#ooooohhhh the anticipation
mossiemu · 1 year
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"It's really rivers? I think it's rivers but don't listen to me but it seems like it's samy rivers in the qsmp but I'm not too sure but if we really analyze the image I think it is possible it's rivers_gg but well it's only a possibility I'll wait don't ruin the surprise."
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swampstew · 1 year
Hello Beloved!!!
May I request for the event Eustass Kid with the Fluff prompt domestic intimacy
Jess my beloved Angel from heaven♥ I hope you enjoy your little story just as much as I loved writing it♥ You requested domestic intimacy, and I give you [ PAINT ] while painting a room, sender starts a paint fight with receiver.
Oh Captain, My Captain Kid
Warnings: None. Fluff and domestic stuffs. Word count: 994
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The dull thudding of the hammer broke your concentration as you were carefully trying to pour the neutral color paint into the slanted tray. Thankful that Kid had the foresight to lay tarp on the floor, you still internally curse at the droplets that fell on it from his distracting noises, but grateful that it protected the newly installed flooring.
“Why are you bothering with that anyways? We still have to paint the walls!” you complain to your lover.
“Tch, better to have it done now and paint over the studs than doing it later and chip the paint! Ungrateful ass,” his golden amber eyes roll in their sockets as he made his way towards you.
“Rude ass,” you click your tongue back at him.
Soft sponge rollers bounce off your head and you shoot him a glare, watching him juggle a few more in his hands with a warning look on his face.
“Careful, I’m fully armed babe,” he gave you a devious grin.
Taking the high road from the arm pun you wanted to chuck back at him, you give him a curt nod and stand tall. Picking up the broomstick handles you bought during a 2-4-1 sale at the department store, you toss one his way and he drops the sponge rollers while fumbling with the stick.
“Fully armed but not loaded,” you chuckle, taking one of the rollers he had thrown at you and attaching it to your handle. You dip it into the paint tray and begin rolling the thick liquid on to the walls.
“WAIT A SECOND!” his shout startles you causing your concentrated rolls to stutter, dripping thick paint lines down the wall and on the tarp covering.
“ACH! What?!”
“You needa do the primer first, ya ding dong!”
If your eyes could shoot laser beams, he’d be a dead man.
“If you took a second to read, you would know that this brand is primer + paint, bolthead!”
From the corner of your eyes you watch as he picks up the accent paint color, squinted eyes reading the description written in large, bold print on the front. You could hear a soft ‘ooooohhhh’ escape him before he tried to nonchalantly pretend he knew that the whole time. Attaching the sponge roller to his own broomstick, he follows your example and begins painting the adjacent wall.
The soft rock music plays in the background as you paint, with you softly singing the lyrics and Kid backing you up with the chorus. It’s peaceful for about an hour as you work in tandem. That is, until your paint rollers met each other on the same wall.
With a confused look, you look up at him and then turn around to take the room in. Did he—
Yep. He did. Kid forgot to leave the back wall plain for the accent color.
“Don’t. Say. A Word,” Kid gripes with a hand over the bandana tied above his forehead to keep his hair out of his face.
You don’t say anything. Not a single peep. You simply turn around and continue coating the already covered wall to keep yourself in check from making a cheeky remark. They say that in long-term dating, partners pick up each other’s traits and habits. A learned habit for you was sassing the fuck out of the sardonic man. He could dish it but not always take it, and it was those delicious moments that made life a little bit sweeter.
Instead you mind yourself and allow a resigned sigh to escape you. A single syllable dripped from your lips as you did so, and you could feel the tension in the room spike. Your shoulders hunch, waiting in anticipation when the first droplets of cool liquid hit your skin.
“YOU DID NOT!” you shriek, dropping the paint roller and rubbing your hands to your backside, inspecting the residue. Your favorite color – the accent paint. “MOTHERFU—” the rest of your words die on your tongue as more paint splatters on you.
With a charged cry you rush at him, fully prepared to tackle your body into his like the defensive lineman you always knew you had inside you. Unfortunately for you, Kid’s height will always be his key advantage. With one hand he held you back by your forehead while with his other hand he shook the loaded paint stirrer over your body, covering you in very expensive paint.
“I’M GONNA DESTROY YOU!!” you cry out, only to be suddenly lifted under your thighs in his strong arms.
Kid presses your back flat against the back wall and shuts you up with a hard press of his lips against yours. Grinning into the kiss, he enjoys the way you melt into his touch as you kiss him back. During your fervent make out he pushed you up and around the wall in what seemed like lust-filled frenzy.
Turns out he was making wall art.
You stare wide-eyed at the mess he made by pressing your paint splattered body against the wall. Your own face smeared in red from his lipstick that he trails down your neck as you wordlessly gaze at the wall.
“I dunno, you showed me your Pinterest board and while it looked nice, I think this looks better,” he whispers in your ear.
You turn to face him, “You’re a dumb bitch if you think I’m letting you leave it this way.” The pout on his face is both too adorable and also too sad to look at. “Oh my goooodd, fine let’s fix it together.”
A small smile on his lips, he stood next to you as you quickly work together to finish the last wall. Taking a step back, he laces his fingers with yours and brings your hand to his lips to place a soft kiss on the back of it.
“This domesticity shit ain’t so bad when I’m doing it with you, angel.”
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loser-brain · 8 months
I didn't know A Quiet Place was getting another movie!!
A Quiet Place: 2 was very upsetting for me. It didn't have the impact I was anticipating like A Quiet Place (I felt like it was rushed idk). But Day One ooooohhhh!!! I am excited about that!!
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tyrianluda · 10 months
So I watched Emesis Blue for the first time today and I wrote my reaction
Here's my reaction
Note: SPOILERS (Obviously), Swearing and mild Simping, Also this is a long post since I had a lot to write
Also the film itself has a lot of blood and gore, as well as flashing lights. Please take this into consideration if you plan on watching it.
(I started writing 23 minutes in)
Love the colors and the use of sound
Having soft and pleasant music for it's most fucked up scenes is an amazing choice
Soldier is still a dumbass but I'm perfectly fine with it
I really like the voice acting, even if you can tell that they are impersonations
Oh god
Scout what the fuck happened to you
(right after) Oh that's what happened to you
Engineer is scaring me rn, his voice
"You look lost, boy" Jesus, that's getting me to shiver in my boots
Scout's voice acting specifically is amazing personally, the screaming feels so painful
"Before you get us killed" 5 seconds before disaster
The camera angles are amazing
The anticipation on some scenes are absolutely chilling
Engineer what the fuck
I should stop flinching when something happens but damn
The impact of the hits are so visceral I love it
Medic saying "Nien!" when Engie is about to kill him hits hard
(when Medic is brought back to life) HOLY FUCK HE RESPAWNED
The sigh of relief from medic OMG
It sounds like the voice actors are right next to me when they are breathing heavy or groaning or panting like Bro, I need to be scared, not horny
The argument between spy and soldier is agony bro, it feels like a divorced couple;
"You're gonna shoot me?"
"We're done!"
AYO HE (soldier) MADE IT???
"let him bleed" BRUH
soldier? What the fuck is up with you?
