#my first thought was pulling something out of her tophat for the record
sleepis4theweak · 1 year
Hey just looking for a suggestion you don’t have to answer :)
I’m trying to think of the power Amilia would get if she learned how to use her ninpo (since she was made with Lou Jitsu’s DNA) and I have literally no idea so if one pops in your heard I’d love to hear it :D
Wait I'm going big brain on this one okay
So I think every turtle kinda matches their power, right? Like Donnie has his tech thing going on, Mikey's power is kinda just energy at this point and he's a very energetic person (turtle?), Raph is protective and get's bigger (big enough to protect his family? I'm kinda just making up stuff as I go), and Leo has a power that allows him to really manipulate the playing field by moving himself and things around (which speaks to the strategist part of him).
So Amilia would have a ninpo that speaks to her personality... but tbh I'm not exactly sure what her personality is.
But I do have a list of random powers I think would be cool!
-plant control (kinda like Draxum)
-force feilds
-Possession? (idk where that one came from)
-invisibility (a classic)
-Energy absorbance (like the black panther suit where it can absorb the energy from attacks and throw it back at you)
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Scenario 18 and/or dialogue 23with Nathan and the Misfits crew might be fun?
A/N: I think I had a little too much fun with this one... Also if anyone wants recommendations for creepy carnival/circus music to add ambiance check the tags for my listening-list. Word Count: 4032 Content Warnings: death, murder, death threats, attempted murder, implied threat of sexual violence (very implied)
“Ugh,” you groaned, leaning on the railing outside the community center. “How long is that going to be there?”
The others looked to where you were gesturing to the bright colorful tents and flagpoles being set up on the far end of the park. 
“The carnival is going to be in town for a week,” Simon said, shrugging. “It’s not so bad, although it does mean a lot more people around.”
“Yeah, but it’s a carnival. There’s halls of mirrors and kettle corn and candy floss,” Nathan listed off, sounding more excited than he usually let you all see. “And clowns!”
“I hate clowns,” you said with a shudder.
“Don’t act like you do,” Curtis muttered, casting a glance over at Nathan and rolling his eyes.
You glared before turning your attention to your boyfriend, who had decided to take up his usual antics and was hanging over the rail by his knees (and one hand which he tried to hide) like he was trying to be a trapeze artist and hassling Kelly, who kept threatening to push him over into the lake. 
“Nathan Young, this lake is worse than the Bog of Eternal Stench, and if you end up in it, I’m not shagging you for a week,” you called over.
He shot up instantly, almost losing his balance in his scramble to get not only off the rail but as far from it as he could, as if the water could reach up and drag him in. Suddenly his attention was caught by a poster on the nearby column and he wandered over to it. Curious, you all followed, leaning around to read the bright purple page. 
‘Raven Brothers’ Carnival and Sideshow! Now hiring local performers with unique talents to be featured in our show!’
“We should totally do it,” Nathan said. “I mean with our powers, we’ll be a hit.”
“Mine’s not exactly one I want to be showing off,” Alisha pointed out, flinching at the thought, “so I’ll pass.”
“Fair point, what about the rest of us?” Nathan looked around the group, none of you particularly keen on the idea of using your powers like cheap tricks, especially not so close to home where you were sure to be seen by loved ones and neighbors.
“No,” Simon said, shaking his head determinedly. “It’s not right. We shouldn’t abuse our powers like that.”
Well, it wasn’t quite the voice of reason you were hoping for, but it was close, so you half-heartedly agreed.
“Well I’m going to anyway. It says ‘cash paid.’” Nathan snapped, trying to play off his hurt that you had all sided against him off as nonchalance. 
“Nathan…” you sighed, curling your fingers around his bicep, only to be shrugged off as he stormed in the direction of the carnival.
“It’ll be fine...right?” you asked the others, a bit fearfully. No one answered you, Kelly and Alisha casting you sympathetic glances and Curtis shrugging before all four of them turned back to gather their things and carry on with work for the day.
