#my cover story was that i was reading horror stories on the subreddit nosleep
I will forever remember that one of my cousins got married in September of 2021 cause i was bored at the reception and couldnt stop myself from reading doc ock/reader fanfiction
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vfdarkness · 4 years
I hope this doesn't come across as anything but curiosity but I started reading your old r/nosleep stories and you mentioned taking a break from that subreddit because you wanted to release novellas or novels on amazon. Did you ever end up doing that? I'd love to read more of your writing! Anyway have a good day!
Thanks for taking an interest in my work.
Short answer: No, I did not.
Longer answer: 
No, I haven’t released anything yet. I completed a draft, and went so far as to commission a cover design, for what was to be my first novella. 
Shortly after that, before I finished the second draft, I got a job offer across the country. I took it, moved, and spent the first several months getting used to my new job, learning the area, making new friends, etc. 
After some time passed, I read the drafted novella and wasn’t happy with it. It’d require a complete rewrite. Around that same time, I’d written another Nosleep story or two - I think my last series and the time traveler story. I was bombarded by podcasts and youtube channels that wanted to narrate those and previous stories.
After seeing how big horror podcasts and audiodramas were (I listened to Night Vale up to that point and maybe another show or two but that was about it), instead of working on the novella, I drafted an original podcast (AVFD). Most of my time since has been devoted to writing the show. 
I’ve written a few other works since A Voice From Darkness has started - mostly screenplays. From NoSleep and the podcast I’ve had a few film production companies reach out to me. None of this has panned out. Producers love to talk to writers until the bill comes due. 
 I’ve recently fleshed out some longer prose stories - a surreal/mystery/fantasy novella aimed at adults. And a dark fantasy novel meant for the middle grade reading level. I have no idea when I’ll finish either, but I’m more motivated to work on these as they require no one else to produce them.
Once again though, I’m moving across country and drastically changing my life. I only have so much time to devote to writing. I’m trying to be more careful with how I use it. For awhile I thought of starting another audiodrama - but I don’t have the time to do that (right now) while also doing AVFD and also writing novels, etc. But I would love to start publishing fiction - hopefully sometime in the next year. 
Sorry for such a long answer, but I didn’t want to make it sound like I simply gave up on these ambitions - especially since I’m currently working on some works I hope to publish in the near-ish future. 
Thanks again for the question - Jac
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kurtmckinnon · 4 years
getting to know meme
tagged by @disbear
RULES: tag 9 people you want to get to know better - If you want to do this one, consider yourself tagged! Today we are BREAKING all the rules.
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TOP 3 SHIPS: Off the top of my head... Kurt and Blaine (Glee), Dickie and Babe (Swoon), FINN AND POE (Star Wars #neverforget #neverforgivedisney)
LAST SONG: I Want You to Want Me (Cheap Trick cover) - Children of Paradise Little Shop of Horrors - 2019 Off-Broadway Cast Recording Bacon Pancakes (New York remix) - If you didn't see the vid I reblogged yesterday, this is SUCH an earworm omg.
LAST MOVIE: I think it was The Rise of Skywalker?
LIPSTICK OR CHAPSTICK: Chapstick lesbian.
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READING: *shifty eyes* I have to admit I’ve been slacking on reading actual books as of late. For the past couple years I’ve been really into creepypasta and other short horror fiction online. I check nosleep and Short Scary Stories on several times a week. (I know Reddit is best known for incels and redpillers, but the site attracts a huge variety of people. There including a number of cool and interesting subreddits.)
WATCHING: I recently finished the first and second seasons of You on Netflix. (Verdict: it’s not Emmy-winning stuff but it’s easy to get into, if you like thrillers.)
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Reddit’s Creepypasta Community Is Tired of Getting Ripped Off
No Sleep, a popular Reddit community for original horror fiction, has locked its subreddit "to protest content theft and unfair crediting and compensation" from YouTubers.
You've probably been freaked out by a story that was originally published on No Sleep before. Whether it's the story of the pop song that makes you commit suicide, or the tales of a fictional search and rescue officer for the U.S. Forest Service, No Sleep has been staying true to its name by keeping me and it's over fourteen million subscribers awake at night. Starting this Monday, though, the subreddit will be locked for a week. In their statement about this closure, the mods of the subreddit say that it's because their authors are being plagued by theft of their work. People on YouTube will read or narrate the stories without credit or permission.
"There are still people sharing and narrating r/nosleep stories without permission. There are still fans of those channels and pages who are either ignorant of copyright laws in regards to posting written work to the internet or refuse to believe that those laws exist. There are still authors who aren’t aware that they have rights in regards to what is done with their stories once they are posted," the mods said in their collective statement about the closure. "So we, the mods of r/nosleep, have decided to take a stand in support of our authors and the projects that have been created to fight on their behalf."