(right after) oh
the suspense between spy and the masked man oh god
The violence conveyed through the shadow on the wall is amazing. I know this has already been done before but still
The symbolism of the U.S. flag burning behind him is not lost on me
WAR FLASHBACK??? Possible inference of Soldier having PTSD here
the cracking sound effect when soldier picks up the hands is so crunchy
What the
"Goodbye" (on the wall) AH FUCK
The music still pleasant despite the scene being gruesome
I just like the sounds man
HELIX slander
Medic holy fuck you're the GOAT
the lights buzzing when the... nevermind they turned off
God I feel bad for everyone here jesus christ
"A new car. My own personal assistant. I think I've earned it." JESUS THE CASUAL TALKING DESPITE WHAT HE'S DOING
"I saw the Devil in their eyes" demoman having an line that goes hard
Demoman, my beloved
I forgot to say the writing is amazing
The Shining reference is great right now
Engineer's laugh ..just his laugh...I don't know if I'm scared here or simping
Engineer talking about the respawn is so chilling "It's a purgatory"
I love the aesthetic of this film
"Y/N" I'm getting fanfiction flashbacks
Jules, I saw you for like 5 minutes and I already despise you
The screaming still unnerves me
The callback with the elevator with blood from the start of the film. Also it might be another Shining reference since that was in the movie too
Spy unmasked is kinda attractive ngl, not a great time to say it but still
The baseball possibly being symbolism for Scout and having it be seen when Medic is in emotional distress. I just love symbolism, my bad
The eye contact from Medic looking at the camera like
Medic having delusions from earlier scenes and interactions and having it unnerve him further
the fucked up mercenary designs are amazing and terrifying
Possible religious symbolism with the cross
Soldier seeing Demoman again but he's... putting his head against Demo's chest UGH I'M FEELING PAIN AND AGONY AND SADNESS
Soldier unclipping the piece of the grenade OH GOD
he looks kinda hot with the cross on him. I mean who said that.
I keep repeating this but whatever, I love the voice acting
Jules being a war criminal made sense actually given mercenaries IRL are already legally dubious
Spy is speaking facts rn
Spy's face looking burnt and fucked up is oddly aesthetically pleasing
I thought the roulette scene would be more drawn out and slow to make the outcome more painful but having it be so quick works well still
"A true enemy has yet to reveal themself."
Soldier being in the place where they dump the corpses and having it resemble the traditional perception of hell, OH GOD
I have a feeling the film is doing the "when you stare at the abyss for too long, it stares back at you", when Soldier is looking at him and Scout from earlier
"Did you kill him?" I'M ROOTING FOR THE OLD MFS
"I OUTLIVED YOU BROTHER >:D" *dies right after*
also I never said this yet but the cinematography is spectacular
The silence is unnerving me rn
(At the scene where it turns out Medic died driving the ambulance)
...holy fuck
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Pushing Limits
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Summary: Bucky reminds you of who’s in charge. 
Content: female masturbation, edging, fingering, phone sex, oral sex (fem receiving), sex, choking, dom!Bucky, after care
Word Count: 2.2k
And away, and away we go!
You didn’t stop to think twice as you sent Bucky the small video clip of you getting yourself off. 
But you should have. 
Halfway across the world, Bucky’s phone pinged in his pocket. The smile that crossed his face at the notification from you quickly turned to a stifled groan as the audio of your soft panted moans, finger fucking yourself, and then the small cry of “Bucky,” sounded in his ears. 
Quickly he called you. “Did I say you could do that?” he asked, his tone low and sharp the second you picked up.
“Hi, Buck. Love and miss you, too. How’s the mission?”
“Did I say you could do that?” was all he repeated in a tight growl.
“I wasn’t aware I needed your permission.”
“Well, I hope you had your fun.”
“Oh…” you sighed dreamily. “I did. Still be more fun if you were here to help me out though. Your fingers are so much thicker than mine,” your voice was a teasing taunt as you dipped your hands between your thighs. “Wish you could see how wet that makes me,” you breathed into the phone’s speaker as you slowly inserted a finger in your pussy.
“Y/N,” came the warning.
“Mmm, Bucky,” you moaned, pumping your finger faster.
He let out another growl, feeling his jeans tighten. “Enjoy it, doll. Cuz that’s gonna be your last orgasm for a while.”
“Oh, shit…” you mumbled, immediately pulling your hand away, knowing he was dead serious. “Buck, I’m sorry,” you quickly apologized.
“I’ll be home tonight, and we’ll see just how sorry you are then.”
“Bucky, please! You’ve been gone two weeks!”
“Yeah. And I was really looking forward to making it up to you for being gone. I thought you were my good girl, doll… Such a shame…”
“I am!” you whined, not able to stand the disappointment in his voice. “Bucky, I’m sorry!”
“You’re only sorry because you got caught. If you hadn’t sent that video I never would’ve known, and tonight you’d be getting more orgasms than you could handle. Again… what a shame.”
“It was a present!” you tried to explain your way out of trouble. “Bucky… please.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Y/N.”
No “doll”. No “I love you”. No “can’t wait to see you”. Fuck… you really should have thought twice.
In an effort to get Bucky to believe that you genuinely were sorry and seek sympathy, you set about cleaning up the apartment, making sure his favorite meal was on standby for when he got home, and, as a last ditch effort to make him reconsider his earlier threat, changed into one of his shirts. The shirt held traces of his cologne, and was long enough to cover your ass, while being short enough to reveal how you were only in his shirt.
Then, there was nothing to do but wait, and hope that the anticipation of his homecoming would be considered punishment enough.
“Doll, I’m home,” Bucky called out, the front door clicking shut behind him, and the sound of boots and a duffle bag hitting the floor.
“In here,” you answered back from the kitchen.
You listened as his footsteps got closer, then his hands were on your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest, his lips finding a home along your neck. “Mmm, missed you, doll,” he murmured against your skin.
“Missed you too,” you said with a giggle, turning in his arms to face him, looping your own arms around his neck. “I got you your favorite if you’re hungry.”
“Starving,” was the confession. “But I have something else in mind.”
“Oh?” you asked, a smile coming to your lips as you took note of the lust swirling in his eyes. Maybe the flight home had made him rethink. Maybe the two weeks apart was overriding whatever disappointment still lingered. Maybe forgiveness had already been granted.
“Bedroom. Now.”
You didn’t dare disobey now, quickly detangling yourself from him, and heading for the bedroom.
Similarly, Bucky wasted no time following after you. Wordlessly, he guided you to the bed, your back hitting the mattress as your feet stayed planted on the floor. The action caused his shirt to ride up on you, the hem stopping tantalizing so just above your exposed pussy. “No panties, huh?” he asked, leaning down over you as one of his fingers brushed through your folds, slickness already gathering on his fingertips. “Who made you this needy, doll?” His voice was sickly sweet as he popped the finger in his mouth, tasting you.
“You, Bucky,” you answered, already breathless.
He hummed his approval at your response as he sank to his knees in front of you. His hands gripped into your thighs, spreading apart your legs for him, your pussy lips parting slightly, but still clinging together with small threads of your wetness. “Spread yourself for me, doll,” he commanded in a low tone.
You brought down your hands to hold your pussy open for him, a shudder going through your body as his tongue swiped across your core. “Bucky,” you moaned softly, arching your hips to meet his mouth.
His hands tightened on your thighs, pining you into place as his tongue skillfully worked you over. The scratch of his beard when he moved, and each flick of his tongue was enough to drive you mad after the two weeks apart. And when his lips wrapped around your clit and two of his fingers teased at your entrance, you were ready to come undone for him. “Fuck! Bucky! Mmmm!” you called out, hips rising to follow the movements of his mouth.
