#my first request in forever wowow
claudemblems · 2 years
Okay! I hope this doesn't break any rule but can you write something casual flirting friends-to-lovers with Sylvain and Kaeya? To be more exact how do they react when they notice that they might actually be in love with the reader.
Oh my gosh, the joy that surged through me when I laid eyes upon this request <333 Literally in love with this idea anon, and thank you for picking the best boys for it!!! I hope it was okay that I wrote these as headcanons. Let me know if you want imagines instead. My inbox is open :)
Friends To Lovers | Sylvain + Kaeya Headcanons
Summary: Their casual flirting wasn't supposed to be anything more than friendly banter, but now it's clear their feelings go much deeper than just friendship...
Notes: Very long, as always. I can't write anything short lol
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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He was not planning on catching actual feelings for you. Like. At all. You’ve seen how his relationships end up with other women. He definitely does not want to make you another heartbroken girl on his exhaustive list of ex-lovers. But, of course, that doesn’t stop him from casually flirting with you either. He’s still Sylvain, after all.
He’s really torn on who to go to for advice because his friends are, let’s just say, not knowledgeable about dating at all. Dimitri’s too wrapped up in revenge to think about girls, Felix scares girls away, and Ingrid’s laser-focused on her career as knight. They probably can’t help him. But they’re all he’s got.
They’re gathered together in the dining hall when Sylvain drops his shocking revelation. Ingrid’s the first to break the silence. “Do you really have feelings for [Name], or are you just playing around with her heart? Sylvain, I swear, if you hurt that sweet girl—!” 
“I’m serious! She’s not like all the other women that are only interested in my crest. She’s just as kind to me as she is to everyone else. She’s thoughtful. She’s gentle. And most of all, she’s got a pure heart. I would never forgive myself if I made her cry.”
Dimitri, Felix, and Ingrid all exchange glances. Sylvain can tell that they noticed the sincerity in his voice, and after a few minutes of discussion, they agree to help him confess to you.
Except that’s easier said than done. He’s never had feelings that run this deep. Shallow compliments are not gonna cut it. He has to learn to be vulnerable with you. But when you’ve spent your lifetime running from a long-lasting relationship, this proves to be much more difficult than one might anticipate.
And much to the humor of his friends, Sylvain realizes that he acts like a shy, lovestruck fool around you. He can’t meet your eyes, his palms get sweaty, and the words he planned to say immediately dissolve on his tongue. Honestly, this is a horrible look for the monastery’s resident womanizer.
You pick up on his strange behavior right away (of course you do; you’ve always been so observant). “Sylvain, are you all right? You’re awfully quiet…am I making you uncomfortable?” Oh great, now he’s got you blaming yourself for the sorry state he’s in. Though, technically, you were the one that made his mind go blank like this.
It’s weird for him to be at such a loss for words, but he is just getting used to seeing you romantically. You’re just so genuinely pretty??? You have the cutest smile? You have a laugh that sounds like the voices of a thousand angels??? And there’s that twinkle in your eyes that shines so bright, especially when you look at him???
Wait...do your eyes shine brighter when you look at him…?
You send him a knowing smile, and Sylvain now has the courage he needs to make his move. He takes in a deep breath and dusts off his jacket before gently taking your hand in his, asking if the two of you can go somewhere a bit more private.
Well, it’s now or never.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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Well, this was definitely unexpected. In all honesty, Kaeya didn’t even think he had it in him to genuinely be in love with someone. Years of putting on a facade and never getting attached can do that to you.
It all happened after one too many drinks at the Angel’s Share. Kaeya simply could not shut up about you. Rosaria and Diluc were forced to watch as he rambled on about your beauty, your gentleness, the way you always managed to effortlessly send a flirt back his way. “She’s captivating. Completely enthralling. And, dare I say it, far more addicting than the finest of wines.”
Everything from the night before comes back to him as Kaeya gets up from bed and battles with his hangover. His head may be pounding from the alcohol, but you’re the reason his heart is fluttering in his chest. The realization of his feelings for you hits him again, and he can feel the heat clawing its way up to his cheeks.
But, of course, once he’s finished getting ready and heads to work, he acts like nothing happened, like he never just spilled a deep, personal secret to his drinking buddy and estranged brother. Nope. Everything is completely normal. There’s nothing to worry about.
