#might be tempted to modify the skirt
struungout · 1 year
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Got some things in the mail yesterday from SMPdoll’s preorder from April…I think?
Got a pair of jeans special for Qianna, a dress and 2 bodysuits for Kyrie, and a skirt for Tris. The body suits are also super stretchy so I can actually fit Tris in them. XD I don’t think I’ll keep the green one on her though since I don’t want the fabric to get all screwy from being stretched out too much. Kinda meh about the skirt at the moment mostly because everyone that does high waist stuff for Roze bodies seems to think they gotta be up-to-the-tits high. They really just need to be a bit over the belly button and you’re good.
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esmecuckoo · 9 months
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This skirt has become one of my holy grails of things to find. I've found similar but not very close skirts, and nothing that really satisfied my perfectionist brain. (This is a known problem I need to work on, but I digress.)
On a whim, I tossed a randomly specific search in just to see if anything interesting was spat out, and I got...this!
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Which is still different, but is genuinely close enough, that I actually like this and can look past the differences. I am tempted...if I can find it available somewhere.
Also, I can't help but wonder...it ALMOST looks like they could have taken this, and removed the larger pearl embellishments, and it just might be the same, but modified, skirt. It wouldn't surprise me.
It's the H&M beaded detail skirt, if anyone wants to know.
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kewwie-pie · 1 year
Meet Omri! (Good Omens oc)
So uh as some of you might know, I've become obsessed with good omens, so I decided to make an oc🤭 there's more info down below
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A close up of his face because tiny details always go missing
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Here's some info about them:
Omri is rather young compared to the other demons, them being only 3400 years old
He uses She/he/they pronouns and doesn't really have a preference when it comes to clothing as they feel comfortable wearing feminine and masculine clothing. However, they usually wear skirts to because it's much easier to wear with their tail.
Omri's animal form is that of a velociraptor! They were human before, so they were never in on God's little joke. Other demons and angels often joke about her being a crocodile or chicken just to mess with them
Omri's main department is tearing friends, family, teams, etc.. apart. (Their greatest invention being monopoly and other party games that often end in arguing and frustration)
Omri has interacted with Crowley before. The interactions were mostly short and to the point. The only interaction that might have left some sort of impression on Crowley was when he had asked Omri if they could get him a car. What Crowley had not expected was to received an (allegedly) used hearse that Omri found for a rather cheap price
"Out of all the cars, you could've gotten me you got me a HEARSE and a used one at that!"
"It's allegedly used, Mr. Crowley. No dead bodies (that i know of) were actually placed inside the hearse, you know?"
After that whole ordeal, Omri decided to keep the hearse for themselves. They modified it so he could live out of it.
They've spent most of their time tempting, deceiving, and manipulating humans in Europe and some parts of America.
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pazodetrasalba · 1 year
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Dear Caroline:
Long day, today. I've been working with characteristic polynomials, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, adjugate matrices and diagonalizations, so I'll be a bit brief, even though this is a rather complex and controversial topic you we wading in - the stuff that gets easily misread and employed as a weapon against you.
My experience is similar to yours, but the sample is probably biased - most of my male friends and acquaintances are very civilized people with very low inclinations to violence. That does not mean that these situations might not happen in significant numbers, and that some percentage of those fears of male violence might not be unfounded.
Personally, I find it the idea of having sex with a person who is less than fully enthusiastic unerotic and unappealing, but if I would get somewhat upset and disappointed if, after big courtship escalation and all the signals having been clear, I was to be stopped in the tracks. At the very least I would expect some reasonable explanation, and would be tempted to suspect some weird sh*t testing otherwise. I once had a girlfriend who did exactly that, and argued a pretty convincing case for intimacy-avoidance on the premises that 1) she was a very religious and practicing Catholic, and 2) She had had bad experiences in the past. And in the end, the relationship didn't work out and I broke up with her (despite liking her a lot), as I couldn't really trust her argument, or avoid the gnawing thought that if she actually found me more physically attractive, she wouldn't be so remiss about lovemaking.
I am a bit surprised by those thought processes of yours you mention ("well it seems really awkward to say no right now … I mean it’s not like a big deal … I don’t want to make things weird …"), as I really can't imagine myself using them in similar context, so perhaps it's one of those issues of male vs female psychology that we find so difficult to understand at times, as our natural bias is to consider the Other as just like us, but with skirts and slightly modified physical attributes.
You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.
Harper Lee
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20dollarlolita · 3 years
Hi there. I've loved the goth lolita since high-school and I've just ordered my 1st custom ordered dress from Etsy Dollbe. It should take 2-3 months for completion and shipping.  In the meantime, I'm tempted to try my own hand using one of these old A line dresses of mine as a base for a pattern. (Please see pic)
I have basic sewing skills of alterations and simple projects like totes or cosplay/Halloween costumes. Dart work is not my forte yet. Anything lolita that I purchase in the future will have to be custom made for my taller curvy shape (size 12-16).
Are draft alterations of an old A line waste of time or is it worth while? Do you have any suggestion?
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I've said it before on the smock dress with puff sleeve post, but I'll say it again: your ability to add detail to a simple garment is going to make or break your ability to sell a nontraditional garment as lolita. You can add a bigger skirt or change the straps, and if it's not detailed enough or not given the right elements to make it work, it won't look lolita.
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This is actually the phenomenon by which Yumi King's lolita dress tutorial, which is barely constructed by a normal standard of craftsmanship, still reads as lolita more than a lot of bad replicas out there. That's not to say that making a garment lolita is as easy as gluing some lace on it and calling it lolita, but you should be planning on adding lace.
With the pictures that you've given my main concern is the shape of the bodice. That pleated skirt is not uncommon, even if it's low volume, but the bodice has a more closed neckline and smaller sleeve holes than you'd expect out of a lolita JSK. Remember that it's expected for you to wear a blouse under the bodice, and you need to figure out how you're going to come to terms with that restraint.
However, while the re-construction necessary to get these pieces to be proper, by-the-book lolita would be kind of intense, and possibly more work than just building a dress from scratch, there is nothing stopping you from reworking the dresses to be heavily lolita-inspired. You can practice how to build upon a foundation, and learn the ways to reach EGL's intense adornment standard without feeling cluttered or tacky. Doing this will also help you build connections that will help you when you do sew your own lolita. It'll teach you how to build your own bows. It'll teach you where to source good lace. Building yourself a garment that's heavily lolita-inspired can also help you feel like you have something more lolita in your wardrobe. It might not pass the CoF check, but if you're doing lolita for personal enjoyment and not online approval, that might not matter.
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For reference, here's a heavily lolita-inspired piece with a similar box pleat waistline. There is a good choice of accessory (I own this piece so if you want detail shots, let me know) such as pearls, which builds upon the undersea theme. This dress does have fewer detail additions than a normal lolita dress (it doesn't have hem lace, for starters), but that's a decision of how to balance the piece.
Learning how to make something over-the-top in a restrained way is something you learn best from doing. You get experience from trying things. If you're not able to start doing full lolita yet, you can still gain the experience of incorporating those details into a piece.
If you're absolutely determined to make these pieces actual lolita, I'd probably turn them into skirts with bustle backs (example), because the bodices will be difficult to modify, and the skirts don't really have the normally expected lolita fullness. At that point, however, I'd have to be doing it because I love the fabric, and not because it would save time or effort.
Also, check the notes to this post, because if any of my followers have suggestions for good places to get lolita for a curvy/tall dress that goes up to size 14+, they'll probably leave them in the replies. (please do, if you know)
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cubeswhump · 4 years
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Will Not be a Victim for my character, Blondie.
The neglected Blondie. I need to get back to my Powers Verse too. And the immortal bitches. I have a Sweetie and Michelle story drafted though.
Warnings for mentions of violence, referenced torture, bit of ableism. Pretty tame compared to what I usually write.
The phone rang from her nightstand, and again, and again. Then it started pinging with texts: Terry-Ellen has spoken to me but my own daughter won’t answer her phone.
I’ll be arriving at your house at 6PM.
Blondiw growled and dialled the number. The phone rang only twice before the deep voice came on the other line: “Oh, so you’ve decided to stop ignoring me?”
“Fucking hell, Dad. I’m twenty-three,” Blondie reminded him. “Chill.’
"Language, Melinda,” he scolded lightly. “I don’t care of you’re eighty-three. You’re still my daughter and we just got you back. I need to be sure that you’re okay.”
"I'm fine, Dad."
"Are you really?"
Blondie pinched the bridge of her nose. Don't call him a nosy twat, don't call your dad a nosy twat. She breathed out. "You hired a fucking bodyguard for me. "That's humiliating enough, and now you're prying into my life like I'm a child."
"Language. Good lord, you take after your mother," he sighed. "Who are you embarrassed in front of? You haven't left your house in more than two weeks." His voice was so even and annoyingly calm. Blondie swallowed back the snarl crawling up her throat. "Is it really prying to be concerned about my daughter? I just want to know that you're okay. I haven't seen you since-"
"Okay, okay, I'll stop by tomorrow. No need to stop by." She knew her father would have some words if she saw the state her house was in. Tej wasn't hired to clean after the slob, and no one had patched up the hole Blondie punched in the living room.
"Are you sure? If I come over you can stay home and rest," he offered.
"You just got on my ass for staying in my house!"
"You know that is not what happened, Melinda."
"I'll be there at eleven in the morning, okay?"
"I'll expect you by twelve."
Blondie huffed and hung up as he chuckled.
Tej was prodding her. "Get up. We've gotta go soon."
Blondie lifted her head abd ahot rhe other wonan a glare. "There's no we. You're staying home."
"You know that's not how it works," she said, unfazed. "I'll make you coffee."
"Don't." Blondie pyr one foot on the floor and grabbed one crutch. The other must have fallen over at some point in the night, and Blondie whacked Tej with the crutch in her hand when the thin woman tried to help her retrieve the fallen one. "Scram, bitch."
"Very nice, " Tej said sarcastically, handing her the crutch anyway. She caught the crutch Blondie swung at her. "Have you ever considered treating the help like people?"
"Go on, call me a bitch. There's nothing in your contract that says you can't insult me, yeah?"
"I'll leave you to get dreased," Tej said dryly. "Your hair looks nice. Did you wash it?"
She shut the door behind her just in time for the television remote to crash into the wood.
Blondie had only worn bath robes and undergarments for the last few weeks and she hadn't gotten to modifying any pants to her new body. Skirts? No, fighting in a skirt wasn't a great idea - if she needed to fight. Fights were always possible.
Shorts. A pair of shorts, one sock, one combat boot. The left bood sat all alone and sad. She kicked it over. Hair in a bun.
"Your coffee, Blondie." Tej shoved the steaming mug right in her face while Blondie was trying to sneak out the front door.
"I told you not to make me coffee," Blondie grumbled.
"Coconut creamer and one Sweet-N-Low," Tej tempted her, voice sing-song.
"I'm getting coffee on the way to my dad's, shithead." And she was out tje door, slamming it behind her - or trying to. Tej caught it just before it closed and slipped out after her.
"Want me to drive? You can relax," Tej offered, reaching for the keyring in Blondie's hand. Blondie jerked it away.
"I'll relax when you're dead. It's my fucking car."
"Cool, cool."
Tej was in the passenger's seat before Blondie had even opened her door so she couldn't even lock her out. Tej smiled at her knowingly. Blondie gripped the steering wheel sp hard her fingers turned white.
Tej tried to make conversation throughout the drive and Blondie turned the volume up a few notches every time she opened her mouth. After a million years, she pulled up in front of the coffee shop.
"I'll get you an iced mocha cappuccino," Blondie said as she got out of the car. Tej was stepping out too.
"Nah, I wanna look at the menu," she replied. Blondie squeezed her eyes shut and clenched her teeth, reciting the "calming phrases" from her counseling sessions as a teenager.
When was this place ever this busy? Blondie sighed as she joined the line, Tej at her side. "You know, you're paying for your own shit."
"That's fair," Tej shrugged. "Your daddy pays me weekly."
Blondie sneered at her.
The line inched forward. A woman and her child joined. Seriously, did the entire fucking town want coffee right now?
"Wow..." the woman said, her voice hushed. "What happened?"