Christine Druga, one of No Sleep's mods, said over email that this problem has spanned years. Two years ago, Druga said that they created a subreddit to help foster a positive relationship between authors and the people who would like to narrate their work in YouTube videos. Between then and now, several other communities have been created to both educate writers about their rights and teach YouTubers about copyright. Nothing has worked, and the issue has come to a head this month.
"The Youtuber Mini Ladd, who has over 5 million subscribers, had read several r/nosleep stories on his channel without permission. After 4 months of attempting to contact him to resolve the issue, a handful of the affected authors filed DMCA strikes against the videos, and his channel was scheduled for deletion," Druga said. With his channel under threat, Mini Ladd's fans rallied to his defense, and Durga said that No Sleep authors ended up being harassed, claiming one of them was doxed.
"Mini Ladd wound up posting a public apology and contacting the affected authors to resolve the issue, and his channel was saved. Unfortunately, the damage that had absolutely rocked the community had already been done," Druga said.
Motherboard reached out to Mini Ladd regarding this incident but have not yet received a response.
Druga claims that, for the authors that have their work read on YouTube, the damage can range from mild annoyance to loss of livelihood.
"Some authors have nearly lost paying gigs because of it, others have stopped posting to r/nosleep and/or removed their stories from the subreddit completely because they were so tired of seeing their work stolen," Druga said.
Olivia White, who is an author on No Sleep and also works for the unaffiliated No Sleep podcast, said that this theft has affected her in multiple ways. The No Sleep podcast, which pays authors for the right to reproduce their work, now also has to compete with YouTubers with much larger audiences than them.
"People taking and adapting my work from r/nosleep means they’re literally reproducing something that someone else holds the audio rights to," White said. "Sometimes it’s a story we’ve already run on the podcast, and may want to do something else with in future, so having random Youtubers adapt it without permission makes that harder too."
Author T-Jay Lea, whose first book comes out August 31, said that he estimates that he's lost $10-30,000 in revenue.
"That would be a conservative estimate," he said.
Lea has watched people on YouTube and elsewhere steal his work without credit since 2012, when he wrote a short story called "The Expressionless" which went viral.
"I will tell you straight up that for several years it killed my love of writing," Lea continued. "I saw all these adaptations of my work and once the glamour of 'exposure' faded and I saw it was not a neon sign but instead a paltry promise with nothing behind it, I felt powerless to stop it all from happening. I was a 22-year-old kid with no experience in the industry, no understanding of how I should be adequately paid and in some cases I believed bigger YouTubers who said they 'couldn’t afford to pay me.'"
If you're not a huge corporation with tons of money and an army of lawyers, creating original work on the internet often leads to people ripping off that work. Independent artists face a myriad of copycats selling their work on Amazon, and teenagers with Tumblrs see their artwork traced and slapped on album covers. It's no different in the world of original fiction, where someone can swoop in, read your story, and make money off of it without asking permission or obtaining the rights to the work. That said, authors on No Sleep haven't unilaterally been screwed over by the people who want to adapt their work. The anthology television show Channel Zero has based some of its seasons on work that was originally posted to No Sleep, and properly licenses, credits and pays the authors.
Druga said that she hopes that the people who want to narrate original fiction and authors of it can come to a mutual understanding, because they have more to gain by working together.
"There is so much potential for the communities to work together and to promote each other, they just need to learn the right way and what's necessary to do it," Druga said. "I really, genuinely, hope that all of the hard work we have put forth leads to the two communities to form a better relationship."
No Sleep will reopen its virtual doors at midnight on March 2. Hopefully the authors who post their work there can finally close the book on this particular art theft horror story.
Correction: This article originally said that the No Sleep podcast is the official podcast of the r/NoSleep subreddit. The No Sleep Podcast is not directly affiliated with r/NoSleep, though it often uses stories found there and shares the name.
Reddit’s Creepypasta Community Is Tired of Getting Ripped Off syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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My Favorite Horror Youtubers
I did something a little different today. Instead of reviewing a scary movie, I decided to make a list. Here are my personal favorite horror -themed YouTubers, for those who are interested. I'll leave a video link for each of their channels. Be sure and leave a like on their page, these guys work hard.
Mr. Nightmare: Mr. Nightmare was my introduction to horror narrators on youtube. Not only does he narrate purportedly true stories he also does creepy countdowns and who doesn't love a good countdown https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6b_KzjgkmE&list=PL40q7Mkbu6O34hkN9vxkXsJIu1YgVvYyc
Lazy Masquerade: Lazy was my favorite of these true story guys for a while, like many on this list he is a horror narrator, choosing many stories from Reddit's letsnotmeet page  Lazy also frequently covers supernatural stories, which to me aren't as easy to believe, but scary nonetheless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2FRtEp-M1Y
Be.Busta: Be.Busta is an Australian narrator who is very similar to Lazy Masquerade as far as content goes. He covers both "real" and supernatural stories.Be.Busta will also narrate series from Nosleep, which I really enjoy. For awhile he was doing something called 8 disturbing moments caught on film, but he I'm fairly certain he stopped. They are still on his channel but not for the faint of heart, they don't get as bad as some of the others on this list, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E3so_ASVoo&list=PLwx5BoIerkl1b32Ik2U-CIjSZzkGisTCQ
Cayleigh Elise: I really like this girl, she has pretty much everything covered. She has a ton of different shows that cover a myriad of different topics ranging from giving detailed descriptions of various mythological beasts, reading true subscriber stories, as well as an unsolved mystery type show. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJMHY8PC8Ok
Sir Ayme:  Sir Ayme mainly covers fictional stories on his channel but puts a lot of personality and humor into otherwise morbid and frightening stories. I personally love his Nosleep playlist. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr7gwrigrbM&list=PLqg6uB9se_yVPjnHHziwsQfw-hjNCgfbx&index=6
CreepsMcPasta: Creeps is one of the most popular horror YouTubers and for good reason. He is very articulate and has an emotive voice. He covers many of the classic creepypastas, such as Jeff the Killer's origin, Slenderman stories, smile.exe and several others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A2maSlsofOI
These last four do not shy away very disturbing content, more so than the others. They don't hold back on any content at all. So, if you upset easily I can't recommend visiting these youtube channels. I, however, have no soul and really enjoy their content, and I get the feeling a couple of you do too.
Dr. Creepin: Similar to CreepsMcpasta in that he reads fictional horror stories mainly, though he does have some "true" stories as well. He's under the warning above because he will narrate the gorier, more gruesome stories that Reddit has to offer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_fiZherl_g
Corpse Husband: Similar to Lazy Masquerade in content though he doesn't shy away from the more shocking fare.For example, the true EMT and police stories have a few upsetting tales amongst them. Like, Lazy Masquerade, Corpse Husband has a couple True Supernatural Story lists too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LukZWYdlzPw
WARNING...Seriously....these last two can be pretty f'd
Rob Dyke: Rob Dyke hosts a show called seriously strange in which he goes over four or five related topics (5 disturbing Tinder dates or 5 disturbing Craigslist encounters) Rob goes into the gory details about these true stories, every one of his episodes has graphic illustrations detailing these events. Rob has three other shows related to the morbid and the macabre that are all similarly narrated and illustrated: Twisted Tens, Anatomy of Murder and Caught on camera. These videos are all made with care and attention, so despite the subject matter, you'll find yourself drawn in by his hard work. Rob also has a comedy show called why would you put that on the internet...if you have thin skin, or offend easily, probably avoid these. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uesHXnX34s
Gloomy House: This is a video clip show unlike any other and gloomy can go to some pretty dark place While, not gory due to the censor bar, Gloomy House shoes some disturbing and mostly real videos while explaining the events transpiring within. He also has videos like "Haunted Dolls caught on camera" that will show short clips in succession to one another while Gloomyhouse talks about the subject of the video over them. There is something truly authentic and genuinely terrifying about his videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caKfkoyGf8I
(honorable mentions: Reignbot Horror, UrMaker, Letsread!)
I would like to narrate true horror stories but a lot of these guys have picked the letsnotmeet subreddit clean, so in the interest of keeping my content original, I'd like to do subscriber stories. If you have any please, please, send them to me via messenger, if you wish to stay anonymous tell me, but if you'd like to be mentioned let me know as well! I hope you enjoy this...I know it's a little different than a movie review but I hope you guys enjoy these channels!
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backpfeifen-gesicht · 7 years
1, 15, 24, 26
1. Read: the extended version of Stephen King’s The Stand, it’s my favorite book. It’s got dark themes, good characters and great atmosphere. Also pretty much anything else by King. I also adore Harry Potter, the Dresden Files, and all the horror stories people write on the Nosleep subreddit.
Watch: Hook, The Goonies, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Office - I love adventure, justice, romance and good fuckin goofs.Listen to: Coldplay, Howie Day (Stop All The World Now), Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Journey, Geotic, Tycho - there’s a ton more but I’ll stop!
15: shit, between the series I listed above, I think I got it covered. Harry Potter and Redwall were both early on for me and extremely good though.
24: Yeah, although it turned out to be wishful thinking. I was in love and willing to fabricate good things while ignoring the bad.
26: I identify as a hetero male, and I’m currently unsure whether I’m asexual or if it’s just a reflection of my health, as I do experience a desire for sexy times and enjoy cuddling, making out and such.
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