#my favorite headcanon next to deaf bakugou
thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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As we all know, Katsuki Bakugou, aka the deformed looking hedgehog with angry pomeranian problems is a VERY AGGRESSIVE and POSSESSIVE ASF Yandere, not to mention slightly delusional too 
Daddy shark on the other hand, is a very doting yandere and wants to provide the BEST of the BEST for their darling and absolutely LOVES to smother their darling with affection and all that other shit. He is also a very OVERPROTECTIVE one might I add
Having Kirishima around is actually helpful for you since whenever Katsuki gets moody (like, WHEN IS he NOT moody? Lol, I make sound like some moody teenager with anger issues. Oh wait...*insert surprised pikachu face here*) , he tends to take his anger out on his favorite toy, aka you, but lucky for you, Kirishima intervenes and makes him stop acting like a spoiled and bratty child. Kirishima knows how to handle the situation and might even make it easy for you to handle. The way he behaves, you almost forget that he's a yandere,  (NOTICE!! I said, ALMOST) until you try asking for ''certain things'' and you try escaping in which case, OH BOY, I PRAY for you, you're basically toast
It's quite obvious that boom boom boi and rock boi are the dominant ones in the relationship meaning, you're the sub! Congrats and have fun ;)
If they catch you escaping, well... good luck with dealing with their punishments since they can be pretty brutal.... They might say some mean things to you which will also be followed by a few slaps here and there and basically, doing whatever they want with you
But aftercare with them is like 5 star treatment. If you fall into a state of depression and overwhelming sadness that has the look of a puppy getting kicked, they won't be able to stand it since they love you to death and they care for you okay? You're THEIRS and they can't let their darling precious angel enter such a horrible state now, can they?
Aftercare is typically done by you getting squished like a tomato in between them where they'll whisper soothing and sweet things into your ears and try calming you the FREAK down and stroke your hair and give you head pats and massages and especially LOADS of hugs and everyone favourite things: CUDDLES!!!!! They might even let you watch a movie of your choice if you're feeling really down as hell
You'll love the aftercare these strong bois have in store for ya pal. After an escape punishment, Bakugou will still be pissed at you and leave you there but Kirishima will take care of you. He'll make excuses for Bakugou and comfort you. Bakugou will have calmed down by then and he isn't the type to show affection and all that most of the times anyways, so expect to be spoiled to DEATH the next day by him giving you breakfast in bed and he won't exactly apologize but actions speak louder than words, don't they?
They will not hesitate to kill ANYONE who comes in their way. PERIODT. They aren't picky anyways about who to kill. Remember that man who was giving you the wrong look? Eyeballs gouged out. Bones? broken into pieces. Limbs? Ripped apart and torn to shreds. Hotel? Trivago (Lol, I did it again, so proud of myself :) )
If Bakugou snaps, it'll be like some mad dog has finally bitten him, but don't say that to him if you want to go deaf for a whole day. Anywho, if he snaps, good luck dealing with the uncontrollable pomeranian and I offer you my best wishes to you and Kirishima. He won't snap out of it easily and it usually involves him losing control of his emotions where he will hit you and Kirishima. Of course Kirishima WILL protect you and not let you get hit. What sort of man would he be if he lets you get hurt?
Bakugou will eventually realize what he's doing and finally go back to normal and will end up actually apologizing for once in his life and things might go back to normal (Well, as normal as they have been when you've been kidnapped)
If Kirishima is the one to snap, Bakugou won't stop it for a bit. He will calm you down if things start getting too much. If he feels that Kirishima is going too far, he'll just give him a whack on the head that'll ''wake'' him up and all that. Kirishima will go back and forth between spoiling you two and calling himself despicable for two weeks until you and Bakugou do something. If both of them snap... well... you get yo runnin' shoes and hide the HECK away from them and you start getting depressed 
When they get to know about your mental health state, don't be surprised if you wake up in the morning surrounded with over 50+ oversized hoodies and your favorite things. The root of their affection comes from one word. Cuddles. They will cuddle all day and not want to move unless one of you gets hungry. They will give you kisses and shit too but cuddles are their forte
Once you develop Stockholm Syndrome, damn do these two spoil you. They let you get whatever cute outfit you want but they limit if it's more of a household outfit vs going out outfit. Their extremely dominant side comes out because you're timid or rebellious nature has died at this point
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kurogiriis · 4 years
Could I get some hard of hearing bakugou (because of his quirk) teaching his S/O some sign language? Good luck on ur blog :)
A/N: thaaaanks :D!!! – HoH Bakugou is actually one of my favorite headcanons lol along with HoH present mic part 2 (kind of)
HoH Bakugou Katsuki with an S/O who learns sign language
💥 Although usually masked with his “I’m the best at everything, everyone else sucks” personality, Katsuki is pretty self-conscious about his. 