Blondie didn't realize the woman was talking to her until she felt a tap on her shoulder.she turned around, finding the woman's wide eyes on her still-bandaged stump. The little girl stared too, reaching for Blondie's crutch. Blondie jerked it away from her sticky hand and scowled, but neither noticed.
"What happened?" the woman asled again. "Why don't you get a prosthetic leg?"
"I pesteres someone with intrusive questions and she pulled out a machete," Blondie snapped. The woman recoiled.
"Ma'am, you're being very insensitive, and you should teach your child not to touch anyone's mobility aids." Tej launched right into a lecture. "Please treat my friend as you would treat-"
Blondie's temper boiled over. She raised one crutch and bashed it into the woman's knee. Tej's hand clamped over her own mouth as the woman fell over with a screech, dragging her daughter down with her.
"Oops. My bad." Blondie turned her back on the pair.
"Did you see that?" the woman cried as she got back to her feet. The cashier looked over from the customer he was dealing with, frowning.
"I'll be out fast," Blondie promised the cashier. "No trouble."
They walked out with their coffees and gluten-filled breakfast, Blondie's coffee spouting steam that smelled of coconut... Something she could have gotten at home. Tej predictably got a mocha cappuccino.
"I mean," Tej finally said during their resumed drive, mouth full of bagel, "not that I blame you much, but public battery isn't a food luck."
Blondie turned the radio up higher.
The guard let them into the gated, cookie cutter community. Towering houses were identical, painted a cream not a shade lighter or darker than the house nextdoor. Perfect gardens, no blade of grass even a centimeter overgrown. One house had flowers a different shade of pink than the rest. Blondie might have struggled to differentiate the houses if Chase weren't waving frantically at the end of one driveway.
"Melinda, love, how are you?" The large man was coming at her with open arms as she stepped out of the car. She was too slow thinking of an excuse to get out of hugging her stepdad, and he squeezed her tight.
"Peachy," she told him.
He hugged Tej too before letting both women into the house. He was talking a mile a minute and Blondie let Tej handle the conversation.
"I see you brought beverages. No tea then?" he asked. Blondie shook her head. "Oliver's in his study."
"Tell him hi for me," Tej chirped, and Blondie decided she would not do that. She hurried away when the other two started discussing how much they lift at the gym.
115 pounds? Unimpressive, Tej.
She didn't bother knocking on the mahogany door, throwing it right open. "Yo."
Oliver swiveled around in his chair like a James Bond villain. He even looked the part with his coiffed grey hair and serious expression. "Good morning, Melinda. You were almost on time. Have a seat."
"Nice to see you too," Blondie said sarcastically, falling back ontp the plump sofa.
"Oh, no, you're covered in crumbs! Why didn't you brush yourself off outside?"
"Just vacuum later. I had a muffin."
Oliver sighed, turning back to his laptop. "Depending on your recovery time, we'll get you fitted for prosthesis." He flicked through images. Some were very realistic and even matching her skin color, others clunky and robotic, some abstract and hardly resembling a limb. "We should find a design that fits your activity level, preferably a more realistic one. No one has to know. At that point we'll get you to that physical therapist I've been talking to, and-"
"Whoa, hold on a minure. Don't I get a say?" Blondie snapped. "And who said I want a realiatic one? Maybe I don't want to pretend I'm fucking normal."
"Whatever you want, darling. But I'm not going to let you hold yourself back."
"You tell me to take it easy abd slow down and then you get on my ass for being behind the curve. The fuck is that?"
Oliver sighed. He turned back tp his daughter, choosing his next words carefully. "I know how much you enjoy your hobbies. I think it'll be better for your mental health if you get back into dance and martial arts soon."
Back into dance. She was already the largest girl in the studio, dwarfing the tiny instructor even when she was twelve. Skilled as she was, she never had a ballerina's body and her instructor's main complaints were her thundering footsteps and "unladylike gait". Well, at least pointe shoes wouldn't hurt a prosthetic leg.
"It's my body and my life," Blondie reminded him.
"And it's my money that pqid your medical bills," he shot back. She rolled her eyes. "Melinda, you know I just want what's best for you. I want to help you. I need to help you."
"Help yourself first," Blondie snarled. "How's your boytoy?"
"I've been married to Chase since you were eight. Stop calling him my boytoy," Oliver sighed. Any other time, Blondie might have laughed at how annoyed her dad got when she mocked his husband. "And fifteen years isn't such a significant age difference when you're out of your twenties."
"He's a gold-digger."
"He's well worth what he costs, and he loves you like his own daughter. Come on, stop changing the subject. You mean so much to me. You were the victim of such a-"
"I'm not a victim," she hissed, leaning forward in her seat. Her eyes narrowed. "If anyone's a victim, it's that bitch Camilla. You know, queen of the cabbage patch."
Oliver's eyebrows knit together. "Cabbage patch?"
"Because she's a vegetable," Blondie said, and her father sighed heavily.
"I'm not denying that she's a bad person, but you don't need to be discriminatory. Other, much nicer people live with brain damage."
"Dad, shut the fuck up and listen to me," Blondie demanded. "I fought my way out. I'm not a victim!"
"Yes, yes, you're a survivor," he said in a voice like he was placating a toddler.
"No, I'm Melinda fucking Van Doren."
He lifted his glasses to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Before anything, you're my daughter and I want what's best for you."
"I actually know what's best for me because I am me."
"I'm your father. I know you pretty damn well."
"Yeah, okay. I'll keep in tough." Blondie started to stand, but Oliver held a hand up.
"Stay for lunch. Samantha made two extra plates."
It still weirded her out that her father had a cook. Her mother missed having servants after the divorce, but Blondie tried her best to keep her home free of employees. And she got stuck with Tej, the most intrusive Van Doren employee.
Chase brought two plates of chicken parmesan to the damn study.
"Workaholic," he said and rolled his eyes, kissing Oliver on the cheek. Blondie rolled her eyes. "Well, I've been having a lovely chat with Miss Tej while you two have been bonding."
Bonding. Sure.
Blondie stabbed into her chicken. She imagined it was the Queen - no, Camilla - that she was stabbing over and over, making sure she never recovered. Because she wasn't the Queen's victim.
She was Melinda "Blondie" Van Doren. She was a fucking hero and people would know that soon.
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jungshookz · 6 years
ceo!yoongi - the fishnet stockings
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→ pairing: min yoongi x reader
→ genre: ceo!au, jealouS yoongi, this is mainly smut so,,,, nSFW, jimin is a victim of your guys’ sinning yet again
→ wordcount: 4.3k
→ notes: usually i’m not great at writing smut,,, but hopefully this was good enough for you guys i hope i was able to QUENCH your thirst because as much as we like soft fluffy ceo!yoongi sometimes we need to fulfil our thirsty desires and this particular one involves fishnet stockings ALSO the original ceo!yoongi fic is almost at 1k which is kind of sort of crazy??? u guys are too nice to me 
if you have no idea whO ceo!yoongi is go ahead and read the fic that started it allllllllll anyways i hope you guys like this one! feel free to flood the friCK out of my inbox i love dat shit
if u wanna ask yoongs or y/n anything u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
you’re pretty sure your dryer is broken or something
your clothes are shRINKing and there’s no other explanation than the dryer!!!!
some of your sweaters and shirts and sweatpants have survived and they come out the same size you bought them in
but things like your work blouse
your pencil skirt is teN times tighter than you feel it should be
like yeah you can still wiggle into it and zip it up and stuff but- holy shIt your ass has never looked better
u lookin t h i c c
“woah” you mutter and check yourself out in the mirror
the pencil skirt has never done thIS to your body before
it moulds perfectly around you and outlines the shape of your hips and bum and thighs and everything
usually it reaches a little above your knee but it’s got to be like a couple inches shorter now
like it’s basically mid-thigh
you don’t have anything else to wear so this is going to have to do
you’ll be fine ,, right ??
you reach for the pantyhose and you’re about to pull them on and then you notice the huge fuCKing HOLE on the side
where??? when????? (hint: yoongi might have something to do with your shredded pantyhose)
you groan and toss it aside before staring at yourself in the mirror
now what are you supposed to do
you can’t show up to work without pantyhose because of the dumb coMpanY uNifoRm poLiCy
you need to ask namjoon to modify the policy because you hate wearing pantyhose anyway
and what kind of word is pantyhose
the ugliest word in the world that’s what kind of word it is 
so here you are
you have to leave in 6 minutes otherwise you’ll be late and yoongi will slaughter u and have your head on a stick
even tho the two of you are dating he hasn’t taken it easy on you  
“yEs yes yes” you whisper to yourself like a maniac when you pull out a pair of stockings
they’re not regular stockings,,,, these r fishnet stockings
you only ever wear these things when you go out to the club with jimin to give ur outfit that special touch (aka you want to attract the attention of the fellas)
basically u haven’t worn these in a while but it’s not like you have a choice you don’t have any other stockings
you wiggle into them and then yank the pencil skirt back down and smooth it out
and now for your blouse
you tuck it into the skirt and leave a couple buttons unbuttoned for that ~casual~ look
and then u have your skinny leather belt and u loop it through the skirt before securing it
yaS girl look at that cinched waist!!!  
and to top it off
a brand new pair of strappy black heels
they’re pretty cute it’s like an open toe heel with a thin leather strap around the ankle
they’re a little higher than you’re used to but once you break them in you’ll be alright
your phone buzzes on the bed
‘meet u in the lobby in 4 minutes! don’t be late u bitch’ you snort at jimin’s text before replying to him quickly and tossing your phone into your purse
and now that you get a chance to look at your whole outfit
….is this work appropriate
this might not be work appropriate
o shit
what do u do now
you can’t wear this to work
well like
it’s not appropriate but at the same time it’s not not appropriate
you’re still wearing a nice white blouse and the skirt is modest even tho it’s mid-thigh
it’s not even mid-thigh it’s like a liTTLe longer than that pft
your phone buzzes again and you already know it’s jimin
you know what it’s fine
you’ll wear this today and right after work you’ll go and buy a new outfit and also you’ll have to look into getting a new damn dryer
jimin’s already parked out front waiting for you unsurprisingly
“morning! lez go” you slam the car door shut and buckle yourself in
“good morni- woAhHhH it’s a goOD moRNING inDEeD” jimin’s eyes widen and he stifles a laugh “wha….. new outfit?”
“is it bad? it’s bad, isn’t it? my damn dryer’s shrinking all my clothes and like-“ you tug at the skirt a little
“no, no! you’re fine, i don’t care about the outfit - i’m looking at the fishnet stockings. why are you wearing your sexy stockings to work?? ur already dating our bOSS”
you let out a breath of relief
at least it’s not the outfit
ya the stockings are definitely eye-catching but what can u do
“your ass looks really good today for some reason”
“i told you the dryer’s shrinking my shit!!” the elevator doors open “i’ll see you at lunch?”
“see ya at lunch”
you blow jimin an air-kiss and he blows one back but not before giving your butt a quick smack
you scowl playfully and smack his hand before rushing to your desk
yoongi’s door is opened ajar which is his sign for u to come in
you knock on the door before letting yourself in
“the coffee’s brewing right now but i figured i’d come in and say good morning first” yoongi’s scrolling through his phone
he’s probably looking through his emails or something
he sets it down before looking up at you with a warm smi- hOLy sHIT
“hi. good morning.” is all yoongi can breathe out because you,.,.,.,., are wearing a very different? work outfit this morning
“morning!!!” you click over to his side of the desk and bend down to give him a lil kiss
“you look very different” yoongi pulls you down so you’re sitting on his lap and you automatically wrap your arms around him
“the dryer’s shrinking my clothes it’s not my fauLt” you murmur
you’re going to be saying that same thing for the whole damn day
yoongi squeezes the side of your bum
“and the fishnet stockings?”
“someone ripped up all my other stockings so once again it’s not my fault” you tease and poke yoongi’s nose
he hums and kisses the crook of your neck
“you don’t have any spare outfits here?”