“You gonna cum for me, doll?” his voice sent vibrations throughout your body.
“Mhm! Yes! Please, please, PL-!”
In a swift motion, his fingers and mouth pulled away.
“Bucky…” you wanted to cry as you were left empty and unfulfilled.
He laughed darkly as he rose to his feet, leaning his body over yours to press a sweet kiss to your lips. “You didn’t think I forgot, did you?” he cooed in your ear.
“That was mean,” you told him pitifully.
“Aw, poor baby. I’m sorry. Want me to make it up to you?”
Not sure if he was mocking you or not, you only nodded.
He joined you on the bed, sitting up against the headboard, and spreading his legs. “Come sit with me,” he said, patting the empty space for you to fit in his lap. His voice was soft, and inviting, and you willed yourself to believe that the worst was over as you shifted to sit with him, your back pressed to his chest. “You okay?” he asked, his fingers tracing lightly over your throat.
You wanted to say no. That your pussy ached for him and your denied orgasm. But instead, you nuzzled your nose against the underside of his jaw, before stamping it with soft kisses. “Mhm,” you murmured.
“Good.” His hand trailed from your throat to your stomach. Your breath hitched as his fingertips ghosted across your clit. “No,” came the stern demand as his other hand pressed your hips back down when you started to lift them.
“Please?” you breathed, digging your hands into his thighs, your eyes fluttering shut. “Please?”
“Please what?” he asked, his finger teasing your entrance once again.
“Please make me cum.”
“You wanna cum for me?” His finger slowly pumped in and out of your pussy, his thumb rubbing circles on your clit.
“Mhm.” You tried your best to keep still for him. “Please, Bucky? Wanna cum for you.”
“Yeah?” He slid in a second finger. “You wanna cum all over my hand like a good girl?”
“Yes!” you cried out eagerly as his fingers started to fuck into you at a unrelenting pace. “Yes! Bucky! Ooooohhhh, please! Please, Bucky, I’m so close!”
He felt the quiver go through your legs, and when your mouth dropped open, a long moan ripping out of your throat, he pulled his hand away, slapping harshly at your clit. “Only good girls get to cum, and you’re not a good girl.”
Your eyes snapped open, a sob stuck in your throat. “Bucky,” you whimpered, twisting in his lap to look up at him. “Please, I’ll be good. I’m sorry. I was trying to do something nice for you. I didn’t mean to make you mad. Please, Bucky, I wanna be your good girl again.”
He mulled your words over, as he looked you over. Your hair was a wild mess from thrashing against him. Your eyes glistened with the unshed tears that came from two denied orgasms, and your own hurt that he was still disappointed and mad. And every so often the muscles in your legs twitched with how sensitive the rest of your body was growing. You were absolutely ruined by him and he still hadn’t even let you cum yet. An orgasm would split you wide open at this point. Could your body handle it?
He became aware of his own body at that point, his cock throbbing against the constraints of his jeans which were now uncomfortably tight around him. Shit… could he handle it?
“Bucky?” you asked in a small voice, drawing him out of his thoughts, your fingers playing with the dog tags around his neck.
“Please? We can both cum.”
“Oh, we can, can we?”
“Mhm,” you said, moving to straddle his lap more properly, rubbing your bare core against his jeans. “We can cum for each other, Bucky,” you elaborated, slowly rocking your hips, his dog tags clenched tightly in your fist.
His hand wrapped around your throat, “Yeah, you’d like that wouldn’t you? You like to cum all over my cock while I fuck you senseless?”
“Yes, please,” you gasped, rocking your hips more.
A giggle left your lips as he knocked you onto your back, his hands quickly freeing him from his jeans. “Who do you cum for, doll?” he asked, swiping his cock through your folds to coat himself.
“You, Bucky.”
“Does that mean you get to cum without my permission?” He pushed his cock into you.
“N-No, Bucky,” you gasped at the stretch.
“So next time you wanna cum and I’m not home, you’ll ask me, right?” His hands dug into your thighs, as his hips snapped into you.
“Y-Yes, Bucky.���
“And what were you thinking about when you were getting yourself off earlier, hmm? What thoughts could possibly be filling that pretty head of yours to make you that needy?” The slow pace would almost be torturous if it wasn’t for the force of each of his thrusts driving his cock deep into you.
“You, Bucky!” Your voice was high, and if he kept asking you questions, you weren’t sure how many more answers would be coherent. You felt your eyes flutter shut, your mouth falling open.
“Cuz who’s the one who makes you feel this good?”
You worked your throat to answer him, but all that same out was a low moan of pleasure.
“Look at me,” he instructed, his hand wrapping around your throat again. “I asked you a question.”
“Y-you,” you forced out, opening your eyes to look up at him.
“That’s right,” he grinned proudly, picking up speed. “Cuz you’re my good girl, right?”
“Your good girl,” you moaned out with your own smile. “Bucky’s doll.”
“Ffffuuuucccckk,” he groaned, throwing his head back as your pussy clenched tightly around him. “You take me so well, doll. Such a good girl for me.”
Whimpered moans fell freely from your lips at his praise, as you felt your orgasm building, and you hoped he’d let you have this one. “Gonna cum,” you told him.
“Yeah?” His pace grew as relentless as his fingers had been, driving you closer and closer to the edge. “You gonna cum all over my cock?” His hand dropped from your throat to rub fast circles at your clit.
“Really want to. Please? I’ve been so good, Bucky. Please?” you begged, needing permission before you exploded.
“Cum for me, doll,” he finally said, and you shattered around him with a scream. “Fuck!” he yelled out with you, his own release spilling. “Fuck,” he chuckled, his chest heaving. “Oh, fuck.”
You grabbed his dog tags, tugging him down towards you for a kiss. “Never say I’m not a good girl, again.”
“Aw,” he chuckled again, pulling his cock out of you, and peppering your face in soft kisses. “Did I hurt your feelings?”
“Yes. And your punishment was really mean.”
“Mmm, but consider how hot it was for me to watch you come undone.”
“You can make me come undone without making me cry, Bucky.”
“Okay, I’m sorry. How about,” he started to suggest, kissing a path down your body, “I give you back those two orgasms I stole?”
You shivered, your hands bunching up in his hair and tugging sharply. “I don’t think I can handle anything more right now, Bucky. Rain check?”
“Rain check,” he agreed with a nod, becoming aware of his own exhaustion. “Think you can stand for a shower, or should I run us a bath?”
“Bath, please. My legs feel like jell-o.”
“Okay,” he said with a last chuckle, and a last kiss. “I’ll be right back.”
“I’m glad you’re home, Buck.”
“Me too, doll. Me too.”
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“Good”. Alcina knew she was “good” in a lot of ways. She was a “good” choice for a lord. Powerful, smart and efficient. The was a “good” mother. Devoted, loving and protective. Furthermore she was a “good” Dimitrescu. None have held the reign over the village like she had.
‘Ah yes.’ She thought to herself. ‘I am good, EXTREMELY good.’ Knowing and hearing it though was two very different things. Even better being lovingly rewarded strengthened the absolute blissful situation she found herself in. “Good” made her fall to pieces.
It was in way you patted and rubbed her soft belly. You locked eyes with her and promised “I’ll be ‘good’ to you”. The thick head of her fave toy pushing into her entrance. Alcina offered a smirk “you had best be, darling. I don’t just let anyone do this.” The truth was Alcina was already thrilled about how this was going.
