#my fiancee did so good for me the other day and I have been nonstop showering them with praise for ir
katsukis-sad-angel · 4 years
FatSquadCanons; During and right after the Chisaki arc
Pairing: Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader, Eijirou Kirishima x Reader, & Tamaki Amajiki x Reader
Summary: The Fat Gum squad and their girlfriends/wives/fiancees during and right after the Chisaki Arc in My Hero academia
Warnings: Sex talk, slight angst, mentions of intercourse, cock-warming, swearing, cuteness
Author’s Note: That gif below brought back the sun, cured my depression, got rid of my anxiety, cured the coronavirus, and made Jesus rise from the cross and beat the shit out of Pontious Pilate
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Taishiro Toyomitsu
Mostly SFW
Misses you
You’re so pretty and happy and you give the best hugs and have the sweetest voice so being deprived of those things for so long…
But he had to focus
They had to save Eri, so he couldn’t have your elegant features staining the cloth of his mind right now
You, on the other hand, try and cope with your worry, lust, and sadness by rolling up in his spare hero hoodies and his big black shirts because they’re warm and they smell just like him
You miss the way he held you in his arms as though you were made of porcelain, the way he kissed your lips like it was the last time, his big, warm, soft stomach you could sink into, the twisty blonde hair you loved combing your fingers through, his big smile, his huge hands, his hugs, his lips, his dick, and his laugh
That chuckle...
It would be the death of you
You just wanted to be back in his arms… or in his lap…
Or under him while he fucked your brains out
Pick one
He hasn’t been home in 2 whole week
So your touch starved as fuck, hungry for dick, lonely, sad, and worried
You’ve been eating dinner alone and the news has been on nonstop
So when he comes home with bandages all over his scraggly, skinny yet buff body, you immediately start bawling your eyes out
You’re so happy he’s safe and alive
He holds out one of his arms to you and you stumble from your chair and collapse into his arms
“Tai! Oh, my god!”
He picks you up and carries you to the couch like the goddess you are and lays down with you, kissing your cheeks, telling you how beautiful you are and how much he missed you until your stormy sobs have calmed to the occasional violent hiccup
“Honey bear, it’s ok. I’m here now. Don’t cry sweetheart…”
I want him to call me ‘honey bear’
The two of you lay there for the rest of the day
You get up occasionally to get your man food and to take a piss, but that’s about it
Refuses to let go of your waist even though his stomach sounds like a possessed garbage disposal
“Don’t worry about me Y/n, I’m fine. Just stay here, ok?”
You rest your head on his chest to listen to the beat of his heart
Nice pecs pillow
Forehead kisses, ear nibbles, ass and thigh grabs, hand kisses, etc
He’s all over you
He thinks you such a beautiful goddamn queen through the bright red tearstains and the evidence of emotional eating that had gathered on your hips
He tells you that, just the part about your cute and squishy hips
You end up falling asleep like that under a pile of blankets
The very next day, as soon as you’re up, you start riding him like a horse
“That’s it babygirl, be a nice little cowgirl for me. Just like that~”
“Did you miss my cock while I was gone?” He’ll whisper in your ear, sucking on one of your piercings
“Yes, fuck yes I did Tai!”
Holds your bouncing hips with the one hand that works, kisses you, sucks tiddy, and makes sure you get off at least twice before he does
When he’s done, you collapse on his chest, panting
For a couple of hours, you lay there cock warming him because he asked you to
Then his stomach started up again and you got off and fed him everything in the house while naked because he asked you too
The end
Because you asked me too
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Tamaki Amajiki
Poor sweet elf boi
Doesn’t really know how to cope
Spends a lot of time locked in his room
You notice he’s eating less
When he allows you to come into his room, he’s always wearing one of the hoodies you let him have
On those nights, there isn’t a lot of talking, but there is a lot of cuddling
He rests his head either on your chest or your stomach, wraps his muscley arms around your waist and holds you close
Whispers ‘I love you y/n.’ every so often
You’re really worried about him
His pretty black eyes are dull, he slouches more, Mirio can’t cheer him up, you can’t cheer him up, his indigo floof droops a little, dark bags under his eyes, stutters a lot more → talks even less than before, he looks sad, and is jumpy
He’s been really distant too
Staring off into the distance, completely zoned out and lost in his thoughts
So one day when he comes back from patrol with that spunky redhead and Fatgum, you go to his room and knock
No answer
You knock again
Still no answer
You fumble with the doorknob, but it’s locked
Using your quirk, you manage to get it open
“Tama, why is your-”
Tamaki Amajiki was rolled up in several blankets, making him look like an adorable burrito
He was struggling to escape his warm cocoon, squeaking softly as he attempted to get his arms out
He blushed as soon as you saw him and then tried to hide his face in embarrassment, but you didn’t let him sink too far
You smiled indulgently and helped him unroll
“Tamaki, if you were cold then- Wait… are those my socks?”
“Yes.” He mumbled, hiding his face in your shoulder
You giggled
“Don’t be embarrassed Tama! If you want my clothes, just ask!”
You wrap your arms around him and pull him down so you’re laying comfortably in his bed together
“How are you doing?” You coo, stroking his soft indigo locks
“Awful.” He mumbled, burying his face in your chest
“I’m sorry to hear that…” You reply, tracing the indent on the back of his neck, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yes. But I’m not allowed.”
“Oh. That’s ok. I don’t mean to be insensitive, but just try not to think about it. I know it’s hard and you’re under a lot of pressure, but tonight, just think about me. Or takoyaki. Or Nejire and Mirio.”
“You smell good.” He whispered bashfully, “New perfume?”
“Mm-hm! You like it?”
You smiled sweetly, letting his soft voice (I love you Aaron Dismuke) play its melody over and over again in your brain
You were so lucky
You kissed his forehead and whispered, “If you need someone to talk to, I’m right here Tamaki. Ok?”
He nodded sleepily, eyelids drooping from lack of sleep
“I love you bunny.”
“Sweet dreams.” You sigh, relaxing in his safe embrace
Don’t get me wrong, Tamaki is one of the sweetest, kindest, most adorable yet hot guys EVER, but he isn’t some fucking pushover
He’s domming your sorry ass in bed, whether you like it or not
He’s got tentacles
And he fucking knows how to use them to make you scream
He also has a cow hoof you can stretch yourself on
What happens if he eats noodles?
But that’s beside the point
With those, he can tease you, tie you up, make you cum, squirt, serve as a second dick for ur arse, put them in your mouth, etc etc etc
Anything you can imagine
Picture this: Tamaki is fucking your from behind, buried to the hilt in your cunt. Two tentacles trapping your arms against your back, one in your ass, one in your mouth, and one massaging your throbbing clit
You’re overstimulated, moaning, and crying from the pleasure, pain, and overwhelming arousal
“Do you like my tentacles Bunny? Does it feel good?”
“So wet for me… such a pretty Bunny when I fuck you like this.”
“More? Greedy bunnies get punished~”
Loves it when you’re all needy, hot, and bothered underneath him, begging for just a simple touch
It makes him feel really strong and happy
Knows it feels good because you make the most erotic faces
Nuts almost immediately when you do → tongue lolling out, eyes rolled back, mouth open in a silent scream, and cheeks flushed
You won’t even remember the accidental scratch you got from the lobster claw
Sore pussy and/or ass?
Dry throat?
Anything marring the beautiful expanse of skin before him?