“The Playhouse?” Nathan read the sign above the red structure that had been erected with surprising speed given how sturdy it looked. “Kinky.” 
He had followed the signs, and then the crowd of freaks, here so that he could audition. But now that he was here...he fidgeted, running a hand through his unruly hair. 
He wasn’t nervous exactly, he told himself, trying to maintain his bravado even as an internal monologue. He just wished Y/N was here, to give him a kiss for luck. Not that he needed luck when he had charm and natural talent. He just liked the excuse to kiss her. Yeah, that was it.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed the little black door open and strode into the dim, velvet-lined interior. He had to admit, it was spookier than he expected a carnival to be, but maybe that was just because it wasn’t all done up and lit yet.
“Hello,” an airy voice called to him. “Are you here for the auditions?”
His eyes fell to the small, dark haired woman at the front of the room, sitting in front of a raised stage. She had a clipboard in her hands and a very glittery tophat perched off-kilter on her head. “I’m the Head Floozy, I run all the stage performances and the carousel.” She offered him a brilliant grin.
He frowned, puzzled by her title, especially given that she certainly wasn’t dressed like a floozy in her loose jeans and bulky turtleneck sweater. Not that he would have noticed if she was. Because he had Y/N and would never look elsewhere when she was right there. But she wasn’t right there…
He shook his head, pulling his thoughts back to the woman who now raised her eyebrows questioningly at him.
“Oh, yeah. I am,” he answered, once again trying to play up the bravado.
“Great! I love how many young people are still performers at heart! What’s your name and your talent so I can add you to my list.”
“Nathan. Nathan Young,” he smirked. “And I’m immortal.”
“Sorry what?”
“I’m immortal. I’ve got this weird power from a freak storm and now whenever I die, I just come back to life. It’s great!”
She stared at him for a moment. “Well then, Nathan Nathan Young,” her voice held a hint of something dangerous under its lightness. “You just moved up to the first slot. Why don’t you hope up there on that stage and show me what you’ve got.”
“Oh…” he hadn’t thought about the fact that they’d want a demonstration. Too late now… “Well, of course! But I need some way to die first.”
“That won’t be a problem. You just hope on up and I’ll take care of the rest.”
Nathan climbed onto the stage. The woman pulled a wicked looking knife out of seemingly nowhere. She pulled her arm back and Nathan felt a jolt of regret, and pain as the knife embedded itself in his gut.
He sank to his knees with a wheezing groan.
A few moments later he woke with a gasp, his eyes flying open to find the Head Floozy standing over him, the knife (still covered in his blood) in her hand.
“Welcome back,” she chirped, a bright grin on her painted lips. 
She reached her free hand out to offer him help up. He decided not to take it, and her eyes narrowed but the smile never disappeared.
“You are definitely in. But, Nathan Nathan Young, do you have any friends with cool talents like yours?”
“Sure. My mate Kelly can read minds, and the weird kid, Barry, can make himself invisible. And my girlfriend…” he trailed off, your disapproving frown flashing across his mind.
“Whatever her power is, you can surprise me with it later,” the Floozy waved her hand dismissively. 
“What?” He frowned. 
She locked eyes with him, her face growing serious. “Bring them to me.” The command sounded nothing like her normal voice.
Nathan’s eyes went glassy for a moment and he found himself unable to resist, not wanting to even, before the world came back into focus.
“What was that?” he asked, having not heard what the woman said after asking if anyone else had powers. 
“Oh nothing!” That bubbly trill was going to get annoying fast, he thought. “Just be sure you’re here first thing tomorrow for rehearsal. We don’t have much time before the Grand Opening!”
After Nathan left the room, the Floozy turned to a man who had been watching from the shadows.
“This will be the Greatest Show Ever!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, a trick like that is sure to bring in the crowds,” he replied. “It might let us be stable for a while, not worry about it.”
