#my doll: qianna
struungout · 11 months
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Don’t think I shared a pictures of Qianna without her glasses on. P;
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struungout · 2 months
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Been a while since I’ve snapped a picture of Qianna. Naturally it’s gotta be her with her man on a leash lmao.
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struungout · 1 year
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The favorite child returns! Qianna’s head and hands arrived in the mail today from Komorebi Dolls. :D She turned out so fucking good I cannot handle it jfdkajfsklaf. Absolutely in love with how her lips turned out as well as how her hand blushing looks. Absolute babe.
Here’s the finished images I got from Komorebi Dolls for those that want to see more details.
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struungout · 1 year
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More pictures of my girls looking fab. Qianna really looking like she could be a character in Devil May Cry, imo (not that it’s too difficult to, their outfits are blessedly pretty simple for the most part—other than nerds like Vergil lmao). All she needs is some holsters for daggers/throwing knives and a strap for her rifle. And Kyrie looking simple and sexy in her new dress. Her hair is also hella wavy since I’ve had the wig in braids for months. xD; Been really tempted to chop into her wig since I did such a horrid job with it after first making it. We’ll see; she might just be due for a new wig to be made for her. xP
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struungout · 11 months
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Vergil finally has his smol baby mama by his side again.
By the way, going off of their doll heights, Qianna would be around 5’ (152cm) to Vergil’s 6’4” (193cm). xD She is TINY in a world of fucking giants. Pretty sure all the other DMC ladies would tower over her bahaha.
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struungout · 11 months
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Obviously had to snap something a little spicy of Vergil and Qianna lmao.
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struungout · 1 year
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Got some things in the mail yesterday from SMPdoll’s preorder from April…I think?
Got a pair of jeans special for Qianna, a dress and 2 bodysuits for Kyrie, and a skirt for Tris. The body suits are also super stretchy so I can actually fit Tris in them. XD I don’t think I’ll keep the green one on her though since I don’t want the fabric to get all screwy from being stretched out too much. Kinda meh about the skirt at the moment mostly because everyone that does high waist stuff for Roze bodies seems to think they gotta be up-to-the-tits high. They really just need to be a bit over the belly button and you’re good.
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struungout · 1 year
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Qiqi’s new wig arrived yesterday, but nobody checked the mail and my app didn’t inform me of the delivery. xD; So I didn’t grab the package until this morning before work and ended up taking Qianna with me bahaha. Also got a new pair of shoes along with the wig that Keigo is now wearing.
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struungout · 1 year
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Been messing around a bit with Qianna and humhawing about her hair. I REALLY love the bleach/nearly white blonde look on her, but i prefer the style of the dark blonde wig I have (and I’d get this wig in a lighter color but lol Monique is no longer in business and Tanesha wigs are impossible to find). Went through several days of obsessive searching of wigs and finally saw that Facets Boutique had a bleach blonde curly hair wig available in the right size and the style is something I can work with (might actually end up liking it more because the Aubrey style doesn’t have a sort of…fringe/bangs look that the Tanesha style has). It’s in the mail towards me now and I can’t wait to get it and try it on her~! I also REALLY want to get her repainted, but gotta put it off until I got money built back up in my checking account.
Annnnd Vergil is waiting on a new wig to come in the mail. Ended up not liking the pure white look on him, so got him a gray soy wig instead. It’s from SalmonellaArt on Etsy and she always makes really nice soy wigs! But yeah, bask in his beauty…and how freakishly big he looks next to petite-ass Qianna lmao. It works for the characters since Vergil is canonically fucking huge (6 foot 4 inches wtf).
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struungout · 11 months
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The Raccoon Doll body I bought secondhand arrived in the mail today! I originally got it for Knives, but whoops, Vergil took it instead lmao. I actually like him a lot more on the thicker body; he’s like instantly nicer to take pictures of.
Unfortunately for Qianna, this means her man is even more of a giant lmao.
As for the resin match, it isn’t too bad at all! The Raccoon Doll body was made in 2020 and is just a smidge darker and pinker than the Rugged Realism parts. The neck definitely needs modifying though since it’s just a bit too thick for the Geneo and Aquilo head sockets.
I’ll likely buy some extra hands from Iplehouse from their FID line to use with Vergil. Don’t know yet if I’ll get everything in white skin and have it dyed, or live with any color different there is with Iplehouse’s normal resin. P;
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struungout · 2 years
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Qianna looking her best witchy self!
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struungout · 2 years
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Youpla Dolls Alize Lupita
Resin Color: Chocolate
Painted by Vanille
Doll specific images are here. Character specific images are here.
Story Universe: Devil May Cry
Qianna comes from a family full of witches and devil hunters, and grew up dealing with magic and demons/devils in one form or another. She met Vergil in their early teen years, Vergil having come to Qianna’s mother while trying to learn more about the Dark Knight Sparda, as well as to seek some form of protection from being harassed and hunted by demons day in and day out.