He’ll massage you, give you a bath, food, water, endless kisses, hums to you softly, bandage you up (if need be) and tuck you in
He NEVER wants to lose you to someone else, so he makes ABSOLUTELY sure, you’re 100% feeling loved at the end
He loves you so much
Never forget that
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Eijirou Kirishima
Mostly SFW
Baby boy…
He has been very distant since this whole thing started
No more study and cuddle sessions (where you normally end up fucking)
Fewer hugs and kisses
No big girl fun time in bed
Not as many baby shark doot doo doo doo doo smiles
*author drowns in utter despair*
All you have are the clothes you steal from his closet every now and then
(every time you’re in his room) cough
So while boi is being a distant and depressing fuck, you bundle up in all 11 of his Crimson Riot hoodies (some of them are used as pants) and think about him
His garnet irises, his adorable sharp-toothed smile, his killer upper body, his soft red hair, his voice (thank you Justin Cook), his hands, his dick, his manliness, the tiny scar above his eyebrow, and his sharp jawline
Kiri, on the other hand, wonders why you’re spending so much time in your room all alone and why fuck cuddle nights stopped
Right when he needed all of the love and support, it stopped
Were you mad at him?
Did he do something to upset or offend you?
Did he say something rude or insensitive without thinking about it?
Did you get tired of him?
Did you want to break up?
Had Bakugou finally stolen your heart from him?
He couldn’t tell
You looked to upset all the time, giving him distant looks, suddenly running to your room with your eyes full of… shit, were those tears?
No, not eyes full of shit
Eyes full of tears
Come on guys
He ran after you, but by the time he got to your hallway, you were already locked in your room
He knocked on the door
“Who… Who is it?” You whimpered in a choked voice
“Uh, Eiji… your boyfriend…” He said softly, running a hand through his softened locks, “Can I come in?”
“I…” You pause, “I guess. Gimme a minute.”
Shuffling sounds
Then the door opened to reveal a slouching you in one of his hoodies
You had a used tissue scrunched in your fist
“Babe, are you ok? You’ve been acting really weird lately and I’m worried!” Said the pure ginger shark
“E-Ever s-since you s-started that work-study, you’ve been r-really d-distant so I thought you might’ve f-found someone else. Either that or you j-just needed t-time alone.” You whimpered, holding back tears for what seemed like the billionth time that day
“Baby girl, no one could ever replace you!”
Sharky pulls you into a hug
“I’m sorry you thought that Y/n. I’ve just been really zoned out because I’m trying to balance school, work-study, and our relationship all at once. I really need those study nights honey, I’m begging you. You explain stuff so simply and your notes are really descriptive. I love you so much and I don’t like it when you’re sad, because then I’m sad and then everyone is sad.”
“Eiji… I’m sorry, don’t blame all this on your self. I’m just being a whiny bitch.”
“Don’t say that!!”
“But I-”
You were cut off by a kiss
Eijirou cupped your flushed cheek tenderly with one hand, and with the other, he held the small of your back so you were flush up against him
That night, you fall asleep on his chest, but Kiri can’t sleep
His phone on your nightstand flashes and he carefully picks it up, turning down the brightness so as not to disturb you
Apparently, it’s time
Carefully, he slips out of bed to join Midoriya, Ochaco, and Tsuyu downstairs
When all of that is over and Kirishima is in your arms safe and sound again, he gets down on you before you even pull out your flashcards
Presses you back into the carpet and starts sucking your face
“Eiji? Wha-”
Clothes start flying everywhere except away from you and your horny boyfriend, who has moved onto your neck and jawline, kissing and nipping along your collarbones and mandible
You thread your shaking fingers through his pretty red hair
“So wet for me already?” 
“Mmmh, you smell so good…” Eijirou moaned, sucking your puffy clit, his hands clamped on your hips to prevent you from bucking or squirming
“M-More… please, more! I need more Eiji~”
“Did you miss me, or just my cock?”
“Both- fuuuuck~ Eijirou oh my gOd~”
“You like that sweetie? Huh? Tell me how much you like it~”
You can hardly walk the next day
But don’t worry
Kiri will treat you like a queen and carry you around until you fall off or feel better
No studying happened unless you count Eiji learning to make you squirt
Otherwise, no
Neither of you did anything productive
But you did have a fun, sensual evening with the person you loved most
Nighteye Squad hc’s coming soon!
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imeightout · 4 years
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I do not own this gif. credit to @jinyoungot7​
“You must be another one of Jinyoung’s admirers.”
→ jinyoung and reader
→ angst
→ he’s a successful ceo but just five years ago he used to be the love of your life
Everyone in the department was busy typing away at their computers, it was a bit on the quiet side but it didn’t really bother you.
Ever since your encounter with Jinyoung, you’ve been on edge. There were times were you didn’t even want to go to the bathroom for fear you’d run into him. However it had already been two days and he hadn’t shown his face to you once.
And somehow that bothered you.
Not because you still had feelings for him but because you had so much more to say to him.
You breathed out a sigh as you grabbed the papers together and slid them into a manila folder. You could heard Jaebeom listening to music softly from his desk and could smell the cologne Yugyeom had on.
They kept asking you what was wrong but you were so short with people lately they decided it would be better to let you be.
“Good morning everyone.” A high pitched voice called out. You looked over to see a girl in an expensive looking dress, hair curled nicely, and perfectly put on make up walk in with a couple of guys pulling push carts. “I just wanted to introduce myself,” she began as she grinned from ear to ear.
“I’m Nayeon, CEO Park’s fiancee.”
When the words left her mouth you pinched yourself to see if you were dreaming. This was the girl he was marrying? Of all the people in the world he settled for her? 
Even her voice was irritating.
“I brought some breakfast for all of you, come and help yourselves.” Nayeon flashed another smile before retreating out of the department.
“Wow so the rumors are true.” Jisoo muttered underneath her breath. “I was expecting someone a little bit less her.” She continued cracking a smile before walking over to one of the pushcarts.
You sat in your seat before jumping up from your chair and disappearing into the bathroom. “Wait, am I really upset about this?” You whispered to yourself in disbelief.
You had moved on from Jinyoung, why would you care if he was getting married?
Maybe it’s because at one point in time you thought you were going to marry him.
You were about to head out of the bathroom when someone walked out of a stall, you wouldn’t have paid too much attention if you hadn’t noticed the same emerald green fabric.
“You must be another one of Jinyoung’s admirers.” Nayeon said to you a small smirk on her mouth. “It must be upsetting to hear about the engagement, I’ll be sure to take care of him really well.” She continued washing her hands and you bit down on your tongue hard.
It wasn’t until you saw the smug look on her face before you laughed bitterly. “You two deserve each other.” You whispered before leaving the bathroom in a hurry.
When Jinyoung told his mother that he’d go through with the engagement to Nayeon, the news just exploded.
Nayeon started to plan the wedding alongside her mother and Jinyoung’s mother nagged at him to get a move on things nonstop. Everyone was excited, everyone except the husband to be.
After his conversation with Jackson, he had spent the whole night laying in bed thinking about what he could do to save his relationship with you however he realized at around six in the morning that there wasn’t anything he could do.
Jinyoung was upset about it but he figured that as long as you were happy nothing else really mattered. As much as he wanted to see you again he made the decision to stay out of anything having to do with you unless it was work related.
So while he sat at his desk thinking about you, it was the only thing he could really do at this point, the door flew open and in walked Nayeon but instead of her usual cheery self she had an angry expression on her face.
“I want that rat from the marketing department fired.” She approached Jinyoung at his desk and crossed her arms in a fit of anger. You’d swear she was five instead of twenty three.
