#my coworker was watching me draw them and was like 'girl im so done. why ate you so good 😕' and walked away LMFAOOO
delusional-mishaps · 1 year
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drew the sillies at work đŸ«¶đŸ«¶
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actually-a-fish · 2 months
The Mitchells vs. The Machines
Hello! I like watching movies. Ideas get stuck in my head while watching them and i need them out of my brain. This is my 4/9/24 viewing of The Mitchells vs. The Machines. I like cartoons :)
This will have spoilers
Without further ado... my thoughts chronologicall
The main VA is Abbie Jacobson (aka Princess Tiabeanie Mariabeanie de la Rochambeau Grunkwitz)
this family reminds me so much of mine minus depression and a commitment to a cult :)
girl its probably a good thing you weren't at the tech reveal. be nice to the siris, alexas and echos in your life...
i kinda wanna watch that robot movie with Will Smith and hot robots now
running away from your crush and saying you hate them is so real
"what are these? robutts?"
I like that the new genre of villian is a tech bro and AI
I dont like this bit about wifi, we are dependent on it yeah but people can adapt pretty well. Well some I guess.
why do dads always suggest eating the family pet?
i cannot express how autistic this family is. its constant, not demeaning or the butt of a joke. just a family being a family. I have flappy hands about it.
aww dads do love to teach their kids to drive stick shift
i do like Eric and Barbara
the robots are shooting the humans into space, that's their plan and honestly i've been saying we should shoot garbage into space for a while now so im glad somone is finally doing it
there are cute edits done by katie through the whole movie and they deserve a shout out
I knew touch screen fridges were a bad idea
"your whole lives i wanted to save you from disater and this is the moment ive been waiting for" - Rick (and also my father)
This is good family bonding, but no tears yet.
unfortunately i think the family bonding was to good. The dad left a sentimental object in katies bags and now im convinced hes gonna sacrifice himself to save the rest of the family.
now im crying. :) if you watched i bet you could guess which part.
oof crying again! a Twofer!
This movie may be healing my childhood trauma. I miss my parents. They were just doing their best
thank you game grumps for introducing me to the song "Walk the Dinosaur" by Was (not was)
An accurate compilation of watching my coworkers and professors use computers
uh oh they got little brother, Linda is gonna rip out someone's heart
damn i need to see my family so i can remember why i hate them bc this is to sweet for me
How long of a break between the entire world being abducted by robots and everyone going back to work was? Do you think this was like their pandemic
"My name is Monchi, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair"
THEYRE BASED ON A REAL FAMILY (and the whole family has "im easily overstimulated" hair cuts, its so relatable)
It's cheesy. full of stuff you know is meant for kids and that corporate made them do. but I really liked it. I know the whole bit is that the family is weird. I don't really like that they used the word weird instead of autistic but i can kinda understand why they had to do it. i found myself relating the characters constantly. The way they run away when things get overwhelming, communicate through their interests, stim when they have big feelings (they all have their own, and most of them have a couple they do) and the way the situation their in affects them. It is not perfect representation but it did a good enough job for me.
If you read all the way through thank you! If you have any formatting tips please lmk!
Also I feel the silly need to add, this is all my opinion, and my opinion is not fact! It's okay if we don't agree and if you're nice, I would love to hear about it :)
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crushpunchh-art · 11 months
Lilith is so special to me bcs she's like so complicated and I love every aspect of her character lol
Also love the way you express her guilt thru Ur art!!
I feel like not enough people explore that.
Like, Lilith spent 30 years in the cult, most of her life, and despite being a victim it also probably caused her to do horrible things, especially to loved ones (i.e. Eda), almost killing Luz (a child), and it left her morality to be very flawed especially in S1 and what we can assume was in-between her initiation and her leaving.
And imagine the guilt for her actions. Like yk she's just cringing at all the horrible things she did in the past, and the horrible things she let be done to her "for the greater good".
Hopefully this made sense :3
YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES. ALL OF THIS EVERY SINGLE THING ABOUT THIS ASK. i feel like a lot of the time when people talk about lilith they act like its umm. a lot more black and white than it is? like either shes The Literal Devil (dont see this very often but theres this ONE GUY ON THE OWL HOUSE FANDOM WIKI.... endless entertainment watching them i promise you.) or Only a victim who Never did anything wrong.
like i love her BECAUSE shes garbage actually. she SUCKS in season 1. like obviously shes suffering but just. like. objectively? shes AWFUL. making fun of eda for her curse when She Caused it comes to mind. she SUCKED in s1! like, really badly! she kidnapped luz and was COMPLETELY unnecessarily menacing to gus and willow (girl chill out stop. you know damn well you could be handling this better) etc etc etc.
except also im like 90% sure she Knew she sucked. actually shes kind of the Leader of the Lilith Hater Squad. im not even sure its a case of flawed morals so much as a case of 'What Does It Matter? It's For The Greater Good'. / occasionally 'what the hell else am i supposed to do.' like does she KNOW shes doing awful things? oh totally. is she going to STOP? nope.
i would like to highlight. this part of your ask:
Like yk she's just cringing at all the horrible things she did in the past, and the horrible things she let be done to her "for the greater good".
lilith doormat truthers rise up. that woman lived under a man who hated her PERSONALLY for like 30 years. while her coworker was bullying her (Why was Kiki like that honestly like what was her damage when it came to Lilith. With Hunter okay sure. But Lilith??? Whatd she do to you???) you think she was STANDING UP FOR HERSELF? No! That woman hasn't stood up for herself since she was like 15! If she had she'd probably be dead by now!!!!
Sorry sorry sorry im ranting. I love her so much. Dumbest little cheeto puff who tries so hard and somehow still manages to do everything wrong.
TO THE ART BIT OF YOUR ASK: oh my god thank you so much!!! when im drawing her thats really like. what i try to focus on? like thats what i REALLY want to get across. that she feels so crazy guilty about everything.
thank you for having so many correct opinions about lilith. we will shake hands or if you dont want to do that we will nod approvingly at one another
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hit-em-with-the-four · 3 years
Lifetime of Waiting *Chapter 2*
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AN: I am so so sorry that this is late! I promised it such a long time ago and I am finishing my semester of school and just started a new job so I’ve been less than a person! Here we go! I’m slowly getting the swing of things!! Without further a do, enjoy!
Chapter 2
Tessa wasn’t really sure what made her run from her soulmates. Maybe it was her commitment issues after a lifetime of being alone or maybe it was the alcohol. Either way she couldn’t bring herself to face them and so there she was outside of the club waiting for her uber without her coat. The cold New York air was not kind to her and made her regret her decision of leaving the club but it was far too late to turn back. She had made some lame excuse to Anise saying that she was going home to work on some case studies when in reality she just had to leave. As her Uber pulls up she sees the two men, her two men emerge from the club looking worried. She makes eye contact with one of them before getting into her uber and shutting the door.
“Good evening miss, how are you?” The older gentleman asks beginning the ten minute drive back to her apartment.
“I’m great thank you, how are you?” She politely makes conversation with the man until he drops her off at her apartment. She graciously thanks him and exits heading to the front door of her apartment building.
Once Tessa is back in her apartment, she is peeling off her heels and slipping out of her dress before drawing a bath. She cannot seem to get her mind of her two soulmates and how she never got their names. ‘Great, I meet the two im destined to be with and run away before I learn their names.’ She groans internally giving herself grief. From beside the tub her phone is going off.
Anise: I know that excuse was bullshit, now what really happened?
Tessa rolls her eyes and begins to think of an answer that her friend would think was acceptable.
Tessa: I got a notification regarding an assignment I needed to finish. Sorry!
Anise: This conversation isn’t over... btw not coming home! Found my soulmate and spending time with him. Sorry!
Tessa: I’m so happy for you love! We’ll talk when you get home. I want details of course.
Anise: Of course! I’ll let you know periodically how I am and where I am okay? Isabella and Ryan are going to his for the night so you’re alone.
Tessa: Amazing, thank you! Have fun, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do ;)
Tessa shuts her phone off and rests it on the toilet seat lid.
At the club Mat and Tito are both confused as they watch their soulmate run out of there.
“What the fuck just happened?” Mat asks and Tito shakes his head.
“I think we just met our soulmate and let her run away from us.” Tito says running a hand over his face. He had been waiting for his soulmate for 80 years now and let her slip through his fingers. His family was one of the families in which all of them had been cursed with a long life expectancy, Anthony had been the luckiest and was stuck at 18 until the year 2015. Then he had begun to age naturally as a way to find his soulmate. He didn’t understand it fully but his mother had always told him growing up that the world worked in weird ways. Mat and his family were under the same issue. They all must find their soulmates before they can start to age again and Mat was the last one to find his soulmate. His little sister had found hers just a few years prior in her final year of high school, leaving Mat the only Barzal without a soulmate.
“How does this work though? Are we both her soulmate?”
“Yeah, I mean I guess. But how can someone have two?”‹“I don’t know, but I’m guessing by the way we both reacted she is telling the truth.”
“I mean, yeah there is no reason why she would lie.”‹“Where the fuck did she go by the way? We need to go after her?”
“Fuck, yeah. She probably left, we should see if we can stop her.” The two men exit the club and are looking around frantically to see if they can find the girl that they’ve been looking for. Anthony sees her out of the corner of his eye and makes brief eye contact before she gets into a car and speeds off.
“She just left.” He huffs watching the car fade from his eye sight.
“What do you mean she just left?” Mat asks.
“She got in an Uber and left. What else do you want me to say?”
“Fuck, so we’ll never see her again.”
“Good chance.” The pair head back into the bar feeling disjointed and defeated.
“What’s got you guys so upset?” Anders asks holding onto a new woman who neither man had seen before.
“We let our soulmate get away.” Mat says slumping down into the booth.
“She ran.” Anthony says with a shrug.
“We don’t even know her name. We were stupid and didn’t ask her name.” Mat runs a hand through his hair and watches the young woman furiously type on her phone. Then it clicks for him, “fuck, you’re the girl that was dancing with her.”
“What was her name?” Anthony asks leaning across the table towards her. She giggles leaning into Anders’ shoulder.
“I don’t know if that’s for me to say boys.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean obviously Tessa didn’t want to tell you?” Anise smiles letting the boys know her name.
“Why didn’t she want to tell us?... wait her name is Tessa?” Anthony asks catching on to her slip.
“Yep....” Anise nods.
“And you are?”
“I’m Anise, pleasure to meet you.”
“I’m Anthony and this is Mat.”
“Nice to meet you Anise.” Mat says politely. Anders pulls her impossibly closer to his side and she places her hand on his knee.
“So will you tell us where she is.”
“Nope, she’ll find you when the time is right. I’m not interfering in fate.” Anise shrugs and the two boys look at her incredulously.
“Why not?!”
“Because fate was telling her to run, I am not going to interfere with her gut. You’ll meet again when you meet again.”
“Well we need to be with her.” Mat huffs gripping at his hair.
“Well, if she doesn’t want you to know where she is, then suck it up. She will come when she wants.” Both boys leave it at that and go to get another beer.
A few weeks go by before Tessa runs into the boys again. She had just finished her shift at the gentleman’s club and was on her way home when she spotted the two men in suits walking out of a classy high rise. She ducks her head and continues to walk right by, hoping that the two boys don’t notice her. She’s almost of their sight when she’s pulled into a hard chest.