💥 His hearing wasn’t a problem when he was younger. Not even in middle school. 
💥 But, when he entered U.A. and his quirk got more powerful, his hearing deteriorated. 
💥 This frustrated him since there was a direct correlation between him getting stronger and him slowly going deaf. 
💥 Over time, he learned to accept this as a new part of his life. 
💥 But he still preferred to keep it under wraps. After all, it was none of those extras’ business anyway.
💥 Cut to when he met you. 
💥 You were one of the best students of the hero course and classified in the top 5 ranks during the sports festival. 
💥 That in addition to your stellar grades and powerful quirk earned you some respect from the explosive blond. 
💥 You and Katsuki soon became a couple nearing the end of your first year. 
💥 You adored your dedicated boyfriend. 
💥 His constant hard work to achieve the #1 was honestly inspiring and you admired him so much for it. 
💥 You guys were pretty open and avoided keeping secrets, but he didn’t tell you right away.
💥 One night, after hanging out in his room all afternoon, he confides in you and tells you his only secret. 
💥 You understood his feelings right away and the night was followed by a ton of “thank you for trusting me’s”, “I love you so much’s”, and cuddles. 
💥 You assured him it was nothing to be self-conscious about, it just proves how much more you deserve the #1 spot
💥 After hearing about his condition, you knew what you had to do next. 
💥 Learn JSL, ofc. 
💥 You looked up so many Youtube tutorials and textbooks it took 2GB of your computer’s memory. 0.0
💥 You ended up signing up for classes since it was what most websites recommended. 
💥 After a few months, you knew the basic phrases like “y/n,” “hello,” “how are you,” “please and thank you,” the five w’s, “yes and no,” and I love you.” Along some other ones to connect your sentences. 
💥 After relentless practice, you knew you were ready to show Katsuki. 
💥 During one late-night study sesh, instead of asking him out loud, you signed him a question about the homework. 
💥 katsuki.exe stopped working 
💥 He stares for a second before recollecting himself and signing back the answer. 
💥 You nod and write it down in your notebook.
💥 “Since when do you know sign language?” 
💥 “I started practicing after you told me, did I sign it right?” 
💥 Needless to say, he was very fucking touched after this. 
💥 “Y/n learned JSL just to talk to me” 
💥 After that, you guys signed to each other all the time.
💥 Mostly in private since it would be hard for the rest of the bakusquad to keep up with the conversation, but also in public to talk in a more private manner. 
💥 You guys even came up with your own unique signs for times when you really didn’t want anyone to know what you were talking about. 
💥 Your hand looked like this  🤟 every time he looked over at you
💥 And, without fail, he would always blush.
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Have you been asked about your Bakugou headcanons/theories yet? Can I get a link/list summary? I was page stalki-SURFING and I couldn't find the things.
Oho. Ohohohohoho. No, I HAVENT been asked about them yet. Will I take this opportunity to explain, in great detail, every single one of them tho?
You bet your ass I am 3:)
(It’s all going under the cut tho, cuz I foresee this being hella long and I don’t wanna fuck up anyone’s dash)
Ok, so let’s start by getting the fairly popular ones out of the way:
1) Bakugou likes cooking and uses it as a way to destress. 2) He fucking hates the cold/winter in general3) He’s touch-starved as FUCK4) You can pry demisexual!Bakugou out of my cold, dead hands5) Because of the MASSIVE FUCKING EXPLOSIONS LITERALLY AN ARMS LENGTH FROM HIS EAR, boi is going deaf and as a result is learning JSL6) Boi gets nightmares And now, on to my more personal ones. • He and Camie are friends (well, him and the entire group who took the supplementary lessons are all friends, lbr) and he’d rather die than admit it• He gets up scary early in the morning, just to have some peace and quiet to himself. Baku does things like review his notes, go for a morning jog, and more recently he makes breakfast for the whole class on weekends• His closet in his parents’ house is far more diverse than the closet he has at UA. Part of it is that there’s just not enough room for it all, but he doesn’t see the need for a lot of fancy clothes taking up space when he’s only gonna need the workout gear and his lazy clothes. • In a similar vein, he’s got great fashion sense and Kirishima in particular makes him h u r t with his Crocs and his stupid bright patterned shirts and everything. He doesn’t say anything at first (cuz he has a reputation to maintain) but when he does, he says it LOUDLY. • Bakugou likes to keep his space organized. His room at his house has an All Might merch collection to rival Midoriya’s, but he brought almost none of it to UA. (The exception is his favorite All Might figurine, he’s a little superstitious about it and