“What?” Jinyoung rubbed his face with his hands before looking at her. “I found out her name is Y/N, I want her fired.” Jinyoung paused and hoped that you hadn’t said anything to her. “What did she do?” He questioned with curiosity. “She’s one of your many fangirls, I can deal with most of them but this one actually thinks she can steal you away from me.”
Jinyoung looked at her for a moment. “Are you sure you’re talking about Y/N?” Nayeon nodded and sat on the edge of his desk. “I don’t want her taking you away from me. You’re going to be my husband, not hers.”
Jinyoung couldn’t even look at Nayeon after that because although he was marrying her he wasn’t actually in love with her, he was doing this out of convenience not because of feelings.
You were the only girl he ever wanted to marry but Jinyoung came to terms with the fact that there wasn’t anything he could say that would change the way you felt about him so he moved on, unfortunately the only person available was Nayeon.
“She isn’t taking me away from you.” Jinyoung said after a moment of thought, his words making Nayeon’s heart flutter. “That doesn’t mean that I have feelings for you.”
He got up from his chair and stood in front of her, keeping the distance. “We may be getting married but I don’t love you and I never will. This marriage is only for the sake of this company and for my mother.” Nayeon’s eyes were beginning to fill with tears and Jinyoung would’ve felt a bit guilty about it if he hadn’t still been lost in thought about so many things.
“I have work to do.” He said as he sat back down in the chair, signaling the end of the conversation.
Seeing the look on your face made Jackson, Mark, and Jamie begin to worry. They were at a lost as to why you were so out of it in the first place, you hadn’t said a word since you walked into your apartment to find them making themselves at home.
“Should we take her to the hospital or something?” Jackson asked. “No you idiot, what are they going to do?” Jamie rolled her eyes and glanced over to you. “Y/N, come on, what’s going on?” She placed a hand on your shoulder which made you relax a little.
Your eyes made their way to Jackson and Mark who looked back at you suspiciously. “Did you guys know?” You asked. “Know what?” Mark asked quizzically.
“Did you know he was getting married?” Your face softened ever so slightly when you leaned back into your seat. “I don’t even know why I’m asking, it’s not like it would change anything nor would it make me feel any better to find out the answer.”
You let out another sigh and stood up. “I’m going to take a bath.” You said abruptly before disappearing into your room.
“Married? He’s getting married? To who and why didn’t you tell me?” Jamie questioned as she slapped Jackson’s arm. “Uh first of all, ow. Second of all we didn’t know anything about that.” Jackson responded. “Why wouldn’t he say anything to us? You think his mom finally forced him to marry Nayeon?” Jackson turned to Mark.
“I just found out the same piece of information as you, how am I supposed to know?” Mark retorted with a roll of his eyes.
“A simple I don’t know would have been good.”
“I feel so bad.” Jamie said as she frowned. “It’s obvious she still has feelings for him, I just wish she’d get over him. He’s an asshole who doesn’t deserve her.” Jackson wanted to say something about the situation but he wasn’t sure he should, truth be told he was hoping you would let Jinyoung explain and the two of you would be together again but he also knew that even after all these years you were still hurt and angry, rightfully so.
“Maybe they just weren’t meant to be together.” Mark said into the silent room and Jackson sat there wondering if what he said to Jinyoung had anything to do with this engagement.
When you took a seat at the empty table you were flooded with memories.
You knew this was a bad idea but your thoughts were a jumbled mess.
Marriage? That was a big deal, as far as you knew they were all just rumors, the more you thought about it the more upset you got.
Because you shouldn’t be upset about the situation if anything you should be happy that he was moving on with his life just like you were.
You looked down at the coffee mug in your hands and blew on the coffee that was sitting inside of it. It was around five in the evening and you should’ve been back at the apartment to make sure Jamie, Jackson, and Mark weren’t causing a ruckus but you needed space away from everybody.
You stared out the window as Jinyoung took a seat in front of you making you jump ever so slightly. “What are you doing?” You asked slowly. “I’ve been here since you walked in. I didn’t think you’d remember this spot.” He said truthfully.
“I don’t want to talk to you.” You said to him making him sigh. “I know, you hate me. You told me multiple times already. Look I know your feelings will never change but can I at least explain why I didn’t say goodbye?”
“Isn’t your fiancee going to get mad if she finds out you’re talking to me? I heard she wants me fired.” You totally passed by his question and it upset him a bit that you changed the subject.
“I never stopped loving you.” He blurted while his eyes were glued to you. “I didn’t say goodbye because things were easier that way. I never once lied to you.”
“I really don’t think we should be having this conversation.” You said to him. “Remember when how we first found this place?” He smiled sadly while looking down at his coffee.
“How could I forget.” You replied.
Jinyoung usually hated his birthday.
Growing up his parents were always so busy he never got to celebrate it. You knew there was a slight chance he’d get upset but you were willing to make this birthday really special.
You smoothed out your shirt and pulled your coat over your body, it was a bit chilly out for it to be September but you didn’t mind, you liked cold weather.
The smile on your face made Jinyoung very suspicious, he knew something was up he just didn’t know what.
He held the door open for you as you both walked down the street, you were leading him towards the park you both frequented. “What’s this?” He asked with a bright laugh while you pulled him over. “Happy Birthday.” You said to him with a smile.
There was a table set up with decorations and a cake sat on top of it. “You did all of this by yourself?” He asked while looking down at the frosted covered cake. “Hmm, maybe?” You giggled as you lit the candles and looked at him patiently. “Make a wish.” You whispered to him.
He did as he was told, shutting his eyes and then opening them, blowing out the candles and looking over at you. “Thank you.” He said but before either of you could even think of what to do next there was rain drops beginning to come down.
“Come on!” Jinyoung slipped his hand into yours and dragged you away towards table, rushing down the street before he spotted a brightly lit cafe. He pulled you inside and the two of you found a table by the window.
You frowned as you sat down, fixing your hair and sighing except a smile appeared on your face when you heard Jinyoung laughing. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was going to rain today.”
“Don’t you check the weather before you leave the house?” He questioned with a smile. “Very funny, you don’t need to make me feel worse than I do.”
He grabbed at your hands from across the table and smiled sincerely. “I love you.” He said with lightly wet hair. “What?” You replied. “I love you, thank you for making this birthday the best one I’ve had.”
His words made your heart flutter and you smiled back at him. “I love you too.”
“That was a good birthday.” He said as he remembered the day so clearly.
“Too bad we weren’t able to have anymore.” You replied with bitterness. You took a swig of your coffee. 
“I know I hurt you, I know things will never be the same but I’m telling you I never meant to hurt you. I loved you, I still do.”
His confession surprised you, you did just find out that he was engaged.
“I don’t think your fiancee would appreciate that.” You snapped while staring out the window. “Stop bringing her up.” He said angrily. “She has nothing to do with this.” He said to you. “Of course she does, she’s your fiancee Jinyoung, she isn’t just some random girl. How can you do that to someone you love?”
“Because I don’t love her, I love you! How many times do I have to apologize, do I have to go down on my knees and beg for you to forgive me?” You scoffed and looked over at him with a clenched jaw.
“If you love me then why are you getting married to her?” You asked him suddenly.
“Because I can’t marry you.”