And for the most part, he manages to keep his composure. But he’s not immune to his throat growing dry or his heart skipping a beat when you laugh, sending a flirty wink his way. 
This is going to kill him.
He could just tell you how he feels, but he wonders if you’ve been putting on an act this whole time, too. All those playful smiles, those bumps against his shoulders, the light brushes of your fingertips against his. Are you only doing it because he does it to you? Are you just pretending to enjoy it? Or do you actually have feelings for him?
All these thoughts bring on another headache, and now he can barely focus on the paperwork that needs to be done. He knows these little feelings of his are going to prove quite troublesome for him down the line. He can’t just pretend to not be in love with you forever, can he?
As if on cue, you enter Kaeya’s office, wearing one of your gentle smiles. You set a cup of tea on his desk, eyes scanning his slumped form. “Drink too much last night at the tavern? I can handle reading through these documents for you. You should go get some rest.”
Despite the state he’s in, Kaeya manages a smile, patting your shoulder. Even when you (probably) think he’s been irresponsible, you still go out of your way to help him. That’s what he loves so much about you.
Wait, why are you staring at him like that? Was there something in his hair? Did he drop something he was holding? Did he say something to make you look that way—oh. He just said what he was thinking out loud, didn’t he?
He doesn’t miss the flush on your cheeks, but, thankfully, he also catches the hint of a smile on your lips. “You’ve definitely had too much to drink. Go get some sleep…then we can get to the bottom of this when you’re sober.”
Kaeya swears he can see a skip in your step as you exit his office, his paperwork in hand. He can’t help but smile in relief before laying his head on his desk and falling asleep.
Looks like he doesn’t need to worry about keeping this secret to himself, after all.
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xukunstellation · 6 years
Fate || Zhu Zhengting
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Title: Fate Pairing: Reader x Zhengting Genre: Soulmate!AU + fluff Word Count: 1217 words Summary: Despite knowing your soulmate’s name, you can’t help but hope it belonged to the cute trainee who was infatuated with your baby pig.
A/N: Have I ever told anyone that soulmate!au’s are my absolute favorite? I love them so much. The fact that zhengting is the first person i’ll be writing this au for on this blog makes it even better. I apologize for the wait, anon! You didn’t specify what form of request you wanted, so I went with bullet! Enjoy reading!
this is my first zhengting fic
how exciting
we all love a cute leader
in this au, everyone has the name of their soulmate tattooed on their wrist (which appears when they turn 16)
in your opinion, you had the prettiest name on your wrist
zhu zhengting
totally not biased bc they were your soulmate or anything
since the day your soulmate’s name appeared on your 16th birthday, you spent every waking moment wondering what they would be like
how tall were they? what did their voice sound like? what were their hobbies? 
did they think about you as much as you thought about them?
although you wanted to meet this zhengting person as soon as possible, you decided to let fate handle the rest
you worked part time for a local petting zoo where you traveled to different special events (weddings, birthdays, etc) with whatever animals were requested
these animals ranged anywhere from puppies, kittens, ponies, snakes, birds, etc
you loved your job bc it meant you get to be surrounded by cute animals all of the time
since you've worked this job for a while, you were very knowledgeable about the type of animals you handle
your personal favorite were the baby potbellied pigs
your co-workers tease you by calling you the pig whisperer bc you're so good at handling them
where can i sign up for this job tbh
one day your boss gets a call from the idol producer production crew asking if someone would be willing to travel to beijing with a baby piglet for a special idol xinfan segment for the trainees
you were the obvious choice for the job 
you had heard about the show but didn’t really care to check it out since you were usually too busy being occupied with your job and studies
next, you were on the way to the ip site with your favorite piglet (who was currently unnamed)
a part of you jokingly entertained yourself with the thought of finding your soulmate there
if only you knew
when you arrived, the production crew briefly explained to you the plan for the segment which was essentially a hidden box game with the piglet being the hidden ‘item’
you would be there throughout filming to assist the piglet in case of any accidents or emergencies
the first group to play the game consisted of five trainees who mainly complained about the inside of the box feeling really warm lmao
it was amusing seeing how scared they were so you did your best to calm their fears
“jiejie, i don’t dare to touch it!” the one named zhangjing cried out to you
“it’s a little bit shaken right now so just give it a moment to relax. i promise it won’t hurt you,” you reassured with a smile
that seemed to calm down the boys (sort of) and you were thankful they were still gentle despite their fear
when the game was over after the trainee named xukun gave the correct answer, they made you promise them that you’ll let them hold the piglet later
which you obviously agreed to bc they were nearly just as cute at the piglet and you couldn’t resist ngl
the first group went smoothly enough
it wasn’t until the second group that made you want to scReAm
these boys were giving you straight up heart attacks jfc
ruibin nearly poked the piglet’s eye out, chaoze beat the top of the hidden box like a bongo and chengcheng smacked the back of the box to scare the really cute tall trainee whose name you have yet to know
it was zhengting ofc
ziyi and linong had to hold you back from going off and passing out bc of chengcheng tho LMAO
you didn’t know it but zhengting was wondering what your name was too and kept sneaking glances your way
at first sight he was floored by how soft you looked when you were attending to whatever was inside the box (which was covered from his view)
he felt his heart skip when you greeted him with a shy smile
even though he knew he had a soulmate somewhere in the world, he lowkey hoped that it was you
when it came to his turn to put his hand in the box, you decided to tease him and joined the other trainees in trying to freak him out more
“be careful! it’ll bite you if you reach in like that!”