“You think you can walk past us and not have us notice you?” A deep, raspy voice growls in her ear. She’s bites back a moan letting her eyes close.
“No, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She stutters.
“I think you do know baby girl.”
“Nope, not me.” Tessa sighs her head tossing back. If anyone saw her they would think she was crazy. But thankfully it was still dark out being 6 am in winter.
Mat drags his fingers up her arm towards her neck and she lets out a soft whimper showing her neck more. ‘Why is my body reacting this way. I haven’t felt this good in a long time.’ She thinks.
“I know you wanna be choked but I don’t think it’s appropriate in public my dear Tessa.” He smirks, lips close to Tessa’s ear.
“How do you know my name?” She asks gulping.
“Anise.” Tessa rolls her eyes and turns around to face him.
“Of course, well you found me. Hi, now what?” She asks pulling her jacket tighter around her body. Both Anthony and Mat were taken back by her reaction. Tessa notices their faces and sighs, “Sorry, I just got done work and I need to do school work and well, I am a little tired.” She yawns rubbing her eyes and the two boys feel their hearts melting.
“It’s okay, she’s the soulmate of our coworker so the night we met she met him and told us your name.” Anthony says from where he was leaning against the building. Tessa gets a good look at the two men and bite her lip. ‘Fuck they look so good.’
“So, since you know my name can I know yours?” She asks.
“I am Mat or Mathew but normally Mat.”
“And I am Anthony, Tito or Beau. Whichever you prefer.”
“Beau, like handsome in French?” Anthony chuckles shaking his head.
“Kind of, but it’s because of my last name. Beauvillier,” Tessa makes a mental note to search him up later.
“It’s nice to meet you both finally, I am able to put a name to your faces. Now to avoid anymore issues I am going to need both of your numbers.” She shrugs.
“Why don’t we drive you home and get you some coffee so you can do your work. At least right now we can get out of the cold.” Mat says smiling at his soulmate.
“I’d like that but I need someone to hold my hands, they’re both super cold.” Tessa whines exaggeratedly and both boys are quick to grab her hands. Hers feel so tiny in comparison to Mat and Anthony’s.
Once they’re in the car, a nice SUV Tessa thanks the boys.
“Here, give me your phones. I’ll add my number.” She smiles.
“Amazing, thank you.” Tessa cheekily puts her name in Mat’s phone as ‘Babygirl 💕’ and just ‘Tessa🌾’ in Anthony’s as she wants him to decide her nickname.
“Thanks.” Anthony smiles leaning over to kiss her head without a second though. Tessa feels a warm feeling spread through her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to do that.” He stutters.
“I liked it, don’t worry hun.”
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Something where JK is on a Zoom call and his mc is giving him a blowie under the table â˜ș and she says something like,, “Babe stop squirming pay attention”
Smut đŸ„Č
Zoom (M)
warnings: oral sex (m. receiving), pet names, face fucking, slight dacryphilia, cum facial/swallowing
Jungkook wasn’t one to do things like this, much less when he was on Zoom for a training required by his workplace. It had been bad enough that he had to get up earlier than normal to attend, but he’d also had to have his camera on the entire duration. At least he could have the mic off for this one.
He knew he was in for a long day when one of the higher ups showed up with a frown as they tried (and failed) to get the screen share to work. They babbled on as they said to refer to their screen, but all Jungkook could see was up their nose, gross.
Instead, Jungkook’s attention was on the doodles he’d been drawing on his notebook; stars, swirls, and stick people littered the pages. He huffed, carding his hand through his hair as he feigned attention, each of his coworkers looking just as bored as he. He wondered what time lunch would be today, hoping it would be sooner rather than later. He didn’t care to sit on screen all day without eating.
Jungkook could hear you down the hall, as you did your own work on your laptop. You found it easier to work in the living room instead of the office, and some days you sat on the porch if the weather allowed. Today it did not.
Jungkook groans as the presenter finally realizes their screen isn’t displayed to the faculty and more clicking and brow furrowing fills the screen. He doesn’t know why he has to sit through this if it’s the exact same thing every single year. He knows how to do his job, and to be frank, this whole training could have been a PowerPoint.
Hours pass, and finally, Jungkook is dismissed for lunch. He takes his laptop to the living room, turning the camera off before going into the kitchen to make something to eat.
“Rough morning?” You ask as you walk into the kitchen, wrapping your arms around his slim waist. He immediately relaxes under your touch, sighing, “the worst. And I get to go through it in the afternoon and tomorrow.”
Your lips plant a kiss on his shoulder before stepping away from him.
“You can do It, baby. Im sorry it’s so awful. Do you want me to sit with you in the afternoon? I got my work done.”
“No sense in ruining your day with my pointless training,” Jungkook kisses your cheek before he takes his food to the dining table. You sit with him, wishing you could help, but there’s nothing that can be done. Instead, you take his laptop back to his office and set it on the desk before sitting on the chair beside his.
Jungkook walks into the room shortly after, sitting in his chair before patting his lap for you to sit on it. You quickly oblige, kissing his cheek as his arms wrap around your waist to hold you close. He checks to make sure his mic was on mute and camera turned off before he presses his lips to yours. You sigh, cupping his face as his hold on you tightens.
You loved the feel of his soft lips against yours, his sweet moans for you and you only as your teeth gently bit his lip, tugging it with your teeth before releasing it.
“Baby,” he sighs airily as you kiss him again, your hands gripping his hair, tugging it gently.  “Fuck.”
“You’re meeting is starting up,” you inform him as movement on his screen catches your attention.  Jungkook groans, cursing again as you kiss his lips one last time before climbing off his lap.
He turns his camera on, leaving his mic muted as his coworkers' faces appear on the other screens, all looking as bored and annoyed as he.  You watch your boyfriend try to pay attention, but the presenter is just off on a tangent about their lunch hour, which makes you grimace as Jungkook sighs.  He places his hand on your knee, stroking it for a bit as he places his chin in his hand.
You feel bad that he has to sit through hours of this.  You place your hand over his, your thumb brushing his skin before you slide out of your chair.  Jungkook raises a brow at you, but you remain silent as you move his chair and crawl under his desk.  He looks down at you, his brows furrowed, “What are you doing?”
“Shh..” you hush him, your hands running up and down his thighs as he looks at the screen, hoping nobody has noticed him looking at the floor.
Jungkook squirms in his seat, feeling his cock growing hard at your touch.  He bites his lip, his foot tapping as he tries to focus on the screen.  Your hands move to unbutton his pants, tugging the zipper down as well.
Jungkook gasps, hips lifting to help you tug his pants down his thick thighs.  Your mouth waters at the sight as your hand palms his cock through his boxers. 
You look up at him with bright eyes, smiling as you kitten lick his erection through his boxers.  Your name escapes his lips in a grunt, looking away from the screen to hide the pleasure on his face as you tug his boxers down and lick the head of his cock.
“We’re gonna get caught if you can’t control your facial expressions,” you chastise and he nods.
You stroke him, your tongue swirling around the head before you spit on it.  Jungkook groans, his hand knotting in your hair.  You continue to tease him, working your tongue over every inch.  You’re in no rush, knowing his meeting will go for at least another hour or so.
Jungkook resists the urge to look down at you, gripping his pen with one hand and his hold tightening on your hair with the other.  His breathing has grown ragged and his eyes have darkened with lust.  Your hand strokes him lazily, your lips wrapping around him as you take him deep in your mouth, relaxing your jaw to take his dick further.  You love feeling him heavy on your tongue, your head bobbing up and down as Jungkook lifts his hips, wanting to push his cock down further.
“Fuck,” he covers his mouth his hand.  Eyes closing as he tries to catch his breath when you take him down your throat and swallow.  You gag, eyes watering as you look up at him, his fiery gaze taking you by surprise.
Jungkook squirms in his seat. You pull off his cock, ignoring the way your spit and his pre-cum are smeared on your lips and chin, “ “Babe, stop squirming. Pay attention or I’ll stop.”
Jungkook shakes his head, pouting as he forces his gaze away from you.  Your lips wrap around him again, easily finding your rhythm and making your boyfriend sigh and lift his hips.  He eases up the hold he has on your hair, your roots no longer throbbing.  
Jungkook curses, wanting to fuck your face desperately as his mind clears of all thoughts except the warmth of your mouth and the tightness of your throat.  
“That’ll be all for today!  Enjoy your afternoon!” Jungkook turns off the camera, exiting out of the page and slamming his laptop shut the moment he’s dismissed.  His hand is immediately threaded in your hair, his hips lifting from the chair as he thrusts his cock in and out of your mouth.
You inhale through your nose, your hands gripping his thighs, nails digging into his skin as he fucks your face.  Tears well up in your eyes and stream down your cheeks soon after.
“That’s it, baby.  Let me fuck that cute mouth of yours,” Jungkook groans, head lolling back, lips parted as your name escapes him. 
“Look at you, love.  Crying over my cock like a good girl.  You like when I fuck your mouth, don’t you?  Like having my cock stuffed inside it?” Jungkook smirks when you do your best to nod, sniffling as he pulls his cock out of your mouth.  You whine in protest, but he chuckles as he rubs the head of his cock on your lips before gently smacking your cheek with it.
“You just love being on your knees for me, baby?  Love crying for me and my cock,” he grins when you nod in agreement, opening your mouth and sticking your tongue out for him, eager to have him back in your mouth.  Jungkook grins, pushing his cock past your lips as you immediately begin bobbing up and down his length, drawing the sweetest, most erotic sounds from the cute man.
“Oh, baby.  That’s it, good girl. Fuck,” Jungkook easily looses himself to your touch,  He groans, his hand in your hair as his head falls back.  His body is burning with desire, his orgasm quickly approaching, and he warns you with stuttered breaths, eyes squeezed shut.
“Fuck, baby!” Jungkook pulls his cock out of your mouth, cumming on your lips and chin.  You close your eyes, waiting for him to finish before opening them again, your tongue out as he milks the rest of his cum onto it.  
You swallow, maintaining eye contact as he falls limp in his chair.  He takes in a deep breath, cursing as he cards his hands through his hair.  
A sheepish smile appears on his lips, “oops, I made a mess.”
You giggle, shaking your head, “it’s fine.”
Jungkook uses two of his fingers to wipe cum off your face, placing them in your mouth after.  You suck them dry, releasing them when they’re sucked clean.
“That was amazing, love.  Definitely made the training more bearable,” Jungkook states as he puts his boxers on and kicks his pants off the rest of the way before pulling you onto his lap.
“I’m glad I could help, babe,” you kiss Jungkook, your hands on his chest.  Jungkook smiles as he gets you off his lap before he gets up from his chair.
“Come, baby.  It’s your turn,” he smirks as he leads you to your shared bedroom.  You get on the bed with him on top of you a second later, his lips meeting yours as his hands roam down your body.
You spread your legs for him and he grins, “perfect.”
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bdeharrington · 5 years
𝕞𝕠𝕧𝕚𝕖 đ•Ÿđ•šđ•˜đ•™đ•„ - đ•€đ•„đ•–đ•§đ•– đ•™đ•’đ•Łđ•Łđ•šđ•Ÿđ•˜đ•„đ• đ•Ÿ
p l o t- the kids, robin, and your boyfriend steve watching a scary movie at your house all cuddled up as it storms outside..ingredients to a perfect night!
