through the balcony window and unceremoniously threw to the floor.
“Lucy?” Alex gasped, seeing the telltale full body black leather suit she wore when she went out on her little cat burglary missions.
“The hell, Danvers? I thought you were gonna let me have my date night.”
“Since when is your date night crashing my family dinner?”
“Since when is Luthor family?”
“Since she started dating me,” Kara just about growled, crossing her arms and stepping protectively in front of Lena. “And if you’re here to hurt her, you’re gonna have to fight your way through each and every one of us first.”
“And you know better than to touch my sister,” Alex added, her tone sharp as she let her gaze flick pointedly to the gun in her hand.
“Since when do you protect the rich?” Lucy asked, turning her attention to Maggie, figuring she was the best bet for an ally—she had the whole Robin Hood schtick down to an art.
“When the rich are giving more money away than I could even if I managed a heist every day.” Lena began to object, but Maggie waved off her protests. “Alex hacked into your accounts the first time she found you and her sister in bed together. Be lucky that’s all we found.”
“If you’re so charitable, why have you been ordering millions of dollars’ worth of diamonds?” Lucy demanded.
“Most of them will be sent back to the communities they were stolen from,” Lena huffed. “I might be a villain—”
“Hardly,” Maggie scoffed. “Blackmailing the worst of your one-percenter pals with your girlfriend, stealing from your family’s evil company—they hardly make you a villain.”
Lena just rolled her eyes. “Fine. But, since the surprise is sort of ruined now…” Turning to face Kara, Lena dropped down to one knee. “Kara Danvers, the months I’ve spent with you have been some of the best ones of my life. There’s no one I’d rather extort and blackmail with than you. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
“Yes!” Kara gasped, dropping down to her knees as well and pulling Lena into a passionate kiss that may well have gone on much too long to be appropriate in front of family, friends, and intruders were it not for the loud whooshing sound and the way the whole floor seemed to shake.
“The hell did you bring with you, Lane?” Alex growled.
“It wasn’t—” But Lucy didn’t have time to finish her thoughts before a large silvery portal opened up, and doppelgangers of Kara, Alex, Maggie, and Winn thumped to the floor, looking more than a little taken aback at the sight of so many people and weapons surrounding them.
“Who are you?” Kara finally demanded, glaring at the intruders, letting her eyes burn red.
“Um, I think we’re you…from another Earth—Earth-38 to be specific,” the new Kara volunteered. “We were over on Earth-1 helping out some friends, but we had to leave in a hurry, and I think maybe we set up the breech incorrectly…”
“No shit,” Alex growled, looking closely at her Earth-38 counterpart and refusing to lower her weapon.
At that moment, Lucy’s earpiece crackled to life with Vasquez and Winn’s worried questions. “I’m up in the apartment…whole story there. But, uh, we’ve got company, and I think you’re gonna want to see this.”
Earth-38 Winn scoffed at his doppelganger, having found himself increasingly disgusted as he heard him joking about heists and devious inventions. “How could you? After everything that happened with our dad?”
“After everything that happened, how could you not?” his evil counterpart shot back. “You watched him lose everything—his career, his money, his inventions, his wife, his love for life, his desire to live. How can you justify sitting back and doing nothing to avenge him?”
“Somehow I don’t think a murderer losing his love of life while he rots in prison really rises to the level of vengeance-worthy crimes against humanity.”
“For murder.”
“What do you mean? He didn’t do anything. He let his boss take credit for his inventions, rolled over each and every time until he had nothing worth fighting for, nothing worth living for.”
Winn stood there blinking. “I…that—that’s not what happened on my Earth.”
Across the room, Maggie and Alex sat together, watching as their Kara and Winn worked with the other Earth’s more tech-oriented folks to try to make sure that any new breeches wouldn’t send them to yet another Earth that might be even less friendly toward them.
“You didn’t seem surprised that your doppelganger isn’t the paragon of virtue,” Maggie noted.
“I’m not.”
“Why’s that?”
Alex shrugged. “I’m not Kara. I’ve killed before, and I likely will again. I do the things that need to be done. I’ve never been a saint.”
“But you’re no villain.”
“But to have lost things like that…this Alex had both of her parents taken away and was left with another girl who had lost her whole world, who didn’t get a loving, supportive family to raise her. Instead she was left with me—some bitter teenage rebel who wanted nothing more than to see this world pay for its crimes.” Alex shook her head; it was impressive that they’d ended up as decent as they had. Sure, her counterpart had stolen and lied, but she’d never descended to murder or kidnapping or anything of that nature. She suspected Kara had something to do with it; even if this version of Supergirl was willing to claim power in a way hers never had, was willing to kill when it came down to it in a fight, she still fought for justice, still fought for good.
Regarding Maggie, Alex added, “You’re not exactly stunned yourself.”
“If I didn’t have an aunt to take me in, of course I’d have turned to petty theft. Plus, Robin Hood was my favorite Disney movie…”
Alex laughed. “I guess even here you’ve got a pretty deep-rooted sense of justice.”
“Yeah. And here you’ve got an undercut,” Maggie added, veering them toward lighter topics. “It’s pretty hot.”
“I really hope you’re not suggesting some threesome.”
With a loud bark of a laugh, Maggie shook her head. “Not in the slightest. Just, you know, if you ever wanted to change up your look…”
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