The way you stroked her thick thigh as girth of the toy stretched her cause her to roll her head back. The soft touch of your fingertips and the gentle “good job” caused her to instinctively open up her hips more. She wanted to take all of it. Alcina was glad the room was dark so her pet couldn’t see the warm pink appearing on her cheeks.
Finally you lower your hips into a very receptive countess. The head of the toy pushing deep into her. Alcina slipped up and gave a very soft moan and lifted her heels off of the bed. She couldn’t help it the blush intensified, her nipples hardened, and she could feel her core milk the toy inside of her. ‘Jesus Christ. Alcina, not so early in the night.’ You Could sense a stern look even though you couldn’t see it. You stop lowering yourself. “Alcina? Are you good?” She offered a curt “Continue.” It had nothing to do with you and everything to do with her falling apart.
A hushed pant continued as you stuffed the last bit of the toy deep inside her. It was a lot, all of it. The foreplay, was delightful, the touching was just she needed and to quite literally top it off her favorite pet was resting between her legs. Then you said it. The thing that disarmed her entirely.
You could go no farther inside so just took a brief moment to rest on top of her. Resting your forehead on her sternum you gently kiss between her breasts. Using one hand to lazily trace around her hard nipple the other hand drifted to her face and caressed her face. Then came “Good girl.”
Alcina had no control over her body. It was frustrating. Her core began dripping with pure desire. She swallowed hard and used her tongue to trace over her long canine teeth. She knew then she had lost. She was going to melt easily to her beloved pet.
She gently placed her powerful hands your back. “Oh my sweet, pet. You are so good to mommy.” It was her last attempt to maintain the waning composure she had. The intense gold of her eyes reflected what tiny bit of light was in the room. You gently lifted off of the countess and began gently pumping the toy inside of her. You smiled a warm loving smile and said “Im glad you think so, Alcina. You are so good to me, I want to give you my best.”
Alcina broke. She couldn’t take it. A soft moan reverberated off the walls of her room. Everything about her pet and this night was good. No, in fact amazing. The way you lovingly looked at her, the way her warm juices was spilling from her body in anticipation, the way you stolen a soft moan so early on… nothing about this night was good. It was perfect to her.
The silence followed by the brief soft moan made you worry for Alcina. “Alcina?” You asked with a twinge of concern. “Are you…” Alcina traced your spine with her long fingers. “I’m good.” Her cheeks turned a deep red. “I have never been better.”
I should be sleeping but I’m too busy thinking about Alcina. Goddamnit. I have two brain cells tonight and it’s the “Love Alcina” brain cell and “be a lesbian” brain cell. Soft smut? Is that a category? I tried to make it as soft as my last one. Dunno if I failed or not.
OOOOOHHHH FUUUUUUUU... YOU DIDN'T FAIL AT ALL, DEAR! This was amazing! I'm glad your last two braincells decided to feed me and the rest of my followers with this tasty little treat! 🤤🤤🤤🤤 I really love your writing style 👀 Please, feel free to send in anymore of these that your brain comes up with! I LOVED THIS! MY LADY 😩😩💦💦💦💦FJFHDJDKDHJDJFKDKDJFFJ
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deithe · 3 years
ooooohhhh before i forget
oh I'm familiar (kind kd) with cleopatrick and I really like it. the dark low bass and slowly rising drums giving it a sense of anticipation as the singer's voice starts to crescendo to the climax. and then the lull!!!!!! so good!!!! a very well made song and very sick I love it sm
second one....love it. it seems like a stereotypical kind of song but the synth (?) In the background gives it a kind of airy feeling.....so nice an excellent beat very laid back
third one. a bit more electronic but similar 2 the other songs....lovely. low and soft, but not heavy. easy listening but very nice listening too
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thebadgerclan · 4 years
Forgotten By Morning
Pairing: Remus Lupin x reader (Marauders Era)
Requested by Anonymous
Summary: After a few butterbeers, Remus lets something slip...
A few too many butterbeers had been drunk, James was facedown on the floor, Sirius was dangling his head off the couch, and Remus had his head in your lap.  You were the soberest of the group, having had only 3 drinks, which left the responsibility of making sure nobody got alcohol poisoning fell to you.  You didn’t mind, being sober made the boys antics even funnier.  
“Hey Remus,” James slurred, not lifting his face from the carpet.  “Who do you like?”  “Ooooohhhh, tell us Moony!” Sirius added.  Remus sat up before answering.  “C’mon guys, you already know!”  “Yeah!  But we wanna hear you say it!”  “It’s Y/N, you guys know that!”  You blushed as Remus turned to face you.  “Shit, Y/N, I’m sorry.”  You just laughed, helping him to stand.  “It’s fine, I’m sure you won’t even remember this in the morning.”
But Remus did remember, guilt flooding his heart when he saw you in the Great Hall the next morning.  James and Sirius both looked like they wanted to pitch themselves off the astronomy tower while you looked radiant as ever.  “Hey Y/N, can I talk to you for a sec?”  “Sure,” you said, standing.  Once you were outside the Great Hall and away from prying ears, Remus apologized.  “I’m so sorry about last night, I don’t know what came over me.”  “I do, you were drunk Rem, it’s alright.”
“I did mean it,” he said suddenly.  You turned back around to face him.  “You did?”  Remus nodded.  “Since 2nd year.  I think you’re the smartest witch to ever attend Hogwarts.”  You smiled into your hand.  “Thank you, that means a lot.  “Of course,” he replied.  “If you’d like, we have a Hogsmeade trip this weekend, want to go with me?”  “I’d love that Remus,” you answer, walking back to the Great Hall together.  “I forgot something in my room, I’ll be right back.”  You dashed up the stairs to your dorm while Remus rejoined the marauders
“How’d it go?” James asked, a washcloth pressed to his forehead.  “I have a date to Hogsmeade this weekend!”  “Really?  Damn Moony,” Sirius sighed. You reentered the Hall and sat down at your house’s table, but not before waving to Remus.  He smiled and waved back, already anticipating Saturday.  
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duker42 · 5 years
could you please write an nsfw scenario where levi and his s/o are playing with the sexy dice and you just decide how it goes💕
I decided this had to be a modern AU
💜The Dice Game💜
“Why do we have to play this again?” Levi moaned as he held up the pair of dice.
“Because you talked about spicing things up in the bedroom.” Y/N said as she set down her wine glass.
Levi rolled his eyes as he shook the dice in his hand. “I meant anal, you brat.” He teased as he threw them down on the coffee table.
Y/N snorted as he read the dice. “Lick Toes.” He gave a disgusted look “Fuck no.”
He glared at her as she laughed. “Roll the body part die again.” She offered.
He sighed as he picked up up and tumbled it back to the table. “Breast....much fucking better.” He said.
He turned to Y/N and pulled her shirt up, ignoring her squeal of surprise when he ducked his head down and ran his tongue from under her breast, over the nipple up to the top of her chest.
Y/N picked up the dice and threw them down. “Bite Ass”
She giggled as Levi glared at her again. She twirled her finger around. “Bend over and bare it babe.”
She ignored his muttered “For fuck’s sake.” She held back a grin as he turned around and shimmied his hips as he dropped his pants, bending over slightly to expose his perfectly round cute ass to her sight.
She felt him flinch as she bit into his left cheek, running her tongue over the teeth marks she left behind in apology as she pulled away.