Since Starcourt went down this meant that the kids weren’t able to see movies every Friday like they used to. You felt bad and decided that every Friday they would come to either Steve, Robin, or your house to watch a movie of their choice.
On this Friday it was your turn to have everyone over at your house to watch movies, throughout the week you always looked forward to it. This was a great opportunity for the kids to spend time with you, Steve and Robin.
Considering all you guys would do was work and in your free time you would go to college to take a few classes but Fridays was your time to spend with the kids.
You worked at Melvalds general store with Will’s mom Joyce, after work you picked up the kids at the Wheelers. You honked your horn twice, you then saw El and Max run out followed by the boys.
“Shotgun!!” Max yelled making sure all the boys heard her, “Oh come on!!!” Lucas says as Max gives him a sassy smirk.“Come on guys Robin and Steve are waiting!!!” you say, after everyone piled up in your car you then drove toward the Family Video where Steve and Robin worked.
“So what movie are you guys wanting to watch today?” you ask, “Well it’s either between The shining or Friday the 13th” Mike says.“A scary movie is perfect to watch tonight since it’s supposed storm pretty badly tonight” Dustin adds,“ooo well im excited with whatever!!” you say as you pull up to the family video.
As Steve sees you walk in he could not contain the smile that came across his face, he came from behind the counter and walked to you.You look up into his light brown eyes and smile softly, he grips your waist as he pulls you closer. “Hey beautiful.” he says, “Hey bubs” you tell him. He then kisses you passionately, you then hear the “ewwws” and the fake gag noises come from the boys and from El and Max you hear “awww” and “soo cute”.
You pull away from Steve and smile at him again, he then sees Dustin. “Henderson!!! What goes on man!!” he says as they do their peculiar handshake. You chuckle as you walk toward robin as she resides behind the counter with her other coworker Keith.
“Hey Robin!!” you say, “Hey y/n!!” she says as she gives you a quick hug. You then set your eyes on Keith, “hey Keith!!” you tell him as you smile.“Hey y/n by the way can you leave the make out sessions with Harrington at home i’ve got customers getting grossed out” he says.
“Oh come one Keith it was only one kiss!!!” you say as you sit on top of the counter, “Hey get off!!!” he says “Keith lighten up a little why do you hate me so much!!” you ask in a playful tone.Keith rolls his eyes and says,”I’m going to go sort the movies” you chuckle as you get a lollipop from a jar that robin had put out.
Steve walks over to you and smirks, “Shut it Harrington!!” you say as you already know what his mind was thinking. Robin laughs, “You guys are adorable so what movie is it today?” she asks the kids as they also make their way to the counter.
“Shining or Friday the 13th” Will says, “Okay well since there’s an uneven amount of us so we’ll just do a draw, y/n write the two movies on strips of paper and then Dustin can we borrow your hat for a minute?” Robin asks. Dustin nods his head yes and takes off his ‘camp know where’ hat and gives it to robin, you then put the strips of paper in dustins hat.
“Okay we should have a random person pick!!” Steve adds, everyone shakes their head in agreement, you look around along with everyone else.“What about Keith??” Mike says, everyone approves “Keith can you come here a second?” Robin yells.Keith rolls his eyes and let’s out a big sigh,”what is it now?”
“we just need you to pick a strip of paper out of dustin hat” you say, Dustin looks at Keith in complete and utter disgust “great he’s going to spread his nasty rash to me!!” he says.
Keith looks at Dustin and says, “I’ve already told you acne isn’t a rash and isn’t contagious you pubescent waistoid” they then argue back and fourth.
“Can you just pick out of the godamn hat Keith?” Max added, he sighs again and finally picks.
Everyone huddled around Keith and waited for him to open the crumbled piece of paper,”What does it say” Will says “I can’t see!!” Mike adds.
As he unfolds the paper he reads it and looks at the kids, “You guys might want to sleep with your mommy Steve tonight because looks like you guys are watching friday the 13th” he says.
You laugh as you look at Steve, the kids then cheer “Can we go to the store to get snacks??” Lucas asks steve he shakes his head yes and they cheer once more.
“Well you take the boys and Robin and i will take El and Max and then we’ll meet at the bradleys big buy okay?” you tell Steve.
He shakes his head and you give him a quick kiss as you and him exchange goodbyes, you, Robin, El and Max all walk out of the family video and towards your car.
“Okay shitheads make it fast go get the movie while i get my things from the back!” Steve says to the boys.
They run to the isle where they had the movie and grabbed it, as Dustin and Will make their back to where Steve was Lucas and Mike stay back.
“Okay were going to be watching a scary movie so it’s your job to make sure El feels protected by you okay?” Lucas says.“What do you mean like what should I do?” Mike asks,”Okay when there is like a jump scare and she gets scared hold her or like grab her hand trust me girls dig that stuff, works on Max like a charm!!!” Lucas tells Mike.He shakes his head,”Okay I’ll try it!!”
“Try what?” Steve says as he walks out from the back room,”Oh nothing there’s this new candy that Lucas was telling me about.” Mike says.“Whatever okay let’s go!! Keisha make sure you lock up okay buddy?” Steve says to Keith as the boys laugh,“Suck it Harrington!!!” Keith yells back.
Steve and the kids then get in the car and starts to drive towards bradleys, as they pull up you Robin and the girls are waiting outside your car.
Your sitting on top of your trunk with El while Robin and Max are talking about the movie, “I wonder if this movie is going to be like really scary” Max says.“Well if it begins to be to much we will watch something else” Robin tells her as she smiles.Considering everything that has happened over the years.
You then hear loud music coming from a car you look up to see your boyfriend pulling up next to your car, you and El jump off your trunk and walk towards Steve and the boys.
“Alright you guys ready we have to make this quick before it starts to storm” Steve tells the kids, you look at him and smile.
The way Steve interacts with the kids always makes you melt inside, he cares so much about them and he definitely shows it.
The kids and Robin walk in front of you and Steve, he interlocks his fingers with yours and kisses your cheek softly.
You along with everyone else walked into the store and walked to the junk food isle, the kids eyes lit up as they see the snacks.
Everyone grabbed the snacks that they wanted,you look at them to see stuff falling out their hands considering they had an entirely to much stuff to carry. you laughed as you helped with their stuff and walked to the check out isle.
As you wait for the cashier to scan the items that the kids picked out, Steve came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist, a smile came creeping upon your face.
You turn your head to kiss him on the lips, “I wish tonight could just be us two..” he whispers. You look in his eyes,”I’ll make it up to you I promise” you say as you wink at him.“You better princess because if you don’t you will have no idea what i will do” he says,you bite your lip as his words brush over your ear.
You turn around to see his face, a sly smrik came across his face you rolled you’re eyes and smiled,once the cashier was done scanning the items Steve got out his wallet so he could pay.
“Hey you didn’t have to I could’ve payed for it.” you said, Steve looked at you and put his index finger on your lips softly.“Shhh it’s okay i got it” he said as he processed to pay, a light tint of pink appeared on your face as you smiled.
Once you helped the kids with their bags you headed to your car, the kids were scattered throughout yours and Steve’s car.
As you and Steve arrived to your house it started to pour, the loud clap of thunder made you jump and the rain was cold on your skin. Everyone hurried to get in, thankfully you guys didn’t get super soaked.
“Okay everyone get comfy!!! im going to get the blankets and extra pillows..Steve help me please?” you asked, steve jumped to his feet as those words came out of your mouth.
You walked to the closet where your mom kept the spare blankets, you then went into your room to get the pillows.
As you walked to your bed Steve tackled you and started to kiss you softly, this surprised you but you didn’t mind it at all.
“Steve...” you said, “I know i know but can you blame me i mean it’s hard to be around you and not want to just completely ruin you..” he said still hovering over you.“Steve!!! Shut your mouth there’s children right outside!!!” you said giggling a bit, Steve shook his head and smiled.
“Your cute you know that?” he said kissing you once again he then made his way down to your neck knowing that this drives you insane.You laugh, “Stop that tickles!!” you say as you try to squirm out of his grip. “Oh it does huh??” he says as he grabs your waist and starts to tickle it.
You laugh loudly as he tickles you, you weren’t able to hear the six kids entering your room, “Um what the hell???!!” dustin says.Steve jumps, he gets off of you and stands up he then looks at dustin with a cocked eyebrow, “What??? Can’t we get a little privacy??” he said.
“Not when we are all waiting to watch a movie!!” dustin says back, “come on Dustin it’s not like we were waiting long” Max says.“Yeah Henderson lighten up!!” Steve says as he throw a pillow at Dustin, everyone laughs and you and Steve get the rest of the pillows to take to the living room.
“Took long enough, struggled getting a couple of pillows and blankets dingus?” Robin said, Steve mocks her as he makes a goofy face.Everyone took their places on your sectional couch, you cozied up next to Steve laying your head on his chest as he plays with your hair softly.
El is next to you as she lays her head on mike’s shoulder, Max is sitting next to Lucas as she puts her legs on his.Robin sits on the end of the couch on her stomach next to Will, while Dustin volunteered to be on the floor next to you and Steve.
As everyone got comfy and situated with their pillows, blankets and snacks they looked at the blank tv.“So who’s putting in the movie?” Will asked, everyone looked around of course not wanting to move out of their comfort.
“Nose goes!!” Lucas says as he puts his index finger to his nose quickly followed by everyone else, Mike was the last one to put his finger to his nose. He groans and complains.
“Awww come on!!!! Why can’t Dustin do it he’s the one on the floor!!!” He whined, “Hey i’m not the one who was last!!! So hurry it up i want to watch the movie already!!” He said. Mike let out a big sigh as he put the vhs tape into the player, he sat back down to his spot trying to find “the right spot”.
You and Steve looked at each other and smiled you gave him a quick peck on his jawline and he gave you a kiss on your head as he pulled you in closer.
You then had set your eyes on the tv as it played the scary movie but you felt Steve’s eyes still on you as he admired you in aww, you have caught Steve doing this several time since you been dating but never said anything because you loved it so much.
The night ended with everyone but Steve falling asleep kinda at the same time, when he saw you asleep on his chest he picked you up bridal style and placed you on your bed.He crawled onto the bed with you and held you close he then whispered, “Goodnight my baby” as he kissed you.
A/n: Okay i know i haven’t posted but!!!!! THIS IS SO CUTEE LIKE I DIED WHEN WRITING THIS FUCK!!! STEVE WHY YOU DO THIS TO MEđŸ„șđŸ„șđŸ„ș
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emotionsofthesoul · 5 years
Chapter 32 _ Los Niños
“Juliana it was magical! You need to go! I’ll even cover for you if you need to take the day off but I need you to see it, you’ll fall in love with Anya all over again, I promise you!” Juliana’s coworker, Andrea, insisted as she told her about the Anastasia play. The closest tour stop was in San Francisco, and they would be there through the 29th of September.
Juliana and Andrea had bonded over the Anastasia movie since they began working together. “Drea, I can’t aford $300 tickets to a play, even if it is THAT play
 I have bills to pay dude. I’d love to go but I can’t.”
“Baby doll! They’re only $45 dollars!” Andrea said, “Even if they were $300 I’m sure your sugar mamma would be more than happy to take you.” Andrea finished jokingly.