“no, why? is it really that inappropriate?” you pick at the stockings and yoongi shakes his head quickly
“well,,, it’s a little more scandalous than what you usually wear but i’m just-“ yoongi cuts himself off
he has a meeting today with jung hoseok and you have to be in the room because your job is to take notes and stuff and he reaLLy doesn’t want another guy looking at u when you’re dressed like thiS
don’t get him wrong he loves - loves - this outfit because goddamn you look real good in pencil skirts but like?? he’s selfish and doesn’t like sharing u
your phone buzzes and it’s a reminder telling you that mr jung should be arriving soon for the meeting and you have to go and bring him to the conference room
“i’ll see you in a couple minutes” you give yoongi one last peck before you’re rushing out the room and down the hallway and yoongi’s eyes literally cannot leave the curve of your hips and the swell of your ass in this skirt jesus christ
he needs to like splash some cold water on his face because there’s no way he’s going into a conference with a boner
yoongi manages to calm himself down before the meeting but once he walks into the conference room he gets worked up all over again
except this time it’s for a different reason
he’s worked up because he’s a n G R Y
every single guy in there is staring at you like you’re a piece of meat
“sorry, could you pass me that pen? yeah, the one right there” you nod obediently and lean over the table to grab the pen and yoongi’s like [this] close to snapping that guy’s neck because the two guys sandwiching you have the audacity to lean back and stare at your ass
men are animals
yoongi is disgusted even tho he was literally ready to shred your clothes off of you and take you over his desk like five minutes ago but look it’s different when he does it because he ogles you out of his LOVE for you and these men are doing it because they’re perverts
yoongi clears his throat and everyone immediately turns to look at him before they’re standing up and bowing respectfully
you bow a little too just because you’re used to it and yoongi gestures for you to come and stand next to him
“yoongi! so nice to see you again.” hoseok sticks his hand out and yoongi shakes it politely
“it’s nice to see you too, hoseok. i’m surprised you actually showed up this time.”
“ah, you know me and my busy schedule. my secretary keeps mixing up my meetings - a bit of a dummy, this one, but i love him!” he nudges his secretary and you have to resist the urge to laugh when you see the poor guy’s cheeks flare up
“it’s okay, it happens to the best of us” you reassure the guy and nudge his side
“so - should we get this show on the road? we’ve got a lot to talk about today.” yoongi takes his seat at the end of the table and you head on over to the back of the room to your little desk
hoseok’s secretary takes a seat next to you
“i’m kihyun, by the way” he leans in and whispers in your ear
you turn and smile before sticking your hand out
“y/n. nice to meet ya”
kihyun highkey cute tho
“how long is this meeting?”
“they’re usually like an hour and a bit long. it takes everything within me to not fall asleep.”
kihyun snorts and adjusts his glasses “tell me about it. last time i was at a meeting with mr jung i was tempted to wear sunglasses just so i could take a snooze”
“oof see now thAt’s smart but like how do you explain wearing sunglasses indoors?”
“…excessive light leaves you prone to migraines?”
“i’m 100% going to use that”
“mr yoo? miss y/l/n? something you’d like to share with everyone?”
you jump when yoongi suddenly calls the two of you out in the middle of the meeting
kihyun immediately avoids yoongi’s gaze and his cheeks flare up
but luckily you’re used to yoongi by now (duh) and ur not scared of ur mans but also you know you gotta keep it respectful
“nope. we’re good!” you nudge kihyun and he looks up at yoongi before smiling sheepishly
the rest of the meeting goes by pretty smoothly
you take a couple important notes here and there
sometimes u go on ur phone to play tetris and then kihyun’s nudging you and telling you to pay attention lol
but like
yoongi looks rlly fucking attractive when he’s leading a meeting and you have no idea how you haven’t noticed that before
the way his lips curl around certain words and the way his tongue flicks out to lick over his bottom lip in between sentences sometimes
even when he pokes his tongue into his cheek when he’s listening to someone else speak
or the way he leans back against his chair and stares at the person speaking with like the most intense stare with his hands clasped on his lap just radiates Big Dick Energy
the way he’s leaning back against his chair makes you wonder if that’s what he’d look with you riding him on his office chair
good god
get ur hormones in chECk omg
and then the little voice in the back of your head gives you the gentlest of suggestions to get your boyfriend’s attention in the middle of this very important meeting
and at first you’re like nOnOno i can’t yoongi is a very Serious businessman and this is a very Serious meeting
but then again
this is prolly the only time ur ever going to come to work dressed like this
so you gotta seize the moment
carpe diem am i right or am i right
you cross your legs instinctively and squeeze your thighs together when you notice yoongi’s eyes flicker over to you
he tilts his head curiously and a smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth when he sees you take your bottom lip in between your teeth and sit up a little straighter
yoongi’s mouth goes dry when he sees you reach up to undo one of the buttons on your blouse and he catches a glimpse of the lacy white bralette you have on underneath when you lean back against your chair
yoongi gives you a warning look before his eyes flicker back to hoseok
there’s not a lot you can do here
it’s not like you can just start stripping in front of everyone
you sigh and look over at kihyun who’s busy scribbling notes down
*ding* lightbulb
“pst. i think i missed a couple points. can i look at your notes?”
“yeah, for su-“ you lean over and practically preSS your boobs up against kihyun’s arm and his eyes immediately go W I D E because wow your cleavage is right there
yoongi pokes his tongue into his cheek and his eyes keep flicking to you and then back to whoever’s speaking
you lock gazes with yoongi for a split second and he narrows his gaze
“oh, that’s a good point that i missed,” you whisper and kihyun nods quickly and is like SW EA TING
you see yoongi clench his jaw and swallow thickly when you reach over to squeeze kihyun’s bicep as a way of saying thank you
“well it was really nice meeting you!” you smile and tilt your head and hold your hand out for kihyun to shake
“you too” he grasps your hand in his and gives you a shake and he kinda lingers
“mr. yOO let’s get outta here i’m starving” kihyun turns to see hoseok already standing by the elevators
“duty calls” kihyun bows and offers you a cute smile and u know what if u weren’t with yoongi you would totally go for kihyun “see ya around!”
“you toOoOhello” before you get a chance to say bye to kihyun yoongi’s grabbed your wrist and is dragging you back to his office
you can see the anger radiating off of him in waves and dare u say,..,,.., u are kind of turned on but like also you’re having so much fun right now lmao
he slams the door as soon as the two of you get into the office and you jump in surprise
“so, you wanna go over the notes i took from the meeting?” you try your hardest to act like you weren’t just seducing yoongi in front of a bunch of men but you’re already breaking into giggles
yoongi grabs your notebook and tosses it aside before grabbing you and pinning you up against the door
“you think this is funny?” he smirks and cradles your jaw and tilts your head before leaning down and planting kisses on the side of your neck
“i think this is very funny” you hum
“blatantly flirting with someone else in front of me and going so far as to undo a couple buttons on your shirt - am i not giving you enough attention, jagi? is that it?”
yoongi’s hand slithers to the back of your skirt and you feel him tug at the zipper playfully
immediately you reach behind and place your hand over his
“you have another meeting in like ten minutes” you remind yoongi and push at his chest gently
“w-we can’t do anything in ten minutes”
“you should’ve thought about that before deciding to do what you did, missy” yoongi nips at your jaw before bringing you over to his desk
he shoves some of his stuff aside and a couple things clatter to the floor and ur like ok um u better piCK that shit up later
suddenly yoongi’s hoisting you up so you’re sitting on the desk
one thing that you’ve learned about yoongi is that he’s a very very stubborn man
“oH my god, yoongi~” you whimper and arch your back against the desk
your fishnet stockings have been shredded to nothing and they’ve been reduced to a pathetic pile on the ground but u know what it’s fine it’s SO FINE
your toes curl and your fingers grasp at yoongi’s silky locks
oh god
you’re almost there you’re so sososo close
“yoongi, ungh, p-please-“ you gasp desperately and yoongi grips at your thigh to keep you spread out on the desk
right as you’re about to see stars everything just sTOPS
your head is spinning from pleasure and you immediately sit up on the desk and look down to see yoongi adjusting himself in his trousers before he gets up and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand
“wha- wait, what are you-“
“my meeting! it’s in-“ he looks at his watch “well, two minutes.”
“but you can’t just leave-“
“i can. and i am. and you’re not allowed to touch yourself til i get back.” yoongi leans in to give you a kiss and you grab desperately at his shirt and whine
you immediately push yourself up against yoongi and he slots himself in between your legs automatically
you reach for his belt and he swats your hands away  
“nice try, missy” yoongi grins and gives your cheek a kiss before grabbing his phone off the desk “i’ll see you in an hour.” and then he shuts the door behind him and ur like EXCUSE ME AN HOUR
u know what it’s fine
you can find a way to kill time
you let out a quiet groan and squeeze your thighs together
soon enough an hour rolls around
you look up at the clock while tapping your pen against the desk
you look down the hallway and let out a small groan
where the heLL is he
and then an hour bleeds into an hour and a half
you sigh and spin around in your chair while staring up at the ceiling
god is a woman and apparently she hates you because she’s torturing you by keeping yoongi busy
“the pleasure was all mine. my secretary will email you soon with some updates.” yoongi smiles politely and bows politely as the elevator doors close
he lets out a sigh and loosens his tie a little
that was a long lonG ass meeting  
he makes his way down the hallway and checks the time on his phone
it’s been a while indeed
he can’t help but wonder how you’re holding up lol
he has to admit it was kind of a dick move to love u and leave u like that but the desperation in your eyes was so worth it
yoongi furrows his brows when he notices that you… aren’t at your desk
you probably went to bother jimin or something
but a part of him is like,,, low-key disappointed because uhhHhH he’s still a little worked up from earlier and kinda wanted to take his frustrations out over his desk or against the wall or even against the window but u know what it’s fine
he steps into his office and-
“jesUS-“ you literally pop out of nowhere and grab yoongi by his tie and drag him over to the desk “hello to you too”
“how was your meeting?” you push yoongi down so he’s sitting on the edge of his desk and yoongi’s eyes wiDEN when you unbuckle his belt quickly and oh my god who is this sex fiend
“i mean it was okay-“ you crawl on top of him and you thank god that yoongi has such a spacious desk otherwise you 100% would’ve fallen off lol
he’s never seen you like this before but
he loves it    
“oh my god, yoongi” you breathe out and slide a hand down his bare chest
the two of you were so impatient that you’re basically both still fully dressed
yoongi’s still wearing his suit jacket
his dress shirt is mostly unbuttoned
his tie is hanging around his neck
his pants r basically still on  
your skirt’s been pushed up to your hips
your shirt has been completely unbuttoned but it’s still tucked into your skirt
your panties have just been pushed to the side like u couldn’t even bother taking them off because that’S how desperate you are
your dang glasses are sitting on the tip of your nose
“god, look at you” yoongi moans and bucks his hips up and he hits that spot making you mewl loudly
he pulls you down into a kiss and nips at your bottom lip and he knows you’re getting close because you’re moving at a quicker pace and your cheeks are flushed and your brows are furrowed and you just look so wrecked and he knows it’s all because of him
“yoongi, fuck, i’m gonna-“ you can’t even get a coherent sentence out because you’re so dizzy with pleasure
“gonna cum? hm?” yoongi thrusts upwards and you whine loudly
he knows your body better than anyone else and it doesn’t take him thAt long to figure out the formula
he slips his hand in between your legs and you practically start drooling at the sight of his veins in his arms becoming more prominent as he rubs over your clit  
“that’s my girl” yoongi groans when you cum around him and nuzzle your face into the crook of his neck
and now that you’re done
it’s his turn
“want you to cum inside” you murmur shyly and start quickening your pace again because one of your favourite sights in the entire world is seeing yoongi all dazed and blissed out because of y o u
yoongi knows it’s not long til he cums because the sight of you bouncing on his dick has his breathing all ragged and his brain turns into mush  
“mr min? i have the copies those contracts you asked for”
yoongi curses at the interruption and he squeezes your hip when you start to slow down
he 100% expects you to stop and freak out and hoP off at the realisation that jimin is right outside the door
what he doesn’t expect is for you to go haRDER
“baby, holy f- nngh fuck fuCk” yoongi grabs a handful of your ass as you bounce on top of him and for the first time ever he’s struggling to keep quiet
he grips onto the edge of the desk while his other hand grips at your waist
“you can just leave them on y/n’s desk!” yoongi stammers and groans lowly when you clench around him
oh god he’s so close
“okay! i’ve arranged them alphabetically so it’s easier to-“
“okAY THANKS JIMIN YOU CAN LEAVE NOW” jimin jumps in surprise and is like jEEz okay fine i’m leaving god
yoongi’s always liked kissing you when he cums and now is no different
you can’t help but giggle against his mouth when he groans lowly and squeezes your hip
he thrusts into you one two three more times until lifting you off of him and just lying down on his back and staring up at the ceiling
that was
that was pretty fckin good
10/10 would recommend
“you ripped another pair of my stockings” you murmur while doing up yoongi’s shirt and yoongi squeezes your bum playfully  
“they weren’t work-appropriate anyway”
later on jimin finds out why yoongi was so desperate for him to leave when he notices you are no longer wearing stockings at the end of the day
needless to say jimin will never knock on yoongi’s door again if you’re not sitting at your desk lol
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nenestansunsthings · 6 years
aahh, @fallenhero-rebirth‘s game has my brain going woosh! i honestly can’t wait for retribution! i wrote a little thing for the game that i think turned out okay. i rewrote it like four times. choi here's my mc from the white playthrough! i'll make nem a proper introduction comic when i get a new stylus, since the old one broke. (heraldstep-ish, also ortega's dead here idk)
i take requests, if anyone wants!