He flopped down beside her on their couch and complained. “Did you have to bite that damn hard?”
Y/N snorted. “You leave teeth and hand prints on my ass every time. Suck it up buttercup.”
Levi sighed as he looked over at his girlfriend. “This isn’t sexy at fucking all.”
“Yeah.” Y/N agreed.
“Fuck this game. Let’s role play.” Levi said, grinning wickedly. “I’ll be the feared Captain and you can be my little soldier that I have to discipline.”
Y/N perked up. “Oh...okay.” Her face took on a bashful expression. “I’m sorry that I spilled your tea, Captain Levi.”
He leaned over, his face stern. “Y/N you ruined my uniform and burned me. I can’t just let you get off with an ‘I’m sorry’. I’m going to have to punish you so you’ll be less clumsy, brat.”
Her breath caught when he continued. “Pull your shorts down and bend over my lap.”
“Captain.....that’s not right. Make me clean the barracks or something. This is harassment.” Y/N said, wide eyed.
He smirked. “Panties too, just for that, brat.”
Y/N got up and slowly pulled her shorts and panties down, showing him her luscious ass before bending over his knees. He felt his cock twitch as he held her back down with one hand as the other started rubbing on her exposed skin.
“Captain Levi!” Y/N exclaimed.
He growled and pulled his hand back, smacking her ass harshly. “One.”
Y/N gasped at the sting of his hand. He drew back again. “Two.”
She felt heat rush down through her body to pool at her core. She felt his hand fall again. “Three.”
She let out a little moan when he hit her ass again. “Fou-did you just moan?” He asked, his voice holding surprise.
Y/N shook her head quickly, gasping as he pushed a hand in between her thighs. “You dirty girl. You’re enjoying your punishment. What am I going to do now?” He teased, his fingers stroking up and down the folds of her sex.
Levi pushed two fingers inside her wet pussy making her cry out. “Captain!”
“Hmmmmm. Maybe a spanking isn’t what you need. Maybe you need to be taught a lesson by me fucking you until you scream. Or should I shove my cock down your throat and fuck that pretty mouth of yours.” Levi pretended to contemplate his next move while pumping his fingers in and out of her, making Y/N gasp and moan.
He pulled his fingers out, making her whine. He spanked her again. “Be quiet.” He ordered.
He pulled her up and pushed her against the seat of the couch, her back pressed agains the leather as he loomed over her.
“So? What will it be, soldier? Should I fuck you until you scream? Or should I just make you suck my cock and leave that little pussy aching to be filled?” He asked, his pupils blown as he looked down at her.
Levi looked down at the arousal on Y/N’s face, she was loving it. Her pussy was soaking wet and ready for him to fuck her. His cock ached to push inside her walls and start pounding away. She bit her bottom lip and gave him an innocent look.
“Please, Captain Levi, please fuck me.” She breathed. It sent a shiver of anticipation down his spine.
He hooked her legs up on his shoulders, pushing his boxers down to move his cock down to position at her wet and inviting hole.
“I’m not going to go easy on you.” He warned, seeing her small nod before driving his cock deep into her.
Y/N screamed out as he impaled her. He checked her to make sure he hadn’t hurt her, but the look on her face was pure pleasure.
Levi immediately started pounded into her, pulling back and thrusting just as hard as he could into her tight heat. Her loud moans filling his ears with every thrust. He leaned down, pushing her legs back further and folding her over as he changed the angle.
“OOOOOHHHH!!!!!! LEVI!!!!!!” Y/N screamed as he hit deep, pushing against the spot that made her squirt all over him.
He gritted his teeth against the rush of pleasure that ran through him at the feeling over her juices coating him. “It’s Captain..........” He groaned out as he drove into her again.
“C-CA-CAP-CAPTAIN!!!!!” Y/N screamed as she came.
Levi groaned as felt her tighten around him, the hot pressure of her body squeezing his cock making his orgasm rush to a head. He pushed deep and emptied himself into her with a gasp and a curse.
He let her legs move down, falling gently down on her as he moved his hands up to stroke her face lovingly. He kissed her before sighing and laying his head down on her shoulder.
Y/N gave a loud huff as she wrapped her arms around him. There was a tint of amusement in her voice as she observed. “I like the Captain/Solider idea much better than the dice game.”
“No shit, brat.” Levi groaned as he gave up trying to move for the next few minutes.
Mobile MasterList
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mx-sfthrs · 5 years
a/n: tbh this takes place at like 5 separate times so uh sorry abt that. there’s no warning with this one it’s just lowkey sappy and gets kinda angsty for a sec in the middle lol (i did use like one or two medium level bad words)
word count: 1.3k
[18:13] ooooohhhh boy you were nervous. like, really nervous. you’d been dating wonho for a couple of years already and so you’d think you’d know how he’d react to just about anything but now that you’ve done it, you’re starting to second guess yourself.
so, here’s the thing.
you and wonho had been friends for a long time and - understandably - once he debuted you guys didn’t get to spend a lot of time together. but with him suddenly being gone so much, you realized you liked him. like really liked him. and although he couldn’t see you often or call since he didn’t have a phone anymore, based on the time you guys did get to spend together you kind of got the vibe that he liked you too.
for a while you guys walked the line of close friends to dating, but the uncertainty didn’t really bug you. you knew he was busy and probably didn’t need the stress or drama that would come with having a girlfriend and being an idol. besides, he really didn’t seem interested in anyone else so why put a label on it? or at least, you thought.
you were on your phone one night, scrolling through twitter when you got to some photos of the boys at an award show that happened earlier that night. at first you felt warm with happiness and pride. you were so happy for wonho getting to live his dream (plus the boy looked really good in a suit) but your chest quickly went hot with jealousy and anger when you saw not one or two but six different account post a picture of him being very close and very comfortable with a female idol. you closed the app and tried to calm down. why should you even care? despite all of the fantasies you’ve played over and over in your head, in reality you’re just his friend. he’d never explicitly given you any reason to think you two were anything more. felt that you had no right to be this upset, this possessive over him and yet here you were, unable to think about anything else.
it consumed you for days. your anger still had a firm grasp on you as you made your way to lunch with him later that week.
“y/n you seem kind of down, are you alright?”
“fine. peachy. why do you care?” you didn’t look up and kept playing with your food
“a-are you upset with me? we haven’t talk in like a week what did i do??”
“you know what, it’s my fault. i guess it was stupid of me to think we were anything more than friends but now i guess i know better. you’re a big idol now and i’m just your friend from grade school so if you want to go and be with another idol i get it.”
finally saying everything out loud made you more upset than anticipated and you started crying. you left money on the table and got up to leave.
“y/n what the hell??” but you were already gone
he leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair.
once back in the dorm he couldn’t stop pacing back and forth.
“dude, you okay?” hyungwon asked from the couch, watching him as he casually ate potato chips
“honestly.. not really. i had lunch with y/n today and she blew up at me for no reason.” he kept pacing
“is y/n your cousin or ‘not-girlfriend’ that we all just call your girlfriend anyways?”
“wait, what? actually, whatever. the second one.”
“ahh. i think i have an idea of why she’s mad. did you go on twitter at all after the award show last week?”
“yikes. alright follow me.”
a few minutes later wonho’s head is in his hands as hyungwon shows him all of the tweets of him with that idol.
‘ok wonho i see u’
‘ooohhhhhh i ship it tbh’
all posted with that same stupid picture.
