#my crappy translation lol woo
mossiemu · 1 year
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"It's really rivers? I think it's rivers but don't listen to me but it seems like it's samy rivers in the qsmp but I'm not too sure but if we really analyze the image I think it is possible it's rivers_gg but well it's only a possibility I'll wait don't ruin the surprise."
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notweirdbutunique · 7 years
Some ments from EXO’rDIUM in S’pore
All the ments listed are based from my memory (some with the help of my crappy fancams), so they’re not really exact but the gist of it. The speech in italics means that they’re translated whereas those which are not, means the guys are speaking in English.
After the water performance for ‘Lightsaber’, Baekhyun whined that the water was too cold and he is all wet. The camera then decides to pann down to his lower body, eliciting lots of screams from the fans. Baekhyun isn’t aware of what’s happening and Suho tells him that Baek’s body is being shown on the large screens.
Suho asked Baekhyun whether he likes chilli crab while he’s in Singapore but cheeky Baek replied he prefers the bread which comes together with the crabs. He made the fans agree with him (which we all did LOL). “The bread is more delicious.”
Suho then asked Chen but before Chen could reply, Suho said that he could still smell the crab from his hands. Chen said he really loves crabs and asked the fans why we like the bread instead. “Is it because you guys are lazy to eat the crab?” If that’s the case, then he will help pick the meat from the crab for us.
Still on the topic of food, Suho then asked Kyungsoo what’s his sought-after food when in Singapore and Kyungsoo replied he always eats pepper crab. He said, “I like pepper crab”. Suho then asked him, “You like pepper crab?” to which Kyungsoo replied in a sing-song voice, “Yes, yes, yes.” Baekhyun imitated Kyungsoo’s “I like pepper crab” in a sing-song voice off-screen.
Suho continued the ment saying while he enjoyed the pepper crabs, he likes the night views of Singapore more. “But nothing could be better than you.” Baekhyun went wow and woo-hoo (don’t know whether he was agreeing with Suho or cringing XD)
The ment continued with this (I’ve giffed the rest of the ment)
Suho mentioned their fifth anniversary is coming up, together with one of their members’ birthday, so April is a special month for EXO. He wants the fans to sing a birthday song for Sehun when he comes out onto the stage after changing his clothes. 
Sehun was close to tears after hearing the fans sing a birthday song for him in Korean.   
During one of the ments between Chanyeol, Xiumin and Sehun, Chanyeol asked the fans on what they should talk about (Chan’s English is good!). Xiumin went close to the edge of the stage to listen to the fans and the fans went into a frenzy, everyone talking at once. Xiumin turned around to Chanyeol and Sehun and imitated the fans talking gibberish. “I don’t understand what they’re saying! I really don’t!” He did this twice and at the second time, both Chanyeol and Sehun rotfl coz Xiumin was just too cute. In the end, they settled for a topic which is about their comeback.
Suho kept trying to get the rest of the members under control during the end ment as they’re all wandering about, picking up toys, refilling their water guns, shooting water with each other, etc. He kept telling Baekhyun (who was busy at the corner of the stage refilling his water gun) “Please don’t shoot the water to us.” He called Kai crazy coz the younger was swinging the yellow rubber thingie around with much force.
Baekhyun commented that the toys scattered on the stage are all gifts on what the members like, to which the fans replied yes. He said “Thank you.”
Baekhyun told the fans (sitting area) to stand up at the end of the concert (I think what he meant was during the EDM and encore segments). He asked us whether we’re waiting for the signal to stand up. Baek continued that the next time they come back for another concert, he wants to see us standing up and dancing anytime we want coz “We really are all open-minded.”    
I want to elaborate a bit more on the last point. As a fan who was in the seating area, it was true that nobody stood up during the EDM segments. In my opinion, this is because we don’t want to block the view of the people behind. Everyone is there to enjoy themselves and the worst part is to get your view blocked by someone. But I’d guess after hearing Baekhyun call us out on this, the fans in Singapore will be “more willing to leave their seats”, lol XD 
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