Juliana let out a loud chuckle and smacked Andrea’s upper arm. “Shut up, don’t call her that!”
“So are you gonna go or what? Make it an early birthday present for yourself, J? I’ll even babysit the kids if you need me to.” Andrea said in a very serious tone.
“What kids?” Juliana asked confused causing Andrea to break into a fit of laughter.
Grabbing ahold of Juliana’s shoulders, Andrea shook her dramatically, “exactly! You don’t have any! No one is stopping you, J! Grab your girl and go, have fun. Do something for you, dude.”
Juliana laughed, she truly enjoyed Andrea’s company. She was one of the most optimistic people she had ever met. That girl had a solution to everything and she always found a positive to every negative situation.
“Okay, you’re right I’ve been dying to see it and was completely devastated when it was no longer on Broadway. It’s not that far, I’ll talk with Valentina and see if we can go this weekend. Thank you, Drea, I’ll tell her you’ll watch the kids she’ll be so happy to get away from them for a few hours.” Juliana said still playing along as she packed up her stuff.
As the girls closed up the shop Andrea nodded to herself satisfied that her work had been done. “We can fangirl about it when you get back. Because believe me when I say Tommy isn’t the type of twin to fangirl with me, he only took me because it was our birthday and he knew I wouldn’t shut up about it otherwise.”
Juliana looked up as she found her car keys to see Valentina leaning against her Mustang.
“Im gonna get going, I’ll see you tomorrow, boo.” Andrea said giving Juliana a hug as she turned to Valentina and greeted her with a happy smile and a peace sign, “Hi Valentina, bye Valentina.”
Juliana smiled as Andrea walked away. She turned to look at Valentina throwing daggers at Andrea with her eyes. “Hi Val, what are you doing here?” When she didn’t get a response she got on her tippy toes and gave Valentina a subtle peck on the cheek.
With that, Valentina looked down and smiled at Juliana. “Hi.”
“Why don’t you like her?” Juliana asked letting out a small giggle.
“I never said I didn’t like her.” Valentina said avoiding Juliana’s eye contact.
Juliana threw her head back laughing, “yeah, tell that to your face, babe.”
Valentina crossed her arms and pouted not wanting to admit she was jealous of Juliana’s coworker. “She’s just too friendly, it seems fake.”
“Drea is one of the more genuine people I know, baby. She really likes you, and she’s a really good friend.” Juliana said unlocking the passenger door.
“Are you sure it’s not you she likes?” Valentina said observing Juliana as she unlocked the car.
As the words left Valentina’s mouth, Juliana tensed a bit and she raised her eyebrow. “Valentina, we’re not doing this out here, get in the car.ïżœïżœ
Knowing Juliana was not playing Valentina did as she was told while Juliana went around and got in the car, herself.
“I don’t know why you don’t like her Valentina but you don’t know her. For starters she’s engaged to a guy and she’s straighter than Eva. Second you might not know her but you know me. Or at least you should. I’ve never once given you a reason to doubt me. This jealousy thing is a joke and I’m not laughing. It was cute at first but if you’re seriously jealous of Andrea, what the hell Valentina?”
Valentina didn’t know how to respond to that. It was the first time Juliana got upset with her over something like this and she didn’t know what to do. “You’re right, I’m sorry. I just don’t like the idea of someone else having you. She get’s under my skin with how annoyingly attached she thinks she can be with you.”
“Valentina, what are you talking about? We’re friends, Andrea is only my friend. I’m allowed to have friends, as are you. I’m yours and I’ve never given you a reason to think I’d run off with someone else. I’m not liking jealous you. You need to chill.” Juliana said running a hand threw her hair, irritated with Valentina’s jealousy. “Why are you here anyway? If you just came para hacerme una escena de celos, you should go because I don’t wanna argue with you but I’m not gonna feed your little celos either.”
“Juls, you’re right, I messed up, I’m sorry. That’s not what I came for.” Valentina said looking up from her lap. She turned her body towards Juliana. “Juliana, I’m sorry. I was actually here to invite you to the loft, Guille is having a little dinner to celebrate the baby news and I came to see if you were in the mood to go but now
Juliana observed Valentina’s face. It was full of regret and those big blue orbs were looking straight into her eyes.
Drawing in a sign, Juliana brought her hand up towards Valentina’s cheek, “Val, I’m sorry if I overreacted but I’m just not okay with this attitude. You have no reason to be jealous, especially of Andrea of all people. You don’t have to like it her but don’t villainize her either, please. She’s not after your girl. She’s not even gay for crying out loud.” Juliana caressed Valentina’s cheek as she spoke. “Imagine if I went off and was crazy jealous over Hope when she first got back from Europe. She’s super touchy with you but I know what we have and I know that the end of the day, she’s your best friend but I’m your girlfriend. And I know you wouldn’t be dumb enough to mess up what we’ve fought so hard for. So I need you to do the same. I need you to trust me.”
Valentina nodded closing her eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. “Okay. I trust you, I might not trust the world but I trust you.”
“That’s all I ask.” Juliana said as she brought Valentina in for a kiss.
After their conversation they headed over to loft with the rest of the Carvajal family. Eva, who Valentina truly thought wouldn’t show, was there happy to celebrate with her brother. She was really making the effort of trying to get closer to Renata and Lusia. The two were more than welcoming but still kept their distance before fully trusting the eldest Carvajal sibling.
On their way to Juliana’s apartment from the dinner Juliana told Valentina all about the Anastasia play. She told her they could leave Sunday morning to make it in time for the 2pm show. It was 2 and a half hours and Valentina was on board. She knew how much that story meant to Juliana and if she wanted to attend she wouldn’t stop her or turn her invitation down.
When Sunday came around the two made the drive. She knew Juliana had never been to San Francisco so Valentina offered to drive. The whole ride there they talked animatedly and listened to music from their favorite artists.
Upon arrival the girls went straight to their seats. They were in the second row and thankfully there were two empty seats in front of them, giving them a clear view of the stage.
Once the play was over, Juliana had shed many tears and was grateful that Valentina would agree to see the play with her. On the ride back they talked about the different scenes they loved and Juliana emphasized her love for the costumes and backdrops. She had never been to the theatre or seen a play and she was glad Anastasia was her first.
Juliana spoke about how Demitri’s character grew on her. The entire drive home they listened the play's soundtrack. They sang along to most of them but especial Once Upon A December. That was one of the only songs Valentina knew by heart and she loved to see Juliana’s face light up when she sang along to it so she made sure to sing it every single time it came on.
“Thank you for coming with me, Val. This was the only play I would’ve paid to watch in New York but I’m so glad it was here and not as expensive as it would’ve been in NYC.” Juliana said as she scrolled through her music.
“Anytime, baby. This is what you love so why wouldn’t I come. Plus since I finished the images from the trip on Friday, I had the weekend free to do anything. It was a good show and I’m happy you asked me to come with you. Remind me to thank Andrea for watching the kids.” Valentina said playfully at the end. She had spent Friday and Saturday’s lunch break with the girls at the boutique trying to get to know Andrea a little better, for Juliana’s sake.
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scary-noodlesblog · 5 years
Hunters Guide To Love Chapter 3
Hollywood Babylon Part 2/?
Sam's POV:
      I lean back against the wall, watching Tara act along with my cousin and the other actors. McG telling them different commands and orders. Tara's character, Wendy, walks into the prop abandoned house.
   "Wendy?" Mitch calls out.
   "Oh Mitch!" Wendy exclaims feigning shock, "you're alive!"
   "Cant get rid of me that easily," Mitch smirks.
   McG called out to the FX guys, rumble rumble rumble.
    Wendy begins to pace a little, "salt. Okay we need salt. I read in that book that it keeps ghosts away!"
    Mitch nods and turns to Charley  and the other two actors, "Linda, Kendra, Logan, you guys go check the back."
    Next to me I can hear my "coworker" Marty whisper to the producer, Jay, "Jay, the poor bastard killed himself. Like, for real. Shouldn't we shut it down or something?" At least this guy has some common decency.
   Jay shrugs, "we had a moment of silence for him at breakfast, plus he's just a studio guy."
   I shift my weight and side glance Jay, "How charming" I mutter sarcastically.
   McG turns around, shushing us before I hear Wendy yell to Mitch, "I love you!"
   Mitch nods, "I know." Aaand they ripped off Star Wars. My critical thoughts were interrupted when I hear Tara break character and sigh, "can we- can we cut or something?"
  McG gives her a small look, "uh...yeah, cut. Cut!"
  I jump slightly as I hear Dean yell "cut!" from my right. I look over and he seems to be having the time of his life, eating his taquito. McG pouts, "only I can say cut!" Then he turns to approach Tara. I listen to the crew argue about if salt would make sense to use on a spirit, to which I smirk a little. If only they knew.
  I notice Sam heading over to talk to Dean. I move away but stay within earshot of the two. Dean speaks up, "Walters a little testy for a PA, huh?"
  "How is it going in here?" Sam asks.
  "It's going really good man. Tara's really stepped up on her performance. I think its probably from all the sense memory stuff she's drawing on."
  Sam looks at Dean confusedly, "sense memory?" Dean nods. "Dean, you, you know when I ask how it's going on in here, Im talking about the case right? We dont really work here. You know, I thought you hated being a P.A."
  Dean shuffles his feet, "I dont know. It's not so bad. I kind of feel like part of the team, you know? It's good," he holds his plate out to Sam, "oh, taquito? They're wonderful."
   His brother declines again, "ummm, I conned my way into the morgue."
  Dean raises his eyebrow, "and?"
  "News reports are right: Brads a doornail, no question."
   I smirk slightly, "perfect." I turn away and head off to find Maggie and Charley.
Maggie's POV:
      I take off my headphones and point it out to Charley and Sam. "See! Its a class A EVP right there!"
   "I took electromagnetic reading earlier, they were off the charts insane," Sam spoke up.
  "I also saw some of the tapes from when Brad was hung, I saw a woman with rope burn around her neck, she looked pretty young too. I did some research, her name was Elise Drummond, an actress from the 30's. She had an affair with a studio exec. and he used her, so she hung herself." Charley chimes.
   "Perfect, and her grave?"
   "The 'Hollywood Forever' Cemetery."
   "Alright girls, we're digging tonight."
Charley's POV:
   We enter the cemetery, shovels in hand. Maggie is holding the map while Sam keeps a lookout for any guards.
    "Where to?" I ask.
    "Just up ahead. Make sure--," Maggie's sentence is cut off by two male voices. All three of us hush each other and crouch slightly behind a bush.
    "Of course its the goddamn Winchesters," Maggie curses quietly.
    We see Dean gesture to a memorial for Humpty Dumpty, "this map is totally worth the five bucks! Hey, we've gotta go check out Johnny Ramone's grave when we're done."
     Sam gives him a skeptical look, "you wanna dig him up too?"
    "Bite your tongue heathen!"
    Maggie starts to snicker and we rush to silence her, but its too late, the boys had pointed their shotguns at us. They slowly move toward us and we ready our shovels, as that is the only form of weapon we have.
   As soon as they move the branches, Sam's face softens and Dean just looks even more pissed off.
   We all freeze, and try to come up with a clever explanation for why we're hiding behind a bush. I frantically glance at Maggie because she's usually the one with the plan.