A few days later, things were still tense between you and Nathan, and the others had convinced you that you should all go to the carnival, to support him and also just have some fun. It would be nice to have a change from just drinking at the bar or sitting around eating bad pizza for a change.
“I just want to state again for the record that I hate this, and if a clown comes at me, I’m punching first and asking questions never,” you protested weakly as the group strolled up to the ticket line. “And if it goes all Something Wicked This Way Comes, I will say I told you so.”
Even you had to admit that, all lit up in rainbow lights, with pennants fluttering in the breeze, and tasty smells and cheerful music floating out, the carnival did look pretty inviting.
“Five with Nathan Young?” Alisha asked the ticket attendant pleasantly.
The heavily face-painted man in the booth smiled. “Right this way. VIP treatment for all of you. These wristbands will let you skip the lines and get you a free funnel cake!” He ushered each of you over and you reached your hand over the counter to have the blue paper bracelet taped on. 
“And which one of you is the girlfriend?” 
You raised your hand meekly. 
“Ooh, good taste Mr. Young has!” the man exclaimed. “Come with me, young lady. Nathan has a special treat for you.”
“Eugh, gross,” Curtis muttered and the ticket attendant gave him a funny look before an exaggerated look of shock crossed his face.
“Oh, no! I didn’t mean it like that! Although I’ve only known him a week and I’d say he probably had it on his mind while arranging this…”
You flushed hotly.
“Let’s just...stop talking,” you pleaded. “You guys go ahead, I’ll catch up with you for funnel cakes later.”
The ticket attendant slapped a little cardboard sign on his booth to let the crowds know he’d be back later and led you away, winding confusingly through the crowds.
“So where are we going?” you asked. 
He shook his head. “I promised not to tell.”
Eventually, you were brought to a stop near the base of the ferris wheel. “Wait here.”
You nodded and the attendant disappeared, melting into the sea of people around almost as if he’d never been there. The minutes dragged on. You tapped your foot impatiently. If you were going to be here, you wanted to at least get to explore the show, not wait around for your chronically late boyfriend.
Suddenly a hand tapped you on the shoulder and you jumped, spinning around angrily, only to find laughing green eyes staring down at you, peeking out from behind a potted flower. 
“Nathan! Don’t scare me like that!” you shouted. You probably would have slapped him on the shoulder if it didn’t threaten to make him drop the plant.
“I was gonna do a bouquet, but I thought you might like something alive more,” he explained, holding it out for him. You took it, carefully, noticing that the clay was painted the exact shade of his eyes and had both your initials painted on it. 
“That’s sweet, Nathan,” you sighed, instantly forgiving him. “Although I don’t know what I’m going to do with a marigold all night…”
“Ye can keep in my dressin room and then we’ll get it at the end o’ the night.”
“Is this just an excuse to get me back to your dressing room for a quick shag?”
“No! I would never!” he pressed a hand to his chest in mock horror. “Unless ye wanted to…Actually I was gonna take you on a romantic ferris wheel ride but it took me longer t’ get here then it was s’posed to. So I gotta get back for the show...you’re comin right?”
“I don’t know Nathan…” you bit your lip apologetically. “You know I hate watching you die…”
“Please?” he whined, giving you those irresistible puppy dog eyes. “I need my best girl…”
“I had better be your only girl,” you said warningly before sighing. “Alright, fine. Lead the way.”
There was something strange going on. You were sure of it. The hairs on the back of your neck prickled as the lights in the theater dropped to signal the beginning of the show. And as much as you wanted it to be, it wasn’t just because carnivals creeped you out as a rule.
You couldn’t shake the feeling, even as you tried to enjoy the performances. And then your powers twinged and you looked down to see the marigold, balanced on your lap because you hadn’t had time to stash it before finding your seat, was wilting rapidly before your very eyes. 