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quitetommy · 5 years
sickness and health- even before the big day
so like the ending is trash because i didnt know how to end it and i didnt wanna make it into a series but hope you enjoy!!!! this is doctor!tom!!! so im warning yall that this is all about injury and its loosly based off greys anatomy so if you cant watch that then you probably shouldnt read this but anyways- enjoy
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Tom’s days were long, they went from early mornings until late into the night, when the sun was no longer apart of the equation. Usually, the young doctor’s life was hectic and he could be found running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but today was different. 
Today, Tom found himself sitting back and chilling (for the lack of a better word) with his mates. He knew the unspoken rule of never saying that it was quiet because then all hell would break loose, and to be completely candid, he was perfectly fine with how his day was going, especially for the fact that in 10 short minutes he would be walking outside to join his fiancee. The two hadn’t had a date night in awhile, due to Tom’s crazy schedule, and they were more than happy to take his free night and spend some time together. 
Breaking him from his thoughts, Tom’s buddy, Harrison spoke up, “Hey mate, what’s Y/N got planned for you tonight?”
Tom felt his thin lips stretch into a wide smile, showing off his teeth. “Not sure. She did say something about going to buy groceries for my favorite. We’ll probably just have a night in, which we both are-”
The curly headed boy was cut off when a shout was heard through the small ER. Both Tom’s and Haz’s heads snapped to the man running in. He was covered in blood and he looked beyond scared, he was carrying an almost unconscious girl. And from where Tom and his mate were standing, they couldn’t tell that it was his beloved Y/N. 
“Please, someone help!” His shouts of panic put the two boys into action, Tom sprinting to the man and woman and Harrison running to grab a gurney. Tom had snatched a pair of blue gloves off the counter as he ran over and was now snapping them onto his hands. “Okay sir, everything is going to be alright. Can you tell me what happened?” 
Harrison was now back with the gurney and Tom was taking the injured woman from the man’s arms, still looking at the stranger, he asked again, happy that he answered. 
“I-I don’t know. Some guy-! Think it was a robbery! She wouldn’t give ‘im anything, so he just started beatin’ her and then took off with her wallet.” Tom nodded along to his story, ready to ask the man if he was hurt himself but then his friend called his name, fearfully. 
Turning around, the handsome doctor lost his breath. He felt like he had been punched in the chest. Now that her hair was moved from her face and she wasn’t hunched over in a stranger’s arms, he was able to see who the young girl was- his girl. 
She was staring up at Harrison with wide eyes, she hadn’t seemed to recognize where she was or who she was looking around for someone, probably Tom, and was crying out. It looked like she was having trouble opening her mouth and Tom felt his heart break into two. And with a heavy heart, he yelled out, “We need some help over here, now!!”
Getting Y/N onto the backboard was easy, so was getting the neck brace on her. The hard part was keeping her still- that and keeping Tom at arms length. All of the doctors, even though they were friends, were continuously yelling at him to stay back. He refused, that was his girl, he wasn’t going to just not help her. She would move mountains if she could help him the same way that he was helping her. 
Everyone was talking at once and Tom felt like his brain and throat were being squeezed in a vice. He heard someone say, “Send blood for a crossmatch.” Haz, maybe?
He heard another person say, “Belly is soft!”
And another, “Bruising on the left chest.” Tom was breathing heavily as he watched his girl frantically look around the room. She was still crying, her mouth still clenched shut. “Pulse is down to 88, I’ve got a line going in now.” 
Tom heard the doctor curse loudly, “Her vein is collapsed. I can’t get it in.”
Another doctor answered, “Try a central line.” The doctors working on his pretty girl were talking nonstop and listing off her injuries and with every word, Tom felt his heart break a little more. Leaning over his girl, but staying out of the way of the working doctors, he said, “You’re gonna be just fine. You’re gonna be fine, alright?” 
More doctors rushed in, each working on their part of the body, and he blocked out all the things they were saying. Tom was grateful that he worked at such a good hospital, that his girl had the best team. The vice around his throat clamped shut when they decided to move Y/N. Her screams were loud and full of obvious pain as they worked on her- moving the poor girl to her side, putting in tubes, cleaning up her wounds, setting bones. With every single thing they did, Tom felt like his heart was going through a meat blender. He couldn’t stand it. 
One of the doctors- a neurosurgeon- asked, “Y/N, honey, I’m gonna need you to move your fingers for me. Can you do that?” When nothing happened, the room seemed to stop, and she asked again, “or- or your toes.” Nothing. It was like she hadn’t even heard the critical request. Tom felt his heart stop when the thought crossed his mind- she couldn’t hear. 
She couldn’t hear anything. 
The brain know-it-all stated this time- no question in her voice. She was demanding. “Come on. Just come on. Wiggle something.” Tom shook his head as he lifted up a heavy hand and snapped next to her ear, and then reached across and did the same to the other. And when nothing happened, when she didn’t respond and just kept on groaning in pain, he said, “Guys.”
When none of the doctors stopped to listen, he said, louder this time, “Guys, I don’t think she can hear us!”
“What? Are you sure?” All of the doctors paused their work for a fraction of a second. The heavy hearted boy grabbed a light and started to look in her ears, calling out her name. He was hoping he was wrong, but unfortunately, he was right. There was obvious damage to her eardrums. “She can’t hear anything we’re saying.”
Then everything took a turn for the worst and Tom felt like he was going to throw up. Hsi heart was in his stomach and he was on the verge of a panic attack. The machines that were hooked up to his pretty lady started beeping in wild succession. A doctor concluded, “We are gonna have to intubate.”
Another well trusted man said, “her jaw is locked. There’s no way!”
The head of plastics said, “If I can reduce the swelling, you can get one in.” he paused and looked at Tom, then back to the injured friend, “I’m gonna have to pop her jaw.”
Tom was in hysterics. “No way!”
“I have to! It’s gonna hurt like hell, but I’m sorry, I have to.” And before he knew what was happening, he was being held back as he watched in pure agony. He watched as the doctor placed his thumbs in her mouth as best he could and as Tom fought against his friend that held him to the wall he shut his eyes, not wanting to see her in any more pain. Perhaps that was worse, though, because he could still hear the loud yell of pain that his pretty girl let out and Tom felt nothing but anger. Anger because his girl was hurt and anger because he couldn’t do anything to help her. He was just beyond angry. 
It was only hours later when Tom let himself be in the same room as her. When he finally stepped foot in her private suite he forgot how to breathe again. She looked horrible. She had bruising around her eye, it turning shades of purple and yellow. Her jaw was wired shut and she had a feeding tube going up her nose as well as a bandage wrapped around her whole head. Tom felt his heart drop to his stomach, he spoke, eyes down, “Hey, love.”
With no answer, he looked up to find Y/N looking at him with curious eyes. “Can you hear me?” She stared still, so he sighed and pointed to his ear and she shook her head. The lovesick boy felt his heart drop even further, if that was even possible. Realistically, he knew her hearing would come back and that the bruising would fade and that she would get better, but he was still feeling like he would always remember the feeling of seeing her so hurt. So broken. So defeat. 
He couldn’t bear it. He wouldn’t. So for now he pulled over a chair and held her hand, comforting her without words, comforting her with all his love. Because that was his job as her future husband.
Taglist; @spider-bitten @bi-writer-in-the-dark @marvelouspottering @quacksin @friendscallme-emily @smexylemony @tom-hollands-eyelash @tomblrholland @spidey-pal @lovelyh0lland @spideymood @positiveparker @positiveparker @procrastinatingparker @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @Bodakcello @sleepybesson @spideyshcllands @its-the-unknownspidey @tomshufflepuff @aestheticgaybish
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roselukes · 6 years
Angels - m.c.