"Why are you following us?" Dean asks us, fuming.
  "Wait, Dean I think I've seen them around the set a few times. She's a PA, she's an actress, and she's a technician." Sam says pointing at each of us.
  Dean sighs, "well, names?"
  Maggie stands up and extends her hand, "Maggie Davis, this is Sam and Charley"
  "Well Dean and Sam." Dean gestures and shakes her hand.
  "Thats gunna get confusing," our Sam says.
  "Youll just be Samantha," I giggle as she groans.
  I go and start digging up the grave, Maggie and Samantha following, the boys come soon after.
  Once we get to the coffin, Dean pulls up the lid to it, revealing the corpse of the dead actress.
  I cringe and Sam salts the bones before Dean tosses his lighter onto it.
Meanwhile.... 3rd Person POV:
  Jay tries to find his way around the dark set, when he sees the shadowy figure of a man walk by. "Hey! Hey, pal! Can you, uh, show me to the exit? I can't see a damn thing in here."
  The man turns away from him and doesnt respond. "Hey! Hey, putz! Im talking to you! Somebody could get hurt here!" Jay exclaims.
   Suddenly the man turns around, his face slashed open and grotesque, a section of his skull split open. Jay screams and falls back on the ground.
   "W-what the hell?" He stutters.
   The fans suddenly turn on by themselves. The man starts to flicker before he vanishes, Jay tries to crawl away but the fan starts to drag him backwards. He gets sucked into the fan and torn apart by the blades, his blood spraying everywhere.
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Truth of Dare (and I’m gonna do them all cause I’m bored)
1: (truth) Who was your first major celebrity crush? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle and post the first five songs.
Truth: I guess Peter Pan even though technically he was a character and not a celebrity
Dare: 1. The Stranger - Billy Joel. 2. You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift. 3. You’ll Be Back - Hamilton. 4. The Trolls - Frozen. 5. Second Chance - Shinedown
2: (truth) What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s happened to you in the past week? (dare) Refresh your dashboard and send an anonymous compliment to the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash.
Truth: I got tongue tied in front of a cute guy. He either found it adorable or pathetic
Dare: Done
3: (truth) What are your three favorite things about your appearance? (dare) List all nine of your tumblr crushes, and describe each blog/blogger in one word.
Truth: My eyes, my hands, my boobs
Dare: Mint-rumneigh: funny. nope4hope: roommate? potatouprising: nerdy. thegirldownthelaine: cool. wonderwomanlovesyou: fandoms. flynnomalleys: Choices. choicesobsession: Choices. mrsperegrintook: Roommate. an-indecisives-choice: Choices
4: (truth) What is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for you? (dare) Post the oldest selfie on your camera roll.
Truth: Raised me
Dare: Done
5: (truth) If your parents knew everything you’ve ever done, what would they think is the worst thing? (dare) Tag the three nonmutuals you admire most.
Truth: Probably slapping myself when I fuck up
Dare: @taylorswift @the-average-gatsby @juliajm15
6: (truth) What is the last thing you purchased? (dare) Tag three people you’ve thirst followed.
Truth: McDonalds
Dare: @asimplepotatofarmer @therulesdonotknowme @joshpeck
7: (truth) How many hours did you sleep last night? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to the last person who followed you.
Truth: Like 7 whole hours but I’m still tired from this week
Dare: Done
8: (truth) If you could go on a date with any of your mutuals, who would it be and what would you do? (dare) Send an anonymous compliment to one of your four “Biggest Fans” on tumblr.
Truth: Therulesdonotknowme but unfortunately I’ve already burned that bridge, I think the only reason we’re still mutuals is because he never gets on tumblr. It would be cute for him to show me around his city
Dare: Done
9: (truth) How did you meet your best friend? (dare) Refresh your dashboard. Open the blog of the person who posted whatever’s at the top of your dash. Reblog their most recent selfie.
Truth: Our parents got us together when we were one
Dare: Couldn’t find one
10: (truth) What was your favorite band five years ago? (dare) Tag a blog that posts very different content from yours, but that you couldn’t imagine not following.
Truth: Glee
Dare: @benditlikegumby
11: (truth) Where did you get each article of clothing you’re wearing right now? (dare) Pick up the closest book to you. Turn to page 39 and copy down line 7.
Truth: Necklace: museum gift shop. Shirt: my friend’s grandma. Pants: goodwill. Glasses: glasses store. Bra: Kohl’s. Underwear: Kohl’s
Dare: It’s blank
12: (truth) What are your five favorite girls’ names and five favorite boys’ names? (dare) Copy and paste the 14th line of text from the last document you worked on in Word or Google Drive.
Truth: Rachel, Diana, Phoenix, Hannah, Star (why I picked it). Shane, Eric, Matt, Lucas, Connor
13: (truth) What’s your most irrational fear? (dare) Tag five mutuals who take amazing selfies.
Truth: Spiders
Dare: @mellifllxous @cultured-pearl @benditlikegumby @im-significant @homofied
14: (truth) If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life (consisting of clothes you already own), what would it be? (dare) Tag someone you follow who has amazing fashion sense.
Truth: A dress that’s comfy but also cute
Dare: @thewonderofafairytale
15: (truth) If you could rock any unusual article of clothing/makeup technique/hairstyle, what would it be? (dare) Go to the blog of the last person you reblogged a text post from. Reblog your favorite of their selfies.
Truth: A bob. But I tried it and I can’t quite rock it
Dare: Couldn’t find one
16: (truth) What is your dream job? (dare) Post the four most recent pictures in your camera roll.
Truth: Something in the film industry
Dare: Pretty much done already, half of them were in another post
17: (truth) Where is the last place you went that took over two hours to get to? (dare) Post screenshots of your phone’s lock screen and home screen.
Truth: Probably somewhere close, fuck the bus
Dare: Done
18: (truth) How old were you when you had your first kiss? If you haven’t had it yet, how old do you want to be? (dare) Go to the last app/tab you opened. Post a screenshot.
Truth: I was 18
Dare: done
19: (truth) What is the first thing you remember having to keep secret? (dare) Tag five bloggers who you associate with being obsessed with something particular, and list what each of them is obsessed with.
Truth: Me and my friend climbing onto the cat structure
Dare: @literally all the choices blogs: Choices. @parfaitfaye: kpop. @cultured-pearl: boys and Taylor Swift (it’s ok me too). @person #1 who I’ve fallen out with: Once Upon a Time. @other person I’ve fallen out with: music. I know they’re not all really tags but I couldn’t think of many
20: (truth) What does your bedroom look like? (dare) Take one selfie and post it. You only get one shot! (No old selfies or retrying, even if you think you look bad)
Truth: Actually pretty cute, pink and turquoise accents, posters and stuff on the walls
Dare: Done
21: (truth) What three fictional characters would you most like to meet? (dare) Write your name down on a piece of paper and draw a quick picture of yourself. Take a photo of it and post it.
Truth: Kelsier from Mistborn, Harry Potter from Harry Potter, Raydan from Choices
Dare: No more pictures, my phone’s dying
22: (truth) What are three things you’re looking forward to? (dare) Tag the last three people you reblogged posts from, and estimate how many followers they have.
Truth: Film shoots later this summer, seeing the cute guy at the gym cafe, getting some damn sleep
Dare: @nayla-sa: 4000. @potatouprising: 1500. @thegirldownthelaine: 2000
23: (truth) What are your three biggest turn ons, and your three biggest turn offs? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Without actually listening to it, write the lyrics to the chorus of the first song.
Truth: I’m bored of this question, I must have answered it a thousand times
Dare: My phone is dying so no
24: (truth) If you could only own five material objects (not counting life necessities like food/water/a house/etc) what would they be? (dare) Put your music player on shuffle. Post what the first three songs are, and for each one, tag a blog that the song reminds you of.
Truth: Laptop, phone, stuffed dog, crush log, stuffed cat
Dare: Phone is dying so no (i’m on a school computer for the rest of this)
25: (truth) What is the last thing you lied about? (dare) Tag three people you want to know better and ask them each three questions about themselves.
Truth: The reason I was late to work was a half-truth
Dare: Nah fam that’s too much work
26: (truth) What’s the last movie you watched? (dare) Reblog the most recent of your own selfies posted on tumblr, and in the tags say two things you like about your appearance in it?
Truth: Coco
Dare: Done
27: (truth) What are three things you like about yourself unrelated to your appearance? (dare) Post a picture from your camera roll that you’ve been meaning to post on tumblr.
Truth: I’m creative, I’m smart, and I like boys
Dare: Phone is dead
28: (truth) How do you take your coffee? (dare) Post the last picture you posted on a social media platform other than tumblr.
Truth: I don’t
Dare: Phone is dead
29: (truth) What are your worst habits? (dare) Put your Top 25 Most Played songs on shuffle and list the first five.
Truth: Procrastinating, staying up late, eating junk food. Most of my bad habits involve lack of impulse control
Dare: I don’t even know how to do that
30: (truth) What is the last thing you did that you have to keep secret from someone? Who do you have to keep it secret from? (dare) Tag five blogs with great URLs.
Truth: Crushed on a married coworker. I have to keep that secret from pretty much everyone including him
Dare: @irunwithscissorstofeeldangerous @the-average-gatsby @huffylemon @joshpeck @this-is-my-temporary-url (I helped her pick it)
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chan-chanyeol · 7 years
first impressions // college!au baekhyun drabble
its still his birthday for me rn so im posting this! i dont have his other thing done yet oops. also, its my birthday tomorrow, he and i are practically twins lmao. 
Tumblr media
First impressions are forever.
You work at the coffee shop on the west side of campus. You were so ecstatic to snag a job close to your dorm, that pays well, and that understands you’re a third year college student. Sometimes, when you take a night shift (since your coffee shop is open 24hrs) you get to lounge around with some homework until a customer walks in. You often see people who live in your building, and it’s a great way to make friends.
But now it’s finals week and your shop is slammed.
You don’t really mind, this isn’t your first rodeo, but you’re worried about your psychology final and you haven’t had much time to study. You’re not stressing about any of your other finals, you’ve had a pretty easy workload so far, so you’ve managed to cover a couple extra shifts to make some more money before you go on break. If you could only get maybe half an hour to look over your psychology notes, but people keep coming in.
However, it’s nearing 2am, and the amount of people are waning. You lean against the counter, peering over at the two other people in the shop. One is aggressively highlighting her textbook and the other is falling in and out of sleep as he reads through his notes. You pick up your psych notebook and start flipping through the pages, leaning against the counter. You manage a good twenty minutes of studying intelligence and social psych when the boy with his notes finally calls it quits and trudges out, and another half hour until the girl slams her textbook, orders another coffee to go, and leaves.
Now the shop is empty and you hop up onto the counter and read your notes intently. You read over the old psychologists, the idea of behavioral psych growing into something more, about aggression and altruism and—
You look up at the door and see a guy on the other side cradling his face, mumbling and whining to himself. Did he just walk into the glass door? You stifle a laugh, closing your notebook and tossing it aside. You hop off the counter and go to the door, opening it.
“Hello,” you say.
The guy peeks through his fingers at you, his eyes slightly watery. “Hello,” he croaks. “I ran into your door. I’m sorry.”