The MC - a short, frighteningly pale woman with very little clothing and a very glittery top hat - came out on stage to announce the next act in her high, breathy voice that sounded better suited for a sex hotline. The clapping audience sounded smaller than it had in the beginning. The man came out, juggling a collection of fruits. You glanced at the person beside you and had to clap a hand over your mouth to stifle a scream. He was mummified!
You scrambled out of your seat, dropping the marigold corpse. The shattering of the pot against the laminated wood floor drew more eyes than you would have liked, but fewer than there should have been in the crowd. In particular, there was a man, dressed all in black, with a cold, cruel stare watching you now from the shadows at the edge of the stage. A shiver ran down your spine.
“Get her.” The MC called out in a voice that radiated power.
Everyone in the room moved toward you. Several performers came out from the wings, moving toward you. A familiar curly head appeared among them, moving toward you. Ice filled your veins and your stomach dropped like lead.
You ran.
You were panting and out of breath, cheeks stained with tears and desperate by the time you collided with the others, all standing around a bucket of kettle corn and watching a fire dancer.
“Oh thank god,” you cried, not caring that you had crashed directly into Curtis who had caught you in confusion and was staring.
“Y/N?” Kelly asked, confusion making her accent thicker. “Wot the fock happened to you.”
“Mummified...at the sideshow....evil...Nathan...mind control...have to…” you gasped, trying to explain around terror and exertion and your own heavy dose of confusion.
“Slow down, I can’t understand ya.”
You took a few deep breaths and finally pulled away from Curtis, who shrugged when you tried to apologize. You explained what you had seen and they all stared.
“I think having the plant with me saved my life, like my power used it to take the draining effect instead of me,” you concluded, sort of proud of it and sort of hoping you were wrong and imagining the whole ordeal.
“We have to save Nathan,” Simon stated matter-of-factly. “And stop the carnival from killing more people.”
“There could be more of them though. Everyone here could have powers and be in on it,” Alisha pointed out. “We should just go to the police.”
“Like they’ll believe us? They’ll book us all on suspicion for drugs,” Curtis countered, earning a dirty look from his ex-girlfriend.
“I’m with Simon. We have to try at least,” you said eventually.
The five of you settled on a plan and headed back to the Playhouse, not noticing the extra figure following in the shadows behind. 
The crowd was gone when you arrived and the building was dark. 
“Shit, they must be scattered looking for ya,” Kelly whispered, all of you hiding just in case. 
“Well then maybe we should let them find me,” you gritted your teeth, suggesting a new plan which involved you being bait for a trap.
Running back to the entrance, you spoke to the friendly ticket attendant again, finding out that the two people you described were The Floozy and Lloyd Raven, the two people who basically ran the show. 
“Great. Does this PA system broadcast to the whole carnival ground?”
“Yeah, why?” he asked.
“I need to borrow it.” Before he could say anything you grabbed the microphone, pressing the little button to activate it. 
“This is a message for The Floozy and Lloyd,” you called, hearing your voice echo tinnily over the speakers everywhere, cutting off the bouncy music. “Give me back my fuckin boyfriend or else!”
Then you thanked the attendant and made for the wide main lane. Nearby you spotted your friends in the shadows of a booth and took up your position. Alisha pointed to the booth, calling your attention not to the dart game, but the array of prizes: marigolds, succulents, peace lilies, and tiny philodendrons. You smirked. It might be their carnival, but you had a perfect counter to their home field advantage.
A few moments later, the pair came strolling out of the crowd, Nathan walking placidly and stiffly between them.
“Hello there,” the man, Lloyd, purred, tipping his purple velvet hat to you as they stopped, right at the perfect spot. 
“A fucking goatee?” you asked. “Really? Why not just wear a sign that says ‘I’m a villain’?”
“I don’t think you have much room to criticize my appearance dear. At least I have fashion, and the sense not to try threatening someone while wearing denim or ripped tights.”
“Let Nathan go.” You glared at them, reaching your powers out.
