#my favorite interpretation of this is either
iraprince · 20 hours
That chart of your GW2 ocs has compelled me so much. what is gw2. how do you make gay plants in it
guild wars 2 is my favorite mmo of all time! it's free to play, tho if u ever do end up paying for the expacs/living world seasons and stuff they all have flat costs, no monthly subscription ever. (this is what i really like about it, bc games w subs stress me out... if something has a sub and i don't play every day i feel like i'm wasting money or something lol vs gw i can fall off the wagon for weeks/months and no harm done)
ANYWAY our gay plants are one of the playable races -- they're kind of gw2's version of elves, loosely, but they're called sylvari and imo they're much cooler. rather than being "born" they just Wake Up as fully formed adults from the pods of a magical tree and gain mmmmost (but not all) of their consciousness/general understanding of the world from a shared dream that contains the memories and life experience of the sylvari who have come before them, and at the beginning of the plot sylvari as a people have only existed for like. ~20 years, which i think is a really, really compelling hook. also i'm being serious and textual abt the gay thing, arguably the most central sylvari npc is a lesbian and her relationship w her ex is plot important, one of the starter missions u can choose as a sylvari centers around helping a gay couple and the dialogue is Really Insistent abt not letting it be interpreted as "wow they're good friends!!" etc etc
there's also an Evil Faction of sylvari called the nightmare court who feel the dream is overly controlling/sanitized and want to "liberate" sylvari by balancing out the experiences contained in the dream w more negative and painful ones instead -- in-game more often than not they're written pretty flatly as cackling puppy-kicking supervillains but i think they're really interesting lol, a huge chunk of my + marina's ocs are either current or ex nightmare courtiers (including merrit and glyndwr!)
okay wait wait wait im getting distracted and infodumping u can learn all this stuff yourself by getting into the game. gotta rein it in. uhhh let me leave u w screencaps of a bunch of our ocs so u can see some character creation options bc they're so cool
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also hey furries: fuicking excellent beast race with close to no sexual dimorphism.
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(the one on the left in this pic is an m model and on the right is the f model. the main difference between charr gender models, literally, is how fluffy their tails are. charr fucking rule)
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spotlightstudios · 1 year
I'm alive when I shouldn't be. Not that I've been revived or someone took the bullet tor me. I just... shouldn't have survived a specific event, and now it follows me everywhere I go.
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smrtnik07 · 4 months
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admiral-arelami · 5 months
AITA If My Favorite Character is a Fascist?
Uh oh. The Fascsplainers are at it again. Yes, we know what fascism is, thx.
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ghafahey · 2 years
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a chain reaction of countermoves to assess the equation of you. check mate! i couldn’t lose.
fall(ing) for @mdzswomen : week 2 — qin su + betrayal
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chiarrara · 15 days
I’m now very curious what your opinions on kagehina are after seeing your tags under that fanon post 👀
no strong opinions really, just not the most popular opinion from what I've seen. I fully understand the ship, but based on the source material alone I don't see their relationship that way at all, and I think it's much more interesting as it's presented in the show vs through a romantic lens. After watching through the whole show these last couple months, I think all of haikyuu is more interesting actually when you don't ship the characters, but also it's a male dominated shonen with an ensemble cast and it's very easy to ship almost any two characters together so I understand why it's so popular to do so.
All that said, I do ship Hinata and Kenma a lil bit. what can you do, I think they're neat. I also like them a lot as a friendship too. I'm not really picky, because I love the source material as is and the source material is by and large not romantic, therefore almost all of the dynamics are built on a sports foundation, which as a sports girly, I really love.
But yeah I just think kagehina is much more interesting as a complex teammate/duo relationship where they're both each other's biggest rival and most important collaborator. They're linked on the court because of what they can do with each other that no one else can do, but sort of reluctantly close friends off the court. I also think their roles in the story are very interesting, I like the way they complement and mirror each other, the way they support and challenge each other, and I just think they have a really fun and fascinating dynamic as presented in canon. I think putting them into a romantic context kind of flattens all that and also tends to severely mischaracterize them and their dynamic.
In short they're just much more interesting to me as teammates than they are as love interests.
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crumbleclub · 1 year
Touch-averse Michael trying to work himself up to being able to give his brother a hug when he tells him he's sorry. Evan always liked hugs.
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murderlacrosse · 1 year
it's frankly annoying to read a post that 1, complains about shippers seeing their ship romantically (pls learn logic) and 2, pretends that skk doesn't have so many amazing analyses abt their individual characters all over socmed.
character metas about chuuya, chuuya and the flags, chuuya and the mafia, dazai, dazai and oda, dazai and the buraiha trio, dazai and the agency....wonderful analyses written by ppl who put a lot of thought in the dynamic between skk themselves and their other relationships and their individual characters.
if you choose to ignore that, that's on you.