You let out a laugh and step aside, inviting him in. He stumbles forward and you follow him in, slipping behind the counter again. He finally releases his face, a red spot on his forehead and nose, stepping up to the counter and looking up at the menu.
You unabashedly admire his face, his soft look features accented his ruddy brunet hair. Which, was a mess, but you can’t blame him, it’s nearly 3 in the morning on the third day of finals. He was dressed in a plain white t-shirt and some sweatpants, flip-flops on his feet. You’re thankful the weather has decided to be nice this week, allowing students to dress more comfortably. All he has with him is a small bookbag slung over his shoulder, maybe a notebook or two in there.
He looks back down to you and you give him a smile, which he returns. “What can I get you?” You ask, finger poised to press buttons on the register.
He hums and shifts his weight side to side, and you notice his eyes glance down to your name tag. “A medium macchiato with no whipped cream but extra caramel?”
You nod and type it in, then grab the medium cup. “And your name?”
“Baekhyun,” he replies.
You write his name on the cup and mark out what he wants, then go over to make it. The quiet coffee shop is momentarily alive with the sounds of the machine, and you make sure to slather the drink with caramel. You pop a lid and a sleeve on the cup before handing it back to him.
“Here you go, Baekhyun,” you say, smiling at him again.
“Thank you,” he says, taking the drink and returning the smile. “I haven’t paid yet.”
“It’s on the house tonight,” you say, clearing the order on the register. “A pity drink since you ran face first into the door.”
His smile turns bashful and holds the drink closer to himself. “I appreciate it,” he mumbles, reaching into his pocket for a couple of small bills and shoving them into the tip jar. Baekhyun turned around and found a table, setting down his coffee and grabbing a notebook out of his bag.
And thus he began studying, so you returned to sitting on the counter and studying, too. A half hour flew by before you knew it, and you hopped up to make yourself a small hot chocolate to keep you cozy in the last couple hours of your shift.
“Aren’t you in my psych class?”
You look up from your notebook towards Baekhyun across the counter. “Am I?”
Baekhyun props his elbows up on the table and rests his cheek on his hand, staring at you intently. “I think you are. I feel like I recognize you.”
You hop off the counter and close your notebook. “I think I would recognize you, especially if you’re clumsy enough to run into a door.”
Baekhyun droops his head and lets out a laugh. “That’s seriously just the first time I’ve done that since I’ve been here!”
You laugh with him, grabbing your hot chocolate and notebook, coming out from behind the counter and sitting down in front of him. You open back up your notebook to where you left off; aggression and altruism. “Who’s your professor?” You ask.
Baekhyun sips his coffee, bright eyes focused on you and not his notes. “Professor Park, with the hair that’s half grey, half black, and the glasses that are way more circular than they should be.”
You let out a laugh at his description and nod. “Apparently we do have the same psychology professor. Same class and everything?”
Baekhyun smiles at you, glancing down at his notes. “Yeah, I see you sometimes, you always sit at the front. I sit in the back.”
“That’s why I don’t see you,” you note. “It’s a bummer the class is ending, we could’ve studied together or something.”
He tilts his head in an endearing way, watching you closing with a small smile on his lips. “Yeah, it’s a shame. We could study right now though, unless you’ve got work to do.”
You make a show of looking around the empty cafe, then back to him. You shrug. “If somebody comes in, I’ll help them, but I have a couple more hours in my shift I’d love to spend studying with you.”
He brightens up even more, sitting straighter in his seat and flipping through his notebook. “Awesome. Since you sit at the front of the class, you must be smart, so can you help me with the subsets of the nervous system?”
And thus began your cram session of the entire psychology textbook before your shift ended. You and Baekhyun passed questions back and forth, filling each other in or supplying whatever decent answer either of you could. It was nice to study with somebody else, and talking about the concepts out loud really helps you grasp them. And, now Baekhyun understands biases and meta-analyses, which apparently were giving him a run for his money.
But 6am comes too fast, the sun breaks the horizon and you’re both too busy to notice the sunlight seeping through the windows. You only glance up at Baekhyun every now and then to make eye contact during a very intense discussion of a definition, or a study that changed psych, or something like that, and you nearly miss the fact that the red mark on his forehead has faded away.
The bell on the door rings and draws both of your attentions away from your notes, from each other, and you crane your neck to see your coworker waltzing in, bedhead a beautiful mess and her undereye bags designer.
“What’s up?” She asks you, finding her way behind the counter and started herself a coffee.
“Just studying,” you inform, closing your notebook. Baekhyun watches you with big eyes. “My shift is over, so I better go sleep before our psych final this evening. You should, too.”
Baekhyun heaves out a sigh, closing his own notebook and nodding. “Good point. So, I’ll see you then?”
You give him a smile as you grab your notebook and slip behind the counter, collecting your things. You slip on your jacket and sling your bag over your shoulder, watching as Baekhyun stands up and grabs his own bag.
“Yeah,” you reply. “Maybe I’ll sit with you in the back so we can cheat off each other.”
He gives you a sly smile, eyes sparkly as he opens the door for you. “It’s a bummer we didn’t notice each other under the end of the semester.”
“I know,” you sigh. “But, I guess that’s college.”
“Yeah,” he says, stopping a few feet in front of the coffee shop. He gestures back to it. “You work here often?”
You nod, adjusting your bag on your shoulder. “Yeah, usually just Tuesday and Thursday nights.”
Baekhyun bites his bottom lip for a second before giving you a stunning smile. “Then I’ll see you around.”
You return the smile brightly, feeling your cheeks heat up a little. “Yeah, see you.”
And you both turn and go your separate ways, but you know in the back of your mind that you’re going to be seeing a lot more of him in the near future.
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cassbeewrites · 7 years
1-100 also im personally Offended that u will not let me be gay binch and tag u 85 times........ im requesting a divorce
oh boy okay fuck u 
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? 
pandora does that make me basic
is your room messy or clean?i’m a minimalist with hoarder tendencies. 
what color are your eyes?kind of like a hazel-green
do you like your name? why?i used to hate it but now that i’m older it kind of ? distinguishes me? plus i love the nickname cass so there
what is your relationship status? married 2 u elm, always
describe your personality in 3 words or lessobsessive, destructive, gay
what color hair do you have?light brown but it actually used to be red when i was born! god i miss those days
 being an infant, having cute hair
what kind of car do you drive? color?i have a 2013 subaru impreza hatchback. it’s a rly pretty dark grey with purple undertones and a skeletor decal on the back. literally i love my car 
where do you shop?target. jo-anns. teavana. 
how would you describe your style?i like earth-tones or dark muted colors 
favorite social media accountfacebook?? it’s where i run my cosplay page idk
what size bed do you have? twin 
any siblings?i have one sister but i also have 2 half-sisters and possibly 2 half-brothers who i’ve never actually
. met
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?wales. research them arthurian legends. love some pet sheep.
favorite snapchat filter? i rarely take pics of my face so idk maybe the flower crown one?? is that still a thing
favorite makeup brand(s)neutrogena or almay bc they’re hypoallergenic lmao
how many times a week do you shower?realistically, 5-6. ideally

. i would never leave the shower

favorite tv show?fuck this question i don’t want to think about it
shoe size?9-9.5-10 depending
how tall are you?5â€Č6
sandals or sneakers? mmmmm i do love my hiking shoes but i also love sandals so? both
do you go to the gym? nah my dad is a fitness nut so we literally have like 6 or 7 types of exercise equipment at my house
describe your dream datedying
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?$6 in ones. i handle too much cash during the day to want to keep it in my wallet. 
what color socks are you wearing? 
. i’m not
how many pillows do you sleep with?just one
do you have a job? what do you do? i’m a teller at a credit union. i count cash until my fingers are literally black from how gross bills are
how many friends do you have? 0i have like? elma. also a few of my coworkers and some cosplay friends
whats the worst thing you have ever done? be born lol. start writing. learn how to sew. 
whats your favorite candle scent? fresh linen
3 favorite boy names1. Loren2. Liam3. Mothman
3 favorite girl names1. Eowyn2. Ruby (don’t judge me my dog is CUTE)3. Mothman 
favorite actor? leslie odom jr
favorite actress? phillipa soo my gf
who is your celebrity crush?

. leslie odom jr and phillipa soo my gf
favorite movie? right now it’s moana but i love tangled and lotr, unwaveringly 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? i can’t pick a favorite fuck off
money or brains? ?!?!?!?!
do you have a nickname? what is it? cass, sass, sarcassidy, sketch, 
how many times have you been to the hospital?like twice maybe
top 10 favorite songsjesus christ ok. okay1. Hot Gates by Mumford and Sons2. Whispers by Passenger3. Above / Below by Birds of Tokyo4. Minor War by Birds of Tokyo5. If This Ship Sinks (I give in) also by
.. Birds of Tokyo6. I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young7. Tag! by Scarves8. Despite What You’ve Been Told by Two Gallants9. Young God by Halsey10. Wildflowers by Tom Petty
do you take any medications daily? i’m on that nightly melatonin fix
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)clear. blessedly clear. 
what is your biggest fear? never being someone worth remembering :)))
how many kids do you want? 1. MAYBE 2. or maybe 0? 
whats your go to hair style?Half up, half down. I’m lame
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) my house is actually
 pretty big? it’s like. very upper middle class
who is your role model? my old debate coach from high school :’)
what was the last compliment you received?idk elma what was the last gay thing u sent me
what was the last text you sent?“thank u for providing”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?i had my suspicions as early as 5 but honestly. my mom tells me i have to believe in him for the sake of our dogs because she wants to maintain the illusion that he’s real
 for them
. she’s so weird
what is your dream car? actually i’m pretty happy with the car i have. the 2017 imprezas are WAY cute and nice and sporty tho and i would love to upgrade someday 
opinion on smoking?smells yucky. makes our drive through tubes & cash smell yucky.
do you go to college? yes but i am TIRED
what is your dream job?DYING! DEATH AND DYING! being a literary agent actually tho
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? well i actually grew up in a pretty rural area but it was also only like
 15 minutes from a big city and is surrounded by smaller cities. it’s not a bad place to live. very safe and quiet, lots of horses
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? no i have a hair Routine and cannot break it
do you have freckles? no :( I have a few and i have some cute moles tho
do you smile for pictures?no go away
how many pictures do you have on your phone?jesus christ 9,564
have you ever peed in the woods? reluctantly 
do you still watch cartoons? i watch disney movies but like? i think cartoon fandoms are VERY annoying so i avoid them at all costs COUGH stev///en univ//erse
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?chick fil a or die. but i wouldn’t turn down wendy’s or mcdonalds nugs u feel
Favorite dipping sauce?honey mustard fuck me up. chick fil a sauce got me goin too
what do you wear to bed? big shirts!!!