“But he’s ever so pretty,” the Floozy chirruped. “And would be so much fun to play with. Hey Lloyd, what if you fed off the immortal boy instead of the crowd?”
“I could sustain myself forever, and I just might. But it does so lack panache.”
Kelly looked ready to leap out at the Floozy. Curtis and Alisha were watching you for a sign that you needed them. Simon was nowhere in sight.
“Let. Him. Go. Now.”
“Oh fine,” Lloyd sighed dramatically, turning his head to the Floozy. “You know what to do dear.”
Her smile practically dripped venom as she leaned down to whisper something in Nathan’s ear. He started walking toward you, still stiff and glassy-eyed. You swallowed nervously, taking a step back. He increased his pace, running at you, hands outstretched, and definitely not for a hug.
And then suddenly he jerked to a stop in seemingly midair. You nodded in thanks to Simon, or where you approximated he was.
The grating sound of ‘Entry of the Gladiators’ blared over the speakers. 
“Fucking cliche,” you muttered, just as the first strands of trailing vine wrapped around the Floozy’s ankle. 
From there it was quick work to launch your attack, every little plant rising up to attack the two, subduing them and leaving them suspended upside down. Somehow their hats stayed on and irrationally it made you hate them more. 
“Release him, and everyone else from your stupid mind control,” you ordered once more. 
The rest of your friends had joined you by your sides, including a now-visible Simon who was still holding back Nathan, with aid of Kelly, to keep him from trying to throttle you.
“No,” she hissed.
“You know, we’ve figured out that when people die, it stops their power,” Alisha pointed out. You all whipped your heads around to stare, not expecting that suggestion to come from her of all people. 
“I can handle that,” an unknown voice said. 
“Who the fuck said that?” Curtis snapped, looking around. 
Meanwhile you absently shook the pair around by their binding vines, determined to knock at least one hat off without actually touching it.
“Me,” the firedancer from earlier said, stepping forward. “They killed my sister at their last show, so I hunted them down here. I would have introduced myself earlier, but you didn’t really give me a chance.”
Maybe after we’re done here you can heat things up with him, you suggested internally to Kelly, noticing the way her eyes roamed over the stranger.
She rolled her eyes at you, smiling.
“I was just going to use my power to smother them, but if you want to have a go, be my guest,” you said, gesturing invitingly to them.
You watched a ball of flame flicker in his hand.
“Oh!” you cried out, surprised that he had a power too.
Simon looked nervous, probably about the number of powers gathered in one place.
“Hey, you should use that talent to cause a tragic accident over at the Playhouse,” you said, off-handedly, hoping he would pick up on the suggestion of using a fire to cover up a mass murder.
He flashed you a smirk. “I like the way you think. But first, them. If you care about those greens, you might want to withdraw.”
“Nah they’re...actually wait, I really wanna do something first.” 
“This’s for threatening Nathan,” you growled. “And don’t think I don’t know what you meant.”
You narrowed your eyes, honing all your focus in on the Floozy. You whipped her up, high into the air and dropped her quickly down, jerking short just before she smacked into the ground. The stupid hat finally tumbled off her hair as she cried out in pain from the whiplash you had most definitely caused.
You grinned victoriously, and maybe a little manically if the looks the others gave you was any judge.
“Go ahead, I’m satisfied now.”
A few moments later, as the bodies burned, Nathan finally slumped, nearly knocking Simon to the ground as he became dead weight. Then he stirred.
“Where am I? What happened?” he asked, looking wildly around.
“Still at the carnival. You were mind controlled,” Simon explained, helping him right himself. 
“It’s a long story,” Kelly added.
“Y/N! Are you alright?” he asked, hurrying over to you and cupping your cheeks between his graceful hands. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you said. “How do you always end up the damsel in distress?”
He shrugged and flashed you a flirtatious smirk. “It’s because I’m so goddamn beautiful.”
“Hate to break up the party, but you should go so I can torch this place,” the firedancer said.
