#my dm is going to hate me! this is enrichment for them don't worry
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So the living world season 1 dnd campaign is going well
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Howdy I'm a noob around here, bought in by a friend and have been reading Larry posts for a while. So, I've never used Tumblr before, but if I set up a profile and do a post what are the rules for doing posts and things? Like, can I reshare stuff from you and other people like we do on Facebook and Insta? are there rules about how to do it somewhere? I had a look at the Tumblr page but tbh it wasn't real clear, and you seem to know what you're doing so I thought I'd ask you. What's the deal with the hashtags at the bottom? Do they belong to people and will they get annoyed if you use the same ones? The comment bubbles? Are you supposed to comment in there? Yes/No? I just want a peaceful existence in this space, and if I bring some friends in on Larry, I want to know what to tell them coz they're all tech shy and they'll flip so I'll need to teach them what to do.
Sorry for the long question.
No worries if you don't want to reply. Just let me know please so I don't go asking like 20 different people and annoy everyone and then they hate me lolz.
Love, peace and chicken grease
Dear anon,
First of all, welcome to the rabbit hole… hope you are enjoying the ride! 🐇🐇
It's really cute that you come to me for advice on the platform, since from all SM profiles that I own this is my youngest; but I will do my best!
Tumblr way of working in creating & sharing content is pretty similar to other apps that you’ve named, however, there are a couple of differences:
The original post will remain as the header of each post chain
Every interaction (known as a note) is going to be assigned to the original post.
Every time someone shares a post (adding or not new content) a new line of distribution is created.
The main purpose of Tumblr is to build up long entries that can be enriched by other users. Regarding this matter, I have seen how some blogs feel a bit protective over their content. My opinion stands closer to freedom, I would tell you you can add whatever you want to share with others, or what would make you happy to see on your dashboard. At the end of the day, someone can always reach to you to ask for special requests, privatize content or even block.
So, “Tags make it easier for readers to find posts about a specific topic on your blog.” I have recently learned how it is important to follow some general rules that way people can follow your topics, but also unfollow them and have an ad-hoc dashboard. However, it is a way of classification, mainly for you, so use whichever you want.
The communication between users really depends on each individual. Yes, you can comment on the “bubble” as you said, many take the posts to DMs and prefer a private chat and others directly come into the anons/public questions. So, you will adapt for sure easily!
Tumblr gives us all options to make the experience joyful, but at the end of the day for me is about being able to operate freely and be respectful/respected. I’m still learning but if you or your “shy friends” have questions, please jump into my DMs I will try to help out with whatever you need!
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