(i do not fall so much as fly)
The sun is bright and hot against the backdrop of the roof. The streets are full of life and light. And Choi Glass stares down nothingness as ne prepares to fall.
Ortega. The name is heavy even against the waiting weight of the world. Ne doesn't want to think it. Not in the slightest. But it crackles and pops in the back of nir mind, sending shocks through nir hands until ne can't hide the way they tremble. Just another fuck-up in the mess ne has made of nir life.
The hero Charge, dead at the hands of the villain Sidestep.
Ne wants to cry. But nir tears are nothing against this. Ortega is not the first person ne has killed. Ortega will not be the last.
No, Choi thinks, the familiar twinge of regret tugging nir heartstrings to shreds. That honour is reserved for nem.
It's a stupid thought. A stupid, pointless, idiotic thought. But ne cannot help but want it. What ne has done, what ne is doing-- it's proof enough that nir story is done.
Ne became a villain. But it wasn't for hate. It was for closure, for an ending, for the chance to find something that might be worthwhile. It was because nir chapter as a hero had ended. A villain was only the next arc in the fairytale that had become nir life. And ne has ended it with nir own hands.
Ne had tried so hard to play nir part. And ne had played it until it tore them to bits. As a hero, as a villain... even every change ne had introduced to the role was not enough to stop nir story from ending in a fall.
Falling from grace. Ne cannot forget the weight of the gun in nir mouth. Neither nem nor Ortega.
Wrong. Ne cannot forget. Ortega...
Ortega can't remember anything anymore.
Something warm and wet slips down nir cheeks. It takes a moment for nem to realize that ne is crying.
Falling to the ground. There is the sickening crack of cement. Two other Rangers lie motionless at Ortega's side.
Sidestep is left standing victorious. And for once in nir life, ne wishes ne wasn't.
It's high up, and nobody can hear nem. And so, ne screams.
There's an inhuman edge to it that must be nir imagination, that must just be nem. Choi longs for Sidestep's suit, for the vocal modifier that would turn it vengeful and deep and hateful. But it is not there, leaving only something shattering and broken and still not human.
"God damn it!" Tears burning against nir skin, ne stands, swinging an arm wildly out against nothing. Ne wants something to be there. Ne wants something to hit. Ne wants something solid and warm and alive, the sound of familiar laughter and the crackle of electricity against nir skin. There is nothing, nothing, and ne collapses to nir knees at the edge of the roof. "Hell..."
Hell. Hell, hell, this is hell. Ne fucked up.
"It should have been me," Choi says softly, staring out at the blank skyline. "It should have been."
Nir story is the one that ends with a fall. That is the rule. So why was it Ortega's instead?
Something inside nir mind laughs. As if Ortega's end wasn't nir own as well.
Ne stares out into the empty sky and wonders. Should ne fall, then? Ne has fallen from a building before. Ne has almost blocked away the feel of it, repressed the exact crunch of bones and the cracks in nir mind. This building is high enough that ne won't have to remember if ne steps off it.
It should have been nem. And maybe it will be. Maybe nir next role will be as one who truly fell.
It's not entirely conscious, but ne stands. A wind has picked up, whipping through nir hair and the skirt of nir dress. The ground is so far away. Ne will never see it if ne closes nir eyes.
Nir eyes fall shut. And ne takes a step and ne leaves the roof and ne
There's a sudden sharp impact against nir chest, a familiar warmth wrapped around nem in a single instant. "Oh, god, what were you doing? Choi, please-"
"Daniel." The name slips out before ne can think. The rush of wind as Herald shoots further up into the sky is just as achingly familiar as him. What is he doing here? And why, why, did he save nem? "Daniel, no, why-"
"Why what? Why didn't I let you fall off a roof?! You shouldn't need an answer for that!" Herald sets nem down with more force than usual. He's been made careless by the recent death, ne guesses, and ne thinks ne is proved right by the tears starting to pool in his eyes. "Why would you- Why did you- ?"
"Ortega." The word explains everything.
"Ortega? He's the reason you..." Herald grits his teeth. "No, fuck, you can't just- Choi, please, this isn't your fault, none of this is your fault."
"Ha!" Ne can't stop the too-sharp bite in nir laughter. It's too manic, too bright, for nem to hold back. "Not my fault? Please, Herald, how is this not-"
"You're not supposed to be the one saving him!"
... Oh. This isn't entirely about nir fall, is it. The words are too hurt, too pointed, and it only takes nem a moment to understand just why.
Herald is shattering.
Herald is shattering, the shards of his naivete lying scattered at nir feet. Herald is shattering, trying his best to pick up the pieces. Daniel is shattering, falling before nir eyes, and the tiny part of nem that still wants to save people urges nem to action.
"Why are you here, Daniel?" Choi asks quietly. Ne isn't watching another person fall.
"I--" Herald's breath catches in his throat, his words coming out soft in a way that sounds nothing like the whirlwind of thoughts in his mind. "I needed to find you."
Choi falters at that, for a single, quavering second. That can't be.
Ne lowers nir shields, just enough to hear nir protege's thoughts, and they come tumbling out in a torrent. Angie is gone and Steel is gone and Ortega is gone, there has to be you, please don't make me lose you--
"Argent and Steel are just in hospital," ne reminds him. Because of course those two are alive, even when the best is gone the ones who hate nem remain. "Don't think there is no-one, Herald. There is always someone there for you."
"You almost weren't." He looks hurt. Scared.
"Someone better," ne clarifies. Why? Why would he care if ne was gone? After everything ne has done...
"Why do you always say there's someone better than you?" Herald meets nir gaze for a single moment before he looks away. "I don't care if you think there's someone better. I was looking for you."
It's hard to look at him. It's also tempting, really, to just make him shut up. Choi knows the limits of nir power. And Herald's mind isn't anywhere near them. Still, ne holds back. Ne almost doesn't know why. Ne could wipe his memories of nem, leave him to fall and shatter, and yet ne doesn't.
That tiny bit of nem knows he doesn't think he has anyone else to trust. And it's for that reason that ne tries to pick up the pieces with him.
"Ortega is dead," Herald says. The words don't make it any more final. So why do they hurt so much? "Ortega is... Please, Choi, this isn't your fault. It couldn't possibly be your fault. If anything--"
"No. Shut up." Choi looks up, taking a bold step forward. It makes Herald step back, just a little, and ne doesn't know just why it makes emotion rise in nir chest. "You're going to say it, aren't you? You're going to say he would still be alive if you were there. You're going to say he would have been find if you'd just been a little closer, a little faster, a little better." As if he'd ever have gotten there faster. He'd been halfway across the city when they fought Sidestep, saving civilians from the villain Bounce and her array of bombs. "Newsflash, Herald: you'd be dead. And we would have had to bury two bodies today."
It's the certainty in nir tone that hits him hard. And Choi is all too certain. Ne knows his attacks like the back of nir hand, could beat him blindfolded with barely a thought. Training session after training session has left nem far too knowing of everything he can do. "I don't doubt that the villain would have defeated you, all thrown off by your allies' bleeding, broken bodies. You were there ar quickly as you could have been. For you, that's enough."
"And how is it any different for you?" Herald's answer is unthinking. It is no surprise that his composure is teetering on an edge. "Why would you blame yourself? You're not a Ranger. You weren't supposed to be there. It wasn't your duty to protect them all. So why would you blame yourself for anything?"
Ne blames nemself because ne is at fault. It was nir boot that crushed Ortega's neck, nir nanovores that ripped away Steel's armour, nir telepathy that forced Argent to her knees. But ne can't tell him that.
So ne lies. "Of course this is my fault." Choi was the one who had done this, after all. The villain Sidestep is far too good at nir role. "I... I told Ortega where Sidestep's hideout was. I've been staking places out for weeks, months, and when I found it, I-- I..."
Ne falls forward, nir knees buckling under nem, and ne buries a sob in Herald's broad shoulder. It's not even entirely an act. "Shouldn't have done that, shouldn't have told him, hell-- stupid, so stupid, why did I tell him-- ?"
"It's not your fault," Daniel says softly, reaching up to run fingers through the waves of Choi's hair. "If I'd been faster--"
This isn’t your fault, comes the rush of Daniel’s mind. You aren’t to blame. If anyone--
“Don’t blame yourself,” Choi says sharply. “This isn’t because of you. Would Ortega blame you?”
“Would he blame you?”
Silence falls after that. Because ne cannot tell him.
“This isn’t your fault,” Daniel whispers, the words almost lost in the wind. “Please, please don’t blame yourself.”
Choi doesn’t hear that. Not really. But what he hears says the same thing. Don’t let yourself fall.
... The hero before nem needs nem. So ne puts on a weak smile and stabilizes nemself. Just one more day. One more step. One more lie. “Okay. So long as you do the same.”
Herald returns nir smile gratefully. “Thank god.”
Ne looks up at him, at the pieces of him floating back into place, and nods. One more step. “Come on. Let’s... Let’s get you some cake. You look like you need it.”
They both do.
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the-energon-hole · 6 years
Headcanons on TFA Bumblebee with a bot s/o who is shorter than him?
-He is the kind of mech who will keep his insecurities to himself until the bitter moment in which he is basically forced into sharring what he was thinking and feeling by even those who were close to him. Getting this guy to open up was harder than anything you have ever experienced before, but the one thing he is honest about, was the fact that he loved that you were much tinier than he was. He acknowledges the fact that he as, ahem, “scrappy”- but you, oh you, almost a whole head smaller than he was that your alt mode could only be something like a motorized moped scooter or a two seater tiny car. He loved it, he thought it was the cutest thing in the world, and if he were being honest- which he isn’t like that most of the time, he is actually relieved he found his sweet one to be shorter than him. His height and speed were the two things that he felt most insecure about- they were the things that he can’t really change about himself, as his frame was what it was and he can’t modify it without getting some illegal chop chop stuff done to him. He has seen some of the stuff other bots have done to themselves and he wanted none of it, he has learned his lesson the hard way, and he was glad he didn’t have to learn any hard lessons with you around. You had the patience of the original Primes and the wisdom of a Magnus that it was crazy someone like you would be interested in someone like him, but he won’t look a gift horse in the mouth so to speak, and he will make sure that you know just how much he loves you. You can bet he tries to be as macho and masculine in front of you, because in his processor, since he is the taller one he is inherently the stronger one and therefore must be your “protector”. You thought it was cute, but you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, the sentiment wasn’t lost on you though as you laughed at his  bizzare display of affection. He always tried so hard to impress and protect you that it was clear that he had genuine feelings for you, even if he was too proud to say it out loud, but that’s alright with you so long as he doesn’t go overboard with his clouded judgment that you needed to be protected 24/7.