You all nodded, making your way to the entrance. 
“Hey wait, where is everybody?” Nathan asked. 
“I got them evacuated before we set our trap. The second time,” Curtis said, nonchalant. 
“But not the people at the show?” you asked.
He shrugged. “I didn’t go back that far. You know how it is.”
Later, the six of you, plus one firedancer (Andrew he was apparently called) lounged against the rail, passing around a joint and watching the flames of the carnival lick at the night sky, reflecting beautifully in the lake. The fire department would be there soon, and until then, Andrew assured you, it wouldn’t spread past the farthest tents. All in all, it wasn’t a bad end to the night.
“Hey, Y/N, can I talk to ya?” Nathan asked, pulling you aside.
“Are you alright Nathan?” you asked, concerned that the mind control had some lingering effect. 
“Hm? Yeah. I just...tonight was s’posed to be special and I fucked that up,” he started, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “But I wanted you to know anyway, I think I’m in love with you.”
“What?! Nathan, tonight has been a mess. You tried to kill me!” You cried incredulously. 
“That wasn’t my fault! You said yourself I was mind controlled,” he whined guiltily, dropping his voice as the others looked over curiously. “And it’s still how I feel…”
You sighed. It was no fun giving him a hard time if it made him actually feel bad.
“I love you too, you idiot,” you said, threading your arms around his neck and idly toying with a curl.
He grinned a wide, dopey grin. “I knew it. I mean I am pretty irresistible.”
You rolled your eyes. Before you could say anything though, his lips were on yours and he had pressed you back against the brick wall. You moaned softly into the kiss as your tongues battled for dominance, and all your witty comebacks were forgotten.
“By the way,” you said when he finally pulled back, reluctantly, for air. “I told you so. Carnivals. are. always. evil.”
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simpleb00x · 5 years
Bring Me Back (edited)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings: language, implied smut
Word Count : 2000
Pairings: dean x 40’s reader
A/N: so this is the editied version of my fic, Bring Me Back. It just goes into a bit more detail and I also didn’t know the other one was going to get as much attention as it did so I didn’t really put much effort in??? Anyways, this one is the ‘proper’ one. Enjoy! P.S. This was requested by @misspygmypie
“Sam? Sam!” Dean exclaimed as the bright light surrounded him. He heard his brother shout his name back but it was too late. Dean fell in a dark alleyway, his head still spinning. “Shit. Sammy?” He asked around, but Sam hadn’t followed him through. He saw a set of headlights from one end of the alleyway. Brushing himself off, he walked over to the opening. “Holy shit.” He whispered. He certainly wasn’t in his generation. Maybe the 50’s? That witch really messed him up.
The buildings were old and made out of stone. He heard lively chatter from a bar down the road and a horse pulling a cart trotted by, a man in a suit and tophat sitting in it. Over across the road he saw a row of small houses, a woman peeking out the window of one.
“Hello?” Said a timid voice. Dean turned around and saw a young woman standing there. She was wearing a red dress that was tied around the middle. She looked young, no older than twenty or twenty one. “You look lost.” She said with a smile. “I - um. What year is it?” He asked. “1946. Why? If you don’t mind me asking.” The young woman gave him a puzzled look. “No reason. I - I am lost.” He said. She clutched her purse tighter and looked him up and down. “Is that your evening wear?” She asked, stifling a laugh. “I’m lost.” He repeated, more stern. The woman nodded and gestured to follow her.
“I’m Mary by the way. Mary y/l/n. But I will be Mary Smith once I get married in a month or two.” She informed him. “I’m Dean. Dean Winchester.” He told her. “That’s an odd name. How did your wife settle for the last name Winchester?” Mary joked, leading him down a cobbled road. “I actually don’t have a wife.” Dean said. Mary almost stopped in her tracks. “What? At that age? My god.” She said. Dean shrugged.