“it’s not even like that! ugh this is so bad.” wonho put his head down on the desk
hyungwon nonchalantly popped another chip into his mouth “yeah i’d be mad if i were her too honestly”
wonho looked up from the desk “dude”
“uugghhh” there was a thud as his head hit the desk again as he thought of how to fix this.
he eventually managed to get ahold of you and explained how he had his hand on her waist because she almost fell over and somehow someone caught the 3 seconds that he was holding her up and the pic spread like wildfire.
“see? i think this is all a huge misunderstanding”
“i still think we should take a break from each other. none of that changes the fact that i have feelings for you that obviously aren’t reciprocated.”
“hey, who said that? because i know i never did.” he took your hands in his “let’s just start over, okay? can we just start from the beginning so that i can properly confess to you and i can get this right? i really want to keep you in my life y/n, you mean so much to me.. can we please just start over from zero?”
you looked up and saw the sincerity in his eyes. you’d be lying to yourself if you thought you could be fine without him in your life so you took a deep breath.
and as messy as it was, that was the start of a really honest and beautiful relationship. he wrote from zero shortly after that and your love for the song has remained unchanged since the first time you heard it. after thinking about it for a while, you decided that you wanted to get ‘from zero’ tattooed the inside of your upper arm. the song was something that both you and wonho will always cherish and you want to carry it with you always. you’d secretly worked with the tattoo artist for weeks to make sure it was perfect, and wonho even almost caught you when he came home to you looking at some sketches but you played it off as if they were your own.
as soon as he tattooist was done you rushed home, hoping to beat wonho. sure enough you did so you started making dinner, your nerves building more and more as you began to overthink. what if he hates it? what if he thinks it’s weird? i mean... he did write the song about you so it isn’t weird, right? 
your uneasy stream of conscious was interrupted by the sound of the front door. you quickly wiped your hands on a towel and went to greet him. 
“hey princess!” he hugged you tightly and kissed your cheek “dinner smells good”
“haha thanks...” your laugh was so nervous you knew he’d start asking questions so you quickly cut to the chase “so, uh. i need to tell you something...”
“oh my god, are you okay?? wait, are you pregnant????? oooohhhhh man oh no-”
you started laughing “what? no calm down” his whole body visibly relaxed “i just - well - i kind of - hmmm how do i? maybe i’ll just show you....”
you extended your arm straight to the side to reveal the tattoo, preparing yourself for the worst, but when you saw his face a weight lifted off of your shoulders
“oh my god... baby...” he awkwardly took your arm in his hands “can i touch it?”
“yeah just be gentle”
his fingers glided over the words, barely touching them. he was in awe.
“i had thought about this for a while and well, the song reminds me of how this all started and i just always wanted to carry it with me forever, you know?” you were still a little bit nervous
“thank you. this... means so much to me” he looked up at you as he set your arm down at your side “you mean so much to me”
you gave him a bashful smile before he kissed it away. you had fallen in love all over again.
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wellhellsbelles · 7 years
There Goes Our Love Again
ooooohhhh!!! second chapter yayyyyy!!!! ((also i’m done with exams so i can start keeping up with this more so that’s pretty cool))
as per usual, here’s the ao3 link. thanks and enjoy!!
ii. A Combination Of Love And Aggression
“Dude, for the last time. Hand me the damn screwdriver,” Farkle grunted, trying desperately to keep the DIY bookshelf he bought from IKEA together.
“No, no, I swear it on my life. Yeah, he really just—”
“ISAIAH BABINEAUX, GET OFF YOUR PHONE AND HAND ME THE DAMN SCREWDRIVER ALREADY!!!” Farkle screeched across the loft, causing Zay to drop the phone.
“Jesus Christ, alright, Farkle,” Zay mumbled, picking his phone back up off the ground, apologizing to the person on the other line before disconnecting. He shoved the phone back into his pocket, retrieving the screwdriver from the table and thrusting it into Farkle’s hand.
“Thank you,” Farkle breathed, tightening the screw he had put in, wiping the sweat off his forehead after. “Who were you talking to, anyway?”
“Isadora. I was shit-talking Lucas now that he’s gone. I love the dude, but man did he make living with him extra difficult. You’re not gonna do that to me, are you? I don’t think I could handle a Lucas 2.0 in the loft,” Zay said. Farkle chuckled.
“I’m flattered that I’d even be considered for the position, but no. You’re just getting plain old Farkle Minkus, unfortunately,” Farkle told him, inserting another screw into place.
“Sounds like I’m getting a good deal then,” Zay smiled, returning back to the kitchen where he was before. “You want some toast? I’m making some toast,” he offered. Farkle shook his head.
“No thanks. Make ‘grocery shopping’ next on my to-do list. How could you and Lucas ever live like this, off of toast and cereal?” Zay shrugged, popping a couple pieces of bread into the toaster, turning the dial and pushing down the button to start it.
“We were bachelors in New York for the longest time, man. Also, I worked for the local coffee shop and Lucas was just a counselor for the Y, so we didn’t have much money.”
“You did get this bomb-ass loft, though. Kudos to that,” Farkle noted.
“Thank you! Lucas almost made us go for the cheaper option, but after seeing that they had to deal with bedbugs, I said “No way, José!” Man thinks he can just live that kind of lifestyle, but not me. I got a reputation to uphold.”
“And ladies to please?” Farkle offered, sighing in frustration when the second screw slipped out of his hand. Zay nodded.
“Exactly.” Farkle tossed the screwdriver to the side after, giving up on the stupid Swedish or whatever the heck kind of bookshelf it was, leaving it for another day. As soon as he got up, his phone buzzed, and he reached into his back pocket to retrieve it.
 Riley: You wanna grab some lunch? Maya’s out sampling cake with Lucas and I want to catch up with you 😊
Farkle: Sounds good to me! You’ll save me from eating toast with Zay.
Riley: He eats just toast?
Farkle: Trust me, I’m visiting the nearest grocery store after we’re done. I’m not going to eat another bowl of cereal for weeks or get Chinese food for the longest time.
Riley: Oh, you poor thing. Portafino’s?
Farkle: For the love of god, yes! Real food!!
Riley: 😉
Riley: Meet you in twenty!
 Farkle couldn’t have been glader to have the saving grace that was Riley Matthews in his life, that was for sure.
“Whatcha smilin’ at over there, Minkus? You got a hot date or somethin’?” Zay mumbled through a mouthful of toast.
“Sort of. I’m meeting up with Riley to get some lunch and catch up.”
“Ooooh, so you do have a hot date! I didn’t know you and Matthews still had the hots for each other!” Farkle shot Zay a look of disdain, stuffing his phone back into his pocket.
“We don’t. And hey, what do you mean ‘still’? We never had the hots for each other!” Farkle huffed. Zay noogied his head, dodging Farkle’s punch after.
“Alright, I get it. But denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, you follow? Go have fun with Riley, though. And tell her I said hi!”
Farkle could already tell that living with Zay was going to be some kind of something. At least he had that to look forward to.
 Despite bickering with Zay for about ten more minutes after setting up the not-a-date with Riley, Farkle arrived ten minutes before her at Portafino’s. He took the opportunity to order himself a glass of merlot, sipping at it while picking at his navy-blue cardigan in anticipation of Riley��s arrival.