The tweens didn’t get along swimmingly at first; Qianna’s initial thoughts of Vergil was that he was a rude dweeb, and Vergil thought she was a frivolous girl (mostly just because she dared to want to have a normal life outside of dealing with hellspawn). Over his multiple visits they slowly became friends and close confidants (Qianna being one of the only people Vergil ever willingly opened up to about what happened to his family). Vergil is one of the very few people in Qianna’s life that calls her by her full name rather than Qiqi (pronounced like Kiki).
Their bond is cemented the day Vergil dropped by to visit and found Qianna’s mother forcefully performing a magical ritual on her daughter. The point of the ritual being to give Qianna the ability to consume demon and devil souls and use them to fuel her magic abilities and make them more powerful (which later evolves to her being able to use special abilities related to specific demons she consumes the souls of).
Due to the family’s history of witchcraft and devil hunting, they often became targets of those with power in the Underworld—Qianna in particular tended to be a demon magnet thanks to her natural talent in magic. Her mother felt this was the only way to ensure her future safety and ability to protect herself. However, Qianna consistently showed that she just wanted to live a normal life as a human, so her mother believed she would never have willingly agreed to the ritual, and thus why the choice was taken out of Qianna’s hands.
Because of the traumatic stress and pain of the ritual (which involved fusing her soul with multiple demon souls), Qianna’s hair permanently turned white (which she would then often dye in the years after the ritual was forced upon her). Her originally brown eyes also darkened to appear fully black. The ritual did succeed though, and Qianna is able to fully utilize many types of magic without the need of a medium, extra rituals, familiars, or contracts with demons. However, she does have to continue to consume demon souls to use her higher magic and abilities due to them burning through the souls when they’re utilized.* Also, she’s an even bigger demon magnet due to the increase in her powers, so that’s a lot of fun.
*Basing my logic somewhat on the Visions of V manga, being that a demon would would die/disappear without a body or host. Qianna never makes official contracts with the demons she takes souls from, so she isn’t a proper host to them, thus the souls steadily decay over time and need to be replaced.
After witnessing the amount of pain Qianna was forced to go through, Vergil made the decision to take her away from her mother, and the two of them made a deal that she’s travel with him until she had control of her new powers and could take care of herself. She ended up staying alongside Vergil even after that though due to their closeness and feeling safer with someone she trusts watching her back rather than living and traveling on her own. Vergil would never admit it, but he also liked having her by his side because it also made him feel safer as well.
*Side note regarding Qianna’s abilities: Prior to the ritual, she did well with things like enchanting objects, creating seals, and was also able to use elemental magic (primarily frost/ice) to an extent. Post-ritual, these things became significantly easier and less draining to perform as well as had more potent effects. On top of that, depending on the type of demon soul she consumes, she’s able to use their special types of magic and abilities as well as create a sort of partial physical manifestation of their form. For instance, with a Green Empusa soul, she can heal and herself and others as well as hover, and would have transparent wings and have a sort of green haze around herself. With a Riot soul she can create large claw gauntlets over her own arms and hands. Generally, the manifestations look somewhat similar to Nero’s arms/wings when in his Devil Trigger modes.
The two of them stick together for several years as teenagers and develop a more romantic relationship with one another (which eventually involves being intimate with each other). In their late teens they meet Arkham, of whom Qianna immediately wants nothing to do with. Vergil has no love for Arkham either, but the spiky-haired doofus is well on his way to having his full blown obsession for ~Power~ (likely even more-so due to his feelings for Qianna giving him someone to worry about), so they begin to butt heads regarding if they should agree to work with the man or not.
She eventually agrees to go with whatever Vergil wants for the time being, but insists that they do some background research into Arkham and the tower he wants to raise (the Temen-ni-gru). During their time researching, they find out more about Arkham’s dark past as well as learn more about the tower, and Qianna can’t bring herself to stand by Vergil in the plan since it would very likely get a lot of innocent people hurt or worse, which she isn’t about at all. They have a nasty fight about it with it ending when Vergil claims that she’s just another weak human that gets in his way. He ends up leaving her behind in Fortuna to return to Arkham’s home and that ends up being the last time the two of them see each other for decades.
Qianna stays in Fortuna partly to find out more about Sparda and the Temen-ni-gru in attempts to distract herself from her heartbreak, but also because thanks to the special forces the Sparda cult there has created, it’s one of the few places in the world she’s visit that she could actually relax in due to others being able to fend off demons.
Sometime after Vergil’s departure, she finds out she’s pregnant with their child. She initially planned on terminating the baby, but bails on the decision last minute since she is still very much in love with Vergil and doesn’t want to snuff out one good thing the two of them made together. By the time Nero is born though, she reluctantly decides to give him up to a local orphanage since her mere presence would be too much of a danger for him to stick around and raise him herself.
After that, she goes to hunt Vergil down in hopes of knocking some sense into him, and even if she can’t, to at least let him known he’s a father. Unfortunately, she arrives at the Temen-ni-gru too late; Vergil has already gone and gotten himself trapped in the Underworld, leaving both her and Dante behind.