“Do you work?” She asked him. They were alone now, no street lights. The narrow road lead somewhere away from the town. Dean felt around for his knife but couldn’t find it. He must have dropped it. “Um. Sort of.” He replied. Mary scoffed. “Sort of?” She said. Dean clenched his jaw. “I work. With my brother. Like a family business. We don’t get paid, but there's some.. benefits.” He told her. “Huh. I don’t work. My fiance does. He’s a gunsmith. He earned a lot of money because of the war. It doesn’t help me at the moment. He’ll only share his profits with me once we get married.” Mary rambled on. Dean nodded along with her, looking around as the walked.
“Where are we going?” Dean asked. Mary giggled. “My house. Don’t worry. We have a spare room for you.” She said. Dean gave her a confused look, but she didn’t notice. To be honest, he felt very creepy vibes from this girl. The way she was right there outside the alleyway, almost as if she were waiting for him. The spare room? For him? A little weird. The questions, the rambling.. the way she just - took some random person off the street and brought them home. Definitely weird. But then again, maybe the forties were different. “Anyways. Here we are.” Mary said, pulling him out of his thoughts.
On front of Dean was a bungalow. It had a small garden and the chimney had smoke coming out of it. It looked like it was made of wood. The curtains were drawn in every window and he could see the light peeking through in one of them. She lead him in the front door, closing it behind them. The hallway was nicely decorated, on the wall was a black and white picture of a woman and a man on their wedding day. Beside it, a movie poster and a vinyl. When he looked on the other side of the hall, a record player was set up, and a wall of vinyls around it.
All he wanted to do was to go home, but maybe if he could ask around first. Get to know Mary. “I’m living with my sister until I get married. She works for us. Don’t tell anyone but she dresses as a man to get a higher paycheque.” Mary said. Dean nodded. “That makes sense.” He replied. Mary opened an old wooden door that lead into a kitchen. A woman was sitting at the kitchen table, a cigarette hanging out of her mouth as she flicked through a book. Her feet were up on it, and she seemed focused on what she was reading. The kitchen was small, with a double door leading into what seemed like a living room. More paintings, pictures and posters were hanging up around. Dirty dishes piled high in the sink.
The woman's eyes widened as she saw Dean enter. “Don’t worry y/n. He was lost. So I brought him home.” Mary said sweetly. Y/n slammed the book down angrily and put out the cigarette. She stood up and Mary shrunk into the wall. “Mary are you mad! Do you know what this man could do? We can’t risk anyone knowing about where we get out money from remember?” She snapped. Dean's eyes trailed over her. She was wearing a suit, the tie loose and it was buttoned down one or two. Her hair down and messy from a day's work. He thought she was quite pretty. Hot even.
“It’s fine okay? Mary already told me about it and I think it’s totally fair.” Dean assured her. “Who are you? Why do you have that accent and what is with your clothes?” Y/n asked, folding her arms over her chest. “My name is Dean. Dean Winchester. I’m not from around here, hell I’m not from this time either. I’m from the future.” He said. “Oh jesus. Mary you brought home a nutter.” She hissed. “I’m not a nutter. Look..” Dean said, taking out his phone. “What on earth …” y/n muttered, grabbing it from him. “It’s a phone.” He told her. Y/n scoffed. “A phone? This is not a phone. This is a - a..” she struggled for words. “A phone.” Dean said smugly, grabbing it back off her.
“I still don’t believe you.” Y/n said. “Wait - let me show you this.” He said. Y/n folded her arms as he rummaged through his pockets. He pulled out a lighter and flipped it over. “Look. Manufactured in 2010. It’s a bit old.. but still.” He showed her. Y/n looked at the lighter. “You could be lying. I’m not usually one to snap my cap around here. But this is ridiculous!” She stated. “Snap your - what?” Dean asked. She waved her hand. “How would I lie? Huh?” He said angrily. Y/n bit her lip.