thinks it brings him luck.) His room is just about as normal-looking as Ojirou’s. For the first semester of dorm life, that is. • The next two years see an increase in little knickknacks and personal shit lying around: stuff from the Bakusquad, a framed photo of him and Kirishima hiking (taken by Masaru), scorch marks from when he wakes himself up from the nightmares, stuff like that. • He hates that Kaminari has a higher grade in English than he does• If he doesn’t understand an emotion or how to describe/quantify it, he completely avoids talking/thinking/wondering about it. Complete denial. Bakubitch has the mindset that “if I ignore the thing that doesn’t fit it’ll either go away or solve itself and I can keep focusing on being number one”. It’s a really, REALLY unhealthy mindset. Someone get him a therapist. • He texts with perfect grammar/punctuation• Thanks to Kaminari and Camie, he becomes fluent in Vine• Bakugou actually really likes kids! He just doesn’t exactly know how to relate to them (cuz he’s an 84-year-old man in a 16-year-old’s body lmaooo), but he legitimately wants to take care of them the best he knows how. • He’s one of those organized nerds with playlists to go with every single subject. (I’m actually working on making a general studying playlist for him to go along with Grumpy Cat, can’t remember if I said it here or not.) Likewise, he’s got certain highlighters for each subject (like yellow for English, pink for math, purple for hero history, etc. etc.) and his notes are #Aesthetic. Even Iida is jealous. • His music taste in general isn’t very varied though; mainly rock variations and the studying stuff (I’m making a general Bakugou playlist as well, I’ll link it eventually)• Yes he listens to MCR. Yes he’s unashamed of it. Yes he’ll blow your face off if you try and laugh at him for it. He also likes Green Day and LADYBABY. • Halfway through second year, he finally fucking apologizes to Midoriya for bullying him mercilessly for like ten goddamn years. That’s not a theory, or a headcanon, that’s a deadline. Horikoshi you have until summer of their second year for you to make Bakubitch apologize for telling Mido to kill himself. Do it, coward. • Speaking of middle school, Baku runs into his henchmen from then once when he’s out with the squad. They get pissy that he’s ““replaced”” them so easily, the squad leaps to his defense without missing a beat, Bakugou gets choked up and makes them all dinner with his characteristic bad grace. It’s adorable (also a oneshot I’ve been meaning to write for a while now lmaooo, might post it as a drabble later). • He interns with Miruko!!! Cuz that’s my whole ass wIFE right there and I want to see her interact with my son, also cuz they have really similar personalities and what with her being the number 5 hero, Bakugou has a lot he can learn from her. I think that’s it for now, if I think of any more I’ll add them in the reblogs. Thanks for giving me free rein to ramble my heart out!!! Damn, I should do this more often…
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todorokis-left-shoe · 5 years
Some Bakugou headcanons because I love him
He repeats words or phrases other people say a lot. It's mostly under his breath but sometimes he says it out loud.
It's actually how he first picked up cursing. Totally not his mom's fault.
Often times he repeats what his teachers say, especially when taking notes. It's a easier way to short hand and organize them.
He was once offered a taste of alcohol by one of his middle school "friends" but he refused. He was taught that underage drinking is bad and stuck to it.
He needs reading glasses but doesn't want to become his father.
He'd rather be blind than look like an old man.
When he was 6, he really did think All Might was his real dad.
Masaru took him to the park one day and just chilled at the playground. Bakugou played in the sandbox, just building randomly shaped castles and them shaming them. Masaru went to pick him up, knowing he wouldn't walk on his own, to leave but then Bakugou started throwing a tantrum and just shouted "YOUR NOT MY DAD!"
By the end of the day, Mitsuki had go pick up her ridiculous husband and son from the police station.
When he was 4, he had to announce to his parents when he had to pee. No matter where or when, he would loudly exclaim "I HAVE TO PEE!"
He still does it when it's just his mom in the room because he likes hearing her funny quips.
"I have to pee." "Oh geez, congratulations. Give the boy an award. A celebration for his need to use the restroom." *she then proceeds to clap as he leaves the room*
He likes watching detective type shows.
It's mainly just the older ones like in black and white.
Has a favorite t-shirt.
And that t-shirt is a Minecraft creeper that he made on a shirt design website.
The shirt says "Fucking explode" in bold English text as a jpg image of a creeper sits in the middle of the white background.
His favorite Pokemon is actually slowpoke. He just likes its stupid face.
