#my favourite tag. bad wizards and the metaphysical consequences of their love šŸ„°
onewomancitadel Ā· 1 year
B/S W/J anon still (this is a terrible way to sign off hrgdjfh. Henceforth towers all the way down?). Not a novel this time I just want to say mhmhmhm! Iā€™m tossing the ā€˜you getttttt iiiiitā€™ right back.
I cannot for the life of me remember exactly how I found your blog but I did twig the pairing first, yeah. I do recall rifling around in your reverse Ozlem tag like a magpie in a jewelry box, and having been lurking vigilantly since.
Ooh, also. The point you raised about romance intrinsically being embedded in family is very cool because thatā€™s really actually why I would say my interest in romance is routed through family; not solely what youā€™re born to but also what you make.
The duality of that and the balance between the need for connection, love, and need for independent identity, really appeals to me across all kinds of love. Family and familial have always felt different in scope to me, in an annoyingly nebulous way, very wide-vs-narrow but why; this compare-contrast of your angle and mine has clarified that semantic mental distinction, which is very cool, so thanks!
Loads and loads of appreciation for your thoughts and time. <3
Well I think slowly over time my inbox notification might no longer send my stomach swooping. I checked this whilst eating dinner and I was like, oh thank fuck. Hahahaha
You can be Tower Anon, which is fun because in tarot the Tower can symbolise radical transformation and paradigm shifts. I actually don't know if RWBY references tarot, but I do enjoy thinking of Jaune as the Fool.
I cannot for the life of me remember exactly how I found your blog but I did twig the pairing first, yeah. I do recall rifling around in your reverse Ozlem tag like a magpie in a jewelry box, and having been lurking vigilantly since.
This is so interesting and emboldens me rather dangerously. I mean, I'm always happy to change minds and I always find the relation of that a rather grand rush, but in this case you've got a fresh perspective and I think that's really interesting. I'm glad you enjoy my Reverse Ozlem tag. I do think of this blog as the magpie hoard in my fairy cave. (:
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This is where I girlblog.
Ooh, also. The point you raised about romance intrinsically being embedded in family is very cool because thatā€™s really actually why I would say my interest in romance is routed through family; not solely what youā€™re born to but also what you make.
The duality of that and the balance between the need for connection, love, and need for independent identity, really appeals to me across all kinds of love. Family and familial have always felt different in scope to me, in an annoyingly nebulous way, very wide-vs-narrow but why; this compare-contrast of your angle and mine has clarified that semantic mental distinction, which is very cool, so thanks!
Well, I find the topic rather interesting because the (platonic) found family trope is really common in fandom spaces, but... romantic attachments are found family? That is already archetypally the case. Then again, I have broader issues because I think that the transactional value of romantic love is, well, valued in society and storytelling (ego validation, ownership) but the actual fundamental quality of romantic love (unconditional regard, transformation, connection) is not. So you have people who reject romantic love entirely, when really I am rejecting 'bad' heteronormativity. I value romantic love in real life and in storytelling, and in storytelling I am interested in interconnected character development, transformation, and of course sexual intercourse.
I think though for me there are qualities specific to romance which are familial but also aren't. If we're speaking in the context of Knightfall specifically, Jaune is the character who can reach Cinder because of the specific power of romantic love in the story which can allow for completely transgressing good-and-evil when it seems most impossible and heretical, and because it injects some genuine bias into the matter - can you trust Cinder or does he just love her? There's the potential for some really juicy drama there if they're clever, but this is why I think the secret love affair (heresy!) has the potential to be interesting, because you wouldn't ask this question about friendship, or, if say, they were related in some way (shock family reveal, lol). The thing is as well is that for both Jaune and Cinder moving beyond being children is possible through making adult connections... and Cinder's not had unconditional connections, not someone willing to transgress everything. So to my eyes romantic love here is working in narrative epic scope as well, and I'm interested in the sublime specifically, especially the intensely emotional which has metaphysical/physical consequences, and maybe even divine madness.
I think it sounds like you are interested in the self-actualisation of characters and I think that crosses over with romance quite naturally, probably in ways a lot of people don't really conceive of, because romance is Guy Get Girl, or Girl Get Guy, standing in the background, romance-as-trophy, or romance as a series of non-connected events whilst the writers invent new drama, etc. To your average casual shipper or your average person's conception of romance, this might be a little alien as it's more rooted in narrative goals and needs, and of course my dollies kissing, often and well.
But as I was saying, I do enjoy those relationships you yourself referenced (Ruby-Summer in particular). Part of the reason I think the romance in this story works so well is because the relationships outside of those romances are actually so well-defined, and overall I really enjoy the ensemble cast because you don't get that effect of Jaune/Cinder without it.
Really, truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for your asks and please always feel free to stop by again, especially if you've got any questions or you want to share any more thoughts. I hope you're here for the finale too, because I'd love to hear what you think then. I don't check my inbox until I've watched the episode, so there won't be any chance of you accidentally spoiling me if you want to come say hi and let me know what you think of it all. It would probably do me good too for the emotional devastation that may be wrought. Tee hee.
In the meantime as well of course, if you have any further thoughts on anything I'd love to hear them. Have a lovely evening and take care! Thank you again!
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