He was nervous. Part of it was because of what Zay said, but Farkle didn’t let that get to him. It was just Riley after all, one of his best friends, and he’d been dying to catch up with her for forever. Hopefully he’d get to do that with the rest of the group, too, but as one on one’s instead of the group chat he had experienced a week ago.
A blur of a black and yellow sunflower dress and lavender perfume flashed by him all of a sudden, the scent so achingly familiar that his heart leapt at the memory. Riley sat down in front of Farkle, her face flushed, her mind clearly abuzz.
“OmigoshI’msosorryFarkle,” her words mushed together in her panic. Farkle only grinned, just glad to be out with his friend again.
“Riley, it’s fine. I can count on you.” Riley grinned back at him, grabbing the menu in front of her off the table, her eyes scanning it frantically. “Hey, I’ll pay by the way,” he added. Her gaze met his once again, her brow furrowed.
“Oh come on. Just because you’ve got a fancy-schmancy job now Farkle doesn’t mean you get to flaunt it in front of me,” she teased. Farkle shrugged.
“I mean, that’s fine if you don’t want whatever you want off the menu . . .” he trailed, Riley taking the bait just as quickly as she used to when they were in high school.
“I’LL TAKE YOUR OFFER,” she interjected, her brown eyes shimmering at the prospect of getting her pick of the menu without limitations. Farkle chuckled to himself.
Old habits die hard, that’s for sure.
They spend several minutes searching the menu for what they want, only making small side-talk until the waitress arrives, pad of paper in hand.
“Alright, what can I get the lovely couple?” she asked. Farkle almost spat out his wine, swallowing hard before correcting her.
“Oh, we’re not—”
“A couple,” Riley finished for him. “We’re just friends.”
“Of course,” the woman corrected herself. “What can I get for you two?”
“Eggplant parmesan,” Riley said. “Also, could I get a glass of your house white?” The waitress nodded her head.
“Can do. And for you?” she turned towards Farkle.
“I’ll take the carbonara, please.” They handed her back their menus, only resuming conversation after she had left.
“So how’s living with Zay? Are the two of you getting along okay?” Riley asked.
“Yeah, we’re getting along just fine. Well, my only criticism is that he’s on the phone with Isadora all day, but other than that, we’re good,” Farkle answered, taking a sip from his wine glass.
“You jealous?” Riley questioned, raising a brow. Farkle shook his head, amusement clear upon his face.
“That ship has long since sailed and you know it, Riley. Isadora and I are nothing more than friends. What about you? How do you feel about Lucas and Maya getting married?”
“Ha,” Riley barked, throwing her head back in laughter. “Touché, Minkus. That ship has long since sailed for me, too. Those two are made for each other.” The two of them paused for a moment when the waitress dropped by Riley’s glass of wine, Farkle’s demeanor turning serious after.
“So, you didn’t tell me about Bill,” Farkle pointed out. Riley sighed, slumping in her chair, her index finger tracing the rim of her wine glass.
“Yeah . . .”
“Riley.” He could tell this was hard for her. Farkle didn’t want to push her too hard, but he was her friend, he was there for her. He needed to know.
“It’s . . . okay, so Bill and I got into a fight about a month ago,” Riley exhaled before continuing. “But it all started just before our three-year anniversary hit. I mentioned that we should be doing something big, like moving in together or starting planning for getting married . . . something big like that, you know? Because it was three years, and that’s not too far off base for that, right?”
“Right,” Farkle agreed.
“Well, he agreed that I was right, but he said we should start off small. “Start off small, work up to the big stuff,” he said. And I believed him. He said I should move in the next month. He said he’d circle a date on the calendar and I’d move in on that day, but until then he would help bring my stuff over to his apartment a little at a time. And I agreed that that’d be a good plan. So not long after that, I bought some boxes and started packing.
“But then I tried to get Bill to help me bring some boxes over, and he’d make an excuse each time. “I have to work late tonight,” he’d say, or “Why don’t we just take it easy?” he’d say. He said that each and every time. And then the day came when he said he wanted me to move in, and he gave me some lame excuse as to why we just couldn’t. So then we got into the big fight and were arguing constantly, and then finally I asked if he really wanted me to move in and he gave in saying no, he didn’t want me to. And then I asked if he could see us getting married, and he said no to that, too. So we broke up,” Riley finished, taking a long drink of wine afterward. Farkle reached across the table and grabbed her hand, squeezing it gently.
“I’m sorry, Riles. I know you really liked him.” Riley shrugged.
“Yeah, well, I’ve liked a lot of things in the past that didn’t turn out well. You remember my cheerleading stint?” Farkle snorted.
“I do remember that. You weren’t that bad.” Riley rolled her eyes at that.
“Rose-colored glasses, Farkle. You only say that because I’m your friend and you have no earthly clue how sports work.” Farkle couldn’t argue with that.
“While that may be true, I still say you weren’t bad. And even if you were, you would’ve gotten better at it. I’ve seen what great things you accomplish with a healthy dose of determination.” Riley gave Farkle a slight smile, her cheeks dusting a light pink from his kind words.
“Thanks, Farkle. I really missed you, you know? Things up here haven’t been quite as Farkle-y without you,” she admitted.
“That is true. Well, I missed you, as well, Riley. And everybody else. California was fun, but definitely not for me. I can’t tell you how many sunburns I got while I was down there. Also, I actually had to wear shorts. Can you picture me wearing shorts?” Riley leaned her head into her hand, laughing.
“No, I can’t. New York is definitely a better fit for you, Farkley.” Farkle grinned, his heart happy to be around his best friend once again.
He really missed New York, what can he say?
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grapsandclaps · 6 years
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Hello and welcome everyone to this edition of Graps and Claps, this time taking me to the Brixton Recreation Centre for Rev Pro's big Global Wars UK show with the main event rematch for the Undisputed British Heavyweight between Minoru Suzuki and Tomohiro Ishii (a proper 2 dads in a car park match).
Early start for me to get down to London with a 50 minute bus from Rochdale to Manchester, followed up with a 2 and half hour train/tube trip to Brixton, arriving in what is an upmarket area of the nation's capital but on this impression with the wafting smell of fish in the air and a grey and miserable day this wasn't the upmarket area that it was supposed to be.
Only one boozer we visited here was a branch of the Craft Beer Co located near the Beehuve Wetherspoons. A mixture of 20 beers on tap either keg or cask plus a number of cans were on sale as well, the decor inside this pub was akin to an american diner of sorts with bright flashing boards and red leather seats.
A good 2 hours was spent in here meeting up with a number of wrestling luminaries including the Indy Corner's JP and Joe, whilst also looking outside at Mark Davis walking past in his socks and sandals - whoever thought this look was going to come back into fashion, but I'm not going to argue with Dunkzilla's fashion sense.
4 pints in here were mainly IPA based with the £5.40 Siren Brewery IPA being the best of the pints I had, when visiting here do expect to pay anywhere from £4.50 to £8 a pint but in all honesty it is maybe the best place for a drink near the venue.
With the time coming up to 345pm, our group decided to make our way to the Brixton Recreation Centre which was only round the corner and up one flight of stairs. This venue was in all sense and purposes a gym hall with bleacher seats on one side which were instantly filled, so what was supposed to be a seat for the evening ended up being a standing spot for the duration of the 3 and half hours.
Beer in here was a bit of a shambles with long queues of up to 15 minutes at one stage - our Geoff missed all of the second match thanks to this occurrence. Once they worked things out it did improve but it did feel all a bit like 'spoons with one serving behind the bar - if you cant handle pulled beer, just get cans in - its so simple!