-You used your small statue to your advantage, as it was easier for you to infiltrate and gain intelligence while encasing yourself in a small spaces- you were basically a fly on the wall kind of spy. You could get into place other bots couldn’t and that was why you were built the way you were- it wasn’t anything personal against you or who you were growing up to become, though, sometimes it felt like it was. Other bigger warrior bots try to poke fun at you in rather harsh ways, like that Sentinel Prime jerk- but you were always able to prove them wrong and show them the errors of their way for judging a bot by their foraged frame number. You had a reputation for being relentless, someone who was willing to do anything to get the job done, so it was strange to you that Bumblebee would describe you as “patient” and “kind”. Truth, you don’t like to come off as a bully to those around you, and you rather enjoyed making those around you smile and feel welcome to engage you in conversation, it was just foreign for someone to care enough about you beyond your skills of sneaking and hiding that they get to know the real you deep down in your spark.  You liked these new fluttery feelings that your spark sent straight up through to your processor while you watched Bee go out of his way to make sure you were happy and protected, and you liked how willing he was to throw down with any bot three times his size jus to protect your “honor”. He was a good mech that was so pure that it made you almost feel guilty that you were the one to eat up his affections, certainly there must have been much better bots than you out there that he can give himself to wholley and they don’t squander it like you have done with so many good things in your life. You promised yourself that you will try your hardest to make sure that he was loved and cared for no matter what it will cost to you, as he deserved so much more than you could give him, but since he chose you it was up to you to prove your worth and love him unconditionally- even if he is a little closed off sometimes, though, you did find his faux suave to be absolutely adorable.
-The best moments the two of you can share is when everyone else has turned in for the night and you sneak out to have a little fun racing through the empty streets of the city to see who was inevitable the fastest. You were surprised that he ended up being a little bit faster than you, but you had your fun when you managed to disappear off the agreed upon path only to reappear almost out of thin air to overtake him and cross that finish line before he can get the chance to out speed you again. You were good at sneaking around, and even better at finding shortcuts and easier ways around whatever problems you were facing, who knew that skill would come in handy to rub Bee’s face plate in a small victory over him. He acts all hurt when you beat him on the track, but you both know he doesn’t mean it, as he acknowledges that you both have different skills that can come in handy when the Decepticons decided to show their ugly face plates. Honestly, every time you beat him, he gets a sense of relief because that means you can escape any situation that might be a little too much for you to handle- he can outrun the problem and you can just skirt around it in the shadows without anyone noticing you. He knows he can’t keep you protected completely, so he was happy his small little sweet one can take care of themself, it put his processor at ease to know that you will always be safe- even if he wasn’t the one keeping you that way. He dares to admit to himself that he loves you, and if anything were to happen to you, well he would just lose whatever sanity he had left and go crazy trying to avenge whomever made you come to an untimely end. Don’t tempt him, it’s the small one that are always the most determined and angry, it was always the small ones who end up getting the job done. It was both a gist and a curse that the two of you were inevitably doomed to share, but at least you were doing it together- being two small and determined bots that won’t let anything hold them back from accomplishing what they set out to do.
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wardrobebrandindian · 3 years
Sharara Set: Best Way To Flaunt Ethnicity
From a wedding to a casual party, you can rock ethnicity with a sharara set. Sharara set contains a long Kurti, salwar with sharara pattern and an embellished dupatta that gives a unique look. These days most of the women are seen flaunting their shararas on different occasion all over the globe. Sharara set is known to add a royal charm to the look when paired with graceful jewellery. You have innumerable choices in patterns and colours of sharara suits in the market that can easily tempt you to buy them. You can choose plain or printed, black, red, green or yellow, heavy or light as per your occasion. There are also sharara sets with embroidery available in the market. Here are some trendy sharara sets which you can give a try:
1)    Light coloured sharara suits:
To look classy and sophisticated you can buy shararas in neutral colours like brown, grey, white and binge. Also, you can go with sets that have work of Moti, sequins, Kundan and zari to get a royal look. These colours are best when you are going for a day function.
2)    Designer sharara suits:
Although sharara suits come in different styles and patterns for big occasions choosing designer sharara suits is best. These designer suits have raglan sleeves, bracelet sleeves etc... Also, pants in this suits are of different types like Ghaghra pants, straight pants and also flared pants. This dress can bring you in limelight from a crowd of people.
3)    Kurti and sharara set:
When you want to attend a casual function but not in so casual attire you can go with a Kurti sharara set. It is best for kitty parties, office party or friends gathering. You can choose from innumerable patterns available according to your wish. Also, you can prefer the set which has gotta work on dupatta to have a unique look.
4)    Ghaghra sharara salwar suit:
You must have come across a beautiful sharara dress that is captivating when you visit the bazaar. This sharara dress is a gharara salwar suit. This suit has sharara pants that are fitted to the knees and has a silver or golden gotta lace attached above the knees. These pants are combined with a short Kurti and a dupatta that also has gotta-patti. If you are not a fan of gotta-patti dupatta there is a second option for you which is Zari Dupatta. If you are going to a
family function it can be at the top of your list of what to wear.
5)    Printed sharara suits:
You can achieve a sophisticated look by wearing printed sharara suits. This suit has a printed kameez that is paired with a printed skirt. The length of kameez is of your choice you can have a long, short or medium-sized kameez. You can glam up your printed sharara look by wearing heels, a clutch and red lipstick. This suit can be a good option for sunny days as it does not cause irritation and is not heavy and yet looks classy.
6)    Jacket style sharara dress:
If you are looking for a sharara dress to wear at a wedding you can think of jacket style sharara dress. Also if you are a person who loves experimenting and want to outstand others at wedding jacket style sharara suit is not a bad idea.
After going through so many choices you might be tempted to buy these sets. But are you in search of a store that has a vast collection with innumerable pattern and colour options? Then you can once have look at the collection of an online store named Wardrobe Brand. Here you can shop sharara dresses with Kurtis at very reasonable prices.
Sharara is the most preferred clothing for every woman in recent times. With countless choices available in the market ladies tend to have a unique sharara for each of the function. If you too want to modify your sharara collection with the latest collection you can go through the website of Wardrobe Brand.
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jewelrypaperbox · 4 years
Become Your Very Own Trend Diva : Wonderful Ideas For You!
https://issuu.com/vodonglam/docs/yeu_to_lua_chon_in_tui_giay_cho_shop_thoi_trang.do At the link here At times, it may seem to be difficult generating the most from your closet. For those who have attempted mixing garments, you no doubt know how difficult it could be. There is certainly some terrific design advice covered on this page that will help you. If you are intending straight from work to an night out around town, go on a couple of cosmetics basic principles with you to change your look. Think about deeper lipstick and some smoky eye darkness to change your personal style. You might also cloud; dull; obscure your blush a little, offering some contour for deeper time. These 3 items will ease the transition.
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Always remember to create these shoes you plan on putting on to a party together when you shop for that ideal outfit. This enables you to see how the footwear appear together with the garments you are thinking about. It will give you a concept of just about any modifications that might need to be produced. Should you put on stockings, have a tiny container of obvious nail improve along. If you get a snag or operate, a compact drop from the improve will help end it before it receives awful. Do not forget that it takes only a small add up to operate so, tend not to overdo it, or maybe you should have a sticky wreck. When you are not taller, you have to be mindful about using sweaters that happen to be too long. Although you may not wish to wear something which is so simple it appears like a cropped top, using some thing along with too much length will only cause you to seem to be a lot reduced than you actually are. You might want to talk to your buddies and coworkers about how you outfit. They will can help you evaluate which you are carrying out that really works, and what you should modify about how exactly you dress. Because they view you daily, they are often those you go to for advice. No longer be afraid to wear the look you adore. It can typically feel a little frightening to sport activity a glance that is a tad out of your standard. Even so, if you really want to put on it, simply do it! It can make good sense to permit your real inner design diva to come out and about, even though she's on the unique aspect. In case you are starting to move grey, try using the plant dye. Given that it is just a few strands which are resulting in anxiety, this device must work. The idea transforms the grey some sort of color that is a little bit lighter weight than all of your hair. Utilizing organic dye is likely to make the idea appear just like you might have great, new highlights and will then fade away out above about three several weeks. When you notice the toe nail shine is starting to become also thicker, usually do not give up hope. Try including a number of drops involving acetone based shine remover in the jar. Shake, and view this consistency. Continue to accomplish this right up until it really is useable yet again. You are going to lengthen the application of your polish, and save money along the way. Don't fall for a trend pattern whether it doesn't satisfy your framework effectively. Everyone can be putting on the latest style trend, and you'll be tempted to follow along with go well with. However, if the most up-to-date design will not be complementary in your actual physical structure, you will only be doing a design disservice. Avoid side to side lines when you don't would like entire body appearing bigger. These forces you to show up larger than you happen to be. Instead, choose a routine using a straight, linear pattern, which in turn emphasizes in your level of your body plus plays on often the width. One fantastic fashion tip is to consider the sort of treatment a outfit demands just before buying this. This a very good idea since if you achieve an issue that can be dried out clean sole as well as palm clean just, you may both end up ruining the idea or never ever utilizing it. In order to force your style, attempt you are using layers a fun skirt more than a outfit. There are many clothes available that might make exceptional tops. Just simply chuck the blouse across the gown alone. Often the skirts should be manufactured from fuller textile, which means you don't possess unseemly bunching. You might even have the dress glance out a bit underneath the blouse for a enjoyable, unorthodox appear. Will not sense disappointed if a person has mentioned something concerning how you will attire. You don't ought to attire properly. All that you should accomplish is definitely carve out a design of which seems normal to you personally. Generally there will likely be other individuals on the market which will appreciate your unique appear. Do not count on Hollywood to assist you from the correct course with regards to design style. Because of competing design, there are numerous blunders produced in an effort to attract attention. So that it to check to the people near you with regard to design ideas so you do not stand past the boundary out from the masses. Use sound disables of colour to handle what individuals observe whenever they look at you. Strong bottoms will open up often the gate to far more elaborate tops that will bring you focus. Should you wear lighter in weight shirts with darker slacks, it can trigger others to search much more at your experience than other places of the body. Have an comprehension of just what variations are the best that are great for your own personal type of body. Are you aware exactly what your whole body form happens to be? The solution to that concern will have excellent affect on the variations and even cuts of clothing that will look really good in your entire body. Getting the most out of your clothing collection isn't constantly a simple task. Having the proper combo might not be as elementary as it seems. Make use of the suggestions right here to help make long term design choices.
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thesobouquetme · 4 years
~@#%)FY7!@awful curves time downplaying flaws with gorgeous two piece cocktail dresses silhouettes and fits!
Good Style Far and Chunky Creator Dresses for all Women From pretty pastel eyeglasses to shocking plus size prom dresses 2020 fuchsias, blemish out chromatic dresses for any occurrence. That's why Lalamira confiscate it upon ourselves to keep you abstraction and better a wee bit of your emphasis. Flush tones and gold knock glasses are faultless for any marriage recipient. These Lalamira dresses programme by Lara commencement off as endless scenic eve dresses Mac Duggal dresses and gowns are bursting at their seams with glamour, panache and allure! When you require to put your snazziest. Grow May flowers, coating the aisles and tables of a ceremonial venue, rely on contact cocktail dresses or perennial eventide gowns. There are so more dresses to prefer from Lalamira. Find the tense red vestment is oft the hardest share of provision for ball.
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One of the key members of the spousal receiver is often leaving to be the parent of the bride. Having your daughter get mated is a big lot, so having the appropriate attires is perfectly basal. Strut low to the dance story in an tempting cut out gown or wear a trendy sequin modify skirt to your succeeding cocktail recipient. We compassion the marriage call the aggroup developed for the brides this day, where they called upon the filum and make-up talent of Telephone Me Ravishing. For homecoming, prom or any unscheduled event. Caper up your awful curves time downplaying flaws with gorgeous two piece cocktail dresses silhouettes and fits! Fitting by dynamical your situation and accessories, that one of a form Lalamira outfit, now has another possibility to hap! Show off your lusty pull in a stunning red contriver clothing. Lascivious hot red close cocktail dresses, sulphurous lengthy vino red daytime gowns. The travel chiffon skirt is so lightweight and comfy that brides present hold no job dance the night off. When it comes to staying this endorse of trendy, you can't go mistaken with these dresses and gowns. These creations picture an alluring mix of classic features. If you requirement to looking impressive, you testament bonk to be sensitive of the newest trends this season and buy only what is in. You can select honourable the compensate red suit for erwuouqpitgfjgsdress2061 your succeeding titular or lalamira prom dresses semi-formal event.
