#my datemate sheepishly pointed em out
plushie-lovey · 2 years
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My thrift haul from today. I was incredibly excited to fine 2 squishmallows and 4 webkinz all at once
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dtk-imagines · 7 years
hey hey!! i love your blog and hc's, and hope you're doing well!! for the us/sf skelebros, how/when do you think they'd realize they're in love with their crush or s/o? basically when they realize they're in /deep/
Hi! Thank you so much, I’m glad you like the blog! :) I am doing very well!
And thank you. SO MUCH. For sending this ask. I love thinking/reading about shit like this, oh my god.
Under the read more because I ended up getting carried away. Oops?
– You’re already together at this point, and it’s a few months into the relationship when he realizes. Well, more like pointed out to him.
– He’ll be talking with his brother and Chara, going on about your most recent date. As he weaves the tale, recalling some incident involving seagulls snatching your food right out of your hands, he’s interrupted by a chuckle.
“WHAT?” He says curiously, lowering his gesticulating hands. 
Cherry grins crookedly at him, reaching into his pocket for another sucker.  “nothing, bro.” He grins wider at the narrowing of the others sockets, exchanging a knowing look with Chara. “it’s just that.. you’ve talked about this already.”
“I HAVE?” Sans pauses again. “WHEN?”
“A few hours ago.” Chara has an impish grin on their face too, and wow is Plum starting to feel self conscious. His face is colouring into a lovely hue of purple. “And you told us right when you got home yesterday, remember?”
He doesn’t. Plum sputters and shoos the now laughing pair out of his room so that he can have space to think.
– He’ll lay back on his bed and stare up at his ceiling. Hanging from there is the 3D solar system you assembled together; You worked with your memory of the planets and the faded pages of a book about space he kept on his bookshelf, and it turned out pretty well. Looking back now, he can’t remember the last time he had the chance to be so passionate about his love for space. In fact, he can’t remember the last time he let himself be so genuinely caught up in anything he loved.
– He remembers your enthusiasm matching his own, even though you had no idea about the things he was going on about. You listening intently as though you were completely enraptured by his words, bouncing questions off of him to keep it going. It felt right and he felt so loved in that moment, and.. Oh, stars. He loves you.
– He feels so overjoyed at this realization that tears spring into his sockets. He dials your number, rushing out the door to meet you wherever you are. He confesses to you and wraps you up in the tightest hug. He’s never letting go.
– It’s on a day he’s hanging out with Undyne. They’re spread across her bed, with her typing furiously away at her keyboard while Cherry is slumped next to her, face flushed. He’s just told her about his promotion at one of his jobs and she’s typing up a very long (and very embarrassing) status about how awesome her best friend is.
“‘the coolest, most hard working guy ever’?” He reads aloud, groaning afterward. “come on, undyne. i’m not - ”
“DON’T SAY ANOTHER WORD!!” She shouts, making him jump. She grins sheepishly and hits enter. The status is posted. “Shut up, dude. This is - this is really big for you! And it’s really amazing,” Undyne’s fins flare out in her excitement, eyes darting back to the screen for a moment. A new comment has appeared - and it’s from you. She reads it to Cherry and his face turns an even deeper shade, making her laugh out loud. “Hah, wow. They’re really something.”
“Your datemate, duh!” Both of them stop when his screen lights up with your name. Upon checking the message they see it’s another congratulatory one. Undyne throws her hands in the air when Papyrus grins and immediately types a reply, “See?! Look at you, you’re - you’re glowing, Papyrus! Ever since you met them, you’ve been smiling more, getting out more, putting yourself out there - ”
– Undyne begins ranting about all these things she’s noticed over the course of you dating, and it makes Cherry really think. Now that he looks back, it really does seem like he’s changed. Before meeting you, he’d given up on so many things; his dreams, his hopes, himself. But when you entered his life, he started to see things how he used to. With a little more confidence, a little less fear. His feet felt more solid beneath him with you there, it’s like -
It’s like you’ve pushed him to embrace himself again.