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dolokhoded · 6 months
mel c magdalene made me realize what was missing from my magdalene design and it's that she's not fucking jacked. it's crucial to her character
#🧅#literally my takeaway from jcs2012 was mary magdalene's arms. yeah those guys were there too i guess#i think hers might be my favorite portrayal of mary#like. not just because she's jacked i just really liked how jc2012 worked with magdalene#she felt more fleshed out. and i <3 yvonne elliman in this role i always will but lets be so for real in the 1973 movie mary was a sexy lam#character except instead of sexy she was like. sopping wet cat lamp character#i mean i think she was also sexy. but that's beside the point this post is not about how attractive i find yvonne elliman#or mel c#well it kind of is about how attractive i find mel c#whatever. my point is it was the 70s and she was a female character. so like. you get it !#and i feel like a lot of the time magdalene is very girlbossified in a way that makes her very one dimensional#without EVER her appearing masculine of course because god forbid the one female character does not appear to the male gaze#(well originally female character anyways. today genderbend casting is a thing and it fucks)#it's either she's a Girl Disciple (no further elaboration) or she's like. a girlboss stone hearted biker gang leader leather jacket queen#(no actual further elaboration but her one 'ooh i love this man and i dont know how to show it' solo tricks you into thinking there is)#while 2012 magdalene somehow seems much more well rounded to me.#they let her be herself more. idk. that's how i interpreted it at least. in my mind.#it's like. i feel many other marys i've seen are described by how they treat jesus (and sometimes judas)#but this one still feels present even when jesus is not around. or he is but she's not interacting with him.#again this is a very specific interpretation that clicked in my brain im not saying that jcs2012 like. did some groundbreaking feminist#portrayal of magdalene. but yknow !#she also didn't acknowledge judas' existence once while he had created some weird one sided beef with her which was. very funny to me#literally did not waste a glance at him.
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lavendorii · 1 year
one thing I think p5 timeloop aus miss is the fact that Akira's obsessive replaying to try and save someone is not exclusive to akechi. I'm not gonna pretend like shuake isn't an appealing part but I feel like I need to clarify that I think akira would be voluntarily destroying himself if it was any of his friends or confidants. It doesn't sound like a big deal but the intense need to save everyone and then subsequent guilt when he fails is an incredibly important and interesting part of his character (ie. the way he reacted when he was keeping maruki from falling, even after everything). he's just a lover and can't bear to lose anyone which welcomes in a myriad of other questions as to why
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vtmbbot · 2 years
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“Hey, you’re still a DJ fan, Goemon? You haven’t matured at all during the last five years! Right, Goemon?” “You haven’t quit smoking as you promised 5 years ago. Daisuke Jigen.”
Ishikawa Goemon XIII in Lupin the Third Part II (1977-1980)
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Wolf: My lord.
Genichiro *looking like he’s about to have an aneurism*: Don’t ever call me that again.”
*Wolf & his dead eyed stare*: Of course, my lord.
“Your the reason I’m going to be dead before I’m thirty.”
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lovecatsys · 8 months
Akihiro 🤝 Quentin
every single art of them is creepy or bad except when they're in really bad or out of character books
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I love them!!!
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Ballet of the Misthios
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neixins · 4 months
the sword and shield part of the prophecy is soooo vague that i’ll rotate every possible theory inside my silly little head and then go “or it could be smth else”. absolute net zero conclusions reached but i had fun.
#like. i think hak being the sword is one of if not the most popular theories and i can see it bc well. look at the guy#but it’s the specifics of the wording that give me pause#‘WHEN the four dragons are gathered the sword and shield which will protect the king SHALL AWAKEN’#when hak’s been there from the beginning + there’s also ik-su’s warning that hak will die if yona doesn’t find the dragons#which. there’s definitely ways to interpret him still being the sword (or shield!! that’d also be a neat twist) even with that in mind#but ngl i’m also a sucker for the idea that he’s just. there bc he loves yona. no connection to the prophecy whatsoever.#like both options make sense to me and i can see either one happening#anyway my personal favorite theory rn is that riri is the either the sword or the shield#not saying it’s the most probable option. just the most fun to meeee <3#and ngl it only occurred to me during the latest chapter bc she’s clearly gonna play some kind of role#so it’s not like i have like a mountain of compelling evidence but i do have more than just. a feeling#like she has the sociopolitical standing and the ability (or at least pluckiness) to fill either role right?#and she was introduced and grew as a character only after all four dragons were gathered#which fits with some of the only things we know about the sword and the shield#do u see what i’m getting at?? am i making any sense at all??#it could also ofc be a literal sword and shield which. tbh i think is the most likely but also less fun to speculate about#anyway i also think tae-jun will have a bigger role to play. either as a part of the prophecy or not#but also how might zeno’s recent actions impact the prophecy……. much to think about as always#but that’s enough theorizing for one day! time to grab my iced coffee from the fridge and work on my silly little fic <3#akayona
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