have you ever won a spelling bee?um no i tried bc i’ve always been a spelling hoe and the written portion went well but the speaking portion was an anxiety ridden mess
what are your hobbies?dying. sewing. suffering. cosplay. petting dogs. hiking. being dead. writing
can you draw? i used to draw a lot but fucking jill heiner in 11th grade told me i sucked and i will never forget that
do you play an instrument?i played piano for 12 years and i was never like naturally gifted but i certainly tried my hardest. i haven’t played since i graduated high school 2 years ago tho
what was the last concert you saw? i’ve never been to a concert and may never go
tea or coffee?both but like. there’s a time and a place for both
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?starbucks
do you want to get married?i fear physical relationships 
what is your crush’s first and last initial?V(iktor)N(ikiforov)
are you going to change your last name when you get married? no i’m attached to my initials 
what color looks best on you? greens and dark purples
do you miss anyone right now? my dog :( he’s sleeping in the hall and not in my room
do you sleep with your door open or closed?closed unless my parents are out of town so my dogs can sleep with me
do you believe in ghosts?i believe in mothman
what is your biggest pet peeve? when people acknowledge my physical existence as if i am more than just a semi-transparent blob. also when people call their checking account a “checkings” account. fuck right off it’s not plural and checkings isn’t a word FUCK YOU
last person you called`my mom 
favorite ice cream flavor? pistachio
regular oreos or golden oreos? um if i’m going to spend calories on a cookie it sure won’t be some kind of
 prepackaged nonsense
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? rainbow 
what shirt are you wearing? wearin a loose knit dress. it’s olive and strappy
what is your phone background?pic of my sweet dog :’)))
are you outgoing or shy?easily irritated and anxious
do you like it when people play with your hair?no
do you like your neighbors? they are what they are
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?i wash it in the shower but if i wash it too much it will dry out
have you ever been high? no
have you ever been drunk? no
last thing you ate? i had a steak burrito for lunch?? that was like 10 hours ago i should probably eat something else
favorite lyrics right now“all i need’s a whisper in a world that only shouts”or“in a place that’s safe from harm, but i have been blessed with a wilder mind”
summer or winter?why aren’t autumn or spring options
day or night? dusk
dark, milk, or white chocolate? dark
favorite month? october or may
what is your zodiac signtaurus lol
who was the last person you cried in front of? i actually cannot remember 
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custompotato · 7 years
(My first one! Ahhh! Im So excited!) Thank you, @lovelylangst, for tagging me!
Rules: Write 92 truths about yourself then tag 25 people (I dont have 25 people But imma try anyway!!!)
Long ass post.
 [1] drink: Coffee [2] phone call:My mom [3] text message: Sent? My mom. Received?  One of my WoW friends (whom i love) [4] song you listened to: She Keeps Me Up, by Nickleback. [5] time you cried: Last night.
 [6] dated someone twice: I dont think so.  [7] been cheated on: Probably tbh [8] kissed someone and regretted it: Nope. [9] lost someone special: Do... Do pets count?  [10] been depressed: Yes, but I’m getting a lot of help from the fambam  [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope!! Dont drink too much, and I cant remember the last time I threw up involuntarily.
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLORS: [12] Dark Blue [13] Orange  [14] Red
 [15] made new friends: Yup! And I’m so, so happy! I love them! [16] fallen out of love: I can’t say I’ve ever romantically *loved* someone, just kinda liked them, and that’s still going strong so. [17] laughed until you cried: ...We do not mention that night. [18] found out someone was talking about you: In what way? Like. meanly? Nicely? I dont think anyone would tbh I kinda suck [19] met someone who changed you: Read: The Fambam.  [20] found out who your true friends are: Uhhhh. Nothing like... Super cataclysmic clued me in?  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: ... I dont think so? My memory of time is pretty shit tbh.
 [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: All but like. 4. [23] do you have any pets: 54: 3 dogs, 8 cats, 3 goats(babies incoming), 12 ducks, 24 chickens, 2 pigs, 1 snake, 1 goose [24] do you want to change your name: Not to anything specific?? I just like using alias [25] what did you do for your last birthday: Do people celebrate those? ;;;; haha... ha. Im a lonely, old gremlin. [26] what time did you wake up: 6:53 [27] what were you doing at midnight last night: Sleeping. [28] name something you cannot wait for: S3 of Voltron, more wonderful angst of any of my favorite characters, happiness without worry, being 18 so i can do shit, retirement, bedtime. [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: 3 seconds ago when I looked over to make sure she didnt know I was on Tumblr. [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: My insecurites and general disgust and hatred for life. [31] what are you listening to right now: One of the freaking chickens laying eggs outside. And the pig playing with her food toy.  [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: ... Prob, tbh, but I dont know their names. Only their groceries. [33] something that is getting on your nerves: My family [34] most visited website: Tumblr/Ao3 [35] elementary: Coal Creek [36] high school: (i dont understand the context.) What year im in? last. One i go to? Connections Academy. Favorite year? Junior [37] college: I do intend on going? To Aims [38] hair color: Natural? Brown. Current? Brown with the underside a dark red(really pretty red) [39] long or short hair: Long <3  [40] do you have a crush on someone: No comment... *sweatdrops* [41] what do you like about yourself: Uh... Um... I am the reincarnation of Happy Bunny, as said by my coworker. [42] piercings: A helix. I want my tongue done though [43]blood type: Hell if i know. Red. Prob... kinda salty-sweet, for you vamps out there. I dont taste good but youre welcome to try.  [44] nickname: Carrie/Path [45] relationship status: Single. [46] zodiac sign: Virgo.  [47] pronouns:She/her [48] fav tv show: Too many to list, but current is Voltron [49] tattoos: I wanna get one. Several, really. [50] right or left hand: Right
 [51] surgery: Idk, maybe? Prob not though.  [52] piercing: Ears [53] best friend: Irl? Ruby/Bo. Online? the Fambam in its entirety. [54] sport: To do? Ick. To watch? Basketball, i guess Favorites to watch/read about: tennis, basketball [55] vacation: Vegas, 7th Grade [56] pair of trainers: Those are shoes right?
 [57] eating: Nothing! [58] drinking: Nothing! [59] i’m about to: Finish this up, read some langst, and go to work! [60] listening to: Nothing, rn  [61] waiting for: Happiness. And my later doom. Screw work. [62] want: Happiness. And a nap.  [63] get married: Only for tax benefits [64] career: Divorce Lawyer! (dreams of little girls, right?)
 [65] hugs or kisses: both. Fight me.  [66] lips or eyes: Eyes, because they dont mock me verbally. Also i can actually draw them so. [67] shorter or taller: I like tall people. I wish I were short.  [68] older or younger: Should I care??? As long as I’m not breaking laws, well. [70] nice arms or nice stomach: Stomach. And arms. Crush me against your nice stomach with your nice arms. [71] sensitive or loud: I am loud to cover up my sensitivity [72] hook up or relationship: ... depends tbh. If i were more confident in my body i would totally lean to hook up though. But also, cuddles are nice? I want cuddles. [73] troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant. I am the most timid potato.
 [74] kissed a stranger? Nope! [75] drank hard liquor? Yup! [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? Dont remind me. [77] turned someone down: Yup! [78] sex on first date? Haha. Me? Sex? (im not confident enough for sex. also. No dates) [79] broken someone’s heart? ....If i think really hard and ignore the part of me saying noone could love me like that, I actually... Have? Several times? FML IM SORRY SIT!  [80] had your own heart broken? You cant break what I have already crushed! Haha! [81] been arrested? Almost, but not really.  [82] cried when someone died? Do pets/videogame characters count?? [83] fallen for a friend? ... No comment. (looks away shiftily)
 [84] yourself? I thought we established the extreme no-ness of this? [85] miracles? Why should I? They’ll never benefit me. [86] love at first sight? Lust, yes. Love? Doesnt exist. [87] Santa Claus? No. [88] kiss on the first date? Who is the date with?  [89] angels? Nope!
 [90] current best friend’s name: Ruby/Bo/Ro/Entirety of Fambam [91] eye color: Brown [92] favorite movie: uhh... Kung Fu Panda 2 I guess.
Tagged peoples:
@moriatake @hubbletuff @redmullets @strifingkind @ghost-toaster @vivelavoltron @rubatosisopossum @kaxpha (you dont know me but I love you) @appsa @baked-mashed-potato @daddyshiro @aquabutterfly @demiquaver @lance-lance-revolution hnnnn how many more to go idont want to just tag random people ahh plz dont hate me, @bext-k because. youre like a queen. we need to know things. @lolygothica bc youre pretty much the reason i have tumblr thank you for all your fake fb posts and texts ilysm, @moroseconcept @prince-lance-of-altea cant wait for the Secret Circle au, ily for that, @sniperlance bc im running out of people and ily too even if we never talked before, @the-blue-artemis at this point half the people here i know from their langst. pretty sure im doing this wrong is it supposed to be just mutuals?!?! okay im done its not 25 people but i cant.. figure out... who else. (Please dont hate me T-T)
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ratpresenting · 6 years
Unusual asks! 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify all the way, I have like, 40 playlists and I use it every day2. Is your room messy or clean?So messy, but I clean it up once it really bugs me3. What color are your eyes?Green-ish?4. Do you like your name? why?Not really, it's a really common name and i don't really feel it fits me, but I'm fine with it. My middle name is Elizabeth and I've always wanted to go by Eli but its too far gone now5. What is your relationship status? I'll stick with complicated6. Describe your personality in 3 words or lessFriendly, obnoxious, anxious7. What color hair do you have?Dirty blond8. What kind of car do you drive? color?I don't have a car, but if I'm saving up for one and its going to be a motorcycle, not a car. 📣(I hate everything about cars!!!)9. Where do you shop?Mostly thrift stores and consignment stores10. How would you describe your style?Like, 80s mom meets 90s grunge meets modern goth witch11. Favorite social media accountProbably twitter at this point12. What size bed do you have? Queen 👑13. Any siblings?A half-sister, shes a little older than me though, and she lives across the country, but i love her and miss her!14. If you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why?Probably Eastern Canada because my family is super Canadian and i just love it there15. Favorite snapchat filter? Idk any really, I guess that one that makes ur eyes and mouth really big because my friend uses it alot and its so funny!16. Favorite makeup brand(s)Mostly Tarte and Urban Decay; Tarte because I'm allergic to most other shit and Urban Decay because I love the Naked palettes and I will suffer for them17. How many times a week do you shower?I wash my hair every few days but I shower like once a week in the winter and every couple days in the summer18. Favorite tv show?Brooklyn 99 or Game of Thrones19. Shoe size?8-ish20. How tall are you?5'9" if I stand up straight21. Sandals or sneakers? Depends on where I'm going, I like my feet to breathe, but boots and sneakers can be so cool and really put together and outfit22. Do you go to the gym? I have a gym membership that I sometimes use, but not having a vehicle right now is imposing on that23. Describe your dream dateA date that keeps going. Starting with food or drinks or whatever, and having such a good time that you keep it going and you go somewhere else, and another place. Enjoying each others' company so much that you don't want the night to end, even if that means staying up until the sun comes up. It doesn't matter if we're just sitting in a park talking and smoking cigarettes, its that neverending want that matters to me. 24. How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?Cash, $12. I mostly use my debit card so i don't really carry cash25. What color socks are you wearing? I am not wearing socks right now because I am in bed but usually black26. How many pillows do you sleep with?1 under my head but usually at least 3 in my bed, well as all the shit thats on the left half of my bed27. Do you have a job? what do you do? Yes I work at a restaurant called Tokyo Joe's, I'm the unofficial assistant manager, and I am most often making sushi or taking out food and such.28. How many friends do you have? Including work friends I have 5, not including work I have 3. 29. Whats the worst thing you have ever done? Broke up a couple. Its whole thing.30. Whats your favorite candle scent? This candle I got from Ross, its tobacco leaf and Rose, but I'm more of an incense gal31. 