“Well if you’re from the future.. then how did you get back here?” Mary asked cutting in. Dean shrugged. “I’m not sure.” He lied. “Bullshit.” Y/n said. “Y/n! You can’t curse in front of a guest! That’s not very ladylike of you.” Mary gasped. Y/n gave her a bitter look. “Oh suck it Mary. I’ve been acting like a man for the past five years. I can talk like one as well.” She retorted. Mary opened her mouth to talk but y/n held up her hand. “Anyways. You didn’t answer my question. How did you get back here?” Y/n said to Dean. “That was actually my question…” Mary trailed off.
Dean ended up giving both of them the ‘monster talk’. He didn’t want to, but y/n was clever. She’d probably figure it out anyways. Halfway through, Mary got spooked and left to go to her fiance's house. She swore she wouldn’t tell him, but she needed someone to go to.
That left Y/n and Dean sitting on the couch in her living room. She poured Dean a glass of whiskey and poured one for herself too. “It’s all so.. horrifying.” She said, going to light another cigarette. Dean stopped her. “Don’t. Trust me. In the future, they find out these are really bad. They’ve killed a lot of people.” He said. She raised her eyebrows in surprise. “My god..” she muttered.
“You and your brother are very brave.” Y/n said. Dean rolled his eyes. “Yeah yeah. We just do what has to be done.” He said, sipping the whiskey. There was silence for a while. “Dean? Can I ask you something?” She said after a while. Dean nodded. “Of course. What?” She bit her bottom lip and it made Dean’s stomach do a somersault. He wished he didn’t feel this way about her. But he did. “What’s it like for women? In the future I mean. Do we - do we have rights? Do we still work?” She asked in a small voice. Dean nodded. “Yes. I’d say you’d like it there. Women are treated as equals, with the exception of a few assholes. Pay is even. There’s no pressure to get married. People go their entire lives without getting married..” he told her.
Her face was covered in awe as she sat for a few moments. Dean found himself even more attracted to her. The way her hair moved away from her face, how her eyebrows furrowed when she was thinking, how her eyes lit up. He could go on. She looked back up at him. Her eyes darting down to his lips and back up again. “Dean, do you have a dame. Back home?” She asked. He shook his head. “No y/n I don’t.” He told her. “Did you ever have one?” She said. Dean nodded. “A few times. In the future, people date a lot. One night stands are very popular. Where you go to a bar or a club and take a girl, or dame, home and have sex. Then you never see her again. I’ve had a few girlfriends, but nothing mad.” He replied.
She nodded. “And - and the war. It’s over, isn't it? This is the last one. No more hitler. No more discrimination.” She asked timidly. Dean looked at her in the eyes. They were beautiful. “Yes. The wars are over.” He muttered. His eyes were entirely focused on her lips. The way they moved. Soon he found himself closing the gap between them. “Dean. Are you sure?” She whispered as he got closer.
When she pulled away, her face was full of lust. He grinned. “Dean. Can we - can we have, you know…” she asked. Dean chuckled. “You want to have sex sweetheart?” He said. She nodded eagerly. “Where’s the bed in this place?” He asked with a smile, pulling her off the couch by the hand, giving her another messy kiss. They stumbled through the hallway, y/n dragging him in her bedroom and closing the door behind them. Let’s just say she was very glad Mary had left for the night.
“Dean. I have something to ask you.” Y/n muttered, her hands on his chest. “Ask away.” He whispered. “Can you bring me back with you? To the future? When you’re going. Please Dean. It sounds so lovely. I can live with you and get a job and I won’t have to dress up as a man…” she asked him. “I - I’ll have to think about it.” Dean said after a while. To be honest, Dean had already fallen for y/n. But he didn’t want to bring her into his life. It sucked, she had so much to live for back here. She smiled and hovered over him, her hair messily framing her face. She kissed him again, before curling backup beside him. “I’ll think about it..” he whispered, holding her close to him. He had to make a choice. Did he really want to let her go?
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