He has a condition called "hyperhidrosis" which is a result due to his quirk.
He sweats way too much all the time so he's always super aware of how sweaty he is. And how he always smells like caramel.
When someone points out a permanent sweat stain on his other clothes, he just pretends he never noticed it and throws it out later on. It's the reason why he chooses to wear black or white shirts more.
He wears a lot of cotton to keep himself cooler— dispute it not really working well.
His uniforms are all specially ordered to be made cotton as well.
He can and will drink an entire jug of water in one hour and will fight you if you said anything.
Used to like riding on his father's shoulders.
Even pretended he was flying.
When he was 10, Mitsuki brought him to a hair salon one weekend while Masaru worked.
He left with a perm and a whole jar of lollipops.
Everyone liked his perm and anyone who said they didn't had to answer to his fist.
Once tried to keep a squirrel as a pet.
Before it ran away he named it Boom Boom.
He still left the bird feeder full of acorns for Boom Boom even after Mitsuki told him he was gone.
He was actually 13 when this happened.
Desperately wants heelies but knows he'd loose the wheels within a week.
Tensei/Ingenium is his 4th favorite hero because his costume looks cool.
Would never admit it because his little brother is lame and is in his class.
Has degenerative hearing loss.
For that reason alone he learned sign language.
He was stuck in a partner project with Koda for history class once. He knew he wasn't much of a talker and really did respect that so he didn't pressure him to speak.
Instead he started signing out what they should do so Koda would start signing with him.
Jiro noticed this and started teasing him about it; saying he was going soft and such alike.
But Bakugou dismissed it and the next day, without Koda even going to him, Bakugou started signing with him in a casual manner.
He felt more at ease knowing his JSL(Japanese sign language) wasn't going to waste.
He felt even more relieved to know that Present Mic was both going deaf and knew JSL(also ASL) just like him.
And then 2000% more relieved when he found out All Might also knew sign language.
He has a side Instagram account that's just pictures of his dad with his glasses upside down either on his face or sitting on top of his head.
He calls it "Masaru_king_of_glasses"
His father has no clue this is a thing but his mother does.
Class 1-a has no idea this exists.
The entirety of class 1-b DOES know of this Instagram account thanks to Monoma's inexplicable need to know everything about 1-a so he could thrash on them.
Class 1-b all follow the Instagram and had, for some reason, claimed Bakugou's father as their own father.
Mitsuki taught Bakugou how to cook because he's actually a picky eater. That way he could fix his food to his own liking.
He will not eat his rice if it touches something that doesn't belong on the rice.
If his beef has even a spec of pepper on it he will not eat it.
He absolutely hates pepper.
Also garlic.
Garlic makes him gag.
He counts his steps in his head as he walks.
He doesn't know why, he just does.
These were just some random things floating in my head so I hope you liked them. I know it was a lot lmao.
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kurogiriis · 4 years
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A/N: *I had to re-upload this bc tumblr is annoying* Apparently you guys really liked HOH Bakugou, so I guess I have no other choice than to write some more 😌 technically, 🤘 this means rock on, compared to 🤟 which means I love you but let’s just say the reader does 🤟 because they don’t know the difference lol not that it really matters since I just noticed JSL has a completely different sign for this 😔 Also, I absolutely ADORE rock, it’s my #1 genre so, excuse me while I plug my music taste into the reader’s playlist *ends up mentioning like 3 bands and they’re not even my faves smh* Also, this ended up being really long 0.0 I just love this headcanon.
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HOH Bakugou with a crush who’s really into rock and accidentally does the ILY sign
💥 When Bakugou first met you, he was immediately attracted to you. 
💥 You were powerful, talented, smart, and most importantly, had a good music taste. 
💥 Fortunately for him, you were also really into him and enjoyed his company. 
💥 Unfortunately, neither of you were aware of the other’s feelings. 
💥 You and Jirou were always talking about new releases from your favorite bands in class or music from older bands you had rediscovered. 
💥 During the school festival, you became closer friends, spending time together during rehearsal. 
💥 Although he would never admit it, he wanted to spend more time with you, even after the event was over, switching seats to be closer and asking you to pair up during projects. 
💥 However, the more you hung out together, the more you noticed his unusual behavior when you listened to music. 
💥 At first, you began to think it was second-hand embarrassment. 
💥 After all, nothing could stop you from acting like you were in an actual concert when Bohemian Rhapsody or Kimi to Iu Hana played on shuffle, singing loudly off-tune and banging your head while doing what you thought was the rock on sign 🤟. 