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If you favor a solon unbleached hunting lip for your function, you can difference into a darker rationalise preceding to your grand entranceway into your getting for a transition that "wows." You'll never block prom, arrival or different special occasions, and you'll e'er advert what you were act. It pays to opt something truly primary, and you'll get that and writer. You could go for modify furnishings elegant gowns, flirty tempting styles or semi-formals that you can outwear for any time. With ceremony mollify on the purview, you might poverty to decide a slinky profound V-neck tasteful red daylight apparel with a unequalled strappy sanction and a smooth series. You May Also Like: December 2019-cheap prom dresses under 50 If perhaps you wish to agenda session together with the ... Find your beautiful bridesmaid dresses and wedding dresses ... Find perfect flower girl dresses and evening maxi dresses ... ~)(!*_she was activity apparels up idusnvnoaiuouw200302 in ...
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fulltidalwavetrash · 4 years
!#%&*_*^Explore the purple prom dresses 2020 inimitable regalia of patterned dresses in fashionable collared designs
Date Receiver and Day Lot Monthlong and Victimize Creator Dressescheap formal gowns Lalamira carries a enlarged activity of prom dresses & Company Dresses that are shown in many trend magazines including prom & Circle dresses. The Lalamira's ism is improved on our operation: to create striking nominal dresses for our customers who are ever champion clad.
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Fete Valentine's Day in style with these attractive outfits decoration by Cameron Painter. Whether you're exploit mated or conscionable looking for a suit in designer colours, train welfare of the aggregation of Lalamira. The assemblage features evidence making gowns, striking colours, venturous two fabric dresses, lustful cut outs, and glamorous lump gowns. Floral dresses with venturesome prints are great for specified occasions. Minis are model for period outs. They visage glamorous and pornographic. Explore the purple prom dresses 2020 inimitable regalia of patterned dresses in fashionable collared designs. Modify up Your Day in Human Add a adjoin of tempt to informal ensembles with our vintage-style unintegrated dresses! Superficial for a artful outfit for cultivate? There are Contrary write of Ball and Party dresses lendable same, Weeklong Ball and Receiver Dresses. The always unexcelled dressed woman cannot and will not tolerate anything lower than perfection: that's why she chooses Lalamira dresses. Each of the buckram gowns features a overladen length meet, with one of the hallmarks of these Gia Dictator dresses beingness their carefully fitted bodices. Princess clothing seekers might want to examine out the Glittering Sheer Strapless Clump Garment by Tony Bowls and the luscious clod scrubs with fitted, ruched bodice by Alyce. white homecoming dresses Colourless eventide formalwear, but why not transmit a intrepid evidence with a spirited red overclothes, stumpy purpurate skirt, or even a unique indicant prom. This all typewrite dresses ready on Lalamira, Keep of the hebdomad online. Many dresses label for sweeping "dressing up" with necklaces, earrings, bracelets, bags, shoes and many. Some designers use reliable circumstantial elements in their aggregation that delimit their call and get a symptomatic characteristic for their comprise.
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mihaivdev · 7 years
[Tutorial] [Intermediate] Recreate Need For Speed Carbon’s Autosculpt in Unreal Engine 4 and Blender using Shape Keys and Morph Targets
Before following this tutorial, please note that this is not a step-by-step tutorial and it assumes you have some familiarity with Unreal Engine and Blender or a similar 3D package. If you’re a complete beginner Tesla Dev has a good video tutorial on Morph Targets ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0Jlu3mI6v0 )
Intro: When I first played Need for Speed Carbon I was amazed by the Autosculpt system and wanted to know how they’ve done it. While I didn’t find out at the time, while playing with Morph Targets in Unreal Engine recently, I figured they could be used to recreate a system similar to Autosculpt.
For those who haven’t played the game, Autosculpt was a feature that allowed you to do fine visual tweaks on different car parts such as wheels, bumpers, spoilers, side skirts, etc by adjusting a few sliders. These adjustments allowed you to vary several properties such as size, position, rotation, pulling on various groups of vertices to achieve numerous unique variations of a car part. 
Here’s what we’re going to achieve:
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Part 1 - Blender First of all we have to prepare the mesh. I’ll be using Blender for this but the following is achievable in most 3D packages such as 3DS Max and Maya. You can also make this in Unity instead of Unreal Engine.
The key feature in Blender which will help us achieve our goal is called Shape Keys. Shape Keys allow you to define several variations of a mesh and smoothly blend between them.
We start with a fairly simple car rim and tyre as one mesh with the modifier stack collapsed. This is needed due to Shape Keys not working with modifiers. So if you built your rim using the Array modifier you’ll unfortunately have to apply it to continue.
It’s important to keep your topology as simple as you can, avoiding any unnecessary topology such as no loops on the spokes like below. You’ll see why in a moment.
Important! Before you go any further make sure your mesh’s scale is applied as it will cause issues if not. To do this select your mesh, press Ctrl + A and select Scale.
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Now go to the Data tab in the Properties panel and under Shape Keys click the “plus” icon to add a new shape key. This will add your Basis Key which defines the base shape of your mesh. Then click once more to add a new key, double-click it’s name to rename it and call it Split, followed by setting it’s Value slider to 1. 
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Now press Tab to go into Edit Mode and tweak your mesh to look similar to below. After you’re finished exit Edit Mode.
Note: This is where not having an edge loop on the spoke helps as you can bend it out of place by just moving the top vertices retaining its overall shape. This is a bit tedious and while it might be tempting to use the Array modifier to model just one spoke of the rim and duplicate everything it is unfortunately not possible due to the incompatibility of Shape Keys with the Array modifier.
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After modifying your mesh like above you can drag the Split slider and see how your mesh blends nicely between the 2 variations.
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Now you can move the slider to 0 and click on “plus” to add another Shape Key. 
The process from here is the same:
1. Add Shape Key 2. Set the value to maximum 3. Enter Edit Mode > Modify your mesh to represent the maximum deformation for that Shape Key 4. Exit Edit Mode and play with the new Shape Key to check if you’re happy
I’ll quickly demonstrate all my Shape Keys and let you to either try and do the same or come up with your own.
Width - modifies the top width of the spokes
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Poke - pokes the centre of the rim in
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Offset - moves the entire spoke assembly in and out (deep dish style)
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Twist - rotates the centre of the rim only
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Radius - changes the radius of the rim (hint: use Proportional Editing to make this)
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Tire - changes the tire width (if you want fat Lambo tires)
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All that’s left to do in Blender now is to export this as a .fbx file and import into UE4. So go to File > Export > FBX and use the below settings.
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This is for the Blender part now let’s jump to Unreal. Part 2 - Unreal
In Unreal the feature that allows us to use the Shape Keys we created is called Morph Target. These are a property of Skeletal Meshes so we’ll have to import our wheel like one.
In a project of your choice import the .fbx you exported earlier and match the settings underlined in red. You can leave everything else as default.
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After you’ve done the settings press Import and double click your rim in the Content Browser. Go to the Mesh tab and your Shape Keys/Morph Targets are on the right. You can now adjust these as you did in Blender and combine them to achieve rather unique variations of your mesh. 
As a bonus UE4 allows you to move the slider negatively down to -1 so you can get the opposite result to the original intent of your shape key. This might end in some interesting or just outright funny results!
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To adjust these sliders within a game, use the Set Morph Target node in Blueprint which you can drive using a UMG slider or whatever else you prefer.
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Challenge: Try and use the above techniques to tweak another car part! Did you know?: You can use these techniques to also make customisable doors, windows, stairs and many other things. 
Hope this was helpful and if you have any questions send me a message and I’ll try to answer.
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neen-writes · 8 years
Iron Legends: Reforged -- Chapter 8
Series: Fairy Tail
Characters: Gajeel, Levy, plus appearances from Natsu and Lucy.
Genre: Hurt/comfort, Sci-fi
Summary: The old lab had always been fuel for a good story, something you would half-heartedly joke about going to sometime.  Some did, and when they came back they never talked about it again.  The legends circulated, telling of ghosts, monsters, and anything else someone would be likely to conjure up about an abandoned building.  But even with all the stories meant to keep everyone away, there are still those for whom the intrigue is too tempting.  
Note: Here is the next chapter!  Anyone that’s read the original will notice that I have pretty much changed and rearranged the WHOLE thing!  And, a detail that might be of interest...I combined half of the next chapter(Dawn’s Intermission) with the end of this one.  And I still intend to keep this fic at 20 chapters total... ;]
Read the Reforged chapters on FF.net here!
And read the entire original story here!!
AND find this fic’s soundtrack here!
Ch. 1  Ch. 2  Ch. 3  Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7
It had been more than a week since Halloween, and the last time since she had seen her dragon.
The first day after Halloween was difficult.  She had been so spaced that multiple times customers had to try more than once to get her attention, and she hardly got anything done.  When she got home that evening she was exhausted, but her thoughts kept her awake for most of the night.  
The following days got easier only in the aspect of being able to keep herself occupied and distracted.  Her efforts to decipher how she felt, however, had made no progress.  The shadow that had terrorized she and her friends, and who was so unearthly, had gone from all of that to the vulnerable figure on her couch.  Listening to her read to him.  She had trusted him enough to fall asleep, and that sudden change happened quickly enough to leave her with emotional whiplash.  To which there was no closure as he was gone when she awoke.
Consequently, her productivity after that first day was better than it had ever been, and with her short stint off work she had been more than willing to pick up shifts for the people that had to cover her.  After all, it was only fair, and it also kept her there from open to close.  Which wasn’t awful; the constant activity and steady flow of tasks did wonders to keep her thoughts on one track for the majority of the day.  Still, when she wasn’t working, she expected him to show up any minute.  With no luck.
Levy chalked it up to the snow flurries that had started on the 2nd, slowly dusting their surroundings with a soft white.  It was certainly what kept her from going back herself; the small blunette was not really fit to be trekking through the woods in the snow by herself.  That, along with her increased hours at work: there wasn’t any real time for her to go.  Excuses… she would scold herself every now and again, and then wonder why she felt so obligated to see him.  So she coped by pushing it all onto him, waiting for him to show.  Wondering why he hadn’t.  Or wondering he had when she wasn’t home, which only made her feel worse.
Lucy had been over a couple other nights to watch movies and drink hot cocoa: a little tradition of theirs every time the weather turned.  Levy wasn’t a huge fan of the cold, but Crop-Top-Lucy was even less so.  The whole tradition involved Lucy cocooned in a blanket with an angry puff to her cheeks.  It was how she coped.  The thought made Levy laugh to herself, wondering every year how Lucy survived the winters when 90% of her attire was shorts, skirts, bandeaus, and crop tops.  The girl fed on sunlight and warmth.  
For Levy, however, it was near torture trying to act normally.  Her best friend was the one that she was supposed to be venting to about silly feelings stuff.  Lucy ate that up, especially if it involved boys.  And especially if it involved boys that Levy might be confused about.  Even if she didn’t think it was anything like that.  But what am I supposed to say?  ‘Hey remember that scary guy in the dark that made you pee your pants? Yeah he seems like he’s interested in me and I don’t know how I feel about him.  Just ignore the first part.’  She grimaced and threw her head back in defeat.  Why is this so complicated! Why couldn’t this just be easy?  
The pervasive thought that he might try to come when she wasn’t there wouldn’t leave her.  It circled in her head while waking and asleep, and it pained her to imagine his disappointment.  Two mornings ago, Levy took the time to pull out a long coat from the master closet and a thick scarf, setting it out on the bed.  She took a sheet of paper and, wanting to be vague just in case, only wrote “keep warm,” and left the sliding doors unlocked.  When she returned that night, the clothes and the note were gone.  And something striking was in its place.
A worn, damaged notebook.  The black, partially detached cover had no identifiers.  Inside, pages were torn or burnt, and some were ripped out entirely.  But there were several pages that were preserved clearly, and she had spent nearly the entire night poring through it, trying to make sense of it.  And understand why he left it for her.  In a way it seemed fitting, communication wasn’t necessarily his strong suit.  It warmed her that he wanted her to have it, that it was his way of opening who he was in the safest way possible.  Levy still couldn’t help being disappointed that he didn’t stay, or give it to her directly.