“it’ll be really bad if you end up scaring it!”
“oh no! watch out for the spikes!”
“ahhhhhhh, you’re so mean! don’t be like this!” zhengting whined, clutching his hand to his chest
you couldn’t help but laugh loudly bc how can one person be so freaking cute ?? your heart might combust tbh
zhengting swore he heard angels singing at the sound of your laugh
he was still scared shitless tho
“alright it’s time to make your final guesses!”
“let me guess again... pig”
you clapped along with the other staff at zhengting’s answer, watching with a grin as the trainees fawned excitedly over the tiny animal
“can i hug it?” you heard zhengting ask, looking over to you for your permission with eager eyes
you nodded happily as the boys swarmed around you and watched you carefully pick up the piglet from the box and place it into the waiting arms of zhengting
i’m not saying that zhengting kissing the piglet’s nose was the cutest thing you’ve ever seen (aside from him) but that’s exactly what i’m saying
seeing all of the boys’ happy expressions in this moment was enough to make the entire trip worth it for you
finally it was time to go and almost everyone cleared out of the room
except for a certain someone was still reluctant to let go of the tiny pig
“you must really like him a lot,” you said, walking over to where he was standing
“does he have a name?” he questioned, cradling the piglet to his chest
“nope. i haven’t given him one yet, but i was half-tempted to name him after my soulmate”
you saw zhengting’s expression drop a little before smiling again. “oh? what’s your soulmate’s name?”
“it’s zhu zhengting”
he nearly dropped the poor pig out of shock omg
someone save him pls
“that’s... that’s me..??”
it was your turn to be shook as you saw him carefully lift his sweater sleeve to reveal your full name written neatly on his wrist
“no freaking way”
zhengting carefully placed the pig in his carrier before throwing his arms around you and yanking you to his chest in a tight embrace
he was so happy that he started jumping like an excited bunny
“i can’t believe i got to meet two cuties today: a baby pig and my soulmate!”
“...you’re only calling me cute just so that you can see the piglet again”
“oops you caught me”
you playfully hit him but can’t help but return his grin bc wow you lucked out by having this bub as your soulmate
imagine having zhengting as the person you were destined to be with forever
now add raising a tiny little piglet together
bonus points if he refers to the little piggy as his and your child
bye i’m crying
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chipsandwaffles · 7 years
Study Buddy
You didn’t want to do your homework. You wanted to kiss your boyfriend.
Anon said: oMg rEQueStS arE oPeN !!!1!!1! Can you write a fluffy Johnny (or with kdy, since you might prefer writing about him) scenario ? thanks in advance ! ♥
someone else who saw the secret like wowow good shit. this was. gonna be a totally different idea but i wasn’t feeling the first idea and then saw this like. partially written thing in my drafts so. here you go. i hope you like this lovely ^^
Your boyfriend lets out a low hum in response to you, not looking up from the book he’s reading. You lean across the table to pull the book from his hands, but he leans back to get it out of your reach. You glare at him.
“Johnny… Johnny Seo…”
“Don’t you want to stop reading?” You ask. He shakes his head and adjusts the glasses on his face. You want to take them off. They weren’t even there for any purpose besides to match his outfit. He should lose the glasses, and the book.