💥 Every time you listened to your favorite songs over your headphones, he would always look uncomfortable, maybe even flustered. 
💥 One day, he just couldn’t take it anymore. While you were waving your hands around and singing out loud, he just snapped. 
💥 “Could you stop doing that fucking sing!” 
💥 “Huh? This one? 🤟” 
💥 He was blushing while he said it, looking away while muttering something under his breath. 
💥 “Yes, stop doing that, it doesn’t mean what you think it means, idiot.” 
💥 “What does it mean then?” 
💥 “Look it up, I’m not your encyclopedia.” 
💥 With that, he left your room, leaving you to wonder what that whole conversation was about.
💥 After hours upon hours of weird google searches seriously, try to describe hand signs with words you stumbled upon an ASL website explaining common mistakes beginner ASL learners made. 
💥 One of the first ones was how many did the I love you sign when they actually meant to do the rock on one. 
💥 You were confused at first. Why would Bakugou know sign language? But finally understood the reason he was flustered all those times. 
💥 When it finally dawned on you the meaning of your gestures, you felt very embarrassed.
💥 You had a big crush on Bakugou but telling him you loved him before you were even dating was a bit too much. 
💥 “How do you know sign language?” you asked the next day during homeroom. 
💥 “I’m going deaf,” he said matter-of-factly. 
💥 It all started to make sense and wanted to ask more questions, but class was already starting. 
💥 Once the period was over, he pulled you aside and explained further. 
💥 “My explosions,” he explained, “the bigger and louder I made them, the worse my hearing got. Before you say that you’re sorry for me out of pity just know I’m still better than all these fucking extras and I’m gonna be number one no matter what.”
💥 “I wouldn’t expect anything less,” you responded, being met with a pink tint on his cheeks. 
💥 Over the following weeks, you started to pick up some sign language and tried to communicate with Bakugou using it, seeing that it was easier for him to understand. 
💥 The time you spent together, becoming closer friends, the more your feelings for him grew, and, as cheesy as it sounded, you planned to confess to Bakugou with some of your favorite songs. 
💥 At first, you planned to follow that old trend of making a spotify playlist and confessing through song titles, but the songs just didn’t match. You just couldn’t have a rap song followed by two pop songs and then by modern and classic rock just for the sake of forming a coherent sentence. 
💥 You wanted to go with something that conveyed your feelings while not being too forward. This proved to be a difficult task. 
💥 There were a seemingly infinite amount of songs talking about love and heartbreak, but it seemed impossible to find one that truly resonated with how you felt. After all, you really liked Bakugou, but you also wanted to take things slow, wanting to actually tell him you loved him when you actually meant it and not during a silly misunderstanding. 
💥 After hours of scrolling through your playlists, you finally found one that was perfect. 
💥 At first, you were gonna go with IWBYL by Breimen, but I wanna be your lover might be taken out of context. Then you thought about going with What I Like About You by the Romantics. It seemed like a perfect option until you noticed Bakugou didn’t fit any of the things they mentioned in the lyrics. Crush by Tessa Violet also seemed like a good option until you imagined how you would react if someone made you listen to that song. It sounded a bit obsessive, so you decided to go with something else. 
💥 Feeling defeated, you thought about planning another way to express your feelings.
💥 You pressed shuffle on your playlist while you opened your laptop to look for ideas. 
💥 That’s when you heard the chorus.
💥 “Come over here and sit next to me” “We can see where things go naturally” 
💥 Although it wasn’t what you originally planned, the song just fit. You decided you would make him listen to it and explain afterward if he didn’t understand. 
💥 During one of your study sessions, you tapped him to call his attention. You had the song prepared on your phone and were planning to hand him one of your headphones, knowing that waiting for someone to listen to a song you recommend while in silence is possibly the most awkward feeling known to man. 
💥 As you held the device towards him he just looked at you in confusion. 
💥 “What?” 
💥 “Put it on.” 
💥 “I can’t, in-ear headphones mess with my hearing aids,” he said, annoyed at your ignorance. 
💥 “Oh.”
💥 You went back to your books. You knew you had to do this today or else you would chicken out forever. Tapping him for the second time, he turned towards you. 
💥 “What now?”
💥 Carefully, trying not to mess up regardless of your nervously shaking hands, you signed I like you. 
💥 His cheeks went crimson as he looked at you in disbelief. 
💥 “Are you sure you signed that right?” 
💥 “I hope so,” you said with a nervous laugh, signing it again carefully and adding a lot at the end. 
💥 “I-,” he was speechless and managed the seemingly impossible feat of turning even redder before nervously signing back I like you a lot too.
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