Anyways rant about the £4 beer over with, lets get into the action with a big 9 match card that opened up with the current IWGP Jr. Champion Kushida taking on Kurtis Chapman who was replacing David Starr who was stuck in air limbo due to the airline company going bust but not notifying there passengers - complete shithousery on there part.
So with Chapman taking Starr's place we got down to action with an early feeling out process which Kushida got the upper hand of. A feature of the evening was the at times apathetic crowd that didn't half need a bit of geeing up from my stamping right foot, no wonder I have been walking like John Wayne today.
Despite the quiet crowd this was still a passable match with Kushida looking the best out of the two as he finished off Chapman in around 10 minutes with the Hoverboard driver for the 3 count. To be honest even though he took the match at short notice I didn't think anything stood out about Chapman, that a Josh Bodom could have maybe done a better job as a replacement but hey ho I digress.
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Next up was an interesting Tag Team tussle between Ringkampf (Walter and Timothy Thatcher) vs L.I.J (Sanada and EVIL). Surprisingly there was a lot of offence against the Ringkampf boys especially on Walter from EVIL making the Austrian look vulnerable in comparison to his New Japan counterparts. Ringkampf eventually did come back into the match locking in duel sleepers on both Sanada and EVIL but they both managed to escape the Ringkampf duo's grip as they sent Walter packing to the outside, meaning that Thatcher was left all alone to be hit with the Magic Killer by EVIL and Sanada to get the big victory here in what I could count as a shock.
Match No.3 we had the arrival of Lord Gideon Grey who I haven't seen for ages since the whole feud with Grado and Colt Cabana a couple of years ago. Grey was here to introduce the match up between his Legion of Lords tag partner Rishi Ghosh whom he has recently had issues with at the most recent Cockpit show, his opponent was The Great O-Kharn who has been on the old Wayne Rooney hair growth programme - a proper mound of curly hair.
This was certainly a diversion from the fast paced New Japan feel but with a great bit of storytelling in between the ropes with Ghosh playing the plucky underdog against Grey's new charge O-Kharn who is currently undefeated and has visibly improved his ringwork since the last time I saw him at Altrincham vs Danny Duggan which was a total dud.
Ghosh managed to crawl out of O-Kharn's claw hold/slam to fightback but as the referee wasn't looking, Lord Gideon whacked his former best friend around the head with a cane to knock him loopy leading to O-Kharn to hit a reverse neck slam to get the three count, cue more ring announcing stylings from Gideon - I surprisingly enjoyed this match and well above my expectations.
4th up we had the clash between Chris Brookes and L.I.J's leader Tetsuya Naito who came out to a great reaction from the Brixton crowd. Early on Brookes fainted Naito to the outside by doing Naito's pose which only riled Mr. Naito who came in to kick Brookes in the shoulder to stop these shenanigans.
Brookes give him his due performed admirably against one of New Japan's big stars and he nearly picked up the shock victory with a Jay Driller for a 2 count, as Brookes was looking to finish things off he got laid out with not 1, but 2 Destino's from Naito who picked up the win in 11 minutes. A solid match but Naito was in house show mode for me wearing his T-Shirt for the duration of the match (come on Naito you have a better body than my fat arse).
Intermission Main Event with my dad's favourite wrestler Zack Sabre Jr. taking on Former NEVER Champion Hiroki Goto. It was during this I found that the current NEVER Champion is Taichi - christ almighty they must be running out of options 😞.
Lots of strikes and submissions in this one folks with ZSJ looking really good in the process and I would say he was quite dominant over his much larger oppponent, one thing I love about Zack are the countless transitions from hold to hold, he is just so fluid as an operator in the squared circle. Despite trying his best to submit Goto, Zack put away Goto in 15 minutes with a reverse bridge pin for the victory as he looks on his way to facing maybe EVIL or Naito in the futute, the Naito match could be a barn burner in my opinion.
Half time break of 10 minutes which stuck to the schedule, we returned with Mark Davis taking on Satoshi Kojima who as we have found out he has gained a great respect for bread of all things - I just can't imagine that Kojima has some Blackpool Milk Roll in his bread bin.
A hard hitting 10 minute match with many clotheslines and forearms in the ring corner by both men but it was Kojima who got the best of things as he hit the rapid fire chops in the corner to Davis to make his chest look like corned beef. Not long after that Kojima finished off Davis with the cozy lariat for the victory and as you may say - the breadwinner for the evening.
7th match up was between El Phantasmo taking on Rocky Romero in what I felt was a bit of a comedown match before the two what would be best matches of the evening. Early dives from both Romero and ELP were hit but when the action got back inside it was ELP who got the better of things as he put away Rocky Romero with a splash/moonsault combo to pick up the impressive victory, but in hindsight this match maybe could have been scrapped just to add a few more minutes elsewhere on the card.
8th match up was an anticipated contest that I was looking forward to seeing with Will Ospreay taking on Chris Ridgeway for whom it was great to see him getting this opportunity high up on this card.
As expected this duly delivered as Ridgeway tried to use many strikes to wound Ospreay but Will was more than his match as his ground game is greatly under appreciated as people still think of Will as ever the high flyer.
With the match coming to the boil, Ospreay looked to hit the Oscutter to Ridgeway but he was caught with a sleeper choke by Ridgeway to cause the tapout victory to end a belting match. After the match Ospreay had to be carried out as he picked up an injury during this contest, as Ospreay went to the back Josh Bodom came out to attack Ridgeway to possibly set up a match between them two in the future - Bodom bodywise looks amazing fantastic shape that hasn't been anywhere near the Holland's puddings.
8 matches, it is now time for your MAIN EVENT and what a main event this was for the Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship between Minoru Suzuki who is the title holder taking on Tomohiro Ishii. Once the singalong to Kaze Ni Nare had ended we got down to business as both Ishii and Suzuki both got into forearming each other really hard and Suzuki hitting some of the hardest chops I have ever seen - these made Walter's chops look like tummy tickles.
The action spilled to the outside to the merch desk and both also had a chair battle in which Ishii came off the worst but he did manage to beat the count to continue the match. With Suzuki on top, he even had time to give me a death stare telling me to zip it from clapping and stamping which elicited a OOOOOHHHH from the crowd as I shat myself.
Suzuki who as I said looked well on his way to victory, got a bit to complacent by not puttong away Ishii and he got duly punished for this as Ishii hit the match winning brainbuster to Suzuki in 24 minutes to end an amazing match and for me easily in my top 5 matches of the year - check this out on the VOD ypu won't be disappointed.
Show done it was time to leave the venue diwn the ultra wet stairs and say our goodbyes to everyone in our group who were all great company - always good to see JP and Joe and Grappl app creator Gareth, you should download the app from the play store to see what it is about.
Overall as a show this was very good if only for the last two matches which I whole hearteadly recommend that you watch. The downpoints though were maybe too many New Japan victories once again with Kojima and LIJ getting wins over talent that should be pushed to the hilt in Rev Pro in Ringkampf and Mark Davis.
With the early finish at 715pm, I managed to get the earlier train back to Manchester to arrive back in Rochdale for 1120pm to rest my aching limbs before going to work in the morning.
I hope you have enjoyed reading, any feedback and comments are welcome and I will return next with a review of Futureshock Wrestling from Prestwich this Saturday, so until then - BYE!!
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