#my fellow simps-fiction is meant to be played with
annwayne · 8 months
Y’all please.
Your f/o’s, your blorbos, your selfships think you are hot and love you.
“But we’re not compatible.” “It’s out of character for them to like me.” “They wouldn’t go for me.”
Shh. Shhh. Gently I hold my finger to your lips as I reveal a new frontier of thought to you.
In character is a matter of what it takes for a character to act different. What love and gentleness can you give your blorbo to make them yearn for you? To trust you and open their heart to you? How are you the one that catches their eye? All of these questions can be answered positively.
Expand your horizons. Scrutinize if the world they come from really would have our same beauty standards. Really think if your crush would even care that you have back rolls or acne scars or wrinkles. Then think on what it would take for them to stop seeing the parts of you and instead see the whole, beautiful, wonderful person that you are.
Love can change a person so much. How would it change your f/o?
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