3 favorite boy namesCharlie, Adrian, and Danny32. 3 favorite girl namesEli, Andi, and Dani (These and the last 3 are interchangable because I like genderless names)33. Favorite actor? Idk any off the top of my head, mostly because I kind of hate men, I really like Chadwick Boseman's acting, and I really like Leonardo DiCaprio as a person34. Favorite actress? This is really hard because I love lots of ladies, but acting wise I like Charlize Theron and Natalie Portman I guess? Idk I've seen like 7 movies. I love my gal Kristen Stewart though35. Who is your celebrity crush?I have several, more well known being the aforementioned kstew, and some lesser known names such as Lynn Gunn, Paris Jackson, and Hannah Hart36. Favorite movie? This is so hard, I guess the lotr trilogy because I can always watch that if I want to. I'm really more of a tv show kinda gal37. Do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I used to when I was younger, I stopped when my depression took over pretty much my whole life, but I've been slowly getting back into it. I used to read a lot of teen fiction and my favorite was always Harry Potter, but now my favorite book is probably Through the Looking Glass, just because I loved it as a kid and its a nice nostalgia read, as well as a unique and creative book.38. Money or brains? Always brains.39. Do you have a nickname? what is it? Not really but I wish I did!40. How many times have you been to the hospital?I myself have had to go to the hospital only once that I can remember, ( I crashed my motorcycle) but other than that a few times for visiting family/ friends41. Top 10 favorite songsIn no particular order-Anyone Else, Pvris-Somebody Else, The 1975-In A Week, Hozier-Cherry Wine, Hozier-Pork Soda, Glass Animals-Interlude 1, Alt-J-Agnes, Glass Animals-If I Believe You, The 1975-Obsidian, Trevor Hall-From The Dining Table, Harry Styles42. Do you take any medications daily? I'm supposed to take allergy medicine but I never do so no43. What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)Kind of on the dry side, I'm a lucky shit though because I barely take care of it and its pretty nice and soft44. What is your biggest fear? Everyone hating me45. How many kids do you want? A couple, adopted only46. Whats your go to hair style?I have pretty short hair thats curly. The sides and back are short and the top is curly, parted on the left,so it hangs just above my right eye47. What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Smallish condo with my ma!48. Who is your role model? Hannah Hart!49. What was the last compliment you received?My coworker said I have a very elegant air to me, especially when I tell stories, because I always cross my legs and i talk very extravagantly with my hands50. What was the last text you sent?My coworker Kaylee❀ dropped me off and I let her know I was in my house because you can't see my house from the street and she worries51. How old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?I don't think I ever believed in him?52. What is your dream car? I'm gonna replace car with motorcycle and its an Zero SR ❀53. Opinion on smoking?Unfortunately, I smoke. I love cigarettes! I smoke Newport 100s. I bought a vape to help me smoke less and it definitely helps!54. Do you go to college? Ya, I'm very slowly getting my associates at MCC55. What is your dream job? I have no idea, but something I enjoy doing, and hopefully something that makes changes for the better56. Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? I truly just want to live in the middle of the woods and be a woodland witch 57. Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No, I have too expensive of shampoo for that and thats a stupid waste of plastic.58. Do you have freckles? Not like the classic type, but I have some random ones on my body.59. Do you smile for pictures?Almost always60. How many pictures do you have on your phone? Over 200061. Have you ever peed in the woods? Yes, I've been camping several times62. Do you still watch cartoons? Not really63. Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?I don't eat chicken nuggets because they are 1. Chicken and 2. Garbage64. Favorite dipping sauce? Balsamic vinegar or Sriracha, depending on what it is. 65. What do you wear to bed? I sleep nakey 66. Have you ever won a spelling bee?Maybe? I don't know67. What are your hobbies?Sometimes reading, sometimes writing, alot of staring at my wall in the dark while listening to music68. Can you draw? Not well, but thats not gonna stop me!69. Do you play an instrument?Nope70. What was the last concert you saw? I haven't been to a concert in a really long time but i think the 1975? 71. Tea or coffee?TeaStarbucks or Dunkin Donuts?72. Dunkin has better coffee but Starbucks has better literally everything else, and the Starbucks next to my work is literally my sanctuary and all the gals that work there are such sweethearts I love them all so much even though they probably hate me.73. Do you want to get married?Someday far from now, and really only for adoption purposes74. What is your crush’s first and last initial?Denied75. Are you going to change your last name when you get married? Idk it depends if their last name is coer than mine76. What color looks best on you? Probably blue but im partial to black77. Do you miss anyone right now? Yes78. Do you sleep with your door open or closed?Closed79. Do you believe in ghosts?Yes!80. What is your biggest pet peeve? Rudeness just to be rude81. last person you calledMy coworker Kaylee❀82. Favorite ice cream flavor? I'm more of a shaved ice or sorbet gal, but i love the Ben and Jerry's line of almond and coconut milk ice creams!83. Regular oreos or golden oreos? Lemon!84. Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? I guess chocolate? Rainbow sprinkles are literally flavorless sugar85. What shirt are you wearing? I was wearing an old '92 Hard Rock Cafe shirt from Hawaii that I snatched from my ma and turned into a crop too86. What is your phone background?My home screen is a golden sunset cloud photo I took a while back and my lockscreen is a picture i took in the woods of a tree with mushrooms growing on it87. Are you outgoing or shy?I am usually shy but I work customer service so if I have to be I can be very outgoing, its so draining though88. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Yes! Please do!89. Do you like your neighbors? I mean, I don't know them but 2 of the 3 smoke weed so they're probably pretty cool!90. Do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?Look it gets washed when it gets washed let's not discuss it91. Have you ever been high? I spent ages 17-19 almost exclusively high. I don't really remember a lot of it92. Have you ever been drunk? Yes, several times. I am a lovey drunk and I love to kiss when I'm drunk. Or cry. Just depends who I'm around93. Last thing you ate? Diced cucumbers with lemon and salt and some white rice with peanut sauce and onions94. Favorite lyrics right now"Where does your body go when I leave you alone?Would your heart know if I met you in a brand new set of bones?Cause you may see me in different bodiesHiding below with the same soul"Same Soul, Pvris95. Summer or winter? Winter, but only because I live in Arizona so winter means like, 70 degrees96. Day or night? I like being out and about at night but there's no where to go because everything is closed97. Dark, milk, or white chocolate? Only dark. Like, at least 80% dark98. Favorite month? I like October, the weather is nice and it has a fun atmosphere, plus Halloween!99. What is your zodiac sign?My Sun sign is Capricorn, but I have an Aquarius Stellium and I kind of identify with that more100. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Technically my cat this morning. I don't do alot of public crying. Lots of private crying though! I'm a big baby of emotions
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0mint-tee · 7 years
unusual questions
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
is your room messy or clean? right now is kinda messy, usually its clean
what color are your eyes? dark brown/black
do you like your name? why? yes i like it, tho its very common here
what is your relationship status?single and eating pizza
describe your personality in 3 words or less serious for people who dont know me well, funny, loving and smart
what color hair do you have? black
what kind of car do you drive? color? i can’t driveee
where do you shop? right now i dont have the dollars
how would you describe your style? casual and comfortable, sometimes classy and trendy
favorite social media account i’d say youtube then twitter
what size bed do you have?average
any siblings? a little one
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? in the nature bc i’m nature and it makes me calmed
favorite snapchat filter? the toast one or the bunny clapping, also the dog one is cute
favorite makeup brand(s) M.A.C, NYX, KIKO but im cheap queen so essence
how many times a week do you shower? normally once a day
favorite tv show? right now i dont watch tv, maybe bigbrother vip
shoe size? 38
how tall are you? 1ÂŽ68cms
sandals or sneakers?sneakers always
do you go to the gym?soon!
describe your dream date go for a walk, then maybe to a cafe to talk and get a coffee and then to a park with trees to laugh and have fun,see clouds together
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? like 15 euro
what color socks are you wearing? purple and white XD
how many pillows do you sleep with? one
do you have a job? what do you do? commercial, i offer discounts and lower of the price
how many friends do you have?right now i believe i dont have such
whats the worst thing you have ever done?silly things when i was younger but i never done something very bad 
whats your favorite candle scent? vanilla probably
3 favorite boy names Adam, Hugo, Castiel
3 favorite girl names Arianna, Krystal,
favorite actor?zac efron the last i can remember XD
favorite actress?i dont have one tbh
who is your celebrity crush? Shawn Mendes atm and Ville Valo
favorite movie?i dont have one
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book?not much lately, but any book spiritual stuff related
money or brains?BRAINS
do you have a nickname? what is it?no...well yeah Wednesday Adams
how many times have you been to the hospital? few times...like three maybe four
top 10 favorite songs Shawn Mendes-treat you better/ Beyonce-XO/ Banghra-My own way/ Little Mix- Touch/ Little mix-shout out to my ex/Bruno Mars-24k magic/Madcon-Begging/AOA-Excuse me/Ed Sheeran-Shape of you/Zara Larson-Ain’t my fault
do you take any medications daily?no
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) dry
what is your biggest fear?losing myself
how many kids do you want? i dont have any but not because i hate them its because theyre way too pure
whats your go to hair style? just straight my hair is short
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) small 
who is your role model? Virginia Blanes
what was the last compliment you received? My boss said i have potential
what was the last text you sent? Audio recording... about my boss XD
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?maybe 9 or 10
what is your dream car? 4x4 zuzuki
opinion on smoking? i smoke and no,i dont think it kills u...
do you go to college? i used to
what is your dream job?a dentist
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?rural areas tbh
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?   no?....
do you have freckles?yes
do you smile for pictures? sometimes
how many pictures do you have on your phone?a lot
have you ever peed in the woods?no
do you still watch cartoons?no
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? none
Favorite dipping sauce? bittersweet one
what do you wear to bed?pijamas
have you ever won a spelling bee? yes
what are your hobbies? internet and reading and listening to music and soon it will be exersicing
can you draw?  yes
do you play an instrument?no
what was the last concert you saw?i cant remember
tea or coffee?coffeee
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? DD
do you want to get married? no tbh
what is your crush’s first and last initial? i dont have one
are you going to change your last name when you get married?no i wont get married
what color looks best on you? i think black, yellow, grey,and brown...and green,red too. dark blue
do you miss anyone right now?yes, but i dont miss THEM i miss having somebody
do you sleep with your door open or closed? depends
do you believe in ghosts? yeah
what is your biggest pet peeve?lie, act like they’re superior
last person you called` somebody related to work
favorite ice cream flavor? vanilla and sweet milk
regular oreos or golden oreos?none
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?choco
what shirt are you wearing?pijama
what is your phone background?i think its a pyramid
are you outgoing or shy? more outgoing but serious
do you like it when people play with your hair? mm depends who it is but no
do you like your neighbors? YEAH
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? in the morning, in the night to get it cleaned
have you ever been high?yeah few timesxd
have you ever been drunk?yeah few times xdxd
last thing you ate?chocolate
favorite lyrics right now i dont hve
summer or winter?spring
day or night?night
dark, milk, or white chocolate?milk
favorite month?april
what is your zodiac sign aries
who was the last person you cried in front of?my coworker
0 notes