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Summary: if it’s meant to be, will it be?
Tag list: @irwinkitten @monsteramongmikey @holidayhood @irrevocablylukes @allltimehemmo @plainwhiteluke @catchinqcalum @talkfastfletcher @i-shipped-my-pants @cashtonspicelatte @hoe4hemmo @calumhampton @irwinvalentines @hotmessmichael @sassy-asht0n @astroashtonio @wrappedaroundcal
It was supposed to be a happy time. A time filled with love, laughter, and joy for the future. The announcement sparked excitement from everyone, not just your friends and family. The comments on your instagram post continued to pour in for weeks after. The ultrasound picture was featured on nearly every news site and every cover of the popular magazines. Your pregnancy was the highlight of everyone’s conversations. “There they are.” Michael grinned as you walked into the studio. “My two favorite girls.” He smiled, wrapping his arms around you.
“How’s the morning sickness?” Luke asked, smiling over at you.
“Getting better, we’re close to the four month mark, so it’s gonna ease up soon.” You smiled, Michael’s hands rubbing along your small bump.
“Little Amelie won’t make you vomit forever.” Michael smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
“She’s gonna be a hot topic at tonight’s album release party.” Ashton chuckled. “You’re coming, right?”
“Of course, I’m coming. I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” You smiled. “I’ll meet you guys there tonight, I just wanted to drop lunch off for you guys.” You smiled, setting the boxes of Chinese takeout on the table.
“Alright, take care of yourself. I’ll see you tonight.” Michael said, pressing a kiss to your lips. “Call me if you need anything.”
“You know I will, honey. I’ll see you at the party.”
It was strange to you to get ready by yourself. Michael was always with you getting ready, but he had the boys tonight. You felt nervous about the party, even though you had been to several before. Something had your blood pumping and your stomach fluttering. Your mind was racing, your skin clamming. You grabbed a bottle of water before heading out to the car. You arrived at the party, your water already gone. You walked in, Michael immediately at your side. “No offense, babe, but you don’t look too good.”
“I think it’s just a hot flash.” You sighed, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
“I’ll get you some water.” Michael nodded, walking over to the bar. He ordered a bottle of water and walked back to you.
“Thanks, honey. I don’t know what it is, my body’s just aching more than usual.” You leaned into him as you sipped your water.
“Come on, have a seat.” Michael sighed, walking toward the table.
“Michael, is this your fiancee?” You didn’t recognize the face, but judging from the suit, you knew he was part of Michael’s management team.
“Yes, this is Y/N.” Michael said, his arm secured around your waist and his hand resting on your bump.
“And, the famous Amelie.” The man smiled. “Michael talks nonstop about the two of you. He’s very excited to meet her.”
“We both are.” You smiled, putting more weight against Michael.
“Well, we’ll have to talk more later. Michael, I need to speak with you and the other boys for a minute before dinner is served.”
“Oh, okay. I’ll just walk Y/N to the table..”
“It’s fine, Mike. I can walk myself.” You said, kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you in a bit.” You forced a smile.
“Okay..” Michael sighed, walking away with the manager.
“I need more water..” You mumbled to yourself, walking to the bar. You got the water and started heading back to the table. Next thing you knew, the room was spinning and you were on the ground.
“Oh, my God. Y/N!” Michael rushed to your side. “Y/N, can you hear me?” A crowd formed around the two of you, murmurs filling the room.
“Michael..” Calum said, looking at your dress. “Mike, she’s bleeding..”
“Fuck, fuck, okay. Help me get her to the car.” Michael said, picking you up. The boys trailed behind him as he laid you in the backseat of the car. “Luke, drive, please.” Luke nodded and got in the car, driving toward the hospital. Michael carried you in, his mind reeling. “My fiancee, she’s pregnant, she’s bleeding. We need help.” His heart beating faster. The nurses brought you back, leaving Michael behind the double doors.
“Everything’s gonna be okay.” Ashton said, placing his hand on Michael’s shoulder.
“My daughter..” Michael’s voice cracked as he watched the nurses wheel you down the separated hallway.
“Sit down, Mike.” Calum sighed, bringing Michael back to the waiting room. The hours felt like days as Michael waited for the nurse to come back. Time seemed to be frozen, but like it wouldn’t stop at the same time.
“Family of Miss Y/N?” The nurse asked, Michael standing up immediately.
“Is she okay? What about the baby?” Michael asked, looking at the nurse.
“I’m terribly sorry, sir..” The nurse offered him a somber smile. “Y/N’s okay, but we weren’t able to help the baby. It was too late.” Ashton stood up quickly, catching Michael as his knees buckled. “She’s in room 418.” The nurse said. “I’ll walk you there.” Ashton held Michael up as they followed the nurse.
“I’ll be out here if you need me.” Ashton said, squeezing Michael’s shoulder. Michael nodded and walked into the room. As soon as the door closed, Michael broke down. He sat in the chair next to your bed, putting his face in his hands as he sobbed.
“I’m so sorry..” You looked at him, tears falling from your own eyes. “I’m so sorry.”
“This can’t be happening to us..” Michael sobbed. “We did everything right..”
“It’s my fault. The doctors said my body was under too much stress.” You shook your head. “I’m so sorry, Michael.”
“No, no. This wasn’t your fault.” Michael said, grabbing your hands. “You did everything right.”
“If I did everything right, I wouldn’t be in this bed.” You cried, looking down at your stomach. “We lost our baby girl because of me..” Michael sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes.
“No, Y/N, don’t do this to yourself.” Michael squeezed your hand gently. “Remember Barcelona? When you found that baby bird and you brought it along on tour with us to nurse it back to health?”
“Big Bird..” You sniffled.
“You did everything right for Big Bird, but it died anyways. We loved Amelie, but she wasn’t ready to spend her life here with us. She’s watching over us now, instead of us watching her.” Michael sniffed, rubbing your hand.
“We have our own angel.” You whispered, looking at Michael.
“We have our own angel.”
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How would iida help his s/o with anxiety from work and whos also being pranked by neighbor kids
“(Y/n) you should get some sleep. Getting a full eight hours is imperative to your mental and physical health.” Iida popped his head into the living room where you were sitting and typing away at your laptop on the couch. “You should also use a desk chair and sit up straight or your back will hurt!” Iida rushed over to you and lifted you from the couch. “Iida dearest,” you sighed as he set you back on your feet, “I love you so very much. You know that, I know that-” “I love you very much as well.” he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You smiled and huffed out a short laugh, “But this project is going to be huge and I need to work on it nonstop until it’s finished. I was finally given the reigns to a big project at the company and-” “(Y/n) I know this is important to you, but you and your health are important to me. Please dear, save your progress and let me help you.” Iida cut you off and and looked at you worried.
He knew you were getting tired and worn out. You had been working on this project nonstop for a couple of weeks now, researching the demographic you were marketing towards, plugging in all the statistics, budgeting every part of this on your own, you were in full control of the project but you’re neglecting yourself. Your eyes were dull, the bags under them getting darker each day, your cheeks hollowing out slightly because you were forgetting to eat proper meals, your clothes a crumpled mess from sitting slouched over for too long, he didn’t like it. He made enough money being a hero to support the two of you easily, but he knew you wanted to do something so he never urged you to quit, he just wanted you to take a break. “(Y/n). Please.” Iida brought your hands up to his mouth and pressed kisses to your fingers.