Well. If you had your way he’d lose everything on his person.
“But Johnny… I wanna kiss youu.”
“Do your homework, sweetheart,” Johnny says, pushing the book you shoved to the side towards you. You shove it back and whine.  
“Johnny, I’m offering a full on make out session and you’re just going to give up the chance? Seriously?” Johnny’s eyes leave his book for only a short moment, looking at you and then over to the bookshelf you had pointed out earlier that would be “the best place to make out”. You think maybe you have it in the bag, but then he pushes the book you had shoved away and smiles at you.
“Do your homework.”
“You’re the worst boyfriend ever, did you know that?” Johnny laughs and takes his eyes away from his book again.
“How about I give you some incentive for your homework, okay?” Johnny leans across the table and gets really close to you, your lips almost touching. All you had to do was lean forward and kiss him, but, he had you focused on whatever he was saying. Incentive to do your homework was always a good thing. Usually it meant food or candy. That was always good.
“For every five minutes you work, I’ll give you a kiss. Okay?”
Kisses were also good. You liked kisses.
“…okay but why can’t you just kiss me now to get it off my mind? This sounds dumb,” you question.
“No kisses then,” Johnny pulls away and sits back in his seat. You quickly grab his book before he can start reading.
“No, no wait. Fine. For every five minutes I work, I get a kiss. Two kisses!”
“…one and you hold my hand the whole time,” you say. Johnny smiles and agrees.
Soon, you’re working on your homework with Johnny’s hand entwined with yours while he continues reading his book. Or, at least you’re pretending to do your homework. You can’t really focus. Your thoughts are filled with wanting to kiss Johnny, not wanting to wait five minutes for each kiss. You wanted kisses now. You liked kisses, not waiting for kisses.
“You look like you’re not working,” Johnny says. You frown.
“I’m working. My pencil is moving.”
“You’re doodling things next to your name. Doesn’t look like working to me.” You look up at Johnny, seeing a dumb, cocky smirk on his face. How dare he look at you like that? He knew you couldn’t focus well, especially while in his presence.
“Why can’t you just kiss me now? Five minutes is too long,” you say. He laughs and lets go of your hand, patting it once before moving it back to his book.
“You should work before you get a reward.” You whine and lean across the table again, reaching for his book. Once again he’s moving it out of your reach, the same thing happening just as it did earlier.
“Come oooonnn. You wanna make out with me. I can see it on your face,” you say. Johnny shakes his head.
“I’m very interested in Harry and Ron in the chamber of secrets, actually. I’m good with no making out.”
“That’s the worst thing to say to someone you’re dating, I hope you know that.” You stand up from your seat and shove your things into your bag, slinging it over your shoulder when you’re done. Johnny looks up at you, confused.
“Where are you going?” He asks.
“I’m going to go sit in the make out aisle until you decide you want to make out. I can’t focus so there’s no point in working.”
“…I have a better idea, Y/N.”
“Does it involve me getting kisses?” Johnny smiles and pats the seat next to him. You happily walk around the table and slide into the seat. Johnny wraps an arm around you and pulls you closer, immediately giving you warmth and comfort. You smile up at him, hoping he’ll give you kisses when you’re this close, but all you get is a soft peck on the forehead.
“Take a nap, okay? We can kiss later at your place.”
“…you promise?” You ask. Johnny nods and tilts his head slightly to press a kiss to your lips. It’s soft and gentle, just like Johnny, making your heart flutter even though it’s a short, sweet kiss. Mouths pressed against each other and nothing else. It’s still what you wanted though.
“I promise. More kisses later. Take a nap.”
“I’m not that tired,” you say. Johnny kisses you again, pressing his forehead against yours when he pulls away.
“Take a nap, sweetheart. It’ll help you refocus later when we’re done kissing.”
You close your eyes and laugh a little, happy and content where you are. Johnny is comforting and warm, already making you want to fall asleep in his arms. Maybe he’d let you sleep in his lap if you were lucky.
“I don’t ever want to be done kissing if it means I have to do homework.”
“Okay. Kissing forever. Get some rest first.”
You and Johnny reposition yourselves until your head is resting against his chest and his arm is around you, keeping you close. You get sleepy watching him flip pages over and over, and eventually, your breathing slows down and you shut your eyes, finally falling asleep.
You hope you dream of Johnny.
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