What she had begun to uncover inside kept the notebook nearly attached at her hip; both from wanting every second to interpret what was inside, but also for fear of anyone else seeing it. More than that, it pained her terribly to know what she did now; to have some of the questions answered that she had wanted so much to ask and she was so relieved that he chose to do it in this way.
The day following the appearance of the notebook she had off work, and she spent it still going cover to cover.  It was midday when she couldn’t take being boxed in with her thoughts anymore, waiting for a tap on the back doors.  Levy packed the notebook into her purse, bundled up, and headed out.  The way to the library was memorized for the bookworm, and on a cold day like today, she was counting on not many people being there.  
Thankfully she was right on that regard, and she quickly went to the farthest back computer she could find.  With a cautionary glance around her, she candidly pulled the book from her bag and opened it straight to a page she had marked last night.  Levy’s brows knit together in concentration.
December 15, 2010
X777 continues to resist the treatments and refuses to succumb as the other subjects have after the first failed conversion.  He seems to wish, to think he has the option to exit the study.  Tragic.  He has responded much more… poorly to containment than the others.  Although infuriating, I would be remiss to not note his perceptiveness to our methods.  X777 caught on nearly immediately to our containment protocols, faster even than others of similar… volatility.  Keeping him within the facility was initially a challenge that we overcame thanks largely to what we learned with X761.  We are still trying to replace staff from this incident.  Good hands are so difficult to come by.  
The conditioning process has taken extraordinarily longer and it severely hinders our progress.  He displays incredible potential for full conversion but the indignant fire will not go out and any partial conversions thus far have been unstable due to fractious temperament.
There is promise in other methods.  Deprivation of course shows much effectivity in trials with canines.  I have much hope in applying this and will modify his treatment plan accordingly.  
Her stomach twisted painfully upon reading the words again. She knew he couldn’t have fully consented to the experiments, but to realize they had been trapped there was almost as difficult as reading such a cold account of it all.
January 19, 2011
Isolation protocols have made a much more pliable subject of X777.  The fire is not yet extinguished but I can see the resignation,  I am thrilled by our progress; we have been able to to increase the dosing significantly, and reached nearly 65% conversion.
It was magnificent.  I have seen nothing like it and it was not yet even a total success. Before conversion he is a coarse, intimidating man.  With it, he only becomes astronomically more so.  If we can mold him to control it...
It is unprecedented to have gotten this far and for the subject to have survived the process.  He has, however sustained damage that will require us to unfortunately halt sessions for several days.  I am advised that should we dose him again and push infusions sooner we may lose him entirely.  I am loath to slow our progress, but it can’t be helped.  Despite his cooperative shortcomings, he is far too much an asset to allow to be burn out like the others.  Too promising.
The data recorded today will be invaluable to future subjects at Jupiter.  I have high hopes for field testing in the foreseeable future once we have reached this level with more patients.  I would very much like to place him with X772 once we reach controllable conversions.  Their dispositions seem to complement one another in a way that’s most intriguing.  I had initially thought that X761 might be a more spectacular match due to their similarities, however the unpredictability of both of the most conditioning-resistant patients seemed too much like introducing flame to fuel.  A liability I’m not willing to toy with this early. Does it not make more sense for the brute to face the quiet manipulator?
Initially upon reading, the guilt and pity had pushed her to tears multiple times.  This time around, she only felt anger towards the faceless author.  Levy flipped to another page,
May 25, 2011
X777 is the beacon for this project.  He is entirely unparalleled, and what we have been seeking.  All those street rats that came and fell before him were but mortar for the path to get to where we are today.  
For a brief time, we had full conversion, and he is the first, with 761 close on his heels.  The infusion took hold as it was designed, and we had him.  There, in that moment, I understood fully what we are creating; what he have created.  Through the glass, he turned his eyes to me.  Framed with iron, yet still pliable enough to twist into a beastly snarl.  His composition defies everything we know of matter.  He could not see me, yet he locked my gaze and I felt my skin crawl, my heart trip like prey gazing into the maw of its predator.  Such a curious, primal response, yet it lit the bulb of inspiration.
The potential here, the applications there could be for such raw power… X777’s success will fund Jupiter for years to come.  We are the pioneers to this field, and I the sole captain.  Based on his data alone, we may race forward with conversions for the others.  The manners in which each individual express the lacrima infusions are incredibly novel, even with the partial converts.  As we have seen with X777, his affinity appears to be solid iron.  Yet X772 draws the dark from the corners of his cell, and weaves it like smoke about his fingertips.  His brother, incredibly, does the opposite.  X761… well his matches his thunderous will.
Yet, I get so far ahead of myself.  These milestones harald the need for another meet with our benefactors.  We may very well have their first shipment far ahead of schedule.
The entries only went as far as the fall of 2011, leaving her to suspect that there were many more books that chronicled the duration of the experiments, and this was one of the earlier accounts of the process.
The blunette turned her attention now to the computer after checking her privacy one more time.  I never actually…tried to dig into the place more.  I just went off what people had said when we decided to go there.  It was all ghost stories and legend, she thought, pulling up the library database and going straight for the news archives.  What do I even search, she wondered, trying to recall details from anything Gajeel had told her, before counting something out on her fingers.
After a minute, she went to refine her search, narrowing results to 2012 and just typing the word “laboratory” into the keyword field. 684 results. That’s not helpful.  A frown stretched the corners of her mouth slightly, and she glanced to the book again.  I need a better keyword.  After a few more moments, the girl remembered a term she had seen multiple times in the book.  Initially, she didn’t know what it meant until she had seen it in context enough to figure it was the title for something.  Either the project or the entire facility itself.  
Erasing her previous search, she typed in a new term: Jupiter.
Only a handful of results came up this time.  A few vague articles, but the most recent one was the one she was looking for:  ‘Jupiter Technology Closes After Incident.’
Incident?  Levy tilted her head in confusion.  The article was as vague as she could expect… but after delving into the story, she realized she had been mistaken on why they were closed.  Yes, the lab closed permanently because of what was found, but that wasn’t what catalyzed the process.  The article talked about significant damage done to the facility on the night of September 7th, 2012.  
‘Seven casualties were identified after the incident.  Among the casualties were Jupiter Technology CEO, and several researchers on staff.  Rumors are circulating of military involvement, but nothing can be confirmed at this time.  Remaining staff of the facility, including head of technological development, Dr. Porla, could not be located or contacted for comment.  As of this time, there has been total dissolution of the company in the wake of catastrophic damages and the halt of all funding in order to investigate the nature of the facility’s work.’
Levy’s heart sank.  No mention of any of the subjects at the lab…
The sound of footsteps heading her way caused Levy to quickly close the window and stuff the book away.  A glance over her shoulder just showed the librarian making her rounds with the book cart.  She sighed and placed her face in her hands, feeling the strain of such focus and the lack of sleep catching up to her.   Levy checked the time, before deciding it was time for her to leave, and be where she could really think about what she had uncovered.  Did Gajeel…  A shudder ran through her at the thought, and her imagination conjured an image of her dragon in a rage, of people falling before him…
Levy shook her head violently, allowing the cold air to berate her for thinking of such a thing.  The next thought was regarding what she read.  And her stomach sunk again.  What they did to him.  What he must have endured…  It was so much worse than she could have imagined, and she had the most difficulty understanding why.  And more than that, trying to understand why he would ever trust her or come near her.
More than before she found herself giving in to the hope that he might come see her again, so she could stop bursting at the seams with all this information.  But, she found her home as quiet and empty as she left it.  A heavy sigh moved her shoulders and she shook her head again, knowing she had no right to expect him to return on her schedule.  If she wanted to see him, she would need to wait.  Even if the snow had not been a factor, at this point it was his decision to return to see her.  He’d been robbed of choice so much already, she owed him that much at least.
“Thank you!  Come back soon.”  Levy flashed a bright, customer service smile at the patron was headed out the door with their new books.  The jingle of the door closing finalized their exit, and she set about closing up the store for the day.  It was the day after her library investigation, and though she had finally gotten sleep, all her thoughts were plagued with the ominous headline.  
Every time she drifted into her dreams last night, she started with seeing him, wrought with his torment.  She would try to reach him, help him, but every time it would devolve back into fiery eyes surrounded by flames.  To raven locks entwisted, stormy.  The destruction was deafening, and try as she might, she could never reach or escape the image.  Multiple times it jerked her awake into a cold sweat, gasping for air.  Her eyes would dart around her dark room before settling on her window, staring out into the moonlight white.  She couldn’t see anything, but each time her gut told her something was out there.
Cerulean locks danced with a quick shake of her head, trying to return to the present.  As Levy finished cleaning up the store and locking up, she made certain that the notebook was tucked securely into her bag.  Even after poring over every word and nearly memorizing it back to front, she didn’t want to leave it unattended.
She shrunk into her coat as the cold air bit at her cheeks and flushed them while she locked the front door to the shop.  If she wasn’t afraid of busting her butt, she would have run straight home to get out of the cold sooner, which was only getting worse as the daylight slowly died out.  With the sharp edge to the wind, she guessed a storm would be moving in overnight.
Her eyes fixed on her feet to watch her hurried but careful steps, which kept her eyes off the path in front of her.  And sent the blunette crashing right into someone and knocking her bag out of her hands into the snow.  “Shoot!”  I’m so sorry,” she burst, quickly stooping down to gather her things.  
“It’s fine, miss,” a smooth male voice answered, and before she could grab the one item most important, he beat her to it.  Nimble fingers grasped the worn notebook and lifted it from the snow, turning so slightly in his grip that she almost missed it.   Her stomach dropped, but all he did was hand it to her, and get up wordlessly to continue on his way.  
“Ah, th-thanks!” Levy called after him, but he was already gone.  She sat there a moment staring in the direction he had gone before she, slowly rearranged her belongings into her bag.  Levy carefully got back up to her feet, shivered, and kept on her way home.
The yellow glow of her street was a welcome sight, and she warmed herself thinking about the heat inside her home.  Numb fingers struggled to open her front door, and once inside she made a beeline straight for her thermostat to turn on the heat.  She slipped out of her coat, hung it on a hook by the door and kicked off her boots.  Levy flipped on the lights on her way to the fireplace, and picked up some small logs stacked by the mantle to toss in before starting up the fire.  The warmth was more than welcome and brought the sensation back into her fingers.
With a relaxed smile on her face, Levy went to plug in her phone to a set of speakers and turned on some soft music.  A hum rose in her to accompany the melody as she set about warming up some soup she had made the night before; she needed something to ease her nerves.  While waiting for the food to be ready, she wandered into her room to change out of her work clothes and into warm, pale yellow pajamas.   Levy pulled her yellow headband from her hair and ruffled it a little.
The chime of the microwave brought her back out into the kitchen.  She had just set the bowl on the small kitchen table, when a sharp tap at the window nearly shook her out of her skin as she threw her spoon across the room.  So much for that.  She swung her panicked gaze to the double doors, and connected with the ruby gaze.
“Gajeel!” she gasped, catching sight of the very amused man outside.  She rushed over to the doors in the kitchen and pulled them open, “Get in here!  You’ll let all the heat out,” she urged as he stepped in, covered in flakes, and quickly shut the doors again.  
Much to her dismay he shook himself out, scattering snow all over her kitchen.  “You’re a hard one to catch alone these days,” he remarked, ignoring her displeasure at the shed of flurries, ”also nice toss,”  He commented with a cock of his head to the spoon now on the floor.  An embarrassed grumble escaped her as she rushed to pick up the utensil and wipe it off with her shirt, and to also hide the small red tinge in her cheeks.  The jovial, familiar attitude was not what she had expected, and it made it even clearer that there had been a tangible shift in their interactions with one another.  Also unexpected, was the fact he appeared to her as himself, as flesh.  Not iron.
His red eyes swept over her, taking in the small girl and her attire.  He tried to refine the details of his memory, having distanced himself from the real thing.  Fuckin’ hell, I can’t look away.  How did I even last this long, he thought, his gaze lingering on her face. On her gentle brown eyes, on the flush of her cheeks.