You bit your lip knowing he was right, he was always right! To say you were stressed was the understatement of the year. You were about to fall apart. Presentations needed to get done, your team with a bunch of useless blokes who didn’t know how to use Word Processor, and to make matters worse the kids down the hallway from your apartment were sent by Satan himself! You leaned into Iida’s chest and sighed, “Okay dearest, I’ll save my progress and come to bed.” “Who said we were going to bed? We’re making you a healthy meal, taking a bath, and then going to bed.” He pulled you into a hug and you smiled, hugging him back tightly, “Thank you dearest.”
You woke up the next day feeling refreshed, something you hadn’t felt in a while.  You rolled over in bed, seeing Iida had already gone for his morning run and buried yourself in the blankets again before yawning and throwing them off of you. If you stayed in bed any longer you would fall back asleep and miss your train, so you got up and grumbled at the early morning sunshine creeping through your blinds. You walked into the kitchen to find a full breakfast sitting on the table ready for you with a note from Iida, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don’t skip it again dear. I love you.” You smiled and sat down, knowing that if you left it you would be getting a very angry call from Iida later today.
Once you had finished breakfast you got dressed and collected your laptop and briefcase, putting your laptop inside and snapping it closed, looking around for the poster boards you and made for todays presentation. They were neatly stacked near the door and you smiled as you read another note from Iida, “Good luck today (Y/n), you’ve been working very hard on this and I know you’ll do great. See you tonight.” You pressed a kiss to the paper and picked ups the boards, trying to keep your cool as you walked out of your apartment, setting the boards down to lock the door. You picked up the boards and thats when the anxiety started the creep in. You had a presentation today. In front of the top people at the company. If you messed up you could be fired on the spot. Stumble over one word and you were done for. No! No. You had this down. You were totally fine. You had practiced your presentation to Iida, to yourself in the mirror, you were totally fine. You could do this. And with that little pep talk you entered the elevator and went to work.
Oh man. You were so fired. They looked so bored the whole time, like you weren’t even talking! Maybe you had insulted them on accident? Maybe you had misspelled something on one of the slides! Oh shit what if it was one of their names! Autocorrect was going to get you fired! You were so wrapped up in your thoughts as you walked up the stairs to your apartment, the elevator was out. Probably because those stupid kids had thrown a firecracker in it again. You huffed your way up the stairs until you reached the fifth floor. You sighed, too many thoughts running through your head for you to really look where you were going, and by the time you caught it you were a little too late. An RC truck raced under your foot as you reached the landing and threw you backwards… Down a flight of stairs. With your briefcase. And your poster boards.
You let out a couple of loud curses as you slammed your leg into the stairwell and heard a couple bones pop. “(Y/n)?” you heard your door open and a confused Iida stick his head out. You groaned quietly and Iida ran to the stairs, seeing you in a messy heap on the landing between the fifth and fourth floor. “(Y/n) are you alright?! What happened? Did you break anything? Are you hurt? How many fingers am I holding up?” You groaned and pushed yourself into a sitting position, Iida kneeling down to hold you steady “I-I’m fine.” you whisper and try to stand up, your legs shaky and your breathing uneven and ragged. “(Y/n) you are most certainly not alright, what happened?” “Fuckin’ remote control car.” you whispered, trying o keep your voice even but failings it cracked towards the end. Iida hugged you close to him, rubbing your back as he lifted you onto your feet, “Can you stand?” He asked you quietly and you nodded slightly. “Now. What remote control car?” he asked and right on cue a small remote control car showed up at the top of the stairs, reversing back down the hallway towards a quiet snickering. “That one.” you sighed and leaned against the wall.
“Wait here please dear.” Iida smiled at you but his eye didn’t say he was happy. He zipped up the stairs and grabbed the toy car before zipping to the end of the hallway, pushing the door open to reveal to young boys. “This your’s?” Iida asked pointedly and both boys froze, one shoving the control into the others hand and the other one dropping it immediately. “Can I ask you what it was doing by the stairs?” Iida eyed the two children and they shrank into themselves. “They’re just kids man, what’s the big deal?” an older voice was heard from further inside the apartment. “The ‘big deal’ is that hey just threw somebody down a flight of stairs. THAT’S the ‘big deal’!” Iida huffed and a teenager came into view from a round the couch, “Shit.” the mutter and grabbed the remote control from the two smaller boys. “Dad is already pissed at you two for dropping all of the dishes off of the shelves do you really think he needs to hear that you two sent Ingenium’s fiancee down the fucking stairs?!” The two boys pouted and looked at the ground, “Say sorry assholes.” the teen crossed their arms and nudged their brothers forward. “Sorry.” one said and the other nodded. “Sorry doesn’t cut it. Go help them clean up their stuff.” the teen shoved the two boys out of the apartment and they trudged over to the stairs where you were starting to collect your things from the ground. “We’re sorry.” one said to you and handed you one of your boards, “Yeah. We’re sorry.” the other one kicked at the ground slightly.
Iida watched from the top of the stairs with the teen as the two little ones picked up your stuff and returned it to you. “I won’t tell your father on one condition. You leave (Y/n) alone. Pranks are only funny if they are harmless and this was anything but harmless. You could have seriously hurt someone.” Iida scolded the children and the nodded before running back into their own apartment. the teen waved and turned to go inside, “They give you any more trouble just knock. Sorry.” Iida returned to your side and helped you up the stairs, “How about another bath darling, you can tell me all about your presentation.” You broke into a nervous sweat at the reminder of your presentation when your phone lit up. It was your boss. “Iida?” you looked at him desperately as you sank to the floor in your doorway. “Yes dearest? (Y/n) what’s wrong? Are you really hurt?” “N-No. Just please… Read what this says of me, I-I can’t do it.” you shook, trying to keep your tears back. “(Y/n)?” Iida whispered and unlocked your phone, opening the message “(Y/n) your boss is congratulating you on your great work dearest, why are you crying?” “I-I’t been a long day.” you sobbed and Iida gathered you in his arms, hugging you to his chest and carrying you to the couch, “A long day indeed, you deserve some time off. Some time to relax.” he pressed a kiss to your temple and held you close, pressing kisses to your head and cheeks as you calmed down. “Let’s put on a movie, I’ll rub you back, we can eat together, then take a nice warm bath, get ready for bed and then cuddle together.” “Iida, I just fell down a flight of stairs and thought I was being fired. I don’t want a movie. I just want you.” you leaned into his chest and he chuckled, “And you have me. Forever.” he tilted your head to face him depressed a kiss to your lips, leaning into it as you lifted your hands into his hair. “Forever.” you whispered against his lips. Getting a full eight hours of sleep was important, but it was the furthest thing from Iida’s mind at the moment.