– At this realization, Papyrus makes a small sound akin to a suffocating dinosaur and pulls his beanie all the way over his skull. Undyne is flat out cackling now and he’s just muttering muffled variations of “holy shit”.
– Surprisingly, Hunter realizes he’s in deep during a quiet moment in the day. He’s sitting at the dining table with you and his brother on a Sunday morning, all in different states of awake. Hunter himself has been awake the longest, having prepared breakfast himself, and is going over blueprints for his latest trap. Hound is nodding off in his seat, his face bobbing dangerously close to his oatmeal; and you are eating away at your eggs, snickering at the taller skeleton’s impending doom.
– All is silent until there’s a splash, followed by startled coughing and your ringing laughter. Sans finally looks up from his plans to see you handing his brother a towel, trying to cover up your sudden burst of giggles with a hand over your mouth.
“You uh, got a little something there, Rus.”
Papyrus pouts at you as well as his grin allows while he wipes his face, “coulda moved the bowl.”
“It was too funny to pass up.”
There’s a back and forth between you two, with Hound quietly complaining about his hood being wet and you teasing him about his odd sleeping habits. Papyrus eventually sighs and turns to Sans, a playful look of exasperation on his face.
“geez, brother mine. you really know how to pick em.” He dodges the swipe of your hand, “you sure they’re your soulmate?”
Sans scoffs, “OF COURSE I AM. I’M INSULTED YOU WOULD EVEN QUESTION IT, BROTHER.” You grin at Papyrus in triumph and continue your banter with him as Hunter sits back, comfortable.
– That is what gives him pause. He looks between the both of you, thinking how normal this all is. It’s almost as if his life isn’t rife with violence or death, as if every waking moment is something to be afraid of. He is relaxed, and though that is the way it should be in his own home, that is not a luxury that he knew he was capable of having until you came along.
– He realizes with startling clarity that this is a feeling that he wants to keep. Which should be obvious really, but this is no small thing for him. Experiences like these are often fleeting, and while he’d known he fancied you, he didn’t know that it was going to last. Or that he wanted it to.
– Now that he’s sure, he’s quick to propose to you. And I’m talking quick as in right at this moment.
– Hound fell for you very fast and was aware of it every moment. He recognizes the extent of his feelings even before you’ve become an item. Right now, you’re two friends that are having a deep conversation at three in the morning. You’re laying next to each other on the floor surrounded by numerous snacks and syrup bottles, and the television is being ignored in favour of your profound introspection.
“.. And it’s just, there’s so much out there, you know?” You say, gesturing widely at the popcorn ceiling. There’s something that look like a burn mark that your eyes drift toward - your eyes are wandering as much as your tired mind is. “The world is so much bigger than we think.”
Hound is on his side, propping himself up on his elbow so he can take a swig of his syrup. He nods when you look to him for a response, his eyesockets never turning away from you as you go back to talking about the universe. He tunes out - he’s silently enchanted by the image of you right now. You’re in your pajamas, your is hair messy and your eyes are dark with circles underneath them, but you’re still.. Glowing. Radiant. Alive.
“ - would be so fun, don’t you think?”
“hm?”He shakes himself from his trance to find you staring back at him, and he grins in apology. “sorry sugar, i missed that first part.”
“I said I think travelling together would be so fun!” You repeat yourself, not bothered in the slightest.  “Just exploring and stuff - I think it would be awesome.”
He doesn’t miss a beat. “yeah, i’d like that.”
– At his response, you smile widely. And oh, he feels his soul pulse brighter at the sight. You’re smiling at him, because of him, and it’s the most wonderful thing in the world as far as he’s concerned. Nothing can beat the look of it.
– He spends the rest of the night a bit more animated than usual as you discuss the places you’ll go, the things you’d do. He’s nearly overflowing with the fullness of his emotion and it’s likely he’ll confess to you very soon, if not right then and there. Later on, months into your relationship, he’ll tell you about this exact moment while he holds you close.
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