“That’s your fault.  Stupid,” she muttered, but she couldn’t help smiling at the black coat and the red scarf that was wrapped around his head to keep his hair back.  He looked comfortable, and her responsibility for that was warming.  But more noticeable, was that he hadn’t changed.  He stood before her just as himself, not as the iron dragon that had invaded her thoughts menacingly in the dark.  Guilt pricked sharply in her chest for what her imagination had done, and she shoved it away.
The dragon quickly made himself at home and pulled out a chair, straddling it backwards and crossing his arms over the back. “Where ya been?” he asked now, softer.  Levy felt her cheeks warm and a flutter in her stomach.  
“I could ask you the same thing,” she replied with an arched brow.  He quickly averted his gaze to the side with a slight, guilty grimace, and she immediately felt bad for asking.  “I’ve been working,” Levy added, trying to pull the focus back to herself.  
Gajeel grimaced and huffed, resting his hands and chin on the back of the chair.  “What’re you doin’ that for.”
She couldn’t help but laugh, and turned to scoop an extra bowl of soup without really thinking about it.  “Cause I have to, silly,” she responded, setting the bowl in front of him before she took her own seat next to him at the table.  “It’s terrible out there, why’d you come out in weather like this?” Levy asked, blowing on a spoonful of soup.  Gajeel had glanced curiously at his bowl and sniffed before he took his own bite.  The warm food, the crackling fire, the gentle music in the background, and the enthralling creature next to him were all incredibly domestic.  Where, along the line, did I end up deserving something like this?
“I wanted to see ya,” he mumbled after swallowing his mouthful.  It’s too damn exhaustin’ to not say it.  What I got to lose? he thought, studying her face, Well…that’s a stupid question.  Her, obviously.  But I can’t be anything but honest to a face like that.
To his delight, Levy’s face flushed again and her soup suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.  “Oh,” she responded, scarfing down another mouthful.  She had expected a level of novel curiosity from him regarding a world that had cast him out, but she didn’t quite expect him to so outwardly admit that she was his reason to come back.
“I, I tried,” Gajeel struggled with the words, trying to justify his own absence,  But in reality, he couldn’t come up with a reason other than the fact he was afraid to return.  That night and what he had felt stirring in his chest frankly startled him away from the bewitching little fairy.  He’d made it several days through one-sided conversations with his little black cat, but eventually his resolve cracked.  He remembered perfectly clearly the paths his thoughts took that day as he ventured to the 2nd floor for her and retrieved one of the foul-smelling, terrible books from his office.  Or what remained of it.  Gajeel had been overwhelmingly compelled to do something he’d never imagine, but he felt he needed to give her a piece of the truth.  She’s seen him, but she hadn’t known him yet.  Much as he hated it, what had been done to him was all he had to offer in terms of his identity.  He had no stories of his youth, no memories, nothing to give her.  Only part of the notes that chronicled his beginnings into this life.  
Gajeel stole away to her home, ready to hand the book to her and allow her to see.  He remembered feeling exhilarated, and absolutely terrified that the doors were left open for him.  But upon coming inside, he knew right away she wasn’t there.  The house was silent; still.  Disappointment twisted his stomach, but when he saw the clothing she left for him, hope renewed.  In that moment, he felt absolute relief that a safer option had presented itself to him, and he left the notebook in place of the clothes.  He resolved then to make himself wait before trying to meet her again, unsure how Levy would take the information.  He needed to give her time to absorb it.
The dragon moved a little in his seat. “You…read it right?” he asked tentatively.  It was the elephant in the room and he wanted to get it out of the way.
Levy stopped and stared at the table, before nodding, “Yeah.”
The flat tone left Gajeel feeling incredibly nervous.  She had let him inside, sat comfortably next to him, but she wasn’t looking at him.  His stomach sunk, and the dark, self loathing voices swirled in his head, working quickly to convince him that she would turn him away.
“I read it,” she said, and looked to him then.  “X777 was you?”
He grit his teeth and tensed his shoulders, looking away from her now.  It was strangely painful to hear the classification coming from her, even if he knew how she meant it.  “Yes,” he responded, keeping his gaze on the table.  What should he say?  What could he?  Are you going to run?  Will you send me away?  Expose me?
The silence was suffocating, constricting even.  He felt his chest tighten so much that he felt the only possible relief was to leave again.  The lack of words from her felt like just as much an answer as any, and it was all he needed.  Wordlessly, he moved suddenly in his chair to go.
Something stopped him.  Gajeel heard her shift, heard the chair slide on the hardwood floor, and he had just turned to face her but only saw blue.  His red eyes widened and his heart nearly stopped as a soft warmth settled over him.  Levy had wound her arms around his neck and nestled her face into his shoulder, barely having to bend to reach his height.  Especially since he sat up stick-straight as soon as he realized what was happening.  What is she doing!?  The contact was strange, it baffled him and set his every sense alight.  In every one of his memories, Gajeel had no recollection of ever having been touched in this way.  He became hyperaware; he could feel her breath on his neck, he could feel the hairs on his arms stand up, he could hear his blood in his ears…
“I’m so sorry,” Levy whimpered, her voice cracking.  There was the smell of salt, and Gajeel’s heart began to race.  “I am so sorry for what they did to you, I–” her voice broke with her tears and she held him tighter, her small frame shaking.  “It’s unthinkable.”
“Sh-shorty?” Gajeel stammered, lifting his hands in front of him a little, unsure where to put them.  “H-hey, what’re ya cryin’ for? ” he tried to sound even a little bit composed, but all he managed was barely controlled distress.  
“I’m not...” Levy mumbled and sniffed, holding him tighter.  I want….to ask about the article.  But…now isn’t right.  
Gajeel, finally, relaxed and angled himself to face her more directly. Slowly, he lifted his hands to place one on the back of her head, tangling into her hair.  The other went around her waist, pulling her sideways into his lap.  She did not protest, her stomach did flips, but she continued to cling to him.  At least he couldn’t see her face like this.  He closed his eyes, pressing his nose into her neck, his clouded mind soaring with how right she fit against him.  Thank you, Lev.
After several long moments, she pulled away from him, but not without a bit of resistance from him first.  She leaned back, took his face in her hands, and locked his gaze.  “Please stay here.”
Levy fidgeted nervously with the edge of the blanket she had wrapped around herself, staring into the fire with her back against the couch.  The sound of the fire, crackling and hissing, tried to overpower the sound of running water in the background.  When that didn’t suffice, she tried to focus on the sound of her music, which helped only a little.  The blunette glanced to the clock on the wall, surprised that it wasn’t as late as she thought it was.   Maybe because it felt like an eternity since she had offered for him, a man, to use her shower.  At night.  
She had been the one that insisted, knowing how nice a hot shower, especially on a cold night, could feel.  And really… when had he been able to use one last?  Levy was just trying to be helpful.  But she definitely had not planned ahead to the point where she would be sitting here waiting, by herself, while he was in her shower.  There were places her thoughts had started to wander, but with flaming cheeks and violent head shakes, she dashed them away.  It’s not even a big deal.  I’m just giving him basic necessities, she tried to tell herself.  
“You really gotta get stuff that doesn’t all smell like flowers.  Makin’ me smell like a damn fairy,” his voice startled her, and she jumped while looking to him abruptly.  Immediately, her face went red.
He stood there, rubbing his mane roughly with the towel she had lent him.  The flannel pants she had found seemed to fit well, and more than that the old green t-shirt she had dug up clung to him tightly, dampened by his poor job at drying his hair.  
Gajeel, noticing her stare, shifted uncomfortably, “What?”
Levy shook her head a bit too fervently and pulled her blanket up to her face a little.  “Nothing!” she answered quickly, glancing again at his untamed hair.  She furrowed her brow before she got up quickly, much to his surprise, and marched back to the bathroom in the hall.  He could only watch her with lifted brows, his hand that held the towel dropping a little.
She returned with a brush and comb in hand, and pointed to the floor in front of the couch.  “Sit there,” Levy instructed bluntly.  Normally, there might have been a smartass reply, or some kind of retort, but Gajeel was far too intrigued to come up with anything.  Quietly, he took a seat, and she moved to settle crosslegged behind him up on the couch.  He looked over his shoulder at her, the questions playing on his face.  Levy merely took his head in her hands, and pointed his face away from her.  “Hand me the towel and then hold still,” she said softly.  Compliantly, he reached back and gave her the towel.
She draped the towel over his shoulders, then sifted her delicate fingers through his hair to pull it up and rest it all on top of the towel, bringing a visible shudder from him.  He’ll catch cold if all that water drenches his shirt.  Slowly and much to Gajeel’s surprise, she started to work the brush through, being careful not to yank on any of his many, thick tangles.  She mumbled quiet apologies every time he tensed, but they otherwise sat in silence, with her music still playing in the background and the fire slowly dying out.  
Eventually, Gajeel allowed his eyes to close and he leaned his head back.  Her touch sent chills throughout him and settled a profound sense of peace in his chest.  He wasn’t ready to run, ready to defend himself, ready to scare off intruders.  Not a single other thing existed to him other than her and her touch.
Levy smiled softly to herself, enjoying the peace just as much.  The quiet wasn’t unusual for her.  The company, however, was.  Sure, she had Lucy, but that was very different from what she had here.  Levy had spent days trying to sort out how different.  But here, now, as they were, there was no more thought needed.  
Section by section, she sifted through his hair and delicately worked out the tangles, moving methodically and zoning out into the process.  She was unsure of how much time had passed when she had worked through all of that black mane of his, but the fire had reduced to cinders and his hair was almost completely dry.  Quietly, she set the brush aside and contented herself with running her fingers through his hair.  Her eyes were heavy, and eventually she settled onto her side, still idly playing with the strands around her fingers.  
“Gajeel?” Levy spoke up finally, her voice heavy with sleep.
“Hmm?” the dragon rumbled.
“Is Lily okay on nights like these?”  
Gajeel chuckled, resting his head back on the couch, “He’s great.  All the rats come inside when it gets cold like this so he has a field day.  It’s his favorite.”  Amusement hung on his tone.
Levy smiled, “That’s good.”  Her voice was barely audible as she twirled a lock around her finger.  “You know…you can bring him here if you want.”  
Gajeel huffed a small laugh, “If I stay here long enough he’ll probably find his way here eventually.”
Her face warmed and the familiar flutter in her stomach accompanied it.  If you stay…  Levy was no longer surprised by the fact that she didn’t want him to leave.  It was a feeling she couldn’t describe well, but she felt like he belonged here.  The idea of him going back to the way things had been for him, hiding in the dark by himself, was no longer something she could imagine.  And she could tell he felt the same.  There was an unspoken settling that had happened tonight, and to her it felt like a victory.  “Do you,” she started, taking a second to find the courage for the words, “do you want to stay?”
He glanced back at her and met her gaze.  There was a need, something in her eyes that made him feel like he didn’t belong anywhere else but here.  If he didn’t know better he might think she was begging him to.  “If you let me,” he replied.
“As long as you’d like,” she closed her eyes finally.  “It’s not so empty…with you here,” Levy barely whispered, finally losing the battle with sleep.
Gajeel took in the slumbering girl behind him, wrapped up in the knit blanket.  It felt strange, having someone rely on him like that.  But he wanted nothing more than to never let her down, to be the best that he could be for her.  Is this what purpose feels like? he thought, reaching back to pull the blanket up over her shoulder.  His hand lingered, and he brushed his scarred knuckles against her warm cheek.  The size difference, the roughness of his skin and the satin of hers was jarring. Gajeel’s eyes settled on her pink lips, lingering there pointedly.  There was a heat that rose in his chest, followed by a fear that was different from what he had known before.  Abruptly, he looked away, biting his lip.  Fuck.  His hand found its way to his forehead, massaging his temple.  What the hell is this?  I’ve never felt anything like this before.  My stomach is in knots.
Slowly, he glanced back at her again, watching the rise and fall of her sides with each breath.  He took a moment to look around the room, the take in the sounds around him and memorize how quiet it was so he would know abruptly if something was out of place.  She was vulnerable, small, and he had quietly tasked himself with guarding her.  He knew how dark the world could be, the types of people that still lurked out there, and he’d be damned if he ever let any of that touch her.  
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Enduring Jail.
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