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tellytantra · 5 years
A 6 years old boy sat down on the bench in the garden watching the other children play happily. Mahir... The voice of his best friend got a little smile on his face. Look Mahir, I got ice-cream... The 4 years old girl spoke as she sat next to Mahir. The girl opened her ice-cream and began to eat it. She was relishing the taste of ice-cream when she noticed her best friend not eating his ice-cream. Mahir... You want to eat chocolate ice-cream... The girl offered her ice-cream to Mahir. Instead of reply to her, Mahir hugged her. I'll miss you so much Bela... I will miss you... Mahir said as tears pooled in his eyes.2 Mahir... What's wrong??? Bela asked innocently. Today someone came to the orphanage to adopted me... Mahir finally told. Huh??? Bela was confused. Tomorrow I am going away with my new family Bela... We will not be together anymore... Mahir explained. Are you leaving me here and going away??? Bela asked. Mahir nodded his head in a yes and Bela burst into tears. Mahir please no... Please don't leave me and go... Please Mahir... Bela cried and hugged Mahir. I have to go Bela... But I promise to come here to meet you... Mahir tried to consoled her. Pinky promise??? Bela held out her pinky finger. Pinky promise... Mahir held Bela's pinky finger with his. The rest of the day Bela clung to Mahir and slept with him only. ____________________ You keep this card with you Mahir... Bela handed him a rectangular card on which Mahir Loves Bela and Bela Loves Mahir was written on either side by Mahir. When you will miss me, you talk to this card... Bela continued to say. Mahir took the card from her and tore into two parts and handed over one part back to her. If you miss me you too can talk to me through this card... Mahir said. Mahir... Your parents have come... Mahir was informed. This brought a few tears in BeHir's eyes and they hugged each other.2 Bye Mahir... Come back soon... Bye Bela... I'll come... Wait for me... ____________________ Bela... What are you doing here??? The orphanage caretaker asked as he spotted Bela stand at the gate of the orphanage.   Mahir promised me that he would come to meet me soon... So I'm waiting for him... But he is late, I won't talk to him when he comes...2 It was a week since Mahir left the orphanage and it had become a routine for Bela to wait for him. The caretaker laughed at Bela's innocence. Bela... Mahir won't come back here... He got a new family...2 Hearing these words, tears trickled out of Bela's eyes. With a lot of difficulties the caretaker took Bela inside the orphanage. ____________________ What do you want to become when you grow up??? A family who had come to adopt Bela asked her. I want to become Mahir's Wife... Bela answered.4 All the others chuckled hearing the kid's reply. ____________________ Mahir... Tomorrow for sure we will go to the orphanage... Andy assured Mahir. Even though they did not wanted to take Mahir to the orphanage as they wanted him to start a new life with them. But seeing Mahir craving to be with Bela they decided against their decision. Tomorrow we shall even get Bela home... Mahir stated. You want us to adopt Bela too... So that you can have a sister...Rekha i.e. Andy's Mother spoke. Nooo... Mahir screamed.4 Andy, Sumitra and Rekha were shocked to see Mahir scream. I will marry Bela and get her here as my Wife... Mahir announced.2 All the three of them were amused by Mahir's reply. ____________________ I'm so sorry Mr. Sehgal... But just 4 days ago Bela was adopted... Mahir's smile faded and this was noticed by his parents. So they took information about the family who adopted Bela. They reached their house only to know that the family left the city 3 days ago. Where are you Bela??? I miss you so much... Mahir thought. ____________________ Come on Bhai... Think practically... It's 20 years and yet you are waiting for her... What if she doesn't even remember you??? What if she just considered you as her friend??? What if she Loves someone else??? Most importantly what if you don't meet her ever??? I just know it Kuhu... I feel that even she is craving to be with me... I Love Her and I know that Bela Loves me too... I know someday I will meet her... Mahi Bhai you have gone mad... Kuhu exclaimed and Mahir rolled his eyes. Yes... Mad in Bela's Love... Mahir replied. Sumitra looked at Mahir and Kuhu and smiled seeing their bond, even though Kuhu is 8 years younger than Mahir. Andy and Sumitra had adopted Mahir when even after 8 years of marriage they had no children. 2 years after adopting Mahir, Kuhu was born. But this didn't reduce Andy and Sumitra's Love for Mahir. They always treated him as their own Son. They fulfilled his every wish except one. Even after trying a lot they couldn't trace Bela's whereabouts. This didn't let down Mahir's hopes. He still is waiting for his Bela.   ____________________ Good Morning Mom and Dad... Good Morning Sona... Mr. & Mrs. Sharma wished. As it was Sunday the three of them had breakfast together which was filled with Sona's nonstop talks. Oh no... I forgot my phone in my room... Sona heard her phone ring and run to receive the phone. Carefully Sona... Sarika reprimanded. Yes Mom... Sona yelled from above the stairs. ____________________ Hello... Before the call got cancelled Sona managed to receive it. Hello... I'm I speaking to Bela Sharma... Yes speaking... Bela Sharma aka Sona answered. It's me, Vish... OMG!!! How are you Vish??? I'm fine Sona... How are you doing??? Great Vish... Its been ages since we spoke to each other... Yeah... I know... So any special reason that you called me??? Yes Sona... I'm getting married... What??? When??? Who is the guy??? Sona... Relax... I'll answer all your questions... I'm getting married to Ajitabh Singh in 3 weeks... What does he do??? Assistant Commissioner of Police... Arranged marriage or Love marriage??? Obviously Love marriage... How did you meet him Vish??? Ajitabh's best friend is my business partner and so we both meet in a party thrown by Mahi... Hmmm that's nice... So where is the wedding??? Destination wedding in Jaipur... Wow!!! Soon I'll send you all the details and you are going to come at any cost... I am not going to listen a no... Ok fine Vish... They ended their call after talking for a few minutes. Vish and Bela are childhood friends. After her studies Vish moved to Mumbai to handle her Father's company there while Bela stayed back in Delhi. ____________________ Dad please let me go... Please... Bela asked with a puppy face. Mukesh... No Sarika... I'm not hearing anything... Bela is not going anywhere... After an hour long argument, finally Mukesh agreed to send Bela to Jaipur. Thank you so much Dad... Bela hugged her Father happily and went to her room to pack her bags.   I know that you will miss her a lot... But what will you do when she will get married??? I don't know Sarika... ____________________ Bela was happily packing her luggage when she got hold of her childhood pictures. Her pictures with Mahir. I miss so much Mahir... Please come back to your Bela soon... Bela whispered. Bela took out the half torn card given by Mahir and traced her fingers on it as tears welled in her eyes. It might look silly to the whole world but she was crazily in Love with Mahir. ____________________ Note : From now on I'll be using Mahi and Sona in the dialogue and it will be Mahir and Bela in the narration of the story. Vish... Bela squealed as she spotted Vish and hugged her. Sona... Vish too hugged Bela. Come I will introduce you to my fiancee new friends... Meet Ajitabh my fiancee... One by one Vish introduced Vyom, Vikrant, Pratham, Suhani, Ruhi, Kuhu and Anu to Bela. Everyone she is my friend Sona aka Be... Vish... Vish was about to introduce Bela when Mahir interrupted her. Your Mom is searching for you Vish... Mahir informed. Ok Mahi... Can you please show Sona her room??? Yeah sure... By then everyone else too retreated to complete their unfinished works. Hi Mahi... Bela held out her hand. Hi Sona... Mahir took her hand in his and as soon as he did so, he felt a wired sensation in his body making his breath hitch. Mahir looked at their joint hands and then Bela's face to see his expression were mirrored by her. Both immediately withdrew their hands and gave a small smile to each other. Later Mahir helped Bela roll her luggage to her room. They felt that there was something strangely familiar about the other but they couldn't understand why it was so. While walking to the room both were stealing glances from one another, trying to decipher what it was that they were feeling. Where Mahir paid a lot more attention in looking out for the room, Bela who had no idea about anything around here kept her attention focused on Mahir. There was something distinctively different about him and yet there was something about him that was very familiar. This is your room Sona... You'll be sharing the room with my sister, Kuhu... Hope it isn't a problem... Absolutely not Mahi... Thank you... Mention not Sona... ____________________ The next two days went in a swift with everyone preparing for the upcoming functions. Bela mingled very well with everyone especially Mahir and except Anu. Anu was jealous of Bela seeing her close with Mahir ____________________   Vish... Who informed you that I'm gonna dance with Anu??? Mahir questioned anger evident in his voice. Everyone were discussing about the dance performances for the Sangeet when Bela and Mahir entered into the room. Anu told it... Vish replied. You should had asked me about the same right??? Anyways I'm not going to dance with Anu... Why won't you dance with me Mahi??? Anu was disappointed. Mahi this is not done... Mahi you have to dance... Vish and Ajitabh protested. Oh God... Listen to me completely at least... Mahir spoke looking at Vish and Ajitabh ignoring Anu. Ok fine continue... Vish said. I'm going to dance with Sona... Bela was shocked listening to what Mahir said. She was about to say something when Mahir indicated to her to be quite. Anu fumed with jealousy and rage. She loves Mahir and even tried to get close to him but she couldn't. Now the fact that Bela is close to Mahir irked her a lot. What's your problem with Anu??? She's a flirt... Bela chuckled hearing Mahir. BeHir were practicing their dance and as everyone got busy with their dance, Bela questioned Mahir. She isn't that bad Mahi... Why don't you think about her??? Bela told teasingly. I already Love someone else... Listening to Mahir's words, Bela felt a little pull in the pit of her stomach to know that there was already someone in his life. She herself was confused with her feelings. Sona??? Are you here??? Mahir's voice brought her back from her thoughts. I'm not feeling well Mahi... I need to rest... Without waiting for a reply Bela quickly walked out of the practice room. ____________________ Mahir's memories came rushing back. She didn't understand what was happening. She took out the note given by Mahir, her tears strained her face. Where are you Mahir??? I miss you Mahir... I miss you a lot... Bela couldn't understand that why she was effected by Mahi this much. Why does it matter to me that Mahi Loves someone??? Everything was confusing for Bela and she was just not able to think of anything. ____________________ What happened Mahi??? Sona said she isn't feeling well... I'm just worried for her... Vyom narrowed his eyes as he heard Mahir. He knew the whole story about Mahir and Bela. Never until this time did he notice Mahir thinking about some girl this much. From the past two days, it was always just Sona.   Mahir... Mahir looked at Vyom curiously. As he never called him by his name unless something was serious. Do you Like Sona??? What got you think so??? Mahir was caught off guard hearing Vyom. Vyom explained his point of view. I Love Bela... I only Love her... Mahir stated and walked away. Mahir Loves Bela. That was the truth but he couldn't even ignore the wired feelings he is feeling. He was confused and he wasn't able to understand anything. ____________________ The Sangeet was filled with full of enthusiasm and enjoyment. All the dance performances were brilliant. After the function was over all the youngsters were sitting in the lawn talking. Mahi... Anu came to the lawn and held Mahir's hand. I Love you Mahi... Mahir was shocked by Anu's behaviour later he realised that she was drunk. Anu you are drunk... Go to your room... Mahir ordered. Oh so you only want to spend time with your Sona... Anu replied. Anu... You are drunk... But everyone isn't Mahi... They have eyes... They can see how much you Love your Sona... Bela gasped listening to Anu. Anu had heard a few women talk about BeHir after watching their dance. This got her to drink and now she decided to confront Mahir. Sona is just my friend... Mahir stated. Wow!!! You both become best of friends in just 4 days... Please Mahi... Put the facade down... Everyone can see that you both are way more closer than any friends... All these years you pushed me away stating that you Love someone else... Now what happened Mahi... Anu accused and as the alcohol had it's effect on her and she fainted. All other than BeHir rushed to Anu. Mahir and Bela looked at each other for a brief moment before walking back to their respective rooms. ____________________ The inner turmoil which was persistent from the beginning and now Anu's accusation made BeHir avoid each other for the next 2 days. Vyom... Where is my wallet??? Mahir asked worried. How would I know Mahi??? Vyom shrugged. Idiot... You took my wallet to take my credit card right... Where did you keep it??? Mahir was frustrated. Oh wait... I gave your wallet to Kuhu... Vyom remembered. ____________________ Kuhu searched Mahir to return his wallet but couldn't find him. So she decided to returned to her room. While walking into the room she bumped with Bela. Leading to Mahir's wallet and Bela's purse to land on the floor. Sorry... Both apologised.   Sona... Coming Vish... Bela collected her purse in a hurry and rushed out of the room. In her urgency she forgot to notice the card which fell from her purse. Kuhu started to play games on her phone as she was bored. After a while she was going to the washroom when her eyes caught the fallen card. Thank God I saw it... If I had misplaced this card then Mahi Bhai would had surely killed me... Kuhu thought that it was the card which Mahir had and it fell out of his wallet. So she took the card and kept it inside the wallet. Just then Mahir came to her room asking for his wallet. Mahir sighed as he spot the card safe in the wallet. Thanking Kuhu he felt the room immediately not wanting to meet Sona. ____________________ At night Mahir lay down on the bed tired from the day's activities. He took out the card from his wallet. It was his daily routine to talk to the card making Vyom and Kuhu think he has lost his mental stability. Mahir's eyes were wide open as a saucer when he spotted the other half of the card in his wallet. Where did this come from??? Mahir was confused. Bela... Bela is here... Mahir realised. Mahir dashed out of his room and to ask Vyom and Kuhu if they know anything. Vyom was clueless and so Mahir thought Kuhu would surely know it. ____________________ What happened to the room??? It was perfectly fine in the morning... It looks like a tornado hit the room... Mahir thought looking at the condition of the room. Kuhu... Mahir heard Sona's voice. He saw her sitting on the floor and searching for something under the couch. What are you searching for Sona??? Bela was startled by hearing Mahir. She thought it was Kuhu who came into the room. A card... Actually a half card... Please Mahi can you please help me find it... It's more important than my life for me... All the while Mahir stood in his spot shocked. Once recovered from the initial shock a goofy grin appeared on his face. Bela... Yes Mahi... Bela replied still searching for the card. What are you doing standing there??? Aren't you gonna help me??? Leave it... I will find it myself... Bela was annoyed seeing Mahir standing simply and not helping her. Actually I have the card... But... Bela was ecstatic but her breath hitched as she heard him continue. But what Mahi??? Bela asked thinking of the worst possibilities. I just don't have the half card anymore... I have got the full card now... Mahir replied. Huh... Bela was confused. As Bela understood the inner meaning of his words, she looked at him surprisingly. She saw him holding both the half cards in his hands. Mahir... Bela whispered. Mahir smilingly nodded. Bela instantly ran to him and hugged him tightly. Due to the force of Bela's sudden hug, Mahir lost his balance and both fell on the bed. Not caring about the fall Mahir wrapped his arms around her. BeHir broke the hug and had a eye lock. Mahir pushed Bela's hair back which was covering her face. I Love you so much Bela... I Love you too Mahir... BeHir smiled contently, finally they were together after 20 years of separation. Mahir's eyes drifted towards Bela's lips and back to her eyes seeking permission. Bela who understood Mahir's actions blushed and blinked her eyes giving him the permission he asked. Mahir sealed his lips with Bela's the moment he got her approval. Will you Marry me Bela??? Mahir asked after breaking apart from the kiss. Bela was taken aback by the sudden proposal. She was overwhelmed by happiness. You promised me that you will marry me... I just asked it for formality... Mahir said after observing Bela's expression. Bela smiled remembering their promise when they were kids. Absolutely it's an yes Mahir... Bela replied. Mahir switched their positions and he was now above Bela. He moved closer to Bela and once again claimed her lips. Writer : AsYa_Behir_Adiya
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