[Work in Progress]
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struungout · 1 year
Just spent a few hours writing up background info for Qianna’s profile post. Pretty much got her teen years written down, now I gotta try and work on everything that happens after the event in DMC3 lmao. OTL
writing is hard boooooooooo
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struungout · 3 months
Resin Rose is next mooooonth.
I think I finally settled on definitely taking Riyo along with me. I was contemplating bringing a second doll along, but idk might be more work keeping track of both than I’d prefer to put up with on my first trek to a doll con.
I’d originally planned to bring Qianna along too, but I don’t think I’m willing to put her faceup and hand blushing at risk ahaha.
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struungout · 2 years
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Rugged Realism Rites of Passage 51cm Geneo
Resin Color: Peach Skin
Painted by Komorebi Dolls (In progress…)
Doll specific images are here. Character specific images are here.
Story Universe: Devil May Cry
Vergil is, as mentioned above, from the video game series Devil May Cry. In my own stories, the girl he impregnates with whom will eventually be his son Nero, is Qianna. They were essentially partners in crime when they were teens and end up estranged a little before the events of the prequel (DMC3). I haven’t made up my mind yet if they meet up again during the events of the fifth game or at a later point.
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struungout · 2 years
Story Universes
The first thing I’ll say about all this is that I do not have any of these stories actually written down and posted anywhere, so don’t ask me where you can read them. ;P They used to be all based in the roleplays I used to participate in with my former best friend, but since we’re not associating anymore and I have no drive to try opening myself to RPing with anyone else again, all this is just from my own personal daydreaming and whatnot.
While I’ve been tempted now and again to get some of these stories written out, I just don’t have the drive to deal with the writing process.
Anyway, this is a quick little list of the universes the characters most of my dolls represent exist in.
Ghosts & Things
It’s Yu Yu Hakusho meshed with Mob Psycho 100 primarily. Some references to characters from Bleach as well. Basically, if it’s an anime that deals in supernatural elements, it’s probably gonna be referenced in this universe…but it’s mostly YYH and MP100 because they’re the best ones.
Half the story revolves around my character Riyo as she exists in the YYH storyline, and then goes onward to hers and the boys’ lives as adults and parents into the MP100 storyline (which then centers more around Sachi; Riyo and Hiei’s daughter).
Bright Idea
This universe is basically a big amalgamation of a variety of series (primarily anime/manga) into one universe and the story is generally centered around my own characters (Naoko, Jin-ho, Nori, Amaya, etc). It’s generally pretty much a slice-of-life type of storyline with a lot of interpersonal relationship drama and whatnot. It primarily kicks off from when Naoko and Jin-ho are high schoolers and follows them through the creation of their band and on into their musical careers in their 20s and 30s.
Series involved in this universe include (but hardly limited to): Gravitation, NANA, My Hero Academia, Fruits Basket, BNA, DNAngel, Final Fantasy XV.
Tokyo Ghoul
I basically just follow along with the plot of the manga series, but with the addition of my own characters (Leyla, Capria, and Michelle) and the later part of the story changes up a bit with their presence.
Mass Effect
It’s just the original trilogy, but what if Shepard could smooch Joker. xD
Devil May Cry
Another “it’s just the games, but…”, and in this case it’s what if we knew who Nero’s mom was and it was my character Qianna?
(For future reference and in case I forget to update this later on, this description was written when we’d only gotten up to the 5th game out so we don’t officially know who Vergil fucked bahaha.)
Medicine Seller’s hijinks in the modern world, which includes running into my girl Amelia from time to time and seeing how their friendship progresses.
The Netflix series, but Amelia gets to smooch Silco and then later on Viktor and she would die for Jinx because she’s chosen family.
The Witcher
What if Jaskier and Geralt had to put up with a second higher vampire in their adventures?
Final Fantasy VII
There’s yet another chick that thirsts after Cloud, but she thicc.
Cyberpunk 2077
Set in the story of the video game featuring my V (Vesper Sosa). Sometimes it keeps to the canon, but sometimes my imaginings include keeping Jackie Welles around.
Set in either the manga version of the Trigun series, or the Trigun Stampede anime depending on my mood bahaha. Includes my CP2077 character Vesper (same design, but different character from CP2077) as a mercenary that ran with Knives until ideologies clashed and she crosses paths with Vash and crew now and again.
In this universe, Vesper is one of the first attempts at a plant-human hybrid (basically a prototype to Elendria), though in her case she wasn’t created and was human to begin with. In her case, she doesn’t have creation-esque abilities like Knives and Elendria, but her lifespan is much longer than the average human. Her reflexes and senses are also quicker/more powerful than they were originally (particularly her sight). She isn’t able to directly communicate with Plants, but she does have a sense for how they’re feeling in the moment. Her cybernetics are from back when she was still on Earth (needed her vocal chords rebuilt as well as her hands due to an accident).
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