#my coherent thoughts have flown South for the winter
mandalorianmeowmeow 3 years
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Now this is a theory I wanna hear more about 馃憖
I don't remember her ever being chased or attacked by any of the human dogs ...
I just decided it after watching the deleted scene of Arkin getting the Collector and bringing him to the garage??? storage unit?? Elena spent the entire video getting dolled up. (I would too if I knew my King was coming/also I want to look presentable for Murder) and at the end of the video she puts her head on the trunk. We can hear Asa having a fit inside and it's just the way she laid her head on the trunk and looked at the camera. It just made me think that she was laying out all the tools for the Collector, not Arkin. She didn't look bloodthirsty, she looked concerned. Then we see shots of her looking like she's torturing someone in the stills from The Coll3cted. So I just wondered if maybe she paid some of her dad's guys to track him down before Arkin "I can't use the internet in 2012 O' Brien did. When they found him she went and confronted him. But Asa already knew all about her and her family's loss.
He's a smart dude. There's no doubt in my mind that he noticed how she reacted to Lucello's death. He was a protector and father figure to her. And he'd probably already watched them at their mansion and noticed that even though the dad sent people to save her, he's kinda distant, he shuts down due to his own PTSD and drinks his pain away. Asa could easily play a few manipulation cards:
1) My Father was also distant and had an addiction. We are very similar. I just wanted a father to guide me, no one can protect you like I can.
2) I lost my mother as well as a child. You understand how much that void hurts.
3) Not having a family I had to fend for myself. I fought tooth and nail to get where I am. You remind me of myself with your emotional strength and problem solving skills.
I don't know how to brain wash or manipulate people so I can't really explain how he'd do it, but since I'm easily manipulated, I can understand how she'd fall under his spell. I'm an Abby 5000% except I'm smart enough not to leave my trunk.
I figure he'd work the Father Figure angle (probably why he was wearing Dad clothes. Fucking Elena) offering her emotional support and reconfirming how strong she really is.
I'm reaalllly tired and I can't formulate my thoughts into text. 馃槶馃槶
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heliosphoenix 6 years
State of the planet: 2018 edition
Well here we are, it's time once again for my now annual review of the year we just finished up. When we take some time out of our New Year's celebrations to recognize that while it seems like we just went through 365 days of pain and frustration, there was a smattering of good things that happened as well.
Here's some of them:
Scientists in China cloned two monkeys via Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer, a major development toward's the potential for this technique to be used for regenerative cloning in the future
A new drug designed to combat Ovarian Cancer has begun clinical trials. Early results show that half the patients taking the drug are now Cancer free with no sign of the Cancer returning
Chinese scientists have developed rice that will grow in drought conditions. They plan to cover about 10% of the desert in the UAE with this rice for farming use.
An effort is underway to save the Northern White Rhino from extinction, using frozen sperm implanted in eggs from Southern White Rhinos, the hope is that this process will be able to revive the species in the future
A Ukrainian company is placing Solar Panels around Chernobyl to generate Solar Power. They plan to use the existing infrastructure to eventually generate up to 100 Megawatts of energy
101 cities around the world are now getting 70% of their power from renewable energy sources. In a related story, 56 cities in the United States have committed to going 100% renewable by 2050
The World Health Organization reported that Paraguay has now completely eradicated Malaria, other Latin America nations are close to doing so as well
The Ocean Cleanup Project has begun an initiative to clean up the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. They're aiming to remove at least 50 tons of garbage from the ocean every year
The Ozone is beginning to repair itself. At current rates, the Northern Hemisphere should be fully repaired by 2030, with the Ozone Hole in Antarctica sealed by 2060
The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge was opened, it's the world's longest sea crossing bridge
Chinese scientist He Jiankui announced that he's modified the DNA of twin infant girls in an attempt to make them resistant to HIV
According to a report by the International Telecommunications Union, 51.2% of the world's population is using the Internet
Qantas launched the first commercial non stop service between Australia and the United Kingdom, the route is flown by their 787 fleet
Cinemas opened in Saudi Arabia for the first time since 1983, the first movie shown is Black Panther
Diplomatic talks took place between North and South Korea, with both nations committing to the removal of land mines from the Demilitarized Zone between the nations
The Basque separatist group ETA announced its dissolution
The Supreme Court of India decriminalized homosexuality
Ireland citizens voted to repeal the nations ban on abortion in a national referendum
Voting turnout for the US Midterm elections was at a 50 year high
Michigan was the latest state to legalize recreational use of Marijuana, Canada also voted to allow sale of Marijuana.
The overall crime rate for the year is expected to have dropped by 2.9%
11% of the US Population is expected to get a boost to their credit scores
Homeownership rates for Americans under 35 are now at just over 36%, the highest since 2013
Americans gave over $400 Billion to charity this year, a record high
The 2018 Winter Olympics were held in South Korea
The 2018 World Cup was held in Russia with France claiming their second title. It was also announced that the United States, Mexico and Canada will host the 2026 World Cup
The Philadelphia Eagles won their first Super Bowl over the heavily favored New England Patriots
Tiger Woods won his first PGA tournament since 2013
The Michigan Basketball team did so much better than anyone could've expected, winning their second consecutive Big Ten tournament, and making their second Final Four appearance in 5 years
The Michigan Football team had a decent year as well, posting their third 10-3 record under Jim Harbaugh as well as winning a share of the Big Ten East division title (but because two of those losses were to Notre Dame and Ohio State, Michigan fans will be forced to spend the offseason being miserable twats again)
Justify won the Triple Crown of Thoroughbred Racing, the second horse to win the title in 3 years (rather remarkable considering the previous title drought was nearly 4 decades)
SpaceX launched 21 Falcon rockets this year, including the first Falcon Heavy rocket which sent Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster into interplanetary space
NASA had a busy year as well, launching the TESS spacecraft to search for ExoPlanets, the Parker Solar Probe to explore the Sun's atmosphere, and the InSight lander which successfully touched down on Mars in November
ESA launched the BepiColombo spacecraft to explore the planet Mercury, the first mission to the planet in over a decade
The OSIRIS-REx sample returned spacecraft arrived at the Asteroid Bennu.
Finally, the New Horizons spaceprobe will conduct a flyby of the Kuiper Belt Object Ultima Thule just after midnight tonight!
Remember all that? Good. Because that's where I'm at right now: December 31, 2018, with just over 11 hours left in this year.
You, dear reader, are in the future. And by the time you read this, it's very likely that for you 2018 will be over. Relegated to the books. And you've probably read a bunch of articles and blogs and tweets about how we just went through a year of infinite pain. Which is why I'm hoping that this missive finds you after you've already read all those other things.
Because our minds tend to place the most emphasis on the last thing we experienced, and I want your lasting memory of 2018 to be that all those things I listed above happened this year, and nothing can ever erase them.
Now this is the part where I say something nice and worldly to tie up the events of this last trip around the ol' Sun. I try my best to come up with some theme or other that brings it all together into a coherent picture.
I think the word I would use to describe this year is "Revelation." Because I think we can all say that this year, it's not so much that we learned things, but things were revealed to us.
We've all been in this situation before. We think that we've got everything figured out, we have all the answers. And then all of a sudden we uncover something that completely shatters our perceptions and kicks our foundation out from under us. And based on all that's happened this past year, I think it's safe to say this happened to all of us at least once in the preceding 12 months.
Perhaps someone did something you never thought they would do? Or something that seemed to be amazing turned out not to be as good as you thought? Or maybe your way of viewing the world now looks totally alien to you?
Revelation can be a very traumatic thing to deal with, and I can tell you from experience that when your entire perception of reality is challenged, you become unsure about everything else. Doubts creep into your mind, and you start wondering what else it might be that you're wrong about? It's the kind of feeling that can make you feel completely alone even in the middle of thousands of people.
But Revelation can also be a good thing.
Sometimes something turns out to be even better than you were expecting. Or you discover that you actually are much more respected and valued than you thought you were. Or maybe you look around and realize that things aren't actually as bad as they seem.
Even if you have to deal with the Revelation of a harsh truth, you can still find the positive out of that. Sure you can choose to become cynical and jaded and let it consume you, or you can choose to be proactive about it.
Sure, things weren't what you thought they were, but that's okay. The world didn't come to an end, you still have much to be thankful for, and you can now use the knowledge that you've learned to become wiser about how to live your life.
So this is the part where I usually say that there's one more awesome thing that happened this year, but you're going to tell me what it is. Tell me something good that happened to you during 2018.
This time however, I'd like to try something different.
In addition to telling me something good that happened to you this year, I'd like you to give me the biggest Revelation you've had this year. What was the most surprising thing that was revealed to you?
Now I understand that it probably won't be as pleasant of a memory as whatever awesome thing that happened to you this year was, it may even cause you distress just thinking about it.
If that's the case, embrace it, because you are distressed. But not over whatever it was that you were forced to confront, but rather the loss of what you thought the world was.
But don't let it consume you. Take the truth that was revealed to you and apply it. Learn from it and resolve to use that truth to strengthen your resolve for this next trip around the Sun.
Things aren't always what they seem, and they often don't work out how you planned, but that's not always a bad thing. Because the amazing thing about this world is that things have a way of working out anyway.
So remember the good times, but learn from the Revelations. When you do that, you'll be that much closer to being the person you want to be.
Have a good day, a great